2022, 02-24 Special Meeting MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting 9:15 a.m. Thursday, February 24,2022 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The meeting was held in person in Council Chambers, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pain Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins,Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tim Ilattenburg, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Laura Padden, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Bill Helbig, Community&Public Works Dir. Ben Wick, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Arne Woodard, Councilmember John Whitehead,Human Resources Director Adam Jackson,Planning/Grants Engineer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Mayor Haley welcomed and introduced Ms. Cathy McMorris- Rodgers, U.S. Representative for Washington's 5th Congressional District, serving since 2005; with a district based in Spokane, said it includes most of the eastern third of the state. There were then staff self- introductions. City Manager Hohman extended thanks to Representative MeMorris-Rodgers for the support on past and current projects,and mentioned the TIGER grant in 2017,and for her support in helping us move the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project forward. In speaking to grade separation projects, Mr. Hohman mentioned another coordination issue is with the BNSF Railroad which project is completely contingent upon their cooperation as a lot of project is on their property, and said the City would appreciate Ms. McMorris-Rodger's intervention; and Ms. McMorris-Rodgers said she would be glad to be of assistance. There was some discussion about expansion of development and of working through the County and State concerning our Urban Growth Arca; and mention of the nation experiencing the impact of rising prices for supplies. 1. Update Barker Grade Separation- Gloria Mantz City Engineer Mantz went through her PowerPoint on the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project; the project purpose, funding, status and next steps,which include resuming construction this spring. 2. Spokane Valley's Federal Legislative Agenda—John Hohman Moving to the City's Federal Legislative Agenda,Mr.Hohman explained that this is an update of last year's agenda; and that each Councilmember has a talking point for each item. Mayor Haley started with the Pines Road/BNSF Railway Grade Separation Project, adding that this is a very important project so it is always number one. Next, Councilmember Woodard spoke about the Bigelow Gulch and Sullivan Road Corridor project,followed by Deputy Mayor Higgins giving information on the South Barker Road Corridor Project; then Councilmember Peetz went over the Spokane Valley River Loop Trail. [Councilmember Woodard left the meeting at 9:45 a.m.] The Policy Request to Revise ARPA funds to allow expenditures for transportation projects was discussed by Councilmember I-lattenburg, followed by discussion from Council Minutes:02-24-2022 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council:03-08-2022 Councilmember Padden on the second policy request to increase funding for transportation safety programs. The last policy request of increased funding for economic development programs was discussed by Councilmember Wick,which contained information about the Expo project. Representative McMorris-Rodgers said that the City has her full support and asked that we keep her posted on especially the Pines project. She mentioned that as the pandemic restrictions ease, she doesn't have a clear sense of how open Capital Hill is so cautioned Council not to make a trip to D.C. if they can't meet with the appropriate people;she said she looks forward to working with us and that the City is doing a great job. Mr. Hohman extended thanks for her steadfast support over the years. Mayor Haley and Council thanked Representative McMorris-Rodgers for her time and her support. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m. QVL \CV') ATTES 6 Pam Haley,Mayor 113. gt‘g Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes:02-24-2022 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council:03-08-2022 •-•"cS1adal l cy 2022 Legislative Agenda The City of Spokane Valley's legislative priorities include three policy change requests and five capital infrastucture projects. Please see attachments for detailed information. Policy Requests 1. Revise ARPA funds to allow expenditures for transportation projects 2. Increase funding for transportation safety programs 3. Increased funding for economic development programs Capital Projects i. Pines Road/ Bigelow Gulch/ BLASE Railway ,4:rSullivan Road I Grade Separation , Corridor Funding request:$24.3 M h-. - Funding request:$26.1 M Total cost:$34 M =„p,.►- Total cast:$76.4 M ... .......... tea „i.e.' --2r..."--- �, l..e..-are' - -'R4epr. 111 �s yi ,T .fYYAn ,,, .....,, . :# a j Spokane Valley a River Loop Trail ,,, ., .Jiy _.- -,a,t:,• A Funding request:$14.75 M j jv°may 5.: r ,�A� ..w.....N Total Cost:$16.5 M a t �; sssvasossssI / % 3 I , o ; s--d Spokane County I ( South Barker Road Regional Expo _ l�u•Aw Corridor `�� Expansion - -,,, Funding request:$8.75 M a �: ID w.A� Funding request:$12.9 M Total cost:$14 M ! ''' '4�'I Total cost:$18.8 M , fi I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY , 10210 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley,Wash. 99206 ,t Washington 509.720.5000 • spokanevalley.org s` State 2.23,22 r.,e) . Z L/ -i7U2 2 A O' Pines Road/BNSF Railway ��ry.� 100,\11,04„, S olcane p � 11 ° Grade Separation Project .► a ey A Bridging the Valley Project a,,r•. ��,N.,,1 ., Project focus Pp•'l",;, t1y5 -,1 ,^ •... "'., .. ^ ,'Q4f k. :... The Pines Road/BNSF Railway Grade Separation Project is ` ` ' 3e A v't < ` ` � � ` a locatedy,Wash.,a city of nearly 105,000 � �, a .�.,k, � A in Spokane Valle ash. '' `N�s' �Ati` �g ` �! ' ,'.:"� � '`•' . *r residents.The city is situated in the largest Metropolitan 1i,t�,�° � s., ', • Statistical Area between Seattle and Minneapolis, and home to h , ° ; � ` '4 rr ` �,,� � - several large industrial parks. ri. ! t ,, ,,, .'•.'\ } The project will remove a BNSF transcontinental rail line , .sue s �.,...,, _ 0 �F at-grade crossing at Pines Road (SR 27), one of Spokane lam _ter•. ,- �--�' Valley's busiest arterial streets. In 2018,the Freight Mobility ''- � ' -... � � -�_ Strategic Investment Board(FMSIB)rated the Pines Road/BNSF ;e� 1 --- crossing as the highest ranked unfunded Tier 1 rail crossing in 4 z.�s e s a5 ~L'N-y = the state out of 4,171 total crossings based on freight mobility "'.t"'- - rti ,� v `, {, and safety. Eliminating the crossing is critical to improving . , , i ,�M '1 t; y� '' vehicle and pedestrian safety,increasing freight mobility and f y` enhancing economic vitality across the region. �� p. The crossing is adjacent to the intersection of Pines Road and -- r i- Trent Avenue (SR 290),which serves 35,000 vehicles per day, •Q q 31 j/r including freight trucks traveling from Canada and northern • - l l " '•- `�_ ��� Idaho that connect to Interstate 90.A roundabout will be 1 l =-1 14- " •I ,r • constructed at this intersection as part of the project. Key improvements Status and funding • The grade separation project will replace the Pines -- -- Road/BNSF crossing with an underpass and redesign the ! gIrIL' tI 9 iS[o nierw.y adjacent signalized intersection of Pines and Trent. In Fully-funded,2019-2023 0 conjunction with a grade separation project underway at 'fight-of-way acquisition underway the nearby Barker Road/BNSF crossing,this project will F Il, -u ded,2019 2023 eliminate three of the city's at-grade crossings (Barker, Flora .. __ and Pines). )Construction shovel-ready,2023 -� Unfunded,2023-2025 • The crossing is located 200 yards north of Trent Elementary.The new underpass will reduce congestion and improve safety for students,staff and parents: Funding request $24.3 million Other federal funds $ 5.0 million • The existing intersection and BNSF crossing limits development of 170 acres of mixed-use or commercially- City funds $ 4.7 million zoned