19-198.02 David Evans & Assoc: Pines/Mission Intersection Improvements m.0 Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 2 David Evans and Associates,Inc. Original Agreement Number 908 North Howard St,Suite 300 Spokane,WA 99201 19-198.0- Phone: (509) 232-8669 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 0300 December 31, 2023 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Pines/Mission Intersection Improvements $227,084.57 Description of Work Traffic Engineering Design and PS&E per revised proposal dated 6/24/21. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with David Evans and Associates,Inc. and executed on 12/19/2019 and identified as Agreement No. 19-198 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1 Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: Phase II - Additional Design and PS&E Services per attached Supplement#2 Scope of Services (Exhibit A). II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: Completion date is now December 31, 2023 Ill Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Maximum amount payable is now$227,084.57 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. VICE- ,°emsiofw-I- By: Rusty Leahy.enier—kssocciate By:M rk Calhoun,City Manager 60_, / / "L.,/ 44 L% sultant Signature Cpprovoty Signature By: Ken Geibel, ssociate /7 /2(482 I te /4,—A--1-4 DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 !a onsultant I f Exhibit A S""okane P Valle j y City of Spokane Valley, WA Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Project No. 0300 Phase II — Design and PS&E Services Supplement #2 Scope of Services Prepared by: David Evans and Associates, Inc. 908 North Howard Street, Suite 300 Spokane, WA 99201 0 June 24, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DESIGN CRITERIA 1 III. DESIGN SOFTWARE 1 IV. DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION 2 TASK 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 2 1.1 Project Management 2 1.2 Project Setup 2 1.3 Quality Management Plan 2 1.4 Project Schedule 2 1.5 Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices 2 TASK 2 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 3 2.1 Kickoff Meeting 3 2.2 CITY Coordination 3 2.3 Consultant Team Coordination and Meetings 3 2.4 City Council Meetings 3 2.6 Project Design Team Meetings 4 TASK 3 UTILITIES COORDINATION 4 3.1 Utility Notification 5 3.2 On-Site Utility Meeting 5 3.3 Utility Coordination 5 3.4 Utility Agreements 5 TASK 4 SURVEYING 6 4.1 Topographic Survey with Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 6 TASK 5 60% DESIGN 6 5.1 Title and IndexNicinity Map 6 5.2 Roadway Typical Sections 6 5.3 Roadway Alignment, Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 7 5.3.1. Intersection/Channelization Plan (WSDOT) 7 5.3.2. Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 7 5.4 Drainage Design 8 5.5 Hydraulic Report 8 5.6 Landscape Restoration Plans 8 5.7 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 8 5.8 Signal Modification/Illumination Plans 9 5.9 Traffic Control Plans 9 5.10 Utility Plans 10 5.11 Preliminary Special Provisions 10 5.12 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost 10 5.13 Preliminary Design Submittal QC 10 5.14 Submit 60% Design Package 10 5.15 60% Design Review and Comment/Resolution Meeting 11 TASK 6 90% DESIGN 12 City of Spokane Valley Page i Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 6.1 Title, Index and Vicinity Map Sheet 12 6.2 Survey Control and Found Monuments 12 6.3 Roadway Typical Sections 12 6.4 Intersection/Channelization Plans (WSDOT) 12 6.5 Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 12 6.6 Intersection Plans and Details 12 6.7 Grading and Drainage Plans 13 6.8 Landscape Restoration Plans 13 6.9 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 13 6.10 Signal Modification Plans and Details 13 6.11 Traffic Control Plans 13 6.12 Utility Plans 13 6.13 Utility Hearing Waivers 13 6.14 Specifications and Proposal 13 6.15 Contract Time Determination 13 6.16 Opinion of Probable Cost 14 6.17 QC Review of 90% Design Submittal 14 6.18 Submit 90% PS&E 14 6.19 90% Design Review Meeting 15 TASK 7 100% (AD-READY) DESIGN 15 7.1 Prepare PS&E Package 15 7.1.1. Plans 15 7.1.2. Specifications and Proposal 15 7.1.3. Construction Time Determination CPD 16 7.1.4. QC of PS&E 16 7.1.5. Submit Ad-ready PS&E Package 16 7.1.6. Compiled Project Information 16 7.2 Bid Assistance 16 TASK 8 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING -GEO 17 8.1 Geotechnical Engineering Services 17 TASK 9 TECHNICAL EXHIBITS 18 TASK 10 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 18 10.1 Public Meeting/Open Houses 18 10.2 Property Owner Contact Meetings 19 10.2.1. Initial Owner Contact Meetings 19 10.2.2. Final Owner Contact Meetings 19 TASK 11 INTERSECTION CONTROL EVALUATION (ICE) 20 TASK 12 BASIS OF DESIGN MEMORANDUM (BOD) 20 TASK 13 DESIGN APPROVAL MEMORANDUM 21 TASK 14 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL MEMORANDUM 21 V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS 22 VI. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY CONSULTANT 22 VII. ITEMS AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY CITY 23 City of Spokane Valley Page ii Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 VIII. EXTRA WORK 23 IX. TIME FOR COMPLETION 23 City of Spokane Valley Page iii Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase Il Design June 24, 2021 I. INTRODUCTION David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) and associated subconsultants will provide, geotechnical investigation, environmental planning, right of way exhibits and acquisition support, and final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E), for the Mission Avenue and Pines Road (SR27) intersection improvements (PROJECT) under the direction of the City of Spokane Valley (CITY). The primary project objective is to relieve congestion, reduce delays, and improve operability of the intersection by reconfiguring the travel lanes, adding a right turn lane to southbound Pines, and signal modifications. The scope of services under this agreement will develop design plans into a PS&E Package ready for bid advertisement in 2022. The project goals include: • Reconfigure the Mission Ave approaches for revised lane configuration including dedicated left turn lanes, adding a dedicated right turn lane to southbound Pines, and modifications to traffic signal operations; • Provide improved operations at the Pines and Mission intersection through the design year; • Improve safety and intersection level of service (LOS); • Minimize right-of-way impacts; This scope of services uses the following references for project team members: • CITY = City of Spokane Valley - Project Sponsor and owner of facilities within the City of Spokane Valley rights-of-way. • WSDOT = Washington State Department of Transportation - Project coordination with review authority, and owner of facilities within State rights-of-way (Major Project Stakeholder). • CONSULTANT or DEA = David Evans and Associates, Inc. (Consultant on the project) • GEO = GeoEngineers. (Geotechnical Engineering subconsultant to DEA) II. DESIGN CRITERIA Design criteria will comply with the requirements of the original Agreement. III. DESIGN SOFTWARE Design software will comply with the requirements of the original Agreement. City of Spokane Valley Page 1 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 IV. DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION TASK 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 1.1 Project Management Project management will be on-going throughout the course of the project. The project manager will maintain communication with the CITY and WSDOT as well as with the Design Team. The project manager will monitor the project's scope, schedule, and budget, will coordinate and communicate with the project's subconsultants, and other similar project management tasks. Assumptions 1. The tasks in this section assume that the project will be active from June 2021 through December 2022, or a total of 18 months. 