21-135.00 Century Link: Barker Rd GSP Utility Construction Agreement Utility Name&Address Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Work by City of Spokane Valley — Utility Cost Agreement Number Region Project Title/Location 21- 13 - Spokane County Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project#143 State Route Number Mileposts SR 290/Trent From 12.35 to 12.90 Estimated Agreement Amount Advance Payment Amount $196,852.00 $ 0.00 This Utility Construction Agreement is entered into between the City of Spokane Valley, hereinafter"CITY" and the above-named Utility, hereinafter the "Utility;" collectively the "Parties- and individually the "Party". Recitals 1. The CITY is planning the construction of a joint utility trench ("JUT") in connection with the improvement of the State Route as shown above for the listed CITY Project, and in connection therewith (Work). 2. The Utility is responsible for a proportionate share of the cost of the Work; . 3. The Work shall be defined as all materials, equipment, labor, contract administration and any other efforts required to build the JUT. 4. It is deemed to be in the best public interest for CITY to include the Work in CITY's Project. Now, therefore, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, as well as the attached Exhibits which are incorporated and made a part hereof, it Is Mutually Agreed As Follows: 1. Plans, Specifications and Bids 1.1 CITY agrees to perform the Work in accordance with Exhibit A, Special Provisions, and Exhibit C, Plans. 1.2 The Utility has reviewed and approved the Work Special Provisions and Plans that will be incorporated into CITY Project. 2. Construction, Inspection, and Acceptance 2.1 CITY (and CITY's contractor) agrees to administer the Work on behalf of the Utility. 2.2 The Utility agrees to disconnect and/or reconnect its facilities as required by CITY when such disconnection or reconnection is required to be performed by the Utility. The Parties agree to define disconnect and/or reconnection requirements, including notification and response in Exhibit A. The Utility's existing facilities will be abandoned in place, unless the Utility desires to salvage any of their facilities. 2.3 Salvage: If the Utility desires to salvage materials of their existing facilities, this will be done by the Utility at their own cost. 2.4 The Utility may furnish an inspector for the Work. The Utility agrees that it is solely responsible for all such inspection costs. The Utility's inspector shall not directly contact CITY's contractor.All contact between the Utility's inspector and CITY's contractor shall be through CITY's representatives. CITY's Project Construction Engineer may require the removal and/or replacement of the Utility's inspector if the inspector interferes with CITY's Project, CITY's contractor and/or the Work. DOT Form 224-062 Page 1 of 5 Revised 07/2019 2.5 CITY shall promptly notify the Utility in writing when the Work is completed. 2.6 The Utility shall, within five working days of being notified that the Work is completed: (a) deliver a letter of acceptance to CITY which shall include a release and waiver of all future claims or demands of any nature resulting from the performance of the Work and CITY's administration thereof, or (b) deliver to CITY written reasons why the Work does not comply with the previously approved Plans and Special Provisions. The Utility agrees to work diligently and in good faith with CITY to resolve any issues so as not to delay CITY's Project. If all issues are resolved, the Utility agrees to deliver to CITY a letter of acceptance as provided herein. 2.7 If the Utility does not respond within the required time frame as provided in section 2.6, the Work and the administration thereof will be deemed accepted by the Utility, and CITY shall be released from all future claims and demands. 2.8 Upon completion and acceptance of the Work pursuant to Sections 2.6 or 2.7, the Utility agrees that it shall be solely responsible for all future ownership, operation and maintenance costs of its facilities, without CITY liability or expense. 2.9 CITY will prepare the final construction documentation ("as-builts"). Once the Utility has accepted the Work per Section 2.6 or 2.7, CITY will provide one reproducible set of as-builts to the Utility. 3. Payment 3.1 Utility's estimated proportionate share of the work is, and shall not exceed without further written agreement, One Hundred Ninety-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Two Dollars ($196,852.00). An itemized estimate of Utility-responsible costs for Work is included in Exhibit B, Cost Estimate. 3.2 The Utility agrees to pay CITY the "Advance Payment Amount" stated above within 20 calendar days after CITY submits its first partial payment request to the Utility. The advance payment represents 15 percent of the estimate of cost for which the Utility is responsible. The advance payment will be carried throughout the life of the Work with final adjustment made in the final invoice 3.3 The Parties acknowledge and agree that CITY does not have the legal authority to advance CITY funds for the Utility's Work under this Agreement. Should the Utility fail to make payment according to the terms of this Agreement, CITY shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, charging the Utility for all associated costs of termination, including non-cancellable items, as well as associated Project delay and contractor claims. 3.4 The Utility, in consideration of the faithful performance of the Work to be done by CITY, agrees to pay CITY Utility's proportionate share of the Work, based upon delivery of detailed invoices showing such actual, documented costs, up to the amount shown in Exhibit B, Cost Estimate. CITY shall invoice the Utility and provide supporting documentation therefore, and the Utility agrees to pay CITY within 30 calendar days of receipt of an invoice. A partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that, at the time of final invoice, the Parties will resolve any discrepancies. DOT Form 224-062 Page 2 of 5 Revised 07/2019 4. Change in Work or Cost Increase 4.1 Increase in Cost: In the event unforeseen conditions require an increase in the cost of the Work for which the Utility is responsible, above the Exhibit B, Cost Estimate (including sales tax, engineering, and contingencies), the Parties agree to negotiate a mutually-agreeable resolution to such issue, including where agreed upon modifications to Exhibit B to include such cost increase. If CITY determines that additional Work or a change in the Work is required, prior written approval must be secured from the Utility; however, where the change is required to mitigate a Project emergency or safety threat to the traveling public, CITY will direct the change without the Utility's prior approval. CITY will notify the Utility of such change as soon as possible thereafter. The Utility agrees to respond to all CITY change order requests in writing and within five working days. 4.2 The Utility may request additions to the Work through CITY in writing. CITY will implement the requested changes as elective changes, provided that a change does not negatively impact CITY's transportation system and complies with the Standard Specifications, Project permits, state and/or federal law, applicable rules and/or regulations, and/or CITY design policies, and does not unreasonably delay critically scheduled Project contract activities. 4.3 All elective changes to the Work shall be approved in writing by the Utility before CITY directs the contractor to implement the changes, even if an executed change order is not required by the Project contract. The Utility agrees to pay for the increases in cost, if any, for such elective changes in accordance with Section 3. 4.4 CITY will make available to the Utility all change order documentation related to the Work. 5. Franchise or Permit 5.1 The Utility shall apply for a permit for Utility facilities that will be located within public right of way at the completion of the Work and after receipt of the as-builts from CITY. 6. Right of Entry 6.1 CITY agrees to arrange for rights of entry upon all lands which are necessary to perform the Work. 7. General Provisions 7.1 Indemnification: To the extent authorized by law, the Utility and CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless one another and their employees and/or officers from and shall process and defend at its own expense any and all claims, demands, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, damages (both to persons and/or property), or costs, of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the one Party arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the other Party's performance or failure to perform any aspect of this Agreement, provided, however, that if such claims are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of(a)the Utility and (b) CITY,their respective employees and/or officers, or involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Utility or CITY, and provided further, that nothing herein shall require the Utility or CITY to hold harmless or defend the other or its employees and/or officers from any claims arising from that Party's sole negligence or that of its employees and/or officers. The terms of this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. DOT Form 224-062 Page 3 of 5 Revised 07/2019 7.2 Disputes: If a dispute occurs between the Utility and CITY at any time during the prosecution of the Work, the Parties agree to negotiate at the management level to resolve any issues. Should such negotiations fail to produce a satisfactory resolution, the Parties agree to enter into mediation before proceeding to any other legal remedy. Each Party shall be responsible for its own fees and costs. The Parties agree to equally share the cost of a mediator. 7.3 Venue: In the event that either Party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree that any such action or proceedings shall be brought in a state or federal court situated in Spokane County, Washington. Each Party shall be responsible for its own attorney's fees and costs. 7.4 Termination: 7.4.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, the Utility may terminate this Agreement upon at least 30 calendar days written notice to CITY. If this Agreement is terminated by the Utility prior to the fulfillment of the terms stated herein, the Utility shall reimburse CITY for all actual direct and related indirect expenses and costs, including mobilization, construction engineering, contract administration and overhead costs, incurred up to the date of termination associated with the Utility Work, as well as the cost of non-cancelable obligations, including any redesign, reengineering or re-estimating, if necessary, to delete the Work, and contractor claims, if any, payment in accordance with Section 3. Further, the Utility acknowledges and agrees that should it terminate this Agreement, such termination shall not relieve the Utility from its responsibility to design, remove, relocate and/or construct its facilities so as not to delay or conflict with CITY's Project. CITY agrees to provide to the Utility all Work-related documents upon final payment by the Utility. 