2022-03-10 Agenda Packet Spokane �Valley Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 E. Sprague Ave. March 10,2022 NOTE: In response to Governor Inslee's March 24, 2020 Proclamation concerning the COVID-19 Emergency, which waives and suspends the requirement to hold in-person meetings and provides options for the public to attend remotely, physical public attendance at Spokane Valley Planning Commission meetings are suspended until the Governor's order has been rescinded or amended. Public wishing to make comments need to email planning spokanevalley.org prior to 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to speak during the comment period of the meeting. Comments can also be emailed to planning a,spokanevalley.onz and they will be read into the record or distributed to the Commission members via email. LINK TO ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: https://spokanevallev.zoom.us/j/87146597722 One tap mobile US: +12532158782„ 87146597722#or+13462487799„87146597722# US Dial by your location US: +1 253 215 8782 US 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 24, 2022 5. COMMISSION REPORTS 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. 8. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 9. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall February 24,2022 I. Planning Commission Chairman Bob McKinley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting. II. Administrative Assistant Taylor Dillard took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Cary Driskell, City Attorney Susan Delucchi Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Taylor Dillard, Administrative Assistant Walt Haneke, absent Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Bob McKinley Nancy Miller Sherri Robinson III. AGENDA: Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the February 24,2022 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IV. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the February 10,2022 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Commission reports. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates explained that he will be the administrator of the Planning Commission meetings in the future. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Planning Manager Chaz Bates gave background and introduced the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process. Mr. Bates explained that amendment applications were accepted through October 31, 2021 and the City Council approved four amendments to be considered during 2022. The Public Hearing for the amendments will be held on March 10,2022 and notice of the hearing was published twice in the newspaper, was posted on the property site, and was mailed to property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment location. 02-24-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 CPA-2022-0001: A request to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning for 1.03 acres from Single-Family Residential (SFR) to Multifamily Residential (MFR). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0001. The property consists of two vacant parcels total 1.03 acres and is located on Raymond Road between 10th and 11 th Avenue. The applicant is Land Use Solutions and the owner of the property is Sunshine Health Facilities (SHFI Properties, LLC). The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single-Family Residential (SFR)to Multifamily Residential (MFR). Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the MFR land use area by 1.03 acres • No critical areas within the proposed area • Supports redevelopment of vacant properties • Supported by transportation network • Compatible with adjacent uses • There is an increasing need for senior and assisted living facilities CPA-2022-0002: A request to change land use designation and zoning for.45 acres from Single-Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0002. The property consists of a single parcel totaling .45 acres in size and is located on the northeast corner of N. Flora Road and E. Montgomery Avenue. The property is adjacent to the Flora Road Centennial Trailhead. The applicant and the owner of the property is the City of Spokane Valley. The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single-Family Residential (SFR)to Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (P/OS). Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the P/OS land use area by .45 acres • No critical areas within the proposed area • The area is identified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan • The change supports the Centennial Trail access and potential river loop trail. • The change is compatible with surrounding uses CPA-2022-0003: A request to change land use designation and zoning for 17.64 acres from Single-Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0003. The property consists of six parcels totaling 17.64 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of E. 44th Avenue and S. Bates Road and extends to the Union Pacific Railroad. The application and the owner of the property is the City of Spokane Valley. The proposal is to change the Land Use Designation from Single-Family Residential (SFR)to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS). 