2022, 01-11 Formal MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Tuesday, January 11, 2022 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at 10210 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: In response to Governor Inslee's announcement reopening Washington under the "Washington Ready" plan, members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in -person at City Hall at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in -person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as "public comment opportunity." If wishing to make a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Otherwise, comments will be taken in - person at the meeting in Council Chambers, as noted on the agenda below. Per Governor Inslee's expanded emergency order Proclamation 20-25 reinstituting a statewide mask mandate regardless of vaccination status, all those entering or remaining in City Hall must wear a mask or face covering. Masks are available for the public at City Hall. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling -In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Zac Minton, Rock Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATIONS Martin Luther King, Jr. Day GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign -in sheet will be provided in Council Chambers. Whether in person or via zoom, speakers should indicate if they want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2] and may only speak at one or the other, but not both. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2022 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Amendment # 1 — Adam Jackson [public comment opportunity] 2. Resolution 22-001 Amending the 2022 TIP — Adam Jackson [no public comment] Council Agenda January 11, 2022 Page 1 of 2 NEW BUSINESS: 3. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on January 11, 2022, Request for Council Action Form: $3,384,883.09 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 15, 2021: $419,950.75 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 31, 2021: $727,558.04 d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Formal Format e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2021 Study Session f. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2022 Study Session 4. Resolution 22-002, Banking Authority — Chelsie Taylor [public comment opportunity] 5. Motion Consideration: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project Prioritization — Chaz Bates [public comment opportunity] GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [21: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign -in sheet will be provided in Council Chambers. Whether in person or via zoom, speakers should indicate if they want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2] and may only speak at one or the other, but not both. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Public Records Act, Open Public Meetings Training — Cary Driskell, Erik Lamb 7. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley INFORMATION ONLY: (will not be reported or discussed) 8. Finance Department Report 9. Hearing Examiner Annual Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 2 S�kiii Val ley It rocCamation City of'pokaue Wa5biugtou Jaen. Dr. j 1arttn lutljer Ring, Yr WHEREAS, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was born January 15, 1929, devoted his life to justice and equality for people of all races and economic standings through non-violent means, which led to the establishment of many federal and local laws prohibiting discrimination and fostering human rights; and WHEREAS, Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement helped change public policy from segregation to integration, resulting in the repeal of the Post -Reconstruction Era state laws mandating racial segregation in the South known as the "Jim Crow Laws," thereby lending to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and other anti -discrimination laws aimed at ending economic, legal, and social segregation in America; and WHEREAS, Dr. King stated in his speech, that `even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream, It is a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal;" and WHEREAS, Dr. King believed that service was `the soul's highest purpose,' and was the path to happiness and greatness; and that tife's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others." and WHEREAS, We acknowledge that Martin Luther King Jr. day is an opportunity to discuss, teach, and reflect on King's legacy; and a day to examine contemporary human issues through the lens of King's work and ideas; and WHEREAS, On the third Monday of January, the United States celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day to ensure his legacy is not forgotten. NOW, THEREFORE 1, Pam Haley, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the Spokane Valley Councilmembers, do hereby proclaim and recognize January 17, 2022 as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I urge Spokane Valley citizens to learn about and honor the legacy of this man and his mission. Dated this 11 th day of January, 2022. Pam Haley, Mayor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: Proposed 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment #1 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: January 4, 2022, administrative report to Council discussing the proposed amendment. July 20, 2021, City Council authorized the City Manager or designee, to apply for a Transportation Improvement Board grant for the Sullivan Road Corridor (Sprague to 8th Avenues) and 8th Avenue Sidewalk (Coleman to Park Roads). July 13, 2021, City Council adopted Ordinance No 21-008, establishing transportation impact fees for the Mirabeau and North Pines Subareas. June 8, 2021, City Council adopted 2022-2027 TIP by Resolution 21-002. BACKGROUND: The projects and costs listed in the adopted TIP are based upon available information at the time of adoption. This amendment includes updates for anticipated 2022 expenses for several previously adopted projects. New projects are also proposed to be added into the 2022 TIP. These new projects include: • 2022 Local Access (Summerfield East Neighborhood) • 2023 Local Access Streets (Donwood Neighborhood) • Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension (Flora, Dalton, Tschirley) • Buckeye Sewer Extension • Sprague Ave. and Pines Rd. Intersection Improvements • Vera Crest + Rocky Ridge Street Reconstruction • 8th Avenue Sidewalk (Park to Coleman) • Barker Road Improvements (Appleway Ave. to South City Limits) • Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements The two sewer extension projects are proposed in response to potential American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that may be made available for sewer infrastructure improvements. The construction of these projects would have impacts to the street's full -width pavement. The Sprague/Pines Intersection project is included in the Mirabeau Subarea Study and may require a preliminary engineering evaluation for potential, partial land acquisition at the northwest corner of the intersection. The Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements includes the STA-funded signalized pedestrian crossing between City Hall and Balfour Park and will evaluate the potential revised channelization of the existing 5-lanes and also the consolidation of commercial driveways on Sprague Ave. between University and Herald. The single removed project, Mission Ave. preservation from Mullan to University, was completed in 2021 and was funded by Street Fund #101. The TIP is required to be financially constrained. The TIP may exceed financial expectations; however, it does reflect the City's short-term transportation needs and provides a prioritized path forward. Since the City uses Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) monies as matching funds for state and federal grants, this amendment to the TIP is necessary to meet the state law that requires REET funds to only be used on projects that have been identified in an adopted plan. Based on this information, it is recommended that the 2022 TIP be amended to include these projects. A summary of the proposed changes and the draft resolution are included with agenda item #2. OPTIONS: Conduct Public Hearing RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct Public Hearing BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds available to meet the local match requirements for these projects. Further, the City will not initiate a new project without the necessary secured City funds. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, Sr. Engineer — Planning & Grants ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation (See Agenda item #2 for the Resolution and draft TIP Amendment #1.) PUBLIC HEARING 2022 Amendment #1 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) January 11, 2022 Adam Jackson, P.E. - Planning & Grants Engineer Spokane Valley, Transportation Improvement Program ni°4-21' doolvValiey 2022 - 2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Purpose: Required by RCW 35.77.010 Must be Referenced in Comp Plan Required for REET Expenditures Required for Grant Eligibility Today's Purpose Revise the 2022 TIP project list Add New Update Remove Unchanged 1 ; r i' -. --- I- 1 ►fpJ ,.7 I is I I e t t____ l�rrr .- 1 - I _J _J r, 1 I -F Xx I 1 1 ♦---- • 1 1 J ••• IsP i_P�0. +. 1. IIL Y a..0** ••= 1 4 0 - i rtr • • • • • • • • • 1 a Amendment #1 Summary Adopted TIP 2022 Proposed Amend. #1 City Cost ($1,000s) $7,557 $27,895 $9,344 $28,791 Funding Change + $1,787 + $896 TIP Amendment #1 Prol'ect List Proj. # Updated Projects 6 Park Rd. Sidewalk 8 Balfour Park Improvements 9 Mullan Rd Preservation - Broadway to Mission 10 Appleway Blvd Stormwater Improvements 11 Evergreen Rd. Preservation - Broadway to Mission 14 Barker Rd. Union Pacific Crossing 15 Pines,Mission Intersection Improvement 19 Sprague Ave. Preservation - Havana to Fancher 23 Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements 29 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail From Catakfo Herald Broadway University Broadway Euclid (east leg) Pines O Mission Havana University Pines To Mission Main Mission Farr Mission Euclid (west leg; Fancher Park Flora Primary City Source Amount TIB 5 2,000 City 5 E,000 City 5 1E,000 Other State S E,000 City 5 1,04E,000 City 5 369,831 Cl.1AC1 5 368,000 City 5 865,000 Other State 5 150,000 City 5 700,000 Total 2022 Project Costs 5 `.000 5 `.000 5 1`.000 5 5,000 5 1,04`,000 5 1,749,000 5 368,000 FS 1,865,000 5 1E0,000 5 700,000 Subtotal 5 3,524,831 5 E,907,000 Proj. # Removed Projects From To Primary Source City Amount Total 2022 Project Costs Local Access Street Impro v. (S1. 5 M Annually-2022 O n ly) TBD Mission Ave. Preservation - Mullan to University Mullan TBD University 5 (1,E00,000) 5 5 (E0,000) 5 (1,E00,000) _0.000) Subtotal 5 (1.EE0.000) 5 (1,550,000) Proj. # Added Projects From To Primary Source City Amount Total 2022 Project Costs Sprague/Pines Intersection Improvements (PE) 2022 Local Access (Summerfiekd East Neighborhood:; 2023 Local Access (Donwood Neighborhood) (.PE; Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension (PE) Buckeye Sewer Extension (PE) Vera Crest + Rocky Ridge Street Reconstruction (PE) 8th Avenue Sidewalk (PE) Barker Road Improvements (PE) Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements (PE 22. CN 23) Sprague Burns r Barker Pines Olympic Bridgeport Flora, Tschirley, Dalton Buckeye ,E1 east city limit Varies: Vera Crest - Rocky Park Road Appleway Ave. University Euclid, Garland Ridge Neighborhoods Coleman Road South City Limits Herald City 5 2E,000 S City 5 1,E00,000 5 City S 7E.,000 5 City S 50,000 5 Other Fed S - 5 City S 50,000 5 TIB S 14,83E S City S 125,000 S City 5 50,000 5 Subtotal S 1,889,83E 5 2E,000 1,500,000 75,000 50,000 S00,000 50,000 37,100 125,000 E0,000 2,412,100 4 Questions? Adam Jackson ajackson@spokanevalley.org 509-720-5024 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution 22-001 Amending 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: January 11, 2022, Public Hearing on proposed amended 2022 TIP. January 4, 2022, administrative report discussing the proposed amended 2022 TIP. July 20, 2021, City Council authorized the City Manager or designee, to apply for a Transportation Improvement Board grant for the Sullivan Road Corridor (Sprague to 8th Avenues) and 8th Avenue Sidewalk (Coleman to Park Roads). July 13, 2021, City Council adopted Ordinance No 21-008, establishing transportation impact fees for the Mirabeau and North Pines Subareas. June 8, 2021, City Council adopted 2022-2027 TIP by Resolution 21-002. BACKGROUND: The projects and costs listed in the adopted TIP are based upon available information at the time of adoption. This amendment includes updates for anticipated 2022 expenses for several previously adopted projects. New projects are also proposed to be added into the 2022 TIP. These new projects include: • 2022 Local Access (Summerfield East Neighborhood) • 2023 Local Access Streets (Donwood Neighborhood) • Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension (Flora, Dalton, Tschirley) • Buckeye Sewer Extension • Sprague Ave. and Pines Rd. Intersection Improvements • Vera Crest + Rocky Ridge Street Reconstruction • 8th Avenue Sidewalk (Park to Coleman) • Barker Road Improvements (Appleway Ave. to South City Limits) • Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements The two sewer extension projects are proposed in response to potential American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that may be made available for sewer infrastructure improvements. The construction of these projects would have impacts to the street's full -width pavement. The Sprague/Pines Intersection project is included in the Mirabeau Subarea Study and may require a preliminary engineering evaluation for potential, partial land acquisition at the northwest corner of the intersection. The Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements includes the STA-funded signalized pedestrian crossing between City Hall and Balfour Park and will evaluate the potential revised channelization of the existing 5-lanes and also the consolidation of commercial driveways on Sprague Ave. between University and Herald. The single removed project, Mission Ave. preservation from Mullan to University, was completed in 2021 and was funded by Street Fund #101. The TIP is required to be financially constrained. The TIP may exceed financial expectations; however, it does reflect the City's short-term transportation needs and provides a prioritized path forward. Since the City uses Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) monies as matching funds for state and federal grants, this amendment to the TIP is necessary to meet the state law that requires REET funds to only be used on projects that have been identified in an adopted plan. Based on this information, it is recommended that the 2022 TIP be amended to include these projects. Attached is a summary of the proposed changes and a draft resolution. OPTIONS: 1) Adopt the proposed Amended 2022 TIP with or without additional changes; or 2) take further action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 22-001, amending the 2022 TIP. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds available to meet the local match requirements for these projects. Further, the City will not initiate a new project without the necessary secured City funds. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, Sr. Engineer — Planning & Grants ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 22-001 2022 TIP Amendment #1 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 22-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE 2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council adopted the 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on June 8, 2021, Resolution #21-002, with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources and project schedules have occurred; and WHEREAS, the attached Amended 2022 TIP incorporates said changes for year 2022; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2022 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2022 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development, and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the year 2022. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 11th day of January 2022. City of Spokane Valley Pam Haley, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 22-001 Amending 2022 TIP City of Spokane Valley Department of Community & Public Works Adopted 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (Adopted by Resolution 21-002 on 06-08-21) Proj. # Project From Primary Source City Amount Total 2022 Project Costs 1 2020 Local Access Streets (Barker Rd. Homes) 2 2021 Local Access Streets 3 Sullivan Rd. Bridge Deck Resurfacing 4 Citywide Reflective Post Panels (2018) 5 Citywide Reflective Backplates (2018) 6 Park Rd. Sidewalk 7 Barker Rd. Improvements - Spokane River to Euclid 8 Balfour Park Improvements 9 Mullan Rd Preservation - Broadway to Mission 10 Appleway Blvd Stormwater Improvements 11 Evergreen Rd. Preservation - Sprague to Mission 12 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 13 Citywide Reflective Post Panels (2020) 14 Barker Rd. @ Union Pacific Crossing 15 Pines/Mission Intersection Improvement 16 Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection Improvement 17 Broadway Ave. Preservation - Havana to Fancher 18 Broadway Ave. Preservation - Fancher to Park 19 Sprague Ave. Preservation - Havana to Fancher 20 Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Analysis 21 Sullivan Rd. Preservation - Sprague to 8th 22 Sullivan Rd. Preservation - 8th to 16th 23 Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements 24 Wilbur Rd. Sidewalk - Boone to Mission 25 Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Project 26 Park/Mission Intersection Improvement 27 8th Ave. Preservation - Progress to Sullivan 28 Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing 29 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 30 Argonne Rd. Concrete Reconstruction 31 Pines (SR 27)/BNSF Grade Separation Project 32 Sullivan/SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction 33 Local Access Street Improvements ($1.5 M Annually) 34 Street Preservation Projects ($3 M Annual) 35 Citywide Safety Projects (Biennial) 36 Mission Ave. Preservation - Mullan to University 37 South Bowdish Rd - Phased Corridor Improvements Barker @ Buckeye 4th @ Coleman Neighborhood Sullivan @ UPRR Xing Citywide Citywide Cataldo Spokane River Herald Broadway University Sprague Sprague @ Barker Citywide Euclid (east leg) Pines @ Mission Sullivan @ Wellesley Havana Fancher Havana Sprague 8th University Boone Barker at BNSF Park @ Mission Progress Mission @ Evergreen Pines Indiana Pines @ BNSF Sullivan @ Trent TBD TBD Mullan Sprague Mission Euclid Main Mission Farr Mission Euclid (west leg) Fancher Park Fancher 8th 16th Park Mission Trent Sullivan Flora Montgomery Trent TBD TBD University Dishman Mica City City Fed/Other HSIP HSIP TIB STBG City City Other State Other State HSIP HSIP City CMAQ Spo Co. City City City City City City Other State STBG-SA TIGER City City Fed/Other City TIB STBG City City City HSIP City Other $ 35,000 $ $ 24,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ 5,000 $ $ - $ $ 38,000 $ $ 3,000 $ $ 6,000 $ $ 209,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ $ 751,000 $ $ 142,000 $ $ 132,000 $ $ 60,000 $ $ 75,000 $ $ 75,000 $ $ 25,000 $ $ 90,000 $ $ 80,000 $ $ 466,000 $ $ 134,000 $ $ 1,997,000 $ $ 20,000 $ $ 25,000 $ $ 2,000 $ $ 333,000 $ $ 4,000 $ $ 830,000 $ $ 424,000 $ $ 1,500,000 $ $ - $ $ 10,000 $ $ 50,000 $ $ 12,000 $ 35,000 24,000 5,000 1,000 3,000 13,000 56,000 38,000 22,000 25,000 1,045,000 1,889,000 154,000 1,273,000 1,050,000 1,959,000 60,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 90,000 80,000 1,864,000 569,000 11,567,000 20,000 25,000 22,000 333,000 13,000 3,098,000 530,000 1,500,000 96,000 50,000 61,000 ADOPTED TOTAL $ 7,557,000 $ 27,895,000 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community & Public Works Amended 2022 Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 22-001 (01-11-2022) Proj. # 1 2 3 4 5 7 12 13 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 Unchanged Projects 2020 Local Access Streets (Barker Rd. Homes) 2021 Local Access Streets Sullivan Rd. Bridge Deck Resurfacing Citywide Reflective Post Panels (2018) Citywide Reflective Backplates (2018) Barker Rd. Improvements - Spokane River to Euclid Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement Citywide Reflective Post Panels (2020) Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection Improvement Broadway Ave. Preservation - Havana to Fancher Broadway Ave. Preservation - Fancher to Park Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Analysis Sullivan Rd. Preservation - Sprague to 8th Sullivan Rd. Preservation - 8th to 16th Wilbur Rd. Sidewalk - Boone to Mission Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Project Park/Mission Intersection Improvement 8th Ave. Preservation - Progress to Sullivan Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing Argonne Rd. Concrete Reconstruction Pines (SR 27)/BNSF Grade Separation Project Sullivan/SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction Local Access Street Improvements ($1.5 M Annually) Street Preservation Projects ($3 M Annual) Citywide Safety Projects (Biennial) South Bowdish Rd - Phased Corridor Improvements From Barker @ Buckeye 4th @ Coleman Neighborhood Sullivan @ UPRR Xing Citywide Citywide Spokane River Sprague @ Barker Citywide Sullivan @ Wellesley Havana Fancher Sprague 8th Boone Barker at BNSF Park @ Mission Progress Mission @ Evergreen Indiana Pines @ BNSF Sullivan @ Trent TBD TBD Sprague To Euclid Fancher Park 8th 16th Mission Trent Sullivan Montgomery Trent TBD TBD Dishman Mica Primary Source City City Fed/Other HSIP HSIP STBG HSIP HSIP Spo Co. City City City City City STBG-SA TIGER City City Fed/Other TIB STBG City City City HSIP Other Subtotal City Amount 35,000 24,000 132,000 60,000 75,000 25,000 90,000 80,000 134,000 1,997,000 20,000 25,000 2,000 4,000 830,000 424,000 1,500,000 10,000 12,000 5,479,000 Total 2022 Project Costs 35,000 24,000 5,000 1,000 3,000 56,000 1,889,000 154,000 1,959,000 60,000 150,000 25,000 90,000 80,000 569,000 11,567,000 20,000 25,000 22,000 13,000 3,098,000 530,000 1,500,000 86,000 61,000 22,022,000 Proj. # 6 8 9 10 11 14 15 19 23 29 Updated Projects Park Rd. Sidewalk Balfour Park Improvements Mullan Rd Preservation - Broadway to Mission Appleway Blvd Stormwater Improvements Evergreen Rd. Preservation - Broadway to Mission Barker Rd. @ Union Pacific Crossing Pines/Mission Intersection Improvement Sprague Ave. Preservation - Havana to Fancher Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements Spokane Valley River Loop Trail From Cataldo Herald Broadway University Broadway Euclid (east leg) Pines @ Mission Havana University Pines To Mission Main Mission Farr Mission Euclid (west leg) Fancher Park Flora Primary Source TIB City City Other State City City CMAQ City Other State City City Amount $ 2,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,045,000 $ 369,831 $ 368,000 $ 865,000 $ 150,000 $ 700,000 Total 2022 Project Costs $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,045,000 $ 1,749,000 $ 368,000 $ 1,865,000 $ 150,000 $ 700,000 Subtotal $ 3,524,831 $ 5,907,000 Proj. # 33 36 Removed Projects From Local Access Street Improv.($1.5 M Annually-2022 Only) TBD Mission Ave. Preservation - Mullan to University Mullan To TBD University Primary Source City City City Total 2022 Amount Project Costs $ (1,500,000) $ (1,500,000) $ (50,000) $ (50,000) Subtotal $ (1,550,000) $ (1,550,000) Proj. # Added Projects Sprague/Pines Intersection Improvements (PE) 2022 Local Access (Summerfield East Neighborhood) 2023 Local Access (Donwood Neighborhood) (PE) Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension (PE) Buckeye Sewer Extension (PE) Vera Crest + Rocky Ridge Street Reconstruction (PE) 8th Avenue Sidewalk (PE) Barker Road Improvements (PE) Sprague Ave. Safety Improvements (PE '22, CN '23) From To Sprague @ Pines Burns @ Olympic Barker @ Bridgeport Flora, Tschirley, Dalton Euclid, Garland Buckeye @ east city limit Varies: Vera Crest + Rocky Ridge Neighborhoods Park Road Appleway Ave. University Coleman Road South City Limits Herald Primary Source City City City City Other Fed City TIB City City Subtotal City Amount 25,000 1,500,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 14,835 125,000 50,000 1,889,835 Total 2022 Project Costs $ 25,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 50,000 $ 37,100 $ 125,000 $ 50,000 $ 2,412,100 AMENDED TOTAL $9,343,666 $28,791,100 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. January 2022 Amendment P:\Public Works\TIP\2022-2027 TIP\2. Amendments\January Amendment\January 2022 Amendment CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST 12-14-2021 12-16-2021 12-17-2021 12-21-2021 12-22-2021 12-27-2021 12-27-2021 12-28-2021 12-30-2021 12-30-2021 VOUCHER NUMBERS 55478 55479-55501 55502-55519 (less 55512) 55520-55547 55548-55574 55575 55576-55590, wires 15114235, 15114325 55591-55620 55621-55625 55626-55655 GRAND TOTAL: TOTAL AMOUNT 6,339.00 105,730.98 57,712.76 85,746.25 209,075.22 42,215.50 2,263,016.44 500,561.12 6,068.36 108,417.46 $3,384,883.09 Explanation of Fund Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001 - General Fund City Council City Manager Legal 001.016.000. Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources 001.040.041. Engineering 001.040.042. Economic Development 001.040.043. Building Parks & Rec—Administration 001.076.300.576. Parks & Rec-Maintenance 001.076.301.571. Parks & Rec-Recreation 001.076.302.576. Parks & Rec- Aquatics 001.076.304.575. Parks & Rec- Senior Center 001.076.305.571. Parks & Rec-CenterPlace General Gov't- Council related General Gov't -Finance related General Gov't -Employee supply General Gov't- Centralized Serv. General Gov't -Other Services General Gov't -Transportation General Gov't -Natural & Eco. General Gov't -Social Services General Gov't -Capital Outlay General Gov't -Pavement Preserv. Other Funds: 101 — Street Fund 103 — Paths & Trails 105 — Hotel/Motel Tax 106 — Solid Waste 107 — PEG Fund 108 — Affordable & Supplemental Housing Sales Tax 120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 — Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 — Winter Weather Reserve 204 Debt Service 301 — REET 1 Capital Projects 302 — REET 2 Capital Projects 303 — Street Capital Projects 309 — Parks Capital Grants 310 Civic Bldg. Capital Projects 311 — Pavement Preservation 312 — Capital Reserve 314 — Railroad Grade Separation Projects 315 — Transportation Impact Fees 316 — Economic Development Capital Projects 402 — Stormwater Management 403 — Aquifer Protection Area 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 — Risk Management 632 — Passthrough Fees & Taxes RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 12/14/2021 2:35:48PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 55478 12/14/2021 008497 WFG NATIONAL TITLE CO 46352.9149 312.000.000.594 PARCEL ACQUISITION 46352.9149, ET, 6,339.00 Total : 6,339.00 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 6,339.00 1 Vouchers in this report the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that l am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim, Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 6,335.00 Page: 1 vchlist 12/16/2021 8:47:36AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55479 12/16/2021 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 440535 440574 NOVEMBER 2021 PARCEL 55184.9018 55480 12/16/2021 000030 AVISTA 55481 12116/2021 008496 BELL, RICHARD & LAURA 55482 12/16/2021 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 55483 12/16/2021 004854 CAMTEK INC 55484 12/16/2021 004735 CITIES DIGITAL INC 55485 12/16/2021 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 55486 12/16/2021 006443 CRAIG GOODWIN PHOTOGRAPHY 55487 12/16/2021 007940 DW EXCAVATING INC 55488 12/16/2021 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 0312555 0314392 0316282 S0279269 S0279366 S0280447 S0280706 54674 53215 November 2021 496 PAY APP 11 367791 001.076.300.576 001.076.300.576 303.000.205.595 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.075.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 303.000.275.595 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount PORTABLE RESTROOM: MIRABEAU SF PORTABLE RESTROOM AT CENTERPL Total : UTILITIES: CPW MASTER AVISTA NOVE Total: CIP 0205: PARCEL ACQUISITION Total: LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT CENT Total: GATE SERVICE: PRECINCT IT SUPPORT Total: Total: UTILITIES: NOVEMBER 2021 PARKS & Total: PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES Total: DW EXCAVATING BARKER ROAD PRO. Total: 279.00 85.00 364.00 25,889.92 25,889.92 29,324.56 29,324.56 69.81 69.81 69.81 221.84 87.44 53.68 318.94 891.33 228.69 228.59 403.33 403.33 306.52 306.52 1,200.00 1,200.00 11,964.52 11,964.52 RECYCLING COLLECTION AT CENTER 20.00 Total: 20.00 vchlist 1211612021 8:47:36AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbanlc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55489 12/16/2021 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 55490 12/16/2021 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 55491 12/16/2021 002930 EQUIPMENT WATCH 55492 12/16/2021 000002 H & H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 55493 12l1612021 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 55494 12/16/2021 008500 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 55495 12/16/2021 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 55496 12/16/2021 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO November 2021 4321950 74274997 AR217377 AR217378 AR217379 AR217380 AR217381 AR217382 AR217383 AR217384 AR217385 November 2021 DescriptionlAccount Amount 001.076.300.576 WATER CHARGES FOR NOVEMBER 2C 748.19 Total: 748.19 FUEL FOR MAINTENANCE SHOP VEHI( 1,749.93 Total : 1,749.93 EQUIPMENT WATCH LIGHT 4,247.12 Total: COPIER COSTS: WEST WING/COUNCII COPIER COSTS: IT COPIER COSTS: HR COPIER COSTS: OPS/ADMIN COPIER COSTS: LEGAL COPIER COSTS: PERMIT CTR COPIER COSTS: CPW/ENGINEERING COPIER COSTS: MAINTENANCE SHOF COPIER COSTS: CENTERPLACE Total : UTILITIES: PARKS AND CPW NOVEMBE Total : CP160 71-0914170 TAX PERIOD 202012 SPOCM16794015 SP01 N4805447-3 SPOIN4888855 SP01N4903461 SPOT N4905040 SPOIN4909965 Total: REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: F. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: E REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: E REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: E Total : 20375531 UTILITIES NOVEMBER 2021 CPW Total: 4,247.12 407.37 1627 23.51 112.97 102.71 77.49 528.06 14.93 179.33 1,462.64 488.09 488.09 117.16 117.16 -434.87 9.53 305.21 434.87 215.51 136.87 668.12 11,996.98 11,996.98 55497 12/16/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2C06858 PLATT PICK TICKETS TO COVER PART 914.02 Page: N2,,, 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 12/1612021 8:47:36AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 55497 12/16/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (Continued) 2C80523 PLATT PICK TICKETS TO COVER PART 440.47 2C89200 PLATT PICK TICKETS TO COVER PART 96.63 2C90890 PLATT PICK TICKETS TO COVER PART 538.03 Total : 1,989.15 55498 12/16/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2G34160 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: PRECINC 135.61 2G40699 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES: PRECINC 50.52 2G79059 001.076.305.575 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENTERF 49.90 2G86151 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CITY HAL 38.42 2G89167 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CITY HAL 57.63 Total : 332.08 55499 12/16/2021 002520 RWC GROUP XA106019692:01 DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE - SNOWPLO1 1,176.15 XA106019692:02 DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE - SNOWPLOI 1,428.30 XA106020870:01 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: # 675.36 XA106022992:01 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: 5 304.07 Total : 3,583.88 55500 12/16/2021 005012 SPOKANE CO ENVIRONMENTAL DECEMBER 2021 001.076.300.576 SPOKANE CO SEWER CHARGES DECI 1,330.50 Total : 1,330.50 55501 12/16/2021 000167 VERA WATER & POWER NOVEMBER 2021 UTILITIES: NOVEMBER 2021 6,424.27 Total : 6,424.27 23 Vouchers for hank code : apbank Bank total : 106,730.98 23 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 105,730.98 Page: 5. vchlist 12/17/2021 10:17:46AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55502 12/17/2021 006686 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOC 55503 12/17/2021 002891 BASIN SOD INCORPORATED 55504 12/17/2021 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 55505 12/17/2021 001194 DEPT OF ECOLOGY 55506 12/17/2021 002538 HYDRAULICS PLUS INC 55507 12/17/2021 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 55508 12/17/2021 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 55509 12/17/2021 008498 NELSON, TYLER Description/Account Amount 61701 -2022 DUES 55667 81097922 81097923 81098086 81098087 81098088 81098089 81098090 81098091 81098092 81098093 81098094 81098095 81098096 22-WAR046507-1 24325 24327 November 2021 SPO1N4848586-3 EXPENSES 303.000.330.595 001,090,000.548 402.402.000.531 001.076.300.576 AWRA2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 179.00 Total : 179.00 SUPPLIES: STREET Total : COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-018 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-019 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-007 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-008 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-009 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-010 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-011 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-012 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-013 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-014 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-015 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-016 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-017 Total : MUNICIPALSTORMWATER PHASE2 PI Total : SNOWPLOW - SPREADER MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. Total: UTILITIES: PARKS NOVEMBER 2021 Total:. VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT; SNOWPLO Total: 9.80 9.80 651.56 52.66 139.58 658.51 368.09 187.76 806.78 266.18 986.55 142.27 176.38 409.18 487.31 5,332.81 42,613.34 42,613.34 1,364.50 2,553.07 3,917.57 192.50 192.50 51.19 51.19 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 3,445.50 Total : 3,445.50 Page: ,h vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 12/17/2021 10:17:46AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 55510 12/17/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2G86386 SUPPLIES: STREET 3.42 Total : 3.42 55511 12/17/2021 005968 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1033905 DATA PLAN 272.50 272.50 Total: 65512 42147 202a 908499 ni INTANA, CHRIS B D 202I 136n136n PERMI REF in n. B D ones Haan 4488 void 44.08 Total : 55513 12/17/2021 007741 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST 16280186-00 001.076.305.575 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENTERF 206.33 Total : 206.33 55514 12/17/2021 007095 SALAZAR CONSTRUCTION LLC BLD-2021-3577 PERMIT REFUND: BLD-2021-3577 414.75 Total : 414.75 55515 12/17/2021 004535 SHRED -IT USA LLC 8000497055 DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION 159.30 Total : 159.30 55516 12/17/2021 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3493774563 OFFICE SUPPLIES: ECON DEV 42.74 3493774566 OFFICE SUPPLIES: ECON DEV 54.43 Total : 97.17 55517 12/17/2021 003318 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 240017538-01 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 30.89 Total : 30.89 55518 12117/2021 002597 TWISTED PAIR ENTERPRISES LLC 11242021 BROADCASTING COUNCIL MTGS 692.00 Total : 692.00 55519 12/17/2021 006846 US LINEN & UNIFORM INC 2832814 SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP 18.49 2836701 SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP 26.11 2840506 SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP 18.49 2844369 SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP 31.60 Total : 94.69 18 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 67,7 6,84- 57 712.76 18 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 57,756.$4 57,712.76 Page: -12\ vchlist 12/21/2021 2:36:23PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55520 12/21/2021 007673 DIBBLE ENGINEERS INC 55521 12/21/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 55522 12121/2021 008109 FAMILY PROMISE OF SPOKANE 55523 12/21/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 55524 12/21/2021 000179 GFOA 55525 12/21/2021 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 55526 12/21/2021 008107 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL LLP 55527 12/21/2021 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY 55528 12/21/2021 001155 KLUNDTIHOSMER 55529 12/21/2021 008029 MCKINSTRY CO LLC 32262 001.000.322.518 624461 624462 624463 624464 624465 624466 2021 #2 52465 52466 52467 2105855 Nov 2021 1042 909427 31907 18935 10161037 001.000.322.518 Description/Account Amount CITY HALL STRUCTURAL REVIEW 1,087.50 Total : 1,087.50 LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : 2021 EC.ON DEV/SOC SVCS GRANT #2 Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION 2022 DUES: C. TAYLOR Total : Total : GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SERVICES Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDEREI Total: Q4-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S Total: BRAND AUDIT & RECOMMENDATIONS Total: 83.74 26.07 38.71 82.95 36.34 41.08 308.89 7,252.35 7,252.35 96.90 30.60 94.35 221.85 65.00 65.00 5,225.00 5,225.00 175.00 175.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 HVAC WIRE NUT INVESTIGATION 16,505.55 Total: 16,505.55 Page: /7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 12/21/2021 2:36:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 55530 12/21/2021 005953 NW MOBILE FLAGGING ACADEMY 3350 FLAGGER CERTIFICATION 1,955.00 Total : 1,955.00 55531 12/21/2021 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 213522536001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE 112.22 Total: 112.22 55532 12/21/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Y469218 REPLACING HEAT TRACE UNDER THE 1,398.93 Total : 1,398.93 55533 12/21/2021 008459 ROCHESTER CLUTCH & BRAKE CO 644 TRANSMISSION 4,990.50 Total: 4,990.50 55534 12/21/2021 002288 SARGENT ENGINEERS INC. 34191 PROFESSIONAL SVCS 20-006 4,734.44 Total : 4,734.44 55535 12/21/2021 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 December 2021 #1 402.402.000.531 WATER CHARGES FOR DECEMBER 20 122.86 Total : 122.86 55536 12/21/2021 000093 SPOKESMAN -REVIEW, THE RENEWAL SUB ACCT 2916468 156.00 Total : 156.00 55537 12/21/2021 007107 STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS INC 1862087 001.040.043,558 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,352.00 Total: 1,352.00 55538 12/21/2021 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L145746 ACCOUNTABILITY AUDIT 2020 5,881.20 Total : 5,881.20 55539 12/21/2021 007159 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 652815200 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 503.55 652815218 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 66.79 654177013 SUPPLIES: CITY HALL 142.25 Total: 712.59 55540 12/21/2021 004740 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 845445359 SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES 855.21 Total : 855.21 55541 12/21/2021 003135 UNITED RENTALS, (NORTH AMERICA) INC 200332000-001 SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL: WHITE ELEPH 496.15 Total : 496,15 Page: vchlist 12/21/2021 2:36:23PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55542 12/21/2021 000295 VALLEYFEST 2021 #1 FINAL 55543 12/21/2021 008502 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA OF E, WASH & NC VOA 1014 55544 12/21/2021 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 55545 12/2112021 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 55546 12/21/2021 002363 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT CO 55547 12/21/2021 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC 28 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 28 Vouchers in this report 0075204-1518-8 90848.13 IN001855327 2021120003578 2021120005522 2021120025710 Description/Account Amount 2021 SOC SER/ECO DEV GRANT REIM 3,607.00 Total : 3,607.00 VOA SHELTER BED REIMBURSEMENT Total : VACTORING WASTE NOVEMBER 2021 Total : PEST MGMT SERVICES: CITY HALL Total : EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MA1NT. INTERNET SERVICES INTERNET SERVICES INTERNET SERVICES Total : Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : 5,560.00 5,560.00 5,628.42 5,628.42 169.23 169.23 262.11 262.11 287.22 626.70 247.33 1,161.25 85,746.25 85,746.25 Page: �3. vchlist 12/2212021 9:53:26AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept 55548 12/22/2021 000958 AAASWEEPING LLC 71854 71870 55549 12/2212021 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 55550 12/22/2021 007808 AMENTO GROUP INC 55551 12/22/2021 000135 APA 55552 12/2212021 000030 AVISTA 55553 12/22/2021 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 1 K6X-XFW1-V6Q3 1 T6 K-RRTG-9JYF 112141 112142 202975-211003 P BM NOVEMBER 2021 EXPENSES 55554 12/2212021 008053 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, PETTY CASH REI OCT 2021 #2 55555 12/2212021 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 55556 12/22/2021 002920 DIRECTV INC 55557 12/22/2021 007740 EVERGREEN STATE TOWING LLC 55558 12/22/2021 008109 FAMILY PROMISE OF SPOKANE RE-313-ATB11115058 RE-313-ATB11115066 RE-31 C-LA9379FINAL 051738547X211205 61703 2021 #3 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 001.000.322.518 001.000.322.518 001.076.302.576 309.000.268.333 DescriptionlAccount Amount STORM DRAIN CLEANING NOVEMBER STREET SWEEPING NOVEMBER 2021 Total : DRIVER'S DAILY LOG BOOKS POWER INVERTER Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: CITY HALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: CITY HALL Total: ADDTL APA MEMBERSHIP: PLANNING Total : UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTA NO Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH: 25491, 25492 Total : Total : REIMBURSE TRAFFIC SVCS REIMBURSE ROADWAY MAINTENANCI CIP 0268: BALANCE DUE FORAGENCl Total : CABLE SERVICE FOR MAINTENANCE Total : SWITCH DUMP BODY FOR SANDER #2 Total: 15,574.68 65,591.78 31,166.46 185.14 51.72 236.86 808.00 440.50 1,248.50 68.00 68.00 8,931.02 8,931.02 9.07 9.07 1.00 1.00 1,571.26 14,628.57 2,416.60 18,616.43 81.24 81.24 478.24 478.24 2021 ECON DEV/SOC SVCS GRANT#3 1,024.85 vchlist 12/22/2021 9:53:26AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : aphank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55558 12/22/2021 008109 008109 FAMILY PROMISE OF SPOKANE 55559 12/22/2021 002538 HYDRAULICS PLUS INC 55560 12/22/2021 002901 IMSA NW CHAPTER 55561 12122/2021 008453 KOTTKAMP, YEDINAK & ESWORTHY 55562 12/22/2021 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 55563 12/22/2021 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 55564 12/22/2021 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER 55565 12/22/2021 004621 OREILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 55566 12/22/2021 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING INC. (Continued) 24322 101769 2484 2525 462 11-30-2021 213045380001 NOVEMBER 2021 2852-141127 2862-141289 2862-143427 2852-144332 2862-144918 2862-145318 2862-145366 2862-145385 2862-145650 46936 46937 46938 46939 001.040.641.543 632.000.000.589 Description/Account Amount Total : 1,024.85 REPAIR SERVICE: PUMP INSPECTION Total : CERTIFICATION RENEWAL: RYAN KIPF Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: CPW ENGINEERIN' Total: STATE REMITTANCE Total : VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: 402.402.000.531 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT_ SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES: 402.402.000.531 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: Total : 402.402.000.531 WINTER RESPONSE 2021 GUARDRAIL REPAIR STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENAN STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENAN Total : 231.99 231.99 40.00 40.00 960.00 520.00 1,480.00 3,932.20 3,932.20 74.69 74.69 28,796.30 28,796.30 116.31 58.15 45.93 64.84 73.96 158.04 62.56 239.56 22.85 842.20 474.50 3,065.82 12,842.24 27,518.28 43,900.84 vchlist 12122/2021 9:53:26AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55567 12/22/2021 002520 RWC GROUP 55568 12/22/2021 007142 SCJ ALLIANCE 55569 12/22/2021 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 55570 12/22/2021 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 55571 12/22/2021 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY 55572 12/22/2021 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 55573 12/22/2021 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 55574 12/22/2021 000295 VALLEYFEST 27 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 27 Vouchers in this report RA106002805:01 RA106003101:01 XA106023540:01 65877 11131670 11187425 NOVEMBER 2021 NOVEMBER 2021 3493774567 1840457 2021 LTX #2 FINAL 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 632.000.000.589 DescriptionlAccount Amount CLUTCH REPAIR #205 CREDIT FOR CLUTCH REPAIR INV RA1 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: Total: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE Total: RECORDING FEES Total : CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION REM Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES: PERMIT CTR ABATEMENT: 14612 E 8TH AVE Total : Total : 2021 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMBURE Total: 9,979.40 -9.979.40 174.33 174.33 390.00 390.00 6,133.33 6,133.33 12,266.66 2,208.00 2,208.00 390.62 390.62 63.64 63.64 2,177.58 2,177.58 244.50 244.50 Bank total : 209,075.22 Total vouchers : 209,07522 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 12127/2021 9:17:39AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description/Account Amount 55575 12127/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 45191.1308 & .9035 312.000.000.594 PARCEL ACQUISITION 45191.1308 & 4.5 42.215.50 Total : 42,215.50 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 42,215.50 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 42,215.50 Page: `4r vchlist 1212712021 11:08:17AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept 55576 12/27/2021 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1 K6T-JIYN-WNFW 1 WQF-FMJG-6FCQ 55577 12/27/2021 007808 AMENTO GROUP INC 55578 12127I2021 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 55579 12/27/2021 007965 ARGUS JANITORIAL 55580 12/27/2021 008216 BERRYDUNN 55581 12/27/2021 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 55582 12/27/2021 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 55583 12/27/2021 008422 GMCO CORP DBAROADWISE 55584 12/27/2021 000917 GRAYBAR 55585 12127/2021 007671 HORROCKS ENGINEERS INC 55586 12/27/2021 000864 JUB ENGINEERS INC. 1121179 440792 INV11726 410717 EXPENSES 501193 21-3763 21-3765 21-3777 21-3778 9324579986 65633 0148469 001.076.300.576 001.090_000.513 101,000,000.542 309.000.338.595 DescriptionlAccount Amount ETHERNET SWITCH SUPPLIES FOR PLOTTER Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: WHITE EL Total: PORTABLE RESTROOM AT CENTERPL Total : JANITORIAL SVCS: CITY HALL, PRECIII Total : CONSULTING SERVICES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : Total : 0044-ON-CALL TRAFFIC SERVICES Total: LIQUID MAG (FREEZEGARD) LIQUID MAG (FREEZEGARD) LIQUID MAG (FREEZEGARD) LIQUID MAG (FREEZEGARD) NETWORK HARDWARE 0338- LOOP TRAIL PROJECT Total : Total : Total : 39.51 520.58 560.09 131.00 131.00 5.48 5.48 10,054.86 10,054.86 5,305.00 5,305.00 37.46 37.46 2,713.56 2,713.56 6,792.44 6,564.38 6,717.74 6,713.81 26,788.37 148.00 148.00 17,607.69 17,607.69 ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SVC 10,113.81 Total : 10,113.81 Page: vchlist 12/27/2021 11:08:17AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55587 12/27/2021 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 55588 12/27/2021 007907 LEMONADE GRAPHIC DESIGN 55589 12/27/2021 000662 NAT'L BARRICADE & SIGN CO 55590 12/27/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 15114235 12/30/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 15114325 1/3/2022 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 17 Vouchers for bank code : apbank. 