7.42 Unless otherwise provided herein, CITY may terminate this Agreement upon at least 30 calendar days written notice to the Utility if it elects not to move forward with the Project. Should CITY terminate this Agreement, CITY shall reimburse Utility for all actual direct and related indirect expenses and costs, including mobilization, construction engineering, contract administration and overhead costs, incurred by Utility up to the date of termination associated with the Work. 7.5 Amendments: This Agreement may be amended only by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments or modifications shall not be binding unless put in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind each of the Parties. 7.6 Independent Contractor: Both Parties shall be deemed independent contractors for all purposes, and the employees of each Party and any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and the employees thereof, shall not in any manner be deemed to be the employees of the other Party. 7.7 Audit and Records: During the progress of the Work and for a period of not less than six years from the date of final payment, both Parties shall maintain the records and accounts pertaining to the Work and shall make them available during normal business hours and as often as necessary, for inspection and audit by the other Party, Washington State, and/or Federal Government and copies of all records, accounts, documents or other data pertaining to the Work will be furnished upon request. The requesting Party shall pay the cost of copies produced. If any litigation, claim or audit is commenced, the record, accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained until any litigation, claim or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim or audit continues past the six-year retention period. 7.8 Working Days: Working days for this Agreement are defined as Monday through Friday,excluding Washington State holidays per RCW 1.16.050. DOT Form 224-062 Page 4 of 5 Revised 07/2019 In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year last written below. Utility City of Spokane Valley Signature: Signature: )/(AW I/t--- By: Laina Moris By: /Mar K Ca thou, Print Name Print Name Title: Sr Director, Network Implementation Title: C1ti I f Date: August 10, 2021 Date: M6(2-02-1 DOT Form 224-062 Page 5 of 5 Revised 07/2019 Exhibit A -Relevant addendum and special provisions of the City's construction contract pertaining to the JUT Contract 009623 Provisions For Construction of: SR 290 MP 11 .40 TO MP 12.89 SR 290/BARKEqaDOAD BNSF GRADESEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY - MP 12.5 V SPOKANE COUN 1 F. A. PROJECT NO. REP-HLP-TIGERIX-4123(005) Washington State V. Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Spokane, Washington 99207 December 30, 2020 ATTENTION:All Bidders and Planholders SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY—MP 12.5 20Z009 / C9623 SPOKANE COUNTY F.A. Project No. REP-HLP-TIGERIX-4123(005) Addendum No. 4 The Special Provisions, Contract Plans, and Proposal for this project are amended as follows: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. On Page 81, the following is inserted after Line 2: General Section 1-10.1 is supplemented with the following: ( ) Temporary traffic control work shall include the installation and removal of Temporary Pavement Markings Long Duration, in accordance with Section 8-23.3(4)B. 2. On Page 81, the following is inserted after Line 51: ( ) In addition to the items listed in Section 1-10, the following items are to be included in the bid item "Project Temporary Traffic Control": • Temporary Pavement Marking —Long Duration CONTRACT PLANS 1. Plan sheets 9(SQ3)and 10A(SQ4A)are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 2. Plan sheets 95(SNUT1) and 96(SNUT2), are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 3. Plan Sheets 97 (UT1), 102(UT7) through 104(UT9) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 4. Plan sheet 156(WA5) is revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. 5. Plan sheet 199(BG10) is revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. PROPOSAL 1. On Page 9, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 119.is REVISED. 2. On Page 9, the BID ITEM No. 121 is DELETED. 3. On Page 9, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 122 is REVISED. 4. On Page 13, the BID ITEM No. 174 is ADDED. Bidders shall furnish the Secretary of Transportation with evidence of the receipt of this addendum. This addendum will be incorporated in the contract when awarded and formally executed. Michael Gribner, P.E. Regional Administrator Attachments: Plan sheet 9 of 250 (Rev. 12/30/2020) Plan sheet 10A of 250 (Rev. 12/30/2020) Plan sheet 95 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 96 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 97 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 102 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 103 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 104 of 250 (Rev. 12/29/2020) Plan sheet 156 of 250 (Rev. 12/30/2020) Plan sheet 199 of 250 (Rev. 12/30/2020) Proposal pages 9 and 13 (Rev. 12/30/2020) ADDENDUM NO.4 SR290BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009/C9623 2 Department of Transportation Spokane, Washington 99207 December 23, 2020 ATTENTION:All Bidders and Planholders SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY—MP 12.5 20Z0091 C9623 SPOKANE COUNTY F.A. Project No. REP-HLP-TIGERIX-4123(005) Addendum No. 3 The Special Provisions, Contract Plans, Proposal, and Wage Rates for this project are amended as follows: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. On Page 53, lines 18 through 29 are deleted and replaced with the following: Utility Installation Window Contractor shall provide one, 10 working day Utility Installation Window, directly following the completion of the complete pathway of CenturyLink's conduit across the Barker Road Bridge. Contractor shall protect CenturyLink existing facilities in BNSF right of way. 2. On Page 57, the following is inserted after Line 11: Temporary Utility Supports and Protection Description The Contractor shall design, furnish, and install temporary supports for the existing utilities during installation, including associated footings, support beams, and utility support systems. The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings with the proposed temporary utility support system and protection for every utility. The plans shall show details of the proposed construction, including sizes and properties of all members and components, and spacing of the utility supports. The Contractor shall furnish associated design calculations to the Engineer as part of the submittal. The design calculations shall include the design of all components and shall show the stresses and deflections in all load-carrying members that are part of the utility support system. The design load for utility systems shall consist of the sum of dead, utility surcharge, and any other loads determined necessary. Dead loads shall include the weight of the all utilities, encasements or sleeves around the utilities, and utility support systems. For utilities encased in concrete, the weight of concrete shall be assumed to be not less than 150 pounds per cubic foot. Utility support systems shall be designed such that neither the conduit or pipe, the supports, nor the support members are overstressed by any loads imposed during the utility support installation. Utility support systems shall be designed to limit deflection of the existing utility. Deflection resulting from dead load of the utility shall not exceed 1/360 of the span, or as allowed per the Utility Owner, whichever is less. The Contractor shall coordinate with each Utility Owner to determine the maximum deflection allowed. Utility support members shall be designed in accordance with the methods, loads, and stress limits specified in Timber Construction Manual, latest edition, by the American Institute of Timber Construction, the Steel Construction Manual, latest edition, by the American Institute of Steel Construction, or as approved by the Engineer. Payment Payment will be made for the following bid item when included in the proposal: 'Temporary Utility Supports and Protection ", lump sum The lump sum price for "Temporary Utility Supports and Protection" shall be full compensation for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental for the protection of the existing utilities; design and submittal preparation; and furnish, install, remove, and make any required adjustments for temporary utility supports and protection. 3. On Page 70, lines 1 through 18 are deleted. 4. On Page 104, lines 11 and 12 are deleted and replaced with the following: Epoxy-Coated St. Reinf. Bar 119,523 LB St. Reinf. Bar 11,560 LB 5. On Page 134, Line 19 is deleted. 6. On Page 137, lines 19 through 24 are deleted. 7. On Page 138, lines 32 through 33 are deleted and replaced with the following: "for equipment, materials and labor required for excavation, bedding, backfill, easing, detectable underground warning tape, pull tape, haul and disposal of excavated materials," CONTRACT PLANS 1. Plan sheets 7(SQ1), 8(SQ2), 9(SQ3), and 10(SQ4) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 2. Plan Sheet 10A(SQ4A) is added as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. ADDENDUM NO.3 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.6 20Z009/C9623 2 3. Plan sheets 18(ST1) through 21(ST4) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 4. Plan sheets 26(AL1) and 27(AL2) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 5. Plan Sheet 89(DP9) is revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. 6. Plan sheets 95(SNUT1) and 96(SNUT2) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 7. Plan sheets 97(UT1) through 100(UT4) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 8. Plan Sheet 107(UT12) is revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. 9. Plan Sheet 168(SS2) is revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheet. 10. Plan sheets 190(BG1), 192(BG3), 195(BG6), 197(BG8), 199(BG10), 203(BG14), 204(BG15), and 227(BG38) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. 11. Plan sheets 234(TC7), 236(TC9), and 237(TC10) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. PROPOSAL 1. On Page 4, the BID ITEM No. 43 is DELETED. 2. On Page 4, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 49 is REVISED. 3. On Page 4, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 52 is REVISED. 4. On Page 4, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 54 is REVISED. 5. On Page 10, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 125 is REVISED. 6. On Page 13, the BID ITEM No. 172 is DELETED. 