E-113-57COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON f SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Case No: vary Date:_hootas* las, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR VARIANCE (1) Name: F. it. a liedoa (2) Mailing Address: No th. I6 =c :ane, Y: Qshington (3) Street Address of Property in question: S8 ,581X -,:�- Last " ood1awn (4) Legal Description of Property: ._tot 2..and-.3,-B ock. Z.., r_p ^w -7c .z.dditio Sector-234.Township-25-..Ai..,.itange^ 43, E.bi..M .., cu aty, asilin tan (5) Nature of Vari nee Requested: ,oerzi.Z. of a residenceL 15 feat frori the front property line, ,--, r` a. c:. =slag ores -;::c r: rrs a •satback 25 feet. (6) Approved by Planning Commission after public hearing on :1;rgu:;►t..-2:3r-..tg51 subject to the follow rg conditions: (.1.) -. with. ordinance would result in the applicant securing no reasaa::' o return fr::::i., or making a rerasorAhle .us.usr. of the- crty (..).- r sulto from ta.€ applioillc4a-of the zoning rzovisions to his propernit; (3) Tho hardship was::-:.,.: is s-:tere i merely by the property. _c r ctLy .and ia.n t. a g aeralstf...L:e.: eb:::r od;--(.4)-. ..;;: ,;lards; p-la not the result of the owners own actoa; (5) The hardship is peculiar to the property of the applicant.. _. JOT N a PORTER P ng Director 6/19/57