2022-12-08 Agenda PacketC'la[TV of ZIPOKane 401;000%fley', Agenda Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM meeting and In Person at 10210 E Sprague Avenue NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Planning Commission meetings in -person at City Hall at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in -person or via Zoom as described below: Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as "public comment opportunity." If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Otherwise, comments will be taken in -person at the meeting in Council Chambers, as noted on the agenda below LINK TO ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: https://spokanevallev.zoozn.us/j/87146597722 One tap mobile US: +12532158782„ 87146597722# or+13462487799„87146597722# US Dial by your location US: +1 253 215 8782 US 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 10, 2022 6. COMMISSION REPORTS 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. 9. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: STV-2022-0003 - Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate 21 square feet of public right-of-way adjacent to University Road. b. Public Hearing: CTA-2022-0003 — Privately Initiated Map Amendments Update c. Study Session: CTA-2022-0004 — Stormwater Management Regulations Update 10. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER 11. ADJOURNMENT Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall November 10, 2022 I. Planning Commission Chairman McKinley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Susan Delucchi Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Martin Palaniuk, Associate Planner Walt Haneke Levi Basinger, Planner Bob McKinley Nikki Cole, IT Specialist Nancy Miller Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Sherri Robinson IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Robinson made a motion to amend the agenda of November 10, 2022 to have Study Session B before Study Session A. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Granrath moved to approve the October 13, 2022 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucchi reported that the original Veradale post office has been torn down. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported City Hall will close on November 23, 2022 at noon and will be closed for the entire day on December 23, 2022. He also reported that there will be one city -initiated comprehensive plan amendment that will be submitted to City Council for review during 2023. City Attorney Beattie stated that he researched the possibility of moving the Planning Commission meetings from Thursday to Wednesday and determined that it was not advisable to move