2022, 05-31 Study Session MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Meeting Tuesday, May 31, 2022 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in Council Chambers,and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley, Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins,Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director(via Zoom) Laura.Padden, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councilmember(via Zoom) Bill Helbig, Community&Public Works Dir. Ben Wick, Councilmember John Bottelli, Parks, Rec&Facilities Dir. Arne Woodard, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Tony Beattie,Deputy City Attorney Dave Ellis,Police Chief Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Lesli Brassfield, Comm. & Marketing Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. ACTION ITEMS: I. Second Reading Ordinance 22-008 Amending 2022 Budget—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve ordinance 22-008 amending Ordinance 21-018, which adopted a budget for the period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Finance Director Taylor briefly went over the amendments to the budget. As a public hearing on this was previously held, there were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed.' none. Motion carried. 2. Resolution 22-008 Re-setting Public Hearing for Street Vacation—Chaz Bates It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve Resolution 22-008, which amends Resolution 22-004, re-setting the date for a public hearing of street vacation STY-2022-0001 to July 14, 2022. Mr. Bates briefly went over the necessity for this Resolution, as stated in the Request for Council Action form. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Sprague Barker Intersection Bid Award—Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement Project—CIP#0205 construction contract to Inland Asphalt in the amount of$1,873,378 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. City Engineer Mantz went over the background for this construction contract and bids. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-31-2022 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:06-14-2022 4. Motion Consideration: ARPA Fund Allocations Erik Lamb, Chelsie Taylor Deputy City Manager Lamb said that there have been several past discussions with Council regarding ARPA(American Rescue Plan Act),including initial discussions based on conversations the subcommittee had with several stakeholders; he reminded Council that we have until 2024 to obligate the funds and until 2026 to spend them; he noted the worksheets completed by individual Councilmembers, which have now been compiled into the spreadsheet shown on the screen by Finance Director Taylor; he said this process will be similar to what Council used in the past to allocate grants to the Outside Agencies. Mr. Lamb also noted some funds have been previously allocated, including $750,000 for the Buckeye Sewer Project and $250,000 for internal City Costs; and$1 million for the Innovia Foundation. Mr.Lamb mentioned the total lost revenues the City may claim is approximately $10.8 million, however, he stressed the City has maintained a balanced budget throughout the entire pandemic, and never experienced a shortfall in providing City services. Mr. Lamb noted that he and City Manager Hohman met with Mr. Cal Coblentz of Spokane Valley Partners, and the site they identified in their proposal is not available so they are still looking for property; said discussions continue with Family Promise so there could be an opportunity for future collaboration. Mr.Lamb gave a broad overview of the categories as noted in his Request for Council Action,and Mr. Hohman pointed out that tonight's agenda item is just a starting point and it is staff's intent to put out an RFP (request for proposal), evaluate them, and then make changes as needed among the categories. After much discussion about fund replacement, land acquisition and the difficulty of finding appropriate land, sewer projects, road improvements, combining the categories of affordable housing and land acquisition;the intent to keep things as flexible as possible; helping Partners get into a larger space to have a kind of one-stop for assistance, Partners also combining with entities such as Meals on Wheels; and the Performing Arts Center. Mayor Haley invited public comment. [Deputy Mayor Higgins had initially made a motion,but it was, with the approval of Council, subsequently withdrawn.] City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned she received as a written comment, an e-mail from Ms. Vicki Gregor, owner of Spokane Child Development Center, who asked Council to include childcare centers when they are discussing the allocation of the ARPA funds. Ms. Bainbridge said she would also send each Councilmember a copy of those written comments. Mr. Cal Coblentz of Spokane Valley Partners: confirmed that the Argonne Property, which he had been considering, is not feasible as it is too expensive; and he encouraged Council to make accommodations to make sure he can pursue that objective, although with different property; mentioned that Family Promise might be interested in moving into Spokane Valley and that he considers them a vital part of housing; and he asked that Council consider his proposal. A second speaker, a young woman who said she is a member of Spokane Alliance, spoke about the need to support mental health and quality and affordable childcare. A third speaker,also of Spokane Alliance,mentioned the demands of childcare including worker burnouts, and the high cost of childcare,and said there is a need for affordable childcare.A fourth speaker also spoke about the Spokane Alliance and the crisis in childcare, including the loss of many teachers as they suffer burnout and that families cannot afford tuition; she suggested providing funding for teachers and students, and perhaps vouchers for families. The last speaker,Mr. John Harding of Spokane Valley, said the issue is the pandemic and what it did to our school-age children and that most are damaged in ways that might not materialize until later; said the hospitals have full wards of young people with mental health issues and if there are any remaining funds, he would like to see schools involved to help students catch up after two years of dealing with a pandemic. Further Council comments included the idea of combining projects with Partners; that the spreadsheet shows an average allocation to the Performing Arts Center for more than their initial request, but it was mentioned that they did come in to speak to this issue; to allocate $500,000 for mental health and also for childcare; or to stay with the noted averages for each category. There was unanimous