CUE-1-99SPOKANE COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER RE: Conditional Use Permit for ) a Home Industry in the ) Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5) Zone ) Applicant: Anita Royce ) File No. CUE-1-99 ) FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS, AND DECISION I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL AND DECISION Proposal: Application for a conditional use permit for a home industry in the existing Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) Zone pursuant to Section 14.616.240(4) of the Spokane County Zoning Code, to allow the operation of a frame shop. Decision: Approval, subject to conditions. II. BACKGROUND/FINDINGS OF FACT The Hearing Examiner has reviewed the conditional use permit application and the evidence of record and adopts the following findings of fact and conclusions: A. GENERAL INFORMATION: Applicants and Legal Owner: Anita Royce, 3007 North Park Road, Spokane, WA, 99212 Site Address: Same as above. Location: At the northwest corner of Rutter Avenue and Park Road. In the Northeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 25 N., Range 43 E.W.M. Spokane County, Washington. Zoning: Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) The site is also located within the Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone. Comprehensive Plan Category: The property is designated in the Urban category of the Spokane County Generalized Comprehensive Plan. It is also located inside the Interim Urban Growth Area (IUGA), the Priority Sewer Service Area (PSSA), and within the Public Transportation Benefit Area (P [BA). Environmental Review: A Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued by the County on June 4, 1999. Site Description: The subject property is irregular in shape and contains approximately 16,472 square feet in area. It has access via a driveway from Rutter Avenue. The site contains a single - HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 1 family home as well as a garage, fencing, and landscaping. The proposed frame shop is to be located south and slightly west of the existing single-family residence. Surrounding Conditions: The site is located on the northwest corner of Rutter Avenue and Park Road. The surrounding property is all zoned UR-3.5, the same as the subject property. Most of the land uses in the area are single-family residential uses similar to the subject property. There is a railroad right-of-way, a neighborhood business zone, and a church located to the south, but the majority of the uses are single-family residential uses. Project Description: The applicant seeks a conditional use permit in order to build a detached shop and establish a home industry within. The industry will consist of the construction of custom picture frames and will have a small number of customers visiting the site. The detached shop will be approximately 1,200 square feet and will be screened from adjacent properties by fencing. There is also a small parking area planned near the shop, which will be accessed from Rutter Avenue. The applicant estimates that only two to three customers per day will visit the site, however. B. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION: Applicable Zoning Regulations: Spokane County Zoning Code Sections 14.404.101, and 14.616.240(4). Hearing Date and Location: June 23, 1999, Spokane County Public Works Building, Lower Level, Commissioners Assembly Room, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, WA. Notices: Mailed: June 2, 1999 Published: June 4, 1999 Site Visit: None made. Hearing Procedure: Pursuant to Resolution No. 96-0171 (Hearing Examiner Ordinance) and Resolution No. 96-0294 (Hearing Examiner Rules of Procedure). Testimony: Tammy Jones Division of Building and Planning 1026 West Broadway Spokane, WA 99260-0240 Anita Royce 3007 North Park Road Spokane, WA 99212 Items Noticed: Spokane County Comprehensive Plan, Spokane County Zoning Code, Spokane County Code, and Resolution Nos. 96-0171 (Hearing Examiner Ordinance) and 96-0294 (Hearing Examiner Rules of Procedure). HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 2 C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS 1 Approval Criteria The County Hearing Examiner Ordinance authorizes the Hearing Examiner, in viewing conditional use permit applications, to grant, deny, or grant with such conditions, modifications, and restrictions as the Examiner finds necessary to make a conditional use permit compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable development regulations. To be approved, the conditional use permit must be shown to conform with the special standards established for a home industry in the UR-3.5 Zone under Spokane County Zoning Code Section 14.616.240(4) and the development standards of the UR-3.5 Zone. See Zoning Code Section 14.404.101(2). The Code also requires the Hearing Examiner to place adequate conditions and restrictions on the development to insure that the proposed use is compatible with uses permitted outright in the zone. A request for a conditional use may be denied if it cannot be shown that the requested use will be compatible with other permitted uses in the zone. Further, Zoning Code Section 14.404.102 lists certain types of restrictions which may be attached to conditional use permits in order to insure their compatibility with surrounding uses. 2. The Comprehensive Plan The proposal, as conditioned, generally complies with the Comprehensive Plan, complies with the development criteria for a home industry set forth in Zoning Code Section 14.616.240, and the development standards for UR-3.5 Zone as well as other applicable regulations. Adequate conditions and restrictions have been attached to the development of the home industry to insure that the proposal will be compatible with uses permitted outright in the vicinity. The criteria for issuance of the conditional use permit under Sections 14.404.101 and 14.404.102 have been met. In the Staff Report, Staff analyzes this proposal's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located within the Urban Category of the Comprehensive Plan and Staff concludes that it is generally consistent with that category. The Hearing Examiner finds this analysis to be accurate and, hereby, adopts and incorporates the analysis herein. That analysis is found in the Staff Report at page 4. Staff has also analyzed the proposal's compliance with the development regulations found in Section 14.616.240(4) of the zoning code. That analysis by Staff is found on pages 4 and 5 of the Staff Report. Again, the Examiner finds Staffs analysis to be correct and, hereby, adopts those Findings and Conclusions herein. The ordinance allows the Examiner to approve outside displays or window displays, but the applicant has not proposed any such displays, so there will be no approval of displays. Further, the ordinance allows the Examiner to make adequate provision for parking, traffic, and storage requirements. The applicant estimates only two to three customers per day, as a maximum, visiting this site. There is adequate off-street parking on the site for that many customers. If parking becomes a problem, based on unforeseen circumstances or a change in the intensity of this home industry over time, the Hearing Examiner may require additional off-street parking. Therefore, the Hearing Examiner finds the requirements of the ordinance have been met by the applicant. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 3 There were no adverse comments from any neighbors concerning this application. III. DECISION Based on the Findings and Conclusions above, it is the decision of the Hearing Examiner to approve the proposed conditional use permit application subject to the following conditions: Failure to comply with the conditions of this approval may result in revocation of this approval by the Hearing Examiner. This approval does not waive the applicant's obligation to comply with all other requirements of other agencies with jurisdiction over land development. SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING 1. All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding on the "Applicant", which term shall include the owner or owners of the property, heirs, assigns and successors. 2. The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone, specifically Section 14.616.240(4) and all other applicable chapters of the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 3. The applicant shall develop the subject property in strict conformance with the site plan presented to the Hearing Examiner on June 23, 1999. All aspects of the concept and proposal shall be binding on the development, including proposed use. Variations, to be approved by the Director of the Division of Building and Planning/designee, shall only be allowed to meet regulation standards and conditions of approval. Any other modification. must be presented to the Hearing Examiner for review and approval. 4. The Division of Building and Planning shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This Title Notice shall serve as public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the property in question. The Title Notice should be recorded within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Building and Planning. The Title Notice shall generally provide as follows: The parcel of property legally described as is the subject of a land use action by a Spokane County Hearing Examiner on June 23, 1999, imposing a variety of special development conditions. File No. CUE-1-99 is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Division of Building and Planning. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 4 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF ENGINEERING 1. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and accepted by the Spokane County Engineer. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices. Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles 2. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners resolution 95-0498 as amended and are applicable to this proposal. 3. Applicant shall sign "Spokane County Notice to the Public Number 6" which specifies the following: The owner(s) or successor(s) in interest agree that in consideration of Mutual Benefits now or to be hereafter derived, do for themselves, their heirs, grantees, assigns and successor(s) in interest hereby request and authorize Spokane County to include the above described property in a Road Improvement District (RID) and to support the formation of a Road Improvement District for improvement of the road(s) described below by requesting and authorizing Spokane County to place their name(s) on a petition for the formation of a Road Improvement District pursuant to RCW 36.88.050, or by requesting and authorizing Spokane County to cast their ballot in favor of a RID being formed under the resolution method pursuant to RCW 36.88.030, and/or by not filing a protest against the formation of a RID being formed under the alternative resolution method provided for in RCW 36.88.065 and Chapter 35.43 RCW. If a RID is proposed for improvement of the road(s) described below, said owner(s) and successor(s)further agree: (1) that the improvements or construction contemplated within the proposed RID are feasible and (2) that the benefits to be derived from the formation of the RID by the property included therein, together with the amount of any County participation, exceeds the cost and expense of formation of the RID, and (3) that the property within the proposed RID is sufficiently developed; provided, themselves, their heirs, grantees, assigns and successor(s) shall retain the right, as authorized under RCW 36.88.090, to object to any assessment(s) on the property as a result of the improvements called for in conjunction with the formation of a RID by either the petition or resolution method under Chapter 36.88 RCW and to appeal to the Superior Court the decision of the Board of County Commissioners confirming the final assessment roll; provided further, it is recognized that actual assessments may vary from assessment estimate so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value improvement(s) add(s) to the property. It is further acknowledged and agreed that at such time as a RID is created or any County Road Improvement project is authorized by Spokane County, the improvements required shall be at the sole expense of the owner(s) of property within the RID or served by the improvements without any monetary participation by Spokane County. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 5 The RID waiver contained in this agreement shall expire after ten (10) years from the date of execution below. This provision is applicable to Park Road and Rutter Avenue. 4. Approach permits are required for any access to the Spokane County Road system. SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF UTILITIES 1. Each new building shall be double plumbed with a dry side sewer for connection to future area -wide wastewater collection systems. The double plumbed dry side sewer shall be extended to the public right-of-way or as required by the Division of Utilities. To facilitate connection to the future public sewer system double plumbing dry side sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities may be required. 2. Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT 1. The sewage disposal method shall be as authorized by the Director of Utilities, Spokane County. 2. Water service shall be coordinated through the Director of Utilities, Spokane County. Use of private wells and water systems is prohibited. 3. Water service shall be by an existing public water supply when approved by the Regional Engineer (Spokane), State Department of Health. 4. Subject to specific application approval and issuance of permits by the Health Officer, the use of an individual on -site sewage disposal system may be authorized. DATED this.24th day of June, 1999 «eg Smith Spokane County Hearing Examiner Pro Tem 7 HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUE-1-99 Page 6