20-132.02 DW Excavating: Barker Road Widening Project "'Yo e Valley- CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 20-132.02 PROJECT: BARKER ROAD WIDENING PROJECT CONTRACT DATE: 7/15/2020 PRIME CONTRACTOR: DW EXCAVATING, INC. CIP NO: 275 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Significant changes have been made to the gravity sewer and force main from Grace Road to Euclid Road (Sta 29+00 to 38+00)from the original contract plans. The major revision is with the gravity sewer and sewer force mains needing to be moved in order to avoid their close proximity to an existing concrete fiber duct bank. The moving of the sewer mains, also resulted in moving the water and stormwater mains,to provide required spacing requirements with the sewer lines. The sewer changes also include various revisions to side sewers and lateral stubs based on property owner requests. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Sch D- 402 Manhole Type 1-48 EACH 3 $ 2,970.00 $ 8,910.00 Sch D- 404 Manhole Test EACH 3 $ 460.00 $ 1,380.00 Sch D- 405 Extra Depth Manhole V.F. 5 $ 90.00 $ 450.00 Sch D- 413 Mainline Crossing AC Water Lines EACH 1 $ 3,333.00 $ 3,333.00 Sch D- 428 Minor Change CALC. 1 $25,999.00 $ 25,999.00 Sch D- 429 (NEW) Standby Due to Duct Bank Conflict L.S. 1 $17,357.87 $ 17,357.87 Sch D- 430(NEW) Additional Construction Survey#1 L.S. 1 $ 1,529.68 $ 1,529.68 Sch D- 431 (NEW) Additional Force Main Fittings L.S. 1 $ 1,843.46 $ 1,843.46 Sch D- 432 (NEW) Sewer Riser, 8 Inch EACH 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Sch D- 433(NEW) Additional Construction Survey#2 L.S. 1 $ 2,912.54 $ 2,912.54 Sch D- 434 (NEW) Sewer Mandrel Testing L.S. 1 $ 335.65 $ 335.65 Sch D- 435(NEW) Manhole#A4 Stub Dig Out L.S. 1 $ 8,103.03 $ 8,103.03 Total Amount of this Change Order: $ 73,154.23 8.9%Sales Tax(applicable only to Bid Schedule C&D) $ 6,510.73 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval N/A Verbal Approval by_ N/A PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 90 Revision By This Change Order: 4 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 13 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 107 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 2,599,065.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(None)�_�_._....._... ..,__, _..._._..___„_.._................__ $ 72,006.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,671,071.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 73,154.23 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,744,225.23 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: 6401- X DATE: 7-19-2021 The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment the ms Section 4.4 Afihe origi al contract.< �s RECOMMENDED BY: /v�' l // Pro ct Manager APPROVED BY: C /Ct2Gi ddrL DATE: 8/19/2021 Spokane County APPROVED BY: /�--�� DATE: (98// !' ZUZI Engineer Q APPROVED BY: 00.4...d c DATE: (2 (2.1.PZ3 I City Manager ` ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department • COSV Form 9/5/2014 Spokane jValley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 20-132.02 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Significant changes have been made to the gravity sewer and force main from Grace Road to Euclid Road(Sta 29+00 to 38+00)from the original contract plans. The major revision is with the gravity sewer and sewer force mains needing to be moved in order to avoid their close proximity to an existing concrete fiber duct bank. The moving of the sewer mains,also resulted in moving the water and stormwater mains,to provide required spacing requirements with the sewer lines. The sewer changes also include various revisions to side sewers and lateral stubs based on property owner requests. For all these changes,refer to field work directives(FWD)#14, 15, 16, 17 and 21,along with responses to request for information(RFI)#11, 15, 17 and 26. Description of Change: This change order pays for the revisions in bid quantities needed for the revised sewer work. The change order also includes payment for additional costs associated with the sewer changes that existing bid items do not cover and additional work requested by the County. These include: • Standby time resulting in the conflict with the concrete fiver duct bank(FWD#17) • Additional survey needed for the revised utility locations(FWD#17) • Additional pipe fittings for the sewer force main(FWD#17) • Providing an 8-inch rise to sewer stubs(FWD#16&RFI#15) • Additional support to hold rod shots for the county to