21-089.00 City of Spokane: County CMIS System �( -OS1 CMIS Agency Partner Agreement Agency Partner Agreement Spokane City/County CMIS The Community Management Information System ("CMIS") is an HMIS compliant management system that maintains information regarding the characteristics and service needs of Clients for a variety of reasons, including the provision of more effective and streamlined services to Clients and the creation of information that communities can use to determine the use and effectiveness of services. Ultimately, when used correctly and faithfully by all involved parties, the CMIS is designed to benefit multiple stakeholders, including provider agencies, persons who are homeless or in need of supportive services, fenders and the community,through improved knowledge about people who are homeless,their services and service needs,and a more effective and efficient service delivery system. C ;1 f o f 1 o IL4M... V A lit , ("Agency")has elected to participate in CMIS. Agency and the CHHS Department agree as follows: 1. General Understandings: a. In this Agreement,the following terms will have the following meanings: (i) "Client"refers to a consumer of services; (ii) "HMIS"refers to the Homeless Management Information System compliance standard that is a prerequisite requirement to receive federal and state funding. (iii) "CMIS"Community Management Information System,a CMIS compliant database. (iv) "Agency"refers to the legal entity participating in the CMIS. (v) "Partner Agency" refers to any Agency participating in the CMIS. (vi) "Agency Staff'refers to both paid employees and volunteers. (vii) "CMIS Lead Agency" refers to the agency responsible for administering the CoC's CMIS database. (viii) "CoC"refers to the Continuum of Care,a consortium of service providers that establish rules, plan, and determine funding priorities for homeless and at-risk programs within the region established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development known as WA-502. (ix) "Enter(ing)"or"entry"refers to the entry of any Client information into CMIS. (x) "Shar(e)(ing),"or"Information Shar(e)(ing)"refers to the sharing of information which has been entered in CMIS with another Partner Agency. (xi) "CMIS Committee" the advisory committee charged with overseeing and advising on CMIS related activities and priorities for the CoC. (xii) "Identified Information"refers to Client data that can be used to identify a specific Client. Also referred to as"Confidential"data or information. (xiii) "De-identified Information" refers to data that has specific Client demographic information removed,allowing use of the data without identifying a specific Client. Also referred to as"non-identifying"information. Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 1 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement (xiv) "Read Only" refers to a level of access that affords the ability to see data within the CMIS,but not be able to enter/modify data. b. Agency understands that when it enters information into the CMIS, such information will be available to CHHS staff who may review the data to administer the CMIS. Data may also be shared with the Washington State Department of Commerce, other federal, state, and local partners, to prepare reports that may be submitted to others in de-identified form without individual identifying Client information. c. Agency understands that data entered will be shared with other signatories to the Agency Partner Agreement,provided there is a signed CMIS Client Release of Information on file indicating each client's consent to have personally identifiable information entered into the CMIS and shared with other Partner Agencies.A list of the current Partner Agencies is available at all times via the CMIS website at: www.spokaneCMlS.org. d. Agency understands that it must also comply with the Spokane City/County CoC CMIS Policies and Procedures Manual and other regulations as promulgated by the CMIS Lead Agency and/or the CMIS Committee.Perceived conflicts between the Agency Partner Agreement and the Spokane City/County CoC CMIS Policies and Procedures Manual should be referred to the CMIS Program Manager. 2. Level of Access—SELECT ONE OPTION a. Full CMIS Access: (i) Agency is requesting full access to the CMIS,which includes the ability to enter data and export data out of the CMIS.All provisions within this agreement apply and will be enforced. b. Read Only Access: (i) ❑ Agency is requesting Read Only access,which is the ability to see/view data entered by other Partner Agencies only. I. All references within this agreement to `entering/inputting' data/information do not apply to those with Read Only access; 2. Read Only access level participants are not responsible for the following activities: obtaining client consent,making corrections to existing records,or any other activity that would require the ability to enter data/information into the CMIS. (ii) Agency is responsible for adhering to all other aspects of this agreement. (iii) Agency is responsible for submitting requests for de-identification of client data via the online support tool present within the CMIS. 3. Confidentiality a. Agency will not: (i) enter information into the CMIS which it is not authorized to enter; and (ii) designate information for sharing which Agency is not authorized to share, under any relevant federal, state, or local confidentiality laws, regulations or other restrictions applicable to Client information. By entering information into the CMIS or designating it for sharing, Agency represents that it has the authority to enter such information or designate it for sharing. Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 2 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement b. Agency represents that: (check applicable items) (i) ❑it is;®is not;a"covered entity"whose disclosures are restricted under HIPAA (45 CFR 160 and 164); More information about "covered entities" can be found here: http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/coveredentities/index.html (ii) ❑ it is; ® is not; a program whose disclosures are restricted under Federal Drug and Alcohol Confidentiality Regulations:42 CFR Part 2; (iii) If Agency is subject to HIPAA,(45 CFR 160 and 164)or 42 CFR Part 2,a fully executed Business Associate or Business Associate/Qualified Service Organization Agreement must be attached to this agreement before information may be entered. Sharing of information will not be permitted otherwise. (iv) If Agency is subject to any laws or requirements which restrict Agency's ability to either enter or authorize sharing of information,Agency will ensure that any entry it makes and all designations for sharing fully comply with all applicable laws or other restrictions. c. Agency shall comply with the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA) and Washington State RCW 43.185C.030. No Identified Information may be entered into the CMIS for Clients in licensed domestic violence programs or for Clients fleeing domestic violence situations. d. Agency shall not enter confidential information regarding HIV/AIDS status,in accordance with RCW 70.02.220. If funding (i.e., HOPWA) requires CMIS use, those clients' data shall be entered without Identifying Information. e. To the extent that information entered by Agency into the CMIS is or becomes subject to additional restrictions,Agency will immediately inform CHHS in writing of such restrictions. 4. Information Collection,Release,and Sharing Consent: a. Collection of Client Identified information: the Agency shall collect client identified information only when appropriate to the purposes for which the information is obtained or when required by law. The Agency must collect client information by lawful and fair means and with the knowledge or consent of the individual. b. Obtaining Client Consent: In obtaining Client consent, each adult Client in the household must sign the CMIS Client Release of Information form (or a CHHS-approved equivalent release document)to indicate consent to enter Client identified information into the CMIS. If minors are present in the household,at least one adult in the household must consent by writing the names of dependents on the space provided in the CMIS Client Release of Information form. If any adult member of a household does not provide written consent, identifying information may not be entered into CMIS for anyone in the household.Unaccompanied youth may sign the consent form for themselves.Agency acknowledges the following: (i) Do not enter personally identifying information into the CMIS for clients who are in licensed domestic violence agencies or currently fleeing or in danger from a domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault or stalking situation. (ii) Do not enter HIV/AIDS status in the CMIS. If funding (i.e, HOPWA) requires CMIS use,those clients' data shall be entered without personally identifying information. (iii) Telephonic consent from the individual may temporarily substitute for written consent provided that written consent is obtained at the first time the individual is physically present at Agency. Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 3 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement (iv) A Client may withdraw or revoke consent for Client identified information collection by indicating verbally,or in writing,to the agency that entered the information,or any other CMIS participating Agency,that they wish to have their identified information removed from CMIS. All CMIS participating agencies are responsible for communicating de- identification requests to the CMIS Lead Agency through the CMIS support system or, if that is unavailable,through email to: spokaneCMIS@spokanecity.org (v) This information is being gathered for the collection and maintenance of a research database, data repository, and case management tool. The consent is in effect until the client revokes the consent verbally or in writing. (vi) Each client that signs the CMIS Client Release of Information form must be informed that signing the release indicating consent to share their data will permit other Partner Agencies access to their data. (vii) Each client that signs the CMIS Client Release of Information must be notified that other Partner Agencies can join at any time and be shown, upon request, the list of current Partner Agencies. This list can be obtained via the CMIS website: www.spokaneCMIS.org. (viii) Agency will display the CMIS