1990, 04-16 County Engineer ReviewO E OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER
Project: ��t_#2_ Date 4/16/90
� Address: E. 12614-SIrac�L�_AY��
Parcel No: 22542-0302____
Ref No. B90039
The County Engineering Department has completed a review of the
above referenced project. The following information must be provided
in order for us to proceed with our review.
A) A drainage plan for the site which has been prepared in
compliance with Spokane County "Guidelines for Stormwater
Management". At a minimum the plan must contain:
1. Drainage calculations for stormwater volumes generated on
2. Calculations for total impervious surfaces contained within
the site.
3. Finished grade elevations for structures to be constructed
on site.
4. Finished grade elevations at the top and bottom of the 208
5. A typical cross section of the 208 swale.
6. Calculations to justify the number and type of drywells
7. Elevation of drywell inlets where applicable.
B) Insufficient information was submitted with the proposal. We
are unable to proceed with our review. We will need the following
before we can proceed:
1. Revised Site/Drainage Plan as specified.
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Your contact person at the County Engineering Department may be
contacted by calling 456-3600. Your contact person is Gary Nelson.