support to allocate Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session:05-31-2022 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:06-14-2022 $4 million for Partners. The idea was also broached to re-visit the land acquisition section after seeing the proposals that come in as a result of our Request for Proposals.Mr.Lamb said amounts can also be modified later if necessary. In looking at the second half of the spreadsheet, Councilmember Wick said he had no objection to skip the park amenities for now; they all agreed to remove the water projects, and to allocate $500,000 for mental health and also for childcare; and a majority were in favor of allocating$842,857,the average, for law enforcement; and to keep$1,379,386 as a placeholder for sewer extension/improvements. With the assistance of Finance Director Taylor,the final allocations show: Amount Available for Revenue Loss for General Governmental Purposes: $785,714 to Spokane Valley Performing Arts Center $4 million to Spokane Valley Partners,for a New Facility And$5,998,535 for land acquisition for projects such as affordable housing For a total of $10,784,249 Other CLFR Eligible potential Programs: $500,000 for Mental Health Assistance (RFP) $500,000 for Childcare Provider Assistance (RFP) $842,857 for Law Enforcement Assistance $1,379,386 for sewer infrastructure extension/improvements Subtotal: $3,222,243 Grand Total Allocations: $14,006,492 It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve the allocation of$10,784,249 of CLFR finds to replace lost revenue of the City, to approve allocations of CLFR funds in the amounts identified on the final spreadsheet column for the general purposes identified therein, and to authorize the City Manager to take such other action necessary to procure proposals for City Council consideration in the categories as appropriate. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed' none. Motion carried. 4a. Resolution 22-009: Approving 2022 Amended Master Fee Schedule—Tony Beattie, Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve Resolution No. 22-009 repealing and replacing Resolution No. 22-003, and adopting the Master Fee Schedule as reflected in the attachment. Deputy City Attorney Beattie explained about the scrivener's error in Schedule G of the Master Fee Schedule, that the error relates to omitting the words `per sq ft' in that section, thus suggesting a much lower fee than was approved by Council; and that the purpose of this resolution is to resolve the clerical error and that is the only change being made to the Master Fee Schedule. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed.' none. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 5. Mirabeau Vacant Parcel—John Bottelli Director Bottelli explained that Council requested information about the vacant Mirabeau parcel,including how many parking spaces it could potentially hold. Mr.Bottelli noted the attached exhibit which shows an example parking layout with required accessible stalls, stormwater drainage areas, landscaping space, and a Mirabeau Parkway crosswalk with pedestrian access to the existing parking lot at Mirabeau Meadows; and noted an additional recommendation from the Traffic Department would be to expand the speed reduction area from 35 to 25. There was brief discussion about possible uses of that area. City Manager Hohman reminded Council that this is just an information piece as staff is not asking Council to do anything nor is staff advocating for a particular use; said in the past there was a proposal for a restaurant, or a place for bike rentals,or even an ice cream shop, but the person who was championing that is no longer with us. In response to Councilmember Woodard's question if the area could be used for parking without asphalt, Mr. Hohman replied it could not; that to allow parking it would need full improvements, asphalt, stormwater, etc. Councilmember Woodard asked if staff could contact State Parks to see if they would be Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-31-2022 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:06-14-2022 interested in connecting the two parking spots, and Mr. Hohman said he can take a look at that as well as get a potential cost estimate if Council is interested. There was no consensus for staff to do that so Mr. Hohman said the area will be left as it is for now. 6. Signal Box Art Wraps—Lesli Brassfield After Ms.Brassfield went through her PowerPoint presentation explaining about the art wraps,Mr.Hohman asked if Council would like to have input on art selections, and they confirmed they would. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 8.Information Only Items The County Wide Planning Policies Draft amendment, and Police Depa,Intent Monthly Report were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 9. Council Comments—Mayor Haley There were no additional Council comments. 10. City Manager Comments—John Hohman City Manager Hohman said that he received a request from the Performing Arts Center for a letter of support for two grants they are applying for with the Washington State Department of Commerce, and if Council agrees, said staff will draft a letter for the Mayor's signature, which letter is due Friday; he mentioned a stakeholders survey would also be circulated to Council. There were no objections to have the Mayor sign and send the support letter. Mr. Hohman also noted the budget workshop is set for June 14 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing to about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.;and that following that,there will be a special meeting at 4:00 p.m.,which has several items on the agenda, and that the 4:00 p.m. meeting will take the place of the regular 6:00 p.m. meeting; he also noted the June 21 Council meeting will be cancelled as Council attends the AWC (Association of Washington Cities)conference in Vancouver. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. tiA9 Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City C Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-31-2022 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:06-14-2022 Agenda Item#4a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 31,2022 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ®new business ❑public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin.report ❑pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 22-009 Repealing and Replacing Resolution 22-003 and Approving 2022 Master Fee Schedule. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 22.100, 3.60.010, and Resolution No. 22-003. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On March 29, 2022, Council approved Resolution No. 22- 003 which repealed and replaced Resolution No. 21-009 and established a new 2022 Master Fee Schedule. BACKGROUND: There was a scrivener's error in copying the Expanded North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Schedule to the Master Fee Schedule, Schedule G, approved by Resolution No. 22-003. Thus, the Master Fee Schedule did not reflect what Council adopted in Ordinance 22-005. The purpose of this resolution is to resolve the clerical error. OPTIONS: Approve Resolution No. 22-009 amending the Master Fee Schedule, with or without further modifications. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 22-009 repealing and replacing Resolution no. 22-003, and adopting the Master Fee Schedule as reflected in the attachment. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Tony Beattie, Senior Deputy City Attorney; Cary Driskell,City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution No.22-009 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.22-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION 22-003, AND APPROVING THE 2022 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, it is the general policy of the City of Spokane Valley(City)to reflect the cost of services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopts a resolution to establish the schedule of fees for City programs, permits and services, and periodically the fee resolution and fee schedule must be amended to incorporate new or modified services; and WHEREAS, the Master Fee Schedule adopted by City Council in Resolution No. 22-003 on March 29, 2022 contained a scrivener's error in Schedule G relating to the Expanded North Pines Road Subarea Impact Fee Schedule in the Rate Studies adopted by City Council in Ordinance No. 22-005. The error relates to leaving out the words "per sq ft,"suggesting a much lower fee than was approved by Council; and WHEREAS, Council desires to approve the fees set forth in the attached Master Fee Schedule in order to accurately reflect the fees in the Rate Studies adopted by Council in Ordinance No. 22-005. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section I. Adoption. The Master Fee Schedule is hereby adopted as provided herein and as shown and incorporated in the attached schedules,and which shall have an effective date retroactive to April 1,2022, as originally intended. Section 2. Repeal. Resolution 22-003 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon adoption. Approved this 31st day of May,2022. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Pam Haley,Mayor Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 1 of 18 DRAFT MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fee Schedule Page No. Schedule A: Planning 3 Schedule B: Building/Engineering 5 Schedule C:Parks and Recreation 11 Schedule D: Administrative 14 Schedule E: Other Fees 15 Schedule F: Police Fees 15 Schedule G: Transportation Impact Fees 16 Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 2 of 18 DRAFT MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Schedule A Planning Automatic Annual Adjustment Unless otherwise specifically amended, Schedule A of this Master Fee Schedule shall be reviewed and automatically adjusted annually to reflect(80%)of any change from September to September of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), West Region, 1982-84=100, published by the United States Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics,or other comparable index if not published.In no event shall the cumulative change in rates or charges be more than four percent(4%)per year.Unit prices shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. The automatic adjustment shall be effective January 1 of each year, No other fee schedules shall be affected by such automatic adjustment. FEE AMOUNT AMENDMENTS Comprehensive Plan Amendment $2,600,00 Zoning or other code text amendment $2,600.00 APPEALS Appeal of Administrative Decision $780.00 Appeal of Hearing Examiner Findings $1,040.00 Transcript/record deposit on Appeals of Hearing Examiner Decisions $163.00 Appeal of Administrative Decision- Code Enforcement Final Decision pursuant to chapter 17.100 SVMC $520.00 unless otherwise waived pursuant to SVMC 17,110 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT(SEPA' Single Dwelling(when required) $291.00 All other developments $364.00 Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) Review,minimum deposit $2,288.00 Addenda of existing EIS Review $364,00 SHORELINE Substantial Development Permit- under$50K $1,040.00 Substantial Development Permit-over$50K $1,664.00 Shoreline Exemption $624.00 CRITICAL AREAS Floodplain Permit not associated with a subdivision $520.00 Floodplain Permit associated with a subdivision $520.00 +$54.00 per lot LAND USE ACTIONS SUBDIVISIONS Preliminary plat $2,600.00+$42.00 per lot Final Plat $1,481.00+$10.00 per lot Time extensions—file review and letter $520.00 Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 3 of 18 DRAFT SHORT PLATS Preliminary 2 to 4 lots $2,080.00 Final plat 2 to 4 lots $1,248.00 Preliminary plat 5 to 9 lots $2,080.00+$26.00 per lot Final plat 5 to 9 lots $1,352.00+$26.00 per lot Time extensions—file review and letter $520.00 PLAT ALTERATION Subdivision plat $1,248.00 Short plat $780.00 PLAT VACATION $1,533.00 BINDING SITE PLAN Binding site plan alteration $2,080.00 Change of Conditions $2,080.00 Preliminary binding site plan $2,080.00 Creating lots within final binding site plan via Record of Survey $1,560.00 Final Binding Site Plan $2,080.00 AGGREGATION/SEGREGATION Lot line adjustment $260.00 Lot line elimination $208.00 Zero lot line $208.00+ $10.00 per lot OTHER PLANNING Administrative Exception $520.00 Variance $1,638.00 Administrative Interpretations $364.00 Home Occupation Permit $104.00 Accessory Dwelling Units(ADU) $312.00 Conditional Use Permit $1,664.00 Temporary Use Permit $520.00 Small Cell Permit Application $520.00 for up to five sites+$104.00 per additional site Hourly Rate for City Employees $63.00 Document Recording Service by Staff Hourly Street Vacation Application $1,420.00 Pre-application Meetings $260.00* *Fee shall be deducted from land use application, building or commercial permit fees when application is filed within one year of pre-application meeting. ZONING map amendments (rezone)* $3,640.00 Planned residential development plan $2,080.00+$27.00 per lot Planned residential development modification $546.00 Zoning letter $218.00 *If rezone is combined with other action(s), cost of other action(s)is additional Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 4 of 18 DRAFT Schedule B —Building Automatic Annual Adjustment Unless otherwise specifically amended, Schedule B of this Master Fee Schedule shall be reviewed and automatically adjusted annually to reflect(80%)of any change from September to