2021, 02-09 Formal MeetingMINUTES City o[Spokane Valley City Coonci|kcgu|urMeeting Formal Format Toosdoy,February 9,2O2| Mayor Wick called the meeting k/mdcrn1approximately 6:0Opm. The niedixgwas held inCity Hall With Coxndistaff and the pub|ioparticipating remotely via Zoom meeting. Aftemlinuc Counoi|mcmbcm Bell Wick, Mayor 8rundiPcdzDcputyMayor Pum Hn|cy,Cnuocihncoober Tim 8uKcnhurgC000ci|momhor Rod Higgins, Counci|mombor Linda Thompson, Cooncihnonubcr Arne Woodard, Connui|mombor 8ta ff Mark Calhoun, City Manager John Hohmuo,Deputy City Manager Cary DriskcU,City Attorney Erik Lomb, DopotyOty Attorney John BoKr||i, Padka&c Kocn:olion Director Bill Udbig, Senior Engineer CnnicKoude|ku, DopuiyCity Clerk ROLL CALL: DcputyCity Clerk |{oodcikucalled the roll; all C000dimcmbcmwere present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was omn��DmmyMum8etz, secm(ledmn(Im,onbmomly ogreed to INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS CouncUmembcrUu|oy reported that at tbrCm/hnuom of Care meeting they settled on the young oduh shelter going in to the [uat/\ugo*u location, formerly the Clean &irboi|ding, and it is Oil schodo|c. She also reported that the 2-| | calls are up99perxun{uodthat the top service rnquestcalls are [orhouxixg. Couxoi|mcnnhcr Higgins said that the Clean AirunnnJs ceremony was held via Zoom and the winner tills year was ArCU, Formerly &din Finch Company. He said |vc also attended the Aging and Long-term Cuno meeting and they discussed the impacts ofC0\/|Doil the elderly, the shortage ofvaccines and the lack of" face-to-face contact posing problems for the nnen<x| heo|db of those living alone. Cuunoi|mcmhor Woodard reported that lie attended the Aging and Long Term Cuvc meeting and they discussed the impacts ofCOVlDoil the elderly. Counoi|memhurThompouo reported that she went \othe (4[C Rcimugining PoNio Sn[e\v Task Force ooccdnAmndtheyuncworking[ogo<hcrinfbnna\ionobootpo|icioAundoomouuniiyoafetv; she also attended lier last Board of Health meeting where they discussed vaccine distribution. At the Economic Mobility Task Force meeting, they are looking oLmeans nfcconnmic vitality \ogrow the economy and ways to leverage resources inthe community; and she attended the 6S| and /\VVC honnj meetings where they discussed legislation. COLInCilmeniber Hattenburg said lie met with the STATransit Development Committee and they discussed the |'oO Valley High Transit Performance Corridor p jcci which is new transit center or park and ride that may be located at the Argonne orBarker oonidnr. Deputy Mayor Pce(zrcportcd that ulthe Spokane Valley Chamber meeting they disousood SB 5114 and decided to xuppod the bill; at the Chumhcr`s transportation muohn� they discussed the Acncm| transportation puukygou they can expect to see this session and the regional transportation boneDidistrict; and at the OS| meeting she said they discussed economic hcuN/ relief. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick reported that u\the Spokane Regional Transportation Council meeting, ho is on the selection committee for hiring u new Executive Diruokoruud they've cu\iukd 36K as the Dnn to recruit candidates, also lie said they are looking to do a call for pro.jects in 202 1 for a preservation pro.ject. At the Board of Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 02-09-202| Page | o[3 Approved hyCouncil: 02-02'2021 Hcu}d/ meeting hc said they dimouuscd Une vaccine nhnQglc, and he met with Dr. Shaw, the now State Soou1ury of Health, and they disouoxed the vaccine uopp|y` testing und vvho1 has been happening in the PROCLAMATION: n/o GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY |l[: John Han]ing,Spokane Valley uobmiUudwritten pub|iccommeniopcdxiningk`thopnt niiulhuu|dheffez1s o[5Gtechnology. NEW BUSINESS }. Consent Agenda: Consists o[i0umx considered voutino which are approved as o gnnup. Any member of Couuci| may ask that an item be removed fi-nmihu Consent Agenda (o be considered uopuna{o|y. a.Approval ofClaim \/nudlc,uoil Pcbnm/-y9`2O2|,Koqucatfor Council Action Form: $1,336,751.31 h.Approval n[Payroll for Pay Period EndingJuuuory3l,203|: $538,124.87 c.Approval ofMinntcofrom November 10,2020 [oonu| Council Meeting d. Approval ofMinoo:u6nm ]anoury2h, 2021 Formal Couxci| Meeting c. Approval o[Minu\Cyfrom Fcbrxury2,2O2| Study 8cnyiou 2.Fint Reading Ordinance 21-003 Amending SVMC 8.25, Sol icitation of Vehicle Occupants — Cary Driskel I After Deputy City Clerk Koodo|ka read the ordinance dUc, it was x/nve/ h, /)eo/oyAllcnwryemz un/ xcco/,utct/nuu\xo/xe[hzfixun/ce2/'003ox/c/,(fi\oSkAIIC&2I025/noxecnnlreu/lixr. /twas then o/o`eJ 6vCo/o/o/l//e///hcrR/ooubrJo//Jxccox//eJ/ou///e//dthe