22-038.00 JUB Engineers: On Call Traffic Services Contract No.22-038 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J-U-B Engineers,Inc. Traffic Engineering On-Call Contract THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley,a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City" and J-U-B Engineers Inc., hereinafter "Consultant,"jointly referred to as"Parties." IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Work to Be Performed. Consultant shall provide all labor, services, and material to satisfactorily complete the Scope of Services, attached as Exhibit A. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Consultant. Prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of Services, schedule,and date of completion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee, Consultant shall commence work, perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Services, stop work,and promptly cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. B. Representations. City has relied upon the qualifications of Consultant in entering into this Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, Consultant represents it possesses the ability, skill, and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws, rules, and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of Services. No substitutions of agreed-upon personnel shall be made without the prior written consent of City. Consultant represents that the compensation as stated in paragraph 3 is adequate and sufficient for the timely provision of all professional services required to complete the Scope of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City-furnished information. C. Standard of Care. Consultant shall exercise the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional consultants engaged in the same profession, and performing the same or similar services at the time such services are performed. D. Modifications. City may modify this Agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. Consultant shall accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee, so long as the additional work is within the scope of Consultant's arca of practice. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the Parties. Consultant shall make such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing therein when required to do so by City without additional compensation. 2. Term of Contract. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual requirements have been met as determined by City. Consultant shall complete its work by December 3 1,2022unless the time for performance is extended in writing by the Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 1 of 8 Contract No.22-038 Parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for material breach after providing the other Party with at least 10 days'prior notice and an opportunity to cure the breach. City may,in addition,terminate this Agreement for any reason by 10 days' written notice to Consultant. In the event of termination without breach, City shall pay Consultant for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. City agrees to pay Consultant an agreed upon hourly rate up to a maximum amount of$85,000 as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit B. Consultant shall not perform any extra, further, or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. 4. Payment. Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the below-stated address. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement for that portion of the work(if any)which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of Services, City standards, City Code,and federal or state standards. 5. Notice. Notices other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONSULTANT: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: J-U-B Engineers Inc. Phone: (509) 720-5000 Phone: (509)458-3727 Address: 10210 East Sprague Avenue Address: 422 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 304 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 6. Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties, in the performance of this Agreement, agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Consultant states that its designs, construction documents, and services shall conform to all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. 7. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A. By executing this Agreement, the Consultant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 2 of 8 Contract No.22-038 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph(A)(2)of this certification; and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions(federal, state, or local)terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 8. Relationship of the Parties. It is understood and agreed that Consultant shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of City, that City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner, method, and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Consultant. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 9. Ownership of Documents. All drawings, plans, specifications, and other related documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City,and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW or other applicable public record laws. The written, graphic, mapped, photographic, or visual documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall, unless otherwise provided, be deemed the property of City. City shall be permitted to retain these documents, including reproducible camera-ready originals of reports,reproduction quality mylars of maps,and copies in the form of computer files, for the City's use. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, in whole or in part,any reports,data,drawings, images,or other material prepared under this Agreement, provided that Consultant shall have no liability for the use of Consultant's work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose. 10. Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine, make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 11.Insurance. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant, its agents,representatives,employees,or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Consultant's required insurance shall be of the types and coverages as stated below: 1. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office(ISO) form CA 00 01. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations, stop-gap independent Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 3 of 8 Contract No.22-038 contractors and personal injury, and advertising injury. City shall be named as an additional insured under Consultant's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using an additional insured endorsement at least as broad as ISO CG 20 26. 3. Workers' compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. Professional liability insurance appropriate to Consultant's profession. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 3. Professional liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 per claim and$2,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The Consultant's policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for automobile liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1. Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by City shall be in excess of Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2.Consultant shall provide City and all additional insured for this work with written notice of any policy cancellation within two business days of their receipt of such notice. 3. If Consultant maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, City shall be insured for the full available limits of commercial general and excess or umbrella liability maintained by Consultant, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Consultant are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Consultant. 