02-24-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • Expands the P/OS land use area by 17.64 acres • Supports Park Level Of Service • The property was newly acquired for park space • The property provides park space to the neighborhood CPA-2022-0004: A request to amend Figure 27—Bikeway Network to add north river loop trail. Planning Manager Chaz Bates introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2022- 0004. The proposed amendment is a non-site specific map amendment adding a proposed shared use path to Figure-27—Map of Existing and Bicycle Facilities of the Comprehensive Plan. The 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan identified a potential trail along the north bank of the Spokane River from Plante's Ferry Park to a potential new park between Flora and Barker Rds. In 2021,the City acquired 46 acres in the proposed amendment area. The amendment will adopt a shared use path and will provide a four linear mile trail along the north bank of the Spokane River from Flora Rd to Plante's Ferry. Mr. Bates reviewed the approval criteria: • The area was identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan • Enhances and supports future park developments • Maintains consistency among plans • Supports grants and other funding opportunities Mr. Bates stated that the Public Hearing for the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments will be held on March 10, 2022. IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was consensus from the Planning Commission to mark Commissioner Haneke as "unexcused"due to not informing anyone that he would be absent from the meeting. Commissioner Robinson stated that she might have to miss the next meeting due to traveling. X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Miller moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Bob McKinley, Chair Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 10, 2022 Item: Check all that apply n old business n new business NI public hearing n information n study session n pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2022 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments—Public Hearing. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, SVMC 17.80.140 and 19.30.010. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: On February 24, 2022,the Planning Commission held a Study Session on the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. BACKGROUND: The GMA allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once each year. The City codified this process in SVMC 17.80.140. Consistent with state law and City Code,staff published notice on August 20 and 27,2021,advising the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would accept applications for the 2022 cycle through November 1, 2021. The notice was also sent to all agencies, organizations, and adjacent jurisdictions that may have an interest in amending the Comprehensive Plan. On November 23, 2021, the City Council approved the 2022 Docket. The Docket includes four proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan: three site specific map amendments and an amendment to Figure 27 adding a proposed shared use path. On January 14, 2022, the City issued Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments pursuant to Title 21, Environmental Controls of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Comments on the determination have been incorporated into the staff reports where appropriate and no appeal of the DNS was received. On February 11 and 18,2022,a Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed amendments was published. On February 17,2022,the site-specific map amendments were posted on the sites and a notice of public hearing was mailed to property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment sites. On February 24,2022,staff presented the proposed 2022 Comprehensive Plan amendments to the Planning Commission for their review and discussion. Tonight's meeting will include a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discuss the proposed amendments and provide staff direction to prepare the findings. The Planning Commission may recommend approval, approval with modifications, or denial of the proposed amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chaz Bates,AICP, Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Please bring Yellow Binder RPCA Public Hearing for 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 1 of 1 2022 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments March 10, 2022 Chaz Bates, Planning Manger Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process Initiated by. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS Sj — Property owners/representatives DEPARTMENT — Citizens, agencies, neighborhood NOTICE OF CITY OFSPOKANEVALLEY'SANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE — City The City of Spokane Valley is Providing notice that the application window for the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle will close on November 1,2022, ® Application deadline November 1 Completed applications t m st20 2 received by cycle,00 on Novemberr 1,iv 2d 21of to after be considered during the 2022 amendment Applications received after November 1,2021,will be registered for consideration for the next amendment cycle In 2023,All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan require a — Notice published 60-days prior pre•appllcation conference prior to submitting an application, The City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan is the primary policy document — Notice sent to agencies, organizations, that governshow the City will accommodate and respond to the growth of the community over time. The annual amendment cycle provides the opportunity to propose changes to the and adjacent jurisdictions Comprehensive Plan to address changing land use conditions or emerging issues. Proposed amendments will be subject to review and a public hearing by the Spokane Valley Planning Commission before recommendations are made to the Pre—a p p required City Council. For more information about the comprehensive plan or application materials please visit wwwspokanevallev.org/co or contact Chat Bates,Senior Planner at Cornp 1 ete application(s) are docketed (509)720-5337 or cbates@spokanevalley.org. 