17-089.06 Waste Management: Solid Waste Collection, 2021 CPI AdjustmentJuly 26, 2021 City of Spokane Valley Attn: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 cbainbridge(&spokanevalley.orq Re: 2021 Inflation Adjustment Waste Management 720 4th Ave, Suite 400 Kirkland, WA 98033 JUL t 9 2021 City of Sao kene Valley Please find the enclosed 2021 rate schedule for Solid Waste collection services provided by Waste Management to the residents of the City of Spokane Valley. The service component of the rates are based upon the published Consumer Price Index, for All Urban Consumers, West Size Class B/C (CUURN400SAO,CUUSN400SA0) for all items (December 1996 = 100) as Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of The United States Department of Labor ("CPI") for the 12 month period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 compared to the 12 month period of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. This year's CPI average was 162.584, up from 158.447 the previous year, which was an annual change of 2.611%. Waste Management is allowed 90% of this increase which results in an increase of 2.350%. Please review this schedule and let me know of any discrepancies. Also, please note that customers will be notified of this increase through a notice on the customer's invoice. We anticipate that Sunshine Disposal will be adjusting the disposal fee for 2021. When we receive that information, we will further adjust customer rates accordingly. If notice is not received by November 20th, 2021, then future customer rates will be pro -rated to account for the adjustment. Waste Management looks forward to providing quality Solid Waste collection services to the City of Spokane Valley in the years ahead. Sincerely, KELLY EMERSON Contract Compliance Administrator Public Sector, Pacific Northwest kemerson@wm.com City of Spokane Valley CPI 12/1(2020 CFI 12/1/2021 Allacll men) R - ( onlracloi hale' (r.Jes do not include Slate Solid 1l isle Collection l'o ) Total Fee * Total Fee . Sell ice Level llondth° One 35!sailor ; b,00) 00 S 13.50 S 13.77 lYeckh' Residential ( Lchside Garbage Sell ice Includes Recycling Ono 10,13 ualbm Vbao-Lo (`.ni S 16.11 S 16.43 On. 20-gallon Uarl,,lac ( ,al S 17.14 S 17.46 1 35-c,lllon Gail) _e__ Carl S 20.53 S 20.88 1 -13-callon Gan beau <aa I S 24.80 S 25.19 1 04-c11lon Gelbua llui S 28.42 S 28.83 1 96-callon Cinbace C;Irt S 3631 S 36.77 Add onal 35 (ollon (.I0, (,.ve!.ir. c1 S 7.86 $ 7.92 I'vtras (3'_ ,,talon .2aul,;11cul I S 4.83 S 4.90 1-,Lid Debns Cu1llsidc Sea -ice S kcriptIon lard Dalai, 9- _,-- .-I1'i((;uI 5 8.14 S 8.32 S 1h.cnption Vald I2eilr., _ < Iilm, ( all S S 74 S 8.94 S I -caption 1 rd Rehm S ,e - 61_ IL,n C arc - 10 15 S 10-58 Sub caption Yard Debris'ro'. lc. ,, ,a11„n (`our - I 95 S 12.22 [e1e1 lard Da10, (32 _ullon [sus hunrile cant : 6u S 3.68 Additional 5',;rd Uch(ie (Galt - Anv Size .-c S 7.10 lliscellancoue 14cs RCnirn lop 77) S 7.40 I(o,o,lmr Oak (no ,ol' 's,rvice) 0,42 S 10.65 - Additional Reepdulg Carl ' uo S 2.14 (1,c re (outainel Ipet unit) 1 56 S 4 66 ( air-, 5 to 25 Ieei (per occurrance) \ n 60 8 I161 (Lin Om cool 2S feel (peroc.urrmce) S 9 14 S 631 Dldan.e Drive In Over 1 25 and less than 250' (per occurrence) S 2 (16 S 2 10 Day;uico Urge hi Over 250. n 10 less than 1;10 mile (per occurrence) S 2 2,7 S Distance Drice 1u aadl 110 mule over 1.10 mile (per occurrence) S 3 98 S .1.07 Roll -curl Charge, per 25 ft- per ant- pertime S 1 60 S 3.03 Drice-in Char,per month S -.