21-199.01 Spokane Valley Partners: HHAA Outreach Worker Form updated 1-26-22-Remove all highlighting and this header before finalizing. CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND Spokane Valley Partners Spokane Valley Contract#21-199.01 For good and valuable consideration,the legal sufficiency of which i hereby acknowledged, City and the Spokane Valley Partners mutually agree as follows: 1.Purpose:This Amendment is for the Contract to provide one Homeless Outreach worker by and between the Parties, executed by the Parties on January 1st, 2022, and which erminates on December 31st, 2022. Said contract is referred to as the"Original Contract"and its terms hereby incorporated by reference. 2.Original Contract Provisions: The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Contract and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions: This Amendment is subject to the folio ing amended provisions, which are either as follows,or attached hereto as Appendix A. All such amend provisions are hereby incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provision of the Original Contract, including any previous amendments thereto. Amended Exhibit A Scope of Work is attached. Anew Exhibit C is a ched____ 4. Compensation Amendment History: This is Amendment #1 of the Original Contract. The history of amendments to the compensation on the Original Contract and all amendments is as follows: Date Compensation Original Contract Amount January 1st,2022 $100,000.00 Amendment#1 June 1st,2022 $0.00 Total Amended Compensation $100,000.00 The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original Contract this 1st day of June,2022. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Spokane Valley Partners: C.. _7/L--____ 1L 7 of n Hohman By: Cal Coblentz City Manager Its: CEO _ APPROVED FORM: Office the City tt ey 1 EXHIBIT "A" Scope of Services to be Provided Spokane Valley Homeless Outreach Scope. The scope of this contract includes services reasonably anticipated as necessary to assist homeless individuals in their exit from homelessness. 1. Identifying Homeless Camps. The Consultant shall work with a variety of partners to help find and assist those living outside. At minimum these agencies include: a. City of Spokane Valley, Housing and Homeless Coordinator. Consultant shall work with the Housing and Homeless Coordinator (HHC). Communication with the HHC may be via email,phone calls, texts relating to complaints, tips, or concerns from the Community regarding homeless camps. Additionally, referrals may come directly from homeless and individuals seeking services. Consultant shall work directly with the HHC to provide monthly reports relating to their outreach in the City and outcomes. b. Spokane Valley Police Department. Consultant shall work directly with the designated Homeless Outreach Deputy through the Spokane Valley Police Department. This may include riding with the Deputy when deploying to camps; coordinating efforts with SVPD to connect individuals to community resources; assisting the Deputy in finding emergency shelter space, mental health treatment, substance treatment, for those who desire said services; maintaining a coordinated log to accurately catalog the number of outreach services provided, those who were successfully admitted to treatment services, or those that agreed to shelter. 2. Data Reporting. The HHC shall work with Consultant to coordinate an agreed upon date between the 5th and sth of each month,to: a. Determine the number of unsheltered individuals that accessed services that month; b. Obtain relevant demographic information; and c. General information regarding other outcomes as required by the HHC. 2a. Community Management Information System (CMIS). The Consultant shall work with the City and the City of Spokane to ensure that they have direct access to CMIS so housing referrals may be placed on behalf of unsheltered individuals. 3. Direct Services. Consultant shall provide a myriad of direct services to those who are living outside. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but does outline, at minimum, the City's expectations : a. Documentation. The Consultant shall ensure that all relevant documentation needed for permanent housing is a part of the case management plan for each unhoused individual the Consultant works with pursuant to this Agreement. Specifically, a photo ID and social security card must be obtained by participant. Funds have been provided to Consultant to assist in this requirement. b. Case Load. The City recognizes that case management looks different when assisting individuals in a street outreach capacity. Therefore, Consultant shall be limited to a case load of no more than 30 individuals at any one time. c. Basic Needs. When shelter beds are unavailable, it may be necessary to provide unsheltered individuals with basic survival needs. This may include water, food, and weather appropriate items (sunscreen, emergency blankets, etc). Such expenditures are allowed and accounted for in the budget between the City and Consultant. The Consultant and HHC will work together to identify a list of agreed upon and authorized purchases,no later than January 20,2022. If there are questions whether an item not identified on the list may be purchased,Consultant shall be responsible for communicating these questions to the HHC.Unauthorized purchases will not be reimbursed. d. Referrals. Consultant will actively work with mental health and substance treatment facilities to refer unsheltered individuals to these services. Additionally,the Consultant will work with all shelter providers (not just low barrier) to help facilitate access to emergency shelter for those living in unhabitable conditions. 