2020, 12-11 Planning Commission VacanciesSUPERIOR COURT of WASHINGTON for SPOKANE COUNTY
1n the Matter of
County of Spokane
MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first dull scorn can oath depo<es and says that he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News
Herald.. a weekly newspaper. Ihat said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior
to the date of publication hereinarter referred to, published in the Ian a,ge continualh as 6 wee y newspaper in Spokane
Count,_ Washington. and it is no„ and during all of said iinm vvas printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of
publication or said nays pnjier. ,rhieh s.ud newspaper had been approved as a legal c„-,paper by order of the Superior Court of
the State of AVioli:ngton is and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in
regular issues commencing on the 6th day of November, 2020, and ending on the 4th day of December, 2020, all dates
inclusive, and that such newspaper «as regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period:
The City of Spokane Valley is seeking
Individuals to serve on the City of Spokane
Valleys Planning Commission. Terms are
• for three -years. The Commission stud-
ies and makes recommendations to the
City Council for future planned growth as
directed by the City Council. Qualifications
include having an interest in planning, land
use, transportation, capital infrastructure,
and building and landscape design as evi-
denced by training, experience, or interest
in the City of Spokane Valley. Commission
members are nominated by the Mayor and
confirmed by a majority vole of at least four
members of the City Council. The appoint-
ments are tentatively scheduled to be made
at a January 2021 Council meeting. Mem-
bers are selected without respect to political
affiliations and serve without compensation.
Members must reside within the city
limits of Spokane Valley. The Commis-
sion generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the
2nd and 4th Thursdays and is currently
meeting remotely via Zoom. Applications
may be obtained from the City's website
at http:i/www.spokanevalley.org/volunteer
or by contacting Chris Bainbridge, City
Clerk, 509-720-5102. Applications should
be submitted to Spokane Valley City
Clerk Chris Bainbridge, and received no
later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, December
11, 2020. The term for these positions will
begin January 2021.
Christine Bainbridge, MMC
Spokane Valley City Clerk
PUBLISH: November 6, 13, 20 and
December, 4, 2020
. C RI t 9' .nd SWORN to before me
his 4th day of December, 2020
State of Washington
County of Spokane
I certify that 1 know or has; salHl ictor). evident, ditto
Michael Huffman is the pcl, 'n ,rho .:pi cared ball re Inc_
and said person ackhowlcdecd that he signed Cris
instrument and ackno„Icd_ad 1 to be his I-,c and
voluntary act for the use's and pui pose-. nleimorica in tilt
instrumen ,
Jolene Rae entz
Title: Notary Public 4 1 Si _qb
My appointment expires: 05-16-2023 Cy 1