2020, 12-15 Special w/4th District LegislatorsMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Attendance: Councilmembers: Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Others in Attendance: Lobbyist Briahna Murray, Gordon Thomas Honeywell Lobbyist Holly Cocci, Gordon Thomas Honeywell Staff: Mark Calhoun City Manager John Holtman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Carrie Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk Honored Guests: Representative Bob McCaslin Jr. Representative Elect Rob Chase Senator Mike Padden Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom meeting. ROLL CALL: Deputy City Clerk Koudelka called the roll; all Council►nembers were present. WELCOME: Mayor Wick welcomed everyone to the meeting and said that Senator Padden and Representative Elect Chase would be arriving shortly. In the interim, he invited Representative McCaslin to speak on topics of concern or importance. Rep. McCaslin said that the legislative priorities for himself, Sen. Padden and Rep. Chase deal with reopening the state's economy and receiving accurate information from the health districts. He said they would like to have policies that allow businesses to operate in a safe manner and he said local transportation projects, including those in Spokane Valley, are important. He added that they will call for cuts in state agencies and he said he will run his road preservation and maintenance bill to make for safer travel. He said they have seen a lot of legislation around bicycle and pedestrian safety and there is not enough education around being a safe pedestrian and bicyclist; and, with regard to education, he said the State legislature needs to make sure distance learning is working and that parents understand what their involvement is in distance learning. He added that the Department of Early Leaning needs to ease their restrictions because several child care agencies have gone out of business due to their overreaching restrictions. Mayor Wick welcomed Sen. Padden to the meeting and invited Deputy Mayor Peetz to discuss the highlights of the Pines Road Grade Separation Project. Deputy Mayor Peetz said the project involves the intersection of two state highways and a train crossing that has sixty trains per day going through, blocking traffic for nearly four hours a day. She said the City has secured $9.7 million of the $29 million estimated project cost and she thanked the legislators for all they've done in support of this project. Sen. Padden said he will be looking for support from Council for a new version of legislation for condominiums. He said the new legislation stipulates ten condominium units or less rather than six units, and he said he thinks another appealing aspect is that when a prospective buyer puts down earnest money, instead of going to an escrow account the developer would have access to the earnest money, giving the developer more capital for the project. He said he thinks the bill will have the support of several agencies and he said he thinks it would be good for Spokane Valley to provide the opportunity for home ownership to what would otherwise be apartment residents and it will benefit young people that are moving into the area. He then complimented Spokane Valley for the commercials featuring local businesses. City Manager Calhoun asked lobbyist Murray to forward the legislation to him when it comes through so he can provide it to Council. Mayor Wick said that our second listed legislative priority is the Fair and Expo Center Project at the Spokane County Fairgrounds and he said the City is asking for $4 million in funding for the project to Council Minutes: 12-15-2020 Page 1 of2 Approved by Council: 12-22-2020 match the $6 million Dnn City funds, primarily coming From lodging tax dollars. Uo said lie thinks it will hogreat p jcoihxrthe cummm/i1y. Sen. Padden asked i[(heCenter would be run by the Fair Board or joint body and ho asked xhu\ om*oL if any, Ulo City *ou|d have over the building, Mayor Wick said Spokane Cuoo{y will onniNoin and operate the facility so U/c City will not have control Over tile use of building but |/o added that dlo City will also have no financial commitment for tho operation and maintenance. Ms. Murray said that Spokane \/u||ey in partnering with Spokane County in bringing tho funding request -forward and because it is in \hc4\h district, she is hopeful that the |ogiu|a1no will all bring it forward and she said she thinks the project will have regional Support. Mayor Wick said tile third m Jor projectisscokngxuppor for the V/VVKPProgram: Flora Road PaddNodh Bonk River Trail Project and hc invited Coonci|mcnnhor |battcnbergk` provide on update, Mr. Buttcnberg said Ule prQject is |oou{ud at Flora and tho North bank of tile Spokane River T,ui|. Hc said the City has purchased the property and vveranked 23Out o[O010receive the grant of$| million hnfunds, Scn.Pnddcn asked IlOW Much Balfour Park Would expand. City Manager Calhoun said tile City acquired eight acres and sold 2.8 acres {ntile Library District and un Jauuo,y26(b tho Uhrn[y District will provide Council with all update oil their plans for the land. Bc said as far usthe City developing the park, it ixumatter ofcorning Lip with an cahma/od $6 million and currently we havc jux\ovur$| million set aside. Rep. MoCon|in said that citizens have voted down the library p jocta1 least twice and lie asked if there is anything different novv to make their project more appealing. Mr. Calhoun said the Library District will report to Council on the direction they look to go and Mayor Wick said that rogan]|cuy of tile Library's expansion plans, we still plan todevelop the park. Mayor Wick said the City is heavily invested in 000nonoio development and we are continu000|v looking for tools to grow the economy and hc said this is thc bvc|8h year that we have not taken Une one percent property tax increase osallowed by |uvv. Sen. Padden said he thinks Spokane Valley is unique inthe state for that tactic. Mayor Wick said that local control and keeping decision making local iuanother priority. Ms. Murray added that tile senate combined tho Housing and Local Government committees into a single committee and she said that combining Uhon into single committee does not bode well for local control of land use policies. Rep. MoCudixoaN itimimportant 10give businesses choices instead ofleaving decisions hotile Governor's oDioo. Sen. Padden said the hospitality industry in hurting, restaurants are shutting down and hotels and motels are barely hungingnn, but he said hope iyoil the horizon with the distribution o[ovaccine. Deputy Mayor Poetzsoid that regarding the hospitality industry and tourism, /\WC is lobbying proposal to use lodging tax vcvonuox for rental and housing assistance. Ms. Murray said that the bill has many provisions, one of which pertains to lodging tax revenues and providing flexibility uxhohov/tile funds can be used. CouncihncmbcrThompxoo said that option is one ofseveral and she said she doesn't think it will be requirement, but it will be all Option for Struggling cities to use. Protect and llodono [oox| State -Shared Revenues: Counoi|membcr Thompson said alcohol xoko and marijuana sales are tip site would like 0osee the cities get their fair revenue from those increased sales. Sen. Padden said hn is looking to get o hi|| passed pertaining to DUI convictions, Mayor Wick thanked everyone For meeting with Council. It was o/ove(l6v Co/onilmem6er PKvoocn( xeCOIUAMI'110 111U117i11/oUS1Ymgvee(l lom�jomuThe Meeting ut�joiwne(l ca 5:47p.in, ATTEST: Bell Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: |g5-zuzo ,ag,zu[z Approved by Council: 12e2-2020