7. On Page 13, the BID ITEM No. 173 is ADDED. WAGE RATES 1. Federal Wage Determination WA20200001 Modification 15, pages 1 and 8 are deleted and replaced with WA20200001 Modification 16, pages 1 and 8. Bidders shall furnish the Secretary of Transportation with evidence of the receipt of this addendum. This addendum will be incorporated in the contract when awarded and formally executed. Michael Gribner, P.E. Regional Administrator ADDENDUM NO.3 SR290BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009/C9623 3 Attachments: Plan sheet 7 of 250 (Rev. 12/22/2020) Plan sheet 8 of 250 (Rev. 12/22/2020) • Plan sheet 9 of 250 (Rev. 12/22/2020) Plan sheet 10 of 250 (Rev. 12/22/2020) Plan sheet 10A of 250 (Rev. 12/22/2020) Plan sheet 18 of 250 (Rev. 12/17/2020) Plan sheet 19 of 250 (Rev. 12/17/2020) Plan sheet 20 of 250 (Rev. 12/17/2020) Plan sheet 21 of 250 (Rev. 12/17/2020) Plan sheet 26 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 27 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 89 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 95 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 96 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 97 of 250 (Rev. 12/23/2020) Plan sheet 98 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 99 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 100 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 107 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 168 of 250 (Rev. 12/15/2020) Plan sheet 190 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 192 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 195 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 197 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 199 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 203 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 204 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 227 of 250 (Rev. 12/18/2020) Plan sheet 234 of 250 (Rev. 12/15/2020) Plan sheet 236 of 250 (Rev. 12/15/2020) Plan sheet 237 of 250 (Rev. 12/15/2020) Proposal pages 4, 10, and 13 (3 pages) (Rev. 12/22/2020) Federal Wage Determination WA20200001, Modification 16, pages 1 and 8 (2 pages) (Rev. 12/11/2020) ADDENDUM NO.3 SR280BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.6 20Z009/C9623 4 Department of Transportation Spokane, Washington 99207 December 7, 2020 ATTENTION:All Bidders and Planholders SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY— MP 12.5 20Z009 / C9623 SPOKANE COUNTY F.A. Project No. REP-HLP-TIGERIX-4123(005) Addendum No. 1 The Special Provisions, Contract Plans, and Proposal for this project are amended as follows: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. On Page 106, the following is inserted after Line 15: Measurement Section 7-02.4 is supplemented with the following: ( ) The length of ductile iron culvert pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert. Pipe placed in excess of the length designated by the Engineer will not be measured or paid for. 2. On Page 108, the following is inserted after Line 24: Measurement Section 7-04.4 is supplemented with the following: ( ) The length of ductile iron storm sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings. The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of manhole or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type Structures. 3. On Page 138, Lines 6 and 7 are deleted. 4. On Page 139, Lines 1 through 12 are deleted and replaced with the following: All costs for installing CenturyLink Utility Vaults shall be included in the unit contract price per linear foot for "Joint Utility Trench Type ". CONTRACT PLANS 1. Plan sheets 7(SQ1) through 10(SQ4) are revised as shaded and noted on the attached sheets. PROPSOSAL 1. On Page 6, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 69 is REVISED. 2. On Page 6, the BID ITEM No. 70 is DELETED. 3. On Page 8, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 102 is REVISED. 4. On Page 8, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 103 is REVISED. 5. On Page 8, the BID ITEM No. 108 is DELETED. 6. On Page 9, the BID ITEM No. 120 is DELETED. 7. On Page 9, the STANDARD ITEM No. for BID ITEM No. 121 is ADDED. 8. On Page 9, the STANDARD ITEM No. for BID ITEM No. 122 is ADDED. 9. On Page 12, the STANDARD ITEM No. for BID ITEM No. 164 is ADDED. 10. On Page 13, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 166 is REVISED. 11. On Page 13, the STANDARD ITEM No. for BID ITEM No. 167 is ADDED. 12. On Page 13, the STANDARD ITEM No. for BID ITEM No. 169 is ADDED. 13. On Page 13, the ITEM QUANTITY for Bid Item No. 170 is REVISED. 14. On Page 13, the BID ITEM No. 171 is ADDED. 15. On Page 13, the BID ITEM No. 172 is ADDED. 16. On Pages 1 through 13, the PROJECT TITLE is REVISED. ADDENDUM NO. 1 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009/C9623 2 Bidders shall furnish the Secretary of Transportation with evidence of the receipt of this addendum. This addendum will be incorporated in the contract when awarded and formally executed. Michael Gribner, P.E. Regional Administrator Attachments: Plan Sheet 7 of 250 (Rev. 12/02/2020) Plan Sheet 8 of 250 (Rev. 12/02/2020) Plan Sheet 9 of 250 (Rev. 12/02/2020) Plan Sheet 10 of 250 (Rev. 12/02/2020) Proposal pages 1 through 13 (Rev. 12/02/2020) ADDENDUM NO.1 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009/C9623 3 1 Washington State 2 Department of Transportation 3 Spokane, Washington 99207 4 5 6 7 SR290/BARKER ROAD 8 BNSF GRADE SEPARATION 9 SPOKANE COUNTY - MP 12.5 10 20Z009 11 SPOKANE COUNTY 12 13 14 Notice to All Planholders 15 The Engineer assigned to answer questions regarding these bid documents, 16 show this project to prospective bidders and act as the Contracting Agency's 17 representative who directly supervises the engineering and administration of this 18 project is: 19 20 Mark Allen, P.E. 21 2714 North Mayfair Street 22 Spokane, WA 99207-2050 23 (509) 324-6232 24 WSDOTAllenBidQuestions a(�wsdot.wa.gov 25 26 27 Mike Gribner, P.E. 28 Regional Administrator 29 30 31 As the Engineer in direct responsible charge of developing these contract 32 provisions, I certify these provisions have been developed or incorporated into 33 this project under my supervision or as a result of certified specifications provided 34 by other licensed professionals. 35 36 37 38 39 w7aA o:WA 40 0 irc 1� 41 ~ �o .10 42 '� 33789' ,k 2020.11.09 43 �F�,STE��9�.4v 13:09:20-08'00' 44 �SSi°NAL 6 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SR290/BARKER ROAD 52 BNSF GRADE SEPARATION 53 SPOKANE COUNTY—MP 12.5 54 20Z009 1 Utilities and Similar Facilities 2 3 Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (April 2, 2007) 6 Locations and dimensions shown in the Plans for existing facilities are in accordance with 7 available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. 8 9 The following addresses and telephone numbers of utility companies known or suspected 10 of having facilities within the project limits are supplied for the Contractor's convenience: 11 12 *** 13 Avista Gas 14 Contact: Jeff James 15 2406 N. Dollar Road MSC-60 16 Spokane, WA 99212 17 0 509.495.8357 18 C 509.703.3058 19 Jeff.James@avistacorp.com 20 21 Avista Power- Distribution 22 Contact: Mike Bosshardt 23 PO Box 3727 MSC-46 24 Spokane, WA 99220 25 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC-)0( 26 Spokane, WA 99202 27 0 509.495.2058 28 C 509.828.7281 29 Mike.Bosshardt@avistacorp.com 30 31 Avista Power-Transmission 32 Contact: Dan Adams 33 PO Box 3727 MSC-46 34 Spokane, WA 99220 35 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC-24 36 Spokane, WA 99202 37 0 509.495.2455 38 C 509.953.5429 39 Dan.Adams@avistacorp.com 40 41 Centurylink 42 C/O Terra Technologies 43 Contact: Chelsea Lloyd 44 C 208.755.3226 45 clloyd@terratechlIc.net 46 47 City of Spokane Valley 48 Contact: Rob Lochmiller 49 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 50 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 51 0 509.720.5010 52 rochmiller@spokanevalley.org SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 50 1 Comcast 2 Contact: Bryan Richardson 3 1717E Buckeye 4 Spokane, WA 99207 5 0 509.755.4717 6 C 509.370.7389 7 Bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com 8 9 Consolidated Irrigation District 19 10 Contact: Shane Sheppard 11 120 N Greenacres Road 12 Spokane Valley, WA. 99016 13 O 509.924.3655 14 C 509.924.1855 15 consolidatedirrigation@comcast.net 16 17 Fatbeam 18 Contact: Bruce Hathaway 19 C 208.771.9204 20 21 Inland Power 22 Contact: Cassie Blake 23 (509) 951-0171 24 PO Box A 25 Spokane, WA 99219 26 509.252.4564 27 28 Phillips 66 (Yellowstone Gas Pipeline) 29 RES Agent 30 Contact: Derek Lilleberg 31 2626 Lillian Avenue 32 Billings, MT 59101 33 0 406.255.5708 34 M 406.855.0116 35 36 Pioneer Water 37 Contact: Cassie Blake 38 (509) 951-0171 39 40 Spokane County 41 Wastewater Operations 42 Contact: Louis Graf 43 1116 W. Broadway Avenue 44 Spokane, WA 99260 45 0 509.477.7290 46 Igraf@spokanecounty.org 47 48 49 50 51 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 51 1 Zayo 2 Contact 1: Dean Christensen 3 9515E 1st Street 4 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 5 O 509.321.9450 6 Dean.christensen@zayo.com 7 8 Contact 2: Michael Miner 9 9515 E 1st Street 10 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 11 O 509.822.4321 12 Michael.miner@zayo.com 13 14 WSDOT Signals Shop 15 Dave Brinkley 16 3 E Gordon St 17 Spokane WA 99207 18 0 509.323.8475 19 C 509.570.2780 20 21 22 23 (April 2, 2007) 24 Locations and dimensions shown in the Plans for existing facilities are in accordance with 25 available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. 26 27 Public and private utilities, or their Contractors, will furnish all work necessary to adjust, 28 relocate, replace, or construct their facilities unless otherwise provided for in the Plans or 29 these Special Provisions. Such adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction will 30 be done during the prosecution of the work for this project. It is anticipated that utility 31 adjustment, relocation, replacement or construction within the project limits will be 32 completed as follows: 33 34 *** 35 Avista Electrical Transmission and Distribution: 36 Relocation of aboveground utility pole installations on the east and west side of 37 Barker Road 38 39 Distribution - Utility Installation Window 40 Contractor shall provide one, 5 working day Utility Installation Window 41 before the Contractor performs the following work: 42 • places roadway embankment to raise the grade of Barker Road and Private 43 Road 44 • installation of Walls 1 and 2 45 46 Notice of the Utility Installation Window shall be provided to Avista at least 21 47 calendar days in advance. 48 49 50 51 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 52 1 Avista Gas: 2 Relocation of underground gas on Barker Road 3 4 Utility Installation Window 5 Contractor shall provide one, 10 working day Utility Installation Window 6 after the Contractor has placed roadway embankment to subgrade elevation 7 on Barker Road and Private Road. 8 9 Notice of the Utility Installation Window shall be provided to the utility provider 10 at least 21 calendar days in advance. 11 12 CenturvLink: 13 Relocation of existing underground cable and conduit within the BNSF right of way 14 and within the roadway footprint both north and south of the BNSF right of way. This 15 work includes pulling cables within the contractor-installed joint utility trench and 16 bridge-supported conduit. 17 18 Utility Installation Window 19 Contractor shall provide one, 60 working day Utility Installation Window, 20 directly following the completion of the complete pathway of CenturyLink's 21 conduit and vaults for their 48-ct fiber route on Trent Avenue from vault at TR 22 sta. 103+00 to vault at WB Sta. 122+00. 23 24 Contractor shall notify CenturyLink a minimum of 21 calendar days in advance 25 of completion of the complete pathway. 26 27 Contractor must protect CenturyLink existing facilities in BNSF right of way until 28 after the CenturyLink Utility Installation Window work is complete and the 29 contractor is notified their temporary system is active. 30 31 Corncast 32 Relocation of overhead communication facilities onto relocated Avista poles 33 34 Utility Installation Window 35 Contractor shall provide one, 10 working day Utility Installation Window, 36 directly following the Avista Distribution Installation Window, for communication 37 utilities to relocate their facilities from the existing power poles to the new 38 electrical distribution poles and remove the old power poles. 39 40 Notice of the Utility Installation Window shall be provided to the utility providers at 41 least 21 calendar days in advance. 42 43 Inland Power: 44 Installation of new underground electrical service for illumination system. Inland 45 Power will install their conductor-in-conduit (CIC) in the joint utility trench and install 46 a padmount transformer along the north side of Trent Avenue (SR 290). Contractor 47 shall be fully responsible for coordination with Inland Power for the installation of the 48 CIC necessary for the illumination service. This coordination shall include scheduling 49 lead times necessary for Inland Power forces to place the CIC during the"Joint Utility 50 Trench, Type A" construction prior to placement of joint utility trench backfilling 51 materials. 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 53 1 Contractor shall provide Inland Power notice at least 21 calendar days in advance 2 for authorization of site access for installation of their CIC within the joint utility trench. 3 Contractor shall provide one, 10 working-day Utility Installation Window for Inland 4 Power to place their CIC in the joint utility trench, prior to the Contractor placing 5 trench backfill material. 6 7 Contractor shall obtain written approval from Inland Power that they have completed 8 the installation of the CIC prior to the contractor backfilling the joint utility trench. 9 10 Spokane County Public Works: 11 Relocation of existing sanitary sewer manholes in Trent Avenue (SR 290) 12 13 Utility Installation Window 14 Contractor shall provide one, 5 working day Utility Installation Window after 15 the Contractor has placed roadway embankment to subgrade elevation on 16 Trent Avenue (SR 290). 17 18 Zayo 19 Relocation of overhead communication facilities onto relocated Avista poles 20 21 Utility Installation Window 22 Contractor shall provide one, 10 working day Utility Installation Window, 23 directly following the Avista Distribution Installation Window, for communication 24 utilities to relocate their facilities from the existing power poles to the new 25 electrical distribution poles and remove the old power poles. 26 27 Notice of the Utility Installation Window shall be provided to the utility providers 28 at least 21 calendar days in advance. 29 *** 30 31 The Contractor shall attend a mandatory utility preconstruction meeting with the Engineer, 32 all affected Subcontractors, and all utility owners and their Contractors prior to beginning 33 onsite work. 34 35 The following addresses and telephone numbers of utility companies or their Contractors 36 that will be adjusting, relocating, replacing or constructing utilities within the project limits 37 are supplied for the Contractor's use: 38 39 40 Avista Gas 41 Contact: Jeff James 42 2406 N. Dollar Road MSC-60 43 Spokane, WA 99212 44 0 509.495.8357 45 C 509.703.3058 46 Jeff.James@avistacorp.com 47 48 49 50 51 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 54 1 Avista Power - Distribution 2 Contact: Mike Bosshardt 3 PO Box 3727 MSC-46 4 Spokane, WA 99220 5 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC-XX 6 Spokane, WA 99202 7 0 509.495.2058 8 C 509.828.7281 9 Mike.Bosshardt@avistacorp.com 10 11 Avista Power - Transmission 12 Contact: Dan Adams 13 PO Box 3727 MSC-46 14 Spokane, WA 99220 15 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC-24 16 Spokane, WA 99202 17 0 509.495.2455 18 C 509.953.5429 19 Dan.Adams@avistacorp.com 20 21 Centurylink 22 C/O Terra Technologies 23 Contact: Chelsea Lloyd 24 C 208.755.3226 25 clloyd@terratechllc.net 26 27 Comcast 28 Contact: Bryan Richardson 29 1717E Buckeye 30 Spokane, WA 99207 31 0 509.755.4717 32 C 509.370.7389 33 Bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com 34 35 Fatbeam 36 Contact: Bruce Hathaway 37 C 208.771.9204 38 39 Inland Power 40 Contact: Cassie Blake 41 (509) 951-0171 42 PO Box A 43 Spokane, WA 99219 44 509.252.4564 45 46 Spokane County 47 Wastewater Operations 48 Contact: Louis Graf 49 1116 W. Broadway Avenue 50 Spokane, WA 99260 51 0 509.477.7290 52 Igraf@spokanecounty.org SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 55 1 Zayo 2 Contact: Dean Christensen 3 9515E 1st Street 4 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 5 0 509.321.9450 6 Dean.christensen@zavo.com 7 8 Contact: Michael Miner 9 9515E 1st Street 10 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 11 0 509.822.4321 12 Michael.miner(cr)zavo.com 13 *** 14 1 5 (******) 16 Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: 17 18 Verify Utility 19 Description 20 This work consists of excavating material to expose existing underground utilities(Private 21 or Public), using excavation methods which do not damage the utility such as with 22 hydrovac excavation method, as necessary to verify the type, size, depth and orientation 23 at the location directed by the Contracting Agency, to avoid possible conflicts, when 24 directed by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor is responsible for establishing survey 25 control in order to determine the existing utilities location (horizontally and vertically) 26 relative to proposed improvements. 27 28 The project will require verifications of existing utilities at proposed stormwater pipe 29 crossings. Approximately 17 crossing locations with fiber, gas, water, and other utilities, 30 will require verification. Crossing locations are based on the Contract Plans and shall be 31 provided by the Engineer. 32 33 The verification depth will range from a minimum of 3-ft below existing ground (BEG)to a 34 maximum of 8-ft. BEG. 35 36 The Contractor shall complete this work as soon as possible upon mobilizing to the 37 project, and in advance of any work except traffic control and temporary erosion and 38 sediment control measures, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Agency. Prior 39 to excavation the Contractor shall request locates (if not completed), or request re-marks 40 if previous locates were disturbed. After verification, the Contractor shall coordinate 41 information with the Engineer within 48 hours of verification. 42 43 Measurement 44 Measurement shall be per each. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to add or 45 remove the number of"Verify Utility" items as needed prior to or during the Work. 46 47 48 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 56 3/4 27,200 6-3/4 7/8 32,000 7-7/8 1 41,000 9 1-1/4 70,000 11-1/4 1 2 3 The Contractor shall submit items 1 and 2 below to the Engineer for all resin bonded 4 anchor systems. If the resin bonded anchor system and anchor diameter are not listed in 5 the current WSDOT Qualified Products List, the Contractor shall also submit item 3 below 6 to the Engineer. 7 8 For resin bonded anchor systems that are installed in a submerged liquid environment 9 the Contractor shall submit items 1, 2, and 4 below. If the resin bonded anchor system 10 and anchor diameter are not listed in the current WSDOT Qualified Products List, the 11 Contractor shall also submit item 3 below to the Engineer. 12 13 1 The resin manufacturer's written installation procedure for the anchors. 14 15 2. The manufacturer's certificate of compliance for the threaded anchor rod 16 certifying that the anchor rod meets these requirements. 17 18 3. Test results by an independent laboratory certifying that the threaded anchor rod 19 system meets the ultimate anchor tensile load capacity specified in the above 20 table. The tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E 488. 21 22 4. For threaded anchors intended to be installed in submerged liquid environments 23 the Contractor shall submit tests performed by an independent laboratory within 24 the past 24 months which certifies that anchors installed in a submerged 25 environment meet the strength requirements specified in the above table. 26 27 (April 6, 2015) 28 Rapid Cure Silicone Sealant 29 Rapid cure silicone sealant shall be Dow Corning 902 RCS Joint Sealant. 30 31 The Contractor shall deliver the joint sealant to the job site in the sealant manufacturer's 32 original sealed container. Each container shall be marked with the sealant manufacturer's 33 name and lot or batch number. Each lot or batch shall be accompanied by the 34 manufacturer's Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and Manufacturer's Certificate of 35 Compliance, identifying the lot or batch number, and certifying that the materials conform 36 to the properties stated on the product data sheet. 37 38 The backer rod shall be closed cell expanded polyethylene foam as recommended by the 39 sealant manufacturer. The diameter of the backer rod shall be as recommended by the 40 sealant manufacturer for the expansion joint opening at the time of installation. 41 42 Bridge Supported Utilities 43 44 (June 26, 2000) 45 Inserts shall be of the type and model specified in the Plans. Inserts shall be galvanized 46 in accordance with AASHTO M 111. SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 101 1 2 (September 3, 2019) 3 Hanger rods, and associated nuts and washers, shall conform to Section 9-06.5(1), and 4 shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329. 5 6 Steel bars and plates shall conform to ASTM A 36 and shall be galvanized in accordance 7 with AASHTO M 111. 8 9 Construction Requirements 10 11 Section 6-02.3 is supplemented with the following: 12 13 Bridge Supported Utilities 14 15 (August 3, 2015) 16 The Contractor shall furnish and install inserts for the bridge utility supports as shown in 17 the Plans. The Contractor shall verify that the hanger rods freely hang plumb in their 18 inserts, and shall make adjustments to the inserts as necessary and as accepted by the 19 Engineer prior to utility installation. 20 21 (June 26, 2000) 22 The Contractor shall furnish and install the bridge utility supports, and the utility pipe or 23 conduit pipe, as shown in the Plans. 24 25 Acceptance of Concrete 26 27 General 28 29 Section 6-02.3(5)A is supplemented with the following: 30 31 The first paragraph of Section 6-02.3(5)A is supplemented with the following: 32 33 (******) 34 35 7. Class 4000 concrete for sidewalks, islands, curbs, curb and gutters, and 36 curb ramps. 37 38 Finishing Concrete Surfaces 39 40 Pigmented Sealer Materials 41 42 Section 6-02.3(14)C is supplemented with the following: 43 44 (April 6, 2009) 45 The color of the pigmented sealer shall be Washington Gray. 46 47 Falsework and Formwork 48 49 Falsework and Formwork at Special Locations 50 51 Section 6-02.3(17)C is supplemented with the following: SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 102 1 2 (September 3, 2019) 3 The Contractor shall obtain permission from the Railroad Company for the 4 Contractor's falsework openings over railroad tracks. The Contractor shall notify 5 the Railroad Company at least***30***working days prior to erecting falsework 6 over a track, and shall include the dimensions of the opening and the duration 7 of the restricted clearance in the submittal. 