21-100.01 AHBL: Barker Road Improvements Surveying Svcs CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND AHBL, INC. Spokane Valley Contract#21-100.01 For good and valuable consideration, the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, City and the AHBL, Inc. mutually agree as follows: 1. Purpose:This Amendment is for the Contract for surveying services for Barker Road by and between the Parties, executed by the Parties on June 30, 2021, and which terminates on December 31, 2021. Said contract is referred to as the"Original Contract"and its terms are hereby incorporated by reference. 2. Original Contract Provisions: The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Contract and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions: This Amendment is subject to the following amended provisions, which are either as follows,or attached hereto as Appendix"A". All such amended provisions are hereby incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provisions of the Original Contract, including any previous amendments thereto. This amendment adds additional topographic survey on Barker Road as shown in Exhibit A. 4. Compensation Amendment History: This is Amendment #1of the Original Contract. The history of amendments to the compensation on the Original Contract and all amendments is as follows: Date Compensation Original Contract Amount July 12, 2021 $90,650.00 Amendment#1 August 31, 2021 $ 2,100.00 Total Amended Compensation $92,750.00,11 The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original Contract this 2-1 5-T. day of VCa,2021. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: CONSU TA /CONT TOR: /1/(ailk, . ) Mark Calhoun By: ohn Becker, PLS City Manager Its: Authorized Representative APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office the City ttorney 1 APPENDIX "A" • 1. Paragraph 3 (Compensation) of the Original Contract is hereby amended to change the total compensation paid from $90,650.00, to $92,750.00. Paragraph 3 of the Original Contract is amended to read as follows: City agrees to pay Consultant a flat fee of$92,750.00,(which includes Washington State Sales Tax if any is applicable)as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement,as set forth in Exhibit A. Consultant shall not perform any ext,a,further,or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. The City agrees to pay up to $92,750.00 as full compensation for everything furnished and done under this contract, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the scope of work, as previously and/or presently amended. 2. The Scope of Work, (Exhibit A) of the Original Contract, is hereby amended to include the following additional tasks and/or services: Consultant shall include area on Barker Road, near Sprague Avenue, as part of the project area for the boundary survey. The additional survey limits of Barker Road are as shown in Exhibit A of this amendment. Exhibit A t -. rw i .-;•-..-Thpir * „ ...., '• ,. '41,II, ...a.m....ma. • t ,r, ... . , ... 'gr........I.: Sprague Ave ..-4. .. ,f lit ....... .,. .44 . , -s -.WaSA.14. .../..j 16................4•00.m................; a . . •N 4 -.. t, . *.' -a.• t-.1, .,-. . . .• ..4 - ___- , ,s,, . . r. 2.- . . : 41 1 3°44 _ . . / V • .4 1: . , . ,... - ' ' X'IS ' ' ,..._ ' - X•••.>„ ••*,.• _ 4, .' - cl, , lc , • .,: "--, _,... , , . , , _ 1, \I.... . 4•-.,, - 4 • • „... r _ 4 r- \• 1 Li 7. ' ' • - il -It, ,_ II Ir..' ir •,,, A.: .. ( r • u '1 41P.I't.14.* ,• . 1 .4 , . 4I- ,_ ,,, , .......... _, . . ,e . edge of parking lot . . t. 4.0 ... Cfeenacres t \ ,,22 ,(include curb). , • :4- 1 ........-..."—.410 ClaptiS1Church • r4"0 \4.t •lie -..„ 4 , it . ... / • ; - - . 44 . ,..it asV '"11. , • I ' .1'? ''• i.. * • - . , .. -- edge of asphalt '----, s. a . .. .. . . ... ..,, , -..A, ir . ,..:. 4, - r ,.- it- - '• • , --„, • - ; , , t '--- - 1 :145*• - 'vis; . •..... . . , . - ‘,.... .... IIII toe&top around build[nc 1 .. .._ „. . ,........ . ' ''S A.:1 7 ' 1,..t1• . (daylight basement) . •-- t I . ,.. tillb•••'rail, -_,.,, :.-..Of • ' ‘.< ' .t• r . .e . .03.:*• t.', i -4;;•.'-ff ' `-', .- Ir-rp- • 411* ... . . • il.... t., , ' „I- -4 .. . ri.r, • - ., i 4 . -, , .-,-!,-..- .' fe.nc_110,, '•i,f ' 4 ;, ' ' • ? - 1•••• ':'. fo''‘'). ' ' , ite , I•:". ". • trarr. .4 r.. 1117 • ,-. 1- .% - t - es. , . . . ......... . . .. . —, %.,,.15•L., .ili'q,- . _., , „1.1........-•- -.1t ., a . . .....„, - — 1.. ---; .......4-141.4.,....... ihr -r ' . lair 7 t • ' ' 4 - .r• , _ —Tx i ...-4....—. - — - li ••• -it.--. ... ,. , -1. r— *440. Cr• . ---- • — - t. 4.. .." - - , -....r• . . . 4. • " ...'..;Cr"a.a a i ......i