4. Monthly Meetings with HHC. The Consultant and HHC shall meet monthly to discuss any changes in the homeless system that may impact this scope of work. This will also be an opportunity to identify any gaps of service either by the City and/or Consultant. 5. Scope of Services. This Scope of Services may be amended in writing by mutual agreement of the Parties. 6. The SVP outreach worker will provide outreach to the diverse needs of the unsheltered community in Spokane Valley while being accompanied by a Spokane Valley Police Officer.The officer and outreach worker will report results to Spokane Valley's Housing and Homeless Coordinator (HHC). The HHC will provide reports to Spokane County prior to draw requests. The intersection between the HHC,the outreach worker and the police officer are intended to help Spokane Valley provide outreach to the unsheltered homeless population safely and provide services and resources as appropriate. HMIS will be updated by the HHC. 150 unduplicated beneficiaries will be served. HMIS data entry is required. Performance reporting and invoicing are to be done through Neighborly software. 7. Amended Use of funds a. Personnel Costs: $77,000 (salaries, benefits, taxes for SVP employees) b. Operating Costs: $5,000 (utilities,supplies, building maintenance, operations, inspections, vehicles, insurance, volunteer expenses) c. Administrative Costs: $7,000 (training, cell phone costs, laptop,) d. Project Delivery Costs: $11,000 (direct client services and outreach supplies) TOTAL PROJECT COST: $100,000 EXHIBIT "C" Access, Examination,Audit,and Monitoring & Termination and Suspension Spokane Valley Homeless Outreach ACCESS,EXAMINATION,AUDIT,AND MONITORING 1.The City shall provide technical assistance to the Contractor,to the extent practicable.The City will monitor the performance of services and evaluate accomplishments and compliance with the terms of this Agreement throughout the project period. Monitoring may include a visit to the project site or to the Contractor organization,reports on monthly basis,desk monitoring, assessments,and process/time studies. Monitoring may also include consultation with other public funders. 2.The Contractor shall provide right of access to its facilities to the City,the state,and/or federal agencies or officials at all reasonable times in order to monitor and evaluate the services provided for herein.The City shall provide reasonable notice of any monitoring or evaluation, unless the City has reason to believe that monitoring without notice is necessary.The City shall monitor the Contractor programmatically and financially on site within the sole discretion of the City.The Contractor shall make available to the City,the state auditor,books or pertinent information which Contractor shall have kept pertaining to this Agreement and as required by this Agreement,Washington law. Contractor shall also furnish such progress reports,schedules, financial and costs reports,and other such program or fiscal data reasonably required to evaluate the performance of this Agreement. 3.The Contractor shall cooperate with the City or its agent in the evaluation of Contractor's performance under this Agreement and make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process. Request for information will be responded to within three (3) business days and followed through within ten (10) business days.The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW 42.56 and/or 5 USC 552 (Freedom of Information Act).The Contractor shall respond timely and accurately to requests from the City to provide information necessary to respond to inquiries from entities having authority to make such request. 4.The Contractor agrees to produce the City copies of any state or other formal inspections, audits,accreditation or program reviews and provide to the City copies of said review, including any final written plan of correction or other written response,within thirty(30) days of receipt. 5. Upon termination of this Agreement,the City may conduct monitoring requirements as outlined in Section 8 of this Agreement. 6.The Contractor shall respond timely and accurately to requests from the City to provide information necessary to respond to inquiries from entities having authority to make such request. 7.The Contractor agrees to notify the City in advance of any state or other formal inspections, audits,accreditation or program reviews and provide to the City copies of said review, including any final written plan of correction or other written response within thirty(30) days of receipt. 