__ 5 71b O,enceo Ii; 0; ersire cow ma;r(p.rp'u) S 60 5' 1n8 Rodelgels J(Om0Ormo re cant.vnel. S 12ilo S 121-) Galt Cleu rara (per can par. lcanlno) S 12 06 S 12 34 Ott -Call Bull.) N ash, Cnllydiou \0n-(1'( (ontaa10001. :age .-\ppll;lllce<1"„hn0 good, )- pen lieu] S 24.15 5 2-t71 Itel-treel aror, I reamis`\r(nlilnonerzpentem S 1 ._- S 37.07 Solis. ( helly. per item 5' 24-19 • 21 70 N1,01 o;reo, 13o,pnnes, pen Item S 24 2I S 24 69 _,A Ite.ode pee 011,5 SI i> embedded a. part of the total monthly rate. This fee will he excluded from the State Solid Waste Tax and o,d1 ,Jpl,t :mnuallr ,1, part of the annual CPI ndjushnent. Attachment R - Contractor Rates (rates do not include Slnle Solid Waste Collection Tax) Total Fee Total Fee Service Level / Weekly Commercial Can and Cart OneIII -L;dlan Garbage Cart S 1524 S 15.51 135-gallon Garbage Cart S 18 04 S 18 33 145-gallon Garbage. Cart S 21 81 $ 22 14 161-gallon Garba'(o Curt S 25 50 S 25 85 1 06-gallon Gad haga Can S 32 68 S 33 07 Ealus (12-gallon egra lent) S 4S3 S 190 Ancillan Fees: We 1‘ 016-cal Galt 1ar1 Dchro I'oodvvastesenioc S 11. 14 _ I1.39 E,tre 1:ad Ucbrls (12 call;n l':;o hinull sr.) S 3 0 1 S 3 68 RemTrip S -_1 S 7.40 Roll -out (harcc- 1mrA1211,1125 it. per cart, per pea S 1 0 1 82 (),ei,a[e I. °Naar, (per 1111ai) S 4 0 S 4 no ( an, ()nt 5 Io 25 lees Ipet uccurie lcel I).i(I) , 01 ( all,' ()01 ,),'el 25 lee, (pet (,l'cmre0ce) 6 14 \ i! 34 Dialailci large I11'. (),er 125' ,oil le than 250'(p,_rol-inrr000e) - 2116 S 2111 D;,ranee Dihe In 0vor 250' and 1,3, Ib:m CIO male (pet nceunencel - 1 0. 5 7 -- U,Iance Urive In. e:1.h 110 aide o,nr 1110 mile leer ileabu of e) 0 5 98 S 4 07 Redclircn of containers S 12 06 S 12 54 (`.1n ( lean mi_ )pet Can per elomane) 5' 12.00 S 12 ;4 Weekly Commercial Detachable Canlniner (compacted) I Cabo' 1'en1 (oncliner, 1 piokup%EOW week - 70 21 S 70 84 1 Cubic Turd ('omainer, 1 pie1hpawcek S 14043 S 14170 1 5 (0/0, Yard ('ontalncr, 1 pi'k91'E0AV ,tied, S ((0;)')) S 101. 77 15 ( Lilac Yard Cantina, 1 pickup"geek S 201 03 S 203. 62 2 (Lihic Yard Container- 1 pickup =E0AA ;.,,, S 129 01 S 130.01 2 r able- Yard Container. I ptcki9r peel. S 238 08 S 260.07 3 Cubic 1' and Container. 1 pickup' EOU „act, S 183 46 S 184.72 3 Cuba, 1 and Container- 1 pickup: v,eek S 36n.96 S 369.48 4 ('able Yard Container- 1 pickup'110AA ,cae4 S 2;1-50 S 232.87 •1 ( Libac Yard Container- 1 plckup'w,,k S-leiO4 S 465. 80 0 CLih]e lard Container. I rack 0)' (18A gee), S 32S. oS - 330.30 ,,Cubic Yard (onnuucI. 1 pickup „laic 1 65736 S 660.62 .\Ilnll 11en1 li - C I III calor 12 ales (1,111611n III I Ill)lode 9l.nc tinllll 11:1,(t• (Idlcc'1in11 I;I\) Total Fee Total Ser,ice 14,e1 - Fee 1 al um dal Detachable (o plainer (I410,e) I (lbl( 1'od 1 p1e4:up 1)AP ,,,4 , 3788 S 3843 1 (Ilhl( 1':Il d_ 1 pickup „ eek 6 75 81) S 76.90 1 (,II)l, 1'4441_ 21, Ic): aps,lc, k 5 151 (,S 5 153.87 I Cubic 1^ard_ 3 pickup, s 4. 5 .._- 51 S 230.81 1 Cubic 1'unl. 4 ph: l.up,'„ael: 9 (0, 34 S 307.76 1 ( 1,441 5 plc54 pd„3e1; 5 379 20 S 384. 