September of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), West Region, 1982-84-100, published by the United States Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics,or other comparable index if not published.In no event shall the cumulative change in rates or charges be more than four percent(4%)per year.Unit prices shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. The automatic adjustment shall be effective January 1 of each year. Building permit fees shall not be included in the annual automatic adjustment because updates occur semi-annually through the International Code Council (ICC) published updates. Stormwater Utility Charges on Developed Parcels shall not be included in the annual automatic adjustment because updates are done through a separate analysis of the City's Stormwater Utility needs. No other fee schedules shall be affected by such automatic adjustment. Fee Payment Plan review fees are collected at the time of application. Such fees may be adjusted during plan review. Overages or under payments shall be appropriately adjusted at the time of permit issuance. Plan review fees are separate from and additional to building permit fees. Permit fees and any other unpaid fees shall be collected prior to issuance of the permit. Fees for outside professional services required during the permit process shall be paid by the applicant. Examples of outside professional services include review by contract reviewers, special inspection or construction services, consultant services for special topics, surveying or other services required to determine compliance with applicable codes. Fee Refund Policy. Refunds authorized under this policy apply only to Schedule B. PLAN REVIEW FEES • Plan review fees are non-refundable once any plan review work has been started. • Paid plan review fees may be refunded when an eligible request is received in writing. • At a minimum, a$63.00 administrative fee shall be retained. • If the paid plan review fee is less than $63.00,no refund is authorized. • If the paid plan review fee is more than $63.00, the amount for refund shall be calculated at the rate of 100% of the paid plan review fee minus $63.00. PERMIT FEES • Permit fees are non-refundable once work authorized by the permit has begun. • Paid permit fees may be refunded when an eligible request is received in writing. • At a minimum, a$63.00 administrative fee will be retained when fees are refunded. • If the paid permit fee is less than $63.00, no refund is authorized. • If the paid permit fee is more than $63.00,the refund shall be calculated at the rate of 95% of the paid permit fee minus $63.00. For any application taken or permit issued in error, a full refund of fees paid shall be made. No portion of the paid fees shall be retained. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 5 of 18 DRAFT FEES GENERAL Hourly Rate for City Employees $63.00 Overtime rate for City Employees (1.5 times regular rate) $95.00 Investigation fee: Work commenced without required permits Equal to permit fee Working beyond the scope of work $156.00 Replacement of lost permit documents Hourly rate; 1 hour minimum Revisions to plans requested by the applicant or permit holder shall be charged the hourly rate with a minimum of one hour. Revised plans submitted in response to reviewer correction letters are not subject to the hourly assessment. Washington State Building Code Council Surcharge (WSBCC) —see the Washington State Building Code Council website for fees. BUILDING PERMIT: Building permit fees for each project are set by the following fees. The figures below shall be used to determine the building permit fees and plans check fees based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data published in the Building Safety Journal by the International Code Council, whichever value is greater. Valuations not listed in the Building Safety Journal: Building Type Valuation Per Square Foot Residential garages/storage buildings(wood frame) $20.00 Residential garages (masonry) $23.00 Miscellaneous residential pole buildings $20.00 Residential carports, decks, porches $16.00 Building Permit Fee Calculation Total Valuation Building Permit Fee $1.00 to $25,000.00 $69.25 for first$2,000.00 + $14.00 for each additional$1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including$25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $391.25 for first$25,000 + $10.10 for each additional $1,000.00(or fraction thereof) Up to and including$50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $643.75 for first$50,000.00+ $7.00 for each additional$1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including$100,000.00 $100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $993.75 for first$100,000+ $5.60 for each additional $1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including$500,000.00 $500,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $3,233.75 for first$500,000.00+ $4.75 for each additional$1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including$1,000,000.00 Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 6 of 18 DRAFT $1,000,001 and up $5,608.75 for first$1,000,000.00+ $3.15 for each additional $1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Plan Review Fee Calculation % of Building Permit Fee Plans review fee(general) 65% Plans review fee—Group R-3 occupancies (single family less than 7,999 sq. ft.) 40% Plans review fee—Group R-3 occupancies (single family 8,000 sq. ft. or more) 65% Plans review fee Group U occupancies(sheds, barns, et.) 25% OTFIER PERMITS: SITE PLAN REVIEW New Residential Home Site Plan Review $312.00 Residential Accessory Structure Site Plan Review $83.00 Commercial Site Plan Review $572.00 DEMOLITION PERMIT Single Family Residence $48.00 flat fee Commercial Building $136.00 flat fee Garage or accessory building associated with residence or commercial building $22.00 flat fee Foundation Only Building Permit: 25% of building permit fee Swimming Pools, over 2 feet in depth $63.00+plumbing fees Re-roof(no plan review charge unless submitted for review) Based on Project Valuation Change of Use or Occupancy Classification Permit Hourly TEMPORARY CERTIFICA I'E OF OCCUPANCY Commercial or Multifamily Building $208.00 Residential Building $156.00 Factory Assembled Structure (FAS) Placement Permit $52.00 per section Towers, elevated tanks, antennas Hourly SIGN PERMIT: Sign Permits are subject to the assessment of the WSBCC fee as noted in Schedule B "General" section and the following review fees. Sign Plan Review Fee $88.00 Wall Sign Permit $78.00 per sign(flat fee) Freestanding or Monument Sign Permit $104.00 per sign (flat fee) RIGHT-OF-WAY(ROW)PERMIT: A traffic plan and traffic plan review is required if more than 50% of the width