Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.21-012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE CITY'S COMPLETE STREETS POLICY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS,the City of Spokane Valley(City)has an inventory of existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including sidewalks,bicycle lanes, and shared-use paths; and WHEREAS, the City periodically coordinates with school districts within the City limits and the Spokane Regional Health District to designate Safe Routes to Schools; and WHEREAS,the City has adopted a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Program (BPMP), establishing a citywide bicycle and pedestrian network; and WHEREAS,the City is a member of the Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC),which is responsible for transportation planning and programming in Spokane County, and which approved the SRTC Safe and Complete Streets Policy on September 13, 2012; and WHEREAS, SRTC encourages local jurisdictions to adopt and implement Safe and Complete Streets policies; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan incorporates the BPMP and establishes Transportation Goals,Policies,and Strategies to provide and maintain a multimodal transportation system,as listed below: T-G5 Maintain and enhance a comprehensive rultimodal transportation system that promotes, supports and improves the safe, efficient, and reliable movement of people, vehicles, and goods. T-P6 Work collaboratively with developers to ensure that areas experiencing new development are well served by motorized and non-motorized transportation options. T-P9 Provide and maintain quality street, sidewalk and shared use path surfaces that provide a safe environment for all users. T-P•13 Evaluate opportunities to improve multimodal connectivity in all transportation planning projects. Strategy Evaluate and consider amendments to the municipal code that enhance grant eligibility for projects that improve safety and accessibility; and WHEREAS, the City Council agrees that the Comprehensive Plan creates an existing framework for a safe and complete street policy through planning and implementation practices; and WHEREAS, the City's Community and Public Works Department will implement Complete Streets goals, policies, and practices with the construction, reconstruction, rechannelization, and other changes to transportation facilities,with the exception of regular maintenance and repair,which recognizes that all streets are unique and in each case transportation user needs must be considered; and WHEREAS,the Washington State legislature has adopted RCW 47.04.320 to provide requirements and encourage local governments to adopt complete streets policies and regulations to provide safe access to all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, and public transportation users, and established funding through the Washington Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Complete Streets Program for Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy Page 1 of 2 cities that have incorporated complete streets principles throughout their transportation goals,policies, and regulations; and WHEREAS,the adoption of a Complete Streets Policy will enable the City to increase its eligibility and scoring potential for various other funding programs that seek to provide a safe and complete street improvements; and WHEREAS,the adoption of the Complete Streets Policy set forth is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption. The City Council hereby adopts the City of Spokane Valley Complete Streets Policy as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto. The Complete Streets Policy as set forth implements a complete street concept in the planning and design of street projects in the City of Spokane Valley. Section 2. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority set forth herein and prior to the effective date of this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 14'11 day of September,2021. Ld Ben Wick, Mayor ATTES rtstme Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office f the Cityrney Date of Publication: 9f'-,9 p o� Effective Date: 7— - d a(/ Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A Section 1. Vision and Intent The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt the City's Complete Streets Policy. The Complete Streets Policy as set forth implements a complete street concept in the planning and design of street projects in the City of Spokane Valley. The purpose of the Complete Streets Policy is to: 1. Promote healthy communities by encouraging walking, bicycling, and using public transportation for all ages, abilities, and economic levels, which benefits not only each user but also the vitality of the local economy. 2. Consider multimodal transportation infrastructure, for all users including: pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit, automobiles, freight, and emergency services. 3. Improve public safety by constructing sidewalks, dedicated bicycle facilities, medians, and pedestrian streetscape features. 4. Protect the environment and reduce congestion by providing safe alternatives to single- occupancy driving. 5. Preserve community character by involving local citizens and stakeholders to participate in planning and design decisions. 6. Improve the quality and safety of City streets that do not meet the current City Street Standards for right-of-way width by promoting multimodal transportation infrastructure through the use of acceptable design deviations. 7. Promote the use of multimodal transportation to reduce traffic congestion and foster lower vehicular emissions by providing more effective use of public rights-of-way with expanded opportunities to use alternate transportation methods. Section 2. Diverse Users As feasible, the City shall incorporate complete streets infrastructure into existing public streets to create a comprehensive, integrated, connected transportation network that balances access, mobility, and health and safety needs of all users regardless of age, physical ability, or preferred mode of travel, including, but not limited to, bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users, emergency responders, passenger vehicles, and freight traffic. Complete streets infrastructure includes design features that contribute to a safe, convenient travel experience for all users, including but not limited to: 1. Sidewalks and crosswalks; 2. Lighting; 3. Transit shelters/stops; 4. Bicycle accommodation; 5. Landscaping; 6. Use of raised medians for traffic safety,traffic flow and pedestrian refuge; 7. Adequate buffer areas for pedestrian safety, drainage and landscaping; S. Lane widths sized for use and context of surrounding land uses; 9. On-street parking where appropriate for surrounding land uses; 10. Signage; 11. Level of connectivity to the existing transportation network. Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy—Exhibit A Page 1 of 4 Exhibit A Section 3. Applicable Projects The City of Spokane Valley will plan for, design and construct all new transportation systems to provide appropriate accommodation for pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation, and persons of all abilities to accommodate the ease of movement for all users across the City's urban landscape regardless of age, ability, or economic standing. Complete streets principles will be incorporated into City plans, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate to produce accessible streets, The City will integrate the complete street concept throughout all phases including design, planning, and rehabilitation of transportation facilities providing a fully connected network for all users. Complete streets design recommendations will be incorporated into all publicly funded projects as appropriate, including new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, repaving, major maintenance, and operations. Section 4. Exceptions The City shall incorporate complete streets principles into the early planning and design of transportation projects. However, not all roadways are suitable for all complete streets components; in some cases, a limited range of modal choices may be appropriate. Such circumstances may include the following: 1. Where the establishment of such facilities would be detrimental to public health or safety; 2. Where there is no documented current or anticipated need for accommodation for non- motorized roadway users or the street is not a current or planned transit route; 3. Where the project involves a roadway on which nonmotorized use is prohibited by law; 4. Where the cost for a particular complete street design recommendation would be excessively disproportionate to the need of that particular improvement, with due consideration given to future users; 5. Where there would be significant adverse environmental impacts to streams,wetlands,steep slopes, or other critical areas; 6. Where the inclusion in a small, isolated project would create a very short section of improvements with problematic transitions on either end or that are in an isolated area unlikely to be followed by similar improvements at either end resulting in a facility that would have no connectivity for users; 7. Where the project is routine maintenance of the transportation network that does not change the geometry or operations, such as striping, cleaning, sweeping, crack sealing,spot repair or other similar interim surface preservation measures; and/or 8. Where there is not sufficient existing right-of-way width available to accommodate complete street design recommendations or design deviations developed as part of Section 10(1). The exceptions in subsections (1) through (8) of this section require documentation and supporting data to be approved by the City Engineer upon review and recommendation from City staff. Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy--Exhibit A Page 2 of4 Exhibit A Section 5. Interagency Coordination The City will cooperate and foster partnerships with other planning and funding agencies including but not limited to: the Federal Highway Administration, Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Department of Health, Washington State Transportation Improvement Board, the Spokane Regional Transportation Council, Spokane County, Central Valley School District, East Valley School District, West Valley School District, residents, businesses, interest groups, and neighborhoods to ensure the needs of all agencies and groups are considered and that the principles and practices of complete streets are communicated and considered in their scoping, planning, design, construction, and maintenance activities. The City will specifically cooperate to ensure the transportation network flows between jurisdictions in accordance with local and regional road,transit, bicycle, and pedestrian plans. Section 6. Design Criteria The City Engineer or designated professional, along with assistance from other City staff, shall interpret, evaluate, and review design standards and guideline criteria for proposed transportation infrastructure. The City Engineer or designated professional shall gauge these standards with the industry's best practices including the exceptions of this policy,to incorporate the complete street concept of accommodating all users. Street Standards are listed in Title 22 SVMC. Stormwater standards are listed in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. The City will also use the best practices and design solutions developed by other agencies and resources as related to each complete street element. Situations may present themselves where alternatives may be preferred to allow conformance with existing conditions, to overcome adverse topography, or to allow for more affordable solutions without adversely affecting safety, maintainability or aesthetics. Provisions will be made for design deviations to implement the complete streets policy. Section 7. Context Implementation of this policy shall reflect the context and character of the community's overall surroundings including the natural environment, current and planned buildings and land uses, demographics, street functions and current and expected transportation needs. Understanding of the localized surrounding built and natural environments allows roadway design decisions to be more flexible and sensitive to community values and to better balance economic, social and environmental objectives. Section 8. Performance Measures The application of the complete streets policy shall be continuously evaluated,to determine progress and effectiveness, as well as opportunity for improvement.The City should measure the success of this policy on an annual basis based on the frequency of projects that both consider and implement complete street elements. This may be tracked by the quantity of design deviations or documented complete street considerations.Additional performance measurements may include the quantity of additional facilities or facility-miles for non-passenger vehicle modes,such as xx curb ramps,xx bus stop shelter pads,or xx miles of bicycle lane, shared use path, or sidewalk. The annual summary should include qualitative and quantitative data categorized by mode to provide performance measurements. Specific performance metrics will be determined through further public engagement to determine community priorities. Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy—Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A Section 9. Project Selection Criteria The Community and Public Works Department shall incorporate Complete Streets elements as criteria in project prioritization for funding. All transportation projects are to document its consideration of all modes for all users and how or why they were or were not implemented with a project. Projects that better satisfy the intent of this Complete Street Policy may be more favorably supported during the project prioritization process. Any project that does not accommodate multiple modes will be required to provide documentation of exceptions as detailed in Section 4. Section l0. Implementation The City views the principles of this Complete Streets Policy as an essential component influencing decision-making in the planning and design of transportation facilities and improvements. To that end, the following actions are intended to implement this Complete Streets Policy.The list in this section should not be considered as a limiting factor in meeting the transportation needs of the community. 1. Develop generally acceptable design deviations to the existing street standards to ensure that they facilitate consideration of the design recommendations in this policy. 2. Consider the Spokane Valley Bike and Pedestrian Master Program and subsequent Comprehensive Plan recommendations for improving facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. 3. Coordinate with STA in route and stop planning. 4. Support and encourage Community and Public Works staff, and appointed and elected officials to attend trainings, workshops, and webinars to improve the understanding and implementation of complete streets principles. Ordinance 21-012 Complete Streets Policy—Exhibit A Page 4 of 4