2. For purposes of this scope it is assumed that project management will require 2 hours per month during this Design and PS&E stage of the project, for a total of 36 hours. 1.2 Project Setup DEA will prepare the project change order form and set up project files including internal budget tracking spreadsheets, preparing the project's financial files, and the project's electronic and hard copy technical filing system for the Phase 2 Design Agreement. 1.3 Quality Management Plan No changes to this section 1.4 Project Schedule DEA will prepare a schedule in Microsoft Project for the project through PS&E delivery. The project team will use the schedule, which will be updated monthly with actual milestone achievements, to check the budget, staffing levels, and where the deliverable schedule might be affected. These tools will be used to adjust staff assignments so that the schedule and fee commitments are met. Project team meetings will enforce the schedule and hold team members accountable for progress on their components of the project. Schedule updates will be submitted monthly to the CITY as part of the invoice package. Deliverables 1. Project Schedule through PS&E 2. Monthly Project Schedule updates during design (18 additional months from July 2021 through December 2022) 1.5 Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices The CONSULTANT Team will provide monthly progress reports and invoices in accordance with the CITY's standard procedures. Each progress report and invoice package will include the CONSULTANT Team's invoice showing all labor and direct expenses included for the period, the monthly progress report, and full documentation of labor hours and direct expenses charged City of Spokane Valley Page 2 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 for the period. A total of 18 progress report and invoice packages will be submitted as part of this contract. Assumptions 1. Progress Report and Invoice packages will be prepared monthly for 18 months. Deliverables 1. Monthly Progress Report and Invoice Packages 2. Monthly Project Schedule update TASK 2 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS DEA will provide frequent communication throughout the project to facilitate project decisions supported by the CITY. Regular meetings will be scheduled to monitor the progress of the project, to coordinate with team members, and to maintain accountability between all members of the team including the CONSULTANT, the CITY, and WSDOT. 2.1 Kickoff Meeting DEA staff will attend one (1) kickoff meeting as scheduled by the CITY, to be held via video conference if unable to conduct an in-person meeting at the CITY's office. The objectives of the meeting will be to provide the CONSULTANT team with a clear understanding of the project goals and objectives, project schedule, work products, and roles for project participants. The CONSULTANT will prepare a meeting record and distribute to attendees within one week of the meeting. 2.2 CITY Coordination Coordinate with CITY staff for project data, design issues, and project updates. DEA project manager will provide bi-weekly (every other week) check-in phone and/or video conferences with CITY. 2.3 Consultant Team Coordination and Meetings Following the CITY bi-weekly coordination meetings, DEA will hold internal CONSULTANT Team coordination meetings/phone conferences to plan the work, relay information gathered during the CITY meetings, and discuss project issues that need to be passed along to the CITY for resolution. 2.4 City Council Meetings DEA will prepare graphics to be used by CITY staff to develop Power Point presentations for the City Council. One representative from DEA will attend the meetings. Assumptions 1. DEA Project Manager will attend up to two council meetings. Deliverables 1. Support Graphics City of Spokane Valley Page 3 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 2.5 WSDOT Coordination Meetings DEA will coordinate a kick-off meeting with the City and WSDOT. Other coordination with WSDOT, including right-of-way kick-off, design approval, and PS&E approval will occur in a subsequent phase of this project. Assumptions 1. One (1) meeting lasting one (1) hour is anticipated. 2. Two (2) DEA staff will attend the meeting. Deliverables 1. Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes 2.6 Project Design Team Meetings The Project Design Team is made up of representatives from the CITY, WSDOT, and the CONSULTANT Team. Project Design Team meetings will be held to effectively communicate the project needs between each of the critical project stakeholders. Items covered at the meetings will include: • Survey, Utilities, Roadway, etc. development and review • City and WSDOT review and approval progress • Environmental Documentation and Processing • Practical Design opportunities and discussions • Quality Control/Quality Assurance Review • Change Management Assumptions 1. Face to face meetings will occur at design milestones at the CITY; key team members that need to participate but that cannot travel to the meetings will be included by video/conference call. In the event face to face meetings are unable to occur, meetings will be held via video conference. 2. For budgeting purposes, it is anticipated that there will be eight (8) meetings lasting about one (1) hour each by screen sharing teleconference. DEA's project manager will attend each meeting (in person or by phone). Various DEA staff will attend meetings as appropriate based on discussion items. Deliverables 1. Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes TASK 3 UTILITIES COORDINATION Data from the Phase I —Concept Development Design Services will be used and coordination with utility companies will be continued. A utility plan set will be prepared depicting existing utilities within the project area. City of Spokane Valley Page 4 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase 11 Design June 24, 2021 3.1 Utility Notification The CITY will develop a list of utility companies that serve the project area. A letter will be prepared notifying each utility of the proposed improvements. This letter will be accompanied by a preliminary set of plans and they will be requested to mark up the plans confirming the location of their existing utilities and providing alignment/facilities for any proposed relocations and or new infrastructure. Deliverables 1. Utility distribution list 2. Copy of utility notification letter 3.2 On-Site Utility Meeting DEA will conduct one on-site meeting with area utility companies. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide a project overview, discuss the construction schedule, and answer utility representative questions. Assumptions 1. All utilities will be available to participate at the same time 2. One meeting will be held on site. The meeting will last up to two hours Deliverables 1. Meeting minutes 3.3 Utility Coordination Utility companies will be asked to lay out their existing and proposed infrastructure on the preliminary utility plans provided by DEA. DEA will reach out to each utility company via telephone and/or email to answer additional utility company questions and to coordinate the return of marked up utility plans from each. Assumptions 1. Utility companies will provide existing and proposed utility locations on plans provided by DEA or on electronic files provided by DEA Deliverables 1. Utility contact log 2. Copies of returned utility markups 3.4 Utility Agreements Coordination of utility agreements is excluded from this Scope of Work. If a utility company(ies) demonstrates their compensable real property interest in accordance with the WSDOT Utility Manual Section 200.02, DEA will present this request to the CITY and a supplemental agreement will be negotiated for additional services. Assumptions 1. No utility agreements are included in this scope. City of Spokane Valley Page 5 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase 11 Design June 24, 2021 TASK 4 SURVEYING Project surveying is excluded from this Scope of Services. Topographic mapping completed for the Phase I —Concept Development Design Services will be utilized as a basis for design of Phase II. Additional topographic and right-of-way data will be required north along Pines Road beyond the original survey limits. CONSULTANT will work with the CITY'S survey consultant to define the revised survey limits. 4.1 Topographic Survey with Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Assumptions 1. CITY'S survey consultant will update the existing topographic survey and DTM and provide a new electronic base map in AutoCAD C3D. Base map to depict all surface features and know above/below grade utilities with a contour interval of 1-foot. 2. CITY'S survey consultant will import updated right-of-way lines, parcel sidelines, centerline alignments, and tied monuments into the project's existing base mapping. Deliverables 1. CONSULTANT to provide a limit of mapping area exhibit to the CITY for use by their survey consultant. TASK 5 60% DESIGN The following tasks will be accomplished in preparing the 60% Design Documents. The sheet count for this task is included in the table at the end of this section (11"x17" sheets will be used and unless noted otherwise the plan scale will be 1" = 40'). Plan sheets developed as part of the Phase I of the project will be used as a basis for developing the Phase II plans. 5.1 Title and IndexNicinity Map DEA will develop an IndexNicinity Map showing the project location and a list of sheets included in the 60% design plans. This will also include pertinent General Notes, Legends, and appropriate abbreviations. 5.2 Roadway Typical Sections Typical sections will be prepared with two typical sections on each sheet. All sections will be prepared Not-to-Scale. Roadway typical sections are estimated as follows: • Six for Mission Ave—two for existing sections on each approach to the intersection, and four for proposed sections on each approach to the intersection. • Two for Pines Road (SR 27) approaches to the intersection Assumptions 1. Similar typical sections will be stacked to allow for multiple treatments on each sheet. 2. 3 typical section sheets are anticipated. City of Spokane Valley Page 6 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 5.3 Roadway Alignment, Paving Plan and Profile Sheets The scope of work outlined under this task includes the following: • Development of Intersection/Channelization Plans (2 sheets for WSDOT signatures) • Development of Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets (4 sheets) 5.3.1. Intersection/Channelization Plan (WSDOT) DEA will prepare Channelization Plans (22"x34"format) for submittal to WSDOT for approval. The intersection/channelization plans will be developed for the Mission Avenue/ Pines (SR 27) intersection. Plan sheets will show the level of detail outlined in WSDOT's Intersection/Channelization plan for Approval Checklist. Plan sheets that show the horizontal and vertical alignment for the roadway segments outside of WSDOT ROW will be provided for information only. The DEA shall prepare the following documentation for the preliminary channelization design: • Preliminary layout • Design vehicle • Vehicle turn simulations DEA will provide a PDF copy of a Draft Channelization Plan(s) and supporting documentation for review and comment by CITY prior to submittal to WSDOT. Deliverables 1. Draft Channelization plans— 11"x17" PDF 2. Final Channelization Plans—22"x34" mylars and a PDF copy of the after the final review comment cycle. Assumptions 1. Plan sheets will be 1"=40' scale. 2. Provide up to three (3) submittals to WSDOT for approval. 3. Design Variance documentation is not included in this scope of work. 4. WSDOT-submittal Channelization Plans will not be included in the final PS&E bid Package. 5.3.2. Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets DEA will prepare roadway paving plan and profile sheets that will also depict drainage elements designed for the project, proposed right-of-way and easements limits, and existing utilities. The plan sheets used for the intersection/channelization plans (mentioned above) will be the basis for the roadway plan and profile sheets; however, new sheets will be created so the plans are produced on 11"x17" sheets at 1"=40' scale. DEA will develop the proposed vertical curb alignment for the widening of Mission Avenue and Pines Road utilizing a cross section curb design spreadsheet to match into the existing pavement grades. City of Spokane Valley Page 7 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase ll Design June 24, 2021 5.4 Drainage Design DEA will develop drainage design depicting existing and proposed drainage systems, stormwater treatment facilities, ponds, catch basins, and other facilities. Drainage facilities will be designed so their limits are established and required right-of-way needs (if any) can be determined. Separate drainage plans will be prepared depicting the proposed grading and drainage improvements. Deliverables 1. Grading and Drainage plan sheets. 5.5 Hydraulic Report DEA will prepare a drainage report in conformance with the WSDOT Hydraulic & Highway Runoff Manuals and the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. Assumptions 1. Swales with drywells will be the typical treatment and flow control method of stormwater. 