of any street is closed or if a single arterial lane is closed. A minimum plan review fee of$63.00 (hourly rate for City employees) applies Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 7 of 18 DRAFT to all right-of-way permits that require a traffic plan. If additional staff time is required, it shall be charged at the hourly rate. Fees for outside professional services required during the permit process shall be paid by the applicant, Examples of outside professional services include review by contract reviewers, special inspection or construction services, consultant services for special topics, surveying or other services required to determine compliance with applicable codes. TYPES OF ROW Non-cut obstruction without clean up $76.00 Non-cut obstruction with clean up $114.00 Pavement cut obstruction,non-winter $208.00 Pavement cut obstruction,winter $218.00 Working without a permit 100% Permit Fee Commercial Approach Permit $78.00 Residential Approach Permit $73.00 Multiple Use Permit—overhead $114.00 per 1/4 mile Multiple Use Permit underground $676.00 per 1/4 mile Erosion/Sediment Control—Site Inspection $104.00 Oversized Load Permit Fee $78.00 Structure Transport Permit $156.00 per section ENGINEERING PERMITS GRADING PERMIT: 100 cubic yards(cu yd)or less $26.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $26.00 for first 100 cu yd.+ $7.00 each additional 100 cu yd 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $130.00 for first 1,000 cu yd+ $10.00 each additional 1,000 cu yd 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $234.00 for first 10,000 cu yd+ $36.00 each additional 10,000 cu yd 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards $546.00 for first 100,000 cu yd+ $26.00 each additional 10,000 cu yd 200,000 or more cubic yards $650.00 for first 200,000 cu yd+ $26.00 for each additional 10,000 cu yd GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEE: 100 cubic yards (cu yd) or less $21.00 101 to 1,000 $26.00 1,001 to 10,000 $36.00 10,001 to 100,000 $36.00 for first 10,000 cu yd+ $26.00 each additional 10,000 cu yd Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 8 of 18 DRAFT 100,001 to 200,000 $182.00 for first 100,000 cu yd+ $26.00 for each additional 10,000 cu yd 200,001 or more $650.00 for first 200, 000 cu yd+ $26.00 for each additional 10,000 cu yd Grubbing& Clearing Only(without earth being moved) $71.00 Paving Permit(greater than 5,000 sq. ft. -new paving only) $274.00 OTHER ENGINEERING Design Deviation $156.00 STORMWAI'ER UTILITY CHARGE ON DEVELOPED PARCELS: Each single-family unit $21.00 annual All other properties each $21.00 per 3,160 sq.ft impervious surface MECHANICAL PERMIT: Plan review fees for mechanical permits shall be collected at the time of application as noted in the "Fee Payment" section of this schedule. Permit fees shall be collected when the permit is issued. Mechanical Permit Fees A. BASIC FEES 1. Basic fee for issuing each Stand-Alone permit $38.00 2. Basic fee for each Supplemental permit $8.00 B.UNIT FEES (in addition to the basic fee) 1. Installation or relocation of Furnaces and suspended heaters a.up to and including 100,000 btu $14.00 b. over 100,000 btu $17.00 2. Duct work system $11.00 3. Heat pump and air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons $14.00 b. over 3 tons to 15 tons $22.00 c. over 15 tons to 30 tons $27.00 d. over 30 tons to 50 tons $38.00 e. over 50 tons $66.00 4. Gas water heater $11.00 5. Gas piping system $1.00 per outlet 6. Gas log, fireplace, and gas insert installation $11.00 7. Appliance vents installation; relocation;replacement $10.00 each 8. Boilers, compressors, and absorption systems a. 0 to 3 hp- 100,000 btu or less $14.00 b, over 3 to 15 hp- 100,001 to 500,000 btu $22.00 c. over 15-30 hp-500,001 to 1,000,000 btu $27.00 d. over 30 ph- 1,000,001 to 1,750,000 btu $38.00 e. over 50 hp-over 1,750,000 btu $66.00 9. Air Handlers a. each unit up to 10,000 cfm, including ducts $14.00 b. each unit over 10,000 cfm $17.00 10. Evaporative Coolers(other than portable) $11.00 11. Ventilation and Exhausts a. each fan connected to a single duct $11.00 Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 9 of 18 DRAFT b. each ventilation system $14.00 c. each hood served by mechanical exhaust $14.00 12. Incinerators a. residential installation or relocation $22.00 b. commercial installation or relocation $24.00 13. Unlisted appliances a. under 400,000 btu $54.00 b. 400,000 btu or over $109.00 14. Hood a.Type I $54.00 b.Type II $11.00 15. LP Storage Tank $11.00 16. Wood or Pellet Stove insert $11.00 17. Wood stove system-free standing $27.00 PLUMBING PERMIT: Plan review fees for plumbing permits shall be collected at the time of application as noted in the "Fee Payment"section of this schedule. Permit fees shall be collected when the permit is issued. A. BASIC FEES 1.Basic fee for issuing each Stand-Alone permit $3 8.00 2. Basic fee for each Supplemental permit $8.00 B.UNIT FEES (in addition to the basic fee) 1. Each plumbing fixture on a trap $6.00 each (includes garbage disposals, dishwashers, backflow device, drainage, hot tubs, built-in water softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains,etc.) 2. Water Heater $6.00 each 3.Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor $17.00 (includes its trap and vent,except kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps.) 4. Repair or alteration of water piping, drainage or vent piping $6.00 each fixture 5.Atmospheric type vacuum breaker $6.00 each 6. Backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers $6.00 each 7. Medical gas $6.00 per outlet 8. Interceptors $6.00 each Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 10 of 18 DRAFT Schedule C — Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applying rates Administrative Fee $32.00 Refuse Fee $52.00 AQUATICS Pool admission(age 5 and under) free Pool admission(age older than 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass(25 swims) $20.00 Weekend family discount-- 1 child under 13 free with paying adult At the discretion of the City Manager, the Parks and Recreation Department may on occasion offer free admission open swim days. Swimming Lessons $40.00 Swim Team Fee $60.00 Pool Rental (fewer than 100 people) $300.00 for 2-hr rental Pool Rental (101-200 people) $400.00 for 2-hr rental Refundable Pool Damage Deposit $150.00 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT $10.00 CENTERPLACE Conference Center Wing Auditorium $79.00 per hour Auditorium $475.00 per day Auditorium $23 6.00 per half day Auditorium w/Presentation System $52.00 per hour*** Auditorium w/Presentation System $315.00 per day*** Auditorium w/Presentation System $158.00 per half day*** Auditorium Deposit $52.00 Executive Conference Room $52.00 per hour Executive Conference Room '/2 day $156 per 4 hours Executive Conference Room full day rental $416 per day Executive Conference Room Deposit $52.00 Meeting Room(day and evening use) $42.00 per hour Meeting Room $263.00 per day Large Meeting Room $75.00 per hour Large Meeting Room $225.00 per half day Large Meeting Room $450.00 per 9 hr. day Meeting Room $131.00 per half day Meeting Room Deposit $52.00 Portable Sound System $150.00 per event Platinum Package $500.00 per event **Requires rental of presentation system, see below Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 11 of 18 DRAFT Great Room Multi-use/Banquet ball $105,00 per hour Multi-use/Banquet Hall - Wedding Ceremony-2 hours $500.00 Multi-use/Banquet Hall—Wedding Reception 10 hours $1,310.00 Multi-use/Banquet Hall $840.00 per 9 hr session Multi-use/Banquet Hall $1,575.00 all day(6 a.m.