2021-02-25 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESMeeting Minutes
Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Council Chambers — City Hall
February 25, 2021
I. Planning Commission Chair Bob McKinley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. The
meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting.
H. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance.
III. Administrative Assistant Taylor Dillard took roll and the following members and staff were
Fred Beaulac
Karl Granrath
Walt Haneke
Bob McKinley
Nancy Miller
Paul Rieckers
Sherri Robinson, absent
Cary Driskell, City Attorney
Jenny Nickerson, Building Official
Chaz Bates, Senior Planner
Taylor Dillard, Administrative Assistant
Marianne Lemons, Office Assistant
There was a consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Commissioner Robinson
from the meeting.
IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Beaulac moved to approve the February 25, 2021 meeting agenda
as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against
and the motion passed.
V. MINUTES: Commissioner Granrath moved to approve the February 11, 2021 minutes as
presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against
and the motion passed.
VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Commission Reports.
VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There were no Administrative Reports.
VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
a. Study Session: Shoreline Master Program — Legislative Update
Senior Planner Chaz Bates introduced Alex Capron with The Watershed Company, who was
hired by the City to assist with the periodic update of the Shoreline Master Program (SMP).
Mr. Bates explained that Washington state law requires that the SMP be reviewed and
updated every eight years. The original SMP was adopted comprehensively in 2015 through
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an in-depth process. Due to that process, the update this year includes just the items that are
required by state law.
Mr. Capron gave a presentation explaining the proposed changes to the SMP. He explained
that an SMP is a set of policies and regulations required by state law to protect the
environmental resources of state shorelines, promote public access and enjoyment
opportunities, and give priority to uses that require a shoreline location. The SMP applies to
"Shorelines of the State", which are waterbodies that meet certain criteria and size. In
Spokane Valley, this includes the Spokane River, Shelley Lake, and associated wetlands.
Mr. Capron explained that the state Department of Ecology requires all SMP's to be
reviewed every eight years. This periodic review is intended to keep SMP's current with
amendments to state law, changes in local plans and regulations, and new or improved data
and information. The updated SMP must be adopted by June 30, 2021.
Mr. Capron stated that during the review process they looked at the 27 legislative
amendments, critical areas regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan and municipal code.
The proposed state legislative amendments included updating definitions, exemptions, and
exceptions to be consistent with those in state law. The proposed amendments to the SMP
critical areas will incorporate required City-wide critical areas ordinance updates which will
update wetland buffers within shoreline jurisdiction. It will also provide updates to the Fish
and Wildlife Habitat Conservation areas by adding standards for habitat management plans
requirements and including riparian management zone buffers. Previously, the SMP did not
have regulations set up for streams that weren't shoreline. This amendment will establish
those stream regulations.
Mr. Capron explained that there is an additional "suggested" SMP amendment that the City
has decided to add to their regulations that ensures the Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are
permitted like single-family residences. This means that any ADU requests will have to
apply for a shoreline exemption, just like a regular single-family home.
Mr. Capron outlined the adoption timeline. Joint Ecology/City public hearing will be held on
March 11, 2021, submittal to Ecology for initial determination will occur in March 2021,
initial determination response from Ecology should be received in April 2021, Planning
Commission adoption of findings will occur in May 2021, City Council first and second
reading will occur in June 2021, and local adoption of the SMP will occur in June 2021.
Commissioner Haneke requested information about fish -baring streams that feed the river
that would be included in the riparian management zone buffer area. Mr. Capron responded
that he will get that information and present it at the public hearing.
Commissioner Beaulac asked if gravel pits are included in the SMP. Deputy City Attorney
Erik Lamb answered that gravel pits are included once they have been fully reclaimed and if
they are exposed to the aquifer. The City does not currently have any gravel pits that meet
the criteria.
X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for the good of the order.
XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Beaulac moved to adjourn the meeting at 6: 43 p.m.
There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the
motion passed.
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Bob McKinley, Chair
Deanna Horton, Secretary
Date signed