Ordinance 22-006 Comp Plan Amendments CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO,22-006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 16-018, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Comprehensive Man, Capital Facilities Plan, and maps as the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Valley(the Comprehensive Plan); and WHEREAS, comprehensive plans may be amended annually pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 of the Growth Management Act(GMA); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission),the City Council (Council), citizens, or by the Community and Public Works Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS,the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of all properties in the City that are consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS,the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)provides that amendment applications shall be received prior to November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner, or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS,on November 23,2021,City Council approved the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Protection Act chapter 43.21 C RCW (SEPA) and chapter 21.20 SVMC, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2022, after reviewing the environmental checklists, staff issued a Determination ofNon-Significance(DNS)for each of the proposals,published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, and where appropriate posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS, on January 19, 2022, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 11 and 18, 2022, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald the City's official newspaper; and Ordinance 22-006:2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 1 of 10 WHEREAS,on February 16,2022,notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject properties; and WHEREAS,on February 17,2022,notice of the Commission hearing had been posted on all the subject properties; and WHEREAS, on February 24,2022,the Commission conducted a study session to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2022, the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony, and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, on March 24, 2022, the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2022-01, CPA-2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04, to Council with a recommendation for approval, with written findings of fact setting forth the bases for such recommendations to Council; and WHEREAS, on May 3, 2022, Council conducted a briefing to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS,on May 3,2022,Council concurred to place CPA-2022-01,CPA-2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04 in an ordinance for consideration of approval; and WHEREAS,on May 10,2022, Council considered a first ordinance reading to approve CPA-2022-01, CPA-2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2022, Council considered a second ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendments for CPA-2022-01, CPA-2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Comprehensive Plan as described in CPA-2022-01, CPA-2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04. Section 2. Findings. Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study and held a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Council has considered the Commission's findings. Council makes and adopts findings specific to each Comprehensive Plan amendment as set forth in Section 4 below. The Council hereby makes and adopts the following general findings applicable to all proposed amendments: General Findings: 1. Pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA), environmental checklists were required for each proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 2. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 3. On January 14,2022, Determination of Non-Significance(DNS)was issued for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. 4. On January 14, 2022, the DNS was published in the City's official newspaper, the Valley News Herald, pursuant to chapter 21.20 SVMC. Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 2 of 10 5. The procedural requirements of SEPA and Title 21 SVMC have been fulfilled. 6. On January 19, 2022,the Washington State Department of Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 7. On February 16,2022, individual notices of public hearing for the proposed site-specific map amendments were mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. 8. On February 17, 2022 each site subject to a proposed site-specific amendment was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign,with a description of the proposal. 9. On February 11 and 18, 2022, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald. 10. The procedural requirements in SVMC 17.80.140 for the amendment process, including public participation,notice,and public hearing requirements have been met. 11. On March 10, 2022, the Commission held a public hearing on each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. After receiving public testimony, the public hearing was closed. 12. On March 24, 2022, the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2022-01, CPA- 2022-02, CPA-2022-03, and CPA-2022-04,to Council with a recommendation for approval. 13. The Commission adopted findings for CPA-2022-01,CPA-2022-02,CPA-2022-03,and CPA- 2022-04. Such findings were presented to Council. Specific findings adopted and made by City Council for each Comprehensive Plan Amendment request are contained in Section 4, below. 14. The Commission and Council have reviewed the proposed amendments concurrently to evaluate the cumulative impacts. The review was consistent with the annual amendment process pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36.70A RCW. 15. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are consistent with GMA and do not result in internal inconsistencies within the Comprehensive Plan itself. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment"A"(2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Maps), Section 4. Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendments, Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130, the Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as set forth below and in Attachment "A". The Comprehensive Plan amendments are generally described as follows: Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendments: File No. CPA-2022-01: Proposal: A request to change the Comprehensive Clan designation and zoning for 1.03 acres Single Family Residential (SFR)to Multifamily Residential (MFR). Applicant: Land Use Entitlement Solutions, Dwight Hume Ordinance 22-006:2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 3 of 10 Amendment Location: Parcels 45204.1436 and 45204.1435; SE 'A of Section 20, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2022-01: 1. This proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. The City continues to see increasing population growth with 2020 Census estimates showing a population of just over 104,500; in 2016 the estimate from the Office of Financial Management was 94,160. More recently, the City adopted a Housing Action Plan that shows that seniors (age 65+) are continuing to increase their share of the City's population. This age group includes those in need of assisted living arrangements. Based on conversations with the applicant Sunshine Health, they are requesting a change to MFR to meet future demand for multifamily development that can accommodate an assisted living facility near their existing facility to the west. The proposed change helps meet existing and future demand, helps protect the environment by building in a developed area, and helps Sunshine Health meet a needed public service in a cost-efficient manner. 2. This proposed amendment is consistent with chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan not affected by the amendment. The GMA adopts 14 goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The request allows opportunity to provide an assisted living facility adjacent to an existing development owned by the same entity. There are no transportation improvements planned adjacent to the site within the planning horizon of 2037.The proposal does not conflict with any other GMA goals.The amendment is not in conflict with any other portions of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. This proposed amendment is not in response to a change in conditions beyond the property owner's control, 4. This proposed amendment is not in response to or to correct an obvious mapping error. The City has experienced continued population growth,especially in age segments that often seek multifamily developments (millennials and seniors). Increasing opportunity for multifamily development in areas that are supported by existing infrastructure provides an opportunity to meet adopted goals, policies, and strategies for housing needs. This proposed amendment provides an additional tool and opportunity to meet the City's housing needs. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the following goals and policy that support the proposed change: a. H-G2 Enable the development of affordable housing for all income levels. b. CF-P2 Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities 5. The change to MFR would allow for expanded uses including multifamily housing and assisted living facilities.The properties would have the opportunity to transition,add density and add different uses including assisted living facilities. There is no concern for the effect on the physical environment. 6. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas. The parcel is not located within the shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. Chapter 21.40 SVMC will ensure adequate protection of critical areas. 7. The parcels are currently vacant. A multifamily building was previously located on the northern parcel but was demolished in 2017. The adjacent use to the west is the existing Sunshine Health facility that provides a variety of health-related services including assisted living. West of the existing Sunshine Health facility is Valley Christian School;to the north, east, and south are single-family residences. All the properties except for the existing Sunshine Health facility are designated Single Family Residential and zoned R-3. If the amendment is approved any future development would be subject to the City's transitional provision. Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 4 of 10 8. Raymond Road and 10th and 11th Avenues are Local Access streets. There are no planned transportation projects in the area. The nearest City recreational facility is Appleway Trail, approximately '/a mile to the north. The closest formal City park is Balfour Park, approximately one mile to the north. A project on the site would be considered infill development. As such, the expansion of allowed uses and increased densities are supported by the infrastructure that is in place. Various Planning Commission members had concerns regarding adequacy of on-street parking in the area and its ability to support future uses allowed in the MFR. Future development of the site will be subject to development regulations in place at the time of development. 9. This proposed change would allow the property to increase density and support infill development in an area planned for urban growth. The change will support the identified need for housing. The change benefits the neighborhood, City, and region by supporting the following adopted Comprehensive Plan goals: a. H-G 1 Allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community. b. H-G2 Enable the development of affordable housing for all income levels. 10. This proposal would add approximately one acre of MFR property. The MFR designation in this location would allow for increased options for development including an assisted living facility in an area adjacent to an existing facility. The proposal is limited to a reasonable area and impacts to adjacent Single Family Residential zones would be mitigated by the adopted transitional provisions. 11. Currently,the site allows for 8 dwelling units per acre.If the proposal is approved, it would allow for up to 22 dwelling units per acre, a net increase of up to 14 dwelling units. The proposed change would have little impact on overall population density. 12. The MFR designation would support the goals and policies identified above. The amendment will have no effect on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including Housing, Capital Facilities and Public Services, Public and Private Utilities,Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources. 13. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the designation for parcel numbers 45204.1436 and 45204.1435 to Multiple Family Residential(MFR). File No. CPA-2022-02: Proposal:A request to change land use designation and zoning for.45 acres from Single Family Residential to Parks and Open Space. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley. Amendment Location: Parcel: 55073.0458; SW 'A of Section 07, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2022-02: 1. This proposed amendment to change the designation for .45 acres from SFR to P/OS bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. In 2021, the City purchased the parcel from Spokane County for the river loop trail project and for future access improvements to the Centennial Trail at Flora Road for the purpose of expanding/ increasing access to the City's park lands. This area was generally identified as New Park Area 6 in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. These plans were developed through an extensive community engagement process. Additionally, the expansion is necessary to achieve the adopted Level of Service(LOS) 3.25 acres of park land for every 1,000 residents. 2. This proposed amendment is consistent with chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan not affected by the amendment. The GMA adopts fourteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The proposal is consistent with the GMA goals to enhance recreational opportunities and develop parks Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 5 of 10 and recreation facilities. Additionally, the GMA requires a Parks and Recreation element to be a part of the adopted comprehensive plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan adopts the Parks Plan by reference. This proposed amendment will not have unanticipated impacts on other areas of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. This proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. 4. This proposed amendment is not in response to or to correct an obvious mapping error. 5. This proposed amendment will address a documented deficiency of park land in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The change to POOS will not impact the physical environment. The change will result in less intensive uses than are currently allowed in SFR reducing the potential effects on the physical environment. 7. According to the City's Critical Area map,the parcel is not impacted by any known critical areas, such as wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat areas,geologically hazardous areas or frequently flooded areas. The parcel is located within shoreline jurisdiction and designated in the Shoreline Master Program as Shoreline Residential Upland. There are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. Chapter 21.40 SVMC and chapter 21.50 SVMC will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent land shorelands are addressed at the time of future development. 8. This proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding land uses. Future development of the park space will remedy a documented need and location identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 9. Sewer and water are available to the site.The nearest formal park is Greenacres Park approximately 1.25 miles to the southeast,the Centennial Trail is immediately to the north,and across the Spokane River is the newly acquired Flora Park property. The proposal will increase park land and allow future development to access the newly-acquired Flora Park property as part of the north river loop trail proposal. The site is served by Flora Road, an Urban Major Collector. The existing and forecast Level of Service(LOS)for Flora Road at this location is A-C which is within the adopted LOS;Montgomery Avenue at this location is a local access street and does not have an adopted LOS. There are no planned capacity or preservation projects planned in this area. 10. This proposed amendment will provide benefits to the neighborhood and City by providing an opportunity to provide access to planned improvements on the north side of the Spokane River. 11. The quantity and location of park land is planned for and needed as identified in the Parks Plan. An access point at this location furthers the goals of the Parks Plan and Comprehensive Plan and would provide easy access for pedestrians and bicycles. 12. The proposed change would have minimal impact on projected population density. 13. The proposal will not have an impact on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition to meeting the goals in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan the proposed amendment addresses the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. b. LU-P18 Enable public open spaces. c. P-G 1 Develop,grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation,trail, and open space system that enhances community character. d. P-P5 Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians,bicycles, autos, and public transit. e. P-PS Plan for access to parks, trails,and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H) are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the designation for parcel number 55073.0458 to Parks and Open Space(P/OS). Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 6 of 10 File No. CPA-2022-03: Proposal: A request to change land use designation and zoning for 17.64 acres from Single Family Residential to Parks and Open Space.. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Amendment Location: 44041.0104; 44041.0103; 44041.0102; 44041.9048; 44041.9046; and 44041.9007; NE % of Section 04, Township 24 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2022-03: 1. This proposed amendment to change the designation for 17.64 acres from SFR to P/OS bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. In 2021, the City purchased six parcels southeast of the intersection of 44th Avenue and Bates Road for the purpose of expanding the City's park lands. This area was identified as New Park Area 3 in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which was developed through an extensive community engagement process.Additionally,the expansion is necessary to maintain the adopted Level of Service(LOS)3.25 acres of park land for every 1,000 residents. 2. This proposed amendment is consistent with chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted Comprehensive Nan not affected by the amendment. The GMA adopts fourteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. This proposal is consistent with the GMA goals to enhance recreational opportunities and develop parks and recreation facilities. Additionally, the GMA requires a Parks and Recreation element to be a part of the adopted comprehensive plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan adopts the Parks Plan by reference. The proposed amendment will not have unanticipated impacts on other areas of the Comprehensive Plan 3. This proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. 4. This proposed amendment is not in response to or to correct an obvious mapping error. 5. This proposed amendment will address a documented deficiency ofpark land in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The change to P/OS will not impact the physical environment. The change will result in less intensive uses than are currently allowed in SFR reducing the potential effects on the physical environment. 7. According to the City's Critical Area map, the eastern parcels are within a Geological Hazardous area identified as Quaternary Alluvium, development of the site may require additional report or studies. There are no known other critical areas associated with the site,such as wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat areas, or frequently flooded areas. The parcels are not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. Chapter 21.40 SVMC will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed at the time of future development. 8. This proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding land uses. Future development of the park space will provide a documented need and location identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 9. Sewer and water are available to the site. The nearest formal park is Castle Park approximately 2 miles to the north, the Glenrose Unit of Dishman Hills is approximately 1.5 miles to west. The proposal will increase park land and future development will enhance the park system helping maintain the adopted LOS. 10. This proposed amendment will provide benefits to the neighborhood and City by providing an opportunity to provide park space to the neighborhood. The expansion of park space in this area will help the City meet its adopted LOS for park land. Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 7 of I0 A minority of the Planning Commission had concerns with the potential location of a new fire station across the street from the existing fire station and the potential impact on the newly acquired park property. 11. The quantity and location of park land is planned for and needed as identified in the Parks Plan. A neighborhood park at this location furthers the goals of the Parks Plan and Comprehensive Plan. The site provides easy access for pedestrians, bicycles,and automobiles. 12. This proposed change would have minimal impact on projected population density. 13. The proposal will not have an impact on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition to meeting the goals in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan the proposed amendment addresses the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. b. LU-P18 Enable public open spaces. c. P-Gl Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail, and open space system that enhances community character. d. P-PS Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians, bicycles, autos, and public transit. e. P-P8 Plan for access to parks, trails, and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the designation for parcel numbers 44041.0104; 44041.0103; 44041.0102; 44041.9048; 44041.9046; and 44041.9007 to Parks and Open Space(P/OS). File No.: CPA-2022-04 Proposal: A request to amend Figure 27—Bikeway Network to add north river loop trail. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Amendment Location: Citywide Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2022-04: 1. This proposed amendment amends Figure 27 — Existing and Recommended Bicycle Facilities. Figure 27 identifies planned shared use paths. In 2019 the City updated the Park and Recreation Master Plan, which identified a potential New Park Area 6 for a new community park on the north bank of the Spokane River between FIora and Barker Road, as well as a potential trail running from Plante's Ferry to the new park. In 2021, the City acquired approximately 45 acres of north bank property for a new park. This proposed amendment formally adopts the proposed north river loop trail into the Comprehensive Plan as contemplated in the Park and Recreation Master Plan. The public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment are furthered by ensuring the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of regional policy and current with other plans. 2. This proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan not affected by the amendment. The (GMA) adopts fourteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. This proposal is consistent with the GMA goals to enhance recreational opportunities and develop parks and recreation facilities.Additionally,the GMA requires a Parks and Recreation element to be a part of the adopted comprehensive plan. The City's. Comprehensive Plan adopts the Parks Plan by reference. This proposed amendment will not have unanticipated impacts on other areas of the Comprehensive Plan 3. This proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control. 4. This proposed amendment is not in response to an obvious mapping error.However,with the adoption of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan in 2019 and the property acquisition of the • Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 8 of 10 Flora property in 2021, the proposed amendment will add the north river loop trail as discussed in the Park Plan and community engagement efforts. 5. This proposed amendment will address a documented deficiency of park land in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. This amendment is not site specific as the physical location of the trail has not been formally identified and the change would not result in effects to the natural environment. The City's critical areas provisions(chapter 21.40 SVMC)and shoreline master program(chapter 21.50 SVMC)will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent shorelands are addressed at the time of future development. There are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. 7. The proposed policies will not have a direct effect on open space, streams, rivers, or lakes. Chapter 21.40 SVMC will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed for any future development. 8. This proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding land uses. Generally, the potential location of the trail is within park designated property. 9. This is a non-site-specific amendment. While the exact location of the potential trail has not been identified,the availability of sewer and water vary,certain potential trailheads may have public services.It is expected that the trail,should it be developed,would function in a similar fashion as the Centennial Trail,with some areas remote and lacking services while others are accessible with public services available. 10. This proposed amendment will provide benefits to the neighborhood and City by providing an opportunity to provide access to the Spokane River and recreational opportunities along on the north side of the Spokane River. 11. The City has not adopted a Level-of-Service (LOS) ratio for trails; however, the 2019 Park and Recreation Master Plan identifies that the City will take advantage of recreational opportunities as they arise, and the Comprehensive Plan identifies access to the Spokane River as an opportunity. This location along the north bank of the Spokane River offers a unique chance to take advantage of this opportunity. 12. The proposed amendment will not have an impact on current or projected population. 13. The proposal will not have an impact on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan.In addition to meeting the goals in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan the proposed amendment addresses the following goals, policies, and strategy of the Comprehensive Plan: a. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. b. LU-P 18 Enable public open spaces. c. P-GI Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail, and open space system that enhances community character. d. P-P5 Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians, bicycles, autos, and public transit. e. P-P8 Plan for access to parks, trails, and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. f. Strategy: Evaluate the feasibility of developing a public park along the Spokane River 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H) are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Amend Figure 27—Bikeway Network map to add the north river loop trail. Section 5. Map - Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with maps) is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Community and Public Works. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 9 of 10 Comprehensive Plan (including maps) in a manner consistent with this Ordinance, including correcting scrivener's errors. Section 6. Liability. The express intent of the City is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This Ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health,safety,and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 24th day of May, 2022. Qom— AT ST Pam Haley,Mayor ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk - Approved as to form: s O ice •,'the Ci ttorney Date of Publication ' ') _ Effective Date: 1/ -, a-a,, Ordinance 22-006: 2022 Comprehensive PIan Amendments Page 10 of 10 Attachment Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Ordinance 22-0-006 i. ,_. 1:3 F-- r c, 1 -,„ 1 L,.. I ,,, fa E 9th Ave 11 / E 10th Ave - c C CD illiiii o •— fi'� ErL 1I a E 11th Ave. cn / Legend CMU - j MFR I POS E 13th Ave I MU RC cr ILL 'mu , ; NC SFR 4 N IZ1 I 17 CO COA, 0 50 100 200 300 400 CI) Feet I I I I_ I File: CPA-2022-01 Request: Owner:SHFI Properties(Sunshine Health) Proposed change: Parcel(s).45204.1436 and 45204.1435 Comp Plan Map: SFR to MFR Address: 10506 E 10th and Unaddressed Zoning Map: R-3 to MFR Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Pa - - Spokane River WA State Parks - �e Centennial Trail ocoe'N A► ntt E Knox Ave Legend E-Knox-L-n CMU MFR [ POS 1 MU RC I° IMU I NC SFR E Indiana Ave N A 0 50 100 200 300 400 Feet I. MILI - _ = File: CPA-2022-02 Request: Owner.Spokane Valley Proposed change: Parcel(s):55073.0458 Comp Plan Map: SFR to P/OS Address: 17105 E Montgomery Ave Zoning Map: R-2 to P/OS Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map A E 44th Ave \ \ V\\ �w. E Thorpe Rd cc CL) Ay c. E 4 7h Ave y a c 1.1 cc , u Legend �`$�e aeV. ritil7 CMU '� MFR I POS IN $,`,�P ', I MU RC -, IMU NC SFR 1 ri i i 1 I KIP r N I A 0 50 100 200 300 400 Feet - y File: CPA-2022-03 Request: Owner:Spokane Valley, 10210 E Sprague Comp Plan Map: SFR to POS Parcels).44041.0104,44041.0103, 44041.0102, Zoning Map: R-2 to POS 44041.9048, 44041.9046,44041.9007 Address:Unaddressed gn Figure 27 Map of Exisiting and Recommended Bicyle Facilities 4 - Spokane County Spokane County —2 • 0 Proposed Amendment E Valley Springs Rd m! E Wellesley Ave _ _E Wellesley —� — -- >tmin Proposed Shared Use Path Camp Sekani L! at qs Plante'sp `ot c r Park EQ�v. ✓=lJprnrer Dr Pant zr a _�.5 ,-�'� i z Existing&Proposed } 1 ff Bikeway Network z z Municipal Boundaries E Frederick Aver ee"nla o I Y e '!1 _ !'�,�� _�,, r_i6 —�.£Euclid A []SPokahe Valley d i +i, I�i�Spokane Valley Urban Growth Area(UGA) Felts Field Mirabeau i� v EE Montgame ory_r paint Park or ; Parks,Recreation,&Open Space t E on ome Ay `� 8,� a�p - + , _ Bikeway Elements t 1 S.tN old Ave ry'+G_ ' I &Ve' e``.� 5 ,,Existing Bike Lane 1 _ _ _ JJ11 uaivan �Existing Shared Use Path _Spokaa kane ell i., £Mission Ave Valley '.[k q,r �_ —Bike FriendlyReese I, '., r.1,--.nr,r�..I. iliila t`1' Elnes�pnay. el•w� - z! _� r `-` i r a8 .Existing Ped/Bike Bridge w �� �1r 1 El 1 z - IJSertytl �Proposed Bike Lane m9 1 1 ° >, sl I 9 i_ °ii EGA 112,No eamaaw A i i i al 01 EEroadway Age 2 � Saroari�a -- eeaumnvev ��Proposed Ped/Bike Bridge = z r e >o ° i1- A0 ---- o xt Ave: Natural Area d m ill r ui at i }.- Seheaellplen� .r r. ,E 16th Ave C r4na6rvalion Ai S �1 a aj m sob CS' d CO � t .....: EMI Ave ! _ sax,m0,w r _ E32nd Ave u) I 1 _ Oishman Hills . i Conservation Area S -- E 37:h Ave -- in Spokane County Spokane County h.�ty74 1� a E4atfi Ave ___.\,___\ 4, ,_, C'7 „' -- '' �.I Morrow Park �. Tiler creek —�' x Conservator Area - Natural Area