2021, 02-16 Study SessionMDNUT£S City of' Spokane Valley C({I Council Kegu|u, Meeting S(udvSCosionFormat Tuesday, February 16,2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting \oorder n1approximately 6 pm. Thc mcciingnuo hoN in City Hall with Council, staff and the public participating via Zoom meeting. AftenoItince Cnunoi|mcmhom Bell Wick, Mayor 8nundi Pcctz`Deputy Mayor Cary Urioko|iCity Attorney Pam Uo|cy`Cnunci|mcmhor Tim UnUcnbuqg,CumIoi|membcr Rod Digginx,Coonoi|momber Linda Thompson, Cnm/ci\memhor Arne Woodard, [nunoi|mcmhor SNO' Mark Cu|houn`City Manager John Bohmmn,Dcpo\yCity Manager Bill Udbig,City Engineer Erik Lamb, Dcpu{yCity Attorney Caitlin Pn/o1y` /\Uon/ey ]uncmyC|urk` SoninrTrofDo Engineer Carric Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk ROLL CALL- Deputy City Clerk Koud6ka unUnd the roll; all Couuoilmumbon were present ho APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was ���DelmlYUiYorB��Yec,oixleticttiJuii(ii7ii)m/tvl)�(igi`ee(,I, excel)l ACTION ITEMS: |. Motion Consideration: hduynrx| Appointments o[Couxci|mcmberx to Boun|o dL Commi{keoo—Muyor Wick |tv/onn/ovc/1vl)epo(yMcnm/'yec[zuxdxoco/,Ju(l/ocoofi/n//6cHt/ro/xilq8no/n/x,ex/xof Arne 0/mo/bnz//n the //(/}A(", continuing his current /e/'///u/,deq/h'//I4n/,Jo,e /' 202/. l///do 7ho//yaon /o /hol/(2}Jx'//hu /erx/ begi /,h\g /y)o/, /yy/ohv/o/e/,/ o//ct cV/irh�g on December 3/. 202/' uoul 7h// /6mo//b/trg to the //c'l/h /)/x/r/c/ Dwou/x'ith o /ero/ beqh//,h\g xp'x/ /yY/oi1//o/e/// onU/exyfiri(g on December J/, 202/. Barb Howard, Spokane YuUey` qocxdoned Council as to hon the decision was made for tile appointment y6001ionu and their respective terms. Cn/ocilx/co/bor f1tilAo/b/oX/oi/a/ the Zoom x/ee///\g uY /yyvzn/xu1tm/r 6iO3 /z///. Vote 6v NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Flashing Beacons and School 3ignu�e—Bill Uu\big, ]cormyOn,k City Engineer Hc|higand Senior Traffic Engineer Clark gave an ooduho on school zonound pedestrian beacons throogboo\the City, ioc|udingthe types ofdevices, typical enhancements mid the device so|oc\iox pooucux. Mr. Clark said that beacons are designed for speed control and thu,care ntotal of40 hcuoonx at 18 schools, 32 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons ul 14ovooxvu|ks, and one Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) located oil Piucy/8R27ynuthofSprague &venuc. l Abandoned Vehicles/ Parking in the ROW — Bill He|hig, jerrcmy Clark, Caitlin Prun\y City Engineer Hc|bi&began the slide show presentation and introduced Attorney Pu/n{yk` uodoteCounci| nn how the City muniuipo| code and state |u* dof-nn jxnkvehideo. Senior Traffic Engineer C)urkdiscussed the regulations for on -street parking, no -parking zones and the state and local parking codes. City AKornuyDviakd| said Dnm all enforcement yim/dpoinL uuruodo is written in ouch o way as it is no\ombiguouu and it dovetails very closely with state law and provides consistency ill enforcement by law enforcement and towing companies. 4. Advanoc&Acndo—MyynrVVick Coonci|mombor U/ompxon asked for a presentation from Crime Check to follow up on the comment COUllCilmember Woodard made abOUt Crime Clieck not responding. Consensus infin,or. Cvo1161Mu6",)MinvIC, 3mVyScs,ion: 02-16-2021 pogc|v[2 Approved byCuuxci|:C8*2-2O2| Mayor Wick asked ifCnunoi|woxN like |osign a |uiCro[supponhvmthe City ofSpokane toou,delegates asking for more pandemic response and fuoding[ornorcommuni(y. Conxomxx /n 6nnr if the letter is changed to be monc rcgi000UY fbuuocd. Hc U/an mulhmncd that the U8 Conference ofMuyoo has a pledge condemning anti-Semitism across the nation and ho asked i[Cnonoi| "/muN ouppod putting together o pvoJumohoo that advocates inCIUSi011. ("017SMSUS infimor. Mayor Wick said lie will draft the proclaniation. 5. Counoi| Comnnultn: None. 6.O{vMam. �ler Comments: Mr. Cu|houninkoduccdCity Attorney DrixkcU(odiscomathe letter from the City ofSpokane with regard to the implementation of 20 percent suvvor ub|i(y tax. Mr. DrixkoU said the City of Spokane is trying to idoxhFv additional rcvcnuc options in(] one is to oouexo o scv/u'ud|jt9 tax Oil the wastewater facility owned by Spokane Coonty and hc said 80 percent o[the cuStomeo u[that facility are 0nm Spokane Valley, either residential or commercial bunioexoox. He said that we previously sent u |cUnr signed by Mayor Wick expressing the City`s concerns and thouAbt\be issue went away boL hc said hc recently learned that Spokane is gi|) looking to move horv/urd with the tax, The attorneys arc uuocndy working to dc1cnninu wurophm/u, and he said ho thinks we ShoxN send u \o8or to the City of Spokane and to Spokane County identifying our concerns with {ho whole concept. A8crdiuuosxinn by Com161,M,. Driukd| said lie will draft more strongly worded letter and request iu[bnnuhnn bom both the City of Spokane and Spokane County as to the discussions that took p|aoo. when Spokane plans to implement the tax, and state clearly that Spokane Valley City COLHICil Will not SUPp011 the tax inm/yfbxhion.Mr.Cu)houncxid\huyvviUropoUhoukh`Coonci|oxiufhnnu(ionbuoomuuuvai|ub|c Mr Calhoun said that the Febumry23,202\ Couxoi\meeting has been cancelled and the next meeting will bo hoNMarch 2,2O2|. It was momd�Del/lY Mam'yeemmrm(led(nut mti/ lom�jomn. The meeting udjnumedut 7:]4 pm. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Ben Wick, Mayor Cvvnci|NcminuK8inoeS�Study Session: O2'\b-2UZ| Page Zn[2 February 15, 2021 Cathy McMorris Rodgers Representative, District 5 United States House of Representatives 1035 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman, Together, we are writing to ask for your support in advocating for direct, flexible financial assistance to our region. It has never been more important that our representatives understand the 'on -the -ground' need for emergency assistance to stem the crippling effects of the pandemic response on our local economy and provide relief to our struggling businesses and those they employ. Direct aid to the local governments in our region is desperately needed in the near future. Our ability to continue delivering critical services to our constituents has been deeply impacted by rising costs of service and decreasing revenues due to the temporary shutdown of our economy for public health reasons. Spokane's regional economy has been especially damaged due to our large hospitality and medical workforce — the employees whose jobs can't be done by simply setting up a home office. While we did receive funds under the CARES Act, it was not adequate to remedy the impact, and many of our governments prioritized distributing aid directly to impacted individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. It is essential we receive direct, flexible aid to the local governments in the Spokane region as the most efficient and immediate way to help those most impacted by the shutdowns that have been occurring now for over a year. In the last few weeks, our region has seen the hard work of residents pay off — our COVID-19 case counts are trending downward, the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena mass vaccination site is helping thousands of residents get the life-saving vaccine, and people continue to wear masks and limit gatherings. Despite the weariness, we're doing our part. There is a light at the end of what has been a very long tunnel, but while we move forward safely past the virus, we are facing another long road ahead — economic recovery. Without direct aid for local governments in our region, the struggle will only continue. As our Congresswoman, we appreciate all you have done and continue to do for the people of Eastern Washington. This once -in -a -lifetime crisis will take the collective efforts of us all and a strong local -federal partnership to overcome the hardship our region continues to endure. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, <Signature Block> Nadine Woodward Mayor Spokane County Breean Beggs Spokane City Council President Spokane Valley CICITY OF pokane Valley MIEJOILIJ February 16, 2021 City Council City of Spokane 808 West Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 10210 East Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720.5000 • Fax: 509.720.5075 • cityhall@spokanevatley.org IHl 11111111111MM 11 MEM= IIIMEMENE NOME Board of County Commissioners Spokane County 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 Re: Imposition of 20% sewer utility tax on non-residents by City ofSpokane Dear City Council and Board of County Commissioners: I am writing to you on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Council. I previously sent a letter to the Spokane City Council on October 30, 2020 relating to this issue. At that time, the City of Spokane Valley expressed a strong objection to what was at that time being discussed by the Spokane Council of imposing a sewer utility tax on the Spokane County wastewater treatment facility on North Freya, and we assumed we would be part of any future discussions. We are now being told there have been behind -the -scenes talks between Spokane and Spokane County regarding whether this should be imposed and, if so, how you would potentially divide the proceeds. To be clear, approximately 80% of any pass -through tax burden imposed by Spokane would be paid by the residents and businesses of Spokane Valley. Despite that, you have apparently not bothered to include our Council or City Manager in these discussions. We assumed after our October letter that you would seek to engage us in any discussion you may have on this issue. We are curious why that has not happened. As identified in the October 30, 2020 letter, we very strongly object to this plan. Spokane Valley has a number of its own difficult municipal issues to deal with, not the least of which is an immediate need to determine how we can close a significant funding gap in our street maintenance operation. We have also purchased several large properties for parks for