-1 a.m.) Small Dining Area $52.00 per hour Refundable Deposit $210.00 Refundable Deposit—Weddings $500.00 Table Settings(linens and tableware) $3.00 per place setting Pipe&Drape rental $100/day Senior Center Wing Lounge with Dance Floor $105.00 per hour Lounge with Dance Floor—Wedding Ceremony—2 hours $500.00 Lounge with Dance Floor—Wedding Reception—6 hours $850.00 Refundable Lounge deposit $210.00 Refundable Lounge deposit—Weddings $500.00 Meeting room (evening use) $42.00 per hour Meeting room(evening use) $131.00 per 4 hr session Meeting room (weekend use) $262,00 per day Meeting room(weekend use) $131.00 per half day Meeting room deposit $52.00 West Lawn and CenterPlace Rental fee $3,500.00 per day West Lawn Wedding Ceremony-2 hours(with CenterPlace Reception) $1,000 West Lawn Plaza Rental $2,000 per day - North Meadow additional $500 per day North Meadow Rental $1,000 per day West Lawn Plaza Rental- 1/2 day $1,000 - North Meadow additional $250 North Meadow Rental—1/2 Day $500 Miscellaneous Cleanup fee for groups bringing their own food in on Sundays • Groups under 30 in small meeting room $52 • Groups under 150 in large meeting room or lounge $210 • Groups over 150 in Great Room $500 Host/Hostess(after hours) $25.00 per hour Presentation System *** $262.00 per day (includes projector,podium,DVD/VCR sound system, camera system) Room Setup $26.00 per hour Satellite Video Conferencing $262.00 per hour Sound System $42.00 per day Additional Microphones $25.00 each Technical Support $42.00 per hour LCD Projector/Television $25.00 per hour LCD Projector/Television $100.00 per day Linens Only $10.00 per table Wine glass only rental $.50 per glass Conference Phone $100.00 per event Easel Paper Pad $20.00 per pad Laptop Usage $50.00 per event Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 12 of 18 DRAFT Business Incentive Rental Policy —The Parks & Recreation Director has the authority to reduce the room rental rate by one hr. when the rental meets the following criteria: minimum of 25 participants; utilize a classroom at CenterPlace eight or more times per calendar year; and use in-house caterer for a meal each reservation. PICNIC SHELTER RESERVATION (For groups fewer than 200 people) Browns—large red (up to five hours) $100.00 Browns—small green(up to two hours) $40.00 Edgecliff(up to five hours) $100.00 Discovery Playground(up to two hours) $40.00 Greenacres—large (up to five hours) $100.00 Mirabeau Meadows(up to five hours) $100.00 Mirabeau Meadows—shelter and stage(up to five hours) $150.00 Mirabeau Springs—shelter and dock(up to two hours) $250.00 Sullivan(up to five hours) $100.00 Terrace View (up to five hours) $100.00 Valley Mission(up to five hours) $100.00 EVENT RESERVATION—include shelter (For groups of 200 or more people) Events include but are not limited to activities such as car shows, tournaments, or high-risk activities. The Parks and Recreation Director shall make the final determination. General fee(up to five hours): $175.00 Non-profit applications with proof of qualifying as a 501(c)(3) entity(up to five hours): $100.00 EVENT PHOTOS Mirabeau Springs shelter and dock $150.00 per hour BALL FIELD RENTAL/USE $26.00 l'c hour+ $15.00 each additional hour REFUNDABLE FACILITY DAMAGE DEPOSIT Fewer than 200 people $75.00 Weddings, Special Events and events with 200 or more people $300.00 SPECIAL EVENTS (See Spokane Valley Municipal Code 5.15) Application Fee $50.00 RECREATION Recreation program fees are established at amounts to recover costs, as specified in the Parks and Recreation. revenue policy. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 13 of 18 DRAFT Schedule ll — Administration COPY FEE Paper copies up to 11"x17"(b/w or color) $0.15 per page* Paper copies larger than 11"x17" (b/w or color) $0.87 per square foot* Scanned copies of paper records $0.10 per page * Electronics records uploaded to email, cloud-based storage, CDIDVD, or flash drive $0.05 per every 4 electronic files or attachments* Records transmitted in electronic format $0.10 per GB* Digital Storage Media Device(CD/DVD, flash drive) Actual Cost* Envelope Actual Cost* Postage Actual Cost* Records sent to outside vendor for reproduction Actual Cost* Customized Service Charge - When the request would require the use of IT expertise to prepare data compilations or when such customized access services are not used by the agency for other business purposes, the agency may charge the actual cost. The agency must notify the requestor that it will be doing a customized service and can require a 10 percent deposit.* *It is the intent of the City of Spokane Valley to recover the cost of providing public records when the total cost, including but not limited to the per-page, device, envelope, or postage costs,amounts to $1.00 or more. Copy charges above may be combined to the extent more than one type of charge applies to copies responsive to a particular request. When combining fees associated with the request,the City will determine the total cost and charge accordingly. Copy charges are assessed for each installment of records provided to the requestor.A deposit of 10%may be required on public record requests. NSF CHECK RETURN FEE $26.00 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE 2.5% of transaction amount Applies to all City fees paid by credit card/debit card except for those fees under Schedule F—Police Fees(amount of the alarm fee is intended to cover the total cost of administering the false alarm program, including, but not limited to,payment processing fees). Credit card transaction processing fees are non-refundable. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 14 of 18 DRAFT Schedule E — Other Fees BUSINESS REGISTRATION Business Registration $25.00 annual Nonprofit Registration $10.00 annual Out-of-City Business Registration with annual revenues equal to or less than$2,000 (SVMC 5.05.020(D)) $0.00 Adult Entertainment Establishment License,Live Adult Entertainment $1,575.00 Establishment License,Adult Arcade $1,575.00 Adult Arcade Device License $157.00 Manager License $157.00 Entertainer License $157.00 Late Adult Entertainment License Fee(charged in addition to the license fee) 7 to 30 calendar days past due 25% of license fee 31 to 60 calendar days past due 50% of license fee 61 and more calendar days past due 75% of license fee Appeal of Administrative Determination—Adult Entertainment License Adult Entertainment License denial, suspension or revocation pursuant to SVMC 5.10 $1,050.00 Tow Operator Registration Fee $105.00 annual Schedule F— Police Fees FALSE ALARM RECOVERY FEE $65 per incident Amount of the fee is intended to cover the total cost of administering the false alarm program, including, but not limited to, payment processing fees. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 15 of 18 DRAFT Schedule G-- Transportation Impact Fees SOUTH BARKER CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC and the adopted South Barker Corridor Study and South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study, the following fees are the transportation impact fees applicable within the South Barker Corridor area identified in the South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study. Base Rate=$1,153 per PM Peak Trip Land Use Group ITE Code ITE Land Use Category Impact Fee Per Unit 210 Single Family&Duplex $1,084 per dwelling unit Residential 220 Multi-Family (Low-Rise) - Not Close to Rail $588 per dwelling unit Transit 310 Hotel(3 or More Levels) $680 per room Services 492 Health Club $3.98 per sq ft 912 Bank $15.74 per sq ft 520 Elementary School $2,052 per employee Institution 522 Middle School $2,236 per employee 525 High School $1,856 per employee 975 Drinking Establishment $7.46 per sq ft Restaurant 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) $17.13 per sq ft 938 Coffee Shop with Drive-Thru(no indoor seating) $1,912 per drive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center $2.78 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales-Used/New $4.32 per sq ft 945 Convenience Store/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.5k) $8,921 per pump 110 Light Industry/High Technology $0.75 per sq ft 140 Manufacturing $0.85 per sq ft Industrial 150 Warehousing $0.21 per sq ft 151 Mini-Storage $19.37 per storage unit 710 General Office $1.66 per sq ft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic $4.53 per sq ft 750 Office Park $1.50 per sq ft ITE Trip Generation manual, 11th Edition "sq ft"means square foot. "pump"means vehicle servicing position/gas pump. "room"means available hotel room. Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC,transportation impact fees for uses not listed in the rate table shall be based on (1) the most similar land use category identified in the table, or (2) the base rate and the most similar land use category identified in ITE Trip Generation Manual, as documented by a trip generation and distribution letter in accordance with Section 3.2 of the Spokane Valley Street Standards. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 16 of 18 DRAFT NIIRA.BEAU SUBAREA TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SCIIEDULI Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC and the adopted Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study, the following fees are the transportation impact fees applicable within the Mirabeau subarea identified in the Rate Study. Base Rate=$698 per PM Peak Trip Land Use Group ITE Code ITE Land Use Category Impact Fee Per Unit 210 Single Family&Duplex $657 per dwelling unit Residential 220 Multi-Family (Low-Rise) - Not Close to Rail $356 per dwelling unit Transit 310 Hotel (3 or More Levels) $412 per room Services 492 Health Club $2.41 per sq ft 912 Bank $9.54 per sq fl 520 Elementary School $1,243 per employee Institution 522 Middle School $1,355 per employee 525 High School $1,125 per employee 975 Drinking Establishment $4.52 per sq ft Restaurant 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) $10.38 per sq ft 938 Coffee Shop with Drive-Thru(no indoor seating) $1,159 per drive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center $1.69 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales- Used/New $2.62 per sq ft 945 Convenience Store/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.5k) $5,405 per pump 110 Light Industry/High Technology $0.45 per sq ft Industrial 140 Manufacturing $0.52 per sq ft 150 Warehousing $0.13 per sq ft 151 Mini-Storage $11.73 per storage unit 710 General Office $1.01 per sq ft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic $2.75 per sq ft 750 Office Park $0.91 per sq ft ITE Trip Generation manual, 11th Edition "sq ft"means square foot "pump"means vehicle servicing position/gas pump. "room"means available hotel room. Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC,transportation impact fees for uses not listed in the rate table shall be based on (1) the most similar land use category identified in the table, or (2) the base rate and the most similar land use category identified in ITE Trip Generation Manual, as documented by a trip generation and distribution letter in accordance with Section 3.2 of the Spokane Valley Street Standards. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 17 of 18 DRAFT NORTH PINES ROAD SUBAREA TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC and the adopted Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study,the following fees are the transportation impact fees applicable within the North Pines Road subarea identified in the Rate Study. Base Rate=$2,195 per PM Peak Trip Land Use Group ITE Code ITE Land Use Category Impact Fee Per Unit 210 Single Family&Duplex $2,063 per dwelling unit Residential 220 Multi-Family (Low-Rise) - Not Close to Rail $1,119 per dwelling unit Transit 310 Hotel (3 or More Levels) $1,295 per room Services 492 Health Club $7.57 per sq ft 912 Rank $29.97 per sq ft 520 Elementary School $3,906 per employee Institution 522 Middle School $4,258 per employee 525 High School_ $3,533 per employee 975 Drinking Establishment $14.21 per sq ft Restaurant 934 Fast Food Restaurant(with drive-thru) $32.62 per sq ft 938 Coffee Shop with Drive-Thru (no indoor seating) $3,640 per drive-thru lane 820 Shopping Center $5.30 per sq ft Retail 841 Automobile Sales-Used/New $8.23 per sq ft 945 Convenience Store/Gas Station-GFA(4-5.5k) $16,983 per pump 110 Light Industry/High Technology $1.43 per sq ft Industrial 140 Manufacturing $1.62 per sq ft 150 Warehousing $0.40 per sq ft 151 Mini-Storage $36.87 per storage unit 710 General Office $3.16 per sq ft Office 720 Medical Office/Clinic $8.62 per sq ft 750 Office Park $2.85 per sq ft ITE