73 1 5 Cubic 1'1 11 1 plckup'LDAA' o '1 S ,' 1l2 S 51 ' 15 C11a33 lard. 1 plekup',,, 31: S 1 on 10 S 107.57 1 5 (wine Y ant, 2 pid; disc,-,:k S 212.24 S 215 211 1.5 Cubic 57 unl, 3 pi, kit, „e31: 5 318.37 5 322 80 1.5 C ub1,: lard, 4 pod.4,1„„eel. S 424 54 . 430 .15 1 , C314 Bard 5 11I4.33ps'„ee4. - 5311 04 S 538 01 2 C11612 Yard. 1 pld,40FOA1' „eek S 05 87 S 66 73 _ (nh1e 1'.ud. 1 44ldmp>'1,42ck 5 111 74 S 133 48 _ Gable Turd 2 plcknp, yrcck S 261 52 S 2(7 00 2 (obi. 1',44 3 plelulps v:ee4: 5 T), 33 S 410 ,3 2 (liblc 1'ao1.4 plcknps',c/ek 5 ,27 12 S 53.1 06 2 C ublc Yard, 5 pickup,(, eek 44,8 90 S 667 01 Commercial Detachable Container (loose) 3 (Cubic lard 1 pickup1O\X' week S •n: 03 $ 91 12 3 Cuhic 1'ar41 1 ',ckup',ceek s 184; 0') S 182 23 3 Cuhic 1'un1 2 pick Ts week S 3611 20 S 364 59 3 ( uhk 1'31,) 3 pickup, sleek S 540 35 S 546 05 3 Cul', 1'u1 d_ 4 pickup, „cck 5 720. 46 S 729 2, 3 ruble 1 old. 5 pick up, '„ee l: S 900 59 S 911.59 4 Cubic l'md. 1 pickup 1 1019 „2c1: S 108.4 4 S 109.84 4 (d, 9e1;1441.1 pal, up, 13, 5 217.31 S '1'.70 4 Cubic boat, 2 plelaps ,,,c1; S 43469 S 430 48 4 Cuhic Yard, 3 p14.4.119, 10'1, S 05105 S 659. 25 4 C'ublc 1' ar11, 4 pl4:14l()1 10 el S 8c,9.42 S 879.01 4 (31,19 1'ard, 5 pickup- ,ce1, S 1086 78 S 1.098. 77 6 Cubid Yard, I pickup I-0AA seat, S 146 ;11 S 148.22 6 Cubic Turd 1 piekup'1 e,1, •6 21 3 444 S 296 47 o C oblc Turd 2 pickup"- s ccl. S 587 33 S 593 00 o Cubic Turd. 3 pick ups„d31 881 91 5 339 31 I, (l11a 1'391 I plck91,5:34,1, S 1,174 67 S 1 1146 92 o ( able 1'391_ 5 plckup,„eek 5 1 ,168 39 S 1.482 69 6(dike 1 1 rektIpal(\A',1aek S 17617 S 17761 8 C uhic 1 a14- I plekup/,sdek S 352 42 S 455 '8 8 (-uhle l I. 2 p4e611( 41;34; S 704.83 S 71u o1 8 Cubic lard. 3 pld,upss„ek S 1,057.31 S 1,06591 ,6 Coble bald. (031:4191 )4/-- S 1,409.80 S I.J21 21. 8 Cub)e 1 ;0,1 5 pid,nps „ed. S I,762324 S 1,770. 5s 1-\11u for„c e11h1e 1.41 Ill 1(11)1.,l let, per pickup 3 1' 20 S 12. 1 3 13\I131 l',' , ,:able ,'ard01,1, per pickup S 24.28 S 24 6'' Ileluclnlble Container :\Ile illurr Fees (per oe(Ile;111e(4): \I111111:u1111, R2c,'c'1111' 1c, Iper cubic ,.nr1 pet 'Id. up) S 1.54 S 1 '8 Compactor (onue4CDlsconne,t Sel,ac' C 31) 53 5 31 24 (ue Sel,l57 (per occurrcnec) S 14 2", S 14 61 I ncl: I :n1w 4: Service (per oc(urrencc) 5' 41 2'l S 14 61 Roll Out Fe , (per oaurr/ace) S 2 78 S 2 8,1 Roll Om Tees (per o(currence) - la Add! .5 It. aver 25 0 S 1 ,, S 0_00 St:m1-1,y.1In,2 (per minutc) S 1 91 5 1.')5 Cunlamer ))' fining (Per yard nl co ntainer size) S 12 0( S 12.34 Rcdellccry ol( ontamers S 2.1 15 S 24 71 Return Trlp S 12 06 S 12 4 Tcmpormy Collection Hauling 2 l',ud detuah: 1,1e Conullner per 14i31. u' S 3.1 64 S 35 14 1 1'.n d do l:Icbzblc containeI per pid, up s 56 01 S 6 Turd dcl:Ichab1e conlanl,1. Per 1)1,1. up S 74. 06 S 75_ Is s 1 and datachablc coumin,1. NI p1d: up 3 88 34 S 89 16 Temporal C'ollecliou (lu,luiuer Rental and 1)eliN1_1 14,(111 I4•e Total Fee 2 Yard der ich:Ihle container ) 164 S I.68 4 l'ard ddad,:,h1a cos o,,,', 6 2 68 S 2 73 1, 1 I 4121:14:11a1,12 co',t inner S 2 94 S 3 (11 1 l',nd dec,ch:,hlc eo',taincr S 3 58 S 3.nn I13114cp I ectall sizes) S 4,2 27 S 63 74 hem Service, Dol. civ- pro, i,ion, collection ola set o1.2 carts (G1nbage+Recy) 191311 Fee Tot:,l Fee S 10. 