Client Notice of Uses and Disclosures Rights form prominently as close as possible to where data is typically collected and/or where it will be most visible to clients.A copy can be obtained via: www.spokaneCMIS.org. 5. No Conditioning of Services: Agency will not condition any services upon or decline to provide any services to a Client based upon a Client's refusal to allow entry of information into CMIS.In the event that a funder requires the entry of identified--or other types of protected data--into the CMIS,and the client refuses to provide said information,the agency must make a good faith effort to use alternative funding to serve the client and/or refer the client to the Coordinated Entry program. The Agency refusing services assumes all risk and liability from the refusal of service. 6. Re-release Prohibited: Agency agrees not to release any Client identifying information received from CMIS to any other person or organization, unless required by law or as provided in the Spokane City/County CoC CMIS Policies and Procedures. By sharing, or releasing, information Agency is acknowledging that it has the right to share or release said information and assumes liability for shared or released information. 7. Client Inspection/Correction: Agency will allow a Client to inspect and obtain a copy of his/her own personal information.Agency will also allow a Client to correct information that is inaccurate. 8. Security: Agency will maintain security and confidentiality of CMIS information and is responsible for the actions of its users and for their training and supervision. Among the steps Agency will take to maintain security and confidentiality are: a. Access: Agency will permit access to the CMIS or information obtained from it only to authorized Agency Staff who need access to the CMIS for legitimate business purposes(such as to provide services to the Client, to conduct evaluation or research, to administer the program, or to comply with regulatory requirements). Agency will limit the access of such staff to only those records that are immediately relevant to their work assignments. b. User Policy: Prior to permitting any user to access the CMIS,Agency will require the user to sign the CMIS User Agreement ("User Policy"), which is found on the CHHS web page (www.spokaneCMIS.org) and is incorporated into this agreement and may be amended from Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 4 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement time to time by CHHS. Agency will comply with,and enforce the User Policy and will inform CHHS immediately in writing of any breaches of the User Policy c. Computers: Security for data maintained in the CMIS depends on a secure computing environment. Computer security is adapted from relevant provisions of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) "Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) Data and Technical Standards Notice" (Docket No. FR 4848-N-01; see https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/1318/2004-HMIS-data-and-technical-standards-final- notice/). Agencies are encouraged to directly consult that document for complete documentation of HUD's standards relating to CMIS. Agency agrees to allow access to the CMIS only from computers which are: i. owned by Agency or approved by Agency for the purpose of accessing and working with the CMIS ii. protected from viruses by commercially available virus protection software iii. protected with a software or hardware firewall iv. maintained to insure that the computer operating system running the computer used for the CMIS is kept up to date in terms of security and other operating system patches,updates,and fixes v. accessed through web browsers with 256-bit encryption(e.g.,Internet Explorer,version 11.0). Some browsers have the capacity to remember passwords,so that the user does not need to type in the password when returning to password-protected sites. This default shall not be used with respect to the CMIS;the end-user is expected to physically enter the password each time he or she logs on to the system vi. staffed at all times when in public areas. When computers are not in use and staff is not present,steps should be taken to ensure that the computers and data are secure and not publicly accessible. These steps should minimally include:Logging off the data entry system,physically locking the computer in a secure area,or shutting down the computer entirely d. Passwords: Agency will permit access to CMIS only with use of a User ID and password, which the user may not share with others. Written information pertaining to user access(e.g. username and password)shall not be stored or displayed in any publicly accessible location. e. Training/Assistance: Agency will permit access to the CMIS only after the authorized user receives appropriate confidentiality training including that provided by CHHS staff. Agency will also conduct ongoing basic confidentiality training for all persons with access to the CMIS and will train all persons who may receive information produced from the CMIS on the confidentiality of such information. Agency will participate in such training as is provided from time to time by CHHS staff. CHHS staff will be available during