Ordinance 22-005 adopts impact fee rate studies CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.22-005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE SOUTH BARKER CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE RATE STUDY ADDENDUM AND THE MIRABEAU AND NORTH PINES ROAD SUBAREA TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE RATE STUDY ADDENDUM, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley (City) adopted a Comprehensive Plan establishing the intent to utilize available funding sources to pay for capital improvements necessaty as a result of new growth within the City, including use of impact fees for new developments to pay a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities needed to serve such growth;and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan contains a complete description of the existing level of service for transportation facilities and the impacts for future growth on that level of service; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to ensure that those transportation facilities necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use, or shortly thereafter, without decreasing current service levels below established minimum standards for the City; and WHEREAS,the City is authorized to adopt,impose,and collect transportation impact fees pursuant to RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.110 and WAC 365-196-850; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2020, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Chapter 22.100 SVMC to establish and collect transportation impact fees as provided by adopted impact fee rate studies and the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS,the City's transportation impact fees are set forth in the Master Fee Schedule pursuant to SVMC 17.110.010; and WHEREAS,on December 15,2020,the City of Spokane Valley adopted the South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study to establish the rates in the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2021, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study to establish the rates in the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, in February,2021,the City completed an update to the transportation impact fee rate studies for the South Barker Road, Mirabeau, and North Pines Road Subareas (the "Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11th Edition Trip Generation Rates South Barker Road"and the "Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Studies with ITE I IP"Edition Trip Generation Rates") based upon the South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study and the Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study, identifying the transportation impact fee rates for the South Barker Road, Mirabeau, and North Pines Road Subareas; and WHEREAS, the adoption of these studies enables the imposition and collection of impact fees under Chapter 22.100 SVMC and pursuant to RCW 82.02.050-.1 l0 and WAC 365-196-850; and Ordinance 22-005 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study Addenda Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the adoption set forth below is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt the Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with 1 PE 1111i Edition Trip Generation Rates South Barker Road and the Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11t1i Edition Trip Generation Rates to update the transportation impact fee rates set forth in the Master Fee Schedule pursuant to Chapter 22.100 SVMC. Section 2. Findings and Conclusions. The City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to the Growth Management Act and the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 22.100 SVMC was adopted enabling the collection of impact fees as assessed in impact fee rate studies based on traffic studies. B. The City Council provided opportunity for public comment on this proposed Ordinance and the proposed Addenda identified in Section 1 at each reading of this Ordinance, including on March 22, 2022. The City Council has considered all public comments received. C. Compliance with RCW 82.02.050-A10, WAC 365-196-850, and Chapter 22.100 SVMC 1. The proposed adoption of the Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11t1' Edition Trip Generation Rates and the Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11th Edition Trip Generation Rates enables assessment of impact fees in accordance with the requirements of RCW 82.02.050-.110 and pursuant to Chapter 22.100 SVMC. 2. The proposed fees are for public street and road system improvements that are reasonably related to the new development, do not exceed the proportionate share of the costs of system improvements that are reasonably related to the new development, and will be used for system improvements that will reasonably benefit the new development within the South Barker Corridor,Mirabeau Subarea, and North Pines Road Subarea, as identified in the Rate Study addenda and the underlying studies. 