1' C (0 )(s Ilourly Rates 60ITire Pc, I lour Per IIo1u 1:ear .I1de-loudpacker +driver S ',u 644 ) 9278 1144 1„a41 packer - c1rl,er S 90 60 1 92 78 1)1,)p-108 !ruck drl,3, S 419 (6 S 92 78 .' ddiliunnl Labor (par person) S h, 17 5 37 u' ,Ira 311 Adaa,„119,11,e,1153)I4:314414:4103k11p1l15)411i1e4Ideer1544103al6,r4,1,4..411.1.11l,r,.(1',do14irt:nl4,alai,.1nu<I0leh144aa41.0,119i,1.445,in1,r,nuu1 (41R) I',Irak,,,'.934lli,,,ol5eni3el,n1,la44l-5e113,411l1.:31plckui,IL,)r,ylririn4;113.13114443,1(11,.1,Iri1v Rae 43e.33u1.3,.11n 3111441inp n1.,n1111„33-1n,. m1< 1'l nwnlhr 411 1,Ieku4,5in amm,l1, 4.7;111,Insremnr Trip r,. Consumer Priee Index or CPI: The words "Consumer Price Index" or "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index for All Items, December 1996=100 for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), West Size Class WC, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Parties may refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website or other official source to determine the applicable CPI Index. 4.3 Compensation Adjustments 4.3.1 Annuel CPI Modification The Contractor's collection service charges and miseellatte,,,:i: foul Contract option:; col 1aI,,e;l in Attachment B, cNcluding waste disposal fees, for each level ,i ..4: vi,:A ,Iu,I I i,, re< ae or decrease era h yE or by 90% of the annual percentage change in the average CPI for the I.2 n ,ruin period July 1 through .L_:rar: 30 of the cah:n;J; r y. ;:r the adjustment becomes effective ns companecl ;tir Ihr; CPI 12-month p<:riod find multiplying the result by the then applicahi,, vi ��h:�r��<:r, rind miscellaneous fees. Such increases or decreases are considered part of this Contras i l! _la i + rc•ur ;.utonu°tically on fn:::nn;,>,I basis and shall not requir4+ eildittonal City Council approval; or du rr'u;,`s Fee - subject to City review and verification as set forth below for the amount of such increase or decrease, Adiustr::ents to the Contractor's collection service charge shall be made in units of one cent ($0.01). Fractions ac€ions less than one cent ($0.01) shall not be considered when making adjustments. Rates shall be adjusted annually, beginning December 1, 20I8. The Contractor shall submit in writing and electronic form to the City for review and verification a Rate Adjustment Statement, calculating the new rates for the next year, on or by September 1" of each year, starting September 1, 2018. The City shall review and provide comment as to any errors with the calculations, by Sept 156 of each year. In the event that the Contractor does not submit a Rate Adjustment Statement by Sep nbcr 1 ", the City shall calculate and unilaterally implement a rate adjustment based on the best available information as of September 1" of that year for the applicable period, and the Contractor shall lose the right to appeal this action. Absent City's notification and subsequent remedy of errors, the new rates shall take effect on December 1' of that year. Contractor shall notify Customers of the impending rate adjustment by October 15't', at least 45 days prior to the new rate going into effect. Should ratepayers not receive notification by October 15'*, due to missed deadlines by the