the CHHS defined weekday business hours for technical assistance(i.e.troubleshooting and report generation). f. Retention of paper copies of personally identifying information: Agencies must develop and adopt policies governing the retention of paper records containing personally identifying information derived from a Homeless Management Information System. The policy must define how long paper records are retained after they are no longer being actively utilized,and Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 5 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement the process that will be used to destroy the records to prevent the release of personally identifying information. The policy must require the destruction of the paper records derived from the CMIS no longer than seven years after the last day the person was served by the organization or when the data is no longer in use. g. Physical Data Security: Agency is responsible for maintaining appropriate safeguards to ensure the security of Identified Information maintained in physical form(e.g.assessment tools, SSN card,etc.),to include,but not limited to,the following: (i) Access to physical data is restricted to only those staff that need access to conduct their duties and/or provide service(s). (ii) Physical data is kept in a secure location(e.g. locked filing cabinet)in an area not immediately accessible to the general public(e.g. locked office)when not in immediate use. (iii) Additional measures may or may not be needed depending on the application of HIPAA or other relevant federal/state laws.Agency will abide by all applicable laws,regulations,or policies. 9. Training and Support Provisions: regular training and TA support will be provided by the CMIS Lead Agency.Ongoing training will be provided,upon request and as defined under Section 8, Subsection E,of this agreement.Training content,beyond initial training orientation training as defined below,will be collaboratively pre-determined based on the stated needs of the CMIS participating agency and as identified by the CMIS Lead Agency. (i) Initial orientation training will cover the following topics: 1. How to access the web-based CMIS software; 2. Navigating the user interface; 3. CMIS security architecture and key features related to client confidentiality and security; 4. Overview of assessments,workflows,and other processes by which client data is collected and inputted into the CMIS; 5. System reporting capabilities and key features,including the difference between reporting options and the development of custom reports and ways of exporting system data; 6. Adaptability/customizability of platform to individual agency needs, including examples in the community. 7. Discussion of'best practices' related to maximizing the effectiveness and use of the CMIS,including a brief history of the database and how other communities use their CMIS databases in support of vulnerable populations. (ii) Security and Confidentiality Training—upon request,the CMIS Lead Agency will provide annual security and confidentiality training,specific to the rules and regulations governing operation of the CMIS and the specific system features that provide users the ability to control access to client level data. Other TA,related to security and confidentiality,will be provided as needed. 10. Information Entry Standards: Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 6 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement a. Information entered into CMIS by Agency will be truthful, accurate and complete to the best of Agency's knowledge and will follow the standards specified in the CoC's Data Quality Plan and Spokane City/County CoC CMIS Policies and Procedures Manual. b. Agency will not solicit from Clients or enter information about Clients into the CMIS database unless the information is required for a legitimate business purpose such as to provide services to the Client,to conduct evaluation or research,to administer the program, or to comply with regulatory requirements. c. Agency will only enter information into CMIS database with respect to individuals that it serves or intends to serve,including through referral. d. Agency will not alter or over-write information entered by another Agency without first obtaining consent from the owning agency or CMIS Lead Agency. 11. Use of the CMIS: a. Agency will not access identifying information for any individual for whom services are neither sought nor provided by the Agency, unless the Agency is engaged in an approved research study. (i) If the Agency is engaging in research meant to provide direct benefit to the CoC a CMIS Research Request Agreement must be completed. b. Agency may access identifying information of the Clients it serves and may request via writing access to statistical,non-identifying information on both the Clients it serves and Clients served by other CMIS participating agencies. c. Agency may report non-identifying information to other entities for funding or planning purposes. Such non-identifying information shall not directly identify individual Clients. (i) Non-aggregated data shared with other entities must be approved by the CMIS Lead agency in writing,prior to release of said information. d. Agency and CHHS will report only non-identifying information in response to requests for information from the CMIS unless otherwise required by law. e. Agency will use the CMIS database for legitimate business purposes only. f. Agency will not use the CMIS in violation of any federal or state law,including,but not limited to, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws, and laws prohibiting the transmission of material,which is threatening,harassing,or obscene. g. Agency will not use the CMIS database to defraud federal, state or local governments, individuals or entities,or conduct any illegal activity. 