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Roles Staff Planning City Council • Facilitates Process Commission • Reviews PC • Conducts review • Conducts Public Findings and and analysis Hearing Deliberations • Prepares staff • Deliberates and • Considers public reports and public recommendation comment notices to Council • May approve, modify, or deny requests 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 3 2022 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Timeline Today to tO '1.. C CD a) - O O N O 0 N Study Session Administrative Report a s) O vcn 2-24-2022 4-19-2022 O _o E co 2 = 'ublic Hearin. S' Q. a O _ 1 Reading v O �' . V 3-10-2022 2 5-3-2022 Q •C.) .0 Q V •C Findings of Fact U 2nd Reading 0- +� C6 3-24-2022 5-24-2022 O. 0 W 0 a Q c) cn z CL 5 ri/ / i( _AiilikillIZI1111% an. 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing =1 Notice of Public Hearing , ., _ . . , . . . . . ▪ Published in paper __. — 2-11-2022 & 2-18-2022 — b -: {, , ® Posted on property ,11 — 2-22-2022 , E'Sin b Abe "� j 4 ® Mailed to property owners ,, r r — 2-18-2022II P I p ,a E Sh.r z;xi�00-,..:. I booee ve Legend }' 7 pProject site ,;400 foot buffer 1111111 iw ------JLsmetA!' 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 5 Planning Commission Materials __ . Yellow Binder ~ . _• -- Staff Report ;„ ,. -,,s `_ I I i � .... 7 •1,1 �. ' 7 itApplication materials a ..--t .ki1 --ion�--- �,_. .. — Maps -m- SEPA Checklist City of Spokane Valley . --_- Annual Comprehensive Plan -- Notices _______Amendments -- Agency comments Public comments sookan` • jUalley. "� . --- Supplemental documents ionPflk V Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99206 wnw.SpoknneValley.orq 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing Approval Criteria - SVMC 17.80. 140 Required Findings Additional Factors Supports public health, safety, and Effect on environment protection of the environment Effect on open space, streams, rivers, Consistent with GMA and Comp Plan and lakes Responds to change in conditions Compatibility and impact on existing Corrects an error uses and neighborhoods Addresses deficiency Adequacy and impact on services Benefit to City and Region Quantity, location and demand for land Projected population for area Other effects on Comp Plan 3/10/2022 2022 Cumpr,he Plan Anicndnirrntn Piiblit: i i.:: is 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket File Number Location Type / Who Description CPA-2022-01 10506 E 10th Map / Private Change 1.03 acres from SFR to MFR CPA-2022-02 17105 E Montgomery Map / City Change .45 acres from SFR to P/OS CPA-2022-03 44th and Bates Map / City Change 17.64 acres from SFR to P/OS Bike and Pedestrian CPA-2022-04 Map Figure 27 Map / City Add proposed north river loop trail to Figure 27. 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 8 Privately Initiated Map Amendment - CPA-2022-01 1 1 I II N 73 ri Applicant: Land Use EL E 9th Ave E 9th Ave Solutions ' Application Area al Owner: Sunshine Health , . Ell)th ve Facilities E1�th Ave xri rl Amendment: Change from 4 — 1 m r t sti Single Family Residential L4 N E11thAve 1n j (SFR) to Multiple Family 1. .12tt Residential (MFR) Legend CI.IU MI MFR E_ j POS E 13th Ave I MU a RC f -...I II.1U FJC SFR CO y F:r I 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 9 CPA-2022- 01 - Application Analysis Expands the MFR by 1.03 ac , - { rr No critical areas „F $'ar ?� 4 Supports redevelopment of I - 1 i..,.., � ` vacant properties ae Supported by transportation networkso Compatible with adjacent i , uses - ,.1v, ' needfor seniors �,� •-yt. . !!•�Jaw Increasing o s �- _. -� } and assisted living facilities r - v� ` C 2b . ysl.' i , ,__.. . _mac:, . : . .. 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 10 CPA-2022-01: Staff, Agency, Public Comment Staff and Agency Comment Public Comment No comments received. No comments received 3/10/2022 2022 0omprelierisive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 11 City Initiated Map Amendment - CPA-2022-02 A licant: S okane Valle N��°`°�J - pp p Y • Owner: Spokane Valley ,- Application Area -- Amendment: Change from Single ;i W'115t.rtcl',us CenteruualTriiI P� Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, /- soo, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS) E 41dn fietrt Illdll t Av iF.� FKnnv At. � Legend ,111 CfdU-IIFR - POS _ ,ll .li. I II.NU ®NC NC SFR f E Intl ane Ave J AG so 1.e WC +00 1 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 12 T2P22T92 - Application Analysis Expands the P/OS by .45 ac r �j No critical areas '•� ° r `�{ ` i t+' ,.mot i Area identified in Park and L. Recreation Master Plan �'`�� y tlr f tI tom. ', .s N...,.,,, �u ','K a Supports Centennial Trail • access and potential river �;- ' : y . y : loop trail ' ` , Ilk • v-- ., x _ 1 k* a 4" - er Compatible with ' - - `-'pa, i. surrounding uses ' RY t'1 `a, }, x �. ; _ . _. ,, . 