8 9 Placing Anchor Bolts 10 11 Section 6-02.3(18) is supplemented with the following: 12 13 (January 3, 2011) 14 Resin Bonded Anchors 15 The embedment depth of the anchors shall be as specified in the Plans. If the 16 embedment depth of the anchor is not specified in the Plans then the embedment 17 depth shall be as specified in the table of minimum and maximum torque below. 18 19 The anchors shall be installed in accordance with the resin manufacturer's written 20 procedure. 21 22 Holes shall be drilled as specified in the Plans. Holes may be drilled with a rotary 23 hammer drill when core drilling is not specified in the Plans. If holes are core drilled, 24 the sides of the holes shall be roughened with a rotary hammer drill after core drilling. 25 26 Holes shall be prepared in accordance with the resin manufacturer's 27 recommendations and shall meet the minimum requirements as specified herein. 28 Holes drilled into concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of debris, dust, and laitance 29 prior to installing the threaded rod and resin bonding material. Holes shall not have 30 any standing liquid at the time of installation of the threaded anchor rod. 31 32 The anchor nuts shall be tightened to the following torques when the embedment 33 equals or exceeds the minimum embedment specified. 34 35 Anchor Minimum Maximum Minimum Diameter Torque Torque Embedment (inch) (ft-Ibs) (ft-lbs) (Inch) 3/8 12 18 3-3/8 1/2 22 35 4-1/2 5/8 55 80 5-5/8 3/4 106 140 6-3/4 7/8 165 190 7-7/8 1 195 225 9 1-1/4 370 525 11-1/4 36 37 When the anchor embedment depth is less than the minimum values specified, the 38 anchor nuts shall be tightened to the torque values specified in the Plans, or as 39 recommended by the resin bonded anchor system manufacturer and approved by 40 the Engineer. 41 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 103 1 Measurement 2 3 Section 6-02.4 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (September 8, 2010) 6 ***Superstructure—Barker Road Bridge***contains the following approximate quantities 7 of materials and work: 8 9 *** Conc. Class 4000D 394 CY 10 Conc. Class 4000 188 CY 11 Epoxy-Coated St. Reinf. Bar 119,515 LB 12 St. Reinf. Bar 13,760 LB 13 Elastomeric Bearing Pads 10 EA 14 Elastomeric Girder Stop Pads 20 EA 15 Concrete Inserts for utility hangers 48 EA 16 Bridge Deck Test Slab 3 CY 17 *** 18 19 The quantities are listed only for the convenience of the Contractor in determining the 20 volume of work involved and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The prospective bidders 21 shall verify these quantities before submitting a bid. No adjustments other than for 22 accepted changes will be made in the lump sum Contract price for *** Superstructure — 23 Barker Road Bridge***even though the actual quantities required may deviate from those 24 listed. 25 26 Payment 27 28 Section 6-02.5 is supplemented with the following: 29 30 (June 26, 2000) 31 Bridge Supported Utilities 32 All costs in connection with placing ***conduits***through the superstructure of*** Barker 33 Road Bridge *** as shown in the Plans, including all ***furnishing of conduit pipe and 34 sleeves, fittings, threaded rods, bars and plates, junction boxes, but excluding concrete 35 inserts into the bridge deck; installation of bridge supported utilities and appurtenances 36 ***, shall be included in the *** unit contract price for "Bridge Supported Utilities" .*** 37 38 Bridge Railings 39 40 Materials 41 42 Section 6-06.2 is supplemented with the following: 43 44 (******) 45 Bridge Railing Type Snow Fence and Bridge Railing Type Wire Fabric 46 Fence 47 Wire fabric shall be 8 gage diameter, 2 inch square wire mesh conforming to ASTM F 48 2453 Type 2 and galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111. 49 50 HSS tubes shall conform to ASTM A 500, Grade B. 51 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 104 1 2 The Contractor shall use fibrous expansion material, full depth of sidewalk, ramp or 3 driveway, in all expansion joints. The on-site inspector shall verify all expansion material 4 prior to pouring concrete. 5 6 Stamping company logos into the concrete is prohibited. 7 8 Measurement 9 10 Section 8-14.4 is supplemented with the following: 11 12 (******) 13 Textured and pigmented cement concrete traffic island will be measured by the square 14 yard of finished surface. 15 16 (******) 17 Cement concrete sidewalk— reinforced, will be measured by the square yard of finished 18 surface. 19 20 Payment 21 22 Section 8-14.5 is supplemented with the following: 23 24 (******) 25 "Textured and Pigmented Cement Concrete Traffic Island", per square yard. 26 27 (******) 28 "Cement Conc. Sidewalk- Reinforced," per square yard. 29 30 Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and 31 Electrical 32 33 Description 34 35 Section 8-20.1 is revised to read: 36 37 (******) 38 This Work includes excavating, bedding, and backfilling the joint utility trench and 39 excavation and installation of utility vaults as shown on the Contract Plans. The 40 Contractor is responsible for the installation of all conduits and vaults within the joint utility 41 trench work, unless otherwise noted. The respective utility contractors shall be 42 responsible for providing and installing their respective conductors and pedestals. A 43 summary of the materials to be supplied for installation is contained in the UT Sheets of 44 the Contract Plans. 45 46 47 48 49 50 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 133 1 Materials 2 3 Section 8-20.2 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (******) 6 Joint Utility Trench: 7 8 All conduit shall be Schedule 80 unless otherwise noted in the Plans. 9 10 CenturyLink and Inland Power utility vaults and junction boxes shall conform to the details 11 shown in Appendix F. 12 13 Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: 14 15 Trench Backfill: Crushed Surfacing Top Course 9-03.9(3) 16 Trench Backfill: Gravel Borrow 9-03.14(1) 17 Sand Bedding 9-03.13(1) 18 Conduit 9-29 19 Steel Casing 9-29.1(7) 20 21 (******) 22 Internally Illuminated Bollard 23 The bollards shall be purchased as a package system through Traffic Sign Solutions Inc. 24 The following shall be included: 25 4 Each - Concourse Flexible Bollard 26 4 Each - Cabex Ducted Foundation 27 4 Each - Global Plus LED Baselight 28 29 The contact information for Traffic Sign Solutions, Inc. is as follows: 30 31 Chris Gannon 32 Suite 305 South Tower 33 5811 Cooney Road 34 Richmond, British Columbia 35 V6X 3M1 36 Phone: (250) 388-5226 37 Fax: (250) 483-6431 38 www.trafficsignsolutions.com 39 40 Conduit, Innerduct, and Outerduct 41 42 Foam Conduit Sealant 43 Section 9-29.1(11) is supplemented with the following: 44 45 (January 7, 2019) 46 The following products are accepted for use as foam conduit sealant: 47 48 • CRC Minimal Expansion Foam (No. 14077) 49 • Polywater FST Foam Duct Sealant 50 • Superior Industries Foam Seal 51 • Todol Duo Fill 400 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 134 1 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes 2 Section 9-29.2 is supplemented with the following: 3 4 (September 3, 2019) 5 Slip-Resistant Surfacing for Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes 6 Where slip-resistant junction boxes, cable vaults, or pull boxes are required, each 7 box or vault shall have slip-resistant surfacing material applied to the steel lid and 8 frame of the box or vault. Where the exposed portion of the frame is '/2 inch wide or 9 less, slip-resistant surfacing material may be omitted from that portion of the frame. 10 11 Slip-resistant surfacing material shall be identified with a permanent marking on the 12 underside of each box or vault lid where it is applied. The permanent marking shall 13 be formed with a mild steel weld bead, with a line thickness of at least 1/8 inch. The 14 marking shall include a two character identification code for the type of material used 15 and the year of manufacture or application. The following materials are approved for 16 application as slip-resistant material, and shall use the associated identification 17 codes: 18 19 1. Harsco Industrial IKG, Mebac#1 - Steel: M1 20 21 2. W. S. Molnar Co., SlipNOT Grade 3 — Coarse: S3 22 23 3. Thermion, SafTrax TH604 Grade#1 — Coarse: T1 24 25 Light And Signal Standards 26 Section 9-29.6 is supplemented with the following: 27 28 (January 7, 2019) 29 Light Standards with Type 1 Luminaire Arms 30 Lighting standards shall be fabricated in conformance with the methods and 31 materials specified on the pre-approved Plans listed below, provided the following 32 requirements have been satisfied: 33 34 (a) Light source to pole base distance (H1) shall be as noted in the Plans. 35 Verification of H1 distances by the Engineer, prior to fabrication, is not 36 required. Fabrication tolerance shall be ± 6 inches. 37 38 (b) All other requirements of the Special Provisions have been satisfied. 39 40 Pre-Approved Plan Fabricator Mounting Hqt. 41 42 Drawing No. DB01164 Rev. B Valmont Ind. Inc. 30', 35', 40' & 50' 43 Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of 5 44 45 Drawing No. Ameron Pole 20',25',30',35',40', 46 WA15LT3721 Rev. A Prod. Div. 45' & 50' 47 Sheet 1 and 2 of 2 48 49 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 135 1 Luminaire Fusing and Electrical Connections at Light Standard Bases, 2 Cantilever Bases and Sign Bridge Bases 3 Section 9-29.7 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (******) 6 Fused Quick-Disconnect Kits 7 Section 9-29.7(2) is revised to read as follows: 8 Fused quick-disconnect kits shall provide waterproof in-line fuse protection. The kit 9 shall provide three cutoff sections on both lines and load side to accommodate 10 various wire sizes. All connections shall be as described in item "1" of 9-29.7(1). 11 Upon disconnect, the fuse shall remain in the load side of the kit. 12 13 Fuses furnished for all lighting circuits shall be capable of handling the operating 14 voltage of the circuit involved and shall have the following characteristics: 15 1. Fuses for LED fixtures shall be sized to fit the fuse containers furnished on the 16 project, according to the manufacturer's recommendations therefore and shall 17 be class CC with a dual element, fiberglass body material, cylindrical body style, 18 non-rejection and non-indicating type. 19 2. Fuses for LED fixtures shall be time delay fuses and rated for 20A at 250VAC. 20 The interrupt rating shall be 10kA at 250 VAC. 21 22 Equipment List And Drawings 23 24 Section 8-20.2(1) is supplemented with the following: 25 26 (March 13, 1995) 27 Pole base to light source distances (H1) for lighting standards with pre-approved 28 plans shall be as noted in the Plans. 29 30 Pole base to light source distances (H1) for lighting standards without pre-approved 31 plans will be furnished by the Engineer as part of the final approved shop drawings, 32 prior to fabrication. 