3. The Comprehensive Plan contains a complete description of the existing level of service for transportation facilities and the impacts for future growth on that level of service. The City has conducted a comprehensive study and plan of traffic growth and necessary system improvements to support such growth for the Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subareas. Chapters 5 and 10 of the Comprehensive Plan identify use of impact fees as a funding source for necessary improvements. Section 3. Study Addenda Adoption. The City Council hereby adopts the Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11 t1' Edition Trip Generation Rates and the Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Studies with ITE 1191' Edition Trip Generation Rates. The Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with ITE 1111' Edition Trip Generation Rates is attached to this Ordinance 22-005 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study Addenda Page 2 of 3 Ordinance as Exhibit "A". The Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIE Rate Studies with ITE 11 t" Edition Trip Generation Rates is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit"B." The Addendum to South Barker Corridor TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11t'' Edition Trip Generation Rates and the Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIE Rate Studies with IT>~, 11" Edition Trip Generation Rates are incorporated by reference herein and incorporated in Chapter 22.100 SVMC as provided therein. Except as otherwise modified in the adopted Addenda or herein, the South Barker Corridor 111. Rate Study and the Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Study remain valid and in full force and effect. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 29t'day of March,2022. Pam Haley,Mayor ATTEST: -C1' ;41 )3e--;-vhir ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of e City tto Date of Publication: `7y P ' / a Effective Date: 1/ — , 3 - da.cl- • Ordinance 22-005 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study Addenda Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A FEHR 'S' PEERS Memorandum Date: February 25, 2022 To: Jerremy Clark, City of Spokane Valley From: Patrick Picard, Arnav Duarah, and Chris Breiland, Fehr & Peers Subject: Addendum to South Barker Corridor T!F Rate Studies with 1TE 11th Edition Trip Generation Rates DN21-0779 Summary This memo serves as an addendum to the South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study for City of Spokane Valley, providing revised trip rates based on updated trip generation rates from the recently released 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual.The following tables reflect the updated trip rates and effectively supersede the corresponding tables in the existing report. All other aspects of the existing TIF Rate Study, including the estimated project costs, forecast land use growth, and general methodology remain unchanged.This memo simply provides the updated TIF rates based on the most current published ITE trip generation rates. Updated Tables The following tables have been updated based on the 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual and reflect the current TIF rates by which the City of Spokane Valley would assess developer impact fees in the South Barker Corridor TIF area. The updated cost per PM peak trip in the South Barker Corridor TIF area of Spokane Valley is $1,153, which compares to $1,272 in the previous version of the study dated September, 2020. The decrease in cost is due primarily to a an increase in the ITE trip rates for General Office Building and Medical Clinic between the 10th Edition and 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, which increased the forecast growth in PM peak trips from 2,857 to 3,154. 