21-101.00 EVCO: Fire & Security Alarm Monitoring Ce a a r— /a l Account#SLF090055 License No.: EVCOSEl151 BM Evco Integrated Solutions 3511 E Trent Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 (509) 535-8718 STANDARD FIRE ALARM MONITORING AGREEMENT Subscriber's Name City of Spokane Valley Telephone No: Address: 10210 E Sprague Spokane Valley WA 99206 1. MONITORING CHARGES (a) Subscriber agrees to pay EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS the sum of$359.40,plus tax,pervear,payable 30 days in advance for the monitoring of the FIRE ALARM system for the term of this agreement commencing on the first day of the month next succeeding the date hereof,all payments being due on the first of the month.Date of contracts 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021. 2. MONITORING SERVICES PROVIDED:Upon receipt of a signal from Subscriber's fire alarm system,EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS or its designee communication center,hereinafter referred to as Monitoring Company, shall make every reasonable effort to notify Subscriber and the appropriate municipal fire department and comply with AHJ dispatch procedures. Subscriber acknowledges that signals transmitted from Subscriber's premises directly to fire departments are not monitored by personnel of EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS or its Monitoring Company and EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS does not assume any responsibility for the manner in which such signals are monitored or the response, if any, to such signals. Subscriber acknowledges that signals which are transmitted over telephone lines, wire, air waves, intemet,VoIP, or other modes of communication pass through communication networks wholly beyond the control of EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS and are not maintained by EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS except EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS may own the radio network, and EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS shall not be responsible for any failure which prevents transmission signals or data from reaching the Monitoring Company or damages arising therefrom,or for data corruption,theft or viruses to Subscriber's computers if connected to the communication equipment. Subscriber agrees to furnish EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS with a written Call List of names and telephone numbers of persons Subscriber wishes to receive notification of fire alarm signals. Unless otherwise provided in the Call List EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS will make a reasonable effort to contact a person on the provided call list via a telephone call. Reaching a live person will be attempted by calling each contact provided until a message is given to a person. If unable to reach a live person, leaving a message in a contact's voicemail shall be deemed reasonable compliance with EVCO Integrated Solutions notification obligation. No more than one call to each person on the list shall be required. All changes and revisions shall be supplied to EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS in writing. Subscriber authorizes EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS to access the control panel to input or delete data and programming. If Subscriber requests EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS to reprogram system functions, remotely or on premises,Subscriber shall pay EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS$150.00 per hour for each such service. Changes in programming requires a full physical test of all fire alarm components pursuant to NFPA 72 and AHJ requirements which testing shall be at Subscriber's expense at the afore mentioned$150.00 per hour rate. EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS may,without prior notice, suspend or terminate its services in event of Subscriber's default in performance of this agreement or in event monitoring center's facility or communication network is nonoperational or Subscriber's system is sending excessive false alarms.MONITORING COMPANY is authorized to record and maintain all data and alarm communications and shall be the exclusive owner of such property. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT.SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIVING A FULLY EXECUTED COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT AND SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES AT TIME OF EXECUTION.READ THEM BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. EVCO INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS: SUBSCRIBER: By: Andrena Smith ,�4 �H� Y� OS a S scriber Signature Print Name Dated: loaf O E Spra q'Ae.4Ue Tax ID or EIN Address The undersigned personally guarantees Subscriber's performance of this agreement and agrees to be bound by all terms as a party herein. Signature(Name must be printed below) Resident Address Responder Contact List Name Telephone Number First& Primary Contact: 1. Brian Moat 509-863-7917 or 509-992-7298 2. Jenny Nickerson 360-710-5702 3. John Hohman 509-998-0877 4. Mark Calhoun 509-860-5613 5. Page 1 of 2 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT: RENEWAL:The term of this agreement shall be for a period of three years and shall automatically renew year to year thereafter under the same terms and conditions, unless either party gives written notice , of their intention not to renew the agreement at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any term.After the expiration of one year from the date hereof EVCO Integrated Solutions shall be permitted from time to time to increase the monitoring. Subscriber will be notified in writing of all increases 60 days in advance of annual renewal date. EVCO Integrated Solutions will invoice Subscriber in advance annually. 