ZE-311-53BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISFIONEi S OF SPOKATTE COUNTY, '+ AMINGTON IN THE MATTER OF CHANGING TES ZONING MAP FROM AGBICUIILURAL ) TO COMt+ RCIAL IN THS MARAIS ) AREA. ) RESOLUTI 0 t: The above entitled matter coming on regularly for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County. Washington, on this day, and it appearing to the Board that the Spokane County Planning Commission has given due notice of the hearing on the matter in the manner and for the time rrovided by law; that said Planning Commission has held a public hearing as required.; and that the said Planning Commission_ concurs in the plan to zone the followlig described property as a COMMERCIAL Zo I: Beginning at the center lines of Progress Road and. Sprague Avenue, th. south 218.7 feet more or lees to the south line of the alley. th. east 666.7 feet to the east line of Hultmaats Subdivision. th. south to the north line of the rii iwalikee R%"d, thence east to a point 660 feet east of the center line of Sullivan Road. the east line of the C. C. Glover rronsrty; thence northto the north line of Sprague Avenue. thence east 04 feet from the center line of Sullivan Road. being the east property line of Jack Mayhants property, thence north to a point 150 feet north of the center line of Main Avenue. thence west to a point 222 feet east of the center line of Progress Road. thence south to Sprague Avenue, thence west to Progress. thence south to center line of Sprague and "Progress to the T'OE NOW THEREFORE, BR IT RRSOLVED, that the above described property be. and the same hereby is. zoned under the classification of a COMWWhGIAL zone as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of Spokane County, adopted August25. 1953. - DePTED at Spokane, Washington this / day of 1953. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO':.S OF frl+fdKA,''t& COUNTY, EIGTON -1 ATTEST: Frank J. Glover Clerk of the Bo-rd This is to oertif that the above is a true and corm