4. Failure on the part of Consultant to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement, upon which the City may, after giving at least five business days' notice to Consultant to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Agreement, or at its sole discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due Consultant from the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 4 of 8 Contract No.22-038 E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Agreement before commencement of the work. 12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Consultant shall, at its sole expense, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless City and its officers,agents,and employees, from any and all claims, actions,suits, liability, loss, costs, attorney's fees, costs of litigation, expenses, injuries, and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the services provided by Consultant, Consultant's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Consultant's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Consultant's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51, RCW, solely for the purpose of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13. Waiver. No officer,employee,agent,or other individual acting on behalf of either Party has the power, right,or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. A waiver in one instance shall not be held to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law shall be taken and construed as cumulative and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 14. Assignment and Delegation. Neither Party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without prior written consent of the other Party. 15. Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein, Consultant shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of City. 16. Confidentiality. Consultant may, from time-to-time, receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Consultant shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 17. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County, Washington. Disputes between City and Consultant shall be resolved in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in Spokane County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant agrees that it may, at City's request, be joined as a party in any arbitration proceeding between City and any third party that includes a claim or claims that arise out of, or that are related to Consultant's services under this Agreement. Consultant further agrees that the Arbitrator(s)' decision therein shall be final and binding on Consultant and that judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 5 of 8 Contract No.22-038 18. Cost and Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration arising out of this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs of such litigation(including expert witness fees). 19. Entire Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, or altered except in writing signed by the Parties hereto. 20.Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of City,having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted,or granted a present or future gift,favor, service,or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 21.Assurance of Compliance with Applicable Federal Law. During the performance of this Agreement, the Consultant, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees as follows: A. Compliance with Regulations: The Consultant shall comply with the federal laws set forth in Section 7 of this Exhibit("Acts and the Regulations")relative to non-discrimination in federally- assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), as they may be amended from time-to-time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. B. Non-discrimination: The Consultant, with regard to the work performed by it during this Agreement, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The Consultant shall not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations,including employment practices when the contract covers any activity,project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21. C. Solicitations for Subcontracts,Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by the Consultant for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Consultant of the Consultant's obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color,or national origin. D. Information and Reports: The Consultant shall provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the City or the WSDOT to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts, Regulations, and instructions.Where any information required of Consultant is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the Consultant shall so certify to the City or the WSDOT, as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a Consultant's noncompliance with the non-discrimination provisions of this Agreement,the City will impose such contract sanctions as it or the WSDOT may determine to be appropriate, including,but not limited to: Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 6 of 8 Contract No.22-038 1. withholding payments to the Consultant under the Agreement until the Consultant complies; and/or 2. cancelling,terminating, or suspending the Agreement, in whole or in part. F. Incorporation of Provisions: The Consultant shall include the provisions of paragraphs one through six of this Exhibit in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts,the Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. The Consultant shall take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the City or the WSDOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that if the Consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor or supplier because of such direction,the Consultant may request that the City enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the City. In addition,the Consultant may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. G. Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: During the performance of this Agreement, the Consultant agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(42 U.S.C. §2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252),(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21; The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. §4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. §324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. §794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. §6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 USC §471, Section 47123), as amended,(prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms"programs or activities"to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal- aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems,places of public accommodation,and certain testing entities(42 U.S.C. §§12131- 12189)as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R.parts 37 and 38; Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 7 of 8 Contract No. 22-038 The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. §47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures Non-discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI,you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities(20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq.). 22. Business Registration. Consultant shall register with the City as a business prior to commencement of work under this Agreement if it has not already done so. 23. Severability. If any section,sentence, clause,or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement. 24.Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: A. Scope of Services B. Fee proposal C. Insurance Certificates The Parties have executed this Agreement this 24 PI day of Fee 4,4--y , 20 274. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Consultant: ohn Hohman, City Manager By: ayne L. !if, P.E., Assistant Area Manager Its: Authorized R presentative APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1" Offic f the Attorney Agreement for Professional Services(with professional liability coverage) Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT - A City of Spokane Valley On-Call Traffic Engineering Services 2022 Scope of Work The Scope of Work for this On-Call Traffic Engineering Services contract is to perform services at the request of the City of Spokane Valley staff to support them in their efforts to evaluate the transportation system. This effort may include the collection of various types of traffic counts including vehicle classification and speed data, collision data and the organization and reporting of data in tables and maps using Geographic Information Systems and may also include summary memos. Some of this work may include the supervision or coordination with a subcontractor for data collection,without additional mark- up. It will also include providing support to respond to requests from the Washington State Department of Transportation or the Spokane Regional Transportation Council regarding the data and implications with the Highway Performance Monitoring System or the Freight and Goods Transportation System. Specific work items will be determined in coordination with City staff to determine priorities within the available budget. CSV2021 On-Call Traffic Engineering SOW 2-15-22 - 1- DOCUMENTS REQUIRING THIRD-PARTY NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE This page has been inserted in place of the page(s) entitled "Exhibit B / 2022 Rate Table" of a contract document which sets forth the rates charged by the contracting entity. Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), the City has determined that this record may be available for disclosure upon request for review by a third party. However, pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 and RCW 42.56.540, the City has determined it is appropriate to provide the contracting entity notification of any request for this record to allow them time to determine if they wish to seek to obtain a court order requiring the record to be withheld. Please contact the City Public Records Officer at (509) 720-5000 or visit our website at www.spokanevalley.org to complete a Public Record Request to receive a copy of this record. ��.,-1 J-U-ENG-01 WRAMOS AC'0FtCP- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/2/16/2022 ) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rl hts to the certificate holder In Ileu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Wendy Ramos NAME: The Hartwell Corporation PHONE FAX PO Box 400 (NC,No,Eat): '(NC,No): Caldwell,ID 83606 Mass,Ss,wendy@thehartweiicorp.com _INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Charter Oak Fire Insurance Co 25615 INSURED _INSURER B_Travelers Indemnity of CT 25682 J-U-B Engineers,Inc. INSURER c:Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 2760 W Excursion Ln,Ste 400 INSURERD:Travelers Casualty and Surety 31194 Meridian,ID 83642 INSURER E XL Specialty Insurance Co. 37885 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUER POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POUCY EXP LIMITS LTR INSD WYD IMMIDOIYYYYI IMMIDDtYYYYI A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR6802R22997A i 8/1/2021 8/1/2022 DAMAGE TO RENTED 1,000,000 X x PREMISES(E8 occurrence) S X CGD361 CG2037 10,000 MED EXP(Any one person) ;$ X I CGD379 1,000,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 I POLICY X JECT X LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER S B AUTOMOBILE UABILITY Ea apED t)INGLE LIMIT S 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO X X BA8P008954 8/1/2021 8/1/2022 ,BODILY INJURY(Per person) S OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOSRE� ONLY AUTOS EEDp BODILY INJURY(Peraoadenl) S AUTOS ONLY AUTO NLY (Per PE IAMAGE S X CAT353 x CAT447 ) S C UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE S 9,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE CUP1C547849 8/1/2021 8/1/2022 AGGREGATE $ 9,000,000 DED X RETENTIONS 10,000 Products&C/O $ 9,000,000 D WORKERS COMPENSATION X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABIUTY YIN STATUTE ER al RD M EXCLUDED? X UB8K158532 8/1/2021 8/1/2022 <, 1,000,000 'ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVEogyiRIFF&EXCLUD N NIA E,L EACH ACCIDENT 1IQQe�"f�ntC)C� �I NHt E-L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S 1,000,000 If yes,describe under 1,000,000 1 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S E Professional Liabili !DPR9973999 4/2/2021 4/2/2022 lEach Claim Limit 5,000,000 E Retro Date 1/1/1969 DPR9973999 4/2/2021 4/2/2022 !Aggregate Limit 5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more apace Is required) On-Call Traffic Engineering Services Contract#22-038 City of Spokane Valley is additional insured for General Liability as provided by forms CGD361 &CG2037.Primary&noncontributory for General Liability provided by policy form CGT100 Section IV.4.d.Additional Insured,Primary&noncontributory for Auto Liability as provided by policy form CAT474. Waiver of subrogation for General Liability provided by policy form CGD379 Section M,Auto Liability Waiver of Subrogation provided by form CAT353.Workers Compensation Waiver of Subrogation provided by form WC000313. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Cityof SpokaneTHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Valley ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 10210 E.Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99206 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD POLICY NUMBER:680-2R22997A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Names of Additional Insured Person(s)or Organization(s): Any person or organization that you agree in a written contract to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Part, provided that such written contract was signed by you before,and is in effect when,the "bodily injury"or"property damage"occurs or the"personal injury"or"advertising injury"offense is committed. Location of Covered Operations: Any project to which a written contract with the Additional Insured Person(s) or Organization(s)in the Schedule applies. (Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.) A. Section II —Who Is An Insured is amended to in- This insurance does not apply to"bodily injury" or dude as an additional insured the person(s) or "property damage" occurring, or "personal injury" organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only or "advertising injury" arising out of an offense with respect to liability for"bodily injury", "property committed,after: damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" 1. All work, including materials, parts or equip- caused, in whole or in part, by: ment furnished in connection with such work, 1. Your acts or omissions;or on the project (other than service, mainte- 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your nance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf; behalf of the additional insured(s)at the loca- tion of the covered operations has been corn- in the performance of your ongoing operations for plated; or the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above. 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these tended use by any person or organization additional insureds, the following additional exclu- other than another contractor or subcontrac- sions apply: tor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG D3 61 03 05 Copyright 2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 CG T8 01 08 211ncludes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. DATE OF ISSUE: 07/30/2021 Page 1 of 1 POLICY NUMBER:680-2R22997A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s)Or Organization(s): Any person or organization that you agree in a written contract to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Part for"bodily injury"or"property damage"included in the products-completed operations hazard, provided that such contract was signed by you before,and is in effect when,the"bodily injury or "property damage"occurs. Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any project to which a written contract with the Additional Insured Person(s) or Organization(s)in the Schedule applies. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to in- location designated and described in the schedule of clude as an additional insured the person(s) or or- this endorsement performed for that additional in- ganization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with sured and included in the"products-completed opera- respect to liability for"bodily injury" or"property dam- tions hazard". age"caused, in whole or in part, by"your work" at the 44i0017 21021 ©ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 DATE OF ISSUE: 07/30/2021 Page 1 of 1 rn E - oopoNB� oY` 11i! . u—!�TU ovtT`� rn>a38i ? o �£ E . J 0 L u d v C O U` o L-;`Oro E g a a N g 5 L C a d A E L C ,c o o! q o 0 U ro= a .0 a o o f,kYA' ,15pCE'ov'Y roo."— o_EE AOT=o- £Y:" £o c �_ w °`u • as yNnu9q � uu1vyo oo9.5Qc� . 2s5f0. ,%a al o05. t B z ��W//J� y D y .0 O y U Y E N TL a 0..y C n g,iA YI T O A. yyyy U V O U L a O. ••C O N 0 C.. a C G.a a Q,V g U L ro>'U O oa C 3 o OT U C T c ro >. OIT U c..rot,,,, c� g Ln°m.rn`o o a. 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CCnrid ' amdL = u Cf AS. 5pCA=-te- a W$Nn EEp=A J -NG ZLRA a III. _ 7dd-dd cu,a t o 226 NJ ° Nla 0gLL CCA> °O• 0 d . aNj > -E u a c Na m ° y O u>> a v c '93 3 Aaa g- K et', it, vaOEu ^vVx'a o W CCCN &. a$auA na$Nd oa "- v aW m x _• E c u o O1 u a 25 888 288a 8. `o1�t,v.6gt`oocqgL `oo `ot, vv6L` `0.01 mai v ac 'RI 'S', W o O v W.- °1 y y v.J S e C N OI.0 T'-' .. .N m C= m 2 - O`a £a 2 o ayu qN�m ''6 a*aE nuoi.v- E °$ i.2 ono ai,8-� rc °,Jo .. m Ea .n`o c Q nm. 5 c uci c ''a 9 2>i o rn C.§ T° u > 'ro a.p mro 'o-' s v c a° $ m v 03 2,7r: avvi-E ao J a a'_ m rn J E. C U ° a m G 1]N E- O O N E V t O aT t t N a J E N N ,g. j D_ Ja ,t2J � vm i '�Ea to vov«'4�, c� c$ ade -' y m;.t yEEE v'er as -...t K• a ou -u m m m °a a c `° n £$n u o an d 1°?5;(. 2 m E,a a J u u w 3 Eg m o °m o$ i'2 4) W a m $N U j y QI .E C m a�I N O 0 2.o-u o N G. O .2 o E°C 0 "'E N .6.a. C7 v `�my^ v .a.02 r� 'a_ eoo_vSlnn£c_ voEm - y E wu°m coo ci, ra-ov w 3 £;.c 10I0 .;°_ °n• `m Ea oboE < E7.9. ma rn �' Eou •3€oo £ od ao oS m • a no`v '� uEEc� O °' avival7�£u o«'cEv.vi E o oo4n TT a', u, o.8. •.° a w 'E y m t-m°g. `o rn u Joc o0 ooa° 3 �na u£aw d -a $ i23' . oy� $N yu . 0132 8 3• ma °'�� ° utwo� ¢.cu0m'^2ao,cvvwv °o° n O ceuun. 1°v.achvN gu 0 , Ev To ti O v > m n 9 m v" v u a v a U ,o V Q 2u`mc3Ccoo-68a_ oyuo 2 �a a o� nvo n�a n`oc Io ca d; you mm..m3'= 8.2i aT = T3 mEu J a° 3E pro !7 - -.5 tEg t� G?m 6$2.n Z.: .ag aig a u ,..0 ah° H ° > N mc u t. « Ea E. N,, d G N G O N y L£°g N N •3 "0.>v=d L n C EJ .-2, av m 3u u£ €cTE` moc£ ea Jc oa0 v J > ` > ise N21 ` c ama- amo c ° '°1c.Jo ' °. i w OT a0n° _Eal w+= vo mo. y a0° ov v n£ m o°,'.-au °- n E. mu ° ;= 2a g '0E24m c,u.m£ vgavoJp . n`vo c£coEALvrn 3O� ° a ' oina E. maa° o2 u °1o40 °aic3 °oou €N£ . m ° g o- vis, ml"a'. nreP,v- f w£ mvvE- cmodo )E a..2v m °Y Juaou52 au� `: xY£ J ° 2'22.21 , ua'` vo5 � mom 8aoP4c ''tt >+R ,i °.. mo � ° . = g;1 -.§ .E7gv cS t° `au _ m , , > . ma° > C .83 " ny v aO Ifl £ya-`,--4 yl o '" ' u oa) a uUQv 20EA .Em � xa2T a otvyy � °gmm7 °v N t t u p V Vi p Tn°E£ ° u� La v _u 3 6Eclu 'mc>T c wa?` vad a 3oouTarn10 �7EOc v 1 j. caGCE �T .iNyoJNo8WLIdNgEY�NTmVT° y " 1vro°daIOEav` COm �y°« C Ei a -i v ,� E aIa `� m vo ' J 'So�v-Li £°-` iaHi.9' w Nrjw ° gc3vvn uyEEya 0v.= a.Q A.-a aiu ,Lrov ,-nw ma y mc� cvre - a=m'd 3c Sm, ` o5 ,gi£mE-' v � 0 _ F£m Z J 6._o . £ d> E£ ¢'.-mro IA 6mrou >a 8_ 0_- L0, c ooO ° T m .ci u w m a u a a W m I- w l7 U . ri U a▪ ogcmo «'a'°t c ca.c Hy El '1'' 0 i,t wa m c ° c r I 3�c mc« a c €c v oath`+ a 5'61 3E tyGN c € v °`°cemrno Z,v vcS3 E2,1' o .• °.W�_U y OI W J y 5 al N_C ro O O yl J 6 C.0 J N D_ �I Ta C 11 S v CO.%%N= mvma jN UIy nnO yE Om '.3p C Wy. Wa NCa I Tory r h «O W Z ro C 2 2 'E. O O U '5 al t 7,W N u V al 2 2 .n N T.m a ' h 0 r F .15 m• mvEm c:-N om $ N 0Ju L 0aE m am O�y uD O nNONma . v1 -.E CvE u i..tva . oai a c a ro C' t c °'a?Z I > wm$2,2 ._ gl - ,v,Egt,6 ££�E... o tv 2U ti y £ v N.y UN -e E1•N< e0- 08 2 £v v m."yq�m c y° rmg c., vco - °u£ 7v u :e9E m O1m divas «om .b E5 uwti Y "'105v ai 3 my vcy mm `SS § v« u'c v'mZ,° mmv.. mAaoc _NB w T m00°°pl .pamrn£ .« c noEi vmu ,Z.v aim J .5-0 vE oaw.isamu qvS, ulo 2.- 'v d a Fmc N.c Emvyro c o£ EEa:J a>a $$m u J319. Qc� m my0 o.Umo am= «c �a fit; umwv v « m y v Uuvi Eaa= Zuni Uurra > O. lg.E £ycy. go I mU6,E m,E aTK ; 0£ca :1 ,5t, a ° tyc yp m °1 N uym._'c vcu� v z :° V a :° a m..E c'yE� o c'2' ' .° ' 1arn II rc°u iE m££ H°u�3 E : C = cc aE .-E Q0S > a o6a n? ° -2 ._ -d ai 1°n 2'£vt u.Ua`IV¢°ca: O2Laci .° A� e _ _ U y 3� E'oL3 a.E y sv-$moo zuava £ mow wA° ° Imo ° dwu ag to A'8 E� Qm E--S Tc�uoi c'O« A.Emu rn�-Tc k] cnm 'v^ IJn-U vJi o- 4 ' m v 5-a m m m a `o o u a y c y u. . - a E m y v m m 1°n -- m ro °'a to E ro J E y C c rn 3 m v v '.a°a v -...E m m , u'- .� 2 a c c '-�°t v - U a,2 L;n.q a .5-o n m e.`-'°'.F m M-9 m £ u E c.c m T 'n m _ .'qc Av« oNm.Y a,uJz -. ac- ovw.= v mEo tam. .A . u m k v} oo £ v Emvc ° £c v0.mm £E u c,� ad- u - «? o E,m O.8 m C , °$�.E E >. m a t q 0 S£p'E O ro 2 N-it c N Oro O i r y m f aT oco y' c" cw'€ rnaa mt �--a 2'v aE �_roEvol $ H 1ih ana �ur °v 24 drBcam. ,2°c' a£a c d e-.,m .. .- c v f `o c £'ov.- E a° v v--3 E X `°ro «1O ' c vuvCu p 95-.1^ SUvm 8 c ac' < ai al w u'S Z`.2 oA3 v� �c3 Lo - `at3O £'iLog 3 cc=o g •—... m «« IL a 2 omo.�o aro a°° ° ° i^>dc jp °VN o ua YJ cv3� m om v£ o E > -al w " °"- 0 °oc o�aam3 u3Fv Ncm;m inuv5v a m$3V ?-'_y.$ mN Co • I. n° v u+L rnof oo wa..5 U 0=tin O1a m c, kcU3'1a.c T by=c ="01m E cc o v -mc a 9m.cm ° Uw CV vya °. Ec ":IEov EMvo:m au v«N m_ v v c iry U ..a, a nof,= .cc.._o u8i> > u� m v=. v°ivu ' q°n3 ro-E. 1 vEvd ie. vm W W uq Q pam£ro F-ooa a33a ' �� m a.E3.EEo 'a£.ov.'_^ of O ` )L-a5m f-.61` ' o0 v • a 3E3 ra .0 ri mi di .. d �5 ...E EE m a u v O 7 ra VI m U ni a H F. V LY aC u V~O c gCSQ>ccm $Aa - CEo° 1.1 N EO°C O v ro O O II 2. u S OC O I n u N CN a VJO N -o O F a E bC N meNC- N 'ie d V m U 'c cL rn °cc `5 7, �5 wO MA vS- v . < �O1 E Ncov • a . roca .. 00._ ro 3m ° aoaovNn7 o i vm£ u '° cu u � Euo OEo > t � •B a ro E2m uw a _, • 0.E8f-ui_ gn&° NU9Go C 'u ° 5@v~ oa au >a ...II wooyNvua; ao � °cczS ° do Ey ° accmv u u,,gaEEw >rn� . o uEovan w v °i u um?!'uv u 5 . m• ttt a NE ° tW7 o ro ,2o oAe -�a mvEL V ` mO rot . v No o2 1$N a d 2 -I cFo ° �N uiEY�A =2m6",a :En < �,a O S. cO aui rod ' `o< ov cmu o °Ev< t;m" q- cnrEB °.;gom -m�ili ,., c =A=t ca 9� yz aE w� g $= c NoZ_- m o N $ o m_-. 55 - S° vcA2u.c E' 2'*N 2N £ -'c2w a cac ufioam° ° W u 8 a ° ." 'c`c ~ - a.= ` 052.3!E ° c«> oN,g4 ; roc Egu Na oo a viE v2vC v 8 on oHro EQ. crv•.cmmfi7 u 8No f> j ES c ' N roc II mEN'A n EmE- UET3 3,? cEmi E .E 00 yu, 00K. o{a $ > aavlt QN So 1- a1-- uZ « v nu a� aO 2 va g4.t_ Ernomn.P. ZO 333` E ? mFnEi 6 � wmL ITS > =3aa> E. •a.- F- c ' N� A 1E ai a 0 WU_n °.aEu o5 - FEm a.5. o U ,e a u "i ▪ F BE«o22431 in r E 3 u m An° a c � 6 a 8'02 AA « od � muEc >3 «s _ 01 a° c �' WV € ACmc `- E 3A a mw O< Gal a .ND °r. yE To" Ed u N O Y N W n 3uc uu g rn � NcEa va am; ZaE § a p� mv � A3 L udoNoOE-D00 v !�. o�w �▪ > E ' Li Amy �2 aA90 > ' U E .- NF- �Dr is 5 Q` f $ t $ -L re . ` ° G t t E EcE at 21 u ! E2 ^t uitib u E 9 Z Taa` v< 6 § £ o8m .E iwHa2 -. 52e .E=5 m g"v°F° . ` u g. h aO2 �$ --ya U m m v- E >,va m £ in n o c Tg` ° N`. °t. wa 9 . G A °a ° °E� Ot '14°° ',E) N . > � 2.5 •E O u 3cj� ° SC - . moEN r= rnuo�' U 7on neutUa >`at J. ao o .L> >,3 p gaC O 0.. g C till. O °ya• mmy4 N0E t ills NOC ...F- T &" c aCS orn N c4 im a=-omNn1°cNaED ° Am >EEg ° c 8 N0=� mEu m , V. ovm�g °tn7, ° `0 o ENqToo 5,,,.. m E� t a- _' ay4 aa, mouuNa$t asO . .EN2,z I 20v N N.0 `j u A=aE m o ° N 2E8° £ A ua5 aUN,= u ° atNF- v' ,22E y a .rnao °P. c. ` m «acUaF 81 mOE�B O ' uCu' , ovp, O 2AE"SL.„rN u °EA g =E c"y F 0 v i o FFat E a v Oc 0t' g li= 8'c o m•E 8 c o 2 v A a lam g Fm roA U {-,r 10A UFJId-2O NQ »._ VI roAAF LLIL Oam_ Vta na O f c z a,T. °^ w 13 >m v_ c N tV t•i a ui u U ° ..if 5« f 0 c H c 0 c `o y N`a 3 mq 2 w° `o a N 1 a° c c m 2 0 a t>, 0 Na`11 'Ea 0:17,c °Opi au� ,g2 cE� iy'`oa n "At.' Enr w s. N mo a Ev°'m TOE c J °ca, rnggt rocs al oEc` '�ca°c N.a o 2-2 n �L `m an mum 2cm vac°' Z mein god 5 _ LI v.