33 34 Construction Requirements 35 36 Section 8-20.3 is supplemented with the following: 37 38 (******) 39 Joint utility trench construction requirements shall conform to Section 7-09.3 and shall be 40 supplemented with the following: 41 42 The depth of the joint trench shall be as shown on the Plans. Deeper excavation shall be 43 required where grade cuts are planned or where existing and proposed utilities require 44 the joint trench to run below them. The Contractor shall maintain the minimum cover 45 depth as shown on the Plans and the required bedding depth above and below the joint 46 trench conduits. If fills are planned for the road reconstruction area, the Contractor shall 47 grade the site as needed to maintain the minimum depth of cover at all times. Care shall 48 be taken to not excavate below the depth required. 49 50 Inland Power will provide and install their conduit and cabling within the contractor- 51 provided joint utility trench. All other conduit located in the joint utility trench shall be 52 provided and installed by the Contractor. Conduit installation shall meet the requirements SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 136 1 of the individual utility company for which the conduit is being installed, as indicated in 2 Appendix F. 3 4 Contractor shall coordinate with each utility company prior to installing their conduit, per 5 Section 1-07.17. 6 7 Installation of the conduit shall accommodate restrictions noted in the staging plans and 8 Section 1-07.17. 9 10 All conduit runs shall have no more than three 90-degree bends without the insertion of a 11 pull box. A 90-degree bend must be comprised of sweeps with a minimum 3-foot radius. 12 13 Contractor shall install a detectable underground warning tape in trench above each 14 conduit grouping, at a depth of 12-inches below finished grade. 15 16 All utility conduits shall have bedding material placed above and below the conduits as 17 shown on the Plans. 18 19 CenturyLink conduit route options A and B: 20 Prior to joint utility trench installation, the Contractor shall coordinate with CenturyLink 21 and the Engineer to determine if CenturyLink conduit will be installed in Route A or Route 22 B, as shown on the Plans. If right of way restrictions are eliminated prior to Contractor's 23 notice to proceed, the Contractor shall install CenturyLink conduit in the preferred route 24 Option A. 25 26 (******) 27 Internally Illuminated Bollard 28 The Concourse flexible bollard body shall be mounted to Global Plus CAB-EX ducted 29 foundation system as per the manufacturer's instructions. The flexible translucent shell 30 shall be mounted with stainless steel fasteners to the hinged base plate. The removable 31 gear tray shall include the 14 watt LED optical array. Coordinate installation of the bollard 32 foundation with the construction of the traffic islands so that the finished surface of the 33 island serves as the top of the bollard foundation. 34 35 General 36 Section 8-20.3(1) is supplemented with the following: 37 38 (******) 39 Contractor shall provide 72 hours advance written notice, by email or letter, to the 40 Engineer prior to illumination system switch overs. 41 42 Electrical Coordination 43 The Contractor shall coordinate the installation of the electric service with the Electric 44 Utility. The Contractor shall request and pay for an L& I inspection and permit for the 45 service and work. Contractor shall correct any deficiencies noted by the inspection. 46 The City of Spokane Valley will pay for all Electrical Utility connection fees for the 47 electrical service. The Electric Utility will install wire from the distribution line up into 48 the meter, or junction box, depending on the Utility. The Contractor shall supply the 49 City of Spokane Valley a copy of any permits or inspection reports related to new or 50 existing electrical services. 51 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 137 1 Measurement 2 3 Section 8-20.4 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (******) 6 Utility Vault 3'x4'x3' - CenturyLink installation shall be measured per each for each vault 7 installed including conduit sweep requirements. 8 9 Joint utility trench shall be measured per linear foot of trench excavated and backfilled. 10 Measurement shall be along the centerline of the trench. 11 12 The illumination conduit, communication conduit for WSDOT ITS services, pull tape, 13 junction boxes, and detectable underground warning tape shall be included in and 14 measured per the Illumination System lump sum Bid item. 15 16 Payment 17 18 Section 8-20.5 is supplemented with the following: 19 20 (******) 21 "Illumination System", lump sum. 22 The lump sum contract price for "Illumination System" shall be full payment for all costs 23 to perform the Work as specified and shown in the Plans, including removal of specified 24 existing system items, modifying specified existing system items, installing and testing all 25 materials and equipment necessary to complete the illumination system, ITS equipment, 26 and coordination with the serving utility. 27 28 (******) 29 "Joint Utility Trench Type ", per linear foot. 30 31 The unit Contract price per linear foot for"Joint Utility Trench Type " shall be full pay 32 for equipment, materials and labor required for excavation, bedding, backfill, casing, 33 detectable underground warning tape, haul and disposal of excess excavated materials, 34 coordination with utility companies, restoration of native vegetation disturbed by the 35 operations, chipping of pavement, and installing junction boxes with fittings in the 36 approximate locations as shown on the plans. 37 38 The unit Contract price per linear foot for"Joint Utility Trench Type A" shall also be full pay 39 for the 3-inch sweeps for the Inland Power conduit, at the transformer pad as shown in 40 the appendices. Contractor shall be fully responsible for coordination with Inland Power 41 for the installation of the CIC necessary for the illumination service. This coordination 42 shall include scheduling lead times necessary for Inland Power forces to place the CIC 43 during the "Joint Utility Trench, Type A" construction prior to placement of backfilling 44 materials. Additionally, trenching from the junction box located at WB 118+33.79, 99.57' 45 LT to the power pole located at WB 118+80.18, 110.38' LT shall be incidental to "Joint 46 Utility Trench, Type A" payment. This trenching from the junction box to the power pole 47 will include equipment, materials and labor required for excavation, bedding and backfill 48 of the trench, haul and disposal of excess excavated materials, coordination with Inland 49 Power for the installation of the CIC, detectable warning tape, backfilling and restoration 50 of native vegetation disturbed by the operations, preformed in accordance with the Inland 51 Power buried power trench requirements included in the appendices. 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 138 1 "Utility Vault 3'x4'x3' - CenturyLink", per each. 2 3 The unit Contract price per each for "Utility Vault 3'x4'x3' - CenturyLink" shall be full pay 4 for equipment, materials and labor required for excavation, bedding, backfill, vault, haul 5 and disposal of excess excavated materials, coordination with utility companies, and 6 restoration of native vegetation disturbed by the operations, as shown on the plans. 7 8 All costs for installing conduit sweeps to Inland Power transformer pad shall be included 9 in the Contract price for the "Conduit Pipe In. Diam.". 10 11 Pull tape and detectable underground warning tape shall be included in the unit contract 12 price per linear foot for"Conduit Pipe In. Diam." unless otherwise noted. 13 14 The illumination conduit and communication conduit for WSDOT ITS services shall be 15 included in the Illumination System lump sum cost. 16 17 Permanent Signing 18 19 Materials 20 21 Roadside Sign Structures 22 Section 9-06.16 is supplemented with the following: 23 24 (January 3, 2011) 25 Perforated Steel Square Sign Post System 26 Where noted in the Plans, steel sign post systems shall be square, pre-punched 27 galvanized steel tubing, that are NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 Certified and FHWA 28 approved. The steel sign post system shall include all anchor sleeves, and other 29 hardware required for a complete sign installation. 30 31 System Acceptance 32 Systems listed in the current QPL will be accepted per the QPL approval code. 33 Systems not listed in the QPL will be accepted based on a Supplier's Certificate of 34 Compliance. The Supplier's Certificate of Compliance will be a contract specific letter 35 from the supplier stating the system is NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 compliant. 36 37 (******) 38 U-channel sign posts and bases shall be installed per Spokane Valley Standard Plan 39 R-140 for all signs located on Barker Road. 40 41 Hardware 42 Section 9-28.11 is supplemented with the following: 43 44 (August 3, 2015) 45 Locknuts shown in the Plans specifying a locknut or locknut with nylon insert shall 46 conform to one of the following: 47 48 1. ANCO Pin Locknut, with stainless steel locking pin, as manufactured by 49 Lok-Mor, Inc. 50 51 2. Tri-lock Locknut, as manufactured by Lok-Mor, Inc. 52 SR290/BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY-MP 12.5 20Z009 139 APPENDIX F: Private Utility Standards RG 29-0160 ,� 08-2011 CenturyLink- CENTURYLINK STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS NAME OF DEVELOPMENT WIRE CENTER CLLI CODE ADDRESS OF DEVELOPMENT JOB NUMBER CITY, STATE CENTURYLINK ENGINEERING REPRESENTATIVE Mark Welch 509-703-2705 (NAME) (TELEPHONE) 1. CONDUIT: Compliance A. Entrance Conduit: No. of Conduits Size Type N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ B. Distribution Conduit: No. of Conduits Size Type N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ C. All conduits will be equipped with 200 lb. test pull tape calibrated in feet. N/A❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Conduit Length D. All conduit bends are to be steel sweeps or no less than PVC Schedule-40, fully encased. Long radius sweeps are required in main trench sections. Standard radius sweeps may be used at closure locations. The conduit must be accessible and sealed to keep water and debris out prior to cable placement. N/A El Yes ❑ No ❑ E. All conduit runs are designed on the basis that each separate run will have no more than three (3) 90 degree bends without the insertion of a CenturyLink approved pull box. 90 degree bends must be sweeps with a minimum three(3)ft radius. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ F. Use only rigid, watertight conduit in floor slabs. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ G. No exposed cable runs which exceed fifty(50)feet will be permitted inside of any building without the use of threaded rigid or intermediate metallic conduit, in accordance with the National Electric Code, Section 800.48, FPN No. 3: Point of Entrance, defined in Section 800.2. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ H. All underground conduits will be PVC Schedule-40 or better unless specified otherwise by CenturyLink. If steel or iron pipe is used between the building and the property line, the pipe must be kept free from contact with any reinforcing steel or other conductors within the building foundation wall. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ I. Conduit(s)will be furnished, installed, and maintained by the Applicant/Property Owner. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ J. Conduits(s) placed in the same trench with power supply conductors/conduits must be separated by a minimum of twelve (12) inches of compacted soil or three (3) inches of concrete encasement and have minimum depth of cover of not less than twenty four(24) inches on private property and thirty six(36) inches of cover at the property line. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ K. Condulets, LB fittings, water/gas pipe, flex conduit or plumbing fittings are not acceptable for CenturyLink. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No El L. Conduit(s)terminating at a utility pole must be attached to the pole and extend to a minimum height of twelve (12) inches Above Finished Grade (AFG). N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ M. Weather heads are to be placed at a height of twenty(20)feet AFG and must maintain a minimum clearance of twelve (12) inches from any foreign power supply source. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ 1 RG 29-0160 08-2011 CenturyLink- BACKBOARD: Compliance A. Number of backboards required: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ B. Size: Width_X Height_X 3/4 inch thick. N/A❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ C. Backboards shall be fire rated or painted with fire-retarding paint. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ D. Conduit(s) shall be terminated feet above the floor and/or feet below the ceiling at backboard location. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ 2. GROUNDING: Compliance A. Applicant/Property Owner shall provide a#6 AWG insulated, stranded or solid copper(CenturyLink recommends solid), ground wire from the CenturyLink backboard(s) connected to the Building Common Grounding Electrode System per Section 250 and Section 800.100 of the National Electrical Code (NEC). The ground wire shall have 6 spare feet at the end so that CenturyLink can extend it to its terminal. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ B. A bonding bar that is connected to the Building Common Grounding Electrode System per Section 250 and Section 800.100 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) may be provided as an option to the above requirement(A). When a bonding bar is used, CenturyLink requires 6 feet of#6 AWG ground wire to extend to its terminal. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ C. The insulation of the wire must be green (or olive green or green with a yellow stripe) in color per NEC section 250.119. Insulation types accepted by CenturyLink are THHN, THWN, THW, RHW, RHH, or XHHW. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ D. The 6ft hand coil of spare ground wire should be placed at the end of the building entrance conduit. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ E The permanent ground must be in place before CenturyLink begins splicing activities. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ 3. TELEPHONE SERVICE CABINETS: Compliance A. Cabinet(s) provided by the Applicant/Property Owner shall be NEMA-3R rated, CenturyLink approved, and equipped with full-sized hinged cover with an adequate weather resistant gasket ring. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ B. Inside rear panel must be equipped with 3/4 inch thick plywood backboard. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ C. Cabinet(s) shall be mounted and centered at a height of fifty-two(52) inches AFG. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ D. Minimum twelve (12) inch radial clearance from any foreign power supply/source/equipment is required. N/A LI Yes ❑ No ❑ E. Minimum of thirty-six(36) inch clear space shall be maintained to the front of the cabinet for safe worker access, in accordance with the National Electric Code, Section 110-34, Table 110-34(a). N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ 4. SPLICE VAULTS/MAINTENANCE HOLES: Compliance A. All splice vaults& maintenance holes are to be equipped with ladders and cable racking materials, as may be appropriate for the specified size and intended usage. All ladder and cable racking materials as well as layout shall be approved by CenturyLink. N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ B. See print for location(s) and attachment for size and specifications. N/A LI Yes ❑ No ❑ 2 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 1 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date: 11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 Washington State Department of Transportation Letting ID: 01132021 01/13/2021 11 : 00: 59 AM Contract ID: 20Z009 Call: 006 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 1 Amendment Count:6 Letting of 01/13/2021 WSDOT Detailed Bid Report Vendor 1 of 5: MAX J. KUNEY COMPANY (462000) Call Order 006 (Proposal: 20Z009) Bid Information Proposal County: Spokane Bid Checksum: DFC00932D6 Vendor Address: PO BOX 4008 Bid Total: $11,637,134.00 SPOKANE,WA,992200008 Items Total: $11,637,134.00 Signature Check: DANIEL ROBERT KUNEY Time Total: $0.00 Time Bid Received: January 13,2021 11:00 AM Amendment Count: 6 Bidding Errors: None. WSDOT Page 2 of 11 Letting of 01/13/2021 WSDOT Detailed Bid Report Vendor 1 of 5: MAX J. KUNEY COMPANY (462000) Call Order 006 (Proposal: 20Z009) Bid Bond Information Projects: Bond Maximum: Counties: State of Incorporation: MA Bond ID: FHBD-LJ4 -LSUW-14UQ Agency Execution Date: 1/13/2021 Paid by Check: No Surety Name: SuretyWave Bond Percent: 5% Bond Agency Name: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company WSDOT Page 3 of 11 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 2 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date: 11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 Line Number Item Number Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension Price Section Al PREPARATION 1 0001 1.000 LUMP SUM $1,160,000.000 $1,160,000.00 0 MOBILIZATION 2 0025 16.900 ACRE $12,000.0000 $202,800.00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3 0049 3.000 EACH $700.0000 $2,100.00 REMOVING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 4 0050 1.000 LUMP SUM $10,000.0000 $10,000.00 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 5 0258 1.000 ESTIMATED $1,000.0000 $1,000.00 REMOVING SIGN STRUCTURE SHAFT OBSTRUCTIONS 6 0090 133.000 SQ. YD. $5.0000 $665.00 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT 7 0100 207.000 SQ. YD. $5.0000 $1,035.00 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK 8 0108 353.000 LIN. FT. $3.0000 $1,059.00 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. CURB AND GUTTER 9 0120 28740.000 SQ. YD. $10.0000 $287,400.00 REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. PAVEMENT 10 0170 984.000 LIN. FT. $5.0000 $4,920.00 REMOVING GUARDRAIL 11 0182 12.000 EACH $200.0000 $2,400.00 REMOVING GUARDRAIL ANCHOR 12 0187 1560.000 LIN. FT. $1.2500 $1,950.00 REMOVING PAINT LINE 13 0215 1.000 LUMP SUM $50,000.0000 $50,000.00 REMOVING MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC ITEM 14 0220 1100.000 LIN. FT. $3.0000 $3,300.00 REMOVING CHAIN LINK FENCE 15 222.000 LIN. FT. $8.0000 $1,776.00 REMOVING CULVERT 16 0310 18690.000 CU. YD. $2.0000 $37,380.00 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL 17 0370 1200.000 LIN. FT. $50.0000 $60,000.00 CONTROLLED BLASTING OF ROCK FACE 18 0405 123710.000 CO. YD. $10.2000 $1,261,842.00 COMMON BORROW INCL. HAUL 19 0470 126340.000 CU. YD. $4.0000 $505,360.00 EMBANKMENT COMPACTION 20 3240.000 CU. YD. $10.0000 $32,400.00 AGGREGATE FOR GRAVEL BORROW FOR PONDS INCL. HAUL 21 1030 4440.000 CU. YD. $6.0000 $26,640.00 Errors:No Check: DFC00932D6 Page 2 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 3 Contractor Name: Max 1.Kuney Company of Transportation Date: 11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 DITCH EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL 22 1054 3.000 EACH $3,200.0000 $9,600.00 GRATE INLET TYPE 2 23 1065 335.000 LIN. FT. $35.0000 $11,725.00 CEMENT CONC. GUTTER . 24 1085 386.000 CU. YD. $78.0000 $30,108.00 QUARRY SPALLS 25 1160 623.000 LIN. FT. $5.5000 $3,426.50 UNDERDRAIN PIPE 6 IN. DIAM. 26 1180 10.000 LIN. FT. $115.0000 $1,150.00 SCHEDULE A CULV. PIPE 12 IN. DIAM. 27 1182 172.000 LIN. FT. $45.0000 $7,740.00 SCHEDULE A CULV. PIPE 18 IN. DIAM. 28 1062 4.000 EACH $4,000.0000 $16,000.00 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL 29 256.000 LIN. FT. $100.0000 $25,600.00 DUCTILE IRON CULV. PIPE 18 IN. DIAM. 30 362.000 LIN. FT. $130.0000 $47,060.00 DUCTILE IRON CULV. PIPE 24 IN. DIAM 31 3091 25.000 EACH $2,200.0000 $55,000.00 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 32 8.000 EACH $75.0000 $600.00 CURB INLET TYPE 1 33 7.000 EACH $1,200.0000 $8,400.00 CURB INLET TYPE 2 34 3105 2.000 EACH $3,200.0000 $6,400.00 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 48 IN. DIAM. 35 3151 1950.000 LIN. FT. $9.0000 $17,550.00 TESTING STORM SEWER PIPE 36 3541 • 923.000 LIN. FT. - • • $30.0000 $27,690.00 - SCHEDULE A STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN. DIAM. 37 221.000 LIN. FT. $65.0000 $14,365.00 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN. DIAM 38 3577 678.000 LIN. FT. $35.0000 $23,730.00 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN. DIAN. 39 3603 128.000 LIN. FT. $40.0000 $5,120.00 CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE 15 IN. DIAM. 40 7554 684.000 SQ. YD. $1.5000 $1,026.00 CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL 41 6165 1.000 EACH $4,500.0000 $4,500.00 GATE VALVE 12 IN. 42 3869 534.000 LIN. FT. $100.0000 $53,400.00 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 12 IN. DIAM. 43 7800 0.010 EACH $0.0000 $0.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 3 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 4 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date: 11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 DELETED ITEM 44 90.000 LIN. FT. $225.0000 $20,250.00 STEEL CASING 24 IN. DIAM 45 7007 1200.000 SQ. FT. $1.0000 $1,200.00 SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION TRENCH 46 1.000 LUMP SUM $60,000.0000 $80,000.00 PRV VAULT COMPLETE 47 200.000 LIN. FT. $25.0000 $5,000.00 WELL DECOMMISSIONING 48 20.000 LIN. FT. $250.0000 $5,000.00 RESOURCE WELL EXTENSION 49 4006 1502.000 CU. YD. $8.0000 $12,016.00 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CLASS A INCL. HAUL 50 4013 1.000 LUMP SUM $90,000.0000 $90,000.00 SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CL. A 51 4025 1668.000 CU. YD. $20.0000 $33,360.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR WALL 52 4149 100550.000 POUND $1.1500 $115,632.50 ST. REINF. BAR FOR BRIDGE 53 4150 48060.000 POUND $1.4000 $67,284.00 ST. REINF. BAR FOR RETAINING WALL 54 4322 522.000 CU. YD. $800.0000 $417,600.00 CONC. CLASS 4000 FOR BRIDGE 55 4139 727.000 CU. YD. $820.0000 $596,140.00 CONC. CLASS 4000 FOR RETAINING WALL 56 1.000 LUMP SUM $118,000.0000 $118,000.00 BRIDGE SUPPORTED UTILITIES 57 4410 601.000 LIN. FT. $310.0000 $186,310.00 BRIDGE RAILING TYPE - WIRE FENCE FABRIC 58- 4410 • 288:000 LIN. FT. $150.0000 • •$43,200.00 BRIDGE RAILING TYPE - PEDESTRIAN 59 4415 301.000 LIN. FT. $140.0000 $42,140.00 TRAFFIC BARRIER 60 4117 301.000 LIN. FT. $140.0000 $42,140.00 PEDESTRIAN BARRIER 61 4269 1147.000 LIN. FT. $500.0000 $573,500.00 PRESTRESSED CONC. GIRDER - WF58G 62 5656 345.000 SQ. YD. $255.0000 $87, 975.00 BRIDGE APPROACH SLAB 63 4300 1.000 LUMP SUM $838,383.0000 $838,383.00 SUPERSTRUCTURE - BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 64 5100 23260.000 TON $25.0000 $581,500.00 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE 65 5120 1590.000 TON $90.0000 $143,100.