518 17th Street I Suite 1100 I Denver, CO 80202 f (303) 296-4300 I Fax(303) 296-4302 www.fe h ra nd peers.co m Jerremy Clark pill February 25, 2022 Page 2of3 •1 Table 2 Updated Table 2. Growth in Study Area PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips (2015-2040) 2015- ITE Average Growth in SRTC Land Use(LU) 2040 LU Unit of ITE ITE Description Trip Rate 1 Trips(LU Growth Measure Code (PM peak growth x hr.) trip rate) Single Family Dwelling Single-Family 917 210 0.94 862 Residential Units Detached Housing Multi-Family Dwelling Multifamily Housing Residential 1,070 Units 220 0.51 546 (Low-Rise) Hotel/Motel 200 Rooms 310 Hotel 0.59 118 Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Industrial, 0 Employees N/A N/A N/A 0 Manufacturing, Wholesale Retail Trade (Non- Central Business 280 Employees 820 Shopping Center 1.80 504 District) Services and Offices 654 Employees 710 General Office 0.45 294 Building Finance, Insurance, General Office and Real Estate 62 Employees 710 0.45 28 Services (FIRES) Building Medical 503 Employees 630 Clinic 1.47 739 Retail Trade(CBD) 0 Employees N/A'N/A N/A 0 Education 35 Employees 520 Elementary School 1.78 62 Employees University 0 Employees N/A N/A N/A 0 Employees Total Growth in PM Peak Hour Trips 3,1542 1.ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11°h Edition;average trip rate of adjacent street traffic 4-6 PM was used for all land uses given growth will occur among developments of various sizes. 2.Estimated growth in trips differ from the findings in the South Barker Corridor Study because estimates in this study are based on the ITE trip generation rates as opposed to trip growth outputs of the SRTC regional travel demand model. Jerrerny Clark ( (I, i February 25, 2022 II ' � Page 3 of 3 i' Table 5 Updated Table 5. Impact Fee Schedule City of Spokane Valley South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule PM Peak Vehicle Pussby Adjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit 4 @ ITE Cade ITE Land Use Category r z per Unit of Trip Rate % Measare3 $1,153 per PM Peak Vehicle Trip ` 210 Single Family&Duplex 0.94 0% 0.94 $1,084 per dwelling unit 220 Multi-Family(Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0.51 0% 0.51 - $588 per dwelling unit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $680 per room 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78 $2,052 .er em.lo ee s 630 Medical Clinic 0.00369 0% 0.00369 $4.25 per sgft 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0.00144 $1.66 persq ft 820 Sho..in.Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $2.78 ErIMM v ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition):4-6 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the generalized land uses in the SRTC regional travel demand model and is NOT all-inclusive;see Table 6 for a wider variety of uses;Projects with land uses not in Table 5or 6 shall prepare a trip generation end distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$1,153 per PM peak hourtrip. 2 Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices,11th Edition 3 PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips 4 sq ft=square feet,room=available hotel/motel room 5 ITE also includes a student-based trip rate which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley Table 6 Updated Table 6. Expanded Impact Fee Schedule City of Spokane Valley South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule rLand Use Vehicle PM PeakAdjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit 4 @ Group ITE Code ITE Land Use Category Trip Rater Passby%5z per Unit of Me47sure3 $T,l 53 per PM Peak Vehicle Trip 210 Single Family&Duplex 0.94 0% 0.94 $1,084 per dwelling unit Residential 220 Multi-Famil (Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0.51 0% 0.51 $588 .erdwellin.unit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $680 per room Services 492 Health Club 0,00345 0% 0.00345 $3.98 persq ft I 912 Bank 0.02101 35% 0.01366 $15.74 .ers ft 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78000 $2,052 per employee s Institution 522 Middle School 1.94 0% 1.94000 $2,236 per employees 525 High School 1.61 0% 1.61000 $1,856 .erem.In ees 975 Drinking Establishment 0.01136 43% 0.00648 $7.46 persq ft Restaurant ' 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) 0.03303 55% 0,01486 $17.13 persq ft 933 Coffee Sho.with Drive-Thru(no indoorseatin.) 15.08 89% 1.65880 $1,912 .erdrive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $2.78 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales-Used/New 0.00375 0% 0.00375 $4.32 per sgft 945 Convenience Store/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.5k) 22.76 66% 7.74 $8,921 .or.urn. 110 Light Industry/High Technology 0.00065 0% 0.00065 $0.75 persq ft 140 Manufacturing 0.00074 0% 0.00074 $0.85 per sq ft Industrial 150 Warehousing 0.00018 0% 0.00018 $0.21 persq ft 151 Mini-Stora.e 0.0168 0% 0.01680 $19.37 .er store.e unit_ 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0.00144 $1.66 per sgft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic 0.00393 0% 0.00393 $4.53 persq ft 750 Office Park 0.0013 0% 0.00130 $1.50 .ers.ft r ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition):4-6 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the most common uses in southeast SpokeneValtey and is NOT all-inclusive;Projects with land uses not in Table 5 or 6 shall prepare a trip generation and distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$1,153 per PM peak hourtrip. 