VE-13-59COUNT! OF SPOKANE SPOKANE, W.ASFINGTON SPOKANE COUNTY' 'ass Noc sEs-.135-59 _ PLANNING COMMISSION eke: _August- 31, 1959 C£li'A'Ik`ICA1h OF APPROVAL P'OR V BLANCE (1) Name: Spokane Steel Fov y (2) Mauling Address: _ Box 125Z Parkwater Stationer Spokane,_ Yseh agto __ (3) met Address of Property in question: (4) Legal Description oI Property: .,, gB J,ir. at the interset i en of the . south _aim — of Section 12, Township 25 N., Range 43 with the south line of the Northern_ Pacific Railroad R/i, thence east 526.2 feet, thence north 165.5 feet more or less to the __south _lineo£._ the. i . _.K.BR <8,/ tJ" nee .southwesterly along the right--of-way to POB. (5) Nature of Variance Req+:iestec.t To 2ermit a sand storage tank ,ancl ptkta be-.. front yard setback of 35 feet. (6) Approved by Plaaunir g Con mission atter pubic bearing or, August 24,19.59 FOR TEE FOLLOWING REASON' A ' ..) UUB7ECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The difficulty requiring a variance would apply to the property in question regardless of the owner due to the location of the existing structure and public right-of-way. 2. The difficulty requires; a variance is not the result of an. illegal act upon the part of the applicant. 3. The difficulty requiring a variance is not the result of personal conditions of the applicant. A BUILDING PERMIT MIST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT. ATTEST2 Bean ace V ,, Hills Recording Secnstary jO / PORTER ctor of Planning g