21-149.01 Barcott Construction: Barker/UPRR Crossing Ph 1 Spokane .„•lP Valley CHANGE ORDER NO: ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: -20=149.01 PROJECT: BARKER RD AT UNION PACIFIC CROSSING, PHASE ! CONTRACT DATE: 10/5/2021 PRIME CONTRACTOR: BARCOTT CONSTRUCTION, LLC CIP NO: 313 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES The Contractor's obligation as identified on the"Disadvantage Business Enterprise Utilization Certification" is revised in accordance with this change order. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total None $ - Total Amount of this Change Order: $ - VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval N/A Verbal Approval by N/A PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 20 Revision By This Change Order: 0 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 20 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 301,966.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(None) $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 301,966.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 301,966.00 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: 11 zi5 . The contractor hereby accepts this a us i under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract.RECOMMENDED BY: , DATE: 11/-ll 5/z. Project Manager APPROVED BY: A ( r v2-X DATE: Lf _/a 2-- (/ City Engineer APPROVED BY: DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor, PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014 *Wane jValley Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 21-149.01 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Description of Change: The Contractor's obligation as identified on the"Disadvantage Business Enterprise Utilization Certification" is revised in accordance with this change order. Bid Subcontractor Current Revised Item Bid Item DBE Assigned COA COA No. Description Subcontractor Bid Amount Amount Amount Amount Full/Partial Erosion Control& Daybreak 115 Water Construction $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 Partial Pollution Prevention 118 Weed Barrier Daybreak $4,250.00 $4,250.00 $4,250.00 $0.00 Partial Construction Project Daybreak 126 Temporary Construction $20,000.00 $18,250.00 $18,250.00 $18,250.00 Partial Traffic Control 129 Construction O'Bunco $8,000.00 $6,780.00 $0.00 $5,290.00 Full Survey Engineering ADA Features O'Bunco 130 Surveying Engineering $1,800.00 $1,460.00 $0.00 $1,460.00 Full Totals $25,000.00 $25,000.00 For the duration of the project, Daybreak Construction will provide the labor needed for the Traffic Control Supervisor and for flagging,when needed,as a portion of the work for the lump sum bid item#126-Project Temporary Traffic Control. Daybreak Construction will also provide the labor and material for bid items#115- Erosion Control & Water Pollution Prevention and 118-Weed Barrier. O'Bunco Engineering will provide all work for bid items#129-Construction Surveying and#130 ADA Features Surveying. Only O'Bunco Engineering's work after execution of this change order will be credited to the COA amount. Specification: No changes to the specifications because of this change. Plans: No changes to the Contact plans because of this change. Time: No time extension will be granted on this change order. Measurement and Payment: This is a no cost change order.