property, and 56 acres of prime industrial-zoned Total cost $34.0 million property.The project will increase access to this property and generate additional economic development. Project details r-- On average,60 BNSF freight trains and two Amtrak passenger - - - - - _ - — trains travel through the Pines Road/BNSF at-grade crossing each day. This results in nearly 28,000 vehicle hours of delay it ; iw a each year,and at least seven vehicle collisions from 2017 to •j ` �'; j` 2021. RNSF plans to add a second main track to the existing ig i I '_ rail line,possibly as early as 2023.A second track will likely -" -•.L;-r , ,:'4`,'`t :. - increase train traffic and vehicle delays. + M1 ....•- a u�y The grade separation project also includes construction of - - _ a new roundabout at the adjacent intersection of Pines and A.�� ` ~'" ...., Trent.There were 49 collisions in or near this intersection from 2017 to 2021.This project supports the`Bridging the Valley" initiative to improve safety,create more effective freight Pines Road/BNSFcrossing routes and spur economic development in Spokane Valley. Public safety and livability Economic benefits enhancements Completion of the Pines Road/BNSF project will improve The project will significantly enhance vehicle and pedestrian access to 170 acres of nearby mixed-use or commercially- safety, likely saving lives. In addition, it will greatly improve zoned property, and 56 acres of prime industrial-zoned neighborhood livability. Overall the project: property that is currently undeveloped (see graphic below). NI Eliminates the Pines Road/BNSF crossing- saving ECONorthwest conducted an economic impact analysis that quantified the projected economic and tax impacts of the four hours per day(average gate dawn time) in project: vehicle wait time. • Improves commercial and residential traffic flow. • $1.3 billion in total economic output in Spokane • Enhances access to 1-90 and other main arterials in County($686 million in direct spending) the Spokane Valley transportation network. • 8,719 new jobs supported in Spokane County(4,312 • Increases access to key emergency services located direct job impacts) on the south side of the city. rr $8.2 million in new general fund taxes to Spokane • Enhances access to Trent Elementary for school Valley(25 years at 4%) buses, as well as students and families traveling to • $101.9 million in new general fund taxes to and from surrounding neighborhoods. Washington State(25 years at 4%) • Eliminates 15 minutes of train horn noise per day at the crossing (based on 60 freight trains and two r �� N j f Amtrak passenger trains per day). ( r Undeveloped ,,; I, Mil ;r I I Commercial �,{ ��-rj ti F � �l ti"t .r � • ' Undeveloped r. j . ,r` f` y' Residential r ,',,- .. k r 14 T+ '1 jV I: e tit F, r i < f ., } Q Project Site 'n -, .y f + t ,i Tt y IR * • ti " ,dt a 4 y. ;� i Washington Slate ortAt .1‘ ? "tit''''si ( '''1I'1,,''-.1 Ofifr "4".---,- ,., 1 1 `,, . ' ' - T f� F`r City of Spokane Valley }1 ,^ _ i ' . k 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99206 1 -a - ' 1 j r i',-Rilrl I c, Ei; , f; 509-720-5000 www.spokanevalley.org/pinesBNSF Undeveloped Properties 2.23.22 Bigelow Gulch &• Spokane t l;;1 Valley. • c."!, ' .ii •, eullivan Road Corridor sP Y G The Bigelow Gulch-Sullivan Corridor is a multi-agency two-lane corridor to a four-lane arterial, installs Intelligent effort that provides a critical connection for regional goods Transportation System (ITS)fiber,cameras,and signs,and and freight movements across eight miles of rural Spokane reconstructs the SR 290 interchange.The corridor will safely County roads and three miles of urban Spokane Valley streets. and efficiently provide an alternate route to Interstate 90, The corridor has a deadly crash history due to congestion, linking over 1,100 acres of the region's largest industrial absence of passing lanes,poor sight lines,steep grades, centers:Spokane's Northeast Public Development Authority, sharp curves,and a poorly operating interchange at State the Spokane Valley Business&Industrial Park,and