2021, 01-26 FormalMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Format Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and the public participating remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff Mark Calhoun, City Manager John Holtman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Bill Helbig, Senior Engineer Adam Jackson, Planning & Grants Engineer Carrie Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk ROLL CALL: Deputy City Clerk Koudelka called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Woodard reported that at the HCDAC allocation meeting, they had $1.6 million in CDBG funds available, minus Spokane Valley's allotment of $330,000, minus administration costs, leaving $1.2 million, of which $250,000 were available for public services and $893,000 were available for capital public facilities, infrastructure and economic development allocations. He said after all of the allocations were made, they had $330,000 left in the public facilities and infrastructure fund that could be used in the future for emergency services from the windstorm damage. Councilmember Higgins reported that the Clean Air Board is in the process of moving their headquarters to the Enduris location on the West Plains. Councilmember Haley said that she attended the STA Board of Operations Committee meeting where they spent most of their time determining who would be on different committees and boards. From the full board meeting for STA, she reported the sales tax revenue was 2.4 percent above the December 2019 actual and about 6 percent above the 20] 9 actual, and ridership is down. Councilmember Thompson reported that she is on the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force for the National League of Cities with twenty-three other elected officials from around the nation tasked with looking at how cities are dealing with public safety. She said that due to a potential conflict of interest, she is stepping down from the Board of Health Committee. Councilmember Hattenburg said he attended the STA Board meeting and he was informed he was appointed to the STA Planning and Development Committee. Deputy Mayor Peetz said she attended the Washington Traffic Safety Commission board meeting and reported that the backlog of cases have decreased; in 2020, there was a 10 percent decline in vehicle miles traveled, a 15 percent increase in speeding cases, and traffic fatalities were up 6 percent. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick reported that the Spokane Regional Transportation Council is looking for an executive director, they are working to get a search committee in place as well as developing an RFP for legal services. He said that with regard to the Spokane Regional Health District recruitment for a health officer, the board is trying to determine the qualifications for the position and whether they will do a national search; and he Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 01-26-2021 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 02-09-2021 said the State Department of Health is offering mass vaccinations for COVID-19 at the Spokane Arena by appointment. PROCLAMATION: n/a GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: n/a NEW BUSINESS 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on January 26, 2021, Request for Council Action Form: $1,773,718.94 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending January 15, 2020: $426,036.13 c. Approval of Minutes from January 12, 2021 Regular Council Meeting d. Approval of Minutes from January 19, 2021 Study Session It was proved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. Motion Consideration: Local Bridge Program Grant Opportunity — Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to apply to the Local Bridge Program for the Mission Avenue Bridge over Evergreen Road project. Planning and Grants Engineer Jackson said Washington Department of Transportation offers the Local Bridge Program to help fund maintenance projects on bridges. He said the grant applications are due February 19, 2021, grants will be awarded in September 2021, and funds will be available in January 2022. He said staff proposes submitting the Mission Avenue Bridge over Evergreen project for the grant which will resurface the bridge deck for $261,000 with a City local match of $35,000 that he said would be waived if the funds are authorized before November 30, 2024. There were no registered public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: n/a ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 3. Spokane County Library District Update — Patrick Roewe, Executive Director Mr. Roewe, Executive Director for Spokane County Library District, presented a slide show updating Council on the new library project. He said they are no longer seeking a voter -approved bond for construction and that their funding plan includes financing the bulk of the project, up to $12 million, through a loan from Washington State Treasurers LOCAL Program; $3.2 million from their District Capital Projects fund; $1.3 million from the interlocal agreement with the City of Spokane Valley; a library capital improvement grant of $2 million that is pending approval of the legislature; and a capital campaign that will include naming rights and other recognition opportunities. He mentioned the key dates as outlined in the slide presentation, with the construction bid in January 2022 and construction beginning in 2022. He said this project is focused on the location across from City Hall, and once they have moved into the new space, the current facility on Main will be sold. Mr. Roewe said the core services of the new library will still be devoted to loaning books and DVDs, but they will also offer experiential learning opportunities with collaborative spaces available including meeting rooms and learning labs. 