12. Proprietary Rights of the CMIS: a. Agency shall not give or share assigned passwords and access codes for the CMIS with any other Agency,business,or individual. Each user shall request their own login and password. b. Agency shall take due diligence not to cause in any manner, or way, corruption of the CMIS database,and Agency agrees to be responsible for any damage it may cause. 13. CMIS Committee: CHHS staff will consult with the CMIS Committee regarding issues such as revision to the form of this Agreement. Written Agency complaints that are not resolved may be forwarded to the CMIS Committee,which will try to reach a voluntary resolution of the complaint. Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 7 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement 14. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification: No party to this Agreement shall assume any additional liability of any kind due to its execution of this agreement of participation in the CMIS. It is the intent of the parties that each party shall remain liable,to the extent provided by law,regarding its own acts and omissions;but that no party shall assume additional liability on its own behalf or liability for the acts of any other person or entity except for the acts and omissions of their own employees,volunteers,agents or contractors through participation in the CMIS. The parties specifically agree that this agreement is for the benefit of the parties only and this agreement creates no rights in any third party. 15. Limitation of Liability. CHHS shall not be held liable to any member Agency for any cessation, delay or interruption of services,nor for any malfunction of hardware,software or equipment. 16. Disclaimer of Warranties. CHHS makes no warranties, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to any Agency or any other person or entity as to the services of the CMIS to any other matter. 17. Amendment a. The Parties agree to take such action as is necessary to amend this Agreement from time to time as is necessary for compliance with applicable law and/or the requirements of the Spokane City/County CoC Governance Board. 18. Additional Terms and Conditions: a. Agency will abide by such guidelines as are promulgated by HUD and/or CHHS from time to time regarding administration of the CMIS. b. Agency and CHHS intend to abide by applicable law. Should any term of this agreement be inconsistent with applicable law, or should additional terms be required by applicable law, Agency and CHHS agree to modify the terms of this agreement so as to comply with applicable law. c. Neither CHHS nor Agency will transfer or assign any rights or obligations regarding the CMIS without the written consent of either party. d. Agency agrees to indemnify and hold CHHS and its agents and staffs harmless from all claims, damages,costs,and expenses,including legal fees and disbursements paid or incurred,arising from any breach of this Agreement or any of Agency's obligations under this Agreement. e. This Agreement will be in force until terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this agreement at will with 30 days written notice. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately upon a material breach of this Agreement by the other party, including but not limited to the breach of the CHHS Security Policy by Agency. f. If this Agreement is terminated,Agency will no longer have access to the CMIS. CHHS and the remaining Partner Agencies will maintain their right to use all of the Client information previously entered by Agency except to the extent a restriction is imposed by Client or law. g. Copies of Agency data will be provided to the Agency upon written request of termination of this agreement. Data will be provided on CDs or other mutually agreed upon media. Unless otherwise specified in writing,copies of data will be delivered to Agency within fourteen(14) calendar days of receipt of written requests for data copies. Signed, Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 8 of 9 CHHS Department CMIS Agency Partner Agreement dark (AlW(114 2, __ _7(2d2j Executive Director Signature Print Executive Director Name Date OF k Vkii7/ Ag cy Name Kat0 E . lz.roe ; -91i Avt.e Van,/ a 6192Z, Street Address c (ity State Zip Code Mailing Address (Leave Blank If Same As Above) City State Zip Code r , __.---,__,,_ ___i 6\°\\-1A Cupid Alexander, Director Date Community, Housing and Human Services Department Atte t: Approved as to form: Y.77 ,e,41,/(144---e--f-- City Clerk Assistant City Attorney • sP• rllr ....rri......11,... it / --Ip► ING Agency Partner Agreement 9/30/2020 Page 9 of 9 CHHS Department