Spokane Route 290.The proposed project reconstructs the narrow Valley's Northeast Industrial Area. r S "e , Widened SPOKANE SPOKANE COUNTY N CDIn'u13 t Roadway wide'e!I z fit r e LiUnlmi]IQV2a� Ru.Jtvsyy.deitad 15 }"i Widened in?021 LI in?ORS in 1019 li Fleali ned,S.lelenFil j a!in 2rn17 d¢ li z BIGELOW GULC ID - andinter.i:clicrns } -- - 7 1i __- _ --- � __�_ _--_- �— - - �—_. ., a- u5rnusv�^rlul 2i]iu ,5 i 1 Itoaclr•ldv fieCi?n,Irvi Utrri,,nd hptir.tcJes •°•` -improved hanfoiit.ii Jo,'veto(al<rlirinmeiii Construction Wid ii Burn tavn Io lour I inr•^,Iv!ni_d{an and pay,i.l:fitrultleis in 2O1. m i }y -F oari.,dr and inti°r51°r,Iann:aIeSyr improvernen!s -te" 1 1rL . - 111£LLEStEY ryE i. lnii rci coon Improvements ISa3hh1 i 1 ainitelirn ntiro t� ttatton*.04 ^ M Si nalriation.Ind rerarilr urallnn CITY OF 'Acor►neckedslgitai�s 1- .' ` n ] E,_ SPOKANE 'I tf 41€ 0tt#c�lr;���- 'yr,4 -i t I� ...,,� y '' Intr•rehan9 i..e.-1 �._.. 1 0n Rr constin,'lir7p 1 <..a _El �w r i r o 'Td' f5?6GMI f aatte.;epar.rliuu?G?iI !f �r i VE129!�'. . ' Kr vt iL... -LI N'A.f' r t r r i r ti ill I,i•.0-rlii201r7; 0LIANA o CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ! r s- t I t i 1 . , . ."M-- r r 1 . • a li �,r i --industrial Lands ' I--Active Rail Lines :. Commercial Lands -• Mdnidpa1 Boundaries !_'.._.. ,t N. 1 - Funding Project Partners • BNSF Railway MI Spokane Transit Authority Federal Request: $26.1 million • Freight Mobility Strategic Investment •Transportation Improvement Board Total funding gap $36.7 million Board NI Federal Highways Administration ■WA State Dept.of Tranportation ■County Road Administration Board Other federal funds $ 2e3 million N Spokane County •NE Public Development Authority Non-federal funds $ 3.3 million •City of Spokane •East Valley School District Previously incurred costs $34.1 million •City of Millwood •West Valley School District Total cost: $76.4 million •Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of •Mead School District Commerce •Crown West Realty 2022-2025 construction N Greater Spokane Inc. • IEDS Logistics •Spokane Regional Trans.Council •Spokane Area Good Roads Assoc. Spokane Valley project details The city has made significant investments in the Sullivan . 1 To Bigelow Gulch Road ik Washington * Corridor and continues to make State improvements to accomodate x growth. Corrridor projects include: - - I a .Oueui 0 RECONSTRUCTION - Funded -Wellesley to Forker o1P'JI°- __A , — �° fit°�ii Project cost: $11.8 million E Construction year: 2022 3 L- ; IvalI1eschoal k'"g°'d !__'_...., 0 INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Funded-At Wellesley re w £w2 a Ave a l — Fierey ' � BSI Homy_ .._ :� i � Al [ Hem? .. --A I €..,.�. P-L- I `' I 5 Herat Project cost: $2,3 millionConstruction year:2022 I _. `-_ - j.__ ,_(" .�._..Langidaw _J f 0 RECONSTRUCTION &STREET LIGHTING - Unfunded iw•.___ x. gI R,di1 —_ Wellesley to SR 290 :Imo Rol Rxkw!: Trent `; Project cost:$5 million I Construction year: pending - to a„a e- FUNDING REQUEST HdueldalPekA CD SR 290 INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ..Unfunded __.__.,, ^ m t Induaidel Pali s Project cost: $26.6 million I Construction year: pending Y a 1 Indueer@I Perk �t ' indailriiI Perko O INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM -Completed - c 5 N Indiana to SR 290 _ hduatr�IParkE Project cost: $1 million I Construction year:2020 m Pakelew EEacirdAve _________ 0 INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Unfunded-At Kiernan . Project cost: $2 million I Construction year: pending LE ,ells _ O INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION -Completed-At Euclid Project cost: $1.7 million I Construction year:2017 Flom INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Unfunded-At Marietta Project cost: $2 million I Construction year: pending "�.,.. hug O BRIDGE REPLACEMENT-Completed -At Spokane River N Project cost: $15.5 million I Construction year: 2015 \ 9 %,,, e INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION -Completed-At Indiana -` old mu Project cost: $1.4 million I Construction