SPE-21-74ZON• ADJUSTOR MINUTES Hearing: ilecember 30, 1974 SPECIAL CONDITIONALjRMT SPE-21-74, Expansion of Non -conforming Use ZONING ADJUSTOR DECISION: Approve the change of use from ;previous grocery store to a photography studio subject to the following conditions: A. CONDITIONS: 1. The existing building area shall not be expanded beyond that shown on the approved plot plan. 2. Preliminary plan depicting the outside facade and signing of the property shall be submitted to the Zoning Adjustor for approval. B. OBJECTORS OF RECORD: None C. GENERAL DATA: a. Location: b. Applicant: c. d. e. Site Size: Existing Zoning: Permit Requested: f. Application of Zoning Provision: Section 23, Township 25, Range 43, E .LV .M. Lot 7, Block 22, Sprague Street Addition. Parcel No. 23532-2205 Clyde Buteau E. 4227 4th Spokane, WA 99202 Approximately 6,750 sq. ft. Agricultural Suburban, established 12-22-59 To allow the conversion of a grocery store to a photo studio. Grocery store is a non-eonformii use in the Agricultural Suburban Zone Chapter 4.25, Section 4.25.030(g) CHARLES L. HUG-G/1ff, Zoning Adjustor