2022-08-11 PC SIGNED APPROVED MINUTESMeeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall August 11, 2022 I. Planning Commission Vice -Chairman Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance III. Planning Commission Secretary Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Susan Delucchi Karl Granrath Walt Haneke, late Bob McKinley, absent Nancy Miller Sherri Robinson Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Nikki Kole, IT Specialist Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant There was consensus to excuse Commissioner McKinley from the Planning Commission Meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Granrath moved to approve the August 11, 2022 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Miller moved to approve the July 28, 2022 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Planning Commission reports. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Chaz Bates asked if the Planning Commission would be interested in a brief training regarding the role of a Planning Commissioner and Roberts Rules of Order at a future meeting. There was consensus from the Commissioners that they would be interested in the training. Commissioner Haneke arrived at 6:05 p.m. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 08-11-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 a. Public Hearing (Continued): STV-2022-0002: Street Vacation of 1,553 square feet of unimproved right-of-way (ROW) intersecting with Appleway Boulevard. Vice -Chairman Robinson opened the continued public hearing from the July 28, 2022 Planning Commission meeting. Senior Planner Lori Barlow gave a staff report regarding STV-2022-0002. She explained that the public hearing on this item was continued from the previous meeting so that additional information could be acquired regarding access to the adjacent property. She requested that the Planning Commission add a condition of approval (if the Commission decided to recommend approval) to grant an easement that is acceptable to Avista to encompass all their utility lines. She recapped that if approved, half of the vacated ROW would be distributed to the two adjacent lots owned by Cameo Lofts, LLC and the requested Avista easement would be established by a new Record of Survey. She also stated that all other easements would remain in place as platted. Ms. Barlow explained that there was a question at the previous meeting whether there was adequate access to the adjacent property (owned by Major Bambino) that would allow entry into the garage door that abuts the requested vacated area. She stated that there was a recorded access easement through the Cameo Lofts, LLC property to provide access to the Bambino property. She then said that the applicant and adjacent property owner would provide information and photos regarding the access. The applicant, Jeremy Hopson with Cameo Lofts, LLC (Plummer, ID) presented photos of the property showing the access easement. He explained that he had a survey company plot the boundaries of the access easement in relation to the adjacent garage building. He stated that he feels the access is adequate to enter the garage and requested that the street vacation be approved. Commissioner Granrath asked if the applicant plans to move their fence to run along the easement line. Mr. Hopson answered that they will be moving the fence to the boundary of the easement if the street vacation is granted. The property owner, Major Bambino (Spokane Valley) also presented photos of the property. He stated that he does not feel that the access is adequate to enter the garage and requested that the street vacation be denied. Commissioner Granrath asked why the property owner doesn't feel the access easement provides adequate easement. Mr. Bambino responded that he doesn't believe a large vehicle would be able to make the turn into the garage. The property tenant, David Beech (Spokane Valley) stated that he is the tenant renting the Bambino property and is also in opposition to the street vacation because he needs to be able to get large vehicles into that garage. The public hearing was closed at 6:53 p.m. Commissioner Granrath stated that he feels the access easement is sufficient for the applicant to get into the property. Commissioner Haneke expressed concern about the access easement possibly being blocked in the future and causing a civil case between the two property owners where court 08-I1-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 action and attorneys would have to get involved. He also expressed that he is disappointed in how much is stored in the public ROW but he feels that access to the garage is adequate. Commissioner Beaulac stated that he drove his car into the property and was able to access the garage without any issues. He said that a large over -sized vehicle might have some issues but still feels that the access easement provides adequate access. Commissioner Robinson, Miller, & Delucchi all concurred that the easement provides adequate access. Commissioner Beaulac moved to recommend approval of STV-2022-0002, subject to the staff conditions, including an additional condition to grant an easement that is acceptable to Avista to encompass all their utility lines. There was no additional discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. A five -minutes break was called at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 7:06 p.m. b. Study Session: CTA-2022-0002 — Multi -Family Parking Regulations Senior Planner Lori Barlow stated that CTA-2022-0003 was a City -initiated code text amendment to update the parking regulations for multi -family units. She explained that City Council was concerned about overflow on -street parking near multi -family developments and wanted staff to research the cause and find out if all provided on -site parking spaces are being used by the residents of multi -family developments. She explained that garages and paid parking spaces are not always used to park cars but they count as part of the parking code requirement when development occurs. Ms. Barlow explained that the current code requires 1 to 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit plus 5% of total for guests. All spaces provided, including garages or spaces that have an extra associated fee, are counted toward the required number. The current code does not have a reduction for Affordable Housing developments. Ms. Barlow stated that the proposed code would require 2 spaces per dwelling unit + 5% of total for guests. Garage and parking spaces that require an extra fee would not be counted toward the required number. The required number of spaces would be reduced to 1 space per dwelling unit for the developments at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI). Ms. Barlow said that the area Affordable Housing Providers have expressed concerns that requiring 2 spaces per unit would make most affordable housing projects infeasible because more parking results in higher stormwater costs, less revenue generating buildings (taxes), larger development footprints, less space for housing, and less space for amenities. They have stated that Affordable Housing would need an exception from the higher parking requirement to make developments possible. Ms. Barlow explained that the higher parking requirement would lead to the following impacts: • The parking requirement is land intensive so more land would be required for developments • There will be more impervious surface which would lead to more stormwater run- off 08-11-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 There will be increased development costs which would lead to higher rent costs. Ms. Barlow stated that a Determination of Non -Significance of Environmental Impact and the Notice of Public Hearing were both issued and published on August 5, 2022. The public hearing will be held at the August 25, 2022 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Robinson asked if the parking requirement will impact the R-4 zone. Ms. Barlow answered that the change would only apply to multi -family dwellings (apartments). Multi -family apartments are not permitted in the R-4 zone. Commissioner Robinson asked if there are any large parcels available that are currently zoned for multi -family residential. Ms. Barlow responded that she would research available land parcels that are zoned for multi -family developments. Ms. Barlow reiterated that the change would not be retroactive and would only apply to future developments. Commissioner Delucchi expressed concern that the requirement would not address issues with existing facilities that don't have adequate parking for residents. She also expressed that she thinks fee generating parking spaces should be counted toward the requirement. Commissioner Beaulac asked if there are provisions for off -site parking in the code. Ms. Barlow and Senor Planner Chaz Bates determined that there is a provision in the proposed code amendment regarding off -site parking. Commissioner Haneke expressed that he also doesn't think fee generating parking spaces should be excluded from the parking requirement. He stated that he would like additional information regarding affordable housing requirements (contract terms) and an outline showing the additional costs associated with the parking changes, i.e. additional land purchase, paving, stormwater, etc. Ms. Barlow responded that she would try to provide that information at the next meeting. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There were no Commissioner Reports. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Beaulac moved to adjourn the meeting at 8: 00 p. m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Bob McKinley, Chairman Marianne Lemons, Secretary Date Signed