the betterment of our community, and this action would move the goalposts farther away from being able to start those projects. Spokane's action would make our already difficult tasks much harder. If you believe your municipal code compels you to impose this tax on wastewater services for those served by the County because of the specific wording, then there could be a simple fix of the code to clarify that the language only applies to services provided to your residents or businesses. The City of Spokane Valley respectfully requests that you dismiss this concept and find revenue for your municipal expenses within your own boundaries. The timing of this effort appears to coincide with the Spokane Council's action to adopt a 1/10th of one percent sales tax for affordable housing/homelessness purposes in the 2021 budget, with implementation delayed until April 30, 2021 to determine if any other revenue source could be identified instead. Again, please do not look to pass your tax burden onto our citizens and businesses. Spokane leaders speak often of a desire to have greater regional cooperation and collaboration, but that denotes a mutuality or agreement that clearly is not present here. We look forward to hearing from you very soon, and thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Ben Wick, Mayor c: Nadine Woodward, Spokane Mayor Kevin Freeman, Millwood Mayor Cris Kaminskas, Liberty Lake Mayor GelTy Gemmill, Spokane County Chief Executive Officer Spokesman -Review Valleyo October 30, 2020 City Council City of Spokane 808 West Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 10210 East Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720.5000 • Fax: 509.720.5075 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org Re: Draft 2021 Budget priority #25 — imposition of 20% sewer utility fax on non-residents Dear City Council: I am writing to you on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Council. The Spokane Valley City Council was recently made aware that the City of Spokane City Council is considering adoption of a resolution of budget priorities which includes assessing a 20% utility tax on wastewater collection and treatment at the Spokane County wastewater facility located at 1004 North Freya in the City of Spokane. This would be passed on to all sewer rate payers in the City of Spokane Valley. The City of Spokane Valley objects to this proposal in the very strongest terms. As other jurisdictions are doing, we are exploring our legal options with regard to this proposal. Aside from the legal aspects of this, what is particularly galling about this is that Spokane Valley has been discussing for some time how to generate additional revenue to fund existing deficiencies in our street maintenance operation, which will require us to come up with millions of additional dollars each year. One of the most difficult decisions a city council wrestles with is whether to impose new taxes in order to fund operations. In 2016, our City Council introduced the potential to impose utility taxes on one or two services up to 6% to address our very serious street maintenance deficiency. The reaction against this was swift and very negative and, as a result, the City did not implement the utility tax and we have not been able to find an adequate funding source since that time. Just recently, our Council has again talked about finding a long-term ftmding source for our own deficiencies. Any decision by Spokane to move forward with a utility tax on our citizens, who would receive zero actual benefit in the use of tax revenues used in Spokane but raised in our City from our citizens and businesses, would significantly impair our ability to fix our own problems. It is :frankly offensive that Spokane would even contemplate fixing its problems with money from our citizens and businesses without our citizens having any representational input on the expenditure of those funds. With our unmet street maintenance delta expanding each year, this action would cause our City irreparable harm. We cannot overemphasize the lasting damage this action would have on the working relationship developed by our respective Councils and staff over the past 17 years, a relationship we have valued, and which we believe has been mutually beneficial. As such the Spokane Valley City Council respectfully requests that the City of Spokane City Council remove from its consideration imposition of utility tax on wastewater collection and treatment applicable to the facility on Freya Street and owned by Spokane County. Please let us know at your earliest opportunity your intended course of action with regard to this issue. We look forward to hearing from you very soon, and thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Ben Wick, Mayor c: Nadine Woodward, Spokane Mayor Board of County Commissioners, Spokane County Kevin Freeman, Millwood Mayor Shane Brickner, Liberty Lake Mayor Gerry Gemmill, Spokane County Chief Executive Officer