2021, 05-11 Formal Meeting MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council,staff and the public participating remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohman,Deputy City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Dave Ellis,Police Chief Linda Thompson, Councilmember John Bottelli, Parks and Recreation Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Morgan Koudellca, Sr. Administrative Analyst Bill Helbig, City Engineer Jenny Nickerson,Building Official Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Haley: no report. Councilmember Woodard: no report Councilmember Higgins: mentioned the Clean Air Board intends to be in their new quarters in early June, and said they also have a new website which is more user-friendly; also mentioned the Aging and Long Term Care committee is outgrowing their current location and will be moving into Rock Pointe. Councilmember Hattenburg: reported that the Museum gave a presentation at Felts Field on the Field's legacy; and said that May 22 there will be a fly-over of vintage planes. Deputy Mayor Peetz: concerning the virtual D.C. fly-in, said she heard from representative McMorris Rodgers and others regarding the broadband discussion, health care, and other legislative issues; said she attended the Chamber's Board of Director's meeting and their financials are looking good; mentioned she spoke at a SCOPE meeting where she updated them about some of our finished projects; went to a Homebuilders Association event where they talked a little about the energy code and said they will have some numbers about the Housing Action Plan; she attended a Transportation Coalition meeting there the acceleration of the North/South Corridor was discussed; said she is the chair of Visit Spokane's bylaws committee and their updated membership model is almost finalized, which model will allow more community members and businesses to partake; and also noted she attended the Museum event described above. Councilmember Thompson: she too mentioned the D.C. fly-in and extended her appreciation to Representative McMorris Rodgers and other members of Congress; said she participated on the NLC (National League of Cities) re-imaging public safety task force where they are looking at the budget and how some cities are examining options to change their criminal justice system and police to also have ride- Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-11-2021 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-25-2021 alongs much as we do here;she extended appreciation to IXLY radio for hosting Councilmembers on their show; and mentioned she saw the Spokane Transit Authority(STA) retro-bus. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wick announced that the Spokane Housing Authority is looking for another person to serve on the board; mentioned he too thought the museum program was very impressive; said he spoke at a Kiwanis meeting; mentioned the Labor Day weekend event at Felts Field; spoke of an open position at the Health District; and mentioned the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) meeting where the legislative session and transportation issues were discussed. PROCLAMATION: (1) Older Americans Month; (2)AAPI Heritage Month Mayor Wick read the proclamations, after which Ms. Charity Doyle and Ms. Ping Ping extended thanks and gratitude for the AAPI Heritage Month proclamation. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY Ill: After Mayor Wick explained the process for submitting public comment, it was noted there was one person signed up to speak. Mr. Matt Hilbrich, Spokane Valley: spoke about traffic in the Ridgemont community; said he had in the past submitted petitions to Council to ask that Council take steps to reduce the thousands of cars of traffic from non- residents, from going through the neighborhood, but that still nothing has been done; said there are now four more huge developments going in and there has been nothing to address the traffic that will result from cars using the development as shortcuts; said he wants a gate put in as traffic will only get worse. There were no other public comments. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on May 11,2021, Request for Council Action Fonn: $2,514,029.26 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending April 30, 2021: $563,768.66 c.Approval of April 20, 2021 Council meeting minutes, study session d.ApprovaI of April 27, 2021 Council meeting minutes, formal format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. First Reading Ordinance 21-005 Amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 24, Building Code Regulations-Jenny Nickerson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to advance Ordinance No. 21-005 to a second reading as proposed. As the Planning Commission previously held a public hearing on this,there were no public comments. Building Official Nickerson briefly explained the purpose of the amendment. Vote by acclamation:In favor unanimous. Opposed.none. Motion carried 3. Motion Consideration: Spokane Regional Transportation Council Interlocal Agreement—Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve the proposed replacement Spokane Regional Transportation Council interlocal agreement and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the same. Mr. Driskell explained as noted in his Request for Council Action. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried 4. Motion Consideration: Splashdown Amended Contract—Cary Driskell, John Bottelli It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the 2021 Amendment to the Lease Between the City of Spokane Valley and New Splash-Down Concessions, Inc., as set forth in the attached draft document. Mr.Driskell explained as noted in his Request for Council Action. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-11-2021 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-25-2021 5.Motion Consideration: Department of Emergency Management Services Interlocal Agreement—Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Management Services. Mr. Koudelka went over the highlights of the new interlocal agreement.There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed. none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: After Mayor Wick explained the process for submitting public comment, it was noted there was one person signed up to speak. Ms. Barb Howard., Spokane Valley. she stated that her neighborhood is collecting motor homes and campers;suggested people park on the Pinecroft property on Mansfield as they got to keep their septic tank as it was designated a low income area; said apartment complexes don't seem to be helping the situation; she also suggested the City needs to enforce the codes, such as no panhandling; said there was a man on Mission and Cataldo for about two weeks and she asked about trying to get this person some help; said he has been squatting in the bike lane with all his stuff, and rhetorically asked what do you do if the homeless don't want help or don't want to go to the shelters; and said she thinks bringing back the bike patrols is a great idea. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Bicycle Patrol—Chief Ellis Chief Ellis gave a presentation on the Spokane Valley Police Department's Bicycle Patrol Team deployment, including its history, patrol priorities, work hours, and timeline for implementation, which should begin about mid-June and continue until September when the officers will return to their school resource officer assignments. 7. Potential and Pending Projects—Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor brought Council's attention to the Iarge two-page pending/potential projects worksheet and said there have been a few changes since Council last saw this as she went through and adjusted the figures for greater accuracy; she mentioned the box shown in the lower left corner which has also been updated to show which projects are in progress, or have funds committed; and that the worksheet also shows the$30,330,616 amount in capital reserve. Director Taylor then went over the highlights of the allocation of 2021 general fund transfer to capital reserve fund#312, and mentioned that the $11,126,343 is higher than usual as we didn't transfer out funds as we normally would have done due to the unpredictability of Covid-19. Concerning potential allocation concepts as shown on the that same sheet, she said we have been successful in the past in part as we haven't spread the money out too thin over too many projects, and in this way we can get projects completed. Ms. Taylor also noted staff is not expecting any decisions tonight as this will be discussed further during the June 15 budget workshop. Projects to add to the list with no objection from Council included(1)traffic school beacons throughout the City, including maintenance; (2) Appleway Trail amenities such as seating, bathrooms, lighting; (3) acquisition of City police cars; (4) conversations with the County concerning our acquisition of some parcels next to our borders for possible park development;and(5)a way to use capital dollars to help Valley Partners with a larger facility as they don't have enough space. Mr. Calhoun said staff will add those to the list and do our best to populate dollar amounts next to the projects. The Police Precinct was mentioned for such things as their HVAC system, back parking lot gate and lighting, and Mr. Calhoun said the HVAC system is part of the 2021 budget amendment; said some of those items were taken care of in 2020 with the list extending into subsequent years, and noted this information will be refreshed for the June budget workshop. (6)Councilmember Thompson asked about the sculptures or statues we have stored and if there is a way to prepare a place for those. Mr. Calhoun said two or perhaps three of those sculptures are being set aside for the Balfour Park when that is developed,and said staff will include that as a category and will research what we have and where those art pieces will tentatively be placed. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-11-2021 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-25-2021 8. Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick Deputy Mayor Peetz said that last November Council agreed to have the TPA Interlocal Agreement amended,to include among other things,the ability for our city to opt out; she asked what might we expect if we were to have our own TPA,what would it do to the funds,and that she would like to begin looking at options. It was noted we do not know whether the Spokane Valley hoteliers support those changes, and at least four Councilmembers said they want to have that discussion at a future meeting. Councilmember Thompson said she would also like to hear more on traffic impacts on neighborhoods as mentioned during the public comments tonight, and to explore what is the `tipping point' to do something in these neighborhoods to control the impact on neighborhoods. City Manager Calhoun stated that in response to Mr. Hilbrick's comments,this topic was broached by him previously and staff did a couple traffic studies; said we could look toward refreshing that administrative report and provide an update; he also stated that traffic counts at the time are relative to what the road can accommodate. There were no objections to including this on a future council agenda. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: City Manager Calhoun had no additional comments. It was moved by Councibnember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. U/e) A F ES . Ben Wick, Mayor : istine Bainbridge, ity Cler Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-1 l-2021 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-25-2021