17 Vouchers in this report SPOIN4805447-4 SPOIN4848586-4 112102 210106 50321020 51506136 51506143 9290202073 DECEMBER 2021 Description/Account Amount VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total : THE VIEW - FALL -WINTER 2021 Total : SAFETY SUPPLIES: SNOWPLOW DR1V Total : EAGLE WEB ACCESS DECEMBER 2021 INMATE HOUSING NOVEMBER 2021 WORK CREW -ABAT Total : LE CONTRACT DECEMBER 2021 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES Total: 19.06 51.19 70.25 2,000.00 2,000.00 92.57 92.57 157.50 138,714.15 1,074.50 139,946.15 1,863,483.00 1,863,483.00 183,959.15 Total : 183,959.15 Bank total : 2,263,016.44 Total vouchers : 2,263,016.44 Page: vchlist 12/28/2021 11:59:SSAM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Sank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55591 12/28/2021 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 55592 12/28/2021 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS 55593 12/28/2021 000796 BUDINGER &ASSOCIATES INC Description/Account Amount 71853-A 303.000.330.595 126618 M21530-5 M21999-2 55594 12/28/2021 008053 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, PETTY CASH RE] DECEMBER 2021 55595 12128/202.1 000429 COFFMAN ENGINEERS 55596 12/28/2021 007637 COMMONSTREET CONSULTING LLC 55597 12/28/2021 000683 DAVID EVANS &ASSOCIATES 55598 12/28/2021 000742 DCI ENGINEERS 55599 12/28/2021 008139 E & H ENGINEERING INC 55600 12/28/2021 004898 ETTER, MCMAHON, LAMBERSON, 55601 12/28/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 21103412 CSROW 21307 CSROW 21308 497886 499619 170123 SV-0328211103 07514 STMT#2 623002 623700 303.000.313.595 403.000.317.595 311.000.339.595 303.000.332.595 314.000.223.595 303.000.205.595 303.000.300.595 314.000.143.595 303.000.318.595 309.000.328.534 303.000.205.595 309.000.338.595 309.000.338.595 CIP 0330: HYDRO -EXCAVATION 1,108.80 Total : 1,108.80 CIP 0313: PRINT SERVICE Total : 0317 APPLEWAY STORMWATER 0339 2022 LOCAL ACCESS STREETS Total : PETTY CASH: 25493, 25494 Total : 0332- NE INDUSTRIAL AREA- SEWER E Total : 0223-RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES 0205-RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES Total : 0300-TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 0143-DESIGN SERVICES Total : 0318- WILBUR SIDEWALK BOONE TO A Total : 0328 SULLIVAN WATERLINE PROJECT Total: 205 SPRAGUE/ BARKER INTERSECTIC Total: CIP 0338: ADVERTISING CIP 0338: ADVERTISING Total: 2,073.46 2,073.46 8,152.52 6,641.88 14,794.40 2.90 2.90 5,306.00 5,306.00 628.87 3,483.12 4,111.99 5,000.24 9,130.05 14,130.29 2,817.25 2,817.25 8,268.80 8,268.80 350.00 350.00 46.61 44.25 90.86 vchlist 12/28/2021 11:59:55AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55602 12/28/2021 003261 FEHR & PEERS 55603 12/28/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 55604 12/28/2021 005353 INTERMOUNTAIN MATERIALS 55605 12128/2021 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 55606 12/28/2021 008505 NIEHENKE LIVING TRUST 55607 12/28/2021 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 55608 12/28/2021 005048 PARAMETRIX INC 55609 12/28/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 55610 12/28/2021 002475 POST FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 55611 12/28/2021 002592 PURE FILTRATION PRODUCTS 55612 12/28/2021 000675 RAMAX PRINTING &AWARDS INC 149070 52447 13638 486 11-30-2021 45161.0649 212385529001 212624165001 214936322001 28514 31370 2F95765 2H31025 2H33046 2H33072 2H75898 65485 71082 34048 Description/Account Amount 314.000.311.595 309.000.338.595 309.000.314.594 303.000.313.595 303.000.318.595 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 311.000.325.595 311.000.325.595 001.076.305.575 0311- SULLIVAN RD/SR 290 CIP 0338: ADVERTISING 0314- MATERIALS TESTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CIP 0318: TCE 45161.0649 Total: Total : Total : Total: Total : SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE - FACE MA: OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS - RECREAT OFFICE SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE Total : 20-237 SURVEY MONUMENTATION PRI 20-237 SURVEY MONUMENTATION PRI Total : REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CITY HAL REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: STREET SMALLTOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT: ST REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: STREET!: SUPPLIES: PRECINCT Total : DIRECTORY RESOURCE GUIDE 2022 Total : SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE Total : 670.80 670.80 99.20 99.20 448.36 448.36 7,245.90 7,245.90 470.00 470.00 130.55 33.87 133.65 298.07 2,792.50 550.00 3,342.50 373.36 11.48 520.51 22.66 110.76 1,038.77 725.00 725.00 266.30 266.30 PLAQUES 241.21 Page: 1 '1 vchlist 12/28/2021 11:59:55AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55612 12/28/2021 000675 000675 RAMAX PRINTING &AWARDS INC (Continued) 55613 12/28/2021 007678 RANDALL DANSKIN PS 55614 12/28/2021 007047 RITTER, GLENN 55615 12/28/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 55616 12/28/2021 006940 STRIPE RITE INC 55617 12/28/2021 007625 T LARIVIERE INC 55618 12/28/2021 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 142511 EXPENSES 110100313 M-21-5742 PAYAPP 5 430745 55619 12/28/2021 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 9302642 9302643 55620 12/28/2021 007742 WHALEN TIRE SPOKANE INC 30 Vouchers for bank code : 30 Vouchers in this report apbank 859322 001.000.322.518 001.076.300.576 403.000.317.595 Description/Account Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT OCTOBER 2021 ENGINEERING SIGNS FOR PARKS Total: Total: Total: Total : Total : 0317-APPLEWAY STORMWATER IMPR Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : PEST MGMT SERVICES AT PRECINCT PEST MGMT SERVICES AT CITY HALL Total : REAR AXLE TIRES (FLEET 205) Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : 241.21 9,133.10 9,133.10 12.80 12.80 55,447.02 55,447.02 326.17 326.17 365,630.53 365,630.53 528.00 528.00 198.96 169.23 368.19 1,214.45 1,214.45 500,561.12 500,561.12 Page: vchlist 12/30/2021 11: 07:05AIVI Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55621 12/30/2021 001606 BANNER BANK 55622 12/30/2021 001606 BANNER BANK 55623 12/30/2021 001606 BANNER BANK 55624 12/30/2021 001606 BANNER BANK 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5161 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5153 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5112 NOVEMBER 2021 5138 NOVEMBER 2021 5138 NOVEMBER 2021 5138 NOVEMBER 2021 B 309.000.338.595 402.143.70.00 402.143.70.00 402.143.70.00 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 Description/Account Amount REGISTRATION REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CITY HAL REPAIR & MAINT. TOOLS: PRECINCT PERMIT: STREET MAINT. OPERATING SUPPLIES: CITY HALL OPERATION SUPPLIES: CITY HALL REPAIR & MAINT.: WHITE ELEPHANT EQUIPMENT RENTAL SMALL TOOLS: CITY HALL OPERATING SUPPLIES: CITY HALL SAND BAGS AMENTO LUNCH Total : CEP 338: BNSF RAIL PERMIT ADS LICENSE RENEWAL 2022 LICENSE RENEWALL 2022 LICENSE RENEWAL 2022 SAFETY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES: CITY REGISTRATION TRAINING COURSES Total : MINOR EQUIPMENT: CENTERPLACE REGISTRATION AV EQUIPMENT: CENTERPLACE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: CENTER! REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENTERF STAMPS Total : FUEL FOR LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT SITE PLAN DATA 11-2021 SUPPLIES: TV STUDIO 35.00 22.76 182.88 41.40 68.45 59.88 1,569.60 163.50 462.01 11.91 59.84 54.63 2,731.86 828.00 6.30 51.50 102.12 42.00 83.86 125.00 897.00 2,135.78 762.29 40.00 32.64 47.92 103.89 58.00 1,044.74 36.80 24.75 54.43 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 12/3012021 11:07:05AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept DescriptionlAccount Amount 55624 12/30/2021 001606 001606 BANNER BANK (Continued) Total: 115.98 55625 12/30/2021 001606 BANNER BANK 5120 NOVEMBER 2021 REGISTRATION 40.00 Total : 5 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 5 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : I, the undersigned. do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, The services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized tc authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date 40.00 6,068.36 6,068.36 Page: uchlist Voucher List Page: 1 12/30/2021 1:14:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 55626 12/30/2021 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MXW-RIRG-6YKY SUPPLIES: IT 24.92 Total : 24.92 55627 12/30/2021 004854 CAMTEK INC 54849 REPLACEMENT CAMERA FOR FRONT 3,093.36 Total : 3,093.36 55628 12/30/2021 007114 CARDINAL INFRASTRUCTURE LLC 2129 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,875.00 Total : 4,875.00 55629 12/30/2021 000322 CENTURYLINK 835B 12-14-2021 2021 PHONE SVCS: ACCT 509-Z14-002 540.32 Total : 540.32 55630 12/30/2021 001888 COMCAST 4668 12/17-1/16/22 001.076.305.575 INTERNET & PHONE: CENTERPLACE 371.06 Total: 371.06 55631 12/30/2021 001770 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO S010616851.001 001.076.305.575 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENTERF 25.28 Total : 25.28 55632 12130/2021 001877 DOBBINS, CHRIS EXPENSES 001.076.305.575 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 32.69 Total : 32.69 55633 12/30/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 625158 LEGAL PUBLICATION 36.75 625159 LEGAL PUBLICATION 34.50 625160 LEGAL PUBLICATION 39.00 625162 LEGAL PUBLICATION 81.37 Total: 191.62 55634 12/30/2021 002308 FINKE, MELISSA DECEMBER 2021 001.076.301.571 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 1,976.25 Total : 1,976.25 55635 12/30/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 52485 LEGAL PUBLICATION 93.50 Total : 93.50 55636 12130/2021 002607 HUB SPORTS CENTER 2021 #4 2021 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMBURE 2,604.58 Total : 2,604.58 55637 12/30/2021 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS 71117 2022 SUB 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 49.95 Page: �I`- vchlist 12/30/2021 1:14:2BPM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55637 12/30/2021 000012 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS 55638 12/30/2021 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 55639 12/30/2021 008004 NORTHWEST WINTERFEST 55640 12/30/2021 008265 OSBORN CONSULTING INC 55641 12/30/2021 007280 PATTERSON,, MARCI 55642 12/30/2021 006475 PEt IL, BRANDI 55643 12/30/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 55644 12/30/2021 007741 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST 55645 12/30/2021 008506 RICHARDSON, MICHAEL 55646 12/30/2021 002520 RWC GROUP 55647 12/30/2021 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. (Continued) DECEMBER 2021 2021 #1 2021 #2 6705 EXPENSES EXPENSES 2G61452 2G61838 2G63959 2G65759 2H33035 16280726-00 16280921-00 BLD-2021-4946 RA106003102:001 XA106019692:03 403,000,327.595 001.076.305.575 11197834 402.402.000.531 DescriptionlAccount Amount Total : 49.95 SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE, STREET, 14 Total : 2021 LODGING TAX GRANT #1 2021 LODGING TAX GRANT #2 Total : SPRAGUE AVE STORMWATER IMPRO\ Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : Total : ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR COVID TF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR COVID TF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR COVID TF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR COVID TF CREDIT MEMO: ORIGINAL INVOICE 2G Total: REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES: WHITE El. REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES: CENTERF Total: PERMIT REFUND: BLD-2021-4946 Total : VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT.: SNOW PLC DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE - SNOWPLOI Total : 260.71 260.71 26,513.50 20,925.80 47,439.30 19,988.01 19,988.01 38.85 38.85 22.00 22.00 478.15 656.14 7.80 6.84 -656.14 492.79 431.08 35.18 466.26 38.00 38.00 8,967.25 1,062.75 10,030.00 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 6,133.33 vchlist 12/30/2021 1:14:28PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 55647 12/30/2021 000709 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. (Continued) 55648 12/30/2021 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 55649 12/30/2021 007159 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 55650 12/30/2021 007054 ULMER, NICOLE 55651 12/30/2021 008378 UPBEAT 55652 12/30/2021 000295 VALLEYFEST 55653 12/30/2021 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 55654 12/30/2021 005715 WIDOWS MIGHT 55655 12/30/2021 003128 YWCA OF SPOKANE 30 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 30 Vouchers in this report December 2021 #2 656393592 657774154 657774162 EXPENSES 630204 2021 #3 2021 #4 11829 2021 #2 2021 #1 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount Total : 6,133.33 WATER CHARGES FOR DECEMBER 20 Total : JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Total: EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : BENCH OUTSIDE OF SENIOR CENTER Total : 2021 ECON DEV/SOC SVCS GRANT #3 2021 ECON DEV/SOC SVCS GRANT #4 Total: ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION Total: 2021 SOC SVCS/ECO DEV GRANT #2 F Total : 2021 ECON DEV/SOC SVCS GRANT#1 Total : 178.20 178.20 102.17 98.96 65.97 267.10 43.12 43.12 1,570.86 1,570.86 400.00 318.00 718.00 80.00 80.00 6,236.53 6,236.53 535.87 535.87 Bank total : 108,417.46 Total vouchers : 108,417.46 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 15, 2021 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 354,316.70 $ - $ 354,316.70 Benefits: $ 65,634.05 $ - $ 65,634.05 Total payroll $ 419,950.75 $ $ 419,950.75 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 31, 2021 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 471,900.95 $ 10,265.00 $ 482,165.95 Benefits: $ 233,475.83 $ 11,916.26 $ 245,392.09 Total payroll $ 705,376.78 $ 22,181.26 $ 727,558.04 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Formal Meeting Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and some members of the public participating in person; and some members of the public participating remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Sr. Deputy City Attorney John Bottelli, Parks, Rec & Facilities Director Bill Helbig, City Engineer Sarah Farr, Accountant/Budget Analyst Dave Ellis, Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by members from Boy Scout Troop 439. INVOCATION Pastor Joe Pursch, Valley Fourth Memorial Church gave the invocation. (The Pastor was a few minutes late so the pledge and the invocation switched order on the agenda.) ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to amend the agenda by adding new agenda item #2a — motion consideration to accept real property donation. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS Providence Executive Director of Service Lines Mr. Matt Albright, and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Getz talked about how their facilities serve the communities; mentioned they have over 40,000 employees providing care through Washington and Montana; went over the types of care and locations; briefly discussed Providence in Spokane Valley with their more than 25 clinic locations. They also noted they have seen a steady decline in in -patient Covid cases; and that they are ready for a potential increase in cases due to the holidays and the Omicron variant, and they encourage vaccination, boosters, and continued masking. After brief questions and answers, Council thanked Mr. Albright and Dr. Getz for presenting their information. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Thompson: said she attended the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) meeting where they talked about the studies they have been working on, and also mentioned the Horizon 2045 Plan; said she attended an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) meeting where they heard a great presentation from STA CEO Susan Meyer; and said she participated in the Parade of Lights. Councilmember Higgins: no report. Councilmember Haley: reported that she attended the STA Board meeting where they awarded a contract for strategic planning services; attended a City of Spokane Study Session about small businesses and daycare centers, then attended another City of Spokane meeting a few days later about legislative priorities. Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Woodard: mentioned our Christmas tree lighting and he encouraged people to come to those in the future for a fun evening; said he attended the Council meeting with our 4th District legislators to discuss priorities for our own legislative items, such as not losing our local authority. Councilmember Hattenburg: said he went to an STA Planning and Development meeting where they are looking forward to having for next spring, the Sprague High Performance Transit Project, and said they will also be adding more bus shelters. Deputy Mayor Peetz: said she also attended the Parade of Lights; went to the Visit Spokane Christmas party; the Spokane Lilac Festival Luncheon; the Chamber of Commerce showcase for non -profits; said she did the Holidays and Heroes where members of law enforcement come together as well as the schools and they choose families that need help and some holiday cheer, so they pick out presents for their family and the helpers also pick out presents for the kids; said she attended the GSI legislative reception and the legislators in attendance agreed on childcare; she also attended the regional transportation meeting and she extended best wishes to Colin Tracy with the Chamber. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick said he also attended the Visit Spokane annual meeting and Christmas party; participated in our City's Christmas tree lighting, and he extended thanks to staff who decorated the tree, and stated that the Central Valley Choir did some great caroling; said he attended his last meeting as board chair of the SRTC, mentioned that a few years ago we weren't spending enough money, so they revamped things and now they are over -obligated, and met their targets in advance which made them eligible for additional funding; said our region got about $4-5 million; said he attended the Good Roads meeting and got an update on our Street Presentation, adding that the committee encourages Council to take some action; and he mentioned the Board of Health meeting and that they now have a balanced budget. PROCLAMATIONS n/a GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 11l: After explaining the process, Mayor Wick invited public comment. Ms. Marie Smith, Spokane Valley: said she is a representative for her neighborhood and comes tonight about traffic concerns; said she lives on Board Avenue close to Progress and they are getting traffic backed up in that area; said there are fast drivers, no sidewalks for pedestrian safety; that cars race down the streets; said she reached out to SCOPE to get some help to try to reduce the risk for the neighborhood; and she mentioned the petition she previously sent to Council; said maybe the City could add some speed bumps or signs to help with the safety of the neighborhood. Mayor Wick said he spoke to Chief Ellis and they discussed putting a speed trailer in the area. Mr. Hohman added that the traffic impact is due to the incomplete Bigelow Gulch project and that he hopes that work will start in the spring; said once the traffic trailer is deployed, that will give us data for the engineers to review so perhaps we can come up with some temporary solutions that may help. Mr. Jim Spiker, Spokane Valley: said he also lives in that area and has done so since 1986; said traffic is increasing; said he works for the County and he mentioned Sullivan going up to Bigelow; said there has been a severe traffic load in front of the East Valley Middle School where people are going through his neighborhood and said he has some of the same concerns as the previous speaker, and would like to see a monitor to show the speed of these people; also mentioned there are a lot of trucks. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley; said an overlooked component of the homelessness issue is the homeless youth; said there are a lot of them but the school districts don't know how many; said he was hoping Council could be concerned enough to direct the school districts to determine what the numbers are, because we can't address the issue properly without knowing the numbers. Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on December 14, 2021, Request for Council Action Form: $2,710,819.90 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending November 30, 2021: $563,444.83 c. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2021, Study Session d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 23, 2021, Formal Format e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 30, 2021, Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. Motion Consideration: Acceptance of Donated Sculpture —John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to accept the Dragonflies sculpture donated by the Wolff Company. Mr. Hohman went over some of the background of the Wolff Company and its developments in our City; said that company recently commissioned a sculpture called Dragonflies, and the Wolff Company wants to donate that to the City; said the sculpture would be installed in the middle of the cul-de-sac once completed at the terminus of Mission Avenue, and he showed the rendering of the sculpture. Via Zoom, Mr. Wolff explained that it is their pleasure to give the City this gift; said his family has been here for almost 100 years and he hopes to add to the experience of the residents to enjoy the sculpture; said he gives this in the spirit of cooperation he has received form our City, and said Spokane Valley is one of the best municipalities they operate in and he is grateful for the work the City has done. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 2a. Motion Consideration: Acceptance of Real Property Donation from Five Fifty LLC — Cary Driskell, John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to accept Spokane County parcel numbers 46351.9143, 46352.9149, 46354.9150, and 46355.9151, comprising approximately 24.5 acres, as a park donation from Five Fifty LLC, including to finalize and execute any documentation necessary to accomplish the same. Mr. Hohman introduced Mr. Kenneth Tupper of Five Fifty, LLC, and now retired land use attorney Mr. Stan Schultz. Mr. Hohman noted this is in the area of the Summerfield neighborhood; said Mr. Tupper has developed over 3,000 lots, many of which are in Spokane Valley; he spoke of the study done in the past for properties with potential sports fields to develop the land in a way that would complement the nearby Plantes Ferry Sports Complex; although that proposal didn't ultimately move forward, the parties continued the discussion of potential property for City park purposes and this area has been previously identified by Council as being underserved by City parks as noted in the 2019 Parks Master Plan; he added that if Council approves, this donation closing is set for early next week. Mr. Tupper then went over some of the history of this property, which he initially purchased in 1979, and talked about the discovery in 1984 that 50% of the property was included in a floodplain, and that although the homes were not at risk of flooding, City staff worked tirelessly with floodplain representatives for approximately nine years to remove the property from the floodplain. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Awards for 2022 — Erik Lamb, Sarah Farr It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to make the following allocation of Lodging Tax funds for calendar year 2022 from Fund #105 from the 2% tax: HUB Sports Center up to $55, 000; JAKT Brews, Beats & Eats up to $6, 500; JAKT Craft Beer up to $6, 000; JAKT Crave! up to $30, 000; JAKT Farmers Market up to $17, 000; JAKT Spokane Valley Events 0; Northwest Winterfest up to $45, 000; Spokane County Fair & Expo up to $64, 000; Spokane Valley Heritage Museum up to $27, 000; Spokane Valley Summer Theatre up to $20, 000; Valleyfest up to $24, 000; Valleyfest Cycle Celebration up to $3,500; and to transfer the remainder of actual lodging tax collections in the amount Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT of $273, 000 to be moved into the 1.3% Lodging Fund #104. Deputy City Attorney Lamb went over some of the background of the LTAC; mentioned that there are two motions for Council consideration tonight and that the second motion deals with an application from the City for a new Expo Building at the Fair and Expo Center; said there was some concern voiced at the LTAC meeting, but the two motions passed. Mr. Lamb also explained Council's possible options as noted in the RCA (Request for Council Action). Mayor Wick opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Lance Beck of the Chamber of Commerce, asked if this is on the 1.3 portion of the award or the whole thing. Mayor Wick said the motion on the floor is just for the 1.4, for the 2% which is the $571,000 in allocations. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Woodard said that since Winterfest has opened, comments have come back that they are pretty disappointed in what's there; said that is still a concern for him; said they initially came to us not needing or wanting money, just the space, now they have a budget of over $1 million. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Mayor Wick, Deputy Mayor Peetz, and Councilmembers Thompson, Haley, Higgins, and Hattenburg. Opposed: Councilmember Woodard. Motion carried. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to allocate $3, 500, 000 of Lodging Tax funds from Fund #104 from the 1.3% tax, to the design, construction, and other associated costs of the City of Spokane Valley Fairgrounds Expo Center Project as presented in its 2021 lodging tax application. Mayor Wick invited public comment. Mr. Lance Beck of the Chamber of Commerce: said they recently convened a group of their hotel venue operators here in Spokane Valley, said that group consisted of ten of their venues representing over 1,100 of the 1,600 rooms, and some concerns were raised about the project; said the Valley Chamber has endorsed this project; said the concerns voiced were about the nature and scope of the project and use of the 1.3 fund to fund this project; said in 2015 a letter by lodging operators was submitted to Council in support of the establishment of the 1.3 fund; and that letter noted they were hopeful for a sporting venue; said as the fund has continued to grow this group of operators had requested there be more consideration to this specific project with the changing scope over time; said when the Chamber endorsed this project it did not include the use of the funds from the 104 fund; at this time they ask that this motion be delayed until more information can be gathered for the group from the private sector. Mr. Tom Stebbins, JAKT Foundation: said he appreciates the Council's support and staff on where we are going as a City; also encouraged caution; said his and this City's investment has been at CenterPlace, and said he believes it has been the event hub of Spokane Valley; said he realizes there are many different objectives, but feels CenterPlace is the place for Spokane Valley to build a community, and he urged caution in looking at this based on the changing environment, the lodgings there, and the different amenities that are coming into that particular place. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: said he supports the previous comments about delaying this; said he would like to see some cost/benefit analysis and to understand what this building will provide that other buildings don't already provide; what makes this so unique. Mayor Wick explained that this topic has been discussed for several years, and a study was conducted about what amenities are missing from our community; there were about a dozen possibilities including a sports facility, or having softball fields; said the fairgrounds was also an option; said we did not want to go into debt for such a project; said we received $750,000 from the State, and we also set aside some general fund dollars to help accomplish the rest of the design, and he feels the LTAC came up with a good compromise; said we also applied for $4.25 million thought the CARES Act which would about complete the funding for this project; said this is not the only project and Council wants to pursue other amenities and other items in that list of 12 possibilities. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT 4. Motion Consideration: Letter Listing Discussion Topics for Spokane Regional Law and Justice Council — Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve the letter from Mayor Wick to Maggie Yates regarding the City of Spokane Valley's preferred topics for 2022 for the Spokane Regional Law and Justice Council. City Attorney Driskell explained the background of the letter, as noted in his RCA, after which there was brief Council discussion about the topics listed in the letter. Mayor Wick invited public comment. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: said there are some problems with this concept, but he hopes it works out, that it seems to suggest there is a problem and he wonders what forces decide that this is the way to solve it; seems it would be better to start in Olympia; said you need police officers to fight crime; and also need to figure out why the court system is always delaying the court cases; said the judges seem to have numerous holidays, or the defendant doesn't show up; said it's like government, it is a joke. There were no other public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: Mayor Wick invited public comments. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: via zoom, Ms. Howard mentioned the R4 zoning in her neighborhood between University and Johnson as she has a friend who lives there; said they thought it was R3 residential but that whole block is zoned multi -family; she questioned how did these two properties become multi- family; said they will soon have eight apaitinent buildings in a two-mile radius in her neighborhood; said it is being over -developed; said she called City Hall and was told it has always been multi -family; she asked if this was done for the developers, because this one particular property has been offered an enormous amount of money for 1.89 acres, and if this person buys this property, he could probably buy the property behind that which would come to almost six acres; said that is not fair to those people. Mayor Wick called for a recess at 8:17 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 8:26 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Lobbyist Bennett Resnick, Cardinal Infrastructure — John Hohman Speaking via zoom, Mr. Resnick spoke about his background with Cardinal Infrastructure in Washington, D.C.; then went on to briefly talk about the infrastructure bill that was adopted in November, which he said he has been monitoring closely and that he is hopeful will have significant impact to our City and fund some of our existing grant programs; said at the moment, he doesn't know much about how those funds will be distributed. He talked a little about the new and very competitive process of earmarks; spoke of the Bigelow Gulch program as well as our Expo Expansion, which he said he is happy to talk through with the team; mentioned the bipartisan infrastructure of $1.2 trillion, of which $550 billion is for new investments; he also noted the new railroad crossing elimination program, which has a goal to eliminate highway grade crossings that are frequently blocked by trains; said the next step is to push for the earmarks. Council thanked Mr. Resnick for his time and information. 6. Interlocal Agreement for Data Processing Services — Morgan Koudelka Standing in for Mr. Koudelka, City Attorney Driskell explained the background of the agreement as noted in the Request for Council action, after which Council concurred to bring this back on the following Council consent agenda. 7. Balfour Park Update — Bill Helbig, John Hohman Mr. Hohman explained that when this was brought forward in August, we were working with the Library for a combined project, but the Library District indicated a joint project is not feasible; that the grant they got from the State Treasurer's Office does not allow combining projects without further evaluation, and the evaluation process does not work with the library's project schedule, thus they are not willing to pursue combining the projects, and he explained the options for Council are to finalize our contract documents and advertise for construction in early 2022, advance the project to 90% design, or put the project on hold; and asked if Council would like this to move forward or defer the project and put it on the shelf. Mr. Hohman Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT also noted that Modern Electric contacted us and they are interested in sponsoring the splash pad, and if we choose not to do this now, it would delay or potentially hurt that sponsorship from Modern. Mr. Helbig added that we have been moving forward with the project design since August, and that it will be ready to go to bid early February for construction. There were no objections from Council to move forward with the construction project. Deputy Mayor Peetz said that some people have been asking if we could consider taking donations for bricks. Mr. Hohman said staff will get more information and if Council is interested, he could have Mr. Bottelli see what our code allows. 8. Custodial Services Update — John Bottelli Director Bottelli gave a quick rundown of the proposal involving our custodial services, and Mr. Hohman added that the position is already budgeted, and that staff is now looking for consensus to increase the FTA by hiring a full-time custodian. There were no objections from Council in moving this forward as proposed. At about 8:58 p.m. it was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting to 9:10 p.m. 9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick Deputy Mayor Peetz mentioned there is some space in the basement not being used, and that maybe we could use ARPA funds for that space to give staff an avenue for a wellness outlet by maybe adding locker rooms, and showers; she said she is not suggesting a complete gym, but improving the area for staff. Mr. Hohman said several years ago we did the design with use of that space, and that staff could research that idea. A majority of Council agreed to add this to the Advance Agenda. Mr. Hohman noted that if Council desired, it could go on a list of capital projects, said he will have to do some investigating as he is unsure if such an endeavor would for qualify for the use of ARPA funds. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Hohman mentioned the letter received from the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Project, asking for a letter of support in their efforts to rename the Argonne Bridge Overpass in memory of Joseph M. O'Connor, the SCSO Deputy who was killed by a drunk driver in 1961. There were no objections from Council and Council concurred, they would like to see the draft letter next week. Mr. Hohman also noted that concerning economic development, there will be a press release in the next few days about a local company from the industrial pork, which will receive a $350,000 grant from the Department of Commerce through the Governor's Strategic Fund to help that company expand. It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. ATTEST: Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 12-14-2021 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Meeting Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person in Council Chambers, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Bill Helbig, City Engineer John Bottelli, Parks, Rec & Facilities Director Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Chaz Bates, Senior Planner John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to amend the agenda by adding new agenda item #3a — motion consideration to approve Interim City Manager Contract. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. ACTION ITEMS: 1. CONSENT AGENDA: consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Dec 21, 2021 Request for Council Action Form Total: $5,077,156.30 b. Approval of December 7, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes, Special 5 p.m. Meeting c. Approval of December 7, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session d. Approval of Data Processing Services Interlocal Agreement It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. 2. Resolution 21-009, Approving Fees for 2022 — Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded, to approve resolution 21-009 approving the Master Fee Schedule. for 2022. After Finance Director Taylor gave a brief explanation of the changes, Mayor Wick invited public comment. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Mayoral Appointment, Nomination of Student for AWC Center for Quality Communities Grant Award — Mayor Wick It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to confirm the nomination of Emma Reincke for the AWC Center. for Quality Communities Scholarship. Mayor Wick stated that there were two applicants, each well qualified. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3a. Motion Consideration: Approval of Interim City Manager Contract — John Whitehead It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve the letter Agreement for Spokane Valley Interim City Manager with John Hohman. Human Resources Manager Whitehead explained that this Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 12-21-2021 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: DRAFT follows Council's motion on November 24, 2021 to offer the position of Interim City Manager to Deputy City Manager John Hohman. Mayor Wick said he feels this is a standard agreement. There were no public comments and no Council discussion. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wick invited public comments. None were offered. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 4. Community Development Block grant (CDBG) Prioritization — Chaz Bates Mr. Bates explained that with the new process for 2022, applications are now submitted to Council for prioritization ranking, with 1 as the highest, and 8 as the lowest; he asked that Council review the applications, complete the ranking table, and return it to City Clerk Bainbridge by noon January 4, 2022; said he will then compile the results for a motion for Council to consider at the January 11 meeting, and then will share the prioritization list with the HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee). Councilmember Woodard suggested along with the ranking, to add a suggested allocation for funding. However, Mr. Bates explained that he intentionally did not include that as that will be done at the HCDAC meeting. Councilmember Higgins asked if an application could be dropped or given a `no' vote, and Mr. Bates suggested Council rank all the applications, and that the lowest ranked would be notification to the HCDAC body. There were no objections to moving this forward as proposed. 5, Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 6. Information Only: Department Reports The Department Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 7. Council Comments — Mayor Wick Concerning the draft letter of support to rename the Argonne Bridge overpass in memory of Joseph M. O'Connor, Councilmember Thompson suggested changing the verbiage from drunk driver, to impaired driver. Council agreed. Deputy Mayor Peetz expressed thanks to staff, Council and Mayor Wick for all the work done even with the ongoing pandemic, and she wished everyone a merry Christmas. 8. City Manager Comments — John Hohman Mr. Hohman announced that Deputy Mayor Peetz has been named to the AWC Enhanced 911 Advisory Committee, which is a primary position for all eastern Washington; he reminded everyone that tonight is our last Council meeting of the year, and he thanked Council and staff for all the hard work, great team work, and many accomplishments. Mr. Hohman also extended thanks to Councilmember Thompson for her four years of diligent work on behalf of our City and citizens, which is exhibited by the many committees and boards she participated on; and he then extended to her a plaque of appreciation. Mayor Wick also extended his thanks to Councilmember Thompson for all her work, including her work to help get the youth involved in local government. It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m. ATTEST: Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 12-21-2021 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: Draft MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Meeting Tuesday, January 4, 2022 In the absence of a mayor, City Clerk Bainbridge called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. held in person in Council Chambers, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. The meeting was Attendance: Councilmembers Pam Haley, Mayor Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Laura Padden, Councilmember Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Ben Wick, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff John Hohman, Interim City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Bill Helbig, City Engineer John Bottelli, Parks, Rec & Facilities Director Adam Jackson, Planning/Grants Engineer Karen Kendall, Associate Planner Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to amend the agenda to include at least one other item, which is a re -appointment to a committee. ACTION ITEM: 1. Council Officer Selections for Mayor and Deputy Mayor - Chris Bainbridge City Clerk Bainbridge explained the process of selecting council officers, as noted in the Council's Governance Manual and the council packet's Request for Council Action form, and that the election is determined by a majority vote of members present. Ms. Bainbridge opened the floor for nominations for mayor. Councilmember Higgins nominated Councilmember Haley. Councilmember Peetz nominated Councilmember Wick. Written ballots were distributed to Councilmembers and returned to the City Clerk as follows: Those voting for Councilmember Haley for Mayor included Councilmember Haley, Councilmember Higgins, Councilmember Padden, and Councilmember Woodard. Those voting for Councilmember Wick for Mayor included Councilmember Hattenburg, Councilmember Peetz, and Councilmember Wick. City Clerk Bainbridge noted that the majority vote for Mayor has resulted in the election of Councilmember Haley for Mayor. At Mayor Haley's request, City Clerk Bainbridge opened the floor for nominations for deputy mayor. Councilmember Woodard nominated Councilmember Higgins. Councilmember Hattenburg nominated Councilmember Wick. Written ballots were distributed to Councilmembers and returned to the City Clerk as follows: Those voting for Councilmember Higgins for Deputy Mayor included Councilmember Haley, Councilmember Higgins, Councilmember Padden, and Councilmember Woodard. Those voting for Councilmember Wick for Deputy Mayor included Councilmember Hattenburg, Councilmember Peetz, and Councilmember Wick. City Clerk Bainbridge noted that the majority vote for Deputy Mayor has resulted in the election of Councilmember Higgins for Deputy Mayor. Added Item: Re -appointment to a committee It was moved by Councilmember Woodard and seconded to re -appoint Councilmember Woodard's committee appointment to the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee. Councilmember Wick asked if this is a Mayoral recommendation and Mayor Haley replied that she is okay with this. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 01-04-2022 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: Draft It was then moved by Councilmember Woodard and seconded to suspend the Prothman recruitment contract for city manager, and to appoint John Hohman as city manager effective immediately upon full execution of an employment contract between the City and the new city manager that will subsequently be approved by the full council. The question came up about whether there is a need to further amend the agenda. City Clerk Bainbridge stated that the amended agenda was for the one motion, so it should probably be amended again to include a second motion, and City Attorney Driskell agreed a motion to further amend the agenda would be appropriate. It was then moved by Councilmember Woodard and seconded to amend the agenda for a second time for the suspension of the Prothman contract. Councilmember Peetz asked where Council is in the process at the moment. Mr. Driskell explained there was mention in a recent newspaper article that the search had been suspended, but that was incorrect. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilmembers Padden, Hattenburg, Woodard, and Peetz. Opposed: Councilmember Wick. The motion is carried to further amend the agenda. The motion was re -stated by Councilmember Woodard to suspend the Prothman recruitment contract for city manger, and to appoint John Hohman as city manager effective immediately upon full execution of an employment contract between the City and the new city manager that will subsequently be approved by the full council. The motion had been seconded previously. There were no public comments. Councilmember Wick said he favors to continue the contract in order to be afforded further options; and Councilmember Hattenburg concurred. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilmembers Padden, Woodard, and Peetz. Opposed: Councilmembers Wick and Hattenburg. Motion carried. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment # 1 — Adam Jackson Mr. Jackson briefly explained the purpose and need for an amendment to the 2022 Transportation Improvement Program, as noted in his PowerPoint presentation; adding that a public hearing and motion to adopt is scheduled for next week's Council meeting. There were no objections to continue as planned. 3. Appleway Street Vacation — Karen Kendall Via her PowerPoint, Planner Kendall explained about this privately initiated street vacation request. There were no objections to continue as planned to bring forth an ordinance for a first reading. 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 5. Council Check in — Mayor Councilmember Hattenburg mentioned that he has heard several positive comments about our snow plowing operation this season. 6. City Manager Comments — John Hohman Mr. Hohman announced that the deadline to submit an application to be considered for the Salary Commission has been extended to Monday at noon. It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. ATTEST: Pam Haley, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 01-04-2022 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 22-002: Authorization of qualified public depositories the City may conduct financial transactions with, and Councilmembers and City officers with signing authority. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.55.010. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No action has been taken on proposed Resolution 22- 002; however, similar resolutions have come forward approximately every two years or as needed to reflect changes in the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, longest serving Councilmember, and relevant staff members. BACKGROUND: SVMC 3.55.010 requires that the City Council authorize by resolution which qualified financial depositories (banks) the City may use to make payments on claims or obligations, and who has authority to sign checks for the City. OPTIONS: Adopt Resolution 22-002 by motion; request additional information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to approve Resolution 22-002 declaring which qualified public depositories the City is authorized to conduct financial transactions with and declaring which Councilmembers and City officers have signing authority on behalf of the City. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action will result in no additional out-of-pocket costs to the City. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 22-002 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 22-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING WHICH QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES THE CITY IS AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS WITH, DECLARING WHICH COUNCIL MEMBERS AND CITY OFFICERS HAVE SIGNING AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE 3.55.010; REPEALING RESOLUTION 20-001, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council has authority, pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.55.010 to declare by resolution which qualified public depositories the City may use to pay its claims or obligations, and to declare three Councilmembers and those City officers who are authorized to make payments on claims or obligations of the City; and WHEREAS, it is necessary from time -to -time to update which qualified financial depositories the City does its banking with, as well as to update those Councilmembers and City officers who are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City at those depositories or otherwise conduct the financial affairs of the City. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Authorized Qualified Public Depositories for Making Payments on Claims or Obligations of the City. The City of Spokane Valley is authorized to use Banner Bank, Mountain West Bank, and other public depositories as listed on the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission listing of approved banks, for public deposits, checks, and making fund transfers to and from accounts. Section 2. Councilmembers Designated to Have Signature Authority at Qualified Financial Depositories for Making Payments on Claims or Obligations of the City. Pursuant to SVMC 3.55.010, the following Councilmembers are given signing authority on behalf of the City to make payments on claims or obligations of the City: Pam Haley Rod Higgins Arne Woodard Section 3. City Officers Designated to Have Signature Authority at Qualified Financial Depositories for Making Payments on Claims or Obligations of the City and Investing Public Monies. Pursuant to SVMC 3.55.010, the following City Officers are given signing authority on behalf of the City to make payments on claims or obligations of the City, to invest its public monies with the Local Government Investment Pool, and make all appropriate transfers related thereto: John Hohman, City Manager Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Dan Domrese, Accounting Manager Resolution 22-002 Declaring Banking Authority Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Section 4. Repeal. Resolution 20-001 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED by the City Council of Spokane Valley, Washington this day of January, 2022. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Pam Haley, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 22-002 Declaring Banking Authority Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ['admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration — Spokane Valley Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Prioritization Program Year 2022 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: CDBG — Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 24 CFR § 570; Chapter 39.34 RCW PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: October 15, 2019, the City adopted Resolution 19-014; June 9, 2020 the City entered into a three-year agreement (2021, 2022 and 2023) to participate in the Spokane County CDBG/HOME Consortium; November 9, 2021 Council authorized staff to submit two grant applications for Program Year 2022; December 21, 2021 Administrative Report on the Spokane Valley Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Prioritization Program Year 2022 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley is a member of the Spokane County CDBG Consortium. Each year the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development provides CDBG entitlement funding to Spokane County. On June 9, 2020, the City entered into a new agreement that increased identification of City's participation in the Consortium, increased the number of representatives on the Housing, Community Services and Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC), increased the City's set -aside based on its share of Consortium population, and provided an opportunity for the City Council to comment on CDBG applications for projects or activities serving City residents. Consistent with the new agreement, applicants are required to identify if their request will serve Spokane Valley residents. On December 21, 2021, staff provided the Council with all the applications that serve City residents. To aid in the prioritization, staff also provided a table identifying the submitted applications that serve Spokane Valley residents. At the December 21 meeting, staff asked Councilmembers to independently rank the applications from 1 to 8 with "1" being the highest priority and return them by January 4, 2022. Staff then added the results to arrive at total score where a lower number signifies a higher rank. Tonight, staff will present the prioritized project list in Table 1, below: Table 1: Ranked S •okane Valle CDBG Pro-ect List Rank Total Score Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Agency Valley Application Activity 1 13 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank 2 20 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 3 24 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 4 31 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 5 35 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements 6 40 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 7 42 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 8 47 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to present the ranked list in Table 1 to the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee or their staff prior to the allocation meeting on January 13, 2022. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are no expected budget impacts directly to the City. STAFF CONTACT: Chaz Bates, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Completed Ranking Tables Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking 6 Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane ValleyApplication Agency Activity 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 7 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 4 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 5 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements 3 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 2 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking U Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Agency Activity 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair tP 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements Z 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements 7 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 5 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services Y 25157- jj Emergency Services -Food Bank gJ5 Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Agency Activity 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair f�, f�i' 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 7 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements i 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4rn Ave Sidewalk Improvements it 25154 Greater Wheels Spokane County Meals on Senior Services -Nutrition 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services '''Z"' 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank Laura Padden Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking Case ID 25133 Proposed CDBG Spokane Agency Salvation Army Valley Application Activity Emergency Services — Food Bank 2 5 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 6 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 7 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 8 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements 1 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 4 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 3 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank /27•1 //04 Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking 4 Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Agency Activity 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 7 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 6 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 25145 City of Spokane Valley 45 Improvements 2 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 3 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank Ben Wick Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Ranking Case ID 25133 Proposed CDBG Spokane Agency Salvation Army Valley Application Activity Emergency Services — Food Bank 7 5 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Horne Repair 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 2 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 6 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4ih Ave Sidewalk Improvements 4 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 3 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services -Food Bank Table '1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List / 474 Ranking Case ID 25133 Proposed CDBG Spokane Agency Salvation Army Valley Application Activity Emergency Services — Food Bank Co 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) Micro Enterprise Assistance 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Sidewalk Improvements4 City of Spokane Valley Ave Sidewalk 425145 Improvements 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services -Nutrition 2- 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services I 25157 Sa iet°r rmy Sq Emergency Services -Food Bank. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11, 2022 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act training. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapters 42.56 RCW (PRA) and 42.30 RCW (OPMA). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Training by staff at least once per year. BACKGROUND: Staff will provide training on the City's obligations under Washington's Public Records Act under chapter 42.56 RCW, and Washington's Open Public Meetings Act under chapter 42.30 RCW. OPTIONS: N/A. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney; Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint presentation. Public Records Act and Open Public Meeting Act Training Cary Driskell City Attorney, City of Spokane Valley Erik Lamb Deputy City Attorney, City of Spokane Valley January ii, 2022 City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney i the Public Records Act —RAW 42.56 Historical background Adopted in ig7z by Initiative 276. Codified under chapter 42.56 RCW. Applies to state agencies and local agencies, sub -agencies, quasi - governmental entities, and non -profits who are functional equivalent of government. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 2 Strongly worded mandate - statute "The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments they have created." RCW 42.56.o30. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 3 "Public Record" definition Relevant portion of definitions states as follows: "Public record" includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 4 4W iW YW YH UJ iW tW Yh YW 4W iW 4W YH YHS' "Public Record" definition Most important parts are: (1) "writing"; 9�'4W YhYb YHWSv:Yg YH9�'4W YhYb YHWSv:Yg YH9�'V tW tW Yb YHWSv:Ygr»"YV'V tW Yb YH w'SW Yg Yfl Y'$VtW Yb YHWSaw; Yw YV'tW tW Yb Y{YWSoeW;Yw'YV'tW tW Yb Y{YWSoeW; Yw'YV'tW tW Yb Y{WSWW W y�� �" vtM Y'W' 44, (2) "information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function"; and which is (3) "prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency". City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 5 �'�Wr tU rN.�4w YttwSW w'SW tU rHy�4w Yb "Writing" - electronic E-mails; ' 4W Yh�b YHWSv:tU 51!1 4W Yh�b YHWSv:tU 51!i WtW�YHWSv:tU 51!i WtW�YHWSv:tU VtW�YHWSv:tU YkYlb'VtW�YHWSt�\ Ylb'WtW�YhWSt�W'Yw Yb'WtW�YhWSt�W vn"Yb'WtW�YhWSt�WtM tyY zMf Tweets; Text messages; Transitory postings on Facebook and other social media; Meta -data; and Police/security video. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 6 Public Record (writing) versus Information PRA only requires disclosure of public records. Information is not a record and therefore not subject to required disclosure. Information is material or data that is not part of an identifiable record. E.g., City population, who is the mayor, how many employees. However, City policy and customer service standards provide for employees to provide information as requested. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 7 Deffi9Ttion — "relating to government" and "used by government" Location not critical factor, nature of record is what is critical (relates to conduct of government or performance of governmental or proprietary function and prepared, owned, used, or retained by City). 2nd Prong - "relating to conduct of government": Records contain any information that refers to or impacts the actions, processes, and functions of government. Nissen v. Pierce County, 183 Wn.2d 863 (2015) • end Prong casts broad net - Supreme Court suggested that union emails on agency server/network about working conditions could be public records. Serv. Emps. Int'l Union Local 925 V. Univ. of Wash. 193 Wn.2d 86o (2019). City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 8 Deffi9Ttion —"relating togovernment"an use government" cont. 3rd Prong- for records onpersonal devices, consider whether record was created within "scope of employment" or "scope of official capacity". • Job requires it, the employer directs it, or it furthers the employer's interests Nissen v. Pierce County, 183 Wn.2d 863 (2m5) (County business on personal phone is public record); West v. City of Puyallup, 2 Wn. App. 2d 586 (2m8) (City Council campaign Facebook page not public record). Personal computer or phone of Council. Text messaged from personal phone of Council. In possession of third -party contractor. Available from another entity. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 9 De on — "relating#e government" an "used by government" — cont. No Constitutional privacy rights for public records on private devices, private emails, or private texts. Must conduct reasonable search where records are likely to be located. • If we know or learn of facts that suggest a search of an additional location or source might reasonably be expected to uncover responsive records, we must make that extra search. PRA requires employees/agents/officials to conduct a search of their own files/devices, submit any public records, and submit a reasonably detailed affidavit attesting to the nature and extent of the search. Best Practices. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney io Agency Rules Local governmental entities are mandated to adopt and enforce reasonable rules governing how the agency shall respond to requests. RCW 42.56.ioo. • Spokane Valley has done that through adoption of SVMC 2.75. City Clerk is City's designated Public Records Officer. Online records processing through GovQA on the City's website City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney ii Form of the record request No specific form necessary. Can be oral, but agency should memorialize in writing for protection and clarity. Request must provide "reasonable description" to be able to locate the record. Sufficient clarity to give agency fair notice a PRA request has been received as opposed to other request. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 12 j2rompt response required -- Must respond within 5 business days by: (1) providing the record; (2) providing an Internet address/link to website for specific records; - All City ordinances, resolutions, and contracts are online, as well as many other major documents such as the Comprehensive Plan; (3) acknowledging that the [agency] has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the [agency] will require to respond to the request; (4) acknowledging that the [agency] has received the request, requesting clarification, and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the [agency] will require to respond to the request if clarification is not provided; or (5) denying the record request. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney i3 4W iW tW tH tW iW tW Yh tW 4W iv Exemptions Originally only to exemptions. Now 500. o s war updf City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney tW 4w YhwSW w'SW tU VW9W 4W Yh�J YHWSW tU VW9W 4W Yh�J YHWSW tU VW9W tW t t t 4V4 w'SW tU VW9W tW 4V4 w'SW tU VA tHW w'SW tU VA tHW W�YHWSa444 tW W�YhWSt�444 tW W�YhWSt�444 H tW W�YhWSW W; vw vtYiw'nn �tiV 444,44 4V4 t YF'\W,1 441 at 1 14 Exeffit from disclosure —attorney client privileged information RCW 42.56.070(i) contains what is commonly referred to as the "other laws" exemption to disclosure. It specifically states in pertinent part that "each agency . . . shall make available . . . all public records unless [exempt under the PRA] or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records." RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) states that "[a]n attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment." City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 15 ormation not protected -examples Council and employee names; Council and employee salary; Council and employee benefits; Employee vacation/sick time used; Council and employee work e-mail address; employee length of service; and Birthdates -Ongoing cases/legislation regarding birthdates (some ability for exemption). City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney i6 ies and Attorh7�Fees City cannot require requestor to complete an administrative appeal process before filing lawsuit. RCW 42.56.550 (4) provides that it "shall be within the discretion of the court to award such person an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day that he or she was denied the right to inspect or copy said public record." how much of a fine to assess is based on two steps: (1) count the number of days the party was denied access to the records; and (2) determine the appropriate per day penalty, up to sioo per day depending on the nature of the denial. The prevailing party is entitled to "reasonable attorney fees" and costs of suit. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney i7 Penalty per document or per request? Until 2016, the rule was that the daily penalty applied to the request, not per document. Yousoufian v. Sims, i5z Wn.zd 451 (2004). State Supreme Court has ruled that it is within the trial court's discretion to assess a daily penalty for each page of each document wrongfully withheld, depending on the circumstances (i.e. how egregious the violation was). Wade's Eastside Gun Shop v. Department of Labor & Industries. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney i8 Detemi=i=ntng I'Towrnuchpenalty Factors used by Courts to determine amount of penalty Yousoufian v. Sims (V), 168 Wn.2d. 444 (2010) 7 mitigating factors «««< Examples: good faith, honest, timely, and strict compliance with all the procedural requirements and exceptions; proper training; reasonableness of reason for noncompliance; tracking systems Size of agency is a valid consideration 8 aggravating factors Examples: lack of strict compliance; lack of proper training; negligent/ reckless/bad faith/intentional noncompliance with the PRA; potential for public harm; deterrent effect City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 19 Agency "best practices" 1. Entity management attitude; 2. Training; 3. Prioritizing requests; 4. Tracking requests; 5. Effective monitoring; 6. Central point of contact in the agency; 7. Visible signage; 8. Transparency and communication; 9. User-friendly website; io. Good records management and information technology; ii. Appropriate copying charges; 12. Using the installment method for large requests; 13. Communicate agency appeal process for record denials; and 14. Documenting the request process. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 20 sporting/log requirements • Logs of public record requests and responses RCW 40.14. o26. ID of requestor, date request was received, text of original request, description of the records produced, description of records redacted or withheld and reasons, and date request was closed Annual reports to JLARC. sioo,000 threshold 15 different metrics City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 21 ''''''''.Von,94,4.(Wv,wwwwwx,y1H,Vwwwwwx,y1Wm!www,M,V.4w1Wwwwx,M,,t4w.wwW,,,t.tVwx,4w.v.ww!mt.,,,v;\ • Questions on the PRA? City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 22 The Open Public Meetings Act „1111111 I ' ' City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 23 The Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) Washington State law enacted in 1971. Codified under chapter 42.3o RCW. Applies to all city and town councils, and many subordinate city and town boards and committees. Applies to planning commission, lodging tax advisory committee, street sustainability committee, salary commission, etc. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 24 Purpose of OPMA Governments "exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business." RCW 42.3o.oio. "The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them.' I "The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the riht to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. Id. "The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.' Id. Goal is transparency and public trust. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 25 Wr reWWWtnwiWWiWre rq'��twtro OPMA requirements zMf 9�'4W YhW WWSW tU Wi�'4W YhW WWSW tU tWWYWWSW tU rWi&tW tWWYWWSW tU rfl YWWtWWYWWSW tU rfl YWWtWWYWWSWW;WYV'tW tWWY{WSWW;WiV'tW tWWY{WSWW; W'YV'tW tWWY{WSWW kV 5yth w mo .m,"" OPMA requires that: All meetings of the governing body shall be open to the public. All actions taken by such bodies shall be done at meetings that are open to the public. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 26 What is a "meeting"? There must be a "meeting" in order to trigger the requirements of the OPMA. • "Meeting" means meetings at which action is taken; • "Action" means the transaction of the official business of a public agency by a governing body including but not limited to receipt of public testimony, deliberations, discussions, considerations, reviews, evaluations, and final actions; • Physical presence is not required (e.g., email, phone call, texting) . Majority (quorum) implicates "meeting" rules. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 27 What is a "meeting"? cont. Courts have found that "serial meetings" are considered "meetings" under the OPMA. What is a serial meeting? • Example: One Councilmember speaks with two other Councilmembers about particular City business. Unbeknownst to the original Councilmember, a fourth Councilmember also speaks to the two other Councilmembers about the same City business. So now all four Councilmembers, which constitutes a quorum, have discussed the City business and have done so outside of an open public meeting. Best practice: Conduct all discussions in public meetings. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 28 What is a "meeting"? (cont.) Email and other electronic communications (e.g. texts or social media) may constitute a meeting which violates the OPMA if it goes back and forth. Solely receiving information is not a violation. Responding to email could be a violation depending on the circumstances. It is not necessary that a governing body take "final action" (a vote) for a meeting to be subject to the OPMA. Discussion regarding City matters is "action." • Requires a public meeting if a quorum of members are present for the discussion. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 29 mum i�not a mewing What is not a meeting: If City matters are not discussed, then the gathering is not a "meeting" subject to OPMA (even if a quorum is present). Examples: Social gatherings if City business is not discussed; Gatherings before or after official action (such as the time prior to Council meetings) so long as City business is not discussed; Meetings of other government agencies (BoCC, chamber of commerce), so long as the Council/Commission members do not discuss City business amongst themselves. Perception still important. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 30 Procedural Requirements for Meetings Outlined in detail in the Governance Manual. • Regular meetings are every Tuesday beginning at 6:oo pm. All other meetings are "special" meetings. Some general requirements: • Notice (depends on the regular vs. special meetings); • Open to public unless an executive or closed session; • Votes cannot be by secret ballot; Member of public cannot be forced to give their name or other information as condition of attendance (can condition a person's ability to speak at the meeting on providing information) . City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 31 COVID-19 Pandemic Open to public Pursuant to Governor's proclamations in response to COVID-ig pandemic, number of waivers and suspensions of "in -person" requirements. Currently, if in -person meeting occurs, City must provide option for remote participation (no physical location required): • City provides remote meetings, with opportunity for public to watch and provide comments. Phone/video attendance through Zoom Information available on City's agenda website Legislature approved resolution extending emergency orders until COVID-ig state of emergency is no longer in place. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 32 OPMA exceptions and exemptions No City business = OPMA not implicated. • If no official business of City is transacted, OPMA does not apply. • Public perception is a separate consideration from what is legal. Active preparation for litigation. Executive sessions: 11+ specific circumstances, defined by statute. Closed session (OPMA simply does not apply). RCW 42.3o.i4o (quasi-judicial matters and collective bargaining issues). City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 33 u ive sessions Four common examples: • Interviewing candidates/qualifications for appointed positions (City Manager); • Discussing applicant qualifications for open Council position; • Considering the job performance of an employee; • Considering the acquisition of real property where the discussion, if public, could increase the price; • Discussions with legal counsel about litigation -related matters. No final decisions allowed in executive sessions City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 34 OPMA penalties Effect of penalty: • The penalty for a violation of the act is direct: any action taken in violation of the OPMA is null and void; "Any person" may bring the action in superior court. Individual liability. • $50o penalty for first violation if they attend with knowledge that the meeting is in violation of the Act, and si,000 for subsequent violations. City or City Council liability. • Liable for all costs, including reasonable attorney fees. City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 35 o V tU tyJ� tw YttwSW w'SW tU tW. tw YttwSW w'SW tU tW. tw Yn�hgYkWsw tUYyt" tw Yn�h YHWSW tNYyJi lW tw'�Sty'Wsw tUYwl lW4V/ YHWsW tUYn I V tw'�Sty'Wsw tUYn l Vtw �b YHWsk'Vi 'i 1W tw �b YnWsk' 4,4 tw �b YnWsk'4,4 i 1W tw �b YnWSW U9 �+"SS� �tiY lM Questions on OPMA? City of Spokane Valley - Office of the City Attorney 36 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of January 6, 2022; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Jan 18, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 11] Proclamation: Community Risk Reduction Week ACTION ITEMS: 1. Mayoral Appointments- Planning Commissioners (5 minutes) 2. Mayoral Appointments: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members (10 minutes) 3. Mayoral Appointments: Citizens to misc. agency appointments (5 minutes) 4. Mayoral Appointments: Salary Commission — Mayor Haley (10 minutes) 5. Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to various committees and boards (10 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Pines GSP Avista Property Donation — Gloria Mantz (15 minutes) 7. Motion Consideration: Barker GSP Change Order — Gloria Mantz (10 minutes) NON -ACTION ITEMS: 8. Shoreline Master Program Amendments for Dept of Ecology's Final Approval — Chaz Bates (15 minutes 9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 85 mins] Jan 25, 2022, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 18] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. First Reading Ordinance 22- SMP Amendments for Ecology's Final Approval — Chaz Bates (10 minutes) 3. First Reading Ordinance 22- Appleway Street Vacation — Karen Kendall (10 minutes) 4. Admin Report: District Court Update — Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Salary Committee Update — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 7. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 55 mins] January 27, 2022 AWC City Action Days (virtual) Feb 1, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 25] ACTION ITEMS; 1. First Reading Ordinance 22- SMP Amendments for Ecology's Final Approval — Chaz Bates (10 minutes) NON -ACTION ITEMS; 2. Federal Legislative Agenda —Erik Lamb (with members from Cardinal Infrastructure) (25 minutes) 3. ARPA Funds — Erik Lamb, Chelsie Taylor (20 minutes) 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 60 mins] Feb 8, 2022, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Feb 1] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 22- Appleway Street Vacation — Karen Kendall (10 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: mins] Feb 15, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Feb 8] 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley Feb 22, 2022, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley [due Tue Feb 15] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 1/6/2022 2:40:43 PM Page 1 of 2 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports March 1, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley March 8, 2022, Formal Meetin2, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley March 15, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley March 22, 2022, Formal Meetin2, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports March 29, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley April 5, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley April 12, 2022, Formal Meetin2, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley April 19, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley April 26, 2022, Formal Meetin2, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports May 3, 2022, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Appleway Trail Amenities Artwork & Metal Boxes Basement space Consolidated Homeless Grant Core Beliefs Resolution Governor Authority/Emergency Situations (info only) HHAA Funds Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Neighborhood Restoration No Parking Zones [due Tue Feb 22] (5 minutes) [due Tue March 1] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue March 8] (5 minutes) [due Tue March 15] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue March 22] [due Tue March 29] (5 minutes) [due Tue April 5] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue April 12] (5 minutes) [due Tue April 19] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue April 26] Park Lighting PFD Presentation Prosecutor Services Residency Ridgemont Area Traffic St. Illumination (owners, cost, location) St. O&M Pavement Preservation Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Water Districts & Green Space Way Finding Sign Draft Advance Agenda 1/6/2022 2:40:43 PM Page 2 of 2 Sp kane Valley Memorandum FINANCE DEPARTMENT Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director 10210 E Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5000 • Fax: (509) 720-5075 • www.spokanevalley.org To: Mark Calhoun, City Manager From: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Date: January 3, 2022 Re: Finance Department Activity Report — November 2021 Following is information pertaining to Finance Department activities through the end of November 2021 and included herein is an updated 2021 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures through the end of November. 2020 Year-end Process The 2020 books were closed in April and the annual financial report was completed and filed in May. The State Auditor's Office issued an unmodified opinion on the audit of the financial statements for the fiscal year 2020 and the Federal single audit on September 23, 2021. The accountability audit was completed in November and the related exit conference was held on November 15, 2021. 2021 Budget Amendment #2 As we have progressed through 2021 the need for a number of budget amendments has arisen Council review will take place at the following meetings: • October 12 Admin Report • October 26 Public Hearing • October 26 First reading on proposed ordinance amending the 2021 Budget • November 9 Second reading on proposed ordinance amending the 2021 Budget 2022 Budget Development The 2022 Budget development process began in the Finance Department in early March, and on April 6th we sent detailed budget requests to all departments to complete by mid -May. By the time the budget is scheduled to be adopted on November 9th, the Council will have had an opportunity to discuss the budget on seven occasions including three public hearings. • June 15 Council budget workshop • August 17 • September 14 • October 5 • October 12 • October 26 • November 9 • November 9 Admin report on 2022 revenues and expenditures Public hearing #1 on the 2022 revenues and expenditures City Manager's presentation of preliminary 2022 Budget Public hearing #2 on 2022 Budget First reading on proposed ordinance adopting the 2022 Budget Public hearing #3 on the 2022 Budget Second reading on proposed ordinance adopting the 2022 Budget P:1FinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202112021 11 30.docx Page 1 Lodging Tax The schedule leading • August 27 • October 1 • October 13 • November 9 • December 14 to awarding funds is as follows: Letters mailed to agencies that have historically received funding, media release to City website and notice to newspapers Grant applications due at City Hall Grant applicant presentations to lodging tax advisory committee Admin report to Council on results of lodging tax advisory committee meeting City Council motion consideration: Award lodging tax for 2022 Fee Resolution As a part of preparing the annual budget, City Departments are asked to review the Master Fee Schedule that is currently in place and determine whether changes in fees charged and/or language used in the governing resolution should be altered. This leads to an annual update to the fee resolution that sets fees for the following year. The calendar leading to the adoption of the resolution setting 2022 fees is as follows: • December 7 Admin report on proposed changes to the fee resolution • December 21 Council adoption of the fee resolution Budget to Actual Comparison Report A report reflecting 2021 Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for those funds for which a 2021 Budget was adopted is located on pages 6 through 19. Because we attempt to provide this information in a timely manner, this report is prepared from records that are not formally closed by the Finance Department at month end or reconciled to bank records. Although it is realistic to expect the figures will change over subsequent weeks, I believe the report is materially accurate. We've included the following information in the report: • Revenues by source for all funds, and expenditures by department in the General Fund and by type in all other funds. • A breakdown between recurring and nonrecurring revenues and expenditures in the General Fund, Street O&M Fund and Stormwater Fund. • The change in fund balance including beginning and ending figures. The beginning fund balance figures are those that are reflected in our 2020 Annual Financial Report. • Columns of information include: o The 2021 Budget as adopted o November 2021 activity o Cumulative 2021 activity through November 2021 o Budget remaining in terms of dollars o The percent of budgeted revenue collected or budgeted expenditures disbursed A few points related to the General Fund #001 (page 6): Recurring revenues collections are currently at 104.64% of the amount budgeted with 91.67% of the year elapsed. • Property taxes are paid to Spokane County in two installments each year on April 30 and October 31 and are then remitted to the City primarily in May and November with lesser amounts typically remitted in June and December. Property taxes received thus far in 2021 are $11,897,158 or 93.50% of the amount budgeted. P:1FinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202112021 11 30.docx Page 2 • Sales tax collections represent only ten months of collections thus far because taxes collected in November are not remitted to the City by the State until the latter part of December. Collections are currently at $26,418,235 or 104.83% of the amount budgeted. • Gambling taxes are at $356,570 or 92.86% of the amount budgeted. Gambling taxes are paid quarterly with fourth quarter payments due by January 31s1 • Franchise Fee and Business Registration revenues are typically received in the month following a calendar year quarter. So far in 2021 we have received $1,045,383 or 86.04% of the amount budgeted. • State shared revenues are composed of State of Washington distributions that include items such as liquor board profits, liquor excise tax, marijuana excise tax, and criminal justice monies. Most of these revenues are paid by the State in the month following a calendar quarter. Through November we've received remittances totaling $2,079,368 or 118.15% of the amount budgeted. • Fines and forfeitures revenues are composed of monthly remittances from Spokane County with payments made in the month following the actual assessment of a fine and false alarm fees. Through November we've received remittances through the month of October with receipts of $377,235 or 69.09% of the amount budgeted. This amount is lower than average this year because of a change in accounting rules that requires the City to account for the passed through District Court revenues in a separate custodial fund. • Community and Public Works service revenues are largely composed of building permit and plan review fees as well as right of way permits. Revenues are currently at $4,605,371 or 241.28% of the amount budgeted. • Recreation program revenues are composed of revenues generated by the variety of parks and recreation programs including classes, swimming pools (in -season), and CenterPlace. Currently, revenues total $298,233 or 46.34% of the amount budgeted. This amount is lower than average due to closures and restricted activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recurring expenditures are currently at $37,580,123 or 83.56% of the amount budgeted with 91.67% of the year elapsed. Investments (page 20) Investments at November 30 total $85,642,467 and are composed of $80,548,450 in the Washington State Local Government Investment Pool and $5,094,017 in bank CDs. Total Sales Tax Receipts (page 21) Total sales tax receipts reflect State remittances through November and total $29,617,510 including general, criminal justice, and public safety taxes. This figure is $6,220,069 or 26.58% greater than the same ten-month period in 2020. Economic Indicators (pages 22 — 24) The following economic indicators provide information pertaining to three different sources of tax revenue that provide a good gauge of the health and direction of the overall economy. 1. Sales taxes (page 22) provide a sense of how much individuals and businesses are spending on the purchase of goods. 2. Hotel / Motel taxes (page 23) provide us with a sense of overnight stays and visits to our area by tourists or business travelers. 3. Real Estate Excise taxes (page 24) provide us with a sense of real estate sales. P:1FinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202112021 11 30.docx Page 3 Page 22 provides a 10-year history of general sales tax receipts (not including public safety or criminal justice) with monthly detail beginning January 2012. • Compared with calendar year 2020, 2021 collections have increased by $5,676,254 or 27.37%. • Tax receipts reached an all-time high in 2020 of $25,238,481, besting the previous record year of 2019 when $24,204,762 was collected. Page 23 provides a 10-year history of hotel/motel tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2012. • Compared with calendar year 2020, 2021 collections have increased by $263,431 or 69.88%. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2019 of $743,851, and subsequently decreased to $443,243 in 2020. • The decrease in 2020 reflects the effects of COVID-19 on the economy. Page 24 provides a 10-year history of real estate excise tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2012. • Compared with calendar year 2020, 2021 collections have increased by $1,516,547 or 54.01 %. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2018 of $3,800,432. Debt Capacity and Bonds Outstandinq (page 25) This page provides information on the City's debt capacity, or the dollar amount of General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds the City may issue, as well as an amortization schedule of the bonds the City currently has outstanding. • The maximum amount of G.O. bonds the City may issue is determined by the assessed value for property taxes which for 2021 is $11,553,065,482. Following the December 1, 2020 debt service payments, the City has $11,120,000 of nonvoted G.O. bonds outstanding which represents 6.42% of our nonvoted bond capacity, and 1.28% of our total debt capacity for all types of bonds. Of this amount: o $4,100,000 remains on bonds issued for the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds are repaid with a portion of the 1/10 of 1 % sales tax that is collected by the Spokane Public Facilities District. o $450,000 remains on bonds issued for road and street improvements around CenterPlace. The bonds are repaid with a portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the City. o $6,570,000 remains on bonds issued for construction of the new City Hall. The bonds are to be repaid with General Fund revenues. Street Fund Revenue Sources (pages 26 and 27) The last two charts reflect a history for the two primary sources of revenue in Street Fund #101. These include: Page 26 provides a 10-year history of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2012. • Compared with calendar year 2020, 2021 collections have increased by $123,580 or 8.52%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at just approximately $2.1 million and have generally ranged around $2 million in the years 2012 through 2020. Page 27 provides a 10-year history of Telephone Utility Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2012. • Compared with 2020, 2021 collections have decreased by $263,965 or 23.19%. Unlike tax revenues collected by the State and remitted monthly, these taxes are paid to the City directly P:1FinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202112021 11 30.docx Page 4 by the service provider. Consequently, there is not a "clean cutoff' in terms of when a vendor pays the tax. • Tax receipts peaked in 2009 at $3,054,473 and have decreased each year since due to what we suspect is the reduction in land lines by individual households. • The 2021 budget is set at $1,000,000. We will watch actual receipts closely as the year progresses. P:1FinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202112021 11 30.docx Page 5 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Property Tax 12,724,200 4,094,899 11,897,158 (827,042) 93.50% Sales Tax 25,200,000 2,648,749 26,418,235 1,218,235 104.83% Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,160,000 126,834 1,154,774 (5,226) 99.55% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 2,040,000 223,532 2,044,501 4,501 100.22% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 384,000 117,516 356,570 (27,430) 92.86% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,215,000 16,544 1,045,383 (169,617) 86.04% State Shared Revenues 1,760,000 0 2,079,368 319,368 118.15% Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties 546,000 26,319 377,235 (168,765) 69.09% Community and Public Works 1,908,719 316,927 4,605,371 2,696,652 241.28% Recreation Program Revenues 643,600 31,290 298,233 (345,367) 46.34% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 21,000 43 20,924 (76) 99.64% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 592,500 9,968 137,346 (455,154) 23.18% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising) 30,000 0 0 (30,000) 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 48,225,019 7,612,621 50,435,099 2,210,080 104.58% Expenditures City Council 638,672 35,149 465,560 173,112 72.89% City Manager 1,175,839 77,951 921,401 254,438 78.36% City Attorney 718,593 63,390 637,912 80,682 88.77% Public Safety 27,897,861 2,057,170 24,125,522 3,772,339 86.48% Deputy City Manager 284,844 18,789 264,867 19,977 92.99% Finance / IT 1,500,659 120,031 1,196,129 304,530 79.71% Human Resources 318,540 26,660 276,082 42,458 86.67% City Hall Operations and Maintenance 373,601 31,453 320,948 52,653 85.91 % Community & Public Works - Engineering 2,098,642 149,323 1,561,746 536,896 74.42% Community & Public Works - Econ Dev 1,097,061 86,030 848,101 248,960 77.31% Community & Public Works - Bldg & Plan 2,414,558 167,257 2,127,838 286,720 88.13% Parks & Rec - Administration 355,427 21,906 281,947 73,480 79.33% Parks & Rec - Maintenance 940,003 141,503 778,735 161,268 82.84% Parks & Rec - Recreation 328,534 11,500 169,639 158,895 51.64% Parks & Rec - Aquatics 510,053 58,495 277,479 232,574 54.40% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 35,403 2,363 27,269 8,134 77.03% Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 972,214 55,279 656,390 315,824 67.51% General Government 1,297,380 54,149 862,444 434,936 66.48% Transfers out - #204 ('16 LTGO bond debt service) 401,500 0 301,125 100,375 75.00% Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,000 13,333 146,667 13,333 91.67% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 991,843 82,654 909,189 82,654 91.67% Transfers out - #501 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 3,050 33,550 3,050 91.67% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 425,000 35,417 389,583 35,417 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 44,972,827 3,312,852 37,580,123 7,392,704 83.56% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 3,252,192 4,299,770 12,854,976 9,602,784 Page 6 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Grant Proceeds 89,000 0 113,831 24,831 127.90% Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 0 0 8,003,246 8,003,246 0.00% City Assistance for LE and CJ 0 0 389,399 389,399 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 89,000 0 8,506,476 8,417,476 9557.84% Expenditures City Manager (office furniture for Housing Servempl 5,000 0 2,969 2,031 59.39% Public Safety (replace HVAC units at Precinct) 62,000 542 542 61,458 0.87% Public Safety (replace handguns) 37,500 0 0 37,500 0.00% Public Safety (radar trailer) 11,400 0 0 11,400 0.00% Public Safety (Precinct access control gate) 20,000 0 0 20,000 0.00% Public Safety (Precinct fire panel replacement) 10,000 0 0 10,000 0.00% Public Safety (Equipment for bike patrols) 0 0 4,977 (4,977) 0.00% Public Safety (DEMS/TasersBodyCams) 109,608 0 0 109,608 0.00% City Hall Repairs 0 23,924 288,684 (288,684) 0.00% City Hall (replace light pole) 0 0 3,655 (3,655) 0.00% Community & Public Works (Ecology SMP Update) 25,000 0 10,585 14,415 42.34% Community & Public Works (Housing Action Plan) 40,000 0 44,992 (4,992) 112.48% Windstorm 2021 Cleanup Costs 32,000 0 31,984 16 99.95% General Government - IT capital replacements 212,800 0 38,371 174,429 18.03% General Government (Covid-19 Related Costs) 0 8,430 28,200 (28,200) 0.00% Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations) 2,552,600 253,967 2,298,633 253,967 90.05% Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve) 364,440 0 364,440 0 100.00% Transfers out - #309 (CenterPlace west lawn) 20,000 0 0 20,000 0.00% Transfers out - #309 (CenterPlace roof repairs) 15,000 0 0 15,000 0.00% Transfers out - #312 ('19 fund bal >50%) 11,126,343 0 11,126,343 0 100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 14,643,691 286,862 14,244,374 399,317 97.27% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (14,554,691) (286,862) (5,737,898) 8,816,793 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (11,302,499) 4,012,908 7,117,077 18,419,576 Beginning fund balance 42,445,511 42,445,511 Ending fund balance 31,143,012 49,562,588 Page 7 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Telephone Utility Tax 1,000,000 86,939 874,211 (125,789) 87.42% Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 1,800,000 160,494 1,566,902 (233,098) 87.05% Multimodal Transportation 130,600 0 98,120 (32,480) 75.13% Right -of -Way Maintenance Fee 70,000 0 21,124 (48,876) 30.18% Investment Interest 4,000 73 370 (3,630) 9.26% Miscellaneous Revenue 10,000 66,000 222,890 212,890 2228.90% Total Recurring Revenues 3,014,600 313,505 2,783,618 (230,982) 92.34% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 1,127,920 97,224 953,790 174,130 84.56% Supplies 156,050 3,474 126,460 29,590 81.04% Services & Charges 2,525,828 67,738 2,286,596 239,232 90.53% Snow Operations 751,652 26,231 531,226 220,426 70.67% Intergovernmental Payments 935,000 137,409 755,720 179,280 80.83% Transfers out - #501 (non -plow vehicle rental) 10,250 854 9,396 854 91.67% Transfers out - #501 (plow replace) 60,500 5,042 55,458 5,042 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 5,567,200 337,972 4,718,648 848,552 84.76% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures (2,552,600) (24,467) (1,935,030) 617,570 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Insurance Proceeds (traffic signal cabinet) 0 0 59,619 59,619 0.00% Utilities Tax Recovery 0 0 50,472 50,472 0.00% Transfers in - #001 2,552,600 253,967 2,298,633 (253,967) 90.05% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 2,552,600 253,967 2,408,725 (143,875) 94.36% Expenditures Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment (Plows) 0 0 17,228 (17,228) 0.00% Traffic Control Devices -Repair & Maintenance 0 0 18,432 (18,432) 0.00% Emergency Traffic Control Repairs 0 0 4,053 (4,053) 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 0 0 39,713 (39,713) 0.00% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures 2,552,600 253,967 2,369,012 (183,588) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures 0 229,500 433,982 433,982 Beginning fund balance 759,299 759,299 Ending fund balance 759,299 1,193,280 #103 - PATHS & TRAILS Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Investment Interest 8,700 677 6,609 (2,091) 75.96% 200 2 17 (183) 8.63% Total revenues 8,900 679 6,626 (2,274) 74.45% Expenditures Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 8,900 679 6,626 (2,274) Beginning fund balance 21,516 21,516 Ending fund balance 30,416 28,142 Page 8 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #104 - TOURISM FACILITIES HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel Tax 400,000 60,381 415,853 15,853 103.96% Investment Interest 2,500 191 2,189 (311) 87.57% Transfers in -#105 1,157,000 0 0 (1,157,000) 0.00% Total revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #105 - HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 1,559,500 60,572 418,042 (1,141,458) 26.81% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 1,559,500 60,572 418,042 (1,141,458) 2,986,573 2,986,573 4,546,073 3,404,615 750,000 92,924 640,405 (109,595) 85.39% 700 77 726 26 103.72% Total revenues 750,700 93,002 641,131 (109,569) 85.40% Expenditures Transfers out - #001 30,000 0 0 30,000 0.00% Transfers out - #104 1,157,000 0 0 1,157,000 0.00% Tourism Promotion 197,400 42,395 58,245 139,155 29.51% Total expenditures 1,384,400 42,395 58,245 Revenues over (under) expenditures (633,700) 50,606 582,886 Beginning fund balance 798,716 798,716 Ending fund balance 165,016 1,381,602 #106 - SOLID WASTE Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fees Solid Waste Road Wear Fee Investment Interest 225,000 13,116 1,500,000 153,297 12,000 131 184,802 1,458,578 1,169 1,326,155 (1,435,723) 40,198 41,422 10,831 4.21% 82.13% 97.24% 9.74% Total revenues 1,737,000 166,544 1,644,550 92,451 94.68% Expenditures Transfers out - #311 1,537,776 0 0 1,537,776 0.00% Education & Contract Administration 237,000 2,991 40,011 196,989 16.88% Total expenditures 1,774,776 2,991 40,011 1,734,765 2.25% Revenues over (under) expenditures (37,776) 163,553 1,604,538 (1,642,314) Beginning fund balance 726,788 726,788 Ending fund balance 689,012 2,331,327 #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG Contribution Investment Interest 79,000 0 36,490 42,510 46.19% 0 10 136 (136) 0.00% Total revenues 79,000 10 36,626 42,374 46.36% Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV 39,500 0 0 39,500 0.00% Capital Outlay 48,500 0 48,679 (179) 100.37% Total expenditures 88,000 0 48,679 39,321 55.32% Revenues over (under) expenditures (9,000) 10 (12,053) 3,053 Beginning fund balance 181,773 181,773 Ending fund balance 172,773 169,720 Page 9 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #108 - AFFORDABLE & SUPPORTIVE HOUSING TAX FUND Revenues Affordable & Supportive Housing Tax 193,000 22,863 170,978 22,022 88.59% Investment Interest 0 18 162 (162) 0.00% Total revenues 193,000 22,882 171,140 21,860 88.67% Expenditures Affordable & Supportive Housing Program 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 193,000 22,882 171,140 21,860 Beginning fund balance 152,033 152,033 Ending fund balance 345,033 323,173 #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 300,000 300,000 Ending fund balance 300,000 300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 Ending fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in - #001 1,900 29 144 (1,756) 7.56% 364,440 0 364,440 0 100.00% Subtotal revenues 366,340 29 364,584 (1,756) 99.52% Expenditures Snow removal expenses 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Transfers out - #101 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (133,660) 29 364,584 (501,756) Beginning fund balance 160,043 160,043 Ending fund balance 26,383 524,627 Page 10 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #204 - DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District 480,800 400,400 480,800 0 100.00% Transfers in - #001 401,500 33,458 368,042 (33,458) 91.67% Transfers in - #301 80,775 6,731 74,044 (6,731) 91.67% Transfers in - #302 80,775 6,731 74,044 (6,731) 91.67% Total revenues 1,043,850 447,321 996,929 (46,921) 95.51% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 480,800 400,400 480,800 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments - Roads 161,550 153,275 161,550 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments -'16 LTGO Bond 401,500 285,750 401,500 0 100.00% Total expenditures 1,043,850 839,425 1,043,850 0 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (392,104) (46,921) (46,921) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 (46,921) Page 11 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #301 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes 2,000,000 220,485 2,162,269 162,269 108.11% Investment Interest 3,000 229 2,246 (754) 74.85% Total revenues 2,003,000 220,714 2,164,514 161,514 108.06% Expenditures Transfers out - #204 80,775 6,731 74,044 6,731 91.67% Transfers out - #303 316,620 0 50,534 266,086 15.96% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 827,278 0 0 827,278 0.00% Total expenditures 1,224,673 6,731 124,578 1,100,096 10.17% Revenues over (under) expenditures 778,327 213,983 2,039,937 (938,581) Beginning fund balance 2,048,068 2,048,068 Ending fund balance 2,826,395 4,088,005 #302 - SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes 2,000,000 220,485 2,162,269 162,269 108.11% Investment Interest 5,500 375 4,231 (1,269) 76.93% Total revenues 2,005,500 220,860 2,166,500 161,000 108.03% Expenditures Transfers out - #204 80,775 6,731 74,044 6,731 91.67% Transfers out - #303 1,662,684 0 357,561 1,305,123 21.51% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 827,279 0 0 827,279 0.00% Transfers out - #314 660,516 0 208,522 451,994 31.57% Total expenditures 3,231,254 6,731 640,126 2,591,128 19.81% Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,225,754) 214,129 1,526,374 (2,430,128) Beginning fund balance 5,165,924 5,165,924 Ending fund balance 3,940,170 6,692,298 Page 12 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Developer Contribution Grant Proceeds Transfers in - #301 Transfers in - #302 Transfers in - #312 Transfers in - #315 Investment Interest Total revenues Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Actual Actual through Budget % of Budget November November 30 Remaining Budget 53,703 0 0 (53,703) 0.00% 6,843,308 0 3,540,554 (3,302,754) 51.74% 316,620 0 50,534 (266,086) 15.96% 1,662,684 0 357,561 (1,305,123) 21.51% 14,000 0 565,342 551,342 4038.16% 80,000 0 0 (80,000) 0.00% 0 0 217 217 0.00% 8,970,315 0 4,514,207 (4,456,108) 50.32% Expenditures 205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 329,453 16,516 108,783 220,670 33.02% 249 Sullivan & Wellesley Intersection 1,020,522 3,160 92,143 928,379 9.03% 259 North Sullivan ITS Project 0 0 2,150 (2,150) 0.00% 267 Mission SW - Bowdish to Union 11,310 0 0 11,310 0.00% 275 Barker Rd Widening - River to Euclid 1,146,320 359 1,662,010 (515,690) 144.99% 285 Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan 7,210 0 0 7,210 0.00% 292 Mullen Preservation: Broadway -Mission 0 6,933 508,213 (508,213) 0.00% 293 2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 74,250 73 7,940 66,310 10.69% 294 Citywide Reflective Post Panels 17,875 0 3,104 14,771 17.36% 299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont 2,392,450 49,140 2,149,662 242,788 89.85% 300 Pines & Mission Intersection Improvements 498,000 438 49,475 448,525 9.93% 301 Park & Mission Intersection Improvements 693,000 119 356,138 336,862 51.39% 303 S. Conklin Road Sidewalk 0 0 162 (162) 0.00% 310 Sullivan Rd Overcrossing UP RR Deck Rep. 317,625 943 241,815 75,810 76.13% 313 Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing 1,312,500 3,426 48,407 1,264,093 3.69% 318 Wilbur Sidewalk: Boone to Mission 50,000 6,224 35,055 14,945 70.11% 320 Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th 19,800 6,066 12,432 7,368 62.79% 321 Argonne Corridor Impry - North of Knox 0 0 1,916 (1,916) 0.00% 323 Evergreen Road Preservation 0 0 258,658 (258,658) 0.00% 326 2020 Citywide Retroreflective Post Panel 0 2,547 3,168 (3,168) 0.00% 329 Barker Road Imp - City Limits to Appleway 80,000 26,333 102,309 (22,309) 127.89% 330 WTSC 2021 School Zone Beacons 0 32,282 32,282 (32,282) 0.00% 332 NE Industrial Area - Sewer Extension 0 8,720 59,726 (59,726) 0.00% Contingency 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0.00% Total expenditures 8,970,315 163,281 5,735,547 3,234,768 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (163,281) (1,221,340) (7,690,876) Beginning fund balance 67,402 67,402 Ending fund balance 67,402 (1,153,938) Note: Work performed in the Street Capital Projects Fund for preservation projects is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that were bid with the pavement preservation work. 63.94% Page 13 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #309 - PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 525,260 369,978 595,677 70,417 113.41 % Transfers in - #001 195,000 13,333 146,667 (48,333) 75.21 % Transfers in - #312 1,132,686 0 2,033 (1,130,653) 0.18% Investment Interest 0 0 20 20 0.00% Total revenues 1,852,946 383,312 744,397 (1,108,550) 40.17% Expenditures 268 Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan 2,033 0 2,165 (132) 106.49% 304 CenterPlace West Lawn Phase 2 20,000 40 19,865 135 99.33% 305 CenterPlace Roof Repair 15,000 0 (1,117) 16,117 -7.45% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 565,150 16,351 536,689 28,461 94.96% 315 Brown's Park 2020 Improvements 704,731 146 698,447 6,284 99.11% 316 Balfour Park Improvements - Phase 1 367,503 73,504 85,988 281,515 23.40% 328 Sullivan Park Waterline 98,000 174 5,864 92,136 5.98% 337 CP Great Room AV System Updates 25,350 0 36,951 (11,601) 145.76% 338 Loop Trail Project 100,000 1,909 4,137 95,863 4.14% Repair/replace siding at Mirabeau restroom 30,000 0 0 30,000 0.00% Total expenditures 1,927,767 92,125 1,388,987 538,780 72.05% Revenues over (under) expenditures (74,821) 291,186 (644,590) (1,647,330) Beginning fund balance 75,577 75,577 Ending fund balance 756 (569,013) #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 800 47 587 (213) 73.40% Total revenues 800 47 587 (213) 73.40% Expenditures Transfers out - #312 3,600 0 0 3,600 0.00% Total expenditures 3,600 0 0 3,600 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (2,800) 47 587 (3,813) Beginning fund balance 842,964 842,964 Ending fund balance 840,164 843,552 Note: The fund balance includes $839,285.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. Page 14 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 991,843 82,654 909,189 (82,654) 91.67% Transfers in - #106 1,537,776 0 0 (1,537,776) 0.00% Transfers in - #301 827,278 0 0 (827,278) 0.00% Transfers in - #302 827,279 0 0 (827,279) 0.00% Avista Contribution 0 0 29,011 29,011 0.00% Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0.00% Investment Interest 0 146 3,145 3,145 0.00% Total revenues 4,184,176 82,799 941,345 (3,242,831) 22.50% Expenditures Pre -Project GeoTech Services 50,000 0 0 50,000 0.00% Pavement Preservation 3,790,877 0 0 3,790,877 0.00% 285 Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan 0 0 8,129 (8,129) 0.00% 286 Broadway Preservation: Havana to Fancher 0 0 281 (281) 0.00% 292 Mullan Preservation: Broadway -Mission 0 1,048 1,148,230 (1,148,230) 0.00% 309 Local Access Streets: Barker Homes 0 194,759 195,752 (195,752) 0.00% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 0 515 18,774 (18,774) 0.00% 320 Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th 0 1,904 7,061 (7,061) 0.00% 323 Evergreen Road Preservation Project 0 899 1,411,418 (1,411,418) 0.00% 325 2021 Local Access Streets: South Park Rd 0 412 1,367,688 (1,367,688) 0.00% 334 Sprague Avenue Preservation 0 5,584 17,474 (17,474) 0.00% 339 2022 Local Access Streets: Summerfield E 0 2,720 4,453 (4,453) 0.00% Total expenditures 3,840,877 207,841 4,179,259 (338,382) 108.81% Revenues over (under) expenditures 343,299 (125,041) (3,237,914) (2,904,450) Beginning fund balance 5,792,145 5,792,145 Ending fund balance 6,135,444 2,554,232 #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 1,000,000 0 0 (1,000,000) 0.00% Transfers in - #001 11,126,343 0 11,126,343 0 100.00% Transfers in - #310 3,600 0 0 (3,600) 0.00% Investment Interest 7,500 845 6,437 (1,063) 85.82% Proceeds from Sale of Land 109,400 0 109,403 3 100.00% Total revenues 12,246,843 845 11,242,183 (1,004,660) 91.80% Expenditures Transfers out - #303 14,000 0 565,342 (551,342) 4038.16% Transfers out - #309 1,132,686 0 2,033 1,130,653 0.18% Transfers out - #314 1,647,731 0 585 1,647,146 0.04% Transfers out - #316 10,000 0 0 10,000 0.00% Land Acquisition 4,884,600 286,216 4,099,991 784,609 83.94% Total expenditures 7,689,017 286,216 4,667,952 3,021,065 60.71 % Revenues over (under) expenditures 4,557,826 (285,370) 6,574,231 (4,025,726) Beginning fund balance 8,503,764 8,503,764 Ending fund balance 13,061,590 15,077,996 Page 15 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds Investment Interest Transfers in - #301 Transfers in - #302 Transfers in - #312 CenturyLink Contribution Miscellaneous Revenues Total revenues 12,903,319 0 201,721 (12,701,598) 1.56% 0 0 427 427 0.00% (466,871) 0 0 466,871 0.00% 1,127,387 0 208,522 (918,865) 18.50% 1,647,731 0 585 (1,647,146) 0.04% 0 0 51,403 51,403 0.00% 0 1,500 16,271 16,271 0.00% 15,211,566 1,500 478,929 (14,732,637) 3.15% Expenditures 143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 9,681,704 9,523 1,035,678 8,646,026 10.70% 223 Pines Rd Underpass 4,149,450 29,645 360,578 3,788,872 8.69% 311 Sullivan Rd./SR 290 Interchange Project 325,000 408 150,117 174,883 46.19% Total expenditures 14,156,154 39,576 1,546,374 12,609,780 10.92% Revenues over (under) expenditures 1,055,412 Beginning fund balance 793,526 Ending fund balance #315 - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES Revenues Transportation Impact Fees Investment Interest (38,076) (1,067,444) (27,342,417) 793,526 1,848,938 (273,918) 150,000 7,560 294,477 144,477 196.32% 0 17 94 94 0.00% Total revenues 150,000 7,577 294,571 144,571 196.38% Expenditures Transfers out - #303 80,000 0 0 80,000 0.00% Total expenditures 80,000 0 0 80,000 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 70,000 7,577 294,571 64,571 Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 70,000 294,571 #316 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Revenues Transfers in - #312 10,000 0 0 (10,000) 0.00% Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 10,000 0 0 (10,000) 0.00% Expenditures Fair & Expo Center Expansion 10,000 971 2,496 7,504 24.96% Total expenditures 10,000 971 2,496 7,504 24.96% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (971) (2,496) (17,504) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 (2,496) Page 16 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,900,000 518,701 1,798,497 (101,503) 94.66% Investment Interest 40,000 145 1,811 (38,189) 4.53% Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 1,940,000 518,846 1,800,308 (139,692) 92.80% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 552,694 30,655 299,136 253,558 54.12% Supplies 14,750 590 13,331 1,419 90.38% Services & Charges 1,320,643 143,917 976,320 344,323 73.93% Intergovernmental Payments 45,000 0 20,916 24,084 46.48% Vehicle Rentals - #501 6,750 563 6,188 563 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,939,837 175,725 1,315,890 623,947 67.84% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 163 343,121 484,418 484,255 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 100,000 0 95,000 (5,000) 95.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 100,000 0 95,000 (5,000) 95.00% Expenditures Capital - various projects 660,000 0 3,122 656,878 0.47% 292 Mullen Preservation: Broadway -Mission 0 0 7,940 (7,940) 0.00% 300 Pines & Mission Intersection Improvement 0 0 468 (468) 0.00% 309 Local Access Streets: Barker Homes 0 3,292 4,665 (4,665) 0.00% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 0 169,999 176,328 (176,328) 0.00% 325 2021 Local Access Streets: South Park Rd 0 0 164,009 (164,009) 0.00% Watershed Studies 100,000 11,247 32,234 67,766 32.23% Stormwater Comprehensive Plan 100,000 0 0 100,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 860,000 184,539 388,766 471,234 45.21% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (760,000) (184,539) (293,766) 466,234 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (759,837) 158,582 190,651 950,488 Beginning working capital 2,159,796 2,159,796 Ending working capital 1,399,959 2,350,448 Note: Work performed in the Stormwater Fund for preservation projects is for stormwater improvements that were bid with the pavement preservation work. #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 460,000 0 239,829 (220,171) 52.14% Grant Proceeds 1,507,045 0 728,188 (778,857) 48.32% Investment Interest 2,000 27 1,170 (830) 58.52% Total revenues 1,969,045 27 969,187 (999,858) 49.22% Expenditures Capital - various projects 2,958,540 205,092 1,981,855 976,685 66.99% Total expenditures 2,958,540 205,092 1,981,855 976,685 66.99% Revenues over (under) expenditures (989,495) (205,064) (1,012,668) (1,976,543) Beginning working capital 2,120,365 2,120,365 Ending working capital 1,130,870 1,107,697 Page 17 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Interfund vehicle lease - #001 31,300 2,608 28,692 (2,608) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease - #101 10,250 854 9,396 (854) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease - #101 (plow replace) 60,500 5,042 55,458 (5,042) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease - #402 6,750 563 6,188 (563) 91.67% Transfers in - #001 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 3,050 33,550 (3,050) 91.67% Investment Interest 10,000 82 974 (9,026) 9.74% Total revenues 155,400 12,198 134,257 (21,143) 86.39% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 0 0 23,178 (23,178) 0.00% Small tools & minor equipment 10,000 1,364 4,480 5,520 44.80% Equipment repair & maintenance 0 0 137 (137) 0.00% Vehicle purchase 130,000 0 35,653 94,347 27.43% Total expenditures 140,000 1,364 63,448 76,552 45.32% Revenues over (under) expenditures 15,400 10,835 70,809 (97,695) Beginning working capital 1,387,962 1,387,962 Ending working capital 1,403,362 1,458,771 #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in - #001 0 20 68 68 0.00% 425,000 35,417 389,583 (35,417) 91.67% Total revenues 425,000 35,437 389,652 (35,348) 91.68% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance 425,000 0 365,384 59,616 85.97% Unemployment Claims 0 0 7,398 (7,398) 0.00% Total expenditures 425,000 0 372,782 52,218 87.71% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 35,437 16,870 (87,567) Beginning working capital 340,484 340,484 Ending working capital 340,484 357,354 Page 18 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021 \2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 FIDUCIARY FUNDS #632 - PASSTHROUGH FEES & TAXES Revenues Passthrough Fees & Taxes Total revenues Expenditures Passthrough Fees & Taxes Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital Budget Year Elapsed = 2021 91.67% 2021 Budget Actual Actual through Budget November November 30 Remaining % of Budget 399,687 27,984 359,252 (40,435) 89.88% 399,687 27,984 359,252 (40,435) 89.88% 400,000 383 348,709 51,291 87.18% 400,000 383 348,709 (313) 27,601 10,543 313 313 0 10,856 51,291 87.18% (91,726) SUMMARY FOR ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds Per Revenue Status Report Difference Total of Expenditures for all Funds Per Expenditure Status Report Difference 111,243,787 111,243,787 10,483,278 10,483,278 94,708,433 94,708,433 117,831,778 117,831,778 6,193,071 6,193,071 80,530,412 80,530,412 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures) 37,967,561 1,168,934 19,417,255 Page 19 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021\2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Investment Report For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 Beginning Deposits Withdrawls Interest Ending 001 General Fund 101 Street Fund 103 Trails & Paths 104 Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel 105 Hotel/Motel 106 Solid Waste Fund 107 PEG Fund 108 Affordable & Supportive Housing 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 Winter Weather Reserve 301 Capital Projects 302 Special Capital Projects 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 309 Parks Capital Project 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 311 Pavement Preservation 312 Capital Reserve Fund 314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects 315 Transportation Impact Fees 316 Economic Development Capital Proj 402 Stormwater Management 403 Aquifer Protection Fund 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 Risk Management 632 Passthrough Fees & Taxes "Local Government Investment Pool 12/21/2021 LGI P" NW Bank CD #2068 Banner CD #9161 Total Investments $ 77,178,931.42 $ 3,088,005.28 $ 2,006,011.49 $ 82,272,948.19 3,364,049.78 0.00 0.00 3,364,049.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,468.95 0.00 0.00 5,468.95 $ 80,548,450.15 $ 3,088,005.28 $ 2,006,011.49 $ 85,642,466.92 matures: 7/23/2022 rate: 0.50% 12/9/2021 0.40% Balance Earnings Current Period Year to date Budget $ 43,864,605.09 1, 071, 047.22 23,231.54 2, 810, 598.31 1,140, 548.65 1, 925, 895.07 140,108.28 266, 787.79 0.00 5, 500, 000.00 433, 093.21 3, 374, 754.86 5, 524, 666.39 0.00 0.00 696, 373.89 2,144, 549.05 12,447,278.36 0.00 243,175.92 0.00 2,134,241.69 402,243.72 1, 204, 262.69 295, 005.19 0.00 $ 3,005.81 72.72 1.58 190.83 77.44 130.76 9.51 18.11 0.00 0.00 29.41 229.13 375.10 0.00 0.00 47.28 145.61 845.13 0.00 16.51 0.00 144.91 27.31 81.77 20.03 0.00 55, 099.66 370.34 17.25 2,189.17 726.04 1,169.04 136.36 162.07 0.00 0.00 143.73 2,245.57 4,231.32 216.66 19.66 587.18 3,144.52 6,436.51 427.27 94.03 0.00 1,811.41 1,170.30 973.80 68.45 0.00 $ 500,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 2,500.00 700.00 12, 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 3,000.00 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40, 000.00 2,000.00 10, 000.00 0.00 0.00 $ 85,642,466.92 $ 5,468.95 $ 81,440.34 $ 590,100.00 Page 20 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2021\2021 11 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Receipts For the Eleven -Month Period Ended November 30, 2021 Month Received 2020 2021 12/21/2021 Difference February 2,559,296.59 2,934,890.06 375,593.47 14.68% March 2,015,206.15 2,445,374.71 430,168.56 21.35% April 1,897,614.47 2,571,438.34 673,823.87 35.51% May 1,847,551.89 3,369,522.86 1,521,970.97 82.38% June 1,875,335.44 3,095,705.00 1,220,369.56 65.07% July 2,570,769.98 3,127,275.84 556,505.86 21.65% August 2,677,467.88 3,153,001.10 475,533.22 17.76% September 2,682,700.17 2,951,757.95 269,057.78 10.03% October 2,540,248.50 2,969,429.94 429,181.44 16.90% November 2,731,249.99 2,999,113.99 267,864.00 9.81% 23,397,441.06 29,617,509.79 December 2,602,181.93 January 2,451,245.65 28,450,868.64 29,617,509.79 6,220,068.73 26.58% Sales tax receipts reported here reflect remittances for general sales tax, criminal justice sales tax and public safety tax. The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.9%. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington State Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the total 8.9% tax rate to the agencies is as follows: - State of Washington 6.50% - City of Spokane Valley 0.85% - Spokane County 0.15% - Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% * - Criminal Justice 0.10% - Public Safety 0.10% * 2.40% local tax - Juvenile Jail 0.10% * - Mental Health 0.10% * - Law Enforcement Communications 0.10% * - Spokane Transit Authority 0.80% * 8.90% Indicates voter approved sales taxes In addition to the .85% reported above that the City receives, we also receive a portion of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety sales taxes. The distribution of those taxes is computed as follows: Criminal Justice: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and the cities within the County. Public Safety: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. Page 21 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Sales Tax\2021\sales tax collections 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Collections - October For the years 2012 through 2021 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 1,589,887 February 1,009,389 March 1,067,733 April 1,277,621 May 1,174, 962 June 1,290,976 July 1,302,706 August 1,299,678 September 1,383,123 October 1,358,533 1,671,269 1,133, 347 1,148, 486 1,358,834 1,320,449 1,389,802 1,424,243 1,465,563 1,466,148 1,439,321 1,677,887 1,170, 640 1,201,991 1,448,539 1,400,956 1,462,558 1,545,052 1,575,371 1,552,736 1,594,503 1,732,299 1,197, 323 1,235,252 1,462,096 1,373,710 1,693,461 1,718,428 1,684,700 1,563,950 1,618,821 1,863,225 1,316,682 1,378,300 1,640,913 1,566,178 1,641,642 1,776,653 1,746,371 1,816,923 1,822,998 1,992,273 1,369,740 1,389,644 1,737,933 1,564,119 1,751,936 1,935,028 1,877,899 1,946,689 1,898,067 2,078,412 1,536,252 1,564,282 1,926,551 1,762,119 1,871,077 2,053,961 1,980,940 2,019,198 2,005,836 2,240,908 1,648,657 1,549,275 1,955,470 1,946,112 2,067,987 2,232,342 2,121,051 2,223,576 2,134, 985 2,253,852 1,776,898 1,687,355 1,627,596 1,651,937 2,291,842 2,368,495 2,393,597 2,258,489 2,431,920 2,615,326 2,185, 876 2,317, 671 3,029,090 2,768,743 2,795,920 2,804,930 2,623,934 2,627,997 2,648,748 12/23/2021 2020 to 2021 Difference ok 361,474 16.04% 408,978 23.02% 630,316 37.36% 1,401,494 86.11% 1,116,806 67.61% 504,078 21.99% 436,435 18.43% 230,337 9.62% 369,508 16.36% 216,828 8.92% Collected to date 12,754,608 13,817,462 14,630,233 15,280,040 16,569,885 17,463,328 18,798,628 20,120,363 20,741,981 26,418,235 5,676,254 27.37% November 1,349,580 1,362,021 1,426,254 1,487,624 1,652,181 1,768,817 1,925,817 2,064,504 2,317,685 0 December 1,323,189 1,408,134 1,383,596 1,441,904 1,664,983 1,856,989 1,918,411 2,019,895 2,178,815 0 Total Collections 15,427,377 16,587,617 17,440,083 18,209,568 19,887,049 21,089,134 22,642,856 24,204,762 25,238,481 26,418,235 Budget Estimate 14,210,000 15,250,000 16,990,000 17,628,400 18,480,500 19,852,100 20,881,900 22,917,000 21,784,000 25,200,000 Actual over (under) budg 1,217,377 1,337,617 450,083 581,168 1,406,549 1,237,034 1,760,956 1,287,762 3,454,481 1,218,235 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 108.57% 108.77% 102.65% 103.30% 107.61 % 106.23% 108.43% 105.62% 115.86% n/a % change in annual total collected 3.89% 7.52% 5.14% 4.41% 9.21% 6.04% 7.37% 6.90% 4.27% n/a % of budget collected through October 89.76% 90.61% 86.11% 86.68% 89.66% 87.97% 90.02% 87.80% 95.22% 104.83% % of actual total collected through October 82.68% 83.30% 83.89% 83.91% 83.32% 82.81% 83.02% 83.13% 82.18% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of October 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 - 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ October October September III August ■ July ■ June • May • April • March • February • January 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Page 22 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Lodging Tax \2021 \105 hotel motel tax 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Hotel/Motel Tax Receipts through - October Actual for the years 2012 through 2021 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 21,442 February 21,549 March 25,655 April 52,130 May 37,478 June 43,971 July 52,819 August 57,229 September 64,299 October 43,699 Total Collections 12/23/2021 2020 to 2021 Difference 24,185 25,425 27,092 31,887 27,210 28,752 31,865 36,203 26,006 (10,197) (28.17%) 25,975 26,014 27,111 27,773 26,795 28,878 32,821 31,035 31,041 6 0.02% 27,739 29,384 32,998 34,330 31,601 31,906 40,076 37,395 30,536 (6,859) (18.34%) 40,979 48,246 50,455 52,551 52,242 57,664 59,117 24,959 44,476 19,517 78.20% 40,560 41,123 44,283 50,230 50,112 51,777 53,596 16,906 49,002 32,096 189.85% 47,850 52,618 56,975 55,060 60,637 62,048 73,721 28,910 66,262 37,352 129.20% 56,157 61,514 61,809 65,007 69,337 71,865 84,628 41,836 94,495 52,659 125.87% 63,816 70,384 72,697 73,700 76,972 79,368 91,637 49,772 101,171 51,399 103.27% 70,794 76,100 74,051 70,305 80,173 79,661 97,531 59,116 104,494 45,378 76.76% 43,836 45,604 49,880 55,660 56,631 61,826 77,932 50,844 92,924 42,080 82.76% 420,271 441,892 476,411 497,351 516,503 531,710 553,745 642,924 376,976 640,407 263,431 69.88% November 39,301 42,542 39,600 42,376 46,393 47,090 52,868 59,252 39,694 0 December 30,432 34,238 33,256 41,510 33,478 37,180 40,363 41,675 26,573 0 Total Collections 490,004 518,672 549,267 581,237 596,374 615,980 646,976 743,851 443,243 640,407 Budget Estimate 430,000 490,000 530,000 550,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 600,000 346,000 750,000 Actual over (under) budg 60,004 28,672 19,267 31,237 16,374 35,980 66,976 143,851 97,243 (109,593) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 113.95% 105.85% 103.64% 105.68% 102.82% 106.20% 111.55% 123.98% 128.10% n/a % change in annual total collected 7.08% 5.85% 5.90% 5.82% 2.60% 3.29% 5.03% 14.97% (40.41%) n/a % of budget collected through October % of actual total collected through October 97.74% 90.18% 89.89% 90.43% 89.05% 91.67% 95.47% 107.15% 108.95% 85.39% 85.77% 85.20% 86.74% 85.57% 86.61% 86.32% 85.59% 86.43% 85.05% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of October 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 • ■ October 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 October September August ■ July • June • May ■ April • March • February • January Page 23 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\REET\2021\301 and 302 REET for 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1st and 2nd 1/4% REET Collections through October Actual for the years 2012 through 2021 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 46,359 February 56,115 March 71,730 April 86,537 May 111,627 June 124,976 July 101,049 August 106,517 September 63,517 October 238,095 Collected to date 56,898 155,226 72,172 90,377 116,165 139,112 128,921 117,150 174,070 117,806 61,192 67,049 81,724 105,448 198,870 106,676 208,199 172,536 152,323 123,505 96,141 103,508 165,868 236,521 165,748 347,421 217,375 202,525 179,849 128,833 104,446 83,583 220,637 205,654 192,806 284,897 248,899 231,200 178,046 253,038 153,661 124,514 282,724 169,060 202,734 248,768 449,654 472,420 187,348 207,895 239,437 146,892 310,562 218,842 646,397 277,424 302,941 261,626 259,492 584,792 120,809 199,209 193,913 347,528 263,171 465,044 327,636 300,312 335,824 225,216 212,512 242,927 203,774 197,928 258,784 329,801 234,040 365,838 381,224 381,163 277,311 283,644 497,974 470,818 380,346 426,592 408,246 666,645 471,991 440,971 12/23/2021 2020 to 2021 Difference 64,799 40,717 294,200 272,890 121,562 96,791 174,206 300,807 90,767 59,808 30.49% 16.76% 144.38% 137.87% 46.97% 29.35% 74.43% 82.22% 23.81% 15.69% 1,006,521 1,167,897 1,277,521 1,843,789 2,003,208 2,498,778 3,248,405 2,778,662 2,807,991 4,324,538 1,516,547 54.01% November 104,886 78,324 172,227 129,870 186,434 229,800 263,115 319,161 370,449 0 December 74,300 75,429 117,682 157,919 164,180 278,995 288,912 235,726 479,586 0 Total distributed by Spokane County 1,185,707 1,321,650 1,567,429 2,131,578 2,353,822 3,007,573 3,800,432 3,333,549 3,658,026 4,324,538 Budget estimate 875,000 975,000 1,100,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,800,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 Actual over (under) budget 310,707 346,650 467,429 731,578 353,822 1,007,573 800,432 533,549 1,658,026 324,538 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 135.51% 135.55% 142.49% 152.26% 117.69% 150.38% 126.68% 119.06% 182.90% n/a % change in annual total collected % of budget collected through October % of actual total collected through October 23.22% 11.47% 18.60% 35.99% 10.43% 27.77% 26.36% (12.28%) 9.73% n/a 115.03% 119.78% 116.14% 131.70% 100.16% 124.94% 108.28% 99.24% 140.40% 108.11% 84.89% 88.37% 81.50% 86.50% 85.10% 83.08% 85.47% 83.35% 76.76% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of October 5,000,000 4,500,000 October • October ■ September 4,000,000 • August 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 ■ July ■June ■ May 2,000,000 ro� - ■ April 1,500,000 • March - „ ��lfta�a 1,000,000 `ao�o�0000�o�` • February 500,000 ■January 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Pa ge 24 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Debt Capacity\2021\debt capacity 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Debt Capacity 3/22/2021 2020 Assessed Value for 2021 Property Taxes 11,553,065,482 Voted (UTGO) Nonvoted (LTGO) Voted park Voted utility 1.00% of assessed value 1.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value Maximum Outstanding Remaining Debt as of Debt ok Capacity 12/31/2020 Capacity Utilized 115,530,655 173,295,982 288,826,637 288,826,637 866,479,911 0 115,530,655 11,120,000 162,175,982 0 288,826,637 0 288,826,637 11,120,000 855,359,911 0.00% 6.42% 0.00% 0.00% 1.28% 2014 LTGO Bonds Road & LTGO Bonds Period Street 2016 LTGO Grand Ending CenterPlace Improvements Total Bonds Total 12/1/2014 Bonds 12/1/2015 Repaid 12/1/2016 12/1/2017 12/1/2018 12/1/2019 12/1/2020 225,000 175,000 185,000 190,000 230,000 255,000 290,000 135,000 125,000 130,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 140,000 360,00 300,00 315,000 320,000 365,000 395,000 430,000 0 0 75,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 165,000 360,000 300,000 390,000 470,000 520,000 555,000 595,000 1,550,000 935,000 2,485,000 705,000 3,190,000 12/1/2021 320,000 145,000 465,000 170,000 12/1/2022 350,000 150,000 500,000 175,000 12/1/2023 390,000 155,000 545,000 180,000 12/1/2024 430,000 0 430,000 185,000 12/1/2025 465,000 0 465,000 195,000 12/1/2026 505,000 0 505,000 900,000 12/1/2027 395,000 0 395,000 '05,000 12/1/2028 300,000 0 300,000 15,000 12/1/2029 245,000 0 245,000 2'0,000 12/1/2030 225,000 0 225,000 2. ,000 Bonds 12/1/2031 180,000 0 180,000 23.,000 Remaining 12/1/2032 130,000 0 130,000 246,000 12/1/2033 165,000 0 165,000 250,000 12/1/2034 0 0 0 260, 1 00 12/1/2035 0 0 0 270,000 12/1/2036 0 0 0 280,0 0 12/1/2037 0 0 0 290,0 0 12/1/2038 0 0 0 305,00 12/1/2039 0 0 0 315,00 12/1/2040 0 0 0 330,000 12/1/2041 0 0 0 340,000 12/1/2042 0 0 0 355,000 12/1/2043 0 0 0 365,000 12/1/2044 0 0 0 375,000 12/1/2045 0 0 0 390,000 635,000 675,000 725,000 615,000 660,000 705,000 600,000 515,000 465,000 450,000 415,000 370,000 415,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 305,000 315,000 330,000 340,000 355,000 365,000 375,000 390,000 4,100, 000 450,000 4,550,000 6,570,000 11,120,000 5,650,000 1,385,000 7,035,000 7,275,000 14, 310, 000 Page 25 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\MVFT\2021\motor vehicle fuel tax collections 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax Collections - October For the years 2012 through 2021 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 159,607 February 135,208 March 144,297 April 153,546 May 144,670 June 159,827 July 160,565 August 164,050 September 171,651 October 153,022 146,145 145,998 135,695 156,529 151,595 167,479 155,348 173,983 195,397 133,441 152,906 148,118 131,247 156,269 156,850 161,965 157,805 172,308 173,299 160,539 152,598 145,455 140,999 157,994 156,259 164,872 168,205 186,277 174,505 161,520 163,918 163,037 145,537 167,304 171,829 157,737 177,427 177,567 194,640 166,369 150,654 164,807 138,205 168,000 174,211 174,838 177,019 195,780 184,342 163,780 162,359 175,936 139,826 168,796 193,986 144,308 194,267 205,438 180,874 158,062 148,530 181,823 131,009 144,080 185,669 175,985 169,733 195,107 180,605 162,187 152,686 170,461 146,280 90,589 130,168 128,359 138,932 136,633 195,550 160,272 12/23/2021 2020 to 2021 Difference ok 143,576 (9,110) (5.97%) 150,882 (19,579) (11.49%) 117,784 (28,496) (19.48%) 141,080 50,491 55.74% 175,706 45,538 34.98% 156,670 28,311 22.06% 163,103 24,171 17.40% 185,516 48,883 35.78% 178,022 (17,528) (8.96%) 161,171 899 0.56% Collected to date 1,546,443 1,561,610 1,571,306 1,608,684 1,685,365 1,691,636 1,723,852 1,674,728 1,449,930 1,573,510 November 162,324 164,303 165,871 181,771 176,178 194,814 199,282 196,240 175,980 0 December 138,223 142,140 141,298 153,338 152,787 154,298 148,960 155,728 119,282 0 Total Collections 1,846,990 1,868,053 1,878,475 1,943,793 2,014,330 2,040,748 2,072,094 2,026,696 1,745,192 1,573,510 Budget Estimate 1,905,800 1,868,900 1,866,400 1,867,700 2,013,400 2,048,900 2,061,100 2,039,500 1,715,000 1,808,700 Actual over (under) budg (58,810) (847) 12,075 76,093 930 (8,152) 10,994 (12,804) 30,192 (235,190) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 96.91 % 99.95% 100.65% 104.07% 100.05% 99.60% 100.53% 99.37% 101.76% n/a % change in annual total collected (0.58%) 1.14% 0.56% 3.48% 3.63% 1.31% 1.54% (2.19%) (13.89%) n/a % of budget collected through October 81.14% 83.56% 84.19% 86.13% 83.71% 82.56% 83.64% 82.11% 84.54% 87.00% % of actual total collected through October 83.73% 83.60% 83.65% 82.76% 83.67% 82.89% 83.19% 82.63% 83.08% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of October 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1 i i October M 123,580 8.52% min ■ October 1 September ■ August ■ July ■ June ■ May ■ April ■ March ■ February ■ J a nu a ry 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Page 26 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Telephone Tax\2021\telephone utility tax collections 2021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Telephone Utility Tax Collections - October For the years 2012 through 2021 January February March April May June July August September October Collected to date November December Total Collections Budget Estimate Actual over (under) budg Total actual collections as a % of total budget % change in annual total collected % of budget collected through October % of actual total collected through October 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 193,818 261,074 234,113 229,565 227,469 234,542 226,118 228,789 227,042 225,735 217,478 216,552 223,884 214,618 129,270 293,668 213,078 211,929 210,602 205,559 210,777 205,953 208,206 206,038 210,010 210,289 205,651 205,645 199,193 183,767 177,948 212,845 174,738 214,431 187,856 187,412 190,984 185,172 183,351 183,739 182,167 173,971 177,209 171,770 174,512 170,450 174,405 171,909 170,476 166,784 162,734 163,300 162,536 157,285 161,506 156,023 157,502 150,644 155,977 153,075 130,196 164,060 158,416 146,519 149,434 150,780 147,281 148,158 141,290 142,925 136,615 132,538 138,727 126,455 135,704 129,602 130,723 127,303 128,018 127,214 123,292 121,596 121,938 120,016 118,018 117,905 120,922 112,351 91,866 90,272 7,399 155,911 100,566 83,109 94,863 85,948 86,834 85,251 87,391 86,939 2,288,265 225,319 221,883 2,735,467 3,000,000 (264,533) 2,136,638 212,947 213,097 2,562,682 2,900,000 (337,318) 2,045,529 213,454 202,077 2,461,060 2,750,000 (288,940) 1,898,476 175,235 183,472 2,257,183 2,565,100 (307,917) 1,733,653 166,823 168,832 2,069,308 2,340,000 (270,692) 1,580,582 151,208 161,115 1,892,905 2,000,000 (107,095) 1,479,059 139,209 140,102 1,758,370 1,900,000 (141,630) 1,312,899 125,027 126,226 1,564,152 1,600,000 (35,848) 1,138,176 88,212 92,242 1,318,630 1,521,000 (202,370) 12/23/2021 2020 to 2021 Difference ok (115,893) (94.00%) 34,315 28.22% (21,372) (17.53%) (36,907) (30.75%) (23,155) (19.62%) (31,957) (27.10%) (34,088) (28.19%) (27,100) (24.12%) (4,475) (4.87%) (3,333) (3.69%) 874,211 (263,965) (23.19%) 0 0 874,211 1,000,000 (125,789) 91.18% 88.37% 89.49% 88.00% 88.43% 94.65% 92.55% 97.76% 86.69% n/a (8.24%) (6.32%) (3.97%) (8.28%) (8.32%) (8.52%) (7.11%) (11.05%) (15.70%) n/a 76.28% 73.68% 74.38% 74.01% 74.09% 79.03% 77.85% 82.06% 74.83% 87.42% 83.65% 83.38% 83.12% 84.11% 83.78% 83.50% 84.12% 83.94% 86.32% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of October 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2012 1 2013 2014 1 2015 2016 October 1 2017 2018 i 2019 2020 ■ 2021 ■ October September August July ■ June ■ May !e April March ■ February MR January Page 27 KOTTKAMP YEDINAK ESWORTHY 435 Orondo Ave. December 21, 2021 Wenatchee, WA 98801 Mark Calhoun, City Manager Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Hearing Examiner's 2021 Annual Report Dear Mr. Calhoun: Attorneys Andrew L. Kottkamp Nicholas A. Yedinak Sean R. Esworthy Zack Goytowski Russell Lytle Enclosed please find the Hearing Examiner's annual report for 2021. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Tracy Parke, Legal Assistant to ANDREW L. KOTTKAMP Hearing Examiner for City of Bridgeport ALK:tp www.wenatcheelaw.com Toll -Free 866-441-1444 I Local 509-667-8667 I Fax 509-667-8837 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT I. INTRODUCTION I have been serving as the City of Spokane Valley Land Use Hearing Examiner since June 28, 2021 and my current contract continues until mutually modified or terminated by either party. I report, in writing, to the City Manager at least once per year. The purpose of this report is to review the administration of the City's land use policies and regulating resolutions, as well as reporting on the number and type of decisions rendered since the prior report. City of Spokane Valley land use hearings are held at City Hall monthly on the first, second and fourth Thursday of each month on an ad hoc basis as needed. Due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, many hearings have been conducted via Zoom videoconference. This report is on all actions from July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. During this time frame I have rendered six decisions and each decision was billed at the hourly rate of $200 per hour for services and $125 per hour for travel incurred as provided under this Agreement. II. ANALYSIS Subdivisions SUB-2021-0003 - Rivendell Springs Subdivision Project Description: The proposed subdivision would divide three parcels, totaling 4.24-acres of land into 24 residential lots. The lot areas ranged in size from 5,011 up to 9,724 square feet. All the existing residences and accessory structures are proposed to be demolished and conditioned within report. The subdivision will be served by Alki Avenue designated as a local access street. Alki Avenue will be improved with curb, gutter, swale and sidewalk along the frontage of the development. No new right-of-way is required to be dedicated, however a 12-foot border easement is required. The new local access street proposed within the preliminary plat will be named Arc Court and extended through the subdivision from Alki Avenue in a north- south direction. The new public street will be constructed with curb, gutter, swales and sidewalks. The street is proposed to terminate in a cul-de-sac. After an open record public hearing where the entire planning staff was reviewed, the Hearing Examiner approved the subdivision subject to 69 Conditions of Approval. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Page I SUB-2021-0006 — Barker and Indiana Subdivision. This application was for a preliminary plat approval to subdivide 5.29 acres into 29 residential lots. The proposed location was 1922 N Barker Road. The Applicant/Surveyor Firm: Whipple Consulting Engineers, 21 S Pine Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 and the Owners are Jerome & Donna Hedlund, 23007 E Morris Rd, Newman Lake, WA 99025. The subdivision will divide 5.29 acres into 29 residential lots. The site lies in the northeast comer of the intersection of Indiana Avenue and Barker Road. Indiana Avenue lies along the south boundary of the lot and Barker Road lies along the west boundary. A single-family residence, a large metal accessory building, and a large red barn occupy the central area of the site. All on -site buildings will be removed as part of the plat action. Several large trees and shrubbery are located near the home and will be removed. The site is flat and has been historically used for agricultural. After an open record public hearing where the entire planning staff was reviewed, the Hearing Examiner approved the subdivision subject to 81 Conditions of Approval. SUB 2021-0005 - Longfellow Manor Subdivision. This was an application for a Preliminary subdivision to divide 2.73 acres into 15 residential lots for single-family development. The lot areas range in size from 5,100 square feet up to 10,118 square feet and is located approximately 160 feet east of the intersection of Mayhew Road and Longfellow Avenue. The Applicant/Surveyor Firm is Ray Kimball, Whipple Consulting Engineers and the owner is IDAHO LLC. The subdivision will be served by Longfellow Avenue designated as a local access street. Currently Longfellow Avenue is located north of subject parcel and exists as 25 feet wide unimproved right-of-way. This right-of-way was dedicated by short plat SP-97-1167 and SP-91-732 in the 1990's. Nineteen feet of right-of- way will be dedicated by this subdivision to establish the right-of-way required for a complete street, with an additional 13-foot border easement required. Longfellow Avenue will be improved with 28 feet of pavement, curb, gutter, swale and sidewalk along the frontage of the development Residential development has occurred north, east and west of the subject parcel. Higher density residential development has occurred over the past 18 years since the City's incorporation in 2003. The surrounding subdivisions are developed with single-family dwellings and duplexes with an approximate density of 6 dwelling units per acre. Substantial development has occurred within one -quarter mile of the site that includes the following subdivisions: Vandever Subdivision, Booth's Subdivision, Smiley Subdivision, and. Trentwood Orchards Subdivision along with several short plats. The subdivisions are primarily single-family homes with an approximate density of five to six units per acre. After an open record public hearing where the entire planning staff was reviewed, the Hearing Examiner approved the subdivision subject to 64 Conditions of Approval. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Page 2 Variance VAR 2021-0001 — Adrian. The applicant requested a variance to reduce the minimum required 35-foot front yard setback to 10-feet along Schafer Road for a proposed detached accessory garage/shop. The location is 4310 S Schafer Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, further located in the S ''/ of the SE ''A of Section 32, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. The owner/applicant is Joel Adrian. The applicant proposed to build a 1,752 square foot accessory garage/shop on the east portion of his lot adjacent to Schafer Road. The location of a natural ravine at the rear of the property together with drainage and sewer easements on the lot restricts the buildable area on the lot to an area south of the home and adjacent to Schafer Road. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential Estate. An accessory garage is a permitted use in the R-1 zone and requires a 35-foot front yard setback. The applicant requested a variance from the required 35-foot front yard setback to build the garage at the proposed location. Accessory garages/shops are common throughout the neighborhood given the large lot sizes. The properties adjacent to the site to the west and south both have large accessory garages/shops. The applicant contended that the strict application of the front yard setback created an unnecessary hardship in siting the proposed accessory garage/shop on his lot due to the steep ravine and the easements located along the west portion of the property. After and open record public hearing where the entire planning staff file was reviewed, the Hearing Examiner approved the variance subject to 12 Conditions of Approval. Conditional Use Permits: CUP 2021-0001 Havana Well Pump Station. This was a Conditional Use Permit request to construct a 60-foot communication tower to operate the Havana Well Pump Station and to monitor the well pump controls. The location is 4302 E 6th Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99212. The Applicant/owner is the City of Spokane. The site has six wells in the center of the lot and an existing 1,900 square foot accessory building situated in the southeast corner of the lot which will be removed. The property is zoned Multi -family Residential (MFR). After and open record public hearing where the entire planning staff file was reviewed, the Hearing Examiner approved the CUP subject to four Conditions of Approval. Administrative Exception: On October 9, 2021, the City received a building permit application from Valeriy Rybakov (the Applicant") to construct a 3,452 square foot duplex (the Project") on property located at Spokane County Assessor's parcel number 35243.0605. On October 11, 2021, the City received an application for an administrative exception to the minimum lot size requirement for permitting a duplex in an R-3 zone on the Subject Property (ADE-2021- 0025. The application identified that an administrative exception was necessary for the Project pursuant to SVMC 19.40.060 and SVMC 19.140.030(C) because the Subject Property has a lot size of 13,924 square feet. City Planner Levi Basinger reviewed ADE- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Page 3 2021-0025 for compliance with chapter 19.140 SVMC and other applicable City regulations. Basinger determined that 13,907 square feet constituted a deviation of only approximately 4.1%, and thus the exception met the 10% threshold set forth in SVMC 19.140.030(C). Mr. Basinger also determined that the application met the criteria of SVMC 19. 140.040(A-E). After determining that the application met the necessary criteria set forth in SVMC 19.140, Mr. Basinger approved the administrative exception on October 18, 2021. On October 25, 2021, the City received an appeal from the Appellants based on a lot size from the SCOUT website. Spokane County Assessor's Office identified that the lot size shown on the SCOUT website was incorrect and that it would be corrected. The Assessor updated its SCOUT website to show that the Subject Property was 13,904 square feet, which would still be well within the 10% deviation allowed pursuant to SVMC 19.140.030. An appeal of a Type I permit under chapter 17 .90 SVMC must identify the "specific decision and specific portions of the decision or determination being appealed, and the specific reasons why each aspect is in error as a matter of fact or law ....° SVMC 17 .90.040. Therefore, the City's determination to issue ADE-2021-0025 must be upheld unless it was issued in error of fact or law. The SVMC does not otherwise address the standard of review or burden of proof for either party in the appeal of a Type I permit. The City argued that the Appellants did not have standing to appeal because their interests were not a required part of the approval process for ADE-2021-0025. ADE-2021-0025 is an administrative exception decision allowing for a minor deviation from the minimum lot size requirement. Pursuant to SVMC 19.140.020 and 17.80.030(A), an administrative exception is a Type I decision. Standing to appeal a Type I decision to the Hearing Examiner is limited to the applicant, the property owner to "whom the decision is directed," and to "adjacent property owners whose interests are a required part of the application approval. Here, the appellants were adjacent property owners. After an open record public hearing, the Hearing Examiner upheld the City's issuance of an administrative exception to the Project. III. CONCLUSION Throughout this year, I have not been requested to remove myself as a Hearing Examiner, nor have been required to remove myself as a Hearing Examiner due to any conflict of interest/appearance of fairness issues. Hearings have been held and evidence gathered in an orderly fashion. Written decisions have been rendered on a timely basis. While I do not know whether any of my decisions from this year have been appealed, I do know that none of my decisions have been returned to me from any higher court. I would invite you to attend a hearing. You will find that I consider it an important part of my duty to allow all members of the public to present the evidence and testimony they wish to be included into the record, so long as it is consistent with the laws as set forth in this state. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Page 4 In 2021, I served as Hearing Examiner for Kittitas County, Douglas County, Chelan County, Garfield County, Whitman County, Columbia County, Grant County, Klickitat County, City of Chelan, City of Mattawa, City of Wenatchee, City of Entiat, City of East Wenatchee, City of Leavenworth, City of Cashmere, Town of Coulee City, City of Grand Coulee, City of Kittitas, City of Rock Island, Town of Waterville, City of Quincy, Town of Waterville, City of Newcastle, City of Pasco, and City of Bridgeport. I also serve as Hearing Examiner for Chelan -Douglas Health District. I would like to commend Lori Barlow and the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development staff for their professionalism in the preparation and presentation of their staff reports and their conduct at hearings. Their diligence and hard work make my job easier as they present the application materials and preliminary evidence in a succinct and easily comprehensible format. It allows me to do my job on a more efficient basis which saves the City money. They are always prepared and always professional at hearings. In short, we have a Department of Community Development of which the entire City can be proud. I would be happy to meet with you and the City Council at your convenience in order to discuss policies and implementation of those policies and any other items that may be of interest to you or the City Council. In summary, the Hearing Examiner process continues to be successfully implemented in City of Spokane Valley. Respectfully submitted this day of December, 2021. CITY OF SPOKANE ViALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER An'rew L. Kottkamp CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Page 5 Other Jurisdications Hearing examiner 2021 annual report - Brian McGinn Hearing Date File Number Jurisdiction Description Decision 12/16/2020 PRD-2020-0001 VAR-2020-0001 Spokane Valley Preliminary Application by Diamond Rock Properties LLC for a PRD for 19 townhouse units, one duplex and one single family residence, including a request for a Variance for the reduction of the minimum 5 acre lot size for PRDs. Applications Denied 2/3/2021 CUP-2020-0004 Spokane Valley Conditional Use Permit by Black Realty Inc. to operate a driving range at the former Painted Hills Golf Course. Approved with Conditions 2/17/2021 APP-2020-0007 Spokane Valley Appeal by Garth Werner of Notice and Order issued for the property located at 17801 East Sprague Avenue. Settled 3/17/2021 SUB-2020-0005 APP-2021-0001 Spokane Valley Application by Whipple Consulting Engineering, Inc. for River Landing Subdivision to divide one parcel into 23 residential lots on approximately 3.33 acres in an R-3 zone (River Landing and SEPA Appeal). Approved with revised Conditions 4/14/2021 APP-2020-0006 Spokane Valley Appeal by Wendall D. Bagley Jr. of Notice and Order issued for the property located at 11607 East Broadway Avenue. Settled 5/19/2021 CUP-2020-0003 Spokane Valley Conditional Use Permit to develop a 44-unit cottage development (Cottages on the Green). Approved with revised Conditions 6/16/2021 SUB-2021-0001 Spokane Valley Preliminary Plat Application (The Nest) by Zac Scott to subdivide one 4.8-acre parcel into 25 residential lots on property in the R-3 zone. Approved with Conditions 6/23/2021 APP-2020-0008 Spokane Valley ABC Upholstery/Jaymes & Janice Lyonnaise Appeal v. City of Spokane Valley. Settled Page 1 of 2 Other Jurisdications Hearing Date File Number Jurisdiction Description Decision 7/14/2021 SUB-2021-0002 Spokane Valley Preliminary Plat Application (Broadway Meadows) by Paul Malen to subdivide one 3.8-acre parcel into 10 duplex lots on property in the R-3 zone. Approved with revised Conditions 9/16/2021 SUB-2021-0004 Spokane Valley Preliminary Plat Application by Whipple Consulting Engineers to subdivide one 4.7-acre parcel into 22 residential lots on property in the R-3 zone to be known as Mithril Manor. Approved with revised Conditions Page 2 of 2