Contractor, implementation of the new rates shall be delayed by one month without opportunity for recovery of lost revenue. An example of rate adjustments due to Consumer Price Index changes is provided in Attachment D. 4.3.2 Periodic Adjustments Periodic adjustments shall be made to Contractor collection rates to reflect increases or decreases in City disposal fees for Garbage, beginning with adjustments) for increases or decreases in the disposal fees that may occur after the Execution Date. In the event of a change in disposal fees, the disposal fee component of rates charged to Customers shall be adjusted, based on Container content weights specified by the Contractor in its proposal and included in Attachment B of this Contract. An example of rate modifications due to disposal fee changes is provided in Attachment D. 4.33 Changes In Disposal or Compostables Processing Sites If the Contractor is required by the City or other governmental authority to use Garbage disposal or Compostables processing sites other than those being used at the initiation of this Contract, the Contractor shall sul, mil a detailed proposal, including full disclosure of relevant cost impacts, for the adjustment of the rates to deflect any additional cost or savings to the Contractor. The Contractor's rates pursuant to this Contract insuch a case shall be adjusted so as to pass through any resulting additional costs incurred by or sav ii i ;4], die Contractor. The City and Contractor agree to negotiate in good faith and to make arty changes to fir rims to accomplish a pees -through of any such costs or savings. If the Coetra4or is no longer be able to find a processing site for all collected Compostables, after a good faith C!'r"ort to locate a processing facility acceptable to the City, the City reserves the right to drop the collie, le ;di et effected Compostables, such as Food Scraps, from the Contract and the City and Contractor sIie1I sr:.; .elate rate reduction of Compostable and reduction or increase of Garbage rates in good faith to ref11 l 'Ire. reduction in service for Compostables and increase in Garbage collections, If the Contractor is sub: ;?i,:r,ll, uble to lind u processing site for Compostables or the site that was originally used for proee ing Compostables is able to resume taking the dropped materials, the City reserves the right to rcin,tatL: the collection of those materials and to reverse the previously agreed rate reduction for the reduction in service. 4.3.4 Other Modifications Except as otherwise expressly provided for by this Contract, Contractor shall not adjust or modify rates due to employee wage increases, changes in commodity price; for Recyclables, changes in Compostables processing fees other than directed by the City subject to 4.3.3, Garbage collection service level shifts, or other changes affecting the collection system. In the event that unforeseen temporary mark :t Failure prcvcnt5 „r precludes compliance with the r,cgoirr,ments of Section 3.1.12, the CnncrTctnr may r :gtu:,tt .1 Leioporr,ry ,1djustment or other relief from the requirements of that Section 3.1.12. The City may request airy and all tio;.umentalion and data reasonably necessary to evaluate such request by the Contractor, mid rn:+v