2 Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables forlTETripGen Appendices,11th Edition 'PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips "sq ft=square feet,pump=vehicle fueling position(VFA),room=available hotel room s 01E also includes a student-based trip rate which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley Exhibit B FEHR ' PEERS Memorandum Date: February 25, 2022 To: Jerremy Clark, City of Spokane Valley From: Patrick Picard, Arnav Duarah, and Chris Breiland, Fehr & Peers Subject: Addendum to Mirabeau and North Pines TIF Rate Studies with ITE 11th Edition Trip Generation Rates DN21-0779 Summary This memo serves as an addendum to the Mirabeau & North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study for City of Spokane Valley, providing revised trip rates based on updated trip generation rates from the recently released 11'h Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. The following tables reflect the updated trip rates and effectively supersede the corresponding tables in the existing report. All other aspects of the existing TIF Rate Study, including the estimated project costs, forecast land use growth, and general methodology remain unchanged. This memo simply provides the updated TIF rates based on the most current published ITE trip generation rates. Updated Tables The following tables have been updated based on the 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual and reflect the current TIF rates by which the City of Spokane Valley would assess developer impact fees in the Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subareas. The updated cost per PM peak trip is $698 in the Mirabeau Subarea and $2,195 in the North Pines Road Subarea, which compares to $716 for the Mirabeau Subarea and $2,816 for the North Pines Road Subarea in the previous version of the study dated June 2021.The decrease in cost is due primarily to an increase in the ITE trip rates for General Office Building and Medical Clinic between the 10th Edition and 11 th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, which increased the forecast growth in PM peak trips from 1,973 to 2,022 in the Mirabeau Subarea and from 911 to 1,169 in the North Pines Road Subarea. 518 17th Street I Suite 1100 I Denver, CO 80202 (303) 296-4300 I Fax(303) 296-4302 www.fehrandpeers.com Jerremy Clark �� February 25, 2022 •1 Page 2 of 6 Table 2 Updated Table 1. Growth in Mirabeau TIF Area PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips (2015-2040) 2015- ITE Average Growth in Unit of ITE Trip Rate 1 Trips (LU Land Use (LU) 2040 LU Measure Code ITE Description (PM peak growth x Growth hr.) trip rate) Single Family Dwelling Single-Family 65 210 0.94 62 Residential Units Detached Housing Multi-Family Dwelling Multifamily Housing 979 220 0.51 500 Residential Units (Low-Rise) Hotel/Motel 150 Rooms 310 Hotel 0.59 89 Thousand Retail Trade 63.89 820 Shopping Center 3.4 218 Square Feet General Office Office 2,561 Employees 710 0.45 1,153 Building Total Growth in PM Peak Hour Trips 2,022 1.ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11`h Edition;average trip rate of adjacent street traffic 4-6 PM was used for all land uses given growth will occur among developments of various sizes. Table 3 Updated Table 2. Growth in North Pines Road TIF Area PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips (2015- 2040) 2015- ITE Average Growth in SRTC Land Use (LU) 2040 LU Unit of ITE ITE Description Trip Rate Trips (LU Growth Measure Code (PM peak growth x hr.) trip rate) Single Family Dwelling Single-Family 78 210 0.94 74 Residential Units Detached Housing Multi-Family 157 Dwelling 220 Multifamily Housing 0.51 81 Residential Units (Low-Rise) Hotel/Motel 0 Rooms N/A N/A N/A 0 Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Industrial, General Light 79 Employees 110 0.49 39 Manufacturing, Industrial Wholesale Retail Trade(Non- I Central Business 155 Employees 820 Shopping Center 1.81 279 District) Jerremy Clark pi February 25, 2022 Page 3 of 6 1/11 2015- ITE Average Growth in Unit of ITE Trip Rate 1 Trips(LU SRTC Land Use(LU) 2040 LU ITE Description Measure Code (PM peak growth x Growth hr.) trip rate) Services and Offices 248 Employees 710 General Office 0.45 112 Building Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 11 Employees 710 General Office 0.45 5 Building Services (FIRES) Medical 371 Employees 630 Clinic 1.47 546 Retail Trade (CBD) 0 Employees N/A N/A N/A 0 Education 18 Employees 520 Elementary School 1.78 Employees University 0 Employees N/A N/A N/A 0 Employees Total Growth in PM Peak Hour Trips 1,1692 1. ITE Trip Generation Manual,11'h Edition;average trip rate of adjacent street traffic 4-6 PM was used for all land uses given growth will occur among developments of various sizes. 