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick There were no changes or additions to the Advance Agenda. INFORMATION ONLY: The Department Monthly and Quarterly Reports were not discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Mr. Calhoun mentioned the expiring terms of HCDAC Spokane Valley members: Tim Norwick's term expired January 23, 2020, and Councilmember Woodard's term expires February 20, 2021, and he said we will work to fill the expired and expiring terms. He also noted that the City of Liberty Lake asked for Council's support for their legislative request for the Henry Road Overpass project; it was the consensus of Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 01-26-2021 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 02-09-2021 Council to support the project and Mr. Calhoun said he will notify Liberty Lake's City Administrator of Council's decision. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz„svconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn, The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m. ATTEST: aL Office of the City Clerk Ben Wick, Mayor Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 01-26-2021 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 02-09-2021 11111111111, , 11 lu :, 1111,1,:u11 1::::,::::,::::011,114111111,1,11,111:1111:1, ,1 1111U:111,d U 11 11111'1Uu 11',u 6 11: 1111:1111'111111111I,Iumo,11,111111,11IIIII,A1111:1111:„:11111:::11:0:::: 1 11111 11 11 11(11 111111111 111111'11' l''' 111:111 1111111 1111 g 9 111111, u'u"1101"1"111,1u111r„,IIII,,„1,11,11:11i11::,,,,,uu „„1,1i1,11 11 1111 11,,11,11101:11,1,11,,,,,11„1:11111 „111„1111:1011,111: 1„,,„„IA1„:„ '11111', '1.1111,11111„:„1:11111,:111'1111111,11111:1„,:,:,:„„:11,:1,:1111,1:111,:11.11,1,1111,11,1::,1111110„:1,111, 11,1'1 ''''11011111111 1:11111 11111111,1,1'111:1,„,1:11,14A:u1::::1:1,uuluuul Washington Stale Department of Trans natio gaggigGigglIggfligilg g g g g‘g ggidg ld gag . /117 ;g7iggigeffigit":0112gggiggiglgl 00.z./y 0:00f lor HENRY RD OVERPASS 1011'11111111111111111001,11,011011U„i'11111.11 1,11:11oui10,111u111,1111,11:11A1111,1,, 111111111:11:1uUluo11,11:11111,11111111111111111uuuuluu1111,111;11,,i111111 1„A 1111 1 11111u, 1 1:1:111111,,u1u1, 1:111,1111:11,1:1111Ju Iu:::u1111:11111:1,11 11111,1IIIIII,i1:1111111; uu:, Q111 A1111111,1,1,11y11111u:: g g gigigg g Hoag grg "g' g g g g igN /f/ „ f r f/ gAgg: g Hii gegg 1000 id? 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City of Residence Item # Dial -In Phone # 3. SCLD Report Guest Patrick Roewe Written Public Comments Paula Blount email PC ID# Topic Topic via computer / panelist proewe@scld.org City of Residence Item # Topic Spokane Valley General In support of PRD Moratorium and thoughtful planning of future developments. Carrie Koudelka From: Paula Blount <sequoia76@msn/om> Sent Tuesday, January 262OZ18:44AK4 To: Council Meeting Public Comment Cc: Paula Blount Subject: Moratorium on planned residential developments Follow WpFlag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Sent from Mail for Windows lO Meeting Date isset for January 5,2OZ1at6:UUP.M. My Name is Paula M. Blount My Husband in David]. Blount | reside at14l7North Felts Road, Spokane Valley VVA992O6 1 am responding to your invitation for public comment on an agenda item for a Moratorium on Planned Residential Development inthe Spokane Valley inestablished neighborhoods. My Husband and I met and married in San Francisco after his discharge from the Marine Corps in 1969. David was born and raised in he Spokane Valley and we returned to the Valley in 1973 and purchased our home. We are located on Felts Road between Mission and Broadway Avenues. Our house was built in 1946 and is on a little over an acre. This was bare ground with afew old fruit trees ahouse and little garage. VVehad anice little farm and raised beef, kept horses and fowl and gardened. We planted shade and Fruit trees and developed a forever homestead looking forward to retirement. This little section of Felts Road is now infilled with 20 plus rentals of stand alone houses,duplexes and some homes that have been split into rentals units. The most recent has been the development of7duplexes (owned byoWester Washington investor) on Maxwell Lane which has 14fanni|ies plus 2 rental houses directly across from our home. To the north and next door tonoeisohome that will besoon beonthe market. This isdue tothe Death ofthe owner. We did ask the executor if we could buy the property but were told that the family wants to sell it for development like the duplexes across the street. The house onnoysouth side isarental with a absentee landlord and vxehave offered to buy itaswell. We are not interested in developing these but we do want to have a buffer from what we and live with and see across the street. | understand that there will be progress but that progress has its' cost tothe established neighborhoods. My once quiet little street in now busy all hours of the day and night. There is no speed enforcement. These days it is not uncommon to have to wait to cross my 20 feet of road to get to the mail box because of traffic. Cottage industries receive deliveries daily with heavy trucks on the street. UPS, Fed Ex and commercial Water Deliveries are Daily occurrences. Two of these rentals receive cars on flatbeds or wreckers and are working out of garages. This road is not built to accommodate this sort ofuse/abuse. | vvwu|d also like to suggest that council members come by and take o look atthe sidewalk and sxva|es that were put in across the street that we were told is part of the 10 year plan. There isa problem with aplan that removes mature hundred year old shade trees and renders the shop building almost inaccessible. Development | am sure isgoing to continue after all. You need to increase your tax base to support the city services. At some point | am also pretty sure that | will be forced out of my home because | will no longer be affordable. If we are destined tulive inthese Apartment complexes please make sure that thoughtful planning takes into account traffic, noise, streets and utilities are taken into consideration for the rest of the neighborhood and the people who live next to these developments. Please pay attention todesign elements, plantings, fences shared community buildings ,vehicle 1 parking and other amenities or other enhancements that are designed into developments and should be well maintained. Paula Blount Sequoia76@msn.com 509-924-6430 CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 2