4. SERVICE: Service pursuant to paragraph 4(b)(ii), includes all parts and labor, and EIS shall upon Subscriber's request the security system installed in Subscriber's premises between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, within reasonable time after receiving notice from Subscriber that service is required,exclusive of Saturdays,Sundays and legal holidays.All repairs,replacement or alteration to the security system made by reason of alteration to Subscriber's premises, or caused by unauthorized intrusion, lightning or electrical surge, or caused by any means other than normal usage,wear and tear,shall be made at the cost of the Subscriber.Batteries,electrical surges,lightning damage, software upgrades and repairs, communication devices no longer supported by communication pathways, obsolete components and components exceeding manufacturer's useful life are not included in service and will be repaired or replaced at Subscriber's expense payable at time of service. No apparatus or device shall be attached to or connect with the security system as originally installed without EIS' written consent. 5. SUBSCRIBER REMOTE ACCESS: If Remote Access is included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services to be installed and services provided by EIS,the equipment will transmit data via Subscriber's high-speed Internet,cellular or radio communication service to remote pendant supplied by EIS or Subscriber's Internet or wireless connection device which is compatible with EIS' remote services. EIS will grant access to server permitting Subscriber to monitor the security system, access the system to arm,disarm and bypass zones on the system,view the remote video camera(s)and control other remote automation devices that may be installed.The remote services server is provided either by EIS or a third party. EIS shall install the camera(s) in a permissible legal location in Subscriber's premises to permit Subscriber viewing. EIS shall have no responsibility for failure of data transmission, corruption or unauthorized access and shall not monitor or view the camera data. Electronic data may not be encrypted and wireless components of the alarm system may not meet Advanced Encryption Standard specifications for encryption of electronic data established by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and EIS shall have no liability for access to the alarm system by others. 6. WIRELESS AND INTERNET ACCESS CAPABILITIES: Subscriber is responsible for supplying high speed Internet access and or wireless services at Subscriber's premises. EIS does not provide Internet service, maintain Internet connection, wireless access or communication pathways,computer,smart phone,electric current connection or supply, or in all cases the remote video server. In consideration of Subscriber making its monthly payments for remote access to the system EIS will authorize Subscriber access. EIS is not responsible for Subscriber's access to the Internet or any interruption of service or down time of remote access caused by loss of Internet service, radio or cellular or any other mode of communication used by Subscriber to access the system. Subscriber acknowledges that Subscriber's security system can be compromised if the codes or devices used for access are lost or accessed by others and EIS shall have no liability for such third- party unauthorized access. EIS is not responsible for the security or privacy of any wireless network system or router.Wireless systems can be accessed by others, and it is the Subscriber's responsibility to secure access to the system with pass codes and lock out codes. EIS is not responsible for access to wireless networks or devices that may not be supported by communication carriers and upgrades to subscriber's system will be at subscriber's expense. 7. ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATION AND LIMITATIONS: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services, Access Control equipment shall be connected to a computer supplied by the Subscriber and connected to Subscriber's computer network. If data storage or backup is selected service EIS or its designee shall store and/or backup data received from Subscriber's system for a period of one year. EIS shall have no liability for data corruption or inability to retrieve data even if caused by EIS' negligence. Subscriber's data shall be maintained confidential and shall be retrieved and released only to Subscriber or upon Subscriber's authorization or by legal process. Internet access is not provided by EIS and EIS has no responsibility for such access or IP address service. EIS shall have no liability for unauthorized access to the system through the Internet or other communication networks or da to corruption or loss for any reason whatsoever. 8. (a)ACCESS CONTROL ADMINISTRATION: If selected as a service to be provided EIS will maintain the data base for the operation of the Access Control System. Subscriber will advise EIS of all change in personnel and or changes access levels of authorization and restrictions, providing Access card serial numbers or biometric data and such information that Subscriber deems necessary to identify personnel. All communication by Subscriber to EIS regarding personnel access must be in writing via email or fax to addresses designated by EIS. EIS shall have remote Internet access to the Subscriber's designated access control computer to program and make data base updates to the system. Subscriber is responsible for maintaining its computer and computer network and Internet access (b) VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION AND LIMITATIONS: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services, Video equipment is attached to a digital recorder computer and Subscriber shall not use the computer for any other purpose. Subscriber shall be permitted to access and make changes to the system's operation on site and over the internet. If data storage is selected service, EIS shall store data received from Subscriber's system for one year. EIS shall have no liability for data corruption or inability to retrieve data even if caused by EIS' negligence. Subscriber's data shall be maintained confidential and shall be retrieved and released only to Subscriber or upon Subscriber's authorization or by legal process. Telephone or internet access is not provided by EIS and EIS has no responsibility for such access or IP address service. If system has remote access EIS is not responsible for the security or privacy of any wireless network system or router, and it is the Subscriber's responsibility to secure access to the system with pass codes and lock outs. EIS shall have no liability for unauthorized access to the system through the internet or other communication networks or data corruption or loss for any reason whatsoever. 