year:2011 '10 >i`�� � � ED INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION -Completed-At Broadway , -- `E.0�� 1` , ,, -��--•° -�� i4 _` Cmma Project cost: $0.8 million I Construction year: 2010II_ clbida, INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION -Completed-At Sprague leliwrl I!' ]i Project cost: $1 million I Construction year:2010 °° eyAyr 1 n AIH Sp rakdld Bpd+gila o BUS, BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN UPGRADES-Unfunded 404 __. AH C Project cost: $1 million I Construction year: pending dywry z �, 1 I N I 1 ; Valle a NI Nlmr j 'Riuerdlde 1 Nixon L n. Md _ Main_i ____ SULLIVAN ROAD �'9e-""-- 1 - Rhenmd FUNDING STATUS niridi_d 1 ESpragu•Ave S 15M id_ 12 Ica (in millions) 19. + 2nd_ _. I_ _...., ..4nd Bich .P N lfnlundnd 3 , I 13rd'_. g Total: $75,6 M $37-1 NI 49% Funded/Complete:$38.5 M City of Spokane Valley Unfunded (shortfall): $37.1 M S2a.9 AA 10210 fur.Sprague Avenue Spokane Request: $26.1 M Spokane Valley,WA 99206 41.0000Valzey 509-720-5000 www.spokanevalley.org 1.26.22 South Barker Road Spokane , ,.... Corridor Projects .. Va11ey The Barker Road corridor parallels the east boundary of Key improvements Spokane Valley.The road intersects with Interstate 90 providing access to more than 800 acres of industrial In 2020,the city adopted transportation impact fees for the property and 220 acres of homes.The area is experiencing key improvements identified below. Impact fees fund only rapid industrial growth north of the interstate and expanding 19% of the needed improvements and the city is actively residential neighborhoods south of the interstate in Spokane pursuing all funding options. County and east in Liberty Lake. Barker Road is a key arterial •Widen and improve Barker Road to a five-lane urban for vehicles accessing Interstate 90 or the east-west Sprague roadway section from Mission Avenue to 1-90. Avenue corridor. • Reconstruct the intersection of South Barker Road and Project partners Sprague Avenue with a single lane roundabout. ■Widen and improve Barker Road to a five-lane urban /Washington State Department of Transportation roadway section from 1-90 to Appleway Avenue. /Spokane County I Reconstruct the intersection of Barker Road and 4th /Spokane Regional Transportation Council Avenue with a single lane roundabout. ✓Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce E Reconstruct the intersection of Barker Road and 8th Avenue with a single lane roundabout. r r i " i `� '•tit r eaviivw.., A. 4,1 1 Fundingrequest f PM'..4,„ : .�' .,4,.,a +� , ' v'pis F '8- 1 k .k.if `y� 7o. i Roadway Reconstruction - Mission Avenue to 1-90. 'q�• '�+�.' ° ' Project cost:$3.1 million a ' 1 e 11 I ," i4 '` BooneECu" t+ ':', I „I• Roadway Roadway Reconstruction - 1-90 to Appleway Avenue. ''f(f i I Li,. , , , . .. � �� � , - { — 0 'F _ Project cost: $6.5 million ' Y- a- ; , ; �'.. J.r I ' ' ; Roadway Reconstruction -ApplewayAvenue to the h-' °Interetdk r1T 4�1 Dui south city limit, Project Cost: $3.5 million d �.,rkj •I �'� t. - srxr ` 5 eh Intersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and Sprague 2 Avenue. Project cost: $2.2 million 1. ` co P�pt gay .:f la Intersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and 4th ) + ! 7 Avenue. Project cost: $2.0 million } -. ' 3 ,i Intersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and 8th laccl a �! P _ V Avenue. Project cost: $1.5 million --y. 'iSpragUe vets Funding l717� Secured r�;, n/'�1 , li$' r' `r1 - .i llnding - Funding • i .._...../.2 yaq ""•�`'_ �, P 1 �r -i , status k 12% teft rr. .,/...\ �4 , \ unsecured Funds as�-, 4hE1V@ ,:i i e , 1. _ Total project cost: 1 I , (Impact Fees) -�,u _ - I $3,600,000 i. --�u ,,1 $18.8 million ,, Funding Request 19% m`k � ti t r L t IA 69% ,_ _,� , I 1 __ Funding request: .., ., r ". Ti- I' '._ $12.9 million a_ _:, .RJR' '—YI Ali '�. i' +"Pd ';. 4 6r� 1, �'� +� aiji x , r City of Spokane Valley 1l 1 . ..