-• c w dC a cN u v. °rr to �, N NvE a_,.. _� E� °mt as �E a,r 10E tw mw y� vN°na°l ao acu2 E°1y A..oab-C -af,_^m ,as, a �E t »°n'P 3€ ~ E t n Ko 4 gal a t o N 0.- °a0t ai v€ N%c v c c u,m~ o ai�' u -aE 3 at N>,u m : G U h1 =E y°aaEi3 O oaa cGy m > >,aka oc of roajs s2 m0)•5v 0mo0t = tNo b ° a u a m m m y o ° v u ,,i c m E A_c o n l l y c .5 c>, a v°i u�..E `m 7,2... 6. c n cn oN `m� (7o � N `a�'o o0E ootNc'nm mca «° N` ?2l._- m. cr G' T lop' •a m m m a c e„, °.2, Q�rj d W> '9-j T{ N m 0 ° C N m T N 82 F r m 'm C O O -V 3 N++ m m- cEmob nr _oo`u° `mv Li mom °roa va E';">'$t fig....E. a yy a o dfm'• at .cm -c EN mg ._ am w._'g cr y 0 o _{a" u >, • ro y °vUOi ro t c E. f'' s y m a._ _`0 __I' O1 0` a on.518 or., �° ;Eo� cm 0. BE m• a>°,0�88 .E.-a. roam c•£C ao °�ooc 2co E .2c 0 0.6 A° E6 §cc = E m Em yE2 N£aa%tg `o oo'o-E E.B $ EErnEm .gig be N rno zs N° i i_j N E E m; b «.=u$ vt v 2° u c y> 2 Z ro °; u o 0. g 2 o,m�t m o n m'-IJ °`o� n i w cg2 :If c aHg v n8 ea'Ag um� rn E 11 Eu tvo`v -r.V12maa� c-g .Lp Q c a E E3 N F O Ot N N O U N ro O O v ._al H °T N❑ 1-V a m rJ U O'° u t m° >'5 m N Na N ,L= ri O ,P .d t-E ii A A . 1 8.-E°'v to a F , A A n° >o o a VIw Z$ U t LF 3 1--E oO>, v.2..c 2.'^ro a f uo o 0 0 I C c 0 S Or.0 c __ S ro N c �3 C O Z•y V°a mm� m yOg« F yw° Ed w C my S v E a ,' m1 o t ci. 7umm.T _Eb le,`in1 v y.E Es. A €; 3' oo.Q>. co,aa € P. 2 c nwC c mV E...;-,t.c E�Zn - T ° EOv13 m ug I m am,2o N11 Eo EmtNViaaa,0vvhry ..TA uo £{E 44 ° qT - m °c '� a� o a oc e Nc` o . '- u EO _Cro �C£ _ yO V � T .. m C'5,. _ E0 ys a ' Quv8.E2, .5 ' ES -oaoo ae° u m Na -0 u m °2NE0 Soo -k°rn no,$ a0Z a° C=EU_ oc En �-t < m.A>tOl N O m TCmcZcU O>•C mn«° m' A g` s, o o c`NyY p „'C esu W ro N UIoy S>Ogm,s D-40 --W ..CO ,q o •SmGary 2 C0 J LevmALCN Nro C 'T mqg E _0 .-Et oo J NO y at - U jU COL CmC L: T0 _aV y a mm °1 C m °C vy t= > U d 2. ol.Um° £ mE o ` T °Ov'c un ° .- �` F 'in E.r, 'Eot E w t3mmm3 ega vg° u • N a 2 ovT - 'N Z u.3y ay- s c NoEo- o °sc5 69rG0 -c m°vNE " O iODp0, EN - oOjo OFTOG- m ° � mOc ° ET°aj E.1A ' i g f� I- a c G V = doT2nC U Z1 OICTOSN >$ CQ > Ero ° O °C S14 a3 C C Pa .AH _ > a 2- . ° auc° Ua `3 u it A Uq a ` «-To " < cv ay p3-,t Na3gr °w n c O M OtU O C N'-el a C.Go «oO 0 d U U.3-o ro A NOfC O.E m.S m m al 0 a u ri 4 a > t L�C'L'Q V O W Y 8" 3' V-P.8 ) %5 2 , Y 2 O.a 01 C L N r ",1 T O U�V OI N r •E yuv=" Nc3 smi=.o YcoC° mc umtvo Oc o'sl^ o_ "0 10Gms-�'my J Y CryzC.a YgC.j aO YEnC FO«._T = 30LLOSV > Wt UN 9 ° " ENp - < 0- J O j N U C ° 8 U d q p-OI L Y3V °A %f0 N<zN a Y Y O N X _gm Y« .4 C N-U O� o 0 ou °.! >E ".. 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V Y V .�. .Y F-v =E10cU'm o.d ° a Fv °1n a� ° acE , ,Epafp«G°v' ° a° S ,v �� sscWvc O - 2 L, ¢ O.OSA.s C E OC C,V 8 Y C C N jO Y C A F C G > °t.52-. 2 U o o ,� 3 > «a a0 RE N A ^ v..wQat ° El°av o. 2N 3.E° y 33-0n°ua n„ `3 CO II U N °< : 3 wo._ .V o5; 12-5oZ •sa =°t`o_� y< m Eul"y�ru ; II Y OI " V Y N C O E£ a 'J' o c 3 a t E'r i°a �B:Eo u 8 qnm' n't ` "c > >N 4 N C E, O° 1`n0~'C V° E O QpO,1 Y m J °A E O.N Yy 2 C U Y p U C 'Z C`. "U ro a C a 0 u= Ol O L"V)Y C<a n a Y Y �,„.,2 a p W1u U C Y N d O.n V z ill G3 ZAVo-sN ° .. `u._ In £ 10"o c c'-8 ,1 > A•L r- °- O C C n y 0• 0. E uo =o.E� Y =c u" ° 03 f0 wu£a�' ,, ° w-v ;,1 t c >� A U aJ Q v o- ° k ad <0 8 ra 3 m o c w a U p E v �g m c o"j 8 u Y u n t . ua A h�« E,mZ.g c uvcO cu n EE'G .2 -E- r.o= nm gc§n 2.. v ° u a 8 �8 o3a,a cm.0 u '.Ev E`n4Ca cZ°=�= E. 112,v�iy u«•s v y i^ .�. vum .E Yu "iu $ 2v7,Z. 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LCO >u Y N • -O .p.�'Q. O CI t.UCU j " ?V V V E i0 V ' E a- eq� ry V 0_ O U O N O -+_ 'rn c c 9 V y c�y 2yl1 L u 3 U° v O1 a m° ,'C§£Yy j g rn p E N c -E C °m Vpj aY ° CC p "W°jY•>FgAO.O. .-YQu2Y«U 'u L pY AU yTy��V`¢mE 1 f0 wono8 `oE " nao mvE£ e,8o"3d a°Z O a om , ?to 2°uuu x« 1-,1 o oauou "p�jtu- cOe rt,„„ crime oo° c M �'� "c .o�po;v39c£ YT : "Y d= NY �La C.-2IU ° C£ "E NNt dY 8 C ° mV £� Eg T6.C..Ca + < lco < E S lcou 93! ffluIi : Iiu ml^ = 0"l'n £'^- 93 ° vv Cj 8 l^c oU at-a° v °'. E my arnu Y °. �gf,C TA 00 Ti oj ,oN on IA cj9vrna m's 5. $6 fi £°•`o'on3Eoa . ao 1-- m 1°-A n.�.E°Cat'fi� 5� a,E JZU A .0 ¢nm=°.UAEsv A� ,4 cl c- '£ ` 8U c Vrn 3°c° le§ c- 8momo°aV'NLT- vA vc CA A1 a ° Fu O Ca � E Vq a2O ° -VO0E Nb a>Nn3O'a ' CaC ° T gw s.A° C Nc Y L ?. "E« So v u ° ooV �GE >9EYT= O <<b ."° aa dN` u vi w- t.fg.Ti t°8Ca - ° Yo Ca > 0 mo aE0 0 u 'aas°�mvnx -Se-'o� 5 atEv : °Et,o c n " UtqisV ,. c on 3 E"Om cS `2 t'cm itu2�a 3 8a'�: a� 0" ° i d..wS:o u„ Yi >, uE 18 .-raVT TCl a"V LE28T.> _ .u£_-O0 'C °>VUflN zc Al C E . a,E aac DA Tto12V V3ooN VT- ° 6 .N 'p O o{,C Y O J -5 C OT0 "V V Zg AL C >CE a. ° " °" uc >.c > > ° v.= cc°pN£-m u 'FaE.- saao3Wn ` 08 J< O «« jrELN �xVu SnU toaTF °-_ N0 y2V1nN .00o V ;C0C e v vrnv. E5o °°$a ?NCY,02 -= nD SL > a N° ? •• 3OI c ° =.5 =T n2iU g np Uo ,v m5tno" v EE z N1 mw : gEB=t S `o 01ov�= 2o'_3`L22vmcaSWC BZ:C0 < a <U ' 2E E" Noot tc § ' ‹ uc6Ic E We,000 iv °q° o ELo _ raoa5, . > rn < <l UN« <oao$ .E_,,6 ,Q � d 2 Zo $ EEaEE°'`m$ry i,'°P Ir 3ESa« 3 rj 0 03 W r. � � 2 u o s F A n._ 1 .. ° f g v of Y O O a s. N tli E. �7 9 ° s q m L O • n = ° O o o m d T IC N= d °E N r C SV aNn� dOC . Ouccc�UdmLv a5 nE o T d c `qE u u> J °, u ° mu �++oc m oAa ° pcoE � y`o ^L E CO POik c - 13 T 041 5. - oww c dm E °a >, u ° N w o o .cA E g $ o Nda v dEdo J .0 o dp= Na D- Cv s o 8, L v s. 1. . LTE E II UC 2S n m3 ._3a •N° A am,Eva xyo 'Ng 4d n o. A„ c - Lm . ,_. €,, y o � o _ L S ov3° vm c ET, n 0 O as oam .3. Nmwrm ti• .2 ; az v. a a° m 'es y"- L.' VnO ° N oc E 0 C a= dv U ma Vi G m mNLm d N _y ° U1 « b Nm m iUNCo_ °ENaA° a)0 CUm T > FVA C .cdm o pQa wy d r E 1gcni oSr 2Z^'-"8. mntP€cyd °k'v'_ „If : N IE »u$ `r v cc cE Z' g m"aq Lw .2 �85' vd .5 Uv2vn 0cm �3 ip °Eu2fmucamaco a aw �5- ym �lugucOGa. ipO C- 4 ° ' NOn ma' m�j mLaada $OgadON iiUjEz mt 1. v /n rn '3� conm �m agf. ..ma a-.„ '- ZcuNaUrnydC« duE ^ dU cc`o5 <v n Amv u auci oHa QS 0 o � dv d°UNNo3 Eat uvoc 3i U 4 a u as N W aS a a_. wa . £ua >° gg ti ri of O Uo 2 C .m :y C. 0C jew 2'C y mTE O Y d 0.- y I u Y O 2 . to wado ar�LNda« > C '� ELmaO ` E ma -cc E- .a.Nvos :I c E c Yaa o A E c u=y v EE o oN mo�E,.o . o E e `aam cm N .. a2` d oro s_ Eocmaa.g"mLNoc2a yv. Vt o°a oft go3 3 ° iws.``ugm . "mu.. om $ - cac oEHom c '�a ° .E -^£ a --E i o L u 9vn8a m �, t ad . E ` = mern7pmu NNa ,� , dCda .0 u . 2do £2Eioc n _cEN " "ocpC6•Oanocn a 'cuvA ->, ntLNaNddm n8E$$ u u sic Z � rn8ono Y C W Cno 'EC E .. vE5 - .Co A. C T w vO Omd b j C U ~v cn Lcurnaa Vdt N, OO.eO .O adyy U d tF Ud n O .c �N COJ C> 'VI -J ill C>.> m J O � iTC .m n C: d Y .0 w A0a w -a _ca" umS ch mnwB'.O -id o- .a °-C r E`0n 2+ 3`E m`°>" 2 mESEE'-Z °o` maOca ° -mE.0 N E L vd a 2-5 E L' =�rm> Q10>NNN'ELmU . 2 - Od it g U g00 mLOO SI O . dCo O y5 ao On.SSv5 oasv OR..' $ ' .5�at-2 dd E mo rEvu °d - ' « ,E1 o � ^ o3� oa' nm od ° om ? 6a% au° = r u 5a 0= m 0A 0 Pr m m I a, m d m . >d Q .O m h 16 ,6 at u1 U ` CO co ou5omo •u �3 N LN >5 "iE m 2 H N L -3ai c am3$C4T c `o u Nw a j 0c"c =m w ° mn at_° NCcm ma.., 6 maEd, i Z'- • a-N `n m > > v m T._a O u ° Aa` 3 Eli u wEui mb dW« rvO Cm d d v 0 e - L LQda ! �NEON mh - NOd, 6.-fotC N aq•5GO tel # . . m`Ho p m .A C5. Cd jy2 a., 'A oj C -V OdCD Do,,,C aq 0R ma U 2r m. N"OI- 3cO 0._„ o,o � - vuw 27 r�U.Y F unA c£a _dub -uNia UL<,v 'Cls. 7.N a =E aUOld d _ C -,oa00' an d am N ° $. cg67 _ cc LI U do Z' o >'c °tm Ark, dA6g.`si$a6vdE aA3° m0. - io .2.3=' .ate Euz a vt a °v °.. oENm= 'OvidON°.- >. d- n `o ° 'LEE c rno va E- d zcv ° on'g mN . _c c if E avu tfo. £a c° o °'vENw 3 $ c.P mrnwada og,Sa np° yc ,.9.58.28& ° ^d c Lna Jvwo.°= u c ca0ti 8 Z.' c`doa .gz MrnNa o E Ei.aa ' g >>._a Em u-NC Lm NN ° dodoa OE R. uc° _N°vc mb ..0 ° L�OvUNya.o zu al It' KamN"CE1 Lm FdaTd andEaTwSdu � c., , d - zO LL �E2N.m _NdCgNNdmaC 50_2 L NON O Lv = ,-80N LtSa LO33j.Lv E.EZB.Em O doma y �` o: L ` 3a o c0i.4rEu w ErnnLL c. g.Sn @NYm cAvEFd `mrnc a. -; 12 .F.d 2°1maLC9umm ' L.aG E2mn w8cOv vC gi ° dnd L E."E co E3E 2 " a vdrdmA 7csuc3 ua mFV . cNaGddp m n tivuoad5 "?�5 c amc an aE � .d.cz N m a`p I " ° Ld�O Omd d m° ° � -H A g0 �. cY wyv° vcv= <z � N d> voc c 4� Va ° z d aZnE CLL.