survey/verify pipe elevations(RFI#11) • Pulling a mandrel through the sewer main. • Digging up side sewer stub(MH-A4)to verify pipe elevations(RFI#26) The change order also increases the dollar amount to item#428 Minor Changes,to reflect actual costs to date for minor changes. Specification: No changes to the specifications because of this change. Plans: Contract plans SDS, SD6,WAS,WA6 and WA7 are replaced with the attached revised sheets. The revisions for the sewer gravity and force main are shown on the attached exhibit"Sewer and Force Main Revisions for Construction, 3/5/21." These plan sheets were provided in FWD#17 and 21. Time: March 3`d to March 8th were counted as non-working days during the standby time associated with FWD#17. Four days are added to the contract for the additional work associated with this change order. crn a ne Valley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 20-132.02 Measurement: "Sewer Riser, 8-Inch,"shall be measured per each. There are no specific measurements for the new lump sum items. Payment: This change order revises the quantity of existing bid item and will be paid using bid unit prices. This change order also creates new items. Payment for new item#429"Standby Due to Duct Bank Conflict",lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Standby Due to Duct Bank Conflict"shall be full pay for the equipment and crew standby time associated from the conflict with the sewer main and the concrete duct bank. Standby time started on 2:45 pm March 2nd until the contract work could resume on the March 9th. Payment for new item#430"Additional Construction Survey#1", lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Additional Construction Survey#1", shall be full pay to provide construction survey staking for the revised gravity sewer,force main,water main and stormwater changes associated with the utility changes in this change order. Payment for new item#431 "Additional Force Main Fittings",lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Additional Force Main Fittings", shall be full pay to furnish four additional 45- degree bend fittings for the sewer force main. Payment for new item#432"Sewer Riser, 8-Inch,"per each. The unit Contract price per each"Sewer Riser, 8-Inch,"shall be full pay for all material,equipment and labor required to install the riser to 4ft below final grade. , Payment for new item#433 "Additional Construction Survey#2",lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Additional Construction Survey#2", shall be full pay to hold survey rod shots for every third stick of pipe during the installation of the gravity and force main mains for the County to be able to check pipe elevations. Payment for new item#434"Sewer Mandrel Testing",lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Sewer Mandrel Testing"shall be full pay for all material,equipment and labor required to pull a sewer mandrel through the installed gravity sewer main. Payment for new item#425-"Manhole#A4 Stub Dig Out", lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Manhole#A4 Stub Dig Out"shall be full pay for all equipment and labor required to dig up and exposed the end of the stub out in order to verify its pipe invert elevation and re- backfill/compact the trench. Spokane jValley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 20-132.02 Summary of Quantities: Bid Description Unit Previous New Qty Estimated Unit Price Amount Item Qty. Qty Change 402 Manhole Type 1-48 EACH 5 8 +3 $2,970.00 $8,910.00 404 Manhole Test EACH 6 9 +3 $460.00 $1,380.00 405 Extra Depth Manhole V.F. 12 17 +5 $90.00 $450.00 413 Mainline Crossing AC Water EACH 5 6 +1 $3,333.00 $3,333.00 Lines 428 Minor Changes CALC. $1.00 $26,000 +$25,999 N/A $25,999.00 429 Standby Due to Duct Bank L.S. 0 1 +1 $17,357.87 $17,357.87 (NEW) Conflict 430 Additional Construction L.S 0 1 +1 $1,529.68 $1,529.68 (NEW) Survey#1 431 Additional Force Main L.S. 0 1 +1 $1,843.46 $1,843.46 (NEW) Fittings 432 Sewer Riser,8-Inch EACH 0 2 +2 $500.00 $1,000.00 (NEW) 433 Additional Construction L.S. 0 1 +1 $2,912.54 $2,912.54 (NEW) Survey#2 434 Sewer Mandrel Testing L.S. 0 1 +1 $335.65 $335.65 (NEW) 435 Manhole#A4 Stub Dig Out L.S. 0 1 +1 $8,103.03 $8,103.03 (NEW) SUBTOTAL $73,154.23 SALES TAX @8.9% $6,510.73 TOTAL $79,664.96 13S a3W10dN00 ,_ Lc, it aCI ry 1 -y .•2 1 1 s coups N 32 �r d 3 W k 9 ❑w — 3 W N yy d a 2 J + Fl 4 s = 5 '. i7 3 uJ n- w ▪ 0 . z a . w '- in z '. = s3 4g H �8. a 0- £ U; W + a3 gg3§ � i j a AA! 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