ZE-338-54773, 311708Z ?TiI BOARD 07 mom CUMNISFIoNm of SPOKAN?t COUNTY, WASHVOTON DI ?MN HATTNR 0T CRAN4NG T $ BONING KAP BBom At R I- OULTU .AL TO R v:STR IC Tt9D INDUSTRIAL SOUTH OF ?N' FRIBKAT AND VEST OF ACB SAND AND CRAYS COMPANY R E S O L U T I O N Thhe abova entitled ratter emit on regularly for Dearing before the Board of County Commissioners, of Spokane County. N'ashingt cant. on this clay. and it appearing t. the Beard that the Spokane County Flaming Commission has given due Hot icsa of the Wearing ea the matter i* the canter and for the tins idod by law; that said Planning Comaission has held a pUblic hearing redfired; and that the said Planning Commission concurs in the sone as a following wing daeoribed property from an Agricultural sone to that f a RbSTRICTED X1D(JU8 UL Zit That area west of Asa Sand and Gravel Oosaparry. being oast of Worm* Streett, vest of Coleman Road extended. south ofBroadvsy, and north of Yall.yrray. Sao. 13.Zg..43. NOW. THRRU{ C. ft IT MOUND, seas hereby is. monad under the as Wined the tr.,at Oral lmq ATTBSTt LJVtB k of the Board Deput, that the ahoy. dm eribed property be. and the eslassifisation of a RlsTR CTID INDUSTRIAL ton. oe of mane Count ooloptod August 25, 1.954. ce/ B JARD 0r cour ry CommIssuplui 07 Rl''OKANt COUNTY. WA`'.'HINOTON