2022-03-10 PC SIGNED APPROVED MINUTESMeeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall March 10, 2022 I. Planning Commission Chairman Bob McKinley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting. II. Planning Commission Secretary Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Cary Driskell, City Attorney Susan Delucchi Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Taylor Dillard, Administrative Assistant Walt Haneke Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Bob McKinley Nancy Miller Sherri Robinson III. AGENDA: Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the March 10, 2022 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IV. MINUTES: Commissioner Beaulac moved to approve the February 24, 2022 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Commissioner Haneke joined the meeting at 6:04 p.m. V. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Commission reports. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates stated that City staff is discussing the possibility of holding in -person Planning Commission meetings now that the mask mandates have been rescinded and will give an update when a decision has been made. He also stated that a Code Text Amendment will be coming to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation regarding HB 1220 that became effective in 2021 regarding Homeless and Housing. Commissioner Delucchi joined the meeting at 6:06 p.m. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 03-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 6 a. Public Hearing: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment The public hearing was opened at 6:12 p.m. Planning Manager Chaz Bates gave background and introduced the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process. Mr. Bates explained that amendment applications were accepted through October 31, 2021 and the City Council approved four amendments to be considered during 2022. He stated that the notice of the hearing was published twice in the newspaper, was posted on the property site, and was mailed to property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment location. CPA-2022-0001: A request to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning for 1.03 acres from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Multifamily Residential (MFR). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0001. The property consists of two vacant parcels total 1.03 acres and is located on Raymond Road between 10' and 11 ' Avenue. The applicant is Land Use Solutions and the owner of the property is Sunshine Health Facilities (SHFI Properties, LLC). The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Multifamily Residential (MFR). Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the MFR land use area by 1.03 acres • No critical areas within the proposed area • Supports redevelopment of vacant properties • Supported by transportation network • Compatible with adjacent uses • There is an increasing need for senior and assisted living facilities CPA-2022-0002: A request to change land use designation and zoning for .45 acres from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0002. The property consists of a single parcel totaling .45 acres in size and is located on the northeast corner of N. Flora Road and E. Montgomery Avenue. The property is adjacent to the Flora Road Centennial Trailhead. The applicant and the owner of the property is the City of Spokane Valley. The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (P/OS). Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the P/OS land use area by .45 acres • No critical areas within the proposed area • The area is identified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan • The change supports the Centennial Trail access and potential river loop trail. • The change is compatible with surrounding uses 03-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 6 CPA-2022-0003: A request to change land use designation and zoning for 17.64 acres from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0003. The property consists of six parcels totaling 17.64 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of E. 440' Avenue and S. Bates Road and extends to the Union Pacific Railroad. The application and the owner of the property is the City of Spokane Valley. The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single -Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the P/OS land use area by 17.64 acres • Supports Park Level Of Service • The property was newly acquired for park space • The property provides park space to the neighborhood CPA-2022-0004: A request to amend Figure 27 — Bikeway Network to add north river loop trail. Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0004. The proposed amendment is a non -site specific map amendment adding a proposed shared use path to Figure-27 — Map of Existing and Bicycle Facilities of the Comprehensive Plan. The 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan identified a potential trail along the north bank of the Spokane River from Plante's Ferry Park to a potential new park between Flora and Barker Rds. In 2021, the City acquired 46 acres in the proposed amendment area. The amendment will adopt a shared use path and will provide a four linear mile trail along the north bank of the Spokane River from Flora Rd to Plante's Ferry. Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • The area was identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan • Enhances and supports future park developments • Maintains consistency among plans • Supports grants and other funding opportunities The matter was opened for public comment. Dwight Hume, the applicant representing Sunshine Health regarding CPA-2022-0001 stated that he reviewed the staff report and agreed with everything included in the report. He said that he feels their proposal is consistent with the criteria for approval within the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that he feels Spokane Valley has a need for assisted living facilities and Sunshine Health hopes to get the multi -family designation so that they can help fill that need. He also said that the surrounding neighborhood is in favor of request. Nathan Dikes, CEO for Sunshine Health Facilities stated that Sunshine has been in Spokane Valley since 1965. He concurred with Mr. Hume's testimony and the staff presentation. He said that Sunshine Health wants to be a good neighbor to the surrounding area and thinks that 03-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 6 the proposed development will be a good addition once the land use change has been made to the property. Planning Commissioner Miller asked what services are already available in the current location. Mr. Dikes answered that they provide a skilled nursing facility, assisted living, behavioral health unit, a memory care unit, a certified home health unit, and four adult family homes. Planning Commissioner Secretary read comments received from three members of the public: Wendy Johnson, President of the Chester Community Cemetery expressed support for CPA-2022-0003 stating that the change to Parks and Open Space would be an improvement to the area and would be appreciated by the residents that live nearby. Jene Ray, Spokane Valley, stated that she would like for the area referenced in CPA- 2022-0003 to remain a dog walkers park with the addition of disc golf. Don Danner, Spokane Valley, expressed opposition to CPA-2022-0001 stating that the area around Sunshine Health is already overburdened by firetrucks, ambulances, and police cars blocking the road. He does not feel that the area is designed to support such a large facility and should remain zoned single-family residential. The Planning Commissioners allowed Ms. Jene Ray to speak publicly regarding her written comments. Jene Ray, Spokane Valley, reiterated that she enjoys having the park in her backyard and requested that the City add disc golf to the park once it is developed. She also gave options for getting funding for the disc golf. City Attorney Cary Driskell explained that the current request is just for the land use designation of the property, but the Parks Department will do a public master plan for the development of the park if the land use designation is granted. The public hearing was closed at 6:52 p.m. The Commissioners decided to discuss each Comprehensive Plan Amendment individually. CPA-2022-0001: Commissioner Miller stated that there are 24 assisted living communities and 18 assisted living adult family homes within the City of Spokane Valley. She expressed that she doesn't want to see the R-3 zone be absorbed by multi -family zoning. She said that she feels that the street is very narrow and parking is an issue in that area. Commissioner Haneke stated that he agrees that the street is too narrow. He would like to recommend that parking being banned on the east side of the street. Commissioner Robinson said that Spokane is a medical hub for the surrounding area and a big portion of the people moving to the area are retirees which means there is a large population of people who need the services that assisted living can provide. She also mentioned that people moving into assisted living don't usually drive so she doesn't feel that the parking from the facility residents is going to have a significant impact on the street. Commissioner Delucchi asked how many units would be allowed under the current zoning. Mr. Bates answered that eight units would be allowed under the current zoning and 22 units would be allowed if multi -family zoning is granted. 03-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Gramath said that while he is not usually in favor of changed residential to multi -family, he feels that Sunshine Health should be allowed to develop their property and that there is a need for additional assisted living facilities. Chairman McKinley stated that he also sees a need for assisted living facilities and Sunshine Health has been a good neighbor in Spokane Valley. However, there is a risk that the property could be sold after the zone change and something totally different could be built on the property instead. The Planning Commission came to a consensus that five members were in favor of recommending approval of the amendment and two opposed. Commissioner Haneke asked if language could be added regarding restricting on -street parking. Mr. Bates stated that he could add that recommendation to the Findings of Fact presented to the City Council. With the recommendation language added, Commissioner Haneke agreed to recommend approval which made the consensus six in favor and one opposed. CPA-2022-0002 Commissioner Haneke expressed concern that there is no parking available in the area for the proposed trailhead. City Attorney Driskell responded that the proposed use of the property is to provide connectivity from the north bank to the Flora park land. He explained that it is not intended to be a parking area. The Planning Commission came to consensus that all members were in favor of recommending approval of the land use change. A ten-minute break was called at 7:25 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 7:35 p.m. CPA-2022-0003 Commissioner Beaulac asked how much park land would be allocated to the fire department for a new fire station. He expressed concern about building a new fire station across the street from the old fire station. He doesn't feel this is a good use of taxpayer money. City Attorney Driskell responded that the interlocal agreement reads that Spokane Fire District #8 would purchase an estimated three acres of the acquired land. They hope to replace the outdated station with a more modern station that would also have some minor components that would allow for on -site training. Commissioner Haneke asked why it would be zoned parks and open space when it's going to be purchased by the Fire Department. Mr. Bates responded that community services, such as a fire station, is an allowed use within the Parks and Open Space zoning district. The Planning Commission came to consensus that six members were in favor of recommending approval of the land use change and one opposed. CPA-2022-0004 There was no discussion. The Planning Commission came to consensus that all members were in favor of recommending approval of the amendment. Commissioner Haneke moved to recommend approval of CPA-2022-0001 with added parking language, CPA-2022-0002 as submitted, CPA-2022-0003 with added comments regarding the fire station and CPA-2022-0004 as submitted. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. 03-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 6 IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order. X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting at 8: 04 p.m. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Bob McKinley, Chair Marianne Lemons, Secretary Date Signed