2021-10-28 PC SIGNED APPROVED MINUTESMeeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall October 28, 2021 I. Planning Commission Chair Bob McKinley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting. II. Administrative Assistant Taylor Dillard took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Cary Driskell, City Attorney Karl Granrath Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Walt Haneke Karen Kendall, Planner Bob McKinley Levi Basinger, Planner Nancy Miller Taylor Dillard, Administrative Assistant Paul Rieckers Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Sherri Robinson III. AGENDA: Commissioner Miller moved to approve the October 28, 2021 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IV. MINUTES: Commissioner Beaulac moved to approve the October 14, 2021 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Commission reports. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Building Official Jenny Nickerson stated that there will not be a Planning Commission meeting held during the month of November due to Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. Ms. Nickerson reminded the Commissioners that anyone planning to submit their application for reappointment can send the applications to City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge. Ms. Nickerson also introduced Levi Basinger as the new City Planner. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: STV-2021-0001 — Street Vacation Of A Portion Of Appleway Avenue The public hearing was opened at 6:06 p.m. 10-28-2021 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 Planner Karen Kendall gave a staff presentation regarding a street application request that was received by the City on August 31, 2021 from Derek Apartments, LLC to vacate 32 feet by 237 feet of right-of-way along the south side of Appleway Avenue. She explained that the right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located approximately 526 feet east of the intersection of Appleway Avenue and Farr Road. Ms. Kendall noted that a notice of public hearing was posted on each end of the proposed vacated area, was posted in three locations within the City limits (City Hall, Center Place, and the Spokane Valley Library), written notice was mailed to the property owner abutting the vacation location, and it was published twice in the Valley Herald and the Exchange. Planner Kendall explained that the property owner is submitting this request for the following reasons: • No change to unimproved right-of-way or current street structure. • Excess right-of-way is no longer needed after stormwater improvement project. • The area is outside of useable right-of-way. Ms. Kendall said that the City received five utility provider comments during the application submittal. Spokane Valley Fire and Spokane County Environmental Services commented that they do not have any objection to the street vacation. Modern Electric Water Company provided a map outlining their facilities in the vacated area. Lumen (CenturyLink) stated that they also have facilities in the vacated area. Comcast commented that they do not have services within the area. The application was routed a second time to Spokane Valley staff and the utility providers. The City received six comments. The Spokane Valley Engineering Department and Lumen (CenturyLink) provided recommended conditions of approval. The Spokane Valley Stormwater Department, Spokane Valley Fire Department, Avista, and Spokane County Environmental Services reported no concerns with the vacation. Planner Kendall explained that the City Appleway Stormwater Improvement project was underway in the proposed vacation area. During the design and review phase, it was determined that the City does not need the requested vacation area. However, the City does need 4,510 square feet of additional right-of-way along the frontage of adjacent parcels that are also owned by Derek Apartments, LLC. As a City Engineering recommended condition of approval Derek Apartments has agreed to dedicate the required square footage to the City for the improvement project. The City also requested a stormwater easement be preserved for the maintenance of a drywell that is located on the vacated property. Another condition of approval is that an easement acceptable to Modern Electric Water Company and Lumen (CenturyLink) be established for access and preservation of existing services within the area to be vacated. Ms. Kendall stated that staff suggests recommending approval of the street vacation subject to the proposed conditions to the City Council. Commissioner Beaulac asked if the City sent an agency comment to Spokane Transit Authority (STA). Ms. Kendall answered that the City did reach out the STA twice during the process but did not get a response. Public hearing was closed at 6:26 p.m. Commissioner Miller moved to recommend approval of the proposed street vacation (STV-2021-0001) for Appleway Avenue to the City Council with staff conditions. There 10-28-2021 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Beaulac encouraged everyone to vote. X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6: 30 p. m. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Bob McKinley, Chair Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary