2022, 03-22 Formal Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Formal Meeting Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom, and also in City Hall Council Chambers with Council and staff attending in person. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Bill Helbig, Community&Public Works Dir. Laura Padden, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember John Bottelli, Parks,Rec &Facilities Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Eric Robison, Housing& Homeless Coordinator Jerremy Clark, Engineering Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Kevin Lind of Opportunity Presbyterian Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Prior to roll all, City Clerk Bainbridge announced that we were notified there are some technical issues with the broadcast, and that tonight's Council meeting will not be broadcast on Channel 14, but it will still be streaming live via Zoom, and it will be recorded and available on the City's website. Clerk Bainbridge then called the roll; all Councilmembers were present APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wick: extended congratulations on Fairchild Air Force Base's 80th anniversary; said he attended a FMSIB(Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board)meeting in Vancouver,Washington where he participated in a tour of the I-5 corridor bridge; went to the Visit Spokane board meeting and said they received an ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) request from Spokane City for $3 million to try to fund some rental incentives for events/convention space; said they are also sponsoring the 'best of parties through the Inlander for best places to go,eat,dine;said the state passed the state legislature and established a new license plate, a Washington wine license plate for wine coinsurers and said extra money from those plates will go toward the Washington State Tourism office; and they passed a motion picture initiative to encourage more movie development in our state. Councilmember Woodard: no report. Councilmember Hattenburg: said STA(Spokane Transit Authority) services were scheduled to increase in May but will be delayed until August due to a lack of drivers; said Valley Route 95 will be extended to Amazon this spring, and mentioned sales are 36% above budget and they will roll over $20 million for future projects; said he attended a groundbreaking for the Fire Department's new maintenance training facility,which will replace the old maintenance facility that is 30 years old. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-22-2022 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-12-2022 Councilmember Peetz: said she attended a 911 State committee meeting where they discussed texting to 911, that many cities don't have that capability yet but there are about 30 counties that do; said recently passed legislation includes telecommunicators being reclassified to first responders; said she went to a ribbon cutting for Swing Lounge, which is a virtual golf business,they give lessons, and have a pro-shop; she met with the Mental Health Task Force with Representative McMorris Rodgers and Mayor Woodward and said Teen Text, 844-814-8336 is for teens to call or text for substance use and mental health support; and she mentioned Representative McMorris Rodgers said that the Energy and Commerce Committee will be holding hearings April 5 regarding the reauthorization of SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)and HRSA(Health Resources and Services Administration)they distribute health block grants; and that they approved $3 million in ARPA funding for youth behavior health in the City of Spokane, adding that a lot of our resources are there as well; and that she attended the Girl Scouts fundraiser,which included Women of Distinction awards. Councilmember Padden: stated that she attended the bylaws committee for the Spokane Regional Law and Justice committee, said it appears they will meet their April deadline to present recommendations to the full committee. Deputy Mayor Higgins: said he attended the Spokane Regional Transportation Council meeting where they discussed target zero,which is Washington State Department of Transportation's(WSDOT)plan to reduce traffic deaths and serious injuries to zero by the year 2030; said there was an unsubstantiated report that the North/South freeway completion date has been set forward by 18 months; said there was also discussion of leasing WSDOT properties along the freeway right-of-way for residential and businesses,but he stated that WSDOT wasn't in favor of the proposed bill;was also a discussion on regional freight projects for possible 2022/25,and the top six projects,three of which are in Spokane Valley,in priority order are:Bigelow Gulch Forker Road Connector Phase 2,Pines Road BNSF Grade Separation Project,and Wellesley Avenue/Freya Street to Havana Improvements,Bigelow Sullivan Trent Avenue Sullivan Interchange,Argonne Road I-90 interchange bridge widening, and the Argonne Road and Upriver Drive Intersection Improvements. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Haley reported that she also attended the Swing Lounge opening, and the 80' Anniversary at Fairchild,which she said has an interesting history, and said hopefully they will get the museum back open one day; said she went to the groundbreaking of the Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations, which is an alcohol and drug rehabilitation place for teens; said the Seven Nations came together and with the help of the Washington Department of Commerce, will construct a new center which she said will take about 18 months,and she mentioned some of the aspects of the center;said she also attended the STA Board meeting and said they ae offering sign-on bonuses for their coach operators, they offer training, and it's a great career. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [11: Mayor Haley explained the process, and then invited public comment. Ms. Jenifer Evans, Spokane Valley,via zoom: said she lives in the Chester neighborhood; she spoke about the City's noise ordinance and her neighbor's blasting music and loud truck; said she spoke to him and his landlord,to the Police Department, and to code enforcement,but all to no avail; said according to our code, a violation of the noise ordinance is a misdemeanor; said she has been calling for over a year and the behavior of her neighbor has become more aggressive; said she called Crime Check and a deputy showed up hours later; she asked why there is no enforcement of our code. Ms. Pam Marlow, Spokane Valley, via zoom: said she and some of he neighbors are concerned with the drug dealing going on at all hours in conjunction with Eagle Point Apartments; said people park and wait and swoop in; and she asked about possibly getting more law enforcement coverage and start cracking down on these people; she also mentioned that the Eagle Point Apartments got a tax break and they are paying less than she is,yet they take all the resources since the owner has taken control of the complex. Mr.Dan Allison,Spokane Valley: said when a person brings something to Council the people need to know who that is,and not just say staff;also that the City should curb park spending as we have plenty of property and don't need to start developing it and spending more than what we spent on the property. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-22-2022 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-12-2022 NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on March 22,2022, Request for Council Action Form: $2,965,640.83 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15,2022: $450,421.34 c. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of March 1,2022 Study Session d.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of March 8,2022 Regular Formal Meeting It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins,seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 22-005 Approving Updated Transportation Impact Fee Rate Studies —Jerremy Clark After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to advance Ordinance No. 22-005, adopting the Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study Updates and underlying Rate Study Addenda, to a second reading as proposed. After a brief explanation from Mr.Clark, Mayor Haley invited public comments. No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed:none. Motion carried. 2a.Motion to Amend Previously Approved Bid Award —Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to amend the March 15, 2022 Evergreen Road Preservation Project CIP #333 bid, awarded to Inland Infrastructure, LLC, to the corrected amount of $1,099,941.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute construction contract documents. City Engineer Mantz explained that this project was awarded last week but the bid award amount inadvertently included was actually the engineer's estimate, instead of the bid of Inland Infrastructure. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: Mayor Haley invited public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley,via zoom: said she has been having a terrible time with Crime Check and was told to call the precinct; said she heard gunshots and it took six days to get a report done; said she called about vehicles on March 6 and those vehicles are still there; and asked what can be done to solve these neighborhood problems; and perhaps crime check either needs help or needs to be replaced. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: asked Council to consider giving public comment opportunity for each meeting; said he doesn't understand why it is every other week; said action is taken and it's not until days later when the public is involved and doesn't have an opportunity to reply; said citizens should have the opportunity to give public input. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 3. Sullivan/Trent Project Update—Gloria Mantz, Jerremy Clark Via PowerPoint, City Engineer Mantz began the update on this project by showing the project location, description, and existing conditions including mention that this bridge has been hit several times, six times in the last ten years and needs repairs. Mr. Cark then explained about the existing traffic conditions, and went over the alternatives and the evaluation of each; followed by Ms. Mantz explaining that this project has been identified as an eligible project application for a potential grant with the Federal Highway Bridge Program; and that upon completion of the alternatives analysis, a more accurate project estimate can be provided, and that the current estimated total project cost is $26.6 million. There was discussion about the project estimated cost as likely being low based on today's economy; if awarded the City would need to secure the $12 million funding difference and that there is obviously a need; to perhaps break the project into two projects; whether this grant would fit any other grade separation project; and of the uncertainty this project would even come close to being funded. It was Council consensus that staff not move forward with this grant opportunity. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-22-2022 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-12-2022 4. Homeless Housing&Assistance Act(HHAA)Funds—Erik Lamb, Eric Robison Deputy City Manager Lamb said tonight is the fist administrative report on this topic, and that staff will be conducting further research and Council can anticipate future reports. As shown on the PowerPoint slides, Mr. Lamb mentioned the fees authorized by the HHAA on certain documents recorded at the County Auditor's office and that the Board of County Commissioners expends the funds based on recommendations from the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee(HCDAC);and that we have an interlocal with Spokane County for them to manage the HHAA fees. Mr. Lamb also went over some of the other associated County funds such as the HOME funding, and CDBG (Community Development Block Grant). Mr. Robison then explained about the multiple options including entering into an agreement to continue with Spokane County handling this and allowing us input; or we could also assume direct control over the HHAA funds which includes its own set of requirements,as do the other options, including complying with performance measures outlined in the Department of Commerce Local Plan Guidelines. Mr. Lamb said he spoke with someone from the Department of Commerce yesterday about the reporting requirements clarifications, and was told that when an entity is funded, they must provide a report which includes every dollar that goes to that project; he said staff also spoke with staff from Spokane County and they have no desire to have an arrangement like we have with them for CDBG, and they do not want a joint agreement. Again, Mr. Lamb said staff is not looking for direction tonight and will be bringing further information in the future.Mr. Lamb also mentioned that there is nothing in the law that specifies that an award must go to a facility or project in Spokane Valley, but it has to be consistent with whatever plan we adopt. Mr. Lamb mentioned that staff is working on setting up something in the City for a real-time count to mirror what is in the point-in-time count.Mr.Robinson said there are about 70 to 100 people in our city limits at any given time who are unsheltered, and that number does not include students moving from one friend's couch to another. Councilmember Peetz said she feels we didn't have much say in the five-year plan and it sounds as though we were not included; said she understands about not wanting to duplicate resources, but we spent millions of dollars on the purchase of these homeless buildings without a lot of due diligence,so now we're spending millions more to make them habitable;therefore, she said,we are either duplicating resources to be able to spend the money where we think is best for our city or we are duplicating resources because we bought a building that wasn't up to par and now we are spending money to get it up to par; she added that the City of Spokane is trying to move their resources out of the downtown area which also requires spending money; she that we put in $600,000 but only got$100,000 back and that we should be doing a better job of making sure that comes back;that she would like us to be more involved; and perhaps have something in a contract to allow us more input on how the funds are spent. Councilmember Wick said it was his understanding we were looking at what a homeless plan would be for Spokane Valley and he would like to see what our plan might include according to our needs.Mr.Hohman said there was discussion this morning on that topic and it is our intention to take the point-in-time count to give us a range of people to provide some services for, and then build a program; said there is a draft of this housing action plan to give us some idea of how this would work which will be brought back to Council for future discussion. Councilmember Woodard said he would like us to ask the Department of Commerce regarding outreach services,why we can't include law enforcement in our grant applications;that during the HCDAC meetings, said he was told that they don't qualify under the rules,and said he wants to know where is that stated under the rules as we should have had that officer; said some of the homeless people have mental illnesses; and maybe the law needs to be changed to include law enforcement; said we believe there should be more accountability with those tax dollars. Mr. Lamb said he will research whether these funds can be used for mental health. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-22-2022 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-12-2022 5. Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley Councilmember Peetz asked if the Blake decision affects our code,and City Attorney Driskell said he will have to look at that as it could have an impact on our chronic nuisance provisions. 6. Department Reports Department Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Hohman said he distributed copies of a draft letter to Senator Murray thanking her the inclusion of the Barker Road Corridor into Congressional spending, and said we look forward to getting information on how to access those funds; he asked if Council has no objections, he will ask Mayor Haley to sign the letter; and there were no objections. Mr. Hohman said he attended an ARPA sub-committee meeting today and they came up with a sample allocation,which he will bring to full Council soon with the number of projects;said they are still researching potential ways to use those funds.Mr.Hohman also noted the e-mail he previously sent Council regarding the bid for the Balfour Park project, and that since those bids came in extremely high, staff will analyze those figures and bring Council an updated report in April, adding that they will not be moving forward on those bids now. Further, Mr. Hohman said that Cardinal Infrastructure, our Federal Lobbyist group,told us that the INFRA notice of funding opportunities will be coming out tomorrow and that we have historically applied for the Bigelow Gulch/Sullivan interchange project; said there is a tremendous amount of money in INFRA and a subsection called MEGA; said this gives us concern about having so much money out there that that it causes prices to increase and competition for materials; said one of the things in the Balfour bids was that none of the local concrete suppliers bid on this, and the landscape company with the low bid came from Oregon; said he feels our local contractors are very busy and therefore didn't submit a bid; and said staff will be monitoring this for the remainder of the construction season. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PENDING/POTENTIAL LITIGATION [RCW 42.30.110(1(i))] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for one hour to discuss litigation, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:44 p.m. At 8:25 p.m. Mayor Haley declared Council out of executive session at which time it was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk 'IS°17 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 03-22-2022 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-12-2022 Agenda Item 2a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 22 2022 Department Director Approval: ►� Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Bid Award — Evergreen Road Preservation- Broadway Avenue to Mission Avenue. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10— Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • May 18, 2021: Administrative Report on the 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which included this project. • June 8, 2021: Council passed Resolution 21-002, adopting the 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which included this project. • January 4, 2022: Administrative Report on amending the 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which included this project. • January 11, 2022: Council passed Resolution 22-001, adopting the amended 2022-2027 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which included this project. • March 15, 2022: Council motion to award construction contract to Inland Infrastructure, LLC. BACKGROUND: This road preservation project grinds and provides an asphalt overlay on Evergreen Road from Broadway Avenue to Mission Avenue. The project includes installation of ADA curb ramps, pavement repairs, channelization and ITS conduit. The current estimated project budget and cost are shown below: Project Costs Project Budget Preliminary Engineering $ 35,000 City Fund 301 $ 207,000 Construction $ 1,352,000 City Fund 311 $ 1,180,000 Total Estimated Costs $ 1,387,000 Total Budget $ 1,387,000 The project was designed in-house and advertised on February 11, 2022. City received and opened four bids on February 25, 2022. The engineer's estimate was $1,029,906.00. The lowest, responsive bidder was Inland Infrastructure, LLC with a bid of$1,099,941.00, approximately 6.8% ($70,000) higher than the engineer's estimate. On March 15, 2022, Council awarded the construction contract to Inland Infrastructure for $1,029,906. The award motion inadvertently used the engineer's estimate in its amount, rather than the bid amount by the contractor. Therefore, another motion is necessary to amend the contract amount to Inland Infrastructure's bid amount of$1,099,941.00. OPTIONS: Move to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or take other appropriate action Agenda Item 2a RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to amend the March 15, 2022 Evergreen Road Preservation Project CIP#333 bid, awarded to Inland Infrastructure, LLC, to the corrected amount of $1,099,941.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute construction contract documents. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds available in the project budget to cover all costs for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mentz, PE, City Engineer CITY COUNCIL SO"O ane le � 10210 B Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5000 ♦ Fax: (509)720-5075 ♦ www.spokanevalley.org March 22, 2022 The Honorable Patty Murray 154 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Murray: On behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, I would like to thank you for your support in acquiring $3,000,000 to relieve congestion in the Barker Road Corridor from the fiscal year 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act. We are grateful for your help throughout the process and look forward to continuing to improve the traffic and safety conditions for Spokane Valley residents. This funding will assist the City's efforts to widen and reconstruct nearly two miles of Barker Road to a 5-lane urban arterial between Mission Ave. and Appleway Ave. and a 3-lane urban arterial between Appleway Ave. and the City's south limit. Single lane roundabouts will be installed at the intersections of Sprague Avenue, 4th Avenue, and 8th Avenue. Future improvements will be built incrementally along the corridor as funding allows. Traffic congestion in the Barker Road corridor has increased rapidly as the region experiences unprecedented growth. As you know, Barker Road is heavily traveled by industrial and commercial vehicles using 1-90 and State Route 290 (Trent Avenue)to transport goods between Idaho, Canada, and the greater Pacific Northwest. Once again,thank you and your staff, especially John Culton and Amanda Wyma-Bradley, for the tremendous support and for your leadership on transportation around the country and in Washington. We look forward to continuing to work with you to improve and expand current infrastructure projects in Spokane Valley. Sincerely, clq1L l Pam Haley, Mayor On Behalf of the City of Spokane Valley Council SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 22, 2022 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 11 Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both General Public Comment Opportunities. THIS IS GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 1 - THIS25CIIRS EARLY IN THE AGENDA. SPEAKERS MAY SPEAK AT EITHER GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 1 OR 2 --BUT NOT BOTH. YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES You may sign in to speak but it is not necessary,as the Mayor will afford the public the opportunity to speak. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT Ai AO/(4 ,172/56, 42 1—ir-/ Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.