- v vmo. cduTos E - ocd ° .e •Rd- oO vaa ° e A d d 1s..J aoa o- Y x c U._ A d I- o w a..,a-E. Z -ELC - aF Q6v.oN A d „o w otl n 00 a in - EE.2 C O'N d N Y N=O .. -C C . O a a d O 6 . p d d a d.3 O d a" O E F N iAllm €cEE d um °.c Z>jc A m6nfgvvE F.L. v,EE €� n$c.`-E n.. dg c m°n m e'" '. 01 ` m dui n c v d H a u o w 8 3 c a v o u_g E E c a c. E r-E i a a S a o w c-a s d u n u 42 utom an , u3i uaNmauvc aE .sN `o Ug E= md.N3'6vo ' N da .r uEivl7o o3um� 5 m8E2`go�o a? .cu m � L�°EwB�E=n 'NO Onion i� !ifl 3tinQ hI !h m« a4 *I1 1ifluiII!I0 .N�'om m£ n'madam a5'� LL � oc °N cE rn wr £ �zu,3«t5E w ' ° u$ c;io c o C `w�y;-:i' 8 E E=U .i...�-1g n 5.a m d� y a1 .E Tu. ,K1 m g Z Para'A -.0 c 3 .9 a Z `w via= u w 3 E'U p r c Z C .��'"m n.N H .�A c L°� o ti c E u E N .�= .° caw W r « w 2-22E °�cysm a; uz�aauN0 >.>`v> o >2 T 5m o.2wvKdam 3v Elii 'g n (/1 O m m c O v d l k L C N L •O O d °. -D n9 v•F n d d u o d? E m `l N y� Ci O 2..m °c u L°=2 c� <p Erc Z`r.5i £ au 000 Z... 9 E. '^ n°$-m$cv3 ZEET co - L9 a � g- y °-gnN9c ZI Fk6' 'ac °u0giu °s ....YE 'o'E < sm guudlEB=m§- ca9E 49.a rn s do m.o u �c.E c E I. o w a n«`u 3> 3 3 Vd1 Ovi E 3'c "E n'� d u m 3 m Z'E d 0=� nd n ry i.) d •°>. ?-E- -u Tt w = `� T N `CO L Q RUE d A d d d O L d O d m L d O N V O w fLl.7 d_ allo.E Ea mSm o3ma Nm E3a o. m5c°NS o.nz F-£um am e d T U a o m .0 U m a 01 m U ui ui a a A.cc I. 'a. «• 2 � 2 L«.o 1° `o cc'=9``ou o£ o , .21 mU 0 ' A ` -i t i2accgaod c o ~ 1H$roucI v1cCiO11 vm ocoL ONNj, OenI Cd.0 n m ftnqa m �t aoa£ . aa2 £� avo'. v v ° `v E Amc< a c V c a `uoa ao7`o m m o m pl .1 O-a -,E-.. 3�CaP8o o � mm2v 2im4A o �a • a tr 0u .5 a%° m II a " �o .+ NoEo1& N.. ro 35 ;uE 00 Evad E 6 �E c a.- � am'°mt e0 ' .g«aNE £ anApg'" °a � �u e u a c .`Zg - ° vo m • Qo'Z a.o. a E83r8 a0 av ry 5$ a2m.vLig �oan :c £ E ccc 3g0° '` uE`>O1um= >, - 2< oo,3m mz• ` = c2i o ` cuOvoaum` c ° 2 "2.-0u u° uco_ ° n >-pwogON v73 n3c9v c o 22 E `onv am T £ � v0 5m eU rnD�2 T N c0Nro j'>P..a 3T 'cN °a .�2 mu �u e w a °` �.. .Oo p ,E. >o y w'r .7. £ £ c am a.N ca 3 d E4.1 � ot a'S6, cao . cg.p£=LN ° om- E2 ° a3 d � 'o ` °uN22 '9ue ao cA 3o cau ° i;O c aq c N ° am'Cnt oN- ' -go <'37. U «WNH m c a2 .,-Ti miYNo E2 mnNOPO mN O .L 2t0 z0'O2 i 'a m'UcgA'a `m N�c i rSo£ `u�"nOn ` oa.'_uo Oa.£ .. -8 7a> cm° p n.• 2o c c v4E '� -Ens • on CZ L 23o � m a£aic 8 a Eo N .d a.C. aEi 4 >o ci Ai (III n E'L ;2 O C O U 2 N L"C C. 2 U 2`O Ill tT En T`- u, Ta -.N .Y'u c m £ o.o a L3 c cu1N 9-o 'c° ° um` P.1ry €` D u cm �acw @gym N aEc Lm5 a>lcmo N9o. oa,'a.� ao - o- on mao �a+ o -oo qa auo ...... emu+ � � va '_.g p A rm..p m n„ L d ,-a 0 -o aE v - 0E.C. o'er? .� aoa >.y .- at qu � °' .o - E«oGou `oE 2a N m ail 'a a.L a 2 ro 0 A T a 2 2 2 ,. 4 1� 0 c m O O . N N C, a1B a L" rnoaE �'v o:: a rn- um-- 2. c E.o ma `o... c -.- o �i0 0 o B °-. . ao'5 N;xv A A 'Eo EmIN m ub No3 NixEci 1Otm cf. ifl a s f0 a y a t: a v E a E c >E E c't Ii a`1 a v E o a cv « al rn N v E a E_.- n'� `m d -c m o an E __n a"' u v o'�f. 4! O >>a! ro� N� .� ° a 5 a y` m 0_ 0-2,_m 1,...„ V O� ry a N« O m a o'4 6 C yVj W a ll a m a O a E. V y c 2 N y p °u `u�o5 2L cv.c-5.2 o?OPE" 1; c 2 aEao, ; Ecc .s2 � mt� aNA"> 4N`o v.Eo c uN 2mEm uNmZ IrgpI 2mv ag'.. a c u u aoo 2Nmrn2 F.'4 mcn '" c.'"o rcaE '`V c a£a a Si uQ aE£ 'alnva c 2 a v 1L- `m .p 3 .A. u b- v o v >a E = ot= o.- a m '"�'m` Cl o to N y °Tr; E Cl a 4,04 c 3 u v 'o v Vi W 'di O a E y 2-2 8-= .. O s. ; r u yt D m -O'4! n VI a°' u V) r;g °u c 3 E v uai m t'n u -g.s a1 '9-o o.� oho °1 m�mc Vic .�!" y '°" >cEc P .ion 77 E1pi2 'p� .8=- to t € a s C y t v 9 ' 3 <<u m U N L ti{w a"o�°u LI Z. e. �v. O E to <. m .z:E_8 v- u m a E o > Ea > `OEaw C > `obu I2 S 'NI ^ 3a L''2 ,7o 'u <.. 8 b a E1 .r S!a'F- U'm . . H 0 U `0 6 g o'ri rn o v y u�v v u rN 2' mrelic, a .0, ` el"- v-v ET ` 8 o Lu.E . m £c11Nca 25iY rn =u x = .cu -3u £o uNro 2''A c- E '` 'av-.Z oVu ° c A vum o a ' 15 Nn - Na 'a cacT2Euc mc m .2 E'o ` 0 mrn �o n ` �pvm5a £ v B 0a A `3 'CEO' 8CwCtL'i02toco . ag a m = ° 3mro me £m C= c N raw o av v't? t2pa.rnci Na€ i « qor E1.o.r a4". m m >`o c 'o'c "? 10 wE ` 41no m .cm. s ° c 8 U. a. ° dm. • u; 3C yN« ° gn °m,• S°a O'O . r L Nro- 6 cO0 Nm aN O C N a L a mU N U vNv : N• c ` am-CroOO - cw0.N V E. O�m EW Ec b °o baE.'..Ncc t ' 7y u . tov E . ^. c ✓ 'F0 a° OEi`� vOu « ''naa'mr.L'u`o c9�coE cP. -01 aEEio 0 c2 n ,t�cob EZt E� d° u a c :4 f, as-FT,n ccm ; °Z.Nomo EEm`om 2 EEir a �roN ooc4 `u>j `m.rn c -, i c Ei. =dmsc 2=c y.2.`iatgeba air? t-o ° w ° N "�62 °°« 3 nay f� E." m cp „is .• m2 aaa`.cm 0.2 a`O vg.S�..N4a a3 o•ca�.8 `o «vm ... o =A4 ca"'o '9Lao NN 22 :g au � N' :° w2.ga.S E'uao1Bvuc E' . u8& t t band Is, 'A yac etv tEt M.£ 21£$2 oa Qm3 ��° 33'cc G 8-5 al£ o Lm >� > a > a a m ad" ��"2Sa° �a Ei a U nE12 F2'E A s U r° d vi to n 3 106 1, 22 U2 s[al r £s a •a 0m C O C t c L 1' u.•c 6 T 8' a a pa W Z8 c E 3 .1, oZ m sr. u. .a E aLaL.samBa. Rp g m.a � .2 c a=w E umca c-a Uc vc� °coaa ` aOm0 _Et vc a m Oio - N a1-8o c A°u-'`- v° c a 0o00 Isy d � ° O >> m mam C ` tau . `1 Z, .t.N N wri.It m rn PI cu3 « ng woo .6+vdPa ".�Eq;c82L aomaao� .g ° m` 1.0 v « wo da rnm x a E oA `E m e m oO 1v8c- mum avv a ° 5 ror4.2^ "c AEE m o5 , � E ' 33N aac Is Nu `>a!m 2 .- 2' m c 4y � 3 .c.c my k i-ii m `' a cS' aOa = E.5r vcc.n 2,,,LnP�_ v -m' y. EOro T ° OuE 2L mN j,m LO Em N . .. N vE a vOc cryppa L _ J '" N N p Y, L °0 '2 Em o a d d U u ` . c O'm1 ,_° Ly cy, NW°a• r,u m E°'. TO ° 3 2NvPivEE 2,v A P aC m2E m.- Vm °LmoE .c c'' oaa1- t, 6 a08m - w .v E QeC� �uv AEI E1 . - . a"ro,2A rn c�1i o aC EE ro A ro8 c't; N T C at, a m y ` w3 .2w ° a8° cc2 2ci 'Eo'OO ` o$oo - E . mQ opamao0Ewco ,Nc ne'Yv o c m c mc oi£eNA cE iva° c m 2, ad 0.9c Am oa.oT b°aAyv a 3a 3co > ac . 1at t 2.2 £ < � v dao_NC -„ mavCaEc0 a .2oa13 N ELL C,mE2.4g mrng F-.., 3m N Q -01 3 Ga . �0 £� J` V`-yUO d <O5n [ < TCa 6.aL -aa�_LSyO °c `m°-cc, ,., ° W gv wm .§ 12w aYoNRrc < u PE-IN _' = 3 ro a ,i- a£ - A .6 U a Et .. Cl UU oc c N ,,- 'a a yy S i C «lt,C N C� 4 on ' L V a O m a di E u 5 .o ° °a T "El m N•0 B ry c mry "^c Ens c - 'Za E`a uai rn J o m L u t - c v=� O m,8 a u S N,c' a Q g• L U « cE °N E a Nrn` a3 U N II, W CZO C C OC CO aa H 2 c Oo v .11 2C uSdu `02 ` oa € 0 c n a - g85c icfl 'il ; ° a va aa« c >N L — 0. > 0 Q m o « 2S a e o a E c a •• - g v t o a E "5 T E. Ua§ g 3'aaa F3 481,," o c 3 ,,, � u 30a3 ,3 sF .. O',if, . A, v `a ° aIE d u ? ni A to n E s t) Obi N CD G O .�'C Y C O E C O a yaj m 2 u Nrn 'E NgN -Eo ct m..« �°,m °,.a.i �a �` E o c 2 U o m L_ 26,i o w g o`o m c c e c Lm3a - 0 E0E ;C€- u caE' N NqT £C �o p ) c 3 ° C ;L O N o m o IaO a T O aL La. a m d o u PIaE C N .v, Ea' L .o r,�o �' , c - Vic- o.a'� a l" m « .6.5 . oN oe a�'7 N g N ° A U O N t.�T H 2'ncin c�'E �2- mad m « n vL;ca2 � aO o� D.° N-a �Oq 8N'° 5 ��0JJ r c O' El, UNU� „ C N L sQ • __. -c 1 C m N N 8 a C 'dog vOi Q o N O a a C L E N N C a C O O>�N '2 N u n.c'2m •aEv° ,g-5a oo c Ecv va cm `° 'ca'v 'o'v8aE m fir« i$aa a E m c Eto4aE ES3'2, -'c N °a° c u Y ,>c m $.=_a° - 3 uv E° " v o .a Eo- c, c m C va t a Ha c.n fa 11 c3 3Taq ov m c'E `Om'5.€yy aE.3 obmOmamo2«a ? aia, -uuE �w«d°3 o c a NE ^ga « c0cavo3E32ou a o0av ort n m oo.AL : QaES Qnmu E. nd€ - aEL2 ?aZt Of fNa A . Fa' ?8 el E.' ? A-2.2 4 N N el N e U 2 m v a o a V U m C a C a C 7 a a°0 a m U% a a a N C £ E a 'S c 'S m '� N £ u$ u +19 ' « o a m a aJ°cc N m3v o 'n:2da�' uiis Lavo gat -"3 � u � c Eo n c c o- m g n m v m c u o v= O S- .a O£ cad uyyu c te -� ?Qa VA a aoi `° S.Yo e E '�7Cq m-:b o ° o"t �p 3uq- c £ «moo N ui d °c g q� _ a i' a�oum uu3 O a-um£ Tr .m4+ a 28.- M. a a� m o `oo a U 3 «n- 2m :c Qoc 3,� ° «N`m oao•- 28° ai om o L Wes°. o y o� 0 N C 8' >, a 0 C 0 c .a c N E a'a�3a as E ' d u 'an 1r9 m-2 c a C a 3 -D w 'SN •arn 152 m tic] a � uu-a 3 « e c o - n82A caE ao oi0°cc.E m avv'0P1 in o'aEu TA'1' c o.5 n rn SN'Aa u m T N U T R ° _ A C'a U i U�• O N L yT.y a N c a L m y Q�', N =. m O u C a .N N L C A co n" a 0 ''m •C c 0 U G`' a '5 N O£ m « N m 1 t o «d >, c`. EL'a� c n m u£' 'i S °o'n o a E o°a�2, v a u v ° c 2 rn h� o�nncuw is co m c'N ca> o Rc.. ,u-oQ . 224oc Lo2P £ ooc' a•n'cN8`a E fill N.5ov 'and ac uo 3.� Na CO OC L O'mEoa a In W m 3, .. C m'a N a N>,a N a s m a 6 g 2 r 0 E rn N c p a d O.£ _,60£ $O .2 Si O O c .. u s a,g A .• 10 A ti.a' Yn d .d S a N fNH a'i $ I �>O� VL-O°OL° S nc PA S°k u t.oS u Sau g a'2 .