22-106.00 Spokane County: Glenrose-Central Park Flood Insurance Study (FIS) 22- Iob MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND SPOKANE COUNTY FOR ALLOCATING RESPONSIBILITIES AND COSTS RELATING TO THE GLENROSE AND CENTRAL PARK BASINS FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley (City) initiated a project to delineate the 100-year and 500-year floodplains within the Glenrose and Central Park Basins within the City and revise the special flood hazard area delineations on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps accordingly (the Project); and WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications for Engineering Consultants to perform the Glenrose & Central Basins Floodplain Delineation, and after reviewing all applications received by the July 19, 2017 due date selected WEST Consulting ast the most qualified; and WHEREAS, the City entered into a contract (City Contract) with WEST Consulting (the Consultant) on October 12, 2018 to perform the Project, including analysis, documentation and project management; and WHEREAS, the main channel in the Glenrose Basin of the Project continues upslope from the City into unincorporated Spokane County (the County); and WHEREAS, the County desires to enter into a separate contract (County Contract) whereby the Consultant will perform: (1)hydraulic modeling on channels within the Glenrose basin within the unincorporated County; (2) establish floodplain boundaries, base flood elevations, and floodways within such areas; (3) include the processing of this information into the flood map revision; and (4) perform other and related responsibilities in furtherance of the overall Project; and WHEREAS,the City and the County desire to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)to establish the mutually agreed terms to accomplish the goals set forth herein. NOW,THEREFORE,the City and the County do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 —GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1. PURPOSE. To establish the City and County responsibilities for the Consultant work performed for the County Contract. 1.2. TERM. This MOU shall remain in effect until the conclusion of the Project. 1.3. TERMINATION. Either the City or the County may terminate this MOU upon at least 30 days written notice to the other. 1.4. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The City and the County shall comply with all applicable federal, state,and local laws and regulations. Page 1 of 4 ARTICLE 2—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY 2.1. The City has an existing contract with the Consultant for mapping that portion of the Project occurring within the City's boundary. The City shall oversee the Consultant for all Project work concerning the mapping within the City boundary. 2.2. The City shall work with the Consultant to modify the Contract to accommodate the County Project. ARTICLE 3—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNTY 3.1. The County shall execute a separate contract with the Consultant for all work pertaining to the study within the unincorporated County, and shall oversee the same. The County shall have the Consultant incorporate all pertinent results of the County Contract into the overall Project analysis and documents. 3.2 The County shall provide coordination, direction, review and comment to the Consultant on all matters pertaining to the County Contract and shall copy the City on all communications. 3.3. If the Consultant finds that more data collection is needed to complete the County Contract, then the County shall provide Consultant with access to any County-owned areas that the Consultant has identified as necessary for conducting additional data collection. The County shall assist the Consultant with accessing any privately-owned areas that the Consultant has identified as necessary for conducting additional data collection, to the extent permitted by law. 3.4. Any modifications or changes to the County Contract shall be coordinated by the County with the Consultant. The County shall seek the City's concurrence to modifications prior to implementation to ensure the modifications are consistent with the overall Project goals. ARTICLE 4—ALLOCATION OF COSTS 4.1. The County shall be responsible for all costs of the County Contract, including surveying the County channel, analysis of structures, hydraulic analysis, and any portion of the costs for Tasks 1 — 14 of the City Contract that are attributable to the County Contract. 4.2 The County shall pay the Consultant directly for any and all reimbursable work for activities related to the County Contract. 4.3 The City shall pay Consultant directly for any and all reimbursable work for activities related to the City Contract. ARTICLE 5-RCW 39.34 REQUIRED CLAUSES Page 2 of 4 5. 1.Purpose:Authorize the COUNTY to contract with the Consultants to the provide the hydraulic analysis,floodplain mapping,and LOMR application for the portions of the Glenrose Channel and Watershed within Unincorporated Spokane County. The COUNTY will coordinate with the Consultant to determine the final scope, schedule, and fee for these services. 5.2. Organization of Separate Entity and Its Powers:No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this MOU or any addendum. 5.3. Duration: See Article 1.2 Term of MOU. 5.4. Termination: See Article 1.3 Termination of MOU. 5.5. Property Upon Termination: The ownership of all property provided by either Party in each meeting its obligations under the terms of this MOU shall remain with the original owner unless specifically and mutually agreed to by the Parties to the contrary. 5.6. Responsibilities of the PARTIES: See various provisions throughout this MOU. 5.7. MOU to be Filed: The COUNTY shall file this MOU or any amendment with the County Auditor or, in the alternative,place the MOU or any amendment on the COUNTY' S website or other electronically retrievable public source. 5.8.Representatives: The PARTIES hereby appoint the following individuals as their respective representatives for administering the terms of this MOU or any addendum. City of Spokane Valley Spokane County Henry Allen,PE Bill Galle, Stormwater Utility Manager City of Spokane Valley Spokane County Public Works 10210 East Sprague Avenue 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99206 Spokane,WA 99260-0170 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY y: John Hohman BY: William Galle City Manager "Title: Stormwater Utitity Manager Page 3 of 4 ATTEST. A-4 < 1 Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: r"(--7-6-4th Office oft City Attorney Page 4 of 4