-. - -r SpoknneVallcy,or3 1.12.22 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Spokane FUNDING REQUEST; $14.75 million Valley. The City of Spokane Valley is designing the Spokane Valley River Loop Trail, a paved non-motorized trail along the Spokane River's north bank that would connect Plante's Ferry Sports Complex, Sullivan Park and Flora Road park property. The Spr knneVaLy.crg proposed trail is approximately five miles long and a recommended project in the city's 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 509,7`0.5D0D The trail would connect to the Centennial Trail and improve access to the Spokane River. Estimated cost is S16,5 million, _ . ' !' SPOKANE VALLEY - ' ', RIVER LOOP TRAIL - - , Fern 1�* Afive-nie(�o#-rnotfodrized)pavedb .� `. } r, - r tii�,,F f 4 Sports scenic trailthat would serve icy- i I Il ' r - ,a,, . + _��,- _ J�.. C:mplex - clists,runners and walkers,and - �r l Writ t ill- 4, T_ - * rN`, i allow access to the river's north �'= - •- I '.. side for fishing and whitewater T arr r�v - 5 r, #` e% - enthusiasts. Oil M. M FLORA ROAD �` `� , _ ir PARK PROPERTY r', ♦ �A�a� - 5 • �I f a i r J i_ - A46-acre property envisioned to = al include nature trails and other park `.__ yr• • _`.1 • arm PEDESTRIAN RIVER -SIIIINIES *-=�. <1 • _NP facilities alongthe river's northern I ` BRIDGE near Trent Avenue ,.- �i. `' " ` �' bank.ApedeErian bridge spanning 'O�a — 1ie�,: the river would connect the River r vE •• ���',, : y"_� 4 • ,. - LoopTrail and ark to Flora Road r 4,r' , r --g 1, P r�1 %_.. +• _- "r ,;' ' r :. .f. mot' -,k •i and the Centennial Trail. • �- — � . - 1 j(Q��y�• mil l 4 , 4. ��I_r �� I - �_� _'g - yew a�e. „ 1 `' � .�-�c� ..p PEDESTRIAN RIVER . 4_ `? =Iorar<oad le I. ti • % F. • �__ �y�: BRIDGE at Flora Road. 0. Park Property " t . .c�yT�7 ' RIVER LQflPSRACL 4` q -f' - ,, .,r -SJ•. —-. 9Y'• 1.,Y. 1 D,i s i� ��y I-.r1� LF r .. F 4 y j r"�Sullivan k fo l _ .+ e llt�fr.:" n• ,k w� 1- _ sk r� :: PINES ROAD TRAILHEAD ♦ ► •r - a ,c w - A new access and parking area r<, t ♦ I ` 1 for users o€both the Centennial _.leis `� � ['f ..., and Spokane Valley River Loop o- S •. 4 > ,j , ''' ' : - trails.A pedestrian bridge span- �, • • nin the Spokane River would { _ +' �• • '` ' - u '1� 111:41 ._ . �'r connect the two trails. }�j-+. -„ - ' tonne • . ` -•-_� ...Zia!: I1 ' '! r. Alw 1' �. ids • -� .:r. '�f-F• •_ sx•'. !•� ...iv: '. +r _ +n.►4yf, '": Ai,1 . 's_+ or '7i �� `� 1.1 y M !. i i yrr - a"L ,-r '"ZWrt iit a. 4-- - ''* - - 1 ij�R• 1�. Ate.,1�f -#�-- _ .,.- • _ r�:.1L_'_ ,..'4,'*+. � w`•..'.may-1� r ._ ... ._, -,.. "r'1'.r�..- '� -... �• �'�- - � � �. _.,:>� .r •_._. Spokane County Regional Expo Expansion Federal Request: $8.75 million Project SP��.ne ,.,. . III ,, Partners 10Valley` i=aift�F�Cl4 Ili: 111- ra_r � ., _ Spokane County The City of Spokane Valley and Spokane — --- ..— _. . . . f� : County are proposing to construct a new i ;t • r " ' 32,300-square-foot conference building 1 at the Fair and Expo Center,404 N. - ._ Havana Street, in Spokane Valley. , , li d s The building will create additional space rSip llill{� _- a 3. .. , h.iy I r,, C•f„/;i IfAl II '1� :I 1 . I and versatility at the center, increasing �,-, ii . .---"LF r 1 its ability to attract and support multiple �`�"f;:,- ,,,4'4 . y 4 . r a i yE.lw_, 7 1!1 �1 I�' i T I conferences and special events. Ct is rr Te k r„- r. L - o.1ti.1 estimated the expanded facility would t "__ 1 r s f'_ _ generate$3.9 million in new visitor --— spending annually. •- - - In addition to boosting the economy, the building will provide a new and A northwest view of the new building.Visitors will use the front entry to access conference events,but an adjacent outside entrance will remain for entry into the fair. exciting showpiece for the Fair and Expo Center,which has not experienced any - Main Entry significant investment in more than 15 r: : f years. . E, Broadway Ave, .1 f f i The Fair and Expo Center sits on 97 ' acres along Spokane Valley's western ID z boundary.Spokane County will provide f the land for the new building; Fair and - Feilar®unaal iu ... i,r ', Expo staff will maintain, manage and m A"ess°ata jE'' r; - ti I., Gnt 211 "Imarket it.The building is envisioned to . c a o \ - fpiLoag Tiljir. v • u ' Inew conferencing space,afull-service r— _ . _. 1� � `•' ` �" restaurant,administrative and ticket �' ' sales offices,and a stylish entry that i.' •L_ 1r.1"R 4,-1, e. -_ r - rr 1 I i•:'° • welcomes visitors. The new building will be attached to the northwest corner of the existing expo building. Cost and funding The city estimates it will cost about$14 million to construct the build- Fair and Expo Center expansion ing on land owned by the county.To date,the city has set aside$4.5 Federal funding request $ 8.75 million million in local and lodging tax proceeds to utilize for construction. The city also received a$750,000 appropriation from the Washington Secured local funding $ 4.50 million State Legislature in 2021 to support the project.This request for$8.75 WA State Legislature award $ .75 million million in federal funding secures the balance of the necessary funds. Total cost: $14.00 million f New spaces l J _ J I` !j� � � I. A preliminary footprint of the floor plan _ i,1 i �r for the 32,300-square-foot expansion fi'uS '1 � I' l� :'C; 1 III ))1 includes: autdrn r Seating„ < - ■An additional 16,000-square-foot .,° r ', exhibit hall for trade shows and ' , Restaurant zcoaos sf I large events,and 7,800 square feet ,\t 4 Exhibit Hail ! in smaller conference rooms(2nd - " 16,1300 of c n floor). ■A 4,000-square-foot,full-service " i' i r ` restaurant with indoor and outdoor ov SECOND;FLoon .; ,r - seating. Exhibit Hall 1 ,.' •An office for administration,2,500 Meeting 2_Stoty Below • Meeting Room#6 a�aao S 1 LobbyBOa eT `l, square foot. ' Meeting Room#4 ki, 1 •A 2,000-square-foot lobby that ��� i,aoaet , Meeting Room#2 'fix" 't welcomes guests and conference a,00ast r {i attendees.The building entrance will kt � Meeting Roorn#3 11,_. I- 1,000si `+ ti I face E. Broadway Avenue. Facility history Building benefits Operated by the county,the Fair and Expo Center has a The existing Fair and Expo Center is primarily limited to long and successful history of hosting events in Spokane hosting trade show events and lacks the versatility to Valley, including RV,auto and boat shows; equestrian provide smaller rooms for meetings and conferences.The events; and hobby, craft and vintage shows.The facility expansion would create a multi-use facility designed to: boasts 140,000-square-feet of indoor exhibit space, a 5,200-seat grandstand arena,and livestock facilities for the • Host single events that require both trade show fair,which will celebrate its 71st year in 2022. space and small conference rooms. • Host multiple groups/events at one time through An expansion of the Fair and Expo Center aligns with improved flexibility in dividing and using space. the City of Spokane Valley's economic and tourism nu Provide on-site restaurant service to conference strategy. In 2015, a formal study completed by the city's attendees or ball park visitors. Currently, the area is generally limited to fast food establishments. consultant, Community Attributes Inc., identified a strong • Provide on site catering for corporate events, connection between retail and tourism development.An fundraising events,small private parties and analysis of retail sectors showed the city lagged behind in celebrations. retail sales per capita in tourism-related sectors, including ■ Host regional distribution/health testing/inoculation accommodations(lodging establishments),food services events to meet future public health needs. and drinking places,and performing arts/spectator sports. In partnership with the county,the city began exploring the The expansion will positively impact the local economy. In concept of expanding the center in 2017. addition to the increased visitor spending noted earlier, it is estimated the new building would operate at a profit. e► Ie Spokane County City of Spokane Valley FAIRS EXPO Fair and Expo Center Y] Cnn or 10210 E.Sprague Avenue 404 N.Havana Street tSpOlitane Spokane Valley,WA 99206 �,, `a ` Spokane Valley,WA 99202 valley* spokanevalley.org/expoexpansion 4 r ■ ' �'J hi n;1 r t•.: 509-477-1766 509-720-5000 Spokane County 2-23 22 ...INC..