`g a - S. o rn '� a�d$E- c 2'" N c rn m _a it .0 vim£ i, £ i, C o = 2 2 2.c O e 2,8 C 'N 3 m« u p C 3 a Q N� L -a 3 o c '^ $' : '�a_ a> > m c E a`o.0 $ co o a m Eo E a..8 a a- w c.0 m A'n cw'g171 Ka 2vmy".€ 0- m o xT,k 2N � Ea 5 atz-c $°' �� �wQEo IL'S'v�,.°-va S12 q c °'ic Nc a mng i. u ;u �°-'m �-a� iH a° 2� '� �af.S.R a `u9 m s01 CZ Pi E- .S 2o'a ua op of �ct,i,a`o .ae I a°ie 'E ' a a w .od t Z.,2�o = a?'£ ou oc �� m 'G g20"z vA a uNT ,k ) E. `o rna° nw - mK N �`im . 13 ; a S u._ x n rn._ c p v a Ent,,>, E 3 K. v a v a a u Q N a nv_a.Da.aE a« macro - J d £Um CCNa j.m UV� O ma C CUQ No 1� 2,m.5 m cOnyj ° m 0L u aOa L13 °n aC.a', oV� 'A u;' O pEI-Y S— N m 9 E ,L 1 .,'• uL aUrntaaa r zil L.. a«� E. nE n m`o A Ea _L _ s Z c 'n.aa`wN $£ Im3yuU ° S uc= a; SoL, c0, _ uog £om °u.p01° mc �+' <m.c c E N O N N w E aN ] 3�..- '' -ma� >-• 5 ac 4 0u .1 vrn. .Ba n Tao2" «Warn 0 a l7 v u,? o'a 2.6 nc oOEmmc of ' t oS _a v cu al a'1d'� LO n2 E 2,8 a vao ° o J mrnN 4lL'V�'a«� m V 09N '1rCE33V3._ N nr m. 0 C rn cij a X °� E Los J2 J in a a °'. 3 . 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N nvog<a2iy oEY HO ' tEcBn . � 030 a..°. o 2 'St °z co Y. 4 �� Y.Y ou .ia'm£'.Y YU ,98Y u — N0g u P° Ec -0 H _ ua ao v w upo u £go 97 -61 '•EY"t�2 um N8 '00E aruUa aoi .29c3r o m um•Na rn3 '� c0 Yc" tarn ogo9S6'c9 E_v_ No n 80.-n W 1p qp og-�a8 y aL^ cw 0 a s °'q -g w C> • >N.N n N U C U7 Z ` S`r U c” C°2 g-L 21,12 J YI Y Y t mat vo--Laya21' o.-aguiu nw._ moo ttrill)<y a o _ E ._ �UZ 2�o yt; NF,.g 17 nu_-8..e o�<C2' 4oQN.urc b a0 F a c«u3a $ 'S �a51 .,C2�� B g0 a wu C£in IL 3>E S N :°n a 7 -z°g V.Y F 10 v;m Y„°C C; :2 Q V §La N 2 a E R ~ Y 2 C N N Y NyI nu_22a Y� -, 10--£2g YT, 'p YuOO!_^= o ii 1-a3int. Li NUYi3 �au3u vl m a o fIn - ai a i<1 uUH u'a1 n n ri a vi re El' 0 U Policy No. BA8P008954 COMMERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY WITH OTHER INSURANCE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM PROVISIONS 2. The following is added to Paragraph B.5., Other 1. The following is added to Paragraph A.1.c., Who Insurance of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO Is An Insured, of SECTION II — COVERED CONDITIONS: AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: Regardless of the provisions of paragraph a. and This includes any person or organization who you paragraph d. of this part 5. Other Insurance, this are required under a written contract or insurance is primary to and non-contributory with agreement between you and that person or applicable other insurance under which an organization, that is signed by you before the additional insured person or organization is the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs and first named insured when the written contract or that is in effect during the policy period, to name agreement between you and that person or as an additional insured for Covered Autos organization, that is signed by you before the Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs and this insurance applies and only to the extent of that is in effect during the policy period, requires that person's or organization's liability for the this insurance to be primary and non-contributory. conduct of another"insured". CA T4 74 02 16 ©2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. Policy No. BA8P008954 COMMERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BUSINESS AUTO EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE—This endorsement broadens coverage. However, coverage for any injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or limited by another endorsement to the Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions do not apply to the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is a general cover- age description only. Limitations and exclusions may apply to these coverages. Read all the provisions of this en- dorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. A. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED H. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE — LOSS OF B. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED USE—INCREASED LIMIT C. EMPLOYEE HIRED AUTO I. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES—INCREASED LIMIT D. EMPLOYEES AS INSURED J. PERSONAL PROPERTY E. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — INCREASED K. AIRBAGS LIMITS L. NOTICE AND KNOWLEDGE OF ACCIDENT OR F. HIRED AUTO — LIMITED WORLDWIDE COV- LOSS ERAGE—INDEMNITY BASIS M. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION G. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE—GLASS N. UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PROVISIONS A. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED this insurance applies and only to the extent that The following is added to Paragraph A.1., Who Is person or organization qualifies as an "insured" An Insured, of SECTION II —COVERED AUTOS under the Who Is An Insured provision contained LIABILITY COVERAGE: in Section II. Any organization you newly acquire or form dur- C. EMPLOYEE HIRED AUTO ing the policy period over which you maintain 1. The following is added to Paragraph A.1., 50% or more ownership interest and that is not Who Is An Insured, of SECTION II — COV- separately insured for Business Auto Coverage. ERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: Coverage under this provision is afforded only un- An "employee" of yours is an "insured" while til the 180th day after you acquire or form the or- operating an "auto" hired or rented under a ganization or the end of the policy period, which- contract or agreement in an "employee's" ever is earlier. name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your busi- B. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ness. The following is added to Paragraph c. in A.1., 2. The following replaces Paragraph b. in B.5., Who Is An Insured, of SECTION II —COVERED Other Insurance, of SECTION IV — BUSI- AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: NESS AUTO CONDITIONS: Any person or organization who is required under b. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Cover- a written contract or agreement between you and age, the following are deemed to be cov- that person or organization, that is signed and ered "autos"you own: executed by you before the "bodily injury" or (1) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, "property damage" occurs and that is in effect rent or borrow; and during the policy period, to be named as an addi- (2) Any covered "auto" hired or rented by tional insured is an "insured" for Covered Autos your "employee" under a contract in Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which an "employee's" name, with your CA T3 53 02 15 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with Its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO permission, while performing duties (a) With respect to any claim made or "suit" related to the conduct of your busi- brought outside the United States of ness. America, the territories and possessions However, any "auto" that is leased, hired, of the United States of America, Puerto rented or borrowed with a driver is not a Rico and Canada: covered "auto". (i) You must arrange to defend the "in- D. EMPLOYEES AS INSURED sured"against, and investigate or set- tle any such claim or "suit" and keep The following is added to Paragraph A.1., Who Is us advised of all proceedings and ac- An Insured, of SECTION II —COVERED AUTOS tions. LIABILITY COVERAGE: (ii) Neither you nor any other involved Any "employee" of yours is an "insured"while us- ing a covered "auto"you don't own, hire or borrow "insured" will make any settlement without our consent. in your business or your personal affairs. E. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — INCREASED (iii) We may, at our discretion, participate LIMITS in defending the "insured" against, or in the settlement of, any claim or 1. The following replaces Paragraph A.2.a.