2. Estimated growth in trips is slightly higher than the findings in the Mirabeau Subarea Traffic Study Update(2019) because the retail trip generation is based on employees instead of square foot and the trip generation from the school land use was updated. Table 7 Updated Table 3. Cost Per PM Pealc Hour Trip Calculations 2015-2040 TIF Area Fair Share Eligible Growth in PM Cost per PM Project Costs Peak Hour Peak Hour Trip Trips Mirabeau TIF $1,412,330 2,022 $698 North Pines Road TIF $2,565,500 1,169 $2,195 Jerremy Clark February 25, 2022 Page 4 of 6 Table 8 Updated Table 4. Mirabeau Impact Fee Schedule • City of Spokane Volt ey Mirabeaa Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule PM Peak Vehicle PassLy Adjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit'd @ ITE Code ITE Land Use Category per Unit of Trip Rate % Measure' $698 per PM Peak Vehicle Trip 210 Single Family&Duplex 0.94 0% 0.94 $657 per dwelling unit 220 Multi-Family(Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0,51 0% 0.51 $356 per dwelling unit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $412 per room 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78 NIMECI•er em.lo ee 5 630 Medical Clinic 0.00369 0% 0.00369 $2.58 per sq ft 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0.00144 $1.01 per sq ft 820 Sho..in.Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $1.69 �! L ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition):4-6 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the generalized land uses in the SRTC regional travel demand model and is NOT all-inclusive;see Table 10 for a wider variety of uses;Projects with land uses not in Table 8 or 10 shall prepare a trip generation and distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$698 per PM peak hour trip, z Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices,11th Edition 3 PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips sq ft=square feet,room=available hotel/motel room ITE also includes a student-based trip rate which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley Table 9 Updated Table 5. North Pines Road Impact Fee Schedule City of Spokane Volley North Pines Road Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule • PM Peak Vehicle Pussby Adjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit'n 1TE Code 1TE Land Use Category r per Unit of Trip Rote % Measure' $2,195 per PM Peak Vehicle Trip 210 Single Family&Duplex 0.94 0% 9.94 $2,063 per dwelling unit 220 Multi-Family(Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0.51 0% 0.51 $1,119 per dwelling unit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $1,295 per room 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78000 $3,906 .er em.lo ee 630 Medical Clinic 0.00369 0% 0.00369 $8.10 per sq ft 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0.00144 $3.16 per sq ft B20 Sho..in.Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $5.30 ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition);4-6 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the generalized land uses in the SRTC regional travel demand model and is NOT all-inclusive;see Table 11 for a wider variety of uses;Projects with land uses not In Table 9 or 11 shall prepare a trip generation and distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$2,195 per PM peak hour trip. 2 Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices,11th Edition 3 PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips sq ft=square feet,room=available hotel/motel room ITE also includes a student-based trip rate which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley Jerremy Clark IPM February 25, 2022 1111 Page 5 of 6 Table 10 Updated Table 6. Expanded Mirabeau Impact Fee Schedule �`r{� Cityof Spokane Valley Mirabeau Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule iI PM Peak Adjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit @ rand Use ITE Cade ITE Land Use Category Vehicle a per Unit Group A n Passby% of Trip Rate Measure $698 per PM Peak Vehicle flip 210 Single Family&Duplex 0.94 0% 0.94 $657 per dwelling unit Residential 220 Multi-Family(Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0.51 0% 0.51 $356 •erdwellin•unit 310 hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $412 