2021, 03-23 Formal Meeting MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Formal Meeting Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and the public participating remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohman,Deputy City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Linda Thompson, Councilmember John Bottelli, Parks and Recreation Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Adam Jackson,Planning/Grants Engineer Dave Ellis, Police Chief Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Councilmember Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nia COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Haley: mentioned the STA's(Spokane Transit Authority)audit has just begun,and briefly mentioned other aspects of the STA including a bus shelter at Browns Addition,and that the STA is moving to electrify their entire bus plan which means that once completed, a bus will run an entire route without having to stop. Councilmember Woodard: no report. Councilmember Higgins: no report. Councilmember Hattenburg: with more news on the STA, said the City of Spokane had a pilot program for kids under 18 to ride free throughout the summer,and that the buses were highly used so they are exploring the possibility of that program this year throughout their entire system. Councilmember Thompson: mentioned the GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) virtual fly-in to Washington, D.C. with great reports and the opportunity to speak with Senator Murray and her staff; mentioned the 211 program,and said perhaps Council could get a presentation of the 211 program. Deputy Mayor Peetz: said she participated in the on-line version of the Gem of the Valley; said the City of Spokane had their State of the City; attended a ribbon cutting; and mentioned the Great Dine Out to help stimulate restaurant business. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wick mentioned the Covid phase changes coming from the Governor's office, and said we are now in phase 3 and many Open Public Meeting Act rules are much the same as for phase 2; said the distribution of the vaccine will be the same as the federal government in that the plan is to make it available to all adults after May 1, and said some of the pharmacies will also be giving the vaccine; said the GSI meetings have been switched to quarterly meetings and that they included our federal agenda items in their agenda; said Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-23-2021 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-13-2021 there has been much discussion regarding the City of Spokane utility tax; concerning homelessness, said the HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) awarded funding to the Salvation Army for the facility, but that the Hope House and young adult facility are finding they have a gap of about$1 million in their operational funding. PROCLAMATION: The Vietnam Veterans'Day proclamation was read by Mayor Wick. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [11: There were no public comments. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on March 23, 2021,Request for Council Action Form: $1,772,018.88 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15,2021: $391,577.67 c. Approval of March 2, 2021 Council meeting minutes, study session d. Approval of March 9, 2021 Council meeting minutes, formal format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. Motion Consideration: Federal Legislative Agenda—Mark Calhoun,John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve the 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda as proposed. City Manager Calhoun went over some of the information contained in the Request for Council Action and that this was discussed last week and the agenda includes the five proposed projects as well as one policy change which incorporates an increase to aid in the improvement of rail safety. Mr. Calhoun mentioned that Mr. Bennett Resnik from Cardinal Infrastructure has zoomed in to tonight's meeting. Deputy City Manager Hohman went over the five projects as well as our collaboration with the County and City of Spokane on the River Loop Project; said the policy change for support of the rail crossing funding is to make people aware these crossings are hazardous.Mr.Hohman noted the consolidation of the rail lines within our jurisdiction, said that Mr. Resnik will be working on the cover letter and once this is finalized it will be brought before Council.There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation:in favor:unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment of Citizen to County Conservation Futures Committee— Mayor Wick After a brief explanation of this committee and appointment process, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Mr. Bob Peregoy to the County Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried 4. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment to Streets Sustainability Committee — Bill Helbig, Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointments to the Streets Sustainability Committee as identified in the list above, with all appointments beginning immediately and expiring on December 31, 2021. City Engineer Helbig explained that this is the continuation of the ongoing process of the pavement maintenance program.Mr. Jackson added that there hasn't been much public input concerning the methods of funding the pavement program;that this committee was discussed several times and will be used to seek public input; the also went over the three initial goals of the committee which include evaluating citizen interest and support for maintaining city streets and suggesting pavement condition goals; identifying preference for maintaining city streets,types of treatments used, and long-term levels of service; and investigating current revenues and potential future funding sources for maintaining city streets at the recommended level of service. Mr. Jackson said the committee will formulate their Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 03-23-2021 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-13-2021 opinions based on public input including public meetings; and a report will come back to Council in the fall, Councilmember Haley asked how many of the selected participants live in Spokane Valley as opposed to having a business here as it seems a lot of this work will only affect Spokane Valley. Mr. Jackson replied that he did not have that information. Councilmember Haley said she is not in favor of this motion as she thinks the timing is bad,that staff needs to work on the Covid response and help businesses, and again,she doesn't know how many members live in our City limits. Mr. Hohman said that although he doesn't have a tally of those who live here, the committee is comprised of many stakeholders who were involved five years ago during the utility tax discussions; that having stakeholders is a part of this as well as citizens and business owners,and that staff tried to get a big cross-section of the population; he also noted that eventually non-prioritized options will be provided to Council, and that he anticipates staff will be able to handle this work.Mr. Calhoun noted the meetings will be public and run through September; and said he anticipates it will take a month or so afterwards to generate a report, and that staff will get back to Council as soon as possible. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wick, Deputy Mayor Peetz, and Councilmembers Hattenburg and Thompson. Opposed: Councilmembers Haley, Higgins, and Woodard Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [21: After Mayor Wick explained the process for giving public comment, it was mentioned that one person had signed up to speak: Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said she likes to drive around the valley and she see projects with no sidewalks or curbs;said she favors the police body worn cameras but the only drawback is the cost and she suggested that be included in the Sheriff's Office contract;mentioned the 2019 audit and thanked Councilmembers for that audit; said she wants Council to be fugal. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Potential Grant Opportunity, Spokane Regional Transportation Council Preservation Call for Projects— Adam Jackson Mr. Jackson explained about the potential grant opportunity through SRTC's call for projects that makes $6 million of federal funding available to SRTC members; and of that about $4.3 to $5.2 million will be available for Spokane Valley to compete with other agencies.He explained about when the funds would be available,that they are limited to preservation treatments only and what that includes; and he talked about the minimum match requirements. He said that after evaluating the program requirements, staff selected three projects that are expected to be the most competitive for this call for projects, as shown on the RCA, and that all three projects involve some degree of asphalt grinding with a subsequent asphalt inlay and/or overlay; he also stated that the projects will be in our six-year TIP. There was Council consensus to bring this back to Council April 6 for a motion consideration. 6. Purchase of Police BodyWom Cameras—Chief Ellis, Sheriff Knezovich,Morgan Koudelka After a brief introductory statement from Police Chief Ellis, Sr. Administrative Analyst Koudelka went over the background information contained in the Request for Council Action including discontinued support of the current Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS); the applicable current Interlocal agreement language concerning termination of the agreement regarding County owned vehicles and/or equipment used to provide services; and the capital purchases section of that Interlocal; and the County's and our share of the cost including our budget information for law enforcement services.Mr.Koudelka also stated that the bundle package the County proposes is less expensive than buying the DEMS, Tasers and Body Worn Cameras separately and would allow the camera to be fully integrated with DEMS which would facilitate easier, time-saving storage of recorded footage. Chief Ellis then went through the PowerPoint showing the highlights of the body camera project including benefits, costs, and timelines and that full agency-wide deployment is expected by December 2021. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03--23-2021 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-13-2021 Chief Ellis mentioned that the items would include a full warranty; and Sheriff Knezovich added that the items last about five years and the contract with the vendor also renews every five years; and that there is a very comprehensive draft policy and procedures which was written by a risk liability company. Chief Ellis said that the cost includes two additional staff for public record requests, and a one-quarter legal counsel position. Concerning costs, City Manager Calhoun said that for the April 6 meeting, he will recruit the Finance Director to talk about budget implications, and that our fist budget amendment is coming in May. There was Council consensus to come back April 6 for a motion consideration. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick Deputy Mayor Peetz explained that the Chamber's will be conducting a meeting in the morning and of them wanting more information about the Covid funding.Mayor Wick said he spoke with staff from the Spokane Valley Partners about giving Council a presentation, and of perhaps including Second Harvest and their food distribution, and there was Council consensus to add that to the advance agenda. Councilmember Thompson said she would like the way finding signs item moved up on the agenda;also mentioned that she would like signs for some of the projects to Iet people know about the projects, and maybe entrance signs into City Hall. Mr. Calhoun acknowledged that way finding signs is on the pending agenda item list, and said he will see about moving that up. CounciImember Thompson also said she would like a statement issued to recognize that has happened in Atlanta and Colorado as she wants to be supportive of Asian Americans and let people know that we value every citizen.Mayor Wick suggested a proclamation and that perhaps we could promote that. 8. Department Monthly Reports These reports were for information only and were not discussed or reported. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Regarding tonight's Vietnam Veterans proclamation, City Manager Calhoun reminded Council there will be a flag raising outside in front of City Hall, March 29, and that details will be available through social media for those interested in attending.He also mentioned that effective yesterday,all Washington counties have moved to Covid restriction,phase 3; said that regarding holding in-person City Council meetings,that hasn't changed from phase 2; that we are limited to the number of those attending in-person, and that he and staff will be meeting to discuss this topic and will bring an administrative report to Council at the April 6 meeting. Mr. Calhoun also mentioned receipt of Moody's annual comment report which reaffirms our Aa2 rating. 9.EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCM!42.30.110(1)( )j Review the Performance of a Public Employee It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for at least and not more than sixty minutes to review the performance of a public employee, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:39 p.m. At 8:36 p.m. Mayor Wick declared Council out of executive session, at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. AT �� ff (-4 Ben Wick, Mayor -p4C Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-23-2021 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-1 3-2021