retain, ttt ils. cnVn t<pense, an independent third party to audit and review such documentation and su.l, request. il' -um. I; lhirrt party is retained, the City shall take reasonable steps, consistent with State saw, to protect rh,: i,ii fl , n i al or proprietary nature of any data or information supplied by the Contractor. if an unforeseen market failure persists more than nine months, the Parties awe!! t r, cart, ii rood faith negotiations to determine a mutually acceptable course of action, including but not Iittoited to eliminating the materials from the list of Recyclables, changing Customer preparation requirements, or any other mutually -agreeable solution, The City shall review the Contractor's request within 120 days of receipt. Upon the City's review of the Contractor's request, the City shall approve or deny the request, at its sole discretion. Bureau of Labor Statistics g_ aNN70 CO CO 0 0an d m a rn j U N N .-I i n U LL S > 0 z U O 0. N 0) 0 0 0 (0 a • <0 <0 N <0 (0 V1 0 CO CD r N N CV N N • M (O r CO CO O CO N. CO CO O • N_ N CO CO CO N (0 r a) CO N-- CO CO 0) 0) N O CO O (0 (M M M 0 0 M 7 CD 0i 7 CO O co co co CO 'Cr V 7 7 7 7 (1O (0 CO N (O CO 7 7 0 r 0 7 0) (O <0 N N M CO N N CO CO N CO 0) (O N CO N m co 0) CO 0) O CA CO 7 coMa) CO M CCO OO 7 V V<0 V (f) N tO r r r r r r a-r r r r r r 1-1 (f) Cl. CO CO 7 N r 0) CO CO 0 CA CD h t` V. uO uO N 7 CO LC) "Cr N.- N- O CO LO r 7 00 • O M (Ni d) N� O r C+i 7 CO Ou C) N 0) co co co co 7 7 7 7 7 7 (0 N (O (n N(0 N. CO r 0) CO CO 0 CO CO O N CO N (D co co O) co N N 0) 7 co O N 0 M 0) rn N 7 0 (0 C) 7 O O) <0 N M 6 O 7 0 O N M CO CO CO 7 7 7 7 V (fJ (() CO 0 4O 0 r N. (0 CO (O 7 CO (O N 0) 7 CO CO CO CO 0) 0) O O N CO CO 7 CO O) 7 N CO (O 0 0 (D 7 0 .- M C) 0 O 7 CO M CD O 7 CO (0 co co co co 7 7 'V 7 7 (O (1O (O CD uO CO (O CO N. 7 7 0) 00 CO 0) (O O) r 7 0) 7 <0 r N� N M N M '7:' N. N- 0 CO 0) N CO CO M r CO r 6 M C) 0) 0 r V' V CO 0 7 (0 r M co co co 7 7 7 7 7 (O (O (O (D 7 CO 7 7 0 0 CO r 0 7 CO CO CO M( 7 CO 0 !` 0 0 CO V) • M 7 CO (O 0 (O N 4O (7O C)1 N� CO M M M 00') V a 4 V' V 7 (LO Cai ) CO 0 (O 7 03 N N 0) (O N. 7 CO O uO 0 N N. N (O N (0 C0 (O N N N r r O) N CO r CO N N CO (O (f) N M 00 0) N 7 7 (O 0) M H O CO CO M M CO 7 7 7 7 7 (O (O CO N N--03 CO 7 7 M N. O- CO)• (0 (0 O r M r (O 0 7 01 CO CO 7 co co co coCO) 7 7 7 7 (M ) <0) CO03 ([) 0(OLO O N. 0 N CO (MN CO O O) 7 (70 (^N O N 0) (O N CO N (O r (O (0 0 CO Cr CO CO CO CO V 7 ozi V 7 V V (0 () 00 CO 0 0) 0 7 0 CO (0 N O) CO ()'1 N 0) CO 0) CO 0) (O 7 7 CO 0 CO 0 0 0) CO (O CO CO N CO 0) N 7 CO CO M CO O r 7 (O CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 7 7 7 7 7 7 (O uO (O CD ✓ r r r ....... CO) N 00)) N. 0) CO N N N 00) (00 N N CO CO O) �- CO N O 7 r 7 M 0 CO O . . . . . . . . . . . . . co M M M 7 7 7 7 7 7 LOO u• 0) u0O CD ✓ r.- r r .- r r r r r r .--I (0 0 CC) 0 (O CO CO N. 7 0 N CO 0) N 0) 0 (0 0 CO N� - CO CO CO 0 O N 0 COL. r CO N N (O CO co N CO p- c.) N CGI N CO 0 O M 7 f� (O 0) 6^2 M M M CO 7 7 7 7 7 7 (D (D (O 0 r r r r r r r r r r r .-I CO (O 0) CD N N 0 (O CO 0 - CO N CO CO N 0) h N 0 N (0 0 N 0 7 .Q (O CO (O CO O) O r O 7 N (0 O y . V- CO - CO CO COHco 7 7 V 4 V (O u7O (OO � CO N (0 (O (O CO N N 0) 7 CO 0) CT N CO CO (O CO 0) N CO (O CO N 0) O) CO CO M 0) 7 CO Cif O 0 7 CO M (O ci O CO 7 0) 0) N M CO O 7 00 00 co (0 co (0 '0 - -a- LO (0 6 cc) ti CO 01 0 •- N M 7 CO CO N` CO CO 0 O O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O NNN N N N N N N N N N N N 4.2 Compensation to the City 4.2.1 City Fees The Contractor shall pay to the City a onetime fee of 547,500 upon Contract execution to cover City costs for procuring this Contract. The Contractor shall also pay to the City a City Fee on or before the last working day of each month during the term of this Contract, starting on May 31, 2018. The City Fee shall be based on the gross receipts received by the Contractor from Customers under this Contract. Calculation of gross receipts shall not include the City Fee collected from Customers, The initial City Fee shall be assessed at 12,5% of gross receipts received by the Contractor from those Customers since the last City Fee payment period, consistent with the administrative fee calculations shown in Attachment D. The City Fee shall be used by the City for costs the City has identified from solid waste services, including costs for contract administration, solid waste planning and management, and for a portion of its street preservation and maintenance programs. Within the total City Fee collected, no more than l.0% assessed on the gross receipts received by the Contractor from Customers may be used for Contract administration purposes, The Contractor's obligations to pay the City Fee shall extend past the termination date of this Contract until the Contractor is no longer receiving payments from Customers for services provided under this Contract, '1 he rates included in Attachment 13, as modified during the term of this Contract, include the City Fee, and Custorner_ shall not be separately charged an itemized City Fee, Attachment D contains an example of hov. the Cir., Fee is included in rates, and lists the Contractor's service rate, the City's share of the retail rate, the State excise tax associated with the City lee, and the combined retail rate. Any adjustments to the City Fee rate shall be calculated in a manner consistent with the example shown in Attachment D. The Contractor shall fully participate with any City billing audit to confirm the Contractor's Customer receipts during any accounting period during the term of the Contract. The audit shall be confined to confirming Customer billing rate, Contractor receipts for services provided under this Contract and bad debt recovery. The City Fee may be changed by the City in any year, provided that the change is synchronized with the annual Contractor rate modification described in Section 3.3. The City shall notify the Contactor of the new City Fee for the following year by August 151, and the Contractor shall itemize and include the appropriate adjustment in its Rate Adjustment Statement provided September lit of each year, In the event that the City 1'ee is adjusted, either up or down, the Contractor shall add or subtract an amount equivalent to the state excise lax, as may be adjusted from time to time by the State of Washington. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all applicable permits, licenses, fees and taxes as described in Section 6.13, Permits and Licenses,