Resolution 22-001 amends 2022 TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.22-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE 2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council adopted the 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)on June 8,2021,Resolution#21-002,with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources and project schedules have occurred; and WHEREAS,the attached Amended 2022 TIP incorporates said changes for year 2022; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2022 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2022 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development, and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the year 2022. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 11th day of January 2022. City of Spokane Valley tqk'iN- lidAs.,,.... Pam Haley,Mayor ATTEST:7 /7/ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Ce" )-414A/ Office At City A orney Resolution 22-001 Amending 2022 FIP City of Spokane Valley Department of Community&Public Works Adopted 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (Adopted by Resolution 21-092 on 06-06-21)' Primary City Total 2022 Proj.# Project From To Source Amount Project Costs E 1 2020 Local Access Streets(Barker Rd.Homes) Barker®Buckeye City $ 35,000 $ 35,000 re m 2 2021 Local Access Streets 4th®Coleman Neighborhood City $ 24,000 $ 24,000 ti-SJ c 3 Sulllven Rd.Bridge Deck Resurfacing SullivanUPAR)Ong Fediolher $ - $ 5,000 ey,, jy 4 Citywide Reflective Post Panels(2016) Citywide HSIP $ - $ 1,000 'rn 5 Citywide Reflective Backplales(2010) Citywide HSIP $ - $ 3,000 N 6 Park Rd.Sidewalk Cdla!do Mission TiR $ 5,000 $ 13,000 cl 0 N 7 Barker Rd.Improvements-Spokane River to Euclid Spokane River Euclid STDG $ - $ 56 400 N'o 01 6 Balfour Park Improvements Harold Main City $ 38,000 $ 30,000 -o (7,- 9 Mullen Rd Preservation-Broadway to Mission Broadway Mission City $ 3n ,000 5 22,000 $1 at E 10 Appleway Blvd Stormwaler Improvements University Fa Other Slate 5 6,000 $ 25,000 0 m 11 Evergreen Rd.Preservation-Sprague to Mission Sprague Mission Oilier State $ 209,006 $ 1,045,000 m CI--0 12 Sprague/Barker intersection improvement Sprague®Barker HSIP $ - $ 1,869,000 _19 at 13 Citywide Reflective Post Panels(2020) Citywide HSIP $ - $ 154,000 ch >O 14 Barker Rd.®Union Pacific Crossing Scold(cant lest Euclid(west leg) City $ 751,000 $ 1,273,000 t o E CUM Pines/Mission Intersection Improvement Pines®Mission CM $ 142,000 $ 1,050,000 am v 16 SuilivanMlellesley Interseclnn Improvement Sullivan®Wellesley Spo Co. $ 132,000 $ 1,959,000 y. cr 17 Broadway Ave.Preservation-Havana to Faucher Havana Fancher City $ 60,000 $ 60,000 E.o 18 Broadway Ave.Preservation-Fancher to Park Fancher Park City $ 75,006 $ 150,000 F. o C7 19 Sprague Ave.Preservaton-Havana to Fancher Havana Fancher City $ 75,000 $ 160,090 �0 al .11 20 Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Analysis City $ 25,000 $ 25,000 ^K A n 21 Sullivan Rd.Preserva5un-Sprague to 81h Sprague 81h City $ 90,000 $ 90,000 er, n' 22 Sullivan Rd.Preservation-8th to 16th 8111 16th City $ 80,006 $ 80,000 a o oft 23 Sprague Ave.Stormwater Improvements University Park Other Stale $ 466,000 $ 1,864,000 _c 3 24 Wilbur Rd.Sidewalk-Boone to Mission Boone Mission STBG-SA $ 134,000 $ 569,000 to y 25 BarkerlBNSF Grade Separatlon Project Barker at BNSF Trent TIGER $ 1.997,000 S 11567,000 1a ut at 26 Park!Mtsslon Intersection Improvement Perk®Mission City S 20,000 $ 20,000 3 0 m 27 Bth Ave.Preservation-Progress to Sullivan Progress Sullivan City $ 25,000 $ 25,000 0 e,� 28 Mission Ave.Bridge Resurfacing Mission®Evergreen Fed/Other $ 2,000 $ 22,000 y 0 t 29 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Pines Flora City $ 333,000 $ 333.000 m 8 v 30 Argonne Rd.Concrete Reconstruction Indiana Montgomery TIB $ 4,000 $ 13,000 1`d m 51 31 Pines(SR 27)IBNSF Grade Separation Project Pines®BNSF Trent STBG $ 830,000 $ 3,098,000 Yme s to 32 SullivanlSR 290 Interchange Reconstruction Sullivan®Trent City 5 424,000 $ 530 000 &- 33 Local Access Street Improvements($1.5 M Annually) TOD TBD City $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 O m. 34 Street Preservation Projects($3 M Annual) - - City 5 - $ - ",r 35 Citywide Safety Projects(Biennial) TOD TBD HSIP $ 10,000 $ 96,000 ar >,oti 36 Mission Ave.Preservation-Mullen to University Mullen University City 5 50,000 $ 50,000 m at t 37 South Bowdlsh Rd-Phased Corridor Improvements Sprague Dishmen Mica Other $ 12,000 $ 61,000 F h Ca. ADOPTED TOTAL S 7,557,000 5 27,895,000 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community&Public Works Amended 2022 Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 22-001(01.11.2022) Primary City Intel 2022 Prot# Unchanged Projects From To Sinew Amount. Protect Costs 1 2020 Local Access Streets(Barker Rd,Homes) Barker®Buckeye City $ 35,000 .$ 35,000 2 2021 Local Access Streets. lth®Coleman Neighborhood City 5 24,000 $ 24,000 3 Sullivan Rd.Bridge Deck Resurfacing Sullivan g UPRR Xjng Fed/Other $ - $ 5,000 4 Citywide Reflective Post Panels(2010) Citywide HSIP 5 - $ 1,000 5 Citywide Reflective Bookplates(2018) Citywide HSIP 5 - 5 3,000 7 Barker Rd.Improvements-Spokane River to Euclid Spokane River Euclid STDG 5 - 5 56,000 12 SpreguelHarker Intersection Improvement Sprague®Barker HSIP S - 5 1,089,000 13 Citywide Reflective Past Panels(2020) Citywide HSIP $ - 5 154,000 16 Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection Improvement Sullivan®Wellesley Spa Co. $ 132,000 $ 1,959,000 17 Broadway Ave.Proservallon-Havana to Fancher Hevana Fancher City $ 60,000 5 60,000 18 Broadway Ave.Preservation-Fancher to Park Fancher Park City $ 76,000 5 150,000 20 Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Analyels City $ 25,000 5 25,000 21 Sullivan Rd.Preservation-Sprague to 81h Sprague Oh City $ 00,000 $ 00,000 22 Sullivan Rd.Preservation-8th Is 4651 8th 16th City $ 60,000 S 00,000 24 Wilbur Rd.Sidewalk-Deans to Mission Roane Mission STBG-SA $ 134,000 S 569,000 25 BarkeNBNSF Grade Separation Project Barker at BNSF Trent TIGER $ f,997,000 5 11,567,000 26 Park/Mission Intersection Improvement Park®Mission City $ 20,000 $ 20,000 27 6th Aver,Preservation-Progress to Sullivan Progress Sullivan City $ 25,000 $ 25,000 28 Mission Ave.Bridge Resurfacing Mission®Evergreen Fed/Other $ 2,000 $ 22,600 30 Argonne Rd.Concrete Reconstruction Indiana Monl9emery TIB $ 4,000 $ 13,000 31 Pines(SR 27)IBNSF Grade Separation Project Pines®BNSF Trent STBG $ 830,000 $ 3,098,000 32 Sullivan/SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction Sufliven®Trent City $ 424,000 $ 539,000 33 Local Access Skeet Improvements(S7.5 ke Annually) TBD TBD City $ 1,500000 $ 1,500,000 34 Street Preservaton Projects($3 M Annuat) - - City $ - $ 3$ Citywide Safety Projects(Biennial) TBD TBD HSIP 5 10,000 $ 06,000 37 South Bowdish Rd-Phased Corridor Improvements Sprague Dishman Mica Other S 12,000 $ 61,000 Subtotal$ 5,479,000 5 22,022,000 Primary City Idol 2022 Prot# Updated Projects Front To Source Amount Project Costs. 6 Park Rd,Sidewalk Caletdo Mission TIB $ 2,000 5 5,000 0 Ualfour Park Improvements Herald Main City S 5,000 $ 5,000 9 Mullen Rd Preservation-Broadway to Mission Broadway Mission City 5 15,090 $ 15,000 10 Appleway Blvd Slormwater Improvements University Farr Other Stem 5 5,090 5 5,000 11 Evergreen Rd.Preservation-Broadway to Mission Broadway Mission City S 1,045,000 $ 1,045,000 14 Barker Rd.t_c Union Pecfhc Crassinu Euclid(east leg) Euclid(west leg) City 5 369,631 5 1,749,1)00 IS Pines/Mission intersection Improvement Pines®Mission GMAT) S 368,000 5 366,000 19 Sprague Ave.Preservation-Havana to Fancher Havana Fancher City S 865,000 $ 1,865,000 23 Sprague Ave.Stormwater improvements University Park Other State $ 150,000 S 150,000 29 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Pines Flora City $ 709,000 $ 700,000 Subtotal $ 3 524,831 $ 5,907,000 Primary City Total 2022 Prot,# Removed Projects From To Source Amount Project Casts 33 Local Access Streetlmpray.(St.S MAnnually-2022 Only) TBD T80 City $ (1,500,000) $ (1,500,000) 36 Mission Ave.Preservation-Mullen to University Mulian University City $ (50,000) $ (50,000) Subtotal$ (1,550,000) $ (1,550,000) Pdmery City Total 2022 Proj.# Added Projects Flom To Source Amount Project Costs Sprague/Pines lelersecllon Improvements(PE) Sprague fej Pines City 5 25,000 5 25,000 2022 Local Access(Summereeld East Neighborhood) Burns®Olympic City $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500000 2023 Local Access(Oonwood Neighborhood)(PE) Barker Qa Bridgeport City 3 75,000 5 75,000 Northeast industrial Sewer Extension(PE) Flora,Tschidey,Dalton Euclid,Garland City 5 50,000 $ 50,000 Buckeye Sewer Extension(PE) Buckeye®east city IIm11 Other Fed $ $ 590,000 Vera Crest+Rocky Ridge.Street Reconstruction(PE) Varies:Vera Crest+Rocky Ridge Neighborhoods City $ 50,000 5 50,000 Oh Avenue Sidewalk(PE) Park Road Coleman Road TIB $ 14,835 $ 37,100 Barker Road Improvements(PE) Appleway Ave. South City Limits City $ 125,000 $ 125.000 Sprague Ave.Safety Improvements(PE 22,CN'23) University Herald City 5 50,000 $ 59,000 Subtotal$ 1,089,835 5 2,412,100 AMENDED TOTAL 59,343,666 328,701,100 icc cW6rn:a+mc.Ilak&S In de MP arc tots rmelacrtaurm„n,vrr ON ray,eeor as Inawrkry erdmenWrn, Janrary 2022 Amendmarl P.1P4.61a WorkstTtFt2022-2027 SP12 Amerdmenalfanlary Amardmer/Uaneary 2921 Aral endmcma I Department of Commerce f4rwet4 THANK YOU We have received your amendment submission.Please allow 1-3 business days for review.Please keep the Submittal ID as your receipt and for any future questions. We will also send an email receipt to all contacts listed in the submittal. Submittal ID: 2022 -S -3585 Submittal Date Time: 01/14/2022 Submittal information Jurisdiction City of Spokane Valley Submittal Type Notice of Final Adoption Draft Submittal ID:2021-5-3380 Amendment Type Comprehensive Plan Amendment Amendment Information Brief Description Resolution 22-001 amending the 2022 TIP. ❑ Yes,this is a part of the 8-year periodic update schedule,required under RCW 36.70A.130. Anticipated/Proposed Date of Adoption 01/11/2022 Attachments Attachment Type File Name Upload Date Comprehensive Plan Amendment-Adopted Resolution 22-001 2022 TIP Amend#1.pdf 01/14/2022 08:37 AM Contact information Prefix Mr. First Name Adam Last Name Jackson Title Engineer-Planning Grants Work (509)720-5024 Cell Email ajackson@spokanevalley.org ❑ Yes,I would like to be contacted for Technical Assistance. Certification ■ I certify that I am authorized to submit this Amendment for the Jurisdiction identified in this Submittal and all information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Full Name Adam Jackson Email ajackson@spokanevalley.org