2. Detention facilities are not required for the project. 3. New drainage facilities will be design to address the increase in runoff due to the widening of the roadway. 4. New stormwater facilities for the project will be included in existing rights-of-way to the extent possible. Deliverables 1. Draft Hydraulic Report formatted consistent with WSDOT Hydraulics Report outline- PDF 2. Final Hydraulic Report documenting the final configuration and drainage facilities with responses to comments on the Draft Hydraulic Report- PDF 5.6 Landscape Restoration Plans DEA will provide landscape architectural services to develop restoration plans for the impacted landscape along the north side of Mission Avenue and west side of Pines Road. The plans will depict replacement plantings, planting details, and irrigation restoration notes. Separate irrigation plans are not included. Deliverables 1. Landscape Restoration plan sheets. 5.7 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans DEA will prepare pavement marking plans to show existing and proposed pavement marking conditions. Traffic signal mounted signage shall be shown on the traffic signal plan sheets. DEA will include on the plans signing design indicating locations for proposed signs and instructions for existing signs (remove, relocate or protect). The signing plans will be developed in sufficient detail to depict sign legends and locations. Traffic signal mounted signage shall be shown on the traffic signal plan sheets. City of Spokane Valley Page 8 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 Assumptions 1. This work will be shown on three (3) plan sheets. Deliverables 1. Signing and Pavement Marking plan sheets. 5.8 Signal Modification/Illumination Plans DEA will update the signal modification plans prepared under the Phase I task to reflect the new turn lane on Pines Road (SR-2) and road widening along Mission Avenue. The plans will include existing infrastructure for retention, relocation, or removal and proposed traffic signal components necessary for the revised geometry. Assumptions 1. Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) will be utilized for this project. 2. One illumination pole will need to be relocated along the west side of Pines Road. Otherwise all illumination is assumed to be included on signal poles. No additional illumination plans are included. 3. This work will be shown on six (6) plan sheets, as listed below: • Signal Plan and Signal Standard Details • Wiring Schedule and Wiring Terminations • Mast Arm Details • Other Signal Details Deliverables 1. Signal Modification plan sheets. 5.9 Traffic Control Plans DEA will update the previously prepared Traffic Control Plans to account for maintenance of traffic for the widening of Pines Road in accordance with MUTCD and WSDOT standards. The plans will depict traffic control devices required during construction. The following sheets are anticipated: Sheet Name No. Index/Overview Sheet 1 Traffic Control for Outside Lane Closures— 1 Mission Avenue Traffic Control for Inside Lane Closures— 1 Mission Avenue Traffic Control for Outside Lane Closures— 1 Pines Road Temporary Signal Plan 1 Temporary Detour Plan 1 Traffic Control Sheet Total 6 City of Spokane Valley Page 9 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase lI Design June 24, 2021 5.10 Utility Plans Utility Plans are excluded from this Scope of Work. Utility contacts will be confirmed, requests for any remaining utility company maps of existing utilities will be requested and an explanation of the project provided. The preliminary plans will be provided to the utility companies for their verification of location and to plan the relocation of any facilities necessary to the project. Found utilities will be included on the signal plans. These plans will show the locations of each existing utility based on plans provided by the utility companies, the CITY, WSDOT, and/or field verification. Assumptions 1. Utility companies that need to relocate their facilities as a result of the project will prepare plans that will be used to field construct their relocations. 2. Relocation cost will be obtained from utility companies and incorporated into the cost estimate as appropriate. 5.11 Preliminary Special Provisions DEA will develop a specifications package and utilize the WSDOT Standard Specifications format. When applicable, WSDOT General Special Provisions (GSPs)will be utilized, or if necessary, project specific special provisions will be developed. WSDOT Amendments will be included. CITY special provisions will be incorporated into the package, as applicable. WSDOT PSE Program will be utilized to develop a specifications run list and populate the specifications package. Deliverables 1. Preliminary Specification —MS Word and PDF 5.12 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost Quantity takeoffs for the multiple design tasks will be developed for each design discipline and a preliminary cost estimate for the project will be developed. The cost estimate will consider recent construction project bid prices in the project vicinity. The opinion of probable cost will also include right-of-way costs, construction contingencies, construction engineering, and contractor mobilization. Deliverables 1. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost— MS Excel and PDF 5.13 Preliminary Design Submittal QC A detailed review of the 60% Design Review Package will be completed by senior DEA staff not involved in developing the project design prior to Submittal. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. 5.14 Submit 60% Design Package The CONSULTANT team will prepare the 60% Design Submittal package based on the CITY's requirements submit the package for review and comment. City of Spokane Valley Page 10 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 The submittal package for 60% Design Review will be compiled by DEA and will be submitted for CITY and WSDOT review. Assumptions 1. Quantities will be included in the project cost estimate. Q-Tab sheets and detailed project quantities will not be included in the project plan set. 2. CITY and WSDOT review will be completed in a Bluebeam Revu Session with all comments provided in a single location. Deliverables: 1. 60% Design plans— 11"x17" PDF Plan Sheet Section TOTAL Title and IndexNicinity Map 2 Roadway Typical Sections 2 Site Preparation Plans 2 Intersection/Channelization Plans (WSDOT) 2 Roadway Paving and Profile Plans 4 Grading and Drainage Plans 4 Landscape Restoration Plans 3 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 3 Signal Modification/Illumination Plans 6 Traffic Control Plans 6 Total 34 2. 