1990, 04-17 Pre-App Minutes�n [ I S P cc K A N E t."*''s s� C O U N T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, DIRECTOR TO: Scott Egger, Engineer's Department John Harrington, Planning Department Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety Daryl Way, Health District Clyde Wisenor, Fire District No. 1 rJ 1I FROM.J mas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator Department of Building and Safety DATE: April 17, 1990 RE: April 16, 1990 - Pre -Application Conference East 12614 Sprague Avenue Enclosed is your copy of the minutes to the referenced meeting. Should you have any questions or need additional information, pleases feel free to contact me. TLD:rmd cc: Mr. Ed Conley, Owner Ms. Mabel Caine, Air Pollution Mr. Dennis Scott, Public Works Director WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 MINUTES PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE EAST 12614 SPRAGUE AVENUE WHITE ELEPHANT APRIL 16, 1990 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 11:50 a.m. by Building and Safety's Code Compliance Coordinator Tom Davis, with the following in attendance. PERMIT REVIEW PARTICIPANTS: Robin Domitrovich, Building and Safety Scott Egger, Engineer's Department John Harrington, Planning Department Tom Postlewait, Building and Safety Daryl Way, Health District Clyde Wisenor, Fire District No. 1 APPLICANTS: Ed Conley, Owner, E. 12614 Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 (509) 924-3006 SCOPE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I. General Overview - The owner Ed Conley is proposing a 100 x 200 addition on to the existing White Elephant store. The parking lot will be located on his newly acquired property. SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: I. Planning Department (456-2205) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The northern part of the parcel is located in a Commercial Zone and the south 250 feet of the parcel is located in a Restricted Industrial Zone. The proposed use is permitted in both zones. 2. Please submit a landscaping plan for the proposed. A minimum of 10% of the parking area must be landscaped. 3. Each parking stall must be located within 60 feet of a landscape feature consisting of 32 square feet in area. 4. The parking as shown on the site plan is adequate, 129 parking stalls are required and 135 are shown on the site plan. • • 5. The loading docks as shown on the site plan are adequate, four docks are shown and three are required. 6. The landscaping may need to be reviewed to accommodate parking locations and fire lane access. 7. The access easement located on the property may be a county right of way. The Engineering Department will check into the matter and get back to the departments and the applicant B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Please submit a landscaping plan for review and approval. 2. An estimate from a nursery including size, type and quantity along with a promissory letter from the owner stating the landscaping will be installed shall be submitted. II. Engineering Department (456-3600) A. Discussion/Requirement 1. Comments were given to the applicant and Building and Safety by Scott Egger. 2. The drainage check print was returned to the applicant during the meeting. Please address the comments on the check print and return it to the Engineering Department. 3. The area designated for stormwater swales maybe sufficient in area that the number of drywells may be reduced. The applicant may with to recalculate drainage volumes by using the Bowstring method. Please contact Scott Egger for the formula. 4. An Agreement to Pay Fees was given to the applicant during the meeting. The agreement is to be signed by the owner and returned to the Engineering Department. Plan review will not be completed until this document is executed. 5. Scott Egger stated that he would check the status of the county right of way and inform the applicant and the other departments. - 2 • 0 B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Please address the comments on the drainage check print and return it to the Engineering Department. III. Health District (456-6040) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The proposed is connected to sewer. Locate the existing septic tank and properly abandon it. 2. All construction debris must be taken to a licensed landfill. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. The Health District is ready to release their portion of the building permit. IV. Fire District No. 1 (928-2462) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. A letter was given to the applicant and Building and Safety by Clyde Wisenor. 2. Fire flow for the proposed is 2250 g.p.m. 3. Two new fire hydrants are required for the site. One hydrant and the sprinkler system vault are re to be located on the the south side of Sprague Avenue, at the east property line. The second hydrant will be located at the southeast corner of the building. The hydrants will be located as per an approved water plan. 4. A central monitoring system is required for the sprinkler system. 5. A lock (Knox) box entry system for fire department personnel shall be installed. 6. The fire department needs access to the back of the building. A 50 foot radius is needed for an equipment turn around area. The preferred solution to this problem is to combine both driveways accessing the property. Other options will be reviewed by the fire district and other departments. 3 V. Building and Safety (456-3675) • A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The existing building is Type V Construction. The addition must be Type V one hour construction or Type N construction to meet the allowable area. 2. The existing canopy is to be removed. 3. The handicap parking stalls must be adjacent to the entry way. 4. Special inspections are required for the proposed. Special inspection forms were given to the applicant during the meeting. 5. Please submit an updated critical materials listing and a clean up procedure for the loading dock area to Building and Safety for review. 6. Please show on plans the location of the storage areas for gun powder and flammable liquids, also indicate the quantity of each. 7. Ken Jeffrey stated that he had a concern with the number of exits shown, one additional exit may be required. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Two complete revised sets of plans addressing the items discussed during and after the meeting needs to be submitted for review and approval. APPLICANT'S COMMENTS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The applicant acknowledged that all comments/requirements were understood and had no further questions at this time regarding permit requirements. COUNTY ACTION It was decided upon by all departments present that a Pre -Construction conference will be required for the proposed so that the problem of fire department access can be resolved. CORRECTIONS: To minutes or changes from what appears in the minutes, we should be notified within one day of your receipt of these minutes. - 4 - To site plans as required by any or all of the above -listed departments shall be submitted to Building and Safety who will then distribute accordingly to those departments. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Tom Davis thanked the applicant and the departments for their participation and reminded all that he should be contacted if there are any unforeseen problems which may arise. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:25 a.m. Copies of Minutes to: All participants File - East 12614 Sprague Avenue White Elephant NOTE TO APPLICANT: Some time ago the County recognized the need to streamline the building permit system and accordingly initiated these Pre -Construction Conferences. Comments so far would indicate these conferences are successful and do enhance the permit system. As a recent participant, we would appreciate any comments you might have to further improve the process or, should you have any questions or concerns regarding your conference, please contact either Jim Manson, Building and Safety Director, at 456-3675 or Dennis Scott, Public Works Director, at 456-3600. Sincerely, James L. Manson, Director