Trip Generation manual,l 1th Edition "sq ft"means square foot. "pump"means vehicle servicing position/gas pump. "roam"means available hotel room. Pursuant to chapter 22.100 SVMC,transportation impact fees for uses not listed in the rate table shall be based on (1)the most similar land use category identified in the table, or (2) the base rate and the most similar land use category identified in ITE Trip Generation Manual, as documented by a trip generation and distribution letter in accordance with Section 3.2 of the Spokane Valley Street Standards. Resolution 22-009 Fee Schedule for 2022 Page 18 of 18 Date of meeting: May 31, 2022 Agenda item: Allocation of ARPA funds Name: Vicki Greger City of Residence: Spokane Valley Dear Council Members, My name is Vicki Greger and I have been a resident of Spokane Valley for over 30 years. I am the owner of Spokane Child Development Center, LLC, a community-based childcare center in Spokane Valley. I am writing to ask that you include childcare centers when you are discussing allocation of American Rescue Plan Act Funds. Childcare has always been an industry in which we feel underappreciated and undervalued in comparison to the service that we provide. There has traditionally been a high-turnover rate amongst teaching staff. Covid has put a spotlight on just how important childcare is as well as how challenging (impossible) it can be without a stable workforce. We have struggled over the last 2 years to follow ever-changing guidance around could, keeping staff healthy, having parents understand our illness policy, and so much more.The most challenging has been the workforce shortage and how that has impacted the center, the community, and the staff that have chosen to stay. The workforce challenge seems to be one that is around for the long haul. I truly believe that many early learning providers have left the field for good. We are a center that is licensed for 89 children but have had an enrollment of under fifty children for the last two years. That is not a model that is sustainable long term for my business or any other childcare business. We would like to enroll more children, but we do not have the staff to do that. We turn away five to ten parents every week that are looking for care so that they can go back to work. How is the rest of the community supposed to get back to work if the childcare providers are not around to care for children because they are either out of business or cannot take any children because they cannot hire any staff? I can add a hole section about mental health struggles for both children and our staff. We are not OK. Children are presenting with challenging behaviors in number that we have not previously seen, and staff are feeling overwhelmed at ineffective. There is a sense with many staff about how much longer they can go on like this. I am passionate about my work in early learning, but this work has gone from difficult to impossible. The impacts of Covid have been far-reaching in our industry and I implore you to remember us as you decide how to allocate current or future funds. I would be happy to discuss this further. I can be reached at (509) 389-1656. Sincerely, Vicki Greger, M.Ed CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA I 5/31/20221 Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Fragrant Options City of Spokane Valley CLFR Award $ 16,006,492 Ca us cilAflocotedAn,ounts $Allocated Internal City Costs I$ 250,000I Sewer Infrastructure -Buckeye Ave Sewer Extension(after bid approval) I$ 750,000 I !movie Foundation/Launch Northwest I$ 1,000,0001 Total Allocated $ 2,000,000 Remaining to Allocate $ 14,006,492 Councilmember Recommendations Amounts Amount Available for Revenue Loss for General Governmental Purposes Higgins I Poets I Woodard I Wick I Haley I Hattenburg I Padden I Average Recommended -i.e.Public Safety $10,784,249 Potential General Governmental Programs: Spokane Valley Performing Arts Center $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 785,714 $ 785,714 Spokane Valley Partners-New Facility $ 3,784,743 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,784,000 $ 6,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,366,963 $ 4,000,000 -Updated$5,500,000 ask;consider land acquisition assistance Spokane Valley Mall $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Word of Faith Christian Center $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -Consider as part of affordable housing RFP HUB Outdoor Facility I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ - I I$ - I I Land Acquisition -Land for projects,such as SVP,affordable housing projects $ 6,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 5,285,714 $ 5,998,535 Boys and Girls Club Capital $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 142,857 Subtotal $ 10,784,743 $ 9,000,000 $10,784,000 $10,000,000 $ 6,500,000 $ 6,500,000 $ 6,500,000 $ 8,581,249 $10,784,249 Remaining to Allocate After Revenue Loss $ 3,221,749 $ 5,006,492 $ 3,222,492 $ 4,006,492 $ 7,506,492 $ 7,506,492 $ 7,506,492 $ 5,425,243 $ 3,222,243 ,. (items below also qualify for general governmental purposes so may exceed$3.2M) Other CLFR Eligible Potential Programs • Park Amenities or Construction I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ 1,306,0001$ - I$ - I$ - I I$ 196,571 I Affordable Housing-RFP I$ 1,000,0001$ - I$ 1,000,000 I$ - I$ 3,000,000 I$ 3,000,000 I$ 3,000,000 I I$ 1,571,429 I I Mental Health Assistance-RFP I$ 500,000 I$ 2,000,000 I$ 222,500 I$ 500,0001$ 500,000 I$ 500,000 I$ 500,000 I I$ 674,643 I$ 500,000 I Childcare Provider Assistance-RFP $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -Mental Health Learning Support $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 214,286 $ 500,000 Law Enforcement Assistance I$ 750,000 I$ 1,250,000 I$ - I$ 900,000I$ 1,000,000I$ 1,000,000 I$ 1,000,000 I I$ 842,857I$ 842,957 I Water Infrastructure -Potential RFP for Water Projects-Small districts only I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ 750,000 1$ 750,000 I$ 750,000 I I$ 321,429 I$ - 1 Sewer Infrastructure , -Sewer extension/Improvements I$ 971,749 I$ 1,756,492 I$ 2,000,000 15 1,000,0001$ 1,755,4921$ 1,756,4921$ 1,756,492 I I$ 1,571,102 1$ 1,379,386 I Homeless Services I$ - I$ - I$ - I$ 300,0001$ - I$ - I$ - I I$ 42,857 I I Subtotal $ 3,221,749 $ 5,006,492 $ 3,222,50D $ 4,006,000 $ 7,506,492 $ 7,506,492 $ 7,506,492 $ 5,425,174 $ 3,222,243 Total Allocations $ 14,006,492 $14,006,492 $14,006,500 $14,006,000 $14,006,492 $14,006,492 $14,006,492 $14,006,423 $14,006,492 CLFR Funds Remaining After Actual and Potential Allocations $ - $ - $ (a) $ 492 $ - $ - $ - $ 69 $ - P:\Finance\COVID 19\American Rescue Plan\Council Meetings\2022 05 31\Program Options Listing 5.31.22 draft allocation final