ZE-242-79 =ile No. ZE-242-79 SPOKANE COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER COMMITTEE FINDINGS AND ORDER A. INTRODUCTION This matter having come before the Examiner Committee on January 10, 1980, and the members of the Committee present being John Culler, Chairman, Kenneth Kennedy and Paul Sceva, Jr., and there being the following persons present who wish to request approval of a Zone Change; John Switzer, applicant's agent for a Zone Reclassification, Agricultural to Local Business for the purpose of restaurant and limited retail. B. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the existing land use in the area is residential, church, and pasture. 2. That the Comprehensive Plan designates this area as appropriate for residential development. 3. That the existing zoning of the property described in the application is Agricultural. 4. That the provisions of RCW 43.21C (The State Environmental Policy Act) have been complied with. 5. That the proper legal requirements for advertisement of the Agenda Item have been fulfilled. 6. That this proposal is not in conflict with the provisions of adopted regula- tion. 7. That the land in this area is suitable for the proposed use, or uses within the proposed Zone Classification. 8. That the proposed use is compatible with existing uses in the area. 1 =ile No. ZE-242-79 9. That the owners of adjacent lands expressed neither approval nor disap- proval of the proposed use. 14. The Hearing Examiner Committee finds the proposed use to be in harmony with the general purpose and will not be otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. C. ORDER The Hearing Examiner Committee, pursuant to the aforementioned, finds that the application of the Sullivan Group for a zone reclassification as described in the application should be approved. Special conditions or contingencies applied to motion: a) COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL 1. The site is located in Fire District W. 2. Mains and hydrants need to be installed. Access plans for firefighting equipment shall be approved prior to building permit issuance. b) COUNTY ENGINEER 1. Applicant shall dedicate 25 feet on Sullivan Road for right-of-way. 2. Applicant shall construct cement concrete curb and sidewalk. 3. Appropriate on and off-site drainage and access plans shall be approved by the Spokane County Engineer's Office prior to the issuance of building permits for the project. 4. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard traffic engineering practices. Any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in hard surface paving. 2 =ile No. ZE-242-79 c) WATER PURVEYOR 1. Purveyor is Vera Water and Power and will supply the site with adequate water for domestic fire and irrigation uses. d) COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT 1. Depending upon total sewage flow design, this project may require approval of the sewage system by RE-DSHS and require effluent disposal in non-paved areas. e) SEPA 1. That the provisions of SEPA's Notice of Action pursuant to 43.21C.080 RCW be initiated by the applicant within thirty (30) days of final action of the Responsible Administrative Body and be completed before any site improvements are made. f) ZONING 1. Approval by the Zoning Administrator of a specific lighting and signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits. 2. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance acceptable to the Spokane County Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with a performance bond for the project prior to release of building permits. 3. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the concept presented to the Hearing Examiner Committee. Minor variations when approved by the Zoning Administrator will be permitted, including, but not limited to the following changes: Building location, landscape plans, and general allowable uses of the permitted zone. All variations must conform to regulations set forth in the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance. The original intent of the development plans shall be maintained. 3 =ile No. ZE-242-79 4. The request has proven to be environmentally non-significant. Therefore, a final declaration of non-significance shall be signed by the Chairman of the Hearing Examiner Committee. g) SCAPCA 1. All traveled roadways and parking areas for this site shall be paved. h) 208 1. This proposal recommends ground injection of untreated stormwater runoff. 2. This proposal includes too little or no open space to accommodate use of grassed percolation areas for stormwater runoff disposal. 3. This proposal provides for disposal of sanitary waste using methods inconsistent with the Recommended Actions. 4. This proposal does not mention the Recommended Action of double plumbing and stub-outs to the appropriate property line. 5. This proposal does not mention the Recommended Action requiring covenants or deed restrictions for grading, drainage or site plans. 6. This proposal should submit, for approval, storage, spill control, drainage, fire prevention, and cleanup plans. i) That the Hearing Examiner Committee after hearing all testimony and a review of the staff analysis adopts the proposed declaration of non-signifi- cance and directs the chairman of the committee to sign the final declaration of non-significance. Motion by: Kennedy Seconded by: Sceva Vote: Unanimous 4 'ile No. ZE-242-79 HE%ING EXAMINER COMMITTEE f airman ATTEST: FRED L. DAYHARSH Planning Director By: z))w4 Paz -;p7z 5