per room Services 492 Health Club 0.00345 0% 0.00345 $2.41 per sq ft 912 Bank 0.02101 35% 0,01366 $9.54 ers•ft 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78000 $1,243 per employees Institution 522 Middle School 1.94 0% 1.94000 $1,355 per employees 525 High School 1.61 0% 1.61000 $1,125 •eremdo ees 975 Drinking Establishment 0.01136 43% 0.00648 $4.52 per sq ft Restaurant 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) 0.03303 55% 0.01486 510.38 per sq ft 938 Coffee Sho•with Drive-Thru(no Indoorseatin• 15.08 89% 1.65880 $1,159 •erdrive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $1,69 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales-Used/New 0.00375 0% 0.00375 $2.62 per sq ft 945 Convenience Store/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.5k) 2276 66% 7.74 $5,405 •er•um 110 Light Industry/High Technology 0.00085 0% 0.00065 $0.45 per sq ft Industrial 140 Manufacturing 0.00074 0% 0,00074 $0.52 per sgft 150 Warehousing 0.00018 0% 0,00018 $0.13 per sq ft 151 Mini-Store.e 0.0168 0% 0.01680 $11.73 •erstora•eunit 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0,00144 $1.01 per sq ft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic 0.00393 0% 0.00393 $2.75 per sq ft 750 Office Park 0.0013 0% 0.00130 $0,91 •ers•ft ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition);4-6 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the most common uses in southeast Spokane Valley and is NOT all-inclusive;Projects with land uses not in Table 8 or 10 shall prepare a trip generation and distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$698 per PM peak hour trip. 2 Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETrIpGen Appendices,11th Edition e PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips `sq ft=square feet,pump=vehicle fueling position(VFA),room-available hotel room SITE also includes a student-based trip rate which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley Jerremy Clark pi February 25, 2022 Page 6 of 6 Oil Table 11 Updated Table 7. Expanded North Pines Road Impact Fee Schedule City of Spokane Valley North Pines Road Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule PM Peak Adjusted Trips Impact Fee Per Unit f @ Land Use", Vehicle Group i ITE Cade I 1TELand Use Category Trip posaby%' Per Unit of r jl Rote Measure 32,195 per PM Peak Vehicle Trip Residential 210 Single Family EtDuplex 0.94 0% 0.94 $2,063 per dwelling unit 220 Multi-Famil (Low-Rise)-Not Close to Rail Transit 0.51 0% 0.51 $1,119 .erdwellin.unit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) 0.59 0% 0.59 $1,295 per room Services 492 Health Club 0.00345 0% 0.00345 $7.57 per sq ft 912 Bank 0.02101 35% 0.01356 $29.97 •ers.ft 520 Elementary School 1.78 0% 1.78000 $3,906 per employee s Institution 522 Middle School 1.94 0% 1,94000 $4,258 per employees 525 High School 1.61 0% 1.61000 $3,533 .erem.lo ees 975 Drinking Establishment 0.01136 43% 0.0064B $14.21 per sq ft Restaurant 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) 0.03303 55% 0.01486 $32.62 per sq ft 938 Coffee Silo.with Drive-Thru(no indoor seatin.) 15.08 89% 1,65880 $3,640 .er drive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center 0.0034 29% 0.00241 $5.30 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales-Used/New 0.00375 0% 0.00375 $8.23 per sq ft 945 Convenience Stare/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.Sk) 2276 65% 7.74 $16,983'.er.urn. 110 Light Industry/High Technology 0.00065 0% 0.00065 $1.43 per sq ft Industrial 140 Manufacturing 0.00074 0% 0.00074 $1.62 per sgft 150 Warehousing 0.00018 0% 0.00018 $0.40 per sgft 151 _ Mini-Stora.e 0.0168 0% 0.01680 $36.87 .erstora.e unit 710 General Office 0.00144 0% 0.00144 $3.16 per sq ft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic 0.00393 0% 0.00393 $8.62 per q ft 750 Office Park 0.0013 0% 0.00130 $2.85 .er s.ft 1 ITE Trip Generation Manual(11th Edition):4-5 PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation Rates for the Adjacent Street Traffic(weekday 4-6PM);This worksheet represents only the most common uses in southeast Spokane Valley and is NOT all-inclusive;Projects with land uses not in Table 9 or 11 shall prepare a trip generation and distribution letter and will be responsible for a fee based on$2,195 per PM peak hour trip. 'Pass by rates were updated based on the Pass-By Data and Rate Tables/2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices,filth Edition 3 PM peak trip rate excluding passby trips sq ft=square feet,pump=vehicle fueling position(VFA),room=available hotel room s RE also includes a student-based trip rate for ITf Code 520&522 which may be used if approved by Spokane Valley