(2), "suit". of SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABIL- (iv) We will reimburse the "insured" for ITY COVERAGE: sums that the "insured" legally must (2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (in- pay as damages because of "bodily cluding bonds for related traffic law viola- injury" or"property damage" to which tions) required because of an "accident" this insurance applies, that the "in- we cover. We do not have to furnish sured" pays with our consent, but these bonds. only up to the limit described in Para- 2. The following replaces Paragraph A.2.a.(4), graph C., Limits Of Insurance, of of SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABIL- SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS ITY COVERAGE: LIABILITY COVERAGE. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the (v) We will reimburse the "insured" for "insured" at our request, including actual the reasonable expenses incurred loss of earnings up to $500 a day be- with our consent for your investiga- cause of time off from work. tion of such claims and your defense of the "insured" against any such F. HIRED AUTO — LIMITED WORLDWIDE COV- "suit", but only up to and included ERAGE —INDEMNITY BASIS within the limit described in Para- The following replaces Subparagraph (5) in Para- graph C., Limits Of Insurance, of graph B.7., Policy Period, Coverage Territory, SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDI- LIABILITY COVERAGE, and not in TIONS: addition to such limit. Our duty to (5) Anywhere in the world, except any country or make such payments ends when we jurisdiction while any trade sanction, em- have used up the applicable limit of bargo, or similar regulation imposed by the insurance in payments for damages, United States of America applies to and pro- settlements or defense expenses. hibits the transaction of business with or (b) This insurance is excess over any valid within such country or jurisdiction, for Coy- and collectible other insurance available ered Autos Liability Coverage for any covered to the "insured" whether primary, excess, "auto" that you lease, hire, rent or borrow contingent or on any other basis. without a driver for a period of 30 days or less (c) This insurance is not a substitute for re- and that is not an "auto" you lease, hire, rent quired or compulsory insurance in any or borrow from any of your "employees", country outside the United States, its ter- partners (if you are a partnership), members ritories and possessions, Puerto Rico and (if you are a limited liability company) or Canada. members of their households. Page 2 of 4 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CA T3 53 02 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO You agree to maintain all required or (2) In or on your covered "auto". compulsory insurance in any such coun- This coverage applies only in the event of a total try up to the minimum limits required by theft of your covered "auto". local law. Your failure to comply with No deductibles apply to this Personal Property compulsory insurance requirements will coverage. not invalidate the coverage afforded by this policy, but we will only be liable to the K. AIRBAGS same extent we would have been liable The following is added to Paragraph B.3., Exclu- had you complied with the compulsory in- sions, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE surance requirements. COVERAGE: (d) It is understood that we are not an admit- Exclusion 3.a. does not apply to "loss" to one or ted or authorized insurer outside the more airbags in a covered "auto" you own that in- United States of America, its territories flate due to a cause other than a cause of "loss" and possessions, Puerto Rico and Can- set forth in Paragraphs A.1.b. and A.1.c., but ada. We assume no responsibility for the only: furnishing of certificates of insurance, or a. If that "auto" is a covered "auto"for Compre- for compliance in any way with the laws hensive Coverage under this policy; of other countries relating to insurance. b. The airbags are not covered under any war- G. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE—GLASS ranty; and The following is added to Paragraph D., Deducti- c. The airbags were not intentionally inflated. ble, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE We will pay up to a maximum of $1,000 for any COVERAGE: one"loss". No deductible for a covered "auto" will apply to L. NOTICE AND KNOWLEDGE OF ACCIDENT OR glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than LOSS replaced. The following is added to Paragraph A.2.a., of H. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE — LOSS OF SECTION IV—BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: USE—INCREASED LIMIT Your duty to give us or our authorized representa- The following replaces the last sentence of Para- tive prompt notice of the "accident" or "loss" ap- graph A.4.b., Loss Of Use Expenses, of SEC- plies only when the "accident" or "loss" is known TION III—PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: to: However, the most we will pay for any expenses (a) You (if you are an individual); for loss of use is $65 per day, to a maximum of (b) A partner(if you are a partnership); $750 for any one "accident". (c) A member (if you are a limited liability corn- !. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION pany); EXPENSES—INCREASED LIMIT (d) An executive officer, director or insurance The following replaces the first sentence in Para- manager(if you are a corporation or other or- graph A.4.a., Transportation Expenses, of ganization); or SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVER- (e) Any "employee" authorized by you to give no- AGE: tice of the"accident"or"loss". We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of M. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION $1,500 for temporary transportation expense in- The following replaces Paragraph A.5., Transfer curred by you because of the total theft of a coy- Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us, ered "auto"of the private passenger type. of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDI- J. PERSONAL PROPERTY TIONS: The following is added to Paragraph A.4., Cover- 5. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against age Extensions, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL Others To Us DAMAGE COVERAGE: We waive any right of recovery we may have Personal Property against any person or organization to the ex- tent required of you by a written contract We will pay up to $400 for "loss" to wearing ap- signed and executed prior to any "accident" parel and other personal property which is: or"loss", provided that the "accident" or"loss" (1) Owned by an "insured"; and arises out of operations contemplated by CA T3 53 02 15 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 3 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO such contract. The waiver applies only to the The unintentional omission of, or unintentional person or organization designated in such error in, any information given by you shall not contract. prejudice your rights under this insurance. How- N. UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ever this provision does not affect our right to col- The following is added to Paragraph B.2., Con- lect additional premium or exercise our right of cealment, Misrepresentation, Or Fraud, of cancellation or non-renewal. SECTION IV—BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: Page 4 of 4 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CA T3 53 02 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. TRAVELERS J WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ONE TOWER SQUARE EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY HARTFORD CT 06183 ENDORSEMENT WC 00 03 13(00)-001 POLICY NUMBER: UB-8K158532-21-47-E WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit any one not named in the Schedule. SCHEDULE DESIGNATED PERSON: DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION: ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHICH THE INSURED HAS AGREED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT EXECUTED PRIOR TO LOSS TO FURNISH THIS WAIVER. DATE OF ISSUE: 07-30-21 ST ASSIGN: PAGE 1 OF1