9. STREAMING VIDEO DATA/CCTV/EXCESSIVE DATA USAGE: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment, upon receipt of a video signal the video system is designed to activate in the central station and record video data reception,upon which, EIS or its designee central office, shall make every reasonable effort to notify Subscriber by email, text, or voice message and the appropriate municipal police or fire department. Subscriber acknowledges that signals transmitted from Subscriber's premises directly to municipal police or fire departments or Subscriber's internal security stations are not monitored by personnel of EIS or EIS' designee central office and EIS does not assume any responsibility for the manner in which such signals are monitored or the response, if any, to such signals. Subscriber acknowledges that signals which are transmitted through the internet, over telephone lines, wire, air waves, cellular, radio, internet, VOIP, or other modes of communication pass through communication networks wholly beyond the control of EIS and are not maintained by EIS, except EIS may own the radio network, and EIS shall not be responsible for any failure which prevents transmission signals from reaching the central office monitoring center or damages arising therefrom, or for data corruption, theft or viruses to Subscriber's computers if connected to the alarm communication equipment. Subscriber agrees to furnish EIS with a written list of names and telephone numbers of those persons Subscriber wishes to receive notification of signals. All changes and revisions shall be supplied to EIS in writing. Subscriber authorizes EIS to access the supervisory panel to input or delete data and programming. If Subscriber requests EIS to remotely activate or deactivate the system, change combinations, openings or closings, or re-program system functions, Subscriber shall pay EIS $75.00 for each such service. EIS may, without prior notice, suspend or terminate its services, in central station's sole discretion, in event of Subscriber's default in performance of this agreement or in event central station facility or communication network is nonoperational or Subscriber's alarm system is sending excessive false alarms. Central station is authorized to record and maintain audio and video transmissions,data and communications, and shall be the exclusive owner of such property. EIS shall have no liability for excessive data usage expense incurred by Subscriber attributable to the equipment or services provided herein.All Subscriber information and data shall be maintained confidentially by EIS. C 'vz* al — ivl Account#FLRS50529 License No.: EVCOSEI151BM Evco Integrated Solutions 3511 E Trent Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 (509) 535-8718 STANDARD SECURITY MONITORING AGREEMENT Subscriber's Name City of Spokane Valley Telephone No: Address: 10210 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley WA 99206 1. MONITORING CHARGES Subscriber agrees to pay EVCO Integrated Solutions the sum of$252.00 plus tax,per year,payable 30 days advance for the monitoring of the Security system for the term of this agreement commencing on the first day of the month next succeeding the date hereof,all payments being due on the first of the month.Date of Contracts 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021. 2. MONITORING SERVICES PROVIDED: Upon receipt of a signal from Subscriber's Security alarm system, EVCO Integrated Solutions or its designee communication center,hereinafter referred to as Monitoring Company,shall make every reasonable effort to notify Subscriber and the appropriate municipal Security department and comply with AHJ dispatch procedures. Subscriber acknowledges that signals transmitted from Subscriber's premises directly to Security departments are not monitored by personnel of EVCO Integrated Solutions or its Monitoring Company and EVCO Integrated Solutions does not assume any responsibility for the manner in which such signals are monitored or the response, if any,to such signals.Subscriber acknowledges that signals which are transmitted over telephone lines, wire, air waves, internet, VoIP, or other modes of communication pass through communication networks wholly beyond the control of EVCO Integrated Solutions and are not maintained by EVCO Integrated Solutions except EVCO Integrated Solutions may own the radio network, and EVCO Integrated Solutions shall not be responsible for any failure which prevents transmission signals or data from reaching the Monitoring Company or damages arising therefrom,or for data corruption, theft or viruses to Subscriber's computers if connected to the communication equipment.Subscriber agrees to furnish EVCO Integrated Solutions with a written Call List of names and telephone numbers of persons Subscriber wishes to receive notification of Security alarm signals. Unless otherwise provided in the Call List EVCO Integrated Solutions will make a reasonable effort to contact a person on the provided call list via telephone call. Reaching a live person will be attempted by calling each contact provided until a message is given to a person. If unable to reach a live person leaving of a message in a contacts voicemail, shall be deemed reasonable compliance with EVCO Integrated Solutions notification obligation. No more than one call to each person on the call list shall be required. All changes and revisions shall be supplied to EVCO Integrated Solutions in writing. Subscriber authorizes EVCO Integrated Solutions to access the control panel to input or delete data and programming. If Subscriber requests EVCO Integrated Solutions to reprogram system functions, remotely or on premises,Subscriber shall pay EVCO Integrated Solutions$150.00 per hour for each such service to include testing related to program changes. EVCO Integrated Solutions may,without prior notice, suspend or terminate its services in event of Subscriber's default in performance of this agreement or in event monitoring center's facility or communication network is nonoperational or Subscriber's system is sending excessive false alarms. MONITORING COMPANY is authorized to record and maintain all data and alarm communications and shall be the exclusive owner of such property. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT.SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIVING A FULLY EXECUTED COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT AND SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES AT TIME OF EXECUTION.READ THEM BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. EVCO Integrated Solutions: SUBSCRIBER: By: Andrena Smith ubscriber Signature Print Name Dated: qo25/02/ KDa(O E Zprogi{,fEfdUe_ Tax ID or EIN Address The undersigned personally guarantees Subscriber's performance of this agreement and agrees to be bound by all terms as a party herein. Signature(Name must be printed below) Resident Address Responder Contact List Name Telephone Number First& Primary Contact: 1. Brian Moat 509-863-7917 or 509-992-7298 2. Jenny Nickerson 360-710-5702 3. John Hohman 509 998 0877 4. Mark Calhoun 509 860 5613 5. Page 1 of 2 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT: RENEWAL:The term of this agreement shall be for a period of three years and shall automatically renew year to year thereafter under the same terms and conditions, unless either party gives written notice , of their intention not to renew the agreement at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any term.After the expiration of one year from the date hereof EVCO Integrated Solutions shall be permitted from time to time to increase the monitoring. Subscriber will be notified in writing of all increases 60 days in advance of annual renewal date. EVCO Integrated Solutions will invoice Subscriber in advance annually. 4. SERVICE: Service pursuant to paragraph 4(b)(ii), includes all parts and labor, and EVCO Integrated Solutions shall service upon Subscriber's request the security system installed in Subscriber's premises between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, within reasonable time after receiving notice from Subscriber that service is required, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. All repairs, replacement or alteration to the security system made by reason of alteration to Subscriber's premises, or caused by unauthorized intrusion, lightning or electrical surge, or caused by any means other than normal usage, wear and tear, shall be made at the cost of the Subscriber. Batteries, electrical surges, lightning damage, software upgrades and repairs, communication devices no longer supported by communication pathways, obsolete components and components exceeding manufacturer's useful life are not included in service and will be repaired or replaced at Subscriber's expense payable at time of service. No apparatus or device shall be attached to or connect with the security system as originally installed without EVCO Integrated Solutions written consent. 5. SUBSCRIBER REMOTE ACCESS: If Remote Access is included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services to be installed and services provided by EVCO Integrated Solutions, the equipment will transmit data via Subscriber's high-speed Internet, cellular or radio communication service to remote pendant supplied by EVCO Integrated Solutions or Subscriber's Internet or wireless connection device which is compatible with EVCO Integrated Solutions remote services. EVCO Integrated Solutions will grant access to server permitting Subscriber to monitor the security system, access the system to arm, disarm and bypass zones on the system, view the remote video camera(s)and control other remote automation devices that may be installed. The remote services server is provided either by EVCO Integrated Solutions or a third party. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall install the camera(s) in a permissible legal location in Subscriber's premises to permit Subscriber viewing. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no responsibility for failure of data transmission, corruption or unauthorized access and shall not monitor or view the camera data. Electronic data may not be encrypted and wireless components of the alarm system may not meet Advanced Encryption Standard specifications for encryption of electronic data established by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for access to the alarm system by others. 6. WIRELESS AND INTERNET ACCESS CAPABILITIES: Subscriber is responsible for supplying high speed Internet access and or wireless services at Subscriber's premises. EVCO Integrated Solutions does not provide Internet service, maintain Internet connection,wireless access or communication pathways, computer, smart phone, electric current connection or supply, or in all cases the remote video server. In consideration of Subscriber making its monthly payments for remote access to the system EVCO Integrated Solutions will authorize Subscriber access. EVCO Integrated Solutions is not responsible for Subscriber's access to the Internet or any interruption of service or down time of remote access caused by loss of Internet service, radio or cellular or any other mode of communication used by Subscriber to access the system. Subscriber acknowledges that Subscriber's security system can be compromised if the codes or devices used for access are lost or accessed by others and EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for such third-party unauthorized access. EVCO Integrated Solutions is not responsible for the security or privacy of any wireless network system or router. Wireless systems can be accessed by others, and it is the Subscriber's responsibility to secure access to the system with pass codes and lock out codes. EVCO Integrated Solutions is not responsible for access to wireless networks or devices that may not be supported by communication carriers and upgrades to subscriber's system will be at subscriber's expense. 7. ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATION AND LIMITATIONS: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services, Access Control equipment shall be connected to a computer supplied by the Subscriber and connected to Subscriber's computer network. If data storage or backup is selected service EVCO Integrated Solutions or its designee shall store and /or backup data received from Subscriber's system for a period of one year. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for data corruption or inability to retrieve data even if caused by EVCO Integrated Solutions negligence. Subscriber's data shall be maintained confidential and shall be retrieved and released only to Subscriber or upon Subscriber's authorization or by legal process. Internet access is not provided by EVCO Integrated Solutions and EVCO Integrated Solutions has no responsibility for such access or IP address service. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for unauthorized access to the system through the Internet or other communication networks or data corruption or loss for any reason whatsoever. 8. (a)ACCESS CONTROL ADMINISTRATION: If selected as a service to be provided EVCO Integrated Solutions will maintain the data base for the operation of the Access Control System. Subscriber will advise EVCO Integrated Solutions of all change in personnel and or changes access levels of authorization and restrictions, providing Access card serial numbers or biometric data and such information that Subscriber deems necessary to identify personnel.All communication by Subscriber to EVCO Integrated Solutions regarding personnel access must be in writing via email or fax to addresses designated by EVCO Integrated Solutions. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have remote Internet access to the Subscriber's designated access control computer to program and make data base updates to the system. Subscriber is responsible for maintaining its computer and computer network and Internet access (b) VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION AND LIMITATIONS: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment and Services, Video equipment is attached to a digital recorder computer and Subscriber shall not use the computer for any other purpose. Subscriber shall be permitted to access and make changes to the system's operation on site and over the internet. If data storage is selected service, EVCO Integrated Solutions shall store data received from Subscriber's system for one year. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for data corruption or inability to retrieve data even if caused by EVCO Integrated Solutions negligence. Subscriber's data shall be maintained confidential and shall be retrieved and released only to Subscriber or upon Subscriber's authorization or by legal process. Telephone or intemet access is not provided by EVCO Integrated Solutions and EVCO Integrated Solutions has no responsibility for such access or IP address service. If system has remote access EVCO Integrated Solutions is not responsible for the security or privacy of any wireless network system or router, and it is the Subscriber's responsibility to secure access to the system with pass codes and lock outs. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for unauthorized access to the system through the internet or other communication networks or data corruption or loss for any reason whatsoever. 9. STREAMING VIDEO DATA/CCTV/EXCESSIVE DATA USAGE: If selected as a service to be provided and included in the Schedule of Equipment, upon receipt of a video signal the video system is designed to activate in the central station and record video data reception, upon which, EVCO Integrated Solutions or its designee central office, shall make every reasonable effort to notify Subscriber by email, text, or voice message and the appropriate municipal police or security department. Subscriber acknowledges that signals transmitted from Subscriber's premises directly to municipal police or security departments or Subscriber's internal security stations are not monitored by personnel of EVCO Integrated Solutions or EVCO Integrated Solutions designee central office and EVCO Integrated Solutions does not assume any responsibility for the manner in which such signals are monitored or the response, if any, to such signals. Subscriber acknowledges that signals which are transmitted through the internet, over telephone lines, wire, air waves, cellular, radio, internet, VOIP, or other modes of communication pass through communication networks wholly beyond the control of EVCO Integrated Solutions and are not maintained by EVCO Integrated Solutions, except EVCO Integrated Solutions may own the radio network, and EVCO Integrated Solutions shall not be responsible for any failure which prevents transmission signals from reaching the central office monitoring center or damages arising therefrom, or for data corruption, theft or viruses to Subscriber's computers if connected to the alarm communication equipment. Subscriber agrees to furnish EVCO Integrated Solutions with a written list of names and telephone numbers of those persons Subscriber wishes to receive notification of signals.All changes and revisions shall be supplied to EVCO Integrated Solutions in writing. Subscriber authorizes EVCO Integrated Solutions to access the supervisory panel to input or delete data and programming. If Subscriber requests EVCO Integrated Solutions to remotely activate or deactivate the system, change combinations, openings or closings, or re-program system functions, Subscriber shall pay EVCO Integrated Solutions $150.00 per hour for each such service. EVCO Integrated Solutions may, without prior notice, suspend or terminate its services, in central station's sole discretion, in event of Subscriber's default in performance of this agreement or in event central station facility or communication network is nonoperational or Subscriber's alarm system is sending excessive false alarms. Central station is authorized to record and maintain audio and video transmissions, data and communications, and shall be the exclusive owner of such property. EVCO Integrated Solutions shall have no liability for excessive data usage expense incurred by Subscriber attributable to the equipment or services provided herein.All Subscriber information and data shall be maintained confidentially by EVCO Integrated Solutions.