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing i CPA-2022-02 : Staff, Agency, Public Comment Staff and Agency Comment Public Comment No comments received. No comments received 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 14 CPA-2022-03 - City Initiated Map Amendment E44thAve I \, \\ . Applicant: Spokane Valley \ \ Owner: Spokane Valley - - EThorpe H Amendment: Change from Single -, Rd Family Residential (SFR) to Parks, 46th • Recreation and Open Space - 0 it (P/OS) cn e E t a 4,7Ut ,_ E 47th Ave b tit 1 1 I I I I Application Area \ J N / 4 ( Legend 4509 P �/// CtIU al MFR _ PCS acy,0 I MU II.RC A 1 / j_._]II,IU NC SFR -----"/>\ \ >"" / A : !4 ;4,i ;et:, , A” 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 1.5 CPA-2022-03 - Application Analysis -- 7-7 c o` h Expands the P/OS by 17.64 ac °e'N� ` `" d '� � • 1 Supports Park Level of Service �ili7,i j . ' ! 't` •". ; - i • a A: - Newly acquired property for c' parks 4 .•7 l , �t f • " i Provides park space to the '�� ` :• i neighborhood ag jr{ . . � , ;�?„ I 4C • Jf sY r'�+^ yy�li't `Iry j1 nos . 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 16 CPA-2022-03: Staff, Agency, Public Comment Staff and Agency Comment Public Comment No comments received. No comments received 3/10/2022 2022 CornpreheriSive Plan AnlenclrnenP; Pul lir: Hat;rir,€; 17 CPA-2022-04 - City Initiated Map Amendment Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Applicant: Spokane SpOkane Sp,s 1,W ley FUNDING REQUEST:$16.5 lion The Spokane Valley River Loop Trail,a paved non motorized trail along the Spokane River's north bank that would , connect Plante's Ferry Sports Complex to two Gty regional parks The proposed trail is approximately five miles long and a Va I I ey SpokoneValey u ;recommended project in the city's 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan The trail would connect to the Centennial Trail with 'two pedestrian bridges and Imp , ,K n t ne River. �s.k. . .,1 SPOKANE VALLEY t a Owner: Spokane ; e "�.x 'r% RIVER LOOP TRAIL ; }, den • • z r,,,y �Nt`t A five-mile(non-motorized)paved v awe" ,' _ scenic troR that would serve bicy. — I I R u s, • / '+' ' ._ Grabs dgts,runners and walkers,nod - ,�!. _ •S,"eW '.a y rJ S. a:low access to the river's north TpEai AVE Va I I e p . " aide for fishermen and wldtewater st. enthusiasts. in wim FLORA ROAD Y Aiv,tr'i, r - • �� PARK PROPERTY Amendment: Amend .s�,,r e • a .- ASS-acre naturpedilsy and thed to rp .J"'•-r 1µ+ t �. .r iQ- •. q: o 3�� include nature trails and other park ,� t C-- Z. am facilities along the rivers northern . .:,,,..A, .•;.w t r.. 3'op No aim bank.A pedestrian bridge spanning 1,:. .•.4,' . a n.e L +"": �^� •�'^a,�� �.i' r ! ti..a I. � �»� IhemerwouldeonrxMmehLver kve - • • - R 1, dop Troll and pork b Flora Read Figure 7 - Existing +�� 5' �� ' 9J ! and the Centennlat Trail .+J 7 t, f Ls ' t,�rNM� . taws and Recommended • i<�.� - - .� �,* : `y'' t PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES • i i �� _ -3 v»v.^oner Bicycle Facilities ,44„ yll• - -�~ y � ' '-.: -. '...... too n�q . . .„. . ... _, , ,,. , ..,. .. ---,.... -,. ,,,- . -- . k . . , ;..:.-, .. ii.;Ns , , F. PINES ROAD ACCESS - t • A new access and poking area t � °< i !fit °" tor user.of both the Centennial • - - _'•� �. . �!-;y� f ; r,.. and Spokane Valley River Loop .' 't ,;t •Via.A pedestrian bridge span. r.: '3 4v-y.`i Wing the Spokane River would I .s:.� Line Added ,. - :` y ._ connect the two trails • Y ?' 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 18 CPA-2022-04 - Application Analysis ev Figure 27 Map of Ex!siting and Recommended illicyle Facilities . Ow*Caunw Wawa em r'l: Identified in 2019 Park , • ---i—'.1.-.1 /1 'M Proposed Amendment s wan WM.* 1 a vrterreatts Proposed Shared Use Path • VB..' a i.a•MaCv , ' ,, I .......... a.....,.. Existing&Proposed and Recreation Master . a I Bikeway Network .. a 1 I ._.-,. % i Mon s ipsi Boundaries I awaireilikw lawail..'"'S.--•:::.....'- 1 , ''', Plan Isetarela 1-_------- .-___i -2..---- _-•-- ...soiss.7_P, _...., . Pao:km calm A OP,SP.c , , .1 t baaMil a Iii• .n_-14_4__t,a.....,,\--J. - "I Enhances _ r -.'.".'.".„,..,...,„.,I,„L., iB--s—w..m i.wk-.e.i.w:CEkCelae••ae•ieii.y:i.en w s tik,.,Bi-el.ie.e a:mtei rrw e a:rriie wdlL.a:i,:la f 4 Ld lJl.1.ue,C ro r ndWG, •Cl future park developments l A dcIle wr ail A•ka ii.•*5. • 1_ •. ........ .....,.... I ---IL, 1 L -- i , 11: I r —For Xil'••a e a Lk:aae ... 1.dig. .1.... 0 11.-•V:k.......--) I • • • I __.1,1,__.:-•• ,, \.,•___, ----1------i— +—-- ----7) Maintains consistency . i among plans •.,, .1 . —., i ..:.___S \_•'.------'-,..o ann i uso 1 I ''S a ::.::::_ •. tabola." .... Supports grants and r----, 1 _i •Alm. I • k-' • IS IpakikriCaway /pea Wiwi, other funding 1 , --.. .-.............-.---...] opportunities I , _.• , . , . -.... . 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 19 CPA-2022-04: Staff, Agency, Public Comment Staff and Agency Comment Public Comment No comments received. No comments received 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 20 Questions? soisi e Valley® 3/10/2022 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Hearing 21