19-096.01 WSDOE: Decant Facility Canopy Phase 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 156A34BA-CF00-464B-A2DA-5B845A6253AA - ci o DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WEI State of Washington AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO.WQC-2018-SpoVal-00074 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND City of Spokane Valley PURPOSE: To amend the above-referenced agreement(AGREEMENT)between the state of Washington Department of Ecology(ECOLOGY)and City of Spokane Valley(RECIPIENT)for the Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy (PROJECT). An extension of this agreement is needed to provide the project additional time to fmish construction. The project has been delayed due to building material delivery delays and contractor workforce constraints due to COVID. 1) The grant expiration date is extended from December 31,2021 to June 30,2022. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the AGREEMENT is amended as follows: Expiration Date: Original: 12/31/2021 Amended: 06/30/2022 CHANGES TO THE BUDGET Funding Distribution EG190427 Funding Title: SFAP Funding Type: Grant Funding Effective Date: 07/01/2017 Funding Expiration Date: 06/30/2022 Funding Source: Title: SFAP-SFY17(WQC-2016) Fund: Type: State Funding Source%: 67.17% Description: Funds come from the Model Toxic Control Account and State Building Construction Account. It funds projects that reduce the environmental impact of Stormwater pollution Title: SFAP-SFY18 Template Version 10/30/2015 DocuSign Envelope ID: 156A34BA-CF00-464B-A2DA-5B845A6253AA State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 2 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy Project Agreement No.WQC-2018-SpoVal-00074 Fund: Type: State Funding Source%: 32.83% Description: Environmental Legacy Stewardship Account(ELSA)-State Approved Indirect Costs Rate: Approved State Indirect: 0% Recipient Match%: 25% InKind Interlocal Allowed: No InKind Other Allowed: No Is this Funding Distribution used to match a federal grant? No S FA P Task Total Project Administration/Management $ 0.00 Design Plans and Specs,Environmental Review $ 60,000.00 Construction Management $ 30,000.00 Construction S 505,535.00 Total: $ 595,535.00 Template Version 10/30/2015 DocuSign Envelope ID: 156A34BA-CF00-464B-A2DA-5B845A6253AA State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 3 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy Project Agreement No.WQC-2018-SpoVal-00074 Funding Distribution Summary Recipient/Ecology Share Funding Distribution Name Recipient Match% Recipient Share Ecology Share Total SFAP 25 % $ 148,883.75 $ 446,651.25 $ 595,535.00 'total $ 148,883.75 $ 446,651.25 $ 595,535.00 Template Version I0/30/2015 DocuSign Envelope ID: 156A34BA-CF00-464B-A2DA-5B845A6253AA State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 4 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy Project Agreement No.WQC-2018-SpoVal-00074 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement including any Amendments remain in full force and effect,except as expressly provided by this Amendment. The signatories to this Amendment represent that they have the authority to execute this Amendment and bind their respective organizations to this Amendment. This amendment will be effective 12/28/2021. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: the parties hereto,having read this Amendment in its entirety,including all attachments,do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto. Washington State City of Spokane Valley Department of Ecology DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: Byc / /�Q 2/7/2022 By. 2/4/2022 Ontoeholf of 2BCMoeeeao»ee... wiaiooal•„aonrt... Vincent McGowan,P.E. Date William Helbig Date Water Quality City Engineer Program Manager Template Approved to Form by Attorney General's Office Template Version 10/30/2015