60% Design cost estimate— PDF 3. Preliminary Special Provisions— MS Word and PDF 5.15 60% Design Review and Comment/Resolution Meeting DEA will attend the 60% Design Review meeting with the CITY and WSDOT staff. DEA will prepare meeting minutes and distribute to the appropriate recipients by email. Prior to the meeting, DEA will assemble the comments received from the CITY and WSDOT in a comment response form. DEA will address the comments and identify comments that require further discussion at the 60% Design Review meeting. The compiled comment form will be provided to attendees at the 60% Design Review meeting and the comment form will be included in the 90% Design Review submittal. Assumptions 1. The design review will be completed in two (2) weeks. All comments will be placed in a Bluebeam Revu Session three business days prior to the design review meeting. The incorporation of hard copy comments will be completed by the CITY. 2. There will be one 60% Design Review Meeting lasting two (2) hours. City of Spokane Valley Page 11 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 3. Two (2) DEA staff will attend (Project Manager and Traffic Design Lead). 4. The CONSULTANT will process the Bluebeam Revu Session comments and identify those necessary for resolution with CITY and WSDOT staff. The CONSULTANT will be prepared to review those comments as deemed necessary at the meeting. Deliverables 1. 60% Design Review Package TASK 6 90% DESIGN DEA will incorporate 60% review comments and further develop the project design. This task includes preparing 90% plans, specifications, and estimate. The plans will be organized in accordance with CITY and WSDOT Design Guidelines. The sheet count for this task is included in the table at the end of this section. 6.1 Title, Index and Vicinity Map Sheet DEA will update the Title Sheets for the 90% Design Package and include the Index and Vicinity Map Information along with general notes and legend from the 60% Design Package. 6.2 Survey Control and Found Monuments Survey is excluded from this scope of work. Existing control monumentation, based on the project survey will be shown on the Roadway Paving and Profile plans. 6.3 Roadway Typical Sections DEA will finalize the typical sections that were developed as part of the Preliminary Design tasks. Adjustments to the typical sections based on review comments will be made. 6.4 Intersection/Channelization Plans (WSDOT) DEA will finalize the Channelization Plans based on comments received from the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.5 Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets DEA will finalize the Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets based on comments received from the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.6 Intersection Plans and Details DEA will prepare Intersection Plans and Details. Intersection details will be prepared for the signal cabinet area and affected curb ramps at the intersection. City of Spokane Valley Page 12 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 6.7 Grading and Drainage Plans DEA will finalize the Grading and Drainage Plans based on comments received from the 60% Design Review Meeting. In addition, Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans will be developed based on the final grading and drainage plans. 6.8 Landscape Restoration Plans DEA will finalize the Landscape Restoration Plans based on comments received from the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.9 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans DEA will finalize the pavement marking plans indicating locations for channelization and pavement markings. DEA will also finalize signing design and complete the plans for construction. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.10 Signal Modification Plans and Details DEA will finalize the 60% Design Signal Modification Plan sheets. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.11 Traffic Control Plans DEA will finalize the Traffic Control Plans, staging overview plans, and detour plans in accordance with MUTCD and WSDOT standards. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. 6.12 Utility Plans Utility Plans are excluded from this Scope of Work. 6.13 Utility Hearing Waivers Utility Hearing Waivers are excluded from this Scope of Work. 6.14 Specifications and Proposal DEA will update the special provisions based on 60% design comments and expand on level of detail of specifications. 6.15 Contract Time Determination DEA will determine the contract construction time in accordance with CITY and WSDOT standards. A construction schedule will be included in this task and be submitted with the 90% Design Review package. Assumptions 1. The electronic construction schedule will be subject to change based on information provided by the successful bidder. The schedule is provided for planning purposes only. City of Spokane Valley Page 13 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 6.16 Opinion of Probable Cost DEA will prepare a construction cost estimate for bid items using cost estimating software and current WSDOT average unit price data. Cost estimates at 90% plan development will be completed and submitted for CITY and WSDOT review and will include the development of quantity takeoffs. The cost estimate will have an appropriate contingency for a 90% Design Cost Estimate. 6.17 QC Review of 90% Design Submittal Prior to submittal, a detailed review of the 90% Design Review Package will be completed by DEA Senior Transportation Engineers not involved in developing the project design. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. 6.18 Submit 90% PS&E DEA will prepare the 90% design plans, special provisions, and estimate and submit to the CITY and WSDOT for review. The submittal package for review will include: • Project Specifications and Proposal • Construction Time Determination • Opinion of Probable Cost • Electronic base files for review • The 90% Design Plans as described above and as included in the table below. Assumptions 1. Quantities will be included in the project cost estimate. Q-Tab sheets and detailed project quantities will not be included in the project plan set. 2. CITY and WSDOT review will be completed in a Bluebeam Revu Session with all comments provided in a single location. Deliverables 1. 90% Design plans— 11"x17" PDF Plan Sheet Section TOTAL Title and Index/Vicinity Map 1 Legend, Abbreviations, and General Notes 1 Roadway Typical Sections 2 Site Preparation Plans 2 Intersection/Channelization Plans (WSDOT) 2 Roadway Paving and Profile Plans 4 Grading and Drainage Plans 4 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans 2 Roadway/Drainage Detail Plans 2 Landscape Restoration Plans 3 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 3 Signal Modification/Illumination Plans 6 City of Spokane Valley Page 14 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 Plan Sheet Section TOTAL Traffic Control Plans 6 Staging Plans 4 Total 42 2. 90% Design cost estimate— PDF 3. 