8.The City will monitor the performance of services and evaluate accomplishments and compliance with the terms of its agreements with its Contractor throughout the project period. Monitoring may include a visit to the project site or to the Contractor's organization, reports on monthly or quarterly basis, desk monitoring,assessments, and process/time studies. 8.1.The City will give its Contractor a minimum of thirty(30) days'notice for monitoring, unless there are special circumstances that required immediate attention.The notice will specify the monitoring components. 9. The City will monitor the performance of the Consultant in attempts to mitigate fraud, waste, abuse, or non-performance based on goals and performance standards as stated with all other applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and policies governing the funds provided under this agreement. 10. Substandard performance as determined by the City will constitute noncompliance with this agreement. If corrective action is not taken by the Consultant within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the City, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. 11.The Consultant shall cooperate with the City or its agent in the evaluation of Consultant's performance under this Agreement and make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process.The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW 42.56 and/or 5 USC 552 (Freedom of Information Act). 12. The Consultant shall respond timely and accurately to requests from the City to provide information necessary to respond to inquiries from HUD or other entities having authority to make such request. TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION This Agreement may be terminated or suspended in whole or in part as follows: 1. By fulfillment: The Agreement will be considered to be terminated upon fulfillment of its terms and conditions; 2. By mutual consent: The Agreement may be terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, at any time,if both Parties consent to such termination or suspension.The conditions of the suspension or termination shall be documented in a written amendment to this Agreement; or 3. For Cause: In accordance with 24 CFR§ 200.338-9 the City may terminate or suspend this Agreement immediately,if the Consultant materially fails to comply with any terms of this Agreement,which include (but are not limited to) the following: 4. Failure to comply with any of the rules,regulations or provisions referred to herein, or such statutes, regulations, executive orders,policies or directives as may become applicable at any time; 5. Failure, for any reason,of Consultant to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement; 6.Ineffective or improper use of funds provided under this Agreement; or 7. Submission by Consultant to City reports that are incorrect or incomplete in any material respect. For Convenience: This Agreement may also be terminated by providing a thirty(30) day termination for convenience notice by either the City or Consultant,in whole or in part,by setting forth the reasons for such termination,the effective date,and in the case of partial termination,the portion of the Agreement to be terminated. However,if in the case of a partial termination,the City determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purpose for which the award was made;the City may terminate the award in its entirety and cancel any payments in progress as deemed appropriate by the City.The parties shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portion after the effective date,and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. Grounds for Suspension: Improper or illegal use of funds will result in immediate suspension and/or termination within the City's sole discretion.Suspension and/or termination in this case may be initiated by telephone or personal contact with a written confirmation to Consultant within five (5) business days.The confirmation of suspension and/or termination to Consultant shall specify the reasons for suspension and/or termination and notify the Consultant of the City's future course of action regarding the improper or illegal action. Illegal or improper mishandling of funds or conduct which endangers, discriminates against, or otherwise subjects project beneficiaries to harm,may also result in a report of the conduct to appropriate legal authorities. For other Grounds: The City reserves the right to terminate this contract, in whole or in part, immediately upon receipt of notice to the Consultant, in the event expected or actual funding to the City from the Federal government or other sources is withdrawn, reduced or eliminated. In the event of termination, City will notify the Consultant in writing of its determination to terminate, the reason for such termination, and the effective date of the termination. Upon termination,an accounting shall be done to determine what, if any,payments are due to the Consultant or what, if any, refund is due from the Consultant. Actions by either party under this Article shall not constitute a waiver of any right or claim by either party arising from this Agreement.