21-062.01 Selland Construction: Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 21 -42. ol Spokane Valley CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 21-062 PROJECT: Balfour Park Frontage Improvements CONTRACT DATE: 5/5/2021 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Selland Construction, Inc. CIP NO: 314 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES SCHEDULE A: Add scope and contract duration for Century Link substructure alone Herald, including survevina. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1.01 Add Century Link substructure along Herald LS 1 $29,283.35 $29,283.35 Subtotal $29,283.35 WA Sales Tax $0.00 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 29,283.35 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval Yes Verbal Approval b Glenn Ritter PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 35 Revision By This Change Order: 4 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 39 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 617,770.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through CO#_) $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 617,770.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER • $ 29,283.35 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDIN T ANG $ 647,053.35 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: / XE5/D6n/T DATE: 1'26 - 21 The contractor hereby accepts this adjustmentwn er the terms o Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 7 Z 7 Z/ ger APPROVED BY: DATE: Z)7, 27 2Dq Engi r, APPROVED BY: DATE: 7/ / Z 1 City Manager r ATTACHMENTS: Selland Cost Proposal Rev#3 dated 7/19/21 Distribution. ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File, Project Inspector, Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014 Community& Public Works Department Spokane 111/111\1111Engineering Division Valley 10210 E Sprague Ave ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720.5075 • Fax: 509.720.5075 ♦ cityhall®spokanevaltey.org Change Order Memorandum Date: 7/26/21 To: Bill Helbig, City Engineer From: Glenn Ritter, Senior Engineer Through: Gloria Mantz, Engineering Manager Re: Change Order#1 for Balfour Park Frontage Improvements, CIP #0314 Budget Account No. 309.000.314.594.76.61.05 LaRiviere, Inc. Contract No. 21-062 This change order pays for the substructure (conduit/junction boxes) and construction surveying needed to underground the overhead Century Link communications lines along the east side of Herald Road from Sprague Ave. to just north of Main Ave. The cost (including sales tax) for this Change Order work is $29,283.35 paid for by City of Spokane Valley from the funds set-aside to accommodate the utility work and stubs into the future Library and Park sites. Original Contract Amount: $ 617,770.00 Previous Change Order Cost: $ 0.00 Change Order#1 Cost (includes sales tax) 4, 74 $29,283.35 Project Cost including Change Order#1: $ 647,053.35 City Engineer's Contract authority: $5,000.00 ($5,000) Change Order Cost to date: $0.00 Remaining City Engineer's Contract Authority after CO #1 $5,000.00 City Manager's Contract authority: $ 92,665.50 ($200,000.00 or 15% of contract amount) Change Order Cost to date: $29,283.35 Remaining City Manager's Contract Authority after CO #1 $ 63,382.15 cc: Finance Department Clerk's office SELLAND ( ()\\IR( ( I/HA P.O.Box 119• Wenatchee,WA 98807 Phone: (509)i63-3464 • Fax. (509)662-465 Cretrecsors COSV Balfour Park Frontage Improvements-- Century Link Conduit Run City of Spokane Valley REV#3 July 19,2021 Attn:Glenn Ritter Item: Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 1 Power City Electric(see attached detail pricing) 1.00 LS 26,918.90 26,918.90 2 Land Surveyors Inc.(stake ROW at various locations) 1.00 LS 970.00 970.00 Subtotal $ 27,888.90 Markup at 5% $ 1,394.45 Total Proposal Total Proposal $ 29,283.35 Bid Qualifications: 1 Proposal is based on one mobilization to perform work. 2 Construction survey,permits,landscaping,cutting,and patching are excluded. 3 Items not quoted in table above are excluded. This quote and attachments are to become part of the contract. 4 Selland to be paid with 30 days of invoicing. 5 Proposal is based on Century Link plans dated June 11,2021 and titled Balfour Park Frontage Improvements Project No.0314. Sincerely, Selland Construction,Inc. 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