90% Special Provisions— MS Word and PDF 6.19 90% Design Review Meeting DEA will attend the 90% Design Review meeting with the CITY and WSDOT staff. DEA will also prepare meeting minutes and distribute to the appropriate recipients by email. Prior to the meeting, DEA will assemble the comments received from the CITY and WSDOT in a comment response form. The team will address the comments and identify comments that require further discussion at the 90% Design Review meeting. The compiled comment form will be provided to attendees at the 90% Design Review meeting and the 90% design review comment form will be included in the PS&E submittal. Assumptions 1. The design review will be completed in two (2) weeks. All comments will be placed in a Bluebeam Revu Session three business days prior to the design review meeting. The incorporation of hard copy comments will be completed by the CITY. 2. There will be one Design Review Meeting lasting two (2) hours. 3. Two (2) DEA staff will attend (Project Manager, Traffic Design Lead). 4. The CONSULTANT will process the Bluebeam Revu Session comments and identify those necessary for resolution with CITY and WSDOT staff. The CONSULTANT will prepare to review those comments as deemed necessary at the meeting. TASK 7 100% (AD-READY) DESIGN 7.1 Prepare PS&E Package DEA will revise the 90% Design plans, special provisions, cost estimate, and associated materials to address review comments. 7.1.1. Plans 90% Design Review comments will be addressed by DEA, details will be revised, and coordination as required on geometrics, traffic control, etc. will be accomplished. Required revisions, received by e-mail or phone, from the CITY or WSDOT two weeks prior to the PS&E Submittal will be incorporated. 7.1.2. Specifications and Proposal Referring to the latest WSDOT Standards, Specifications, and current Supplemental Specifications, DEA will make revisions to the Special Provisions and other elements of the City of Spokane Valley Page 15 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 project's Proposal including Opinion of Probable Cost. Final revisions will be made to the project's construction cost estimate to reflect comments obtained during 100% Design Review. 7.1.3. Construction Time Determination CPD Final revisions will be made to the project's Construction Time Determination CPD to reflect comments obtained during 90% Design Review. 7.1.4. QC of PS&E A detailed review of the PS&E Submittal Package will be completed by DEA senior-level Engineers not involved in developing the project design prior to the PS&E Submittal. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. 7.1.5. Submit Ad-ready PS&E Package DEA will assemble the above described 90% Plans, Specifications, Estimate, Cost Estimate, and Construction Time Determination CPD estimate components. The Ad-ready PS&E Package will be submitted to the CITY and WSDOT for review. CITY and WSDOT will review the submittal concurrently. The Ad-ready PS&E documents will be reviewed and approved and then issued for bid advertisement. Assumptions 1. Required revisions, received by e-mail or phone, from the CITY and WSDOT prior to the PS&E Submittal will be incorporated. Deliverables 1. Opinion of Probable Cost (signed/stamped) - PDF 2. CPM Schedule for Construction Duration - PDF 3. Specifications and Special Provisions - MS Word 4. Signed and sealed project plans for the CITY- 1 hard copy, bond paper, 11 x17 5. Signed and sealed project plans for the CITY— PDF, 11 x17 6. Electronic deliverables will be provided to the CITY. 7.1.6. Compiled Project Information This includes compiling design approvals, field survey data and information, project contact information, utility waivers and/or agreements, and project CADD Files as necessary. 7.2 Bid Assistance DEA will be available to answer questions and to assist the CITY during the advertising and bidding process. This task assumes that up to 20 hours will be required for bidding assistance. Deliverables 1. 100% PS&E package (hard copy and electronic) City of Spokane Valley Page 16 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 TASK 8 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - GEO GeoEngineers (GEO) is DEA's Geotechnical Subconsultant for this project. The services that GEO will provide include geotechnical explorations, testing, and recommendations in forms of geotechnical design reports required for the project. Geotechncial reports will include geotechnical design recommendations for the design and construction of the pavement design and stormwater management facilities. 8.1 Geotechnical Engineering Services GEO will perform the following work: The purpose of the geotechnical engineering services is to provide recommendations for site preparation and earthwork, pavement design, signal pole foundations, and stormwater disposal based on site exploration, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Specific scope of services will include: • Provide recommendations for site preparation and fill placement including: evaluation of the suitability of on-site soil for use as suitable fill; gradation criteria for imported fill; guidance for preparation of subgrade soil, which will support pavements; and criteria for fill placement and compaction. • Provide recommendations for the design and construction of retaining walls. • Conduct pavement layer thickness design based on vehicle type and traffic volumes provided by the CITY, and recommendations for hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement construction including: criteria for base course thickness, gradation and required degree of compaction; and thickness and compaction criteria for HMA surfacing. • Provide recommendations for surface and subsurface drainage, as appropriate, including an evaluation of the feasibility of subsurface disposal of stormwater, and design parameters; if appropriate. Ksat will be evaluated by both test pit infiltration tests and correlations of soil grain-size analyses to permeability found in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM) and the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual. Four of the test pits will be prepared and infiltration tested. • Prepare a Draft and Final written report containing findings, conclusions and recommendations. One round of comments to the draft report from DEA, the CITY, and WSDOT is assumed. The final report will address the comments. Assumptions 1. The exploration locations are accessible to truck-mounted drilling equipment. 2. Fieldwork outside of the roadway will be completed between the hours of 5:00 AM and 9:00 AM. 3. Work within the roadways will occur during the night or early morning before 6:00 AM to reduce impacts to the traveling public. City of Spokane Valley Page 17 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 Deliverables 1. Draft Geotechnical Report (PDF) 2. Final Geotechnical Report (PDF) TASK 9 TECHNICAL EXHIBITS DEA will prepare and provide the CITY up to twelve (12) technical exhibits during the design process in support of the CITY's ongoing environmental and right of way acquisitions efforts related to the project. Exhibits will generally be prepared in 8.5"x11" or 11"x17" format. TASK 10 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT It is anticipated The CITY will conduct one (1) public meeting at the completion of the design phase and prior to the start of construction. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, it is anticipated this meeting will held virtually. In the event COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed to allow for in person meetings a public open house may be held in lieu of a virtual open house. The CITY will advertise the public meeting and host the meeting either at the CITY or virtually on the CITY website. 10.1 Public Meeting/Open Houses DEA will prepare for and attend one (1) virtual or in person Public Open House meeting. The Public Open House Meeting will be held after 90% Design Plans are prepared and prior to the start of construction. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELIVERABLES • Provide sign in sheet(s) • Provide project displays (up to five (5) for the Open House) • Provide a summary of the Public Open House CITY RESPONSIBILITIES • Coordinate logistics for the meetings • Prepare, print, and mail postcards to the public and identified stakeholders. • Provide facility or website for Public Open House • Advertise the Public Open House in the newspaper • Attend Public Open House Assumptions 1. Public Open House will last for four (4) hours including set up and take down and travel time. 2. Two (2) staff members from DEA will attend the open house. City of Spokane Valley Page 18 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 10.2 Property Owner Contact Meetings DEA will support the CITY in conducting coordination meetings with up to six (6) property owners that will be impacted by the project. These meetings will occur at the owner's location and will conform to FHWA right-of-way requirements and WSDOT's Right-of-Way Manual. 10.2.1. Initial Owner Contact Meetings The CONSULTANT along with the CITY will participate in Owner Contact Meetings. The CONSULTANT Team will provide plans prepared under other tasks to support this effort. The purpose of the meetings is to explain design elements that affect the property owners (driveway approaches, landscape, right-of-way acquisition, drainage, etc.) and to gather information that enables the design team to develop a more context sensitive design. Assumptions 1. One staff member from DEA will participate in an initial contact meeting with up to 6 landowners accompanied by CITY staff to discuss the project and potential impacts to those property owners. 2. The meetings will be set up by the CONSULTANT and will occur between Preliminary Design and 60% Design phase. 10.2.2. Final Owner Contact Meetings The CONSULTANT along with the CITY will participate in Owner Contact Meetings. The CONSULTANT Team will provide plans prepared under other tasks to support this effort. The purpose of the Final Owner Contact meetings is to explain how design elements that affect the property owners that were discussed at the initial meeting were incorporated into the design. The draft right-of-way plans will also be brought to this meeting so that the Design Team can discuss right-of-way impacts of the project on the property owners. Assumptions 1. One staff member from DEA will participate in the final contact meeting with up to 6 landowners accompanied by CITY staff to discuss the project with impacted property owners. 2. Since these meetings will prepare property owners for future right-of-way negotiation meetings, an appropriate right-of-way agent will also participate in the meetings as approved by CITY. 3. The meetings will be set up by DEA and will occur between 60% Design and 90% Design phases. Deliverables 1. Notes from initial owner contact meetings (One (1) in-person meeting with up to 6 direct property owners) 2. Notes from final owner contact meetings (One (1) in-person meeting with up to 6 direct property owners) City of Spokane Valley Page 19 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 TASK 11 INTERSECTION CONTROL EVALUATION (ICE) The CONSULTANT will prepare a conceptual roundabout layout for the Mission Avenue and Pines Road intersection. The conceptual layout will be provided to the CITY in support of the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report being prepared by others. The CONSULTANT will participate in one meeting with the CITY and WSDOT at the onset of the project to review the criteria for the conceptual roundabout. Deliverables 1. Draft Conceptual Roundabout Exhibit 2. Final Conceptual Roundabout Exhibit TASK 12 BASIS OF DESIGN MEMORANDUM (BOD) The CONSULTANT will prepare the Basis of Design memorandum (BOD) for the preferred alternative. The BOD will follow the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 1100.10(1) (September 2020). The CONSULTANT shall prepare supporting documentation to be included in the BOD Memorandum. This documentation includes the following items: • Basis of Estimate (BOE) • Design Parameter Sheets • Alternative Comparison Tables • Performance Target Refinement Form The outline for the BOD Memorandum is as follows: • Planning Document Summary • General Project Information • Section 1 — Project Need • Section 2—Context • Section 3— Design Controls • Section 4—Alternatives Analysis • Section 5— Design Element Selection Assumptions 1. WSDOT will provide templates for the following items: BOD Memorandum, BOE, Alternative Comparison Tables, Performance Target Refinement Form Deliverables 1. Basis of Design Memorandum (Draft and Final) City of Spokane Valley Page 20 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase 11 Design June 24, 2021 TASK 13 DESIGN APPROVAL MEMORANDUM The CONSULTANT will prepare the Design Approval Memorandum following the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1)(a) (September 2020). The following items will be included in the Memorandum: • Stamped Cover Sheet • Project description • Project summary documents • Basis of Design • Environmental Review Summary • Design Parameters worksheets • Design Analysis • Plans for Approval • Alignment plans and profile • Current cost estimate with a Basis of Estimate Assumptions 1. The Design Approval Memorandum will follow the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1)(a). Deliverables 1. Draft Design Approval Memorandum 2. Final Design Approval Memorandum TASK 14 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL MEMORANDUM The CONSULTANT will prepare the Project Development Approval Memorandum (PDA) following the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1)(b) (September 2020). The PDA will contain the same introductory documents as the Design Approval along with updated documents, including final plans since the Design Approval. The following items will be included in the Memorandum: • Stamped Cover Sheet • Project description • Project summary documents • Basis of Design • Environmental Review Summary • Design Parameters worksheets • Design Analysis • Intersection/Channelization Plan(s) • Final Alignment plans and profile • Current cost estimate with a Basis of Estimate Assumptions 1. The Project Development Approval Memorandum will follow the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1)(b). City of Spokane Valley Page 21 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 Deliverables 1. Draft Project Development Approval Memorandum 2. Final Project Development Approval Memorandum V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS This Scope of Services is based upon certain assumptions and exclusions, identified below and under specific tasks. The following assumptions were used in the development of this scope of services: 1. The project management budget for the Scope of Services is based on a project duration from June 2021 to December 2022, for a total of 18 months. The Ad Ready Design submittal is expected to occur by October 2022 excluding right-of-way acquisition. 