2006, 02-09 Special Meeting MinutesAttendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting City Hall, 2 " Floor Conference Room Thursday, February 9, 2006; 6:00 p.m. Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. City Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Absent: Dick Denenny, Councilmember Others in Attendance: One Citizen: Gail Stiltner City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers present except Councilmember Denenny. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously approved to excuse Councilmember Denenny from tonight's meeting. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Councilmember DeVleming mentioned that at the February 7, 2006, meeting, he expressed concern about including customer service in the goals and policies and at that meeting, he indicated he would draft proposed language addressing that issue. Councilmember DeVleming said he attempted to take the policies and fit them into an existing goal, but as he was unable to come up with an appropriate fit, he drafted the following new goal and policies for council review: EDG -8: Encourage the creation and maintenance of a City Hall that places a premium on being "Business Friendly" and "Customer Service" oriented. EDP -8.1: Maintain an openness and willingness within city government to periodically evaluating programs, procedures, processes and all other opportunities of reaching this goal. EDP -8.2: Regulations and rules within City Hall should reflect the communities need for timely and consistent responses from city staff. City Manager Mercier also distributed copies of "City of Spokane Valley Values," commenting on the importance of communicating that the statements of intent are included in Council's previously adopted core values; and that rather than re -state those core values here among the goals, that perhaps a paragraph expanding the values statement could be inserted in the Introduction portion of the Comprehensive Plan. After discussion concerning values, goals, policies, and the term "business friendly," there was Council consensus to include the City of Spokane Valley values into the Comprehensive Plan's introduction. There followed additional discussion on Councilmember DeVleming's suggested goal and policies, including the best place to place such a goal; suggested verbiage changes; the desire to have regulations that periodically evaluate work performed in all areas; and the idea of having an over - arching goal concerning the customer service program. It was Council consensus to add an additional line on top of what was suggested by City Manager Mercier from the value statement, to be placed in that added introduction of Chapter one, to state as follows: " A City government that puts a premium on providing effective customer service. The City government will periodically evaluate programs, policies, processes and other opportunities of reaching the customer service goal. Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006 Economic Development, narrative: The following changes were agreed upon by Council consensus: Page 10: delete the last paragraph as INTEC no longer exists. Staff to re- write "7.3 Strengths & Weaknesses" as follows: 1. Omit the litany of the organizations, and re -write to state the sentiment that we have many businesses and organizations focused on the prosperity of Spokane Valley 2. page 12, delete the paragraph beginning with the third paragraph "The AHANA Business" through and including the end of the strengths. 3. page 11, leave in the EDC reference but take out who they work with 4. top of page 11 — SBDC should also be spelled out as the Small Business Development Center 5. top of page 11 — change to read: "The SBDC (Small Business Development Center) is a cooperative effort of Washington State University, Western Washington university, community colleges, economic development organizations, and the US Small Business Administration." 7.3.1 Strengths Councilmember DeVleming noted that a strength not mentioned is the amount of volunteerism in our community, such as SCOPE, members of the faith -based community, etc. Council will work to draft something to include that suggestion. 7.3.2 Weaknesses Page 13, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, change to read: "In 2001, To be successful today, retail development must be clean, well lit, landscaped and attractive, with convenient parking to be successful. Pg 13, delete next to last paragraph: "The level of commitment of agencies . . ." 7.4 Sprague /Appleway Economic Analysis Discussion concerning if the last paragraph is a summary of the findings of the charrette, as that is not clearly indicated. Mr. McCormick will check and if part of the charrette, he will add a line prior to the last paragraph, stating that "According to the results of the study," or similar verbiage. If the last paragraph is part of the charrette, staff will make the two paragraphs into one paragraph. If the last paragraph is as a result of the study, staff will add that line as the first line of the second paragraph. 7.6 Goals & Policies: 3 sentence, change to read: "It is in the best interest of the City of Spokane Valley to support and collaborate with these regional organizations." TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER EDITS: As not all councilmembers had an opportunity to review the changes, this will be brought back for discussion at the next review, thereby giving Councilmembers the opportunity to review the chapter to ensure the changes are as council intended. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Page 8: Staff will amend the "Note to Reader" verbiage to include that these are the goals and policies of the City's interim shoreline program, adopted by the County in 1974 (check what year), and will be revised and replaced; and to add similar verbiage in 8.4 Shoreline Master Program verbiage. 8.5 Air Quality:- change to 8.4 8.4 Shoreline Master Program — change to 8.5 Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006 Page 27 - Goals & Policies Council consensus to change the following goals and policies: NEG -1: delete "Spokane Valley will" NEG -2: delete "Spokane Valley will" NEG -3: delete "Spokane Valley will" NEG 4: add parenthesis: ". . . for in RCW 36.70A.370 (GMA)." NEG 7: Change to read: "Encourage the protection and enhancement of wetlands." NEG 8: Deputy Mayor Taylor indicated he is not comfortable with the second half if not required by law. Attorney Connelly will research the statutes regarding the second part of the sentence, and the word "ensure." If not required by statute, Council consensus to delete the rest of the sentence after the word "activities." NEP 8.1: Delete and renumber remainder policies. NEP 8.4: Delete the first sentence. NEP 8.5: Substitute the word "will" in place of the word "shall." NEP 8.6: "Density transfers" should be added to the glossary. NEP 8.8: Attorney Connelly will research a good word to qualify the wildlife habitat corridor, such as "recognized, documented" or similar verbiage. Mayor Wilhite called for a short recess at 7: 50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Aquifer /Groundwater NEG -9: Change to read: "Strive to prevent water quality ..." NEG -10: Change to read: "Endeavor to protect groundwater . . ." NEP 10.1: Change to read: "Participate in cooperative surface and groundwater management efforts with other affected jurisdictions in the region including Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Liberty Lake, the State of Idaho and Kootenai County. NEP 10.2: Change to read: "Strive to retain floodplains and associated wetlands in its as natural a condition as possible due to their ability to reduce flooding, improve both surface and ground water quality, and provide valuable habitat. Fish & Wildlife NEG -11: Change to read: "Strive to preserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. NEG -12: Change to read: "Strive to minimize the impact on priority species do not become imperiled due to land use changes, from habitat alternation and other human activities. [Add "priority species" to the glossary.] 12.2: Change to read "Strive to preserve and enhance native vegetation in riparian habitats." Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006 12.4: Change to read: "Foster the protection of wildlife corridors in publicly owned open space ..." 12.5: Delete the second sentence. 12.6: Omit the last two words "whenever possible." 12.7: Change the word "shall" to the word "will." Flood Areas - NEG-13: Change to read: "Work to identify watershed characteristics . . ." NEG -14: Change to read: "Assist in the management of frequently flooded areas ..." NEP 14.1: Change to read: "Frequently flooded areas, —and marshes, floodplains and floodways should be used as forest, wildlife habitat, open space, recreation and other appropriate uses whenever practical." NEP 14.2: Change to read: "Require the maintenance, protection or restoration of natural drainage systems. )J NEP 14.3: Change "where possible" to "where appropriate." Geologically Hazardous Areas NEP 16.1: Change to read: "Limit clearing and grading activities in geologically hazardous areas to the extent possible." NEP 16.3: Change "whenever possible" to "whenever appropriate." Surface Water NEG -17: Change to read: "Encourage the continued provision of both adequate quantity and quality of surface water for Spokane Valley." [fix the gap between the words "quantity" and "and."] NEG -19: Change to read: "Collaborate with appropriate public and private entities to help restore the water quality of the Spokane River." Air Quality NEG -20 — Support regional efforts to improve air quality. (formerly 20.3) NEP 20.1: Delete the phrase "as alternatives to the single occupancy vehicle." NEP 20.3: Delete and renumber the remainder policies. NEP 20.4 Change to read: "Assist in the promotion of public education to increase the level ..." NEP 20.5: Remove the word "all." It was also mentioned that Map 8.6, Shoreline Program will be updated. It was Council consensus to add "cap and replace" to the Glossary. Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006 It was recapped that the next comp plan deliberation will include the changed (strike - through) Transportation Chapter, Economic Development and Natural Environment as discussed above; and if time permits, Housing and Neighborhoods. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: hristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk .WnQ W ,ly Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006 It was recapped that the next comp plan deliberation will include the changed (strike - through) Transportation Chapter, Economic Development and Natural Environment as discussed above; and if time permits, Housing and Neighborhoods. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting Minutes: 02 -09 -2006 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 02 -28 -2006