motion o//lx/mye////the rules u//cl m6x//0/xh)/once 2/-003 o// 0\efirs//ao/li/�T City Attorney D,ixkc|| said this topic was dixcossud |ux( vvc*k and U/c ordinance will amend the code relating to soliciting donations hmn vehicles in the O(y`x rights -of -way. Hu said rcoon1 changes in ibc |un onu|d potentially impact wurcodo and so they identified potential inooea ihn1couN be amended, taking OLIt references to signs and continuing to prohibit people entering the roadway oil designated roads and in1crorchoils. Mr. Drixkc|| said that the decision to adopt the un|inonoc on the first reading is at tile discretion of Council. Mayor Wick invited nuh|ioomnmout: Barb Howard, Spokane VuUcy` asked who will enforce the ordinance beonuso she said dhonc are n/|co Oil tile books that are not hdoA enforced. Mr. Urisko|| said it is dhe Counoi|'u discretion to adopt the ordinance hu< Cuunoi| does not u/[orcc the |m*x; it ia up to [he police department to enforce the |mvs and they have to prioritize the types ofcalls dheyare responding to in iomx of" the greatest threat to the pob|ic. ;v/e by �co�o//oY/nn /m o///um/ the motion: h/ /�`'o/'.� /)ey/xy �&nw/' yee/z und Co/o,c�x/eo/bcrx /6lcv /�mAn/b/og, Higgil7S, 77mxymn/, u/x/ }Yonolu/,/ 01x/owo/1.Mnw/' Wick. A6//kx/ to oo/e10ou/ried Vote by ucc/ox/o//on on the on,ondeJ///o//o//.h/filvo/'./mo///x/n/o. ()onnxeti.- none. M///ox l Motion Consideration: Spokane Coonty Library District |n0cdocu| Aercomcn{—Cury DriykoU It was moved 6v /ev /ty /Uovor yeotz oxdxeco/me// /o /yy//n`y the 202/ ooe/0171e17* /o the h,/c/f000/ c4yeex/en/fix' thesule obnn/ enY u/ l/o/6,m' yo/t to the Sonlo//c Cv/o/t)/ li6/ury/)/x//'kt unJouV)o/'izo the CitvMux/ger/nfinu/izxon/ oxuc/tethmxux/e.CityAUonncyDriuke||auiddho,ohuvobuonnod/ungeo since the presentation given last week and that the amendments will extend the agreement to 2024 and hcuuosc the Library District has fbuod o|0cnnutivc funding ruihu, than passing u voter bond, we need to change the |omAungm in the inicdocu| to provide funding flexibility. There were no n:gio(mnd puh|io GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT opil'owmNITY 121: Barb Howard, Spokane Valley, spoke abOLIt tile Sale Ofa property and she said she WOUld like someone to get back to her abOUt Why they haVen't Paid taxes Oil it, Couud|Mcming Miuu»co,Formal: O2'O9'202| Page 2nO ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. Open Government Training — Erik Lamb DepUty City Attorney Lamb provided the C01111CH with the City's all])Ual training oil the PUblic Records Act and tile Open PUblic Meetings Act as reqUired by law. 5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick Counoi|mcmhur Higgins asked i[dioouonion of jonk vehicles can he incorporated in the pvcucub{ion for abandoned vehicles sd/cdo|cd for next week; City Attorney DriakcU confirmed that this will be ixo|udod. Coonoi|mcmherThnmpuonsnidshowuuN|ike{mmoveKanvuvdwi1hdhuMuyor`aiduutopvoduccxvideo similar to vhu1 the City of Renton did` a message hnm the City ohuo\ hon we work toucd/ur to support each other and to be inclusive of every sector o[tile community. Mayor Wick said lie will send u link to the INFORMATION ONLY: CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Mr. Cu|houn mentioned that in 2020 CnuucH aurp|usaod 2.7 uorco nf|und fhnnody known as the Bu\[uor riding arena and lie said that it sold and has closed, and thut$|O9,403 was deposited in the capital reserve fund and is earmarked for fotoro park uuquixihono. De also said that M,. Boito\|i is our new Parks and Recreation Director and lie is here to iliect the COUncilmenibers after the meeting, hwas moved by Councillneinhel, Wom�-cl, seC077C1('Jm?(/ 1117uxiII10/oI)� �igl-ea/to ucljomn.The meeting ad1journed at 7:27 p.m. ATTEST: Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Couxoi\WchngNiuu|cx.Formal: V2'0Y'20Z| Page 3nf3 Approved byCouncil: 03'02'2021 4,b LC 0,61(VU `1 21 r\4,k, c 11011. Yd. /-7E /3 acco TU F05 DAy 5P Oi<A1111- VA 1--L, C 1 / CO /11c1 TY I :71 13 ER ) CITY 61/NA )..4- CITY ATI() ii\1 fi)mCuR.I?L-FAIT Ciry Re5 6--Atr-- ci-0/44 /4/A RcIN& Sui?JJT Port; Airi 1-1C/11....T c'Ts OF 5 & L 0 6 4— DErt_OY/Y7 13- 41 r Otl igUir7/4/1/5 ALL. 4)6 .-1-14/4/6-5) CACATE-D t3Y GOD, Li S'T 0,1) A(c'.(Z 1.7 09019 9 2021 City of Spokane Vaney Office of the Orty Cherk D 5o/ififET 141V PiLidP inICL-7. A L.TI-1 13,50k7,51 Cowl ILE-0 i3y c-71,)-risTs IN 3 c cc ,J011RY A Lt. E jot' ER5) /3/2A/A/ Fo6j ri/E-1)/0/ 4.65S) i_05.-; C,E C61/7/2/177lLe ors' f--7)C05) AL)7757)2) A ()HD) /3gAiA/ es/4/0( CP-5 Tti 1 5 old 0 E 5 j i> L7) /30 EA.c.)./ CAA tak5 1_ (A cck_ Ai PERT( L(n; 01? 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