Bspg<.aig 'IniB 104RD
CJUVtr Ci7kliSt401MS Jr SPOY,tdd' =1it°tr,
Di MC 1.14CM Or C{UJ) NO )
P.K!C T.JuiDO mar t .Z)flIJI
12, Tua)&t11 25 0., rn it, }
44, L.haj,, EPOCs tit COMM
W.at4e' Iat.Tc7R .
' 11S Q L U Y I 0 N
The above entitled natter coming on rsgnlurly for bearing before the Board of
County aoenissioa.rs of Spokane County. Washington. on this day. and it appearing
to the Board that the Spokane County PL.aatog Coalmiosien ha gins dual oaks of
the herring an the natter in the neaaer and for the tine provided by lacy that
said planting Conmission has held a public hearingas required.; and the% the said
naming Commission concurs in the plan to sone the following dssoribsd properlpr
BOCK CUABBI. smni aw CAM PIT best%
That portion art the # Si of 101t of See. 12-25-44, south of the 8. I. By. R/V,
doing Treat et'; ale of the sf 5! of See. 12-25.44; nod that portion sr
LLoot 3 at.. Mtn of.�8e2t-l'"
c. 125-44. above 1987.21 contour. being Tract n.
1881 T" JGp W flWSTB L4
That part of the N,'< of Section 12. Township 25 k.. Ruz 44. lyint north of the
8. I. Railroad risht-of-ray.
r3Or, ?MENU. E U. B.X I? tc+: ,)Iv iSD. that the Above described rropertr bog and the sae
hereby is. Boned under ihm classifications al R C.CJTAPRI. flop AND GRAVEL PIT Zu 83,
nrii7 Rli8Tg Iuna Ita rtTRIAL 8)n. as defined to the Zoning animas of Rpokaus
County. adopted August 25. 1933.> 7 /
Ay order of the bard. this / Doi a )L it-c-ei--6 U" Z / 1955.
by {
)IWiU J. GLvV:1
Cle N+rard
sY 5 - ? C a$0114T41
This is to certify that this is a cyan and /
correct Dopy of roeolntiaa y0
passed by h Board on is 21Vt th
day of 22tt t 1955. I harrnby certify that I ten pasted
the above changes and revision on
By C e fr �z " the Zoning Map is the Building Code
/Ann Tun,rrtziant and do Norther certify
that the zone elausiflcatioses shown
on the arming asp in the Building
Colo n e» a't.ient are the * sa m e
described above and shown on tfie
attte n4 cal.