ZE-19-59stO `r y' 'r e th an, 'i < .[;f..y . „ ',r<�n b''.3. cir er._ t f a as t , .) r.4 Rock Quarry, Send and Gravel Pit, WASH;wz OW a Y rf;L V'I.. R'::(op!.'F 7E-19-59 IN TUi; MATTER OF CRINGING THE ZUN117,C M:1P FROM AGRICULTUP.AL TO ROCK QUARRY, SAND fJJD GRAVEL PIT ON PROPERTY iESCRIBE D AS BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 25 N., RANGE 44, E.W.M.. SPOKANE COUNTY, WASI:INGTON it z t. (,J v:y tf ii .-Zia% cA a_r r+�n r a~ „ u. P"•a t ti n ,a4 r1',`^ : Y' Plan C51, t?)f 7r?t3"3 "4r. i5ar and. l 5.3 L c r+rrtxx.5 Sfl iCZ7 Lj 5d - S * 5'�va ")i'..2cti,•y 11f5, 1'2Xcik Tt - fAry C trT ri-1 , : e^.E 7., ...;' CA S t q M.Ci r e: , h tit 1*. a of tad n3 .;;t s':a �6 is n v "1 ,<�,.^rx Er �. , . -.T t .,..> : C.itstr d..,• int? •,r Z::, 4t._ ?.1( „7 t_:trn_ syi. :p .h r( Y:^N0. A > . ,tom_ Sift: ten >`t ROOK OTJARRX. SAND AND GRAVEL PIT Section 12, Township 25 N., Range 44, E.-iv ail. Part of Section 12-25-44 bounded on the North by the Spokane International WOW the Naval Supply Depot, on the East by a North -South line lying 1/4 mile west of Flora Road extended, mileon the south by the east ultivan Spokane River, and on the west by a North-Southt of su van Road, except t a pcnttsnt lying north of the Spokane Rivet and 1/4below the ontour line. NOW, TilERE.FORY i7e:13by is- znnedidefisAnd In w the Znnt. S n^h: Lt.\SSLL.). BY" .\iOAE F'P.A J'e K V t :vdc • Ficay,:k .i^ / .......,..-e— _ 'th.t ._. (' FRIEDLAND. Deept C:z;k.. r1y a.\ :.(i7 ,,.,7 5 EP,'(the .. ;13itD F i k n f,t t1..9,7,;} do :rta'tt,e tilt ��; k m1 rze A. change le :Brt� :.^zn , deit>a5$ {,:.,^,..re r..,122 SYa^Fn yi aria s" 3 q ia.: r, ;'*: d