22-208.00 PrinterLogic: Printer Management Software 22.10g VASION MASTER SOFTWARE AGREEMENT This Master Software Agreement is between PrinterLogic, Inc. doing business as Vasion, a Delaware Corporation ("Vasion") and the individual or entity ("You," "you," "Your,""your")that is a recipient of Vasion's Services as described on the applicable Quote. Vasion and You are referred to individually as a"Party"and collectively as the "Parties" By accepting this Agreement, You agree to follow and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CUSTOMER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT IS INDICATED BY ANY OR A COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) CLICKING ON THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON, (2) EXECUTING A VASION-ISSUED NON-EXPIRED QUOTE THAT REFERENCES THIS AGREEMENT,OR(3)USING THE VASION SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED,TO ANY FREE SERVICES(AS DEFINED IN SECTION 1 BELOW). The Services, Documentation, and/or Vasion website may not be accessed for purposes of monitoring availability, performance or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes. Vasion's direct competitors are prohibited from accessing the Services and website. 1. DEFINITIONS "Acceptable Use Policy": shall mean the Acceptable Use Policy, updated from time to time, located at: https://printerlogic.com/acceptable-use-policy/, which shall be deemed validly incorporated into this Agreement as if contained within the main body. "Affiliate" means an entity directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a party,where "ownership"means the beneficial ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of an entity's voting equity securities or other equivalent voting interests and"control"means the power to direct the management or affairs of an entity. "Agreement"means this Master Software Agreement,updated from time to time. "Customer"means either: 1) in the case of an individual accepting this Agreement on their own behalf,such individual, or 2) in the case of an individual accepting this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, the company or other legal entity for which such individual is accepting this Agreement,and Affiliates of that company or entity (if applicable and only for so long as they remain Affiliates)that are using the Services.The Customer shall be responsible for the actions and omissions of its Affiliates. "Customer Data" means electronic data and information, including Personal Data, submitted by,to,or for Customer to the Services,excluding Third Party Applications. "Documentation" means Vasion's then-current publications on the functionality, specifications and configurations of its Services. "DPA" shall mean Data Processing Addendum, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and the terms thereof are validly incorporated herein as if they were contained within the body of this Agreement. "Free Services"means Services that Vasion makes available to Customer free of charge,including free trials. Free Services exclude Purchased Services. "Malware"means code,files,scripts,agents or programs intended to do harm,including for example viruses, worms,time bombs and Trojan Horses. "Personal Data"means data that may be used to identify an individual as is defined by the relevant applicable data protection laws. "Quote" means a Vasion-issued ordering document specifying the Services to be provided to Customer by Vasion. "On-premise Software" means collectively the object code versions of the Vasion computer software programs installed on the Customer and/or User's premises and any applicable user documentation. "Professional Services" means the technical consulting, configuration, training, installation, and implementation services to be provided by Vasion under a separate statement of work or agreement mutually agreed upon by both Parties. "Purchased Services"means Services that Customer or Customer's Affiliate purchases pursuant to a Quote, as distinguished from Free Services or those provided pursuant to a free trial. 220408.1 SO "SaaS Service(s)" means any Vasion-hosted software as a service (SaaS) including Cloud computing services, print management, storage, e-signature, workflow, eforms, analog to digital, and other similar services developed, operated, and/or maintained by Vasion, and includes all technology made available as part, or in support,of SaaS Services. SaaS Services are comprised of web-based services hosted by Vasion which are made available to and accessed by User at a designated website or IP address login or by such other means as may be designated,enabled,or provided by Vasion. "Service(s)" means Vasion commercially available computer program bundle, SaaS Services, On-premise Software, Professional Services, apps, or add-ons thereto made available to the Customer and any related update which may be furnished by Vasion to Customer provided that Customer has purchased a subscription or for On-premise Software current maintenance services(as fully described in the SLA). Services exclude Third Party Applications. "SLA" shall mean the service level agreement, updated from time to time,which shall be deemed validly incorporated into this Agreement as if contained within the main body, located at: https://www.printerlogic.com/support-sla/. "Third Party Applications" means a web-based or offline software application that is provided by the Customer or a party other than Vasion. "Usage Limits" shall mean the Customer or User's Usage Limits as described in the applicable Quote, including,but not limited to,named Users,number of licenses,workflows,and storage. "User" means an individual who is authorized by Customer to use a Service, for whom Customer has purchased a subscription,and to whom Customer has supplied a user identification and password.Each User account may only be used by a single individual. "Vasion"shall mean either PrinterLogic, Inc. PrinterLogic Limited, or PrinterLogic GmbH, as the case may be,and in all cases doing business as"Vasion". 2. FREE SERVICES 2.1 Free Services. Use of any Free Services is at Customer's sole discretion, sole risk,and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this section and any other portion of this Agreement,this section shall control. If Customer participates in Free Services,the Free Services will terminate at the earlier of(a)the start date of Customer's subscription for Purchased Services or(b)termination of the Free Services by either Party.Any Customer Data entered into the Services during Customer's use of the Free Services will be permanently lost, unless before the end of the trial period, Customer purchases a subscription to the same Services as those covered by the Free Services,or Customer exports the Customer Data. NOTWITHSTANDING THE "REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES, AND DISCLAIMERS" SECTION AND "INDEMNIFICATION BY VASION" SECTION BELOW, THE FREE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. VASION SHALL HAVE NO INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS NOR LIABILITY OF ANY TYPE WITH RESPECT TO THE FREE SERVICES UNLESS SUCH EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY IS NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW; IN WHICH CASE, VASION'S LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY FREE SERVICES SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LOWER OF 1) THE AMOUNT REQUIRED BY LAW OR 2) $100.00. FURTHERMORE, VASION OFFERS NO SLA FOR ANY FREE SERVICES. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, VASION DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT TO CUSTOMER THAT CUSTOMER'S USE OF THE FREE SERVICES WILL: (A) MEET CUSTOMER'S REQUIREMENTS, (B) BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR FREE FROM ERROR,AND/OR (C) PROVIDE ACCURATE USAGE DATA.NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THE "LIMITATION OF LIABILITY"SECTION BELOW, CUSTOMER SHALL BE FULLY LIABLE UNDER THIS MASTER SOFTWARE AGREEMENT TO VASION FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF CUSTOMER'S USE OF THE FREE SERVICES. 3. USE OF SERVICES 3.1 Right of Use. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Vasion grants a limited, revocable, nonexclusive, 2 220408.1 SO non-transferable, subscription to implement and use the Services.As part of the registration process,You will identify an administrative user name and password for Your account. Vasion reserves the right to refuse registration it deems inappropriate. If you purchased Vasion On-premise Software, except as otherwise expressly provided herein,Vasion grants You a license to(i)install,use,access,display,and run one(1)copy of the On-premise Software on your server, and(ii) install,access,and maintain one(1)back-up copy of the On-premise Software on a backup server. Vasion reserves any right not expressly granted to you herein. 3.2 Customer Responsibilities.Customer will:(a)be responsible for the accuracy,and quality of Customer Data and for securing any privacy related rights and permissions in relation to Customer Data as required by applicable laws and for Customer's use of Customer Data with the Services and the interoperation of any Third Party Applications; (b)use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Services, and notify Vasion promptly of any such unauthorized access or use;and(c)use Services only in accordance with this Agreement, Documentation, the Acceptable Use Policy, Quotes, and applicable laws and government regulations. Any use of the Services in breach of the foregoing by Customer or Users that, Vasion believes threatens the security, integrity, or availability of Vasion's services, may result in Vasion's immediate suspension and/or termination of the Services;however,Vasion will use commercially reasonable efforts under the circumstances to provide Customer with notice and an opportunity to remedy such violation or threat prior to any such suspension where appropriate.You further agree to be responsible for the acts and omissions of the Users of the Service in breach of this Agreement. 3.3 Usage Limits. Services are subject to Usage Limits specified in the Quote. If Customer exceeds the Usage Limit,Vasion may work with Customer to seek to reduce Customer's usage so that it conforms to that limit. If,notwithstanding Vasion's efforts,Customer is unable or unwilling to abide by the contractual Usage Limit, Customer shall pay for its excess usage by signing a Quote for additional quantities of the applicable Services within ten (10) business days upon Vasion's request, and/or paying any invoice for excess usage in accordance with the"Invoicing and Payment"section below. 3.4 Usage and License Restrictions. Customer is solely responsible for the legality of its own use of the Services and Customer Data. Vasion may suspend or terminate Customer's use of the Services, remove Customer Data or any other data, information,or content of data or files used,stored,processed or otherwise by Customer or Users, if Vasion reasonably believes Customer or Users:(a)directly or indirectly make any Service available to anyone other than Customer or Users unless expressly stated otherwise in the Quote;(b) sell, resell, license, sublicense, distribute,or make available any Service; (c)use any Service or third party application to store or transmit infringing, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material,or to store or transmit material in violation of third-party rights; (d) use any Service or Third Party Application to store or transmit Malware(e) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of any Service or third party data contained therein; (f)attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Service or its related systems or networks; (g) permit direct or indirect access to or use of any Service in a way that circumvents a contractual Usage Limit, or use any Service to access or use any of Vasion's intellectual property except as may be expressly permitted under this Agreement; (h)modify, copy, or create derivative works based on a Service or any part, feature, function or user interface thereof; (i) copy any Vasion Documentation or other materials except as permitted herein; (j) frame or mirror any part of any Service; or (k) disassemble, reverse engineer, or decompile any Service or access it to: (1) build a competitive product or service; (2) build a product or service using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of any Service; (3) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of any Service; (4)determine whether any Services are within the scope of any patent; or(5)for any other benchmarking or financially harmful purposes. 3.5 Removal of Third Party Applications. If Customer receives notice from Vasion that a Third Party Application must be removed,modified, and/or disabled to avoid violating applicable law,this Agreement, third-party rights, and/or the Acceptable Use Policy, Customer will promptly do so. If Customer does not promptly take required action in accordance with the above,or if in Vasion's judgment,a continued violation is likely to occur,Vasion may disable the applicable Service(s)and/or operation with Third Party Application. If requested by Vasion,Customer shall confirm such deletion and discontinuance of use in writing and Vasion shall be authorized to provide a copy of such confirmation to any such third party claimant or governmental authority,as applicable. 4. DATA PROTECTION AND PERSONAL INFORMATION 4.1 Protection of Data. Each party shall comply with its respective obligations under applicable data protection laws. Each party shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical,technical, and organizational measures 3 220408.ISO that ensure an appropriate level of security for Confidential Information and Personal Data. Vasion will process Personal Data in accordance with the DPA. 4.2 Customer's Use of Personal Information. Customer will be solely responsible for providing any notices required by applicable law to,and receiving any consents and authorizations required by applicable law from, persons whose personal information may be included in account data and Customer Data. 4.3 General Data Protection Regulation.To the extent the General Data Protection Regulations(the "Directive")are applicable,each party agrees that,in the performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement,it shall comply with the provisions of(the"Directive")where applicable. 4.3.1 For the purpose of this clause,'data controller','data processor','data subject',`Information Commissioner','personal data',and'processing'shall have the meanings given to them in the Directive. 4.3.2 The parties agree that you are the data controller in respect of any personal data that Licensor processes in the course of providing services for you(other than business contact data processed by the Licensor to allow it to manage your account),and that Licensor is the data processor of said personal data. 4.3.3 Further,the parties agree that you are the Data Exporter and Licensor is the Data Importer as defined within the standard contractual clauses as amended and set forth in Exhibit A below,and the parties agree to the terms and conditions of the said standard contractual clauses. 5. VASION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 5.1 Future Features. Customer agrees that its purchase and future purchases are not contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features,or dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Vasion regarding future functionality or features. 5.2 Third Party Products and Services.Any acquisition by Customer of third party products or services, and any exchange of data, of any nature, between Customer and any third party provider, product,or service is solely between Customer and that third party. Vasion does not warrant or support third party applications, products,or services. Vasion is not responsible for any disclosure,modification or deletion of Customer Data resulting from access by such third party product or its provider. 5.3 Integration with Third Party Applications. The Services may contain features that interoperate with third party applications. Vasion does not guarantee the continued availability of such Service features, and may cease providing them without entitling Customer to any notice,refund,credit,or other compensation. 6. FEES AND PAYMENT 6.1 This Section is only applicable in the event Customer is purchasing Services directly from Vasion and not through a third party. 6.2 Fees. Customer shall pay all fees specified in the Quote. Except as otherwise specified herein or in the applicable Quote, (i) fees are based on Services subscriptions purchased and not actual usage(except for excess Usage Limit payments as described in Section 3.3 "Usage Limits"); (ii) payment obligations are non-cancelable (even before an invoice is issued) and fees paid are non-refundable; and (iii) quantities purchased cannot be decreased during the relevant subscription term. 6.3 Invoicing and Payment. If Customer provides credit card information to Vasion, Customer authorizes Vasion to charge said credit card for all Services listed in the Quote(s) for the initial subscription term, additional purchases during the term(s), and any renewal subscription term(s).Unless otherwise stated in the Quote, invoiced fees are due net 30(thirty)days from the invoice date.Customer is responsible for providing complete and accurate billing and contact information to Vasion and promptly notifying Vasion of any changes to such information. Time is of the essence for payment. Failure to maintain a valid automated payment method may result in the suspension of Services without notice. 6.4 Overdue Charges.If any invoiced amount,or portion thereof,is not received by Vasion by the due date,then without limiting Vasion's rights or remedies,those charges may accrue late interest at the rate of: 1) 1.5%of the outstanding balance per month,or 2)the maximum rate permitted by law,whichever is greater. 6.5 Suspension of Service and Acceleration. If any charge or part thereof owed by Customer under this or any other agreement for Services is 30(thirty)days or more overdue,Vasion may,without limiting its other rights 4 220408.ISO and remedies, accelerate Customer's fee obligations and suspend applicable Services until such amounts are paid in full. If Customer is reasonably and in good faith disputing the applicable charges and is cooperating diligently to resolve the dispute,Vasion will not immediately exercise its rights under the"Overdue Charges" or"Suspension of Service and Acceleration"sections. 6.6 Taxes. Vasion's fees do not include any taxes or similar governmental assessments of any nature,including, for example,value-added, sales,use or withholding taxes(collectively,"Taxes").Customer is responsible for paying all Taxes associated with its purchases hereunder. If Vasion has the legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes for which Customer is responsible under this section,Vasion will invoice Customer and Customer will pay that amount unless Customer provides Vasion with an appropriate valid tax exemption certificate. For clarity, Vasion is solely responsible for taxes assessable against it based on its income, property, and employees. 7. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS AND LICENSES 7.1 Customer's Reservation of Rights.As between the Parties, Customer owns all rights,title, and interest in and to Customer Data. Customer hereby grants Vasion a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free,world-wide, license for the term of this Agreement to access, use, reproduce,transmit, store, and archive the Customer Data solely as necessary for Vasion to provide the Services to Customer during the term of this Agreement. 7.2 Vasion's Reservation of Rights. Vasion owns all rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights),title, and interest in and to the Services, Documentation, feedback(including,without limitation,the right to own and incorporate any suggestion, recommendation, correction, or other feedback provided by Customer or Users into Vasion's services), and usage data. Vasion may collect usage data and use it to operate, improve, support services, and for other lawful business practices,such as analytics,benchmarking, and reports.No rights are granted to Customer hereunder other than as expressly set forth herein. 8. CONFIDENTIALITY 8.1 Definition of Confidential Information. "Confidential Information"means all information disclosed by a party ("Disclosing Party") to the other party ("Receiving Party"), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and/or the circumstances of disclosure.Confidential Information of Customer includes Customer Data. Confidential Information of Vasion includes pricing,technical information,security information,future product and service offerings, and product roadmaps. Confidential Information of each party includes the terms and conditions of this and previous agreements, negotiations between the parties, business and marketing plans, and business processes, trade secrets,and information that should reasonably be understood as confidential in nature. However, Confidential Information does not include any information that: (i)is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; (ii) was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; (iii) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party;or(iv)was independently developed by the Receiving Party. 8.2 Protection of Confidential Information. As between the parties, each party retains all ownership rights in and to its Confidential Information. The Receiving Party will use the same degree of care that it uses to protect the confidentiality of its own confidential information of like kind(but not less than reasonable care). Notwithstanding the foregoing, under terms of confidentiality materially as protective as set forth herein, each party may disclose information to the extent necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Recipient's duty to protect trade secrets continues for so long as it remains a trade secret under applicable law. For Confidential Information other than trade secrets, Recipient's duty to protect Confidential Information expires three(3)years from the date of termination of this agreement. 8.3 Compelled Disclosure. The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to the extent compelled by law to do so,provided the Receiving Party gives the Disclosing Party prior notice of the compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted) and reasonable assistance, at the Disclosing Party's cost,if the Disclosing Party wishes to contest the disclosure. 8.4 This confidentiality section supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements concerning its subject matter.Any such agreements are hereby terminated,provided,however,that: 1)all survival provisions in said agreements shall not terminate and 2) any information disclosed by either party prior to the effective date of this agreement is governed by said prior and contemporaneous agreements. 5 220408.ISO 9. REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES,EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES,AND DISCLAIMERS 9.1 Limited Warranty. Vasion warrants that during the purchased subscription term, the Services will perform materially in accordance with the applicable Documentation. This warranty does not apply to (a) any Free Services or(b) issues in or caused directly or indirectly by third-party platforms or Third Party Applications. In the event that there is a defect in the Services,you expressly acknowledge and agree that you must provide Vasion with a reasonably detailed explanation of the defect within fifteen(15)days of discovering the defect. You further agree that your exclusive remedy shall be that Vasion,in its sole discretion,shall either(i)replace or repair the affected Service,or(ii)terminate the Services and this Agreement and return the pro rata amount paid for the affected Services. 9.2 Disclaimers. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY MAKES ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,AND EACH PARTY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. VASION IS NOT LIABLE FOR DELAYS, FAILURES, OR PROBLEMS INHERENT IN USE OF THE INTERNET OR OTHER SYSTEMS OUTSIDE VASION'S CONTROL AND DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ANY SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. FREE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS," AND AS AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVE OF ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. 10. INDEMNIFICATION 10.1 Indemnification by Vasion. Vasion will defend You against any claim,demand,suit,or proceeding brought against You by a third party alleging that the Service infringes such third party's intellectual property rights(a "Claim Against You"),and will indemnify You from the damages,and reasonable and necessary attorney fees and costs finally awarded against You as a result of the infringement, or for amounts paid by You under a settlement approved by Vasion in writing. If Vasion receives information about an infringement or misappropriation claim related to a Service,Vasion may,in its discretion and at no cost to You,(i)modify the Services so that they are no longer claimed to infringe or misappropriate and will not be deemed to be in breach of any warranty under Section 9.1 above,(ii)obtain a license for Your continued use of that Service in accordance with this Agreement, or (iii) terminate Customer's subscriptions for that Service upon a reasonable period of written notice where possible and refund Customer any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the term of the terminated subscriptions.The above defense and indemnification obligations do not apply if: (1)the allegation and/or claim does not state with specificity that the Services are the basis of the Claim Against Customer; (2) a Claim Against Customer arises from the use or combination of the Services or any part thereof with software, hardware,data,or processes of a third party if the Services or use thereof would not infringe without such combination; (3) a Claim Against Customer arises from any Free Services or complimentary offerings; or(4) a Claim against Customer arises from a Third Party Application; or (5) Customer's or User's breach of this Agreement, Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Documentation,or Quote. 10.2 Indemnification by Customer. Customer will defend Vasion and its Affiliates against any claim, demand, suit or proceeding made or brought against Vasion by a third party concerning (1) any Customer Data or Customer's use of Customer Data with the Services; or (2) a Third Party Application used by Customer (including the combination of a Third Party Application used by Customer and used with the Services)that infringes or misappropriates such third party's intellectual property or other rights; or (3) Customer's or User's use of the Services in an unlawful manner or in violation of the Agreement, Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Documentation, or Quote (each a "Claim Against Vasion"), and will indemnify Vasion from any damages, attorney fees and costs as a result of, or for any amounts paid by Vasion under a settlement approved by Customer in writing. 10.3 Indemnification Procedure. The Party seeking indemnification under this section must (a) provide the indemnitor prompt written notice of the Claim Against Customer or Claim Against Vasion, respectively ("Claim"), (b) give the indemnitor sole control of the defense and settlement of the Claim (except that the indemnitor may not settle any Claim unless it receives written approval from indemnitee(which shall not be unreasonably withheld)),and(c)gives indemnitor all reasonable assistance,at indemnitor's expense. 10.4 Exclusive Remedy. This "Indemnification" section states the indemnifying party's sole liability to, and the indemnified party's exclusive remedy against, the other party for any third party claim described in this 6 220408.1 SO section. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 11.1 Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY TOGETHER WITH ALL OF ITS AFFILIATES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER AND ITS AFFILIATES HEREUNDER FOR THE SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY IN THE TWELVE MONTHS PRECEDING THE FIRST INCIDENT OUT OF WHICH THE LIABILITY AROSE. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION WILL APPLY WHETHER AN ACTION IS IN CONTRACT OR TORT AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, BUT WILL NOT LIMIT EITHER PARTIES INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS OR CUSTOMER'S AND ITS AFFILIATES' PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE"FEES AND PAYMENT"SECTION ABOVE. 11.2 Exclusion of Consequential and Related Damages. IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY: (1) LOST PROFITS; (2) LOST OR ANTICIPATED REVENUES; (3) LOSS OF GOODWILL; (4) LOSS OF USE; (5) LOST DATA; (6), ANY COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH REPLACEMENT SERVICES; (7) BUSINESS INTERRUPTION; OR (8) ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, OR ANY OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES, HOWSOEVER ARISING, WHETHER AN ACTION IS IN CONTRACT OR TORT AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, EVEN IF A PARTY OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR IF A PARTY'S OR ITS AFFILIATES' REMEDY OTHERWISE FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. THE FOREGOING DISCLAIMER WILL NOT APPLY TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY LAW. 12. TERM AND TERMINATION 12.1 Term of Agreement. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with this agreement, this Agreement commences on the date specified on the Quote. 12.2 Term of Subscriptions. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with this agreement, the term of each subscription shall be as specified in the applicable Quote. Subscriptions will automatically renew for additional one year terms, unless either party gives the other written notice at least 30(thirty)days before the end of the relevant subscription term. 12.3 Termination. A party may terminate this Agreement for cause:(i)upon 30(thirty)days written notice to the other party of a material breach if such breach remains uncured at the expiration of such period, (ii) if the other party becomes the subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation, or assignment for the benefit of creditors,or(iii)either party is required to do so by law. 12.4 Refund or Payment upon Termination. If this Agreement is terminated by Customer in accordance with this section,Vaison will refund Customer any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the subscription term of the applicable Quote after the effective date of termination. If this Agreement is terminated by Vasion in accordance with the "Termination" section above,Customer will pay any unpaid fees covering the remainder of the subscription term of all Quotes to the extent permitted by applicable law.In no event will termination relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any fees payable to Vasion for the period prior to the effective date of termination or interest owed after the date of termination. 12.5 Surviving Provisions. The sections titled "Free Services," "Fees and Payment," "Proprietary Rights and Licenses," "Confidentiality," "Disclaimers," "Indemnification," "Limitation of Liability," "Refund or Payment upon Termination,""Removal of Third Party Applications,""Surviving Provisions"and"General Provisions"will survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement,and the section titled"Protection of Customer Data"will survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS 13.1 Calendar Days.Unless otherwise stated,all references to"days"shall mean calendar days. 13.2 Export Compliance. The Services and other Vasion technology may be subject to export laws and regulations of the United States and other jurisdictions.Customer(a)represents that neither it nor any User is named on any U.S.government list of prohibited or restricted parties or located in(or a national of)a country 7 220408.1 SO that is subject to a U.S. government embargo or that has been designated by the U.S. government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and(b)agrees not to access or use the Service in violation of any U.S.export embargo, prohibition or restriction. Customer will not permit any User to access or use any Service in a U.S.-embargoed country or region or in violation of any U.S.export law or regulation. 13.3 Opportunity to consult with counsel. Each party agrees that it has had the opportunity to consult with counsel concerning this agreement and the contents contained herein prior to signing. 13.4 Entire Agreement and Order of Precedence. This Agreement, including the documentation which is incorporated herein by way of a link, is the entire agreement between Vasion and Customer regarding Customer's use of Services and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, written or oral, concerning its subject matter. No representations have been made, other than what is provided for in this agreement and neither party is relying on any representations made outside of this agreement. The parties agree that any term or condition stated in a Customer purchase order or in any other Customer documentation (excluding Quote(s)) is void and is expressly rejected by Vasion.In the event of any conflict or inconsistency among the following documents, the order of precedence shall be: (1) this Agreement, (2) the applicable Quote. Titles and headings of sections of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 13.5 Waiver and Severability.No failure or delay by either party in exercising any right under this Agreement will constitute a waiver of that right. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law,the provision will be deemed null and void,and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect. 13.6 Relationship of the Parties. The parties are independent contractors. This Agreement does not create a partnership, franchise,joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship between the parties.Each party will be solely responsible for payment of all compensation owed to its employees.Except as otherwise expressly set out herein,there are no third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 13.7 Customer's Right to Assign. So long as Customer remains current in the payment of all amounts when due, Customer may assign this Agreement in connection with any merger,consolidation,reorganization,or a sale of all or substantially all of Customer's business or business assets relating to this Agreement to an unaffiliated third party provided that 1) such assignment is not to a Vasion competitor and 2) customer provides Vasion 30 (thirty)days advance written notice. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns. Under no other circumstances may Customer assign this agreement without the written consent of Vaison any attempt to do so is void. 13.8 Vasion Contracting Entity, Notices, Governing Law, and Venue. The Vasion entity entering into this Agreement, the address to which Customer should direct notices under this Agreement, the law that will apply in any dispute or lawsuit arising out of or in connection with this Agreement,and the courts that have jurisdiction over any such dispute or lawsuit, depend on where Customer is domiciled. Each party agrees to the applicable governing law in the table below without regard to choice or conflicts of law rules,and to the exclusive jurisdiction above. Customer hereby consents to personal jurisdiction in and to the respective jurisdiction. If Customer is The Vasion entity Notices should be Goy crning law: Exclusive jurisdiction of domiciled in: entering into this addressed to: disputes: Agreement is: The United States of PrinterLogic, Inc. dba 432 South Tech Ridge Delaware,USA Federal courts in America, Mexico or Vasion, a Delaware Drive Saint George, Delaware,USA any other county or corporation UT 84770, U.S.A., region other than attn:Legal Department EMEA or Germany 8 220408.ISO EMEA PrinterLogic, 432 South Tech Ridge English All disputes shall be (excluding UK) Limited(Trade name Drive Saint George, referred to and finally Vasion) UT 84770, U.S.A., resolved by arbitration in attn:LegalDepartment London conducted in the English language by a sole arbitrator pursuant to the LCIA Arbitration Rules which are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this section 13.7. UK PrinterLogic, 432 South Tech Ridge English Courts of England Limited (Trade name Drive Saint George, Vasion) UT 84770, U.S.A., attn:Legal Department Germany PrinterLogic GmbH 432 South Tech Ridge German Court of Germany (Trade name Vasion) Drive Saint George, UT 84770, U.S.A., attn:LegalDepartment 13.9 Manner of Giving Notice. Vasion's physical address for notices is as specified in the table above, and its email address for notices is legalteam@vasion.com.Customer's physical(and,if applicable,email addresses) for notices is specified on the Quote.Notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently given:(i)one(1)business day after being sent by overnight courier to the Party's physical address; (ii) three(3)business days after being sent by registered mail,return receipt requested,to the Party's physical address;or(iii)one(1)business day after being sent by email to the Party's email address (provided that(1)the sender does not receive a response that the message could not be delivered or an out-of-office reply and (2) any notice for an indemnifiable Action, breach, or termination must be sent by courier or mail pursuant to clause(i)or(ii))and marked"Legal Notice". 9 220408.1 SO PrinterLogic Quotation a vnsiorj solution Quote e: O 96178 2 Created Date: 27-Oct-2022 Quote Expires: 11-Nov-2022 Address Vasion Ship To 432 S. Tech Ridge Drive City of Spokane Valley Attn: Chad Knodel St. George, Utah 84770 - USA 10210 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Contact USA Sales Rep: Marlee Branch Phone: (435) 652-1288 Bill To General Inquiries: sales@printerlogic.com City of Spokane Valley Attn: Accounts Payable PO Receiving: orders@printerlogic.com 10210 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 USA QTY PART# NAME UNIT DISC EXTENDED EXTENDED PRICE (%) UNIT TOTAL 25 P-C-SAS-COR-25+ Print-Commercial-SaaS-Core-25-49 USD 105.30 12.80 USD 91.82 USD 2,295.50 TOTAL: USD 2,295.50 Quote Total: USD 2,295.50 Plus applicable sales tax Payment Terms: Net 30 Paid Up Front • Sign and return this quote to orders@printerlogic.com. Please reference "Q-96178-4" in the subject line • Send a Purchase Order and reference the folowing quote number: "Q-96178-4" You will then be sent an invoice with instructions on paying by Wire, Check, or Credit Card By signing below, you agree (i)that the services listed herein are subject to the services terms located at(https:// www.printerlogic.com/master-software-agreement/), (ii)that you have read and understand the service terms, and (iii) that such service terms may only be superseded in a mutually-signed agreement containing an express reference to such service terms. Further, you agree that any and all terms in your purchase order or similar document are expressly rejected by Vasion. Signature: �/�� Date: //- 61-r 2 Name (Print): �,y,,, ys,. Title: c . ry Page 1 of 1