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 4 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 5 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date:11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 66 763.000 SQ. YD. $94.0000 $71,722.00 TEXTURED AND PIGMENTED CEMENT CONC. TRUCK APRON 67 1984.000 SQ. YD. $94.0000 $186,496.00 TEXTURED AND PIGMENTED CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC ISLAND 68 5711 980.000 SQ. YD. $6.0000 $5,880.00 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 69 5766 10420.000 TON $80.0000 $833,600.00 HMA CL. 3/8 IN. PG 64H-28 70 7800 0.010 EACH $0.0000 $0.00 DELETED ITEM 71 5767 980.000 TON $82.0000 $80,360.00 HMA CL. 1/2 IN. PG 64H-28 72 5830 1.000 CALCULATED $8,450.0000 $8,450.00 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT 73 5835 1.000 CALCULATED $4,200.0000 $4,200.00 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT 74 5837 1.000 CALCULATED $30,000.0000 $30,000.00 ASPHALT COST PRICE ADJUSTMENT 75 5872 300.000 TON $125.0000 $37,500.00 HMA FOR APPROACH CL. 3/8 IN. PG 64H -28 76 6511 2150.000 LIN. FT. $20.0000 $43,000.00 HMA SAWCUT AND SEAL 77 6516 1.000 CALCULATED ($1.0000) ($1.00) CYCLIC DENSITY PRICE ADJUSTMENT 78 3400.000 LIN. FT. $2.0000 $6,800.00 JOINT ADHESIVE FOR BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 79 6630 2480.000 LIN. FT. $5.0000 $12,400.00 HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE 80 •6635 6988.000 LIN. FT. • $5.0000 $34,940.00 • HIGH VISIBILITY SILT FENCE 81 6606 1.000 ESTIMATED $25,000.0000 $25,000.00 PLANT ESTABLISHMENT - SECOND YEAR 82 6403 40.000 DAY $75.0000 $3,000.00 ESC LEAD 83 6471 36.000 EACH $75.0000 $2,700.00 INLET PROTECTION 84 6468 528.000 SQ. YD. $15.0000 $7, 920.00 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 85 6373 1680.000 LIN. FT. $5.0000 $8,400.00 SILT FENCE 86 6490 1.000 ESTIMATED $40,000.0000 $40,000.00 EROSION/WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 87 6414 5.810 ACRE $4,000.0000 $23,240.00 Errors:No Check: DFC00932D6 Page 5 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 6 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date:11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 SEEDING, FERTILIZING, AND MULCHING 88 970.000 SQ. YD. $10.0000 $9,700.00 WEED BARRIER 89 960.000 CU. YD. $45.0000 $43,200.00 BIO-INFILTRATION TREATMENT SOIL MIX 90 767.000 CU. YD. $50.0000 $38,350.00 COSV BIO-INFILTRATION TREATMENT SOIL MIX 91 6698 5.000 EACH $175.0000 $875.00 ROUNDABOUT SPLITTER ISLAND NOSING CURB 92 6699 4155.000 LIN. FT. $13.0000 $54,015.00 ROUNDABOUT CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 93 6700 3044.000 LIN. FT. $15.0000 $45,660.00 CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER 94 6708 239.000 LIN. FT. $80.0000 $19,120.00 ROUNDABOUT CENTRAL ISLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 95 6709 358.000 LIN. FT. $25.0000 $8,950.00 ROUNDABOUT TRUCK APRON CEM. CONC. CURB AND GUTTER 96 6707 218.000 LIN. FT. $20.0000 $4,360.00 CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB 97 6727 286.000 LIN. FT. $22.0000 $6,292.00 EXTRUDED CURB 98 6757 1577.000 LIN. FT. $23.0000 $36,271.00 BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 31 99 6760 4.000 EACH $2,000.0000 $8,000.00 BEAM GUARDRAIL TRANSITION SECTION TYPE 24 100 6719 5.000 EACH $3,500.0000 $17,500.00 BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 31 NON-FLARED TERMINAL 101 6766 6.000 EACH $1,000.0000 $6,000.00 BEAM GUARDRAIL ANCHOR TYPE 10 102 • 53.000 EACH $90.0000 $4,770.00 TUBULAR MARKER 103 6832 126.000 EACH $35.0000 $4,410.00 FLEXIBLE GUIDE POST 104 6807 5651.000 LIN. FT. $3.0000 $16,953.00 PLASTIC LINE 105 6813 11691.000 LIN. FT. $4.0000 $46,764.00 GROOVED PLASTIC LINE 106 6833 8.000 EACH $150.0000 $1,200.00 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW 107 2130.000 LIN. FT. $8.0000 $17,040.00 GROOVED PLASTIC WIDE LANE LINE 108 7800 0.010 EACH $0.000D $0.00 DELETED ITEM 109 169.000 SQ. FT. $17.0000 $2,873.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 6 Amendment Count 6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 7 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date:11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 GROOVED PLASTIC WIDE DOTTED ENTRY LINE 110 512.000 SQ. FT. $17.0000 $8,704.00 GROOVED PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE 111 26.000 EACH $150.0000 $3,900.00 GROOOVED PLASTIC YIELD LINE SYMBOL 112 12.000 EACH $800.0000 $9,600.00 GROOVED PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW 113 6890 1.000 LUMP SUM $80,000.0000 $80,000.00 PERMANENT SIGNING 114 6898 1.000 LUMP SUM $92,000.0000 $92,000.00 CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE NO. 1 115 6898 1.000 LUMP SUM $95,000.0000 $95,000.00 CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE NO. 2 116 6898 1.000 LUMP SUM $95,000.0000 $95,000.00 CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE NO. 3 117 6904 1.000 LUMP SUM $340,000.0000 $340,000.00 ILLUMINATION SYSTEM 118 1388.000 LIN. FT. $20.0000 $27,760.00 JOINT UTILITY TRENCH TYPE A 119 874.000 LIN. FT. $20.0000 $17,480.00 JOINT UTILITY TRENCH TYPE B 120 7800 0.010 EACH $0.0000 $0.00 DELETED ITEM 121 7800 0.010 EACH $0.0000 $0.00 DELETED ITEM 122 6949 5372.000 LIN. FT. $13.0000 $69,836.00 CONDUIT PIPE 4 IN. DIAM. 123 77.000 DAY $65.0000 $5,005.00 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN 124 6971 1.000 LUMP SUM $100,000.0000 • $100,000.00 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 125 6982 1274.000 SQ. FT. $20.0000 $25,480.00 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS CLASS A 126 9004 1.000 CALCULATED $900.0000 $900.00 PROJECT PARTNERING 127 6997 1.000 LUMP SUM $10,000.0000 $10,000.00 MIN BID REQ - TYPE B PROGRESS SCHEDULE 128 7006 1437.000 CU. YD. $6.0000 $8, 622.00 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION CLASS B INCL. HAUL 129 7008 3605.000 SQ. FT. $0.2000 $721.00 SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CLASS B 130 7017 888.000 CU. YD. $9.0000 $7,992.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING 131 7014 30.000 CU. YD. $80.0000 $2,400.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 7 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 8 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date: 11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN 132 7015 5.000 CU. YD. $180.0000 $900.00 CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL 133' 7018 125.000 M GALLON $125.0000 $15,625.00 WATER 134 7029 2.000 EACH $150.0000 $300.00 PLUGGING EXISTING PIPE 135 7037 1.000 LUMP SUM $25,000.0000 $25,000.00 STRUCTURE SURVEYING 136 7038 1.000 LUMP SUM $45,000.0000 $45,000.00 ROADWAY SURVEYING 137 7042 1.000 LUMP SUM $7,800.0000 $7,800.00 ADA FEATURES SURVEYING 138 7041 25.000 EACH $725.0000 $18,125.00 BOLLARD TYPE 2 139 7045 1.000 EACH $625.0000 $625.00 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER 140 7055 731.000 SQ. YD. $45.0000 $32,895.00 CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK 141 86.000 SQ. YD. $58.0000 $4,988.00 CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK (REINFORCED) 142 7059 514.000 SQ. YD. $65.0000 $33,410.00 CEMENT CONC. DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TYPE R-110 143 7059 70.000 SQ. YD. $50.0000 $3,500.00 CEMENT CONC. DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TYPE R-111 144 7058 6.000 EACH $2,000.0000 $12,000.00 CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP TYPE COMBINATION 145 7058 2.000 EACH $2,000.0000 $4,000.00 CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION 146 7054 192.000 SQ. FT. • $20.0000 $3,840.00 - • DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 147 7080 670.000 LIN. FT. $135.0000 $90,450.00 CABLE FENCE 148 7085 40.000 LIN. FT. $80.0000 $3,200.00 COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 3 • 149 144.000 LIN. FT. $25.0000 $3,600.00 TEMPORARY CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 3 150 7098 3.000 EACH $750.0000 $2,250.00 COATED END, GATE, CORNER, PULLPOST FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE 151 7103 1.000 EACH $3,800.0000 $3,800.00 DOUBLE 14 FT. COATED CHAIN LINK GATE 152 3.000 EACH $12,000.0000 $36,000.00 DOUBLE 20 FT. BNSF PIPE GATE 153 239.000 SQ. FT. $40.0000 $9,560.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 8 Amendment Count:6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 9 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date:11/23/2020 - Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 LANDSCAPE BLOCK WALL 154 3080 5.000 EACH $600.0000 $3,000.00 ADJUST MANHOLE 155 6.000 EACH $800.0000 $4,800.00 ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE 156 1.000 EACH $750.0000 $750.00 ADJUST EXISTING GAS VALVE 157 1.000 EACH $400.0000 $400.00 ADJUST METER BOX 158 17.000 EACH $500.0000 $8,500.00 VERIFY UTILITY 159 7480 1.000 ESTIMATED $5,000.0000 $5,000.00 ROADSIDE CLEANUP 160 7728 1.000 CALCULATED ($1.0000) ($1.00) MINOR CHANGE 161 7732 1.000 CALCULATED ($1.0000) ($1.00) AGGREGATE COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT 162 7736 1.000 LUMP SUM $7,500.0000 $7,500.00 SPCC PLAN 163 7562 3.000 EACH $400.0000 $1,200.00 MAILBOX SUPPORT TYPE 1 164 7562 1.000 EACH $625.0000 $625.00 MAILBOX SUPPORT TYPE 2 165 1945 1198.000 LIN. FT. $125.0000 $149,750.00 PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL 166 7400 400.000 HOUR $1.0000 $400.00 TRAINING 167 7731 1.000 CALCULATED $50,000.0000 $50,000.00 STEEL COST ADJUSTMENT 168 7725 • 1.000 ESTIMATED • $5.0000 $5.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR THIRD PARTY DAMAGE 169 7730 1.000 CALCULATED $50,000.0000 $50,000.00 FUEL COST ADJUSTMENT 170 1.000 ESTIMATED $5,000.0000 $5,000.00 FORCE ACCOUNT- UNEXPECTED OBJECT REMOVAL 171 88.000 LIN. FT. $15.0000 $1,320.00 GROOVED PLASTIC WIDE DOTTED CIRCULATING LANE LINE 172 7800 0.010 EACH $0.0000 $0.00 DELETED ITEM 173 1.000 LUMP SUM $5,500.0000 $5,500.00 TEMPORARY UTILITY SUPPORTS AND PROTECTION 174 213.000 LIN. FT. $20.0000 $4,260.00 JOINT UTILITY TRENCH TYPE D Errors:No Check: DFC00932D6 Page 9 Amendment Count 6 Project Number.20Z009 Washington State Department Page 10 Contractor Name:Max J.Kuney Company of Transportation Date:11/23/2020 Bid Opening Date:01/13/2021 Section Al Total $11,637,134.00 Item Total $11,637,134.00 Errors:No Check:DFC00932D6 Page 10 Amendment Count:6 Exhibit B City's Contractor Per Contracct Plan Sheet Quantities CenturyLink CenturyLink Bid No. Description Unit Bid Price UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4 UT7 UT8 UT9 Quantities Responsibility Share 56 Bridge Supported Utilities L.S. $ 118,000.00 1 1 50% $ 59,000.00 118 Joint Utility Trench Type A L.F. $ 20.00 59 622 568 137 1,386 50% $ 13,860.00 119 Joint Utility Trench Type L.F. $ 20.00 254 126 501 199 1,080 50% $ 10,800.00 122 Conduit Pipe 4 In.Diam. L.F. $ 13.00 540 1752 1136 274 252 1002 398 5,354 100% $ 69,602.00 174 Joint Utility Trench Type D L.F. $ 20.00 211 211 100% $ 4,220.00 $157,482.00 Admin,Costruction Engineering&General $ 39,370.00 Total= $196,852.00