2. All title commitments or title commitment renewals will be obtained by the CITY. 3. The level of effort for a given work task is limited to the amount of labor and expenses indicated in Exhibit D. Out-of-scope services beyond these limits will be provided as Extra Work. The CONSULTANT reserves the opportunity to shift budget between work tasks and between labor and expenses. 4. Terms and conditions of the original agreement for cost plus fixed fee with a not to exceed maximum will be maintained. If the scope of services increases or decreases as it relates to this supplemental scope of services, then an adjustment to the associated fees and delivery schedule will be executed once the CITY and the CONSULTANT mutually agree on the terms of the change. 5. WSDOT will review and approve project elements that could impact Pines Road (SR 27). 6. WSDOT Design and Local Agency Guideline (LAG) Manuals will be consulted for specifications and general special provisions. CITY Special Provisions will also be utilized where pertinent. 7. Opinion of Probable Costs are estimated values. Therefore, CONSULTANT makes no warranty that actual project costs, financial aspects, economic feasibility, or schedules will not vary from CONSULTANT's opinions, analyses, projections or estimates. 8. WSDOT standard bid items will be used for all items on the project unless unavailable for items specified by special provisions. 9. All design reviews conducted by the CITY or WSDOT will be completed electronically using a Bluebeam Revu Session. DEA will provide training as requested for the reviews. VI. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY CONSULTANT The documents, exhibits, or other presentations as described as Deliverables under SCOPE OF SERVICES ("Documents") will be furnished by CONSULTANT to CITY upon completion of the City of Spokane Valley Page 22 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 various tasks. Whether the Documents are submitted in electronic media or in tangible format, any use of the Documents on another project or on extensions of this project beyond the use for which they were intended, or any modification of the Documents, or conversion of the Documents to an alternate system or format will be without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT. CITY will assume all risks associated with such use, modifications, or conversions. CONSULTANT may remove from the electronic Documents delivered to CITY all references to CONSULTANT's involvement and will retain a tangible copy of the Documents delivered to CITY which will govern the interpretation of the Documents and the information recorded. VII. ITEMS AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY CITY The CITY will provide the following items and services to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT is entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of the items and services furnished by the CITY. CITY PROVIDED ITEMS: 1. Environmental Review and Permitting 2. Updated Topographic Survey to include existing right-of-way. VIII. EXTRA WORK All work not described above will be considered Extra Work. At the request of the CITY, the CONSULTANT will perform Extra Work as a supplement to this Agreement. IX. TIME FOR COMPLETION Prior to execution of the contract supplement, a schedule will be prepared based on CITY and CONSULTANT feedback. End of Scope of Services City of Spokane Valley Page 23 Scope of Services-FINAL Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement Phase II Design June 24, 2021 A� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 12/1/2021 11/20/2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Lockton Companies NAMEACT 444 W.47th Street,Suite 900 PHONE FAX Kansas City MO 64112-1906 EE-I�al°'E"tt: (A/C.No): (816)960-9000 ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 0 INSURER A:Zurich American Insurance Company 16535 INSURED DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES,INC. _INSURER S:Continental Casualty Company 20443 1456304 2100 S RIVER PARKWAY,SUITE 100 INSURER C:American Guarantee and Liab.Ins.Co. 26247 PORTLAND OR 97201 INSURER D:American Zurich Insurance Company 40142 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES DEAINO1-MAIN CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 16455937 REVISION NUMBER: XXXXXXX THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DDIYYYYI A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y N GL09830389 12/1/2020 12/1/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREMISES(EaENTED occurrence) $ 1,000,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X POLICY X 'f �fl LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ C AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y N BAP9830390 12/1/2020 12/1/2021 (Ea e�ld DtSINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 x ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ XXXXXXX OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS XXXXXXX HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ XXXXXXX AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) $ XXXXXXX UMBRELLA LIAB - OCCUR NOT APPLICABLE EACH OCCURRENCE $ XXXXXXX EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ XXXXXXX DED RETENTION$ $ XXXXXXX WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- D AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N N WC9336626 12/1/2020 12/1/2021 X STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under - -- DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 B PROFESSIONAL N N AEH591924704 12/1/2020 12/1/2021 PER CLAIM$1,000,000 LIABILITY ANNUAL AGGREGATE$1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) RE:19-198-PINES/MISSION INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS(CIP#300).THE STATE AND AGENCY,THEIR OFFICERS,EMPLOYEES,AND AGENTS ARE ADDITIONAL INSUREDS AS RESPECTS GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTO LIABILITY,AND THESE COVERAGES ARE PRIMARY, IF REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT.THE ADDITIONAL INSUREDS'OWN COVERAGE IS EXCESS OF AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY WITH THE GENERAL LIABILITY,AND ON THE AUTO LIABILITY AS RESPECTS THE USE OF VEHICLES OWNED BY DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC.IF REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 16455937 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE ATTN:CHRISTINE BAINBRIDGE,CITY CLERK THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 10210 EAST SPRAGUE AVENUE ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99206 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIV ©1988 015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD