2022, 01-11 Formal Meeting MINU 1ES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Formal Meeting Tuesday, January 11,2022 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and some members of the public participating in person; and some members of the public participating remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Lohman, City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Laura Padden, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks, Rec&Facilities Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Adam Jackson,Planning/Grant Engineer Arne Woodard, Councilmember Chaz Bates, Senior Planner Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor, a few moments of silence were observed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wick: said he met with one of the representatives from Snohomish County and discussed some of the FMSIB projects and funding; said he also went over our federal legislative agenda. Councilmember Woodard: no report. Councilmember Hattenburg:said he has been contacted by many residents with concerns about the changes in the local Health Board and of taking away our representation; he also said that neither he nor other members of the Board were contacted about this change. Councilmember Peetz: mentioned our letter to the Spokane County Regional Law and Justice Coordinator of our topics of importance for discussion at the SRLJC meetings; said she got the letter e-mailed over and mentioned that the first meeting is tomorrow; and that many other committees didn't meet in December. Councilmember Padden: no report. Deputy Mayor Higgins: no report. MAYOR'S REPORT no report. PROCLAMATIONS Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Mayor Haley read the Martin Luther King, Jr.,Day proclamation. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: Mayor Haley invited public comment. Mr. Cal Clausen, Spokane Valley; said he has been in the tourism business since about 1990 and he is concerned with tourism in Spokane Valley and with Council's lack of interest in maintaining and developing tourism in our city dating back to his time on the Lodging Tax Committee; said as a major stakeholder, he is totally reliant on the tourism industry; said at times Council has totally ignored recommendations from the Lodging Tax Committee in order to fund pet projects that don't create any Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 01-11-2022 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 01-25-2022 tourism; that some of those projects are total failures as it pertains to tourism; they might be great community events but they don't create any tourism; said there were some statements made by Councilmembers at the last Council meeting he attended, that are totally false; that one of those false statements is that there is no compression from downtown Spokane; said he is the only person in Spokane Valley that also has a hotel in downtown Spokane and there is a tremendous amount of compression; also the $3 million that was spent on the restaurant, will not bleed; said anyone who has been in the restaurant business and knows when they are not successful, they bleed like no other business, so there is a huge liability there or you'll lose the entire$3 million; said the problem seems to be worse now than in the past; that in March of 2015 numerous hoteliers signed a letter agreeing to the 1.3%tax to build a major facility,. and the impression amongst those people...... Mr. Clausen's three-minutes expired. Mr.Dan Allison, Spokane Valley: said City Hall remains in disarray and that he hopes that whatever comes out on that, that the citizens who own this building will know exactly what happened; said Council needs to get back to the three-touch rule;the Flora Park was brought up at one meeting, at which time a map was shown which was dated a year prior,and Council voted on that night; same thing happened on the building at the fairgrounds; said we have a drawing on that building designed by the people we are suing on this building; said we don't need that; people need to be better informed, whether in a publication or the newspapers, people need to be better informed before something happens; and said that when something comes to Council,we hear that staff recommends this; said staff is the 104-105 people working here at City Hall, but we need to know as citizens,which department items come from and which staff are spending our money. 1,PUBLIC HEARING: 2022 Transportation Improvement Plan(TIP)Amendment#1 --Adam Jackson Mayor Haley opened the public hearing at 6:16 p.m. and invited Mr. Jackson to the podium. Mr. Jackson explained the purpose of amending the 2022 TIP is to add in new projects, as listed on his Request for Council Action form, including the pedestrian hybrid crossing from City Hall to the future Balfour Park, which he said is not specifically highlighted in the TIP; and to remove the Mission Avenue preservation project Mullan to University, as it was completed in 2021, and said there will be further changes in some of the projects as we move forward. After questions from Councihnember Padden about a few of the projects,Mr. Hohman explained that it is the overall project list that is the crux of tonight's public hearing, and that staff will be coming to Council shortly with further reports; and that having the list enables us to have more conversations with Council and the community and to further study the projects. There were no public comments and Mayor Haley closed the public hearing at 6:26 p.m. 2.Resolution 22-001 Amending the 2022 TIP—Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to adopt Resolution 22-001 amending the 2022 TIP. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent AL'enda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on January 11, 2022,Request for Council Action Form: $3,384,883.09 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 15,2021: $419,950.75 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 31,2021: $727,558.04 d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Formal Format e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2021 Study Session f.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of January 4,2022 Study Session City Clerk Bainbridge asked if Council would please remove the December 21,2021 minutes to be considered separately after the consent agenda. Council agreed. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda jmirzus the December 21, 2021 minutes]. City Clerk Bainbridge explained that during the December 21, 2021 meeting, it was reported that the motion to consider approval of the interim city manager contract was in follow-up to Council's November 24, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 01-11-2022 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 01-25-2022 motion to offer the position of Interim City Manager to Deputy City Manager John Hohman. However, the date was actually November 30, 2021; and said that she would include a `sticky note' on those minutes once approved to acknowledge the correct date of November 30, 2021, and that taking these minutes as a separate item tonight, will also document the correct date of November 30, 2021. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the December 21, 2021 minutes. 4. Resolution 22-002, Banking Authority—Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve Resolution 22-002 declaring which qualified public depositories the City is authorized to conduct financial transactions with and declaring which Councilmembers and City officers have signing authority on behalf of the City. Finance Director Taylor explained that similar resolutions have come forward in the past as needed,to reflect changes in the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, longest serving Councilmember, and relevant staff members. Mayor Haley invited public comments.No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project Prioritization — Chaz Bates It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to present the ranked list in Table 1 to the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee or their staff prior to the allocation meeting on January 13, 2022. Mr. Bates said this is in follow-up to the December 21 Council meeting where Councilmembers were asked to independently rank the applications from 1 to 8,with 1 being the highest priority,and to return them to staff by January 4,2022;that as a result of those prioritizations, staff added the results to arrive at the total score shown in Table 1, where a lower number signifies a higher rank. Mayor Haley invited public comments.No comments were offered. Councilmember Woodard said since he serves on that advisory board,he knows we won't get both sidewalk projects because our allocation is approximately $655,000, and under the County Commissioners' direction, capital projects are not funded unless they are funded 100%; said our two projects amount to or exceed $655,000, which would be to the exclusion of everybody else, and there are some critical services there; said he ranked the 4`li Avenue project as #8 because he knows it won't get funded; said our priority is Park Avenue;said he represents the Neighborhood Action Committee,Meals on Wheels,Valley Partners, and others for the part they do in the valley, we have to give some consideration to that; he also said he will not be able to vote on a Spokane Valley project as they have eliminated any vote from Spokane Valley delegation from voting on our projects as it is a conflict of interest; said the committee has to look at all the projects; said he will keep his ranking when he goes to the meeting Thursday; and if Council has a problem, he needs to know; and the maximum we can get for the other projects in the Valley that serve the Valley, include our#1 project. Councilmember Peetz said she would like to stay with the process that Council did with the ranking, but has no objection to moving one of those projects down. Councilmember Woodard said he will take the list to the meeting and follow it as best he can, but that he knows he won't be able to vote for either of our projects, so it will not get funded. Mr. Hohman said Council just went through a process to prioritize projects, and if Council adopts this prioritization, they would be looking to Councilmember Woodard to address that priority with HCDAC and not remove one or another projects;said he feels some clarity would be good;and he asked if Councilmember Woodard is intending to present the list as prioritized by Council. Councilmember Woodard said he will present the list,but is realistic on what the votes will be as we won't get the two projects at the detriment of some of the other small cities who have some major water and sewer projects that need to be done. Mr. Hohman noted based on the information, we are likely not to get two projects; and he confirmed with Mr. Bates that the prioritized list will be presented at that upcoming meeting. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 01-11-2022 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 01-25-2022 5a Motion Consideration: Appointment of Councilmembers to negotiate an employment agreement with John Hohman for position of City Manager It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to appoint Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilmember Peetz to meet as a committee to negotiate the terms of a proposed employment agreement with John Hohman as City Manager, which agreement will be brought forward for the full Council's consideration at a future date.Human Resources Manager Whitehead went over the background of this issue, including a January 4, 2022 motion that Council approved to appoint John Hohman as City Manager. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [21: Mayor Haley invited public comment. Mr. Clausen asked if he might continue his comments and Mayor Haley explained that the procedure is to just speak at one of the general public comment opportunities. Deputy Mayor Higgins said he would like to hear Mr. Clausen's comments if possible. Mayor Haley asked if there were any objections from Council to further hear from Mr. Clausen. There were no objections. Mr. Cal Clausen, Spokane Valley: voiced concern about the direction we are going now; said he was • shocked when he learned Spokane Valley opted out of the County's TPA; said he doesn't know the rationale;that on December 29, Spokane County designated itself as Sports County,USA; said it seems we are alienating ourselves from Spokane and Spokane County at the same time the Board of County Commissioners is trying to emphasize sports; said he doesn't know the plan or if there is an intention to create another TPA, but that hoteliers he spoke with said it will be an uphill battle to get 40% of the rooms to agree to that;the County Commission gave an endorsement of Visit Spokane and the Sports Commission for the outstanding work they have done in the past; and that they plan to make the podium and the new semi-pro soccer team and the soccer field a very successful venture; said they have a plan but he doesn't know this Council's plan and would love to hear it and has great concerns. Ms.Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: speaking via Zoom,extended comments to John Hohman,and thanked him for stepping in and accepting the position to keep the Valley going the way Mr. Calhoun wanted it to go; said she trusts him wholeheartedly; and that he is a good, honest, hard-working person. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Public Records Act, Open Public Meetings Training—Cary Driskell, Erik Lamb Deputy City Attorney Lamb went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining about the Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley Deputy Mayor Higgins said he would like to revisit our action on the TPA.Mr.Hohman reminded Council that the previous action on this was unanimous. Deputy Mayor Higgins said he feels he may have received new information tonight. There were at least four Councilmembers who agreed to add this to the advance agenda. Mr. Hohman said an administrative report will be brought to Council at an upcoming meeting, to review the process and discuss the action taken by Council. INFORMATION ONLY: (will not be reported or discussed) The (8) Finance Department Report, and the (9) Hearing Examiner Annual Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr.Hohman made the following statement: "I would like to address an unfortunate incident that happened on Friday; there's a lot of talk out on social media apps about this particular incident, and I think the community needs to understand the back story and hear how this transpired.To re-wind the clock back two years when C.ouncilmember Wick was selected as Mayor, at that time he elected not to utilize the existing, or the previous office,the designed office for the Mayor's office,and instead utilized a different area of the building and then brought in personalized furniture to do that. Unfortunately, the desk was very large, Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 01-11-2022 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 01-25-2022 probably on the order of a couple hundred pounds, and it wouldn't fit through the front doors without removing - there's the two mullions in there that have to be unlocked and some wiring harnesses disconnected to make it through. So that was in place. At this transition, Mayor Haley has elected not to utilize,I think there was an offer from Councilmember Wick to have Mayor Haley utilize the furniture and that particular office. Mayor Haley has elected to go back to the former Mayor's office, which already had some component of city furniture in it, and she also elected not to utilize the private furniture. We are not in a position to store that here; I would be a little remiss,I wouldn't want to have it damaged, or anything else, and I don't think that was what Councilmember Wick had intended. So there were conversations between Councilmember Wick and myself last week, we were trying to figure out exactly when and how this would be accomplished. He had let me know that he had his own personnel to come move it, I would just have to coordinate the removal of the mullions to get that out.So we communicated,and I left a message for him on Thursday of last week saying please let me know what time that he would be there. I did not hear back from him at that point in time. As we were moving some other furniture for Mayor Haley's new office, because there was a love-seat and a table and some other items that needed, that were city owned furniture that needed to be re-located; our maintenance staff said this is a big item and we'd have to remove the mullions and we are concerned about potential damages to the elevator, and so they offered to do it. I said don't do anything until I get ahold of Mayor Wick,I haven't heard anything back. Unfortunately,there was a dis-connect there and for a period of time,about an hour and a half,the furniture made itself outside, which is very unfortunate and I understand that reflects really poorly on the city and we are sorry for that to have occurred;that was never our intent to have that happen. I think our staff felt that,hey,they figured out a way to squeeze it through the doors without taking the mullions off, so they got excited and out it went. As soon as I was aware of that,I did get ahold of Mayor Wick, apologized to him and at that point in time also apologized in a voice-mail yesterday and I do so again tonight, it was never our intent to embarrass him or do anything,we were trying to facilitate the removal of these two large pieces of furniture, both the desk and a long credenza.Part of it, I think the lessons learned on this had I known what time he was going to be there it would have been easy for me to facilitate that connection point, and I didn't know that. Mr. Wick had actually contacted a city staff member and I didn't hear at all what time that was going to occur. So one thing I did want to address tonight is the City Manager relationship with Council; I work for you but the staff works for me, and I would just ask to make this really efficient, is to have those points of communication channel either to myself, or to Marci Patterson, or to Chris Bainbridge, if we are not available,and Carrie Koudelka also,that way I can try to facilitate this,because I would really hate,I really feel poorly and I feel bad about what happened, it's really an unfortunate circumstance and I wouldn't want former Mayor Wick or any of the other Councilmembers to go through something like that and I don't want it to reflect poorly on the city either; but I think if we can work on channelizing that communication to me, I think, hopefully we would prevent these types of misunderstandings and miscommunications; so I just wanted to address that; again I extend my apologies to Councilmember Wick; it shouldn't have happened, and I'm sorry it did." Mr. Holman_also announced that there will be a Council of Governments Meeting,sponsored by Spokane County,this Friday,January 14, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. at CenterPlace where they will have discussions on the American Rescue Plan funds and how to distribute that, and we will be prepared to speak to our process, which process will be brought to Council for discussion in February. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. Q.Ry, ATTE : Pam Haley, Y Ma n \pristine Bainbridge, City Cle Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 01-11-2022 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 01-25-2022 SIGN--IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 11, 2022 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 11 Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both General Public Comment Opportunities. THIS IS GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 1 - THIS OCCURS EARLY IN THE AGENDA. SPEAKERS MAY SPEAK AT EITHER GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 1 OR 2 - BUT NOT BOTH. YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES You may sign in to speak but it is not necessary,as the Mayor will afford the public the opportunity to speak. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEAS'E PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT (-75/1 510-ey(--4/e a 47, Please ,rote that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. Table 1: Ranked S sokane Valle CDBG Pro.ect List Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Rank Total Case ID Score Agency Activity 1 13 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank 2 20 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 3 24 25154 Greater Spokane County Senior Services-Nutrition Meals on Wheels 4 31 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 5 35 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements 6 40 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Essential Home Repair Action Program (SNAP) 7 42 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services— Food Bank 8 47 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Micro Enterprise Assistance Action Program (SNAP) RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to present the ranked list in Table 1 to the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee or their staff prior to the allocation meeting on January 13, 2022. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are no expected budget impacts directly to the City. STAFF CONTACT: Chaz Bates, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Completed Ranking Tables /1Ap Table 1 : Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency Activity 6 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services— Food Bank Spokane Neighborhood Action 7 25136 Program (SNAP) Essential Home Repair 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise Program (SNAP) Assistance 4 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 5 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4' Ave Sidewalk Improvements 3 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Senior Services-Nutrition Wheels 2 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank J /- 1 ii -r-} ru Table 1 : Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency Activity g 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair 5- Program (SNAP) 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise tP Program (SNAP) Assistance j 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 7 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk Improvements Greater Spokane County Meals on 7 25154 Wheels Senior Services-Nutrition 3 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services Ai ti 25157 rAr- Emergency Services-Food Bank ,li 66 )ft`LS Table 1: Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency IIActivity 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services— Food Bank 25136 Program (SNAP) Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair '5 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise 0 Program (SNAP) Assistance 7 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 4li 25145 City of Spokane Valley m I Ave Sidewalk Improvements t.\._ ,-0 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Senior Services Nutrition Wheels 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services --2-- 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank Laura Padden Table 1 : Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency Activity 2 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services — Food Bank 5 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair Program (SNAP) 6 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise Program (SNAP) Assistance Park 7 25144 City of Spokane Valley Improvements 8 25145 City of Spokane Valley 4th Ave Sidewalk improvements 1 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Senior Services Nutrition Wheels 4 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 3 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank g404404 Table 1 : Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane ValleyApplication Ranking Agency Activity 4 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services— Food Bank 7 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair Program (SNAP) 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise Program (SNAP) Assistance 6 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 4th5 25145 City of Spokane Valley Improvements 2 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Senior Services-Nutrition Wheels 3 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank Ben Wick Table 1 : Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency Activity 7 25133 Salvation Army Emergency Services— Food Bank 5 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair Program (SNAP) 8 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise Program (SNAP) Assistance 2 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 46 25145 City of Spokane Valley m I Ave Sidewalk Improvements 4 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Senior Services-Nutrition Wheels 3 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services 1 25157 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services-Food Bank Table 1 Compiled Spokane Valley CDBG Project List A '— '.c/o ' Case ID Proposed CDBG Spokane Valley Application Ranking Agency Activity Emergency Services — 25133 Salvation Army Food Bank 25136 Spokane Neighborhood Action Essential Home Repair (� Program (SNAP) 25143 Spokane Neighborhood Action Micro Enterprise ,5 Program (SNAP) Assistance 25144 City of Spokane Valley Park Rd Sidewalk Improvements 25145 City of Spokane Valley m I Ave Sidewalk Improvements 25154 Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels Senior Services-Nutrition -2 25156 Spokane Valley Partners Emergency Services l 25157 S„alliatierny SN P Emergency Services-Food Bank New Agenda Item #5a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 11,2022 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ®new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin.report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion consideration — Appointment of Councilmember(s) to negotiate an employment agreement with John Hohman for the position of City Manager. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.13.050. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: January 4, 2022, motion approved by Council to appoint John Hohman as City Manager effective immediately upon full execution of an employment contract between the City and the new city manager,that will subsequently be approved by the full council. BACKGROUND: On January 4, 2022, Council approved a motion to appoint John Hohman as City Manager. Mayor Haley is recommending the appointment of a Council committee to discuss the terms of an employment agreement. Once a draft contract is negotiated with Mr. Hohman, Council would meet as a whole in executive session to discuss the proposed terms. When it appears the Council and Mr. Hohman are in agreement on the essential terms,staff will schedule a motion in open session for Council to consider approval of a contract. OPTIONS: Approve Mayor Haley's recommendation for the committee; or take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we appoint Mayor Haley,Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councihnember Peetz to meet as a committee to negotiate the terms of a proposed employment agreement with John Hohman as City Manager, which agreement will be brought forward for the full Council's consideration at a future date. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS:The appointment of this committee will not have a budget impact on the City, although any resulting agreement for City Manager services will, which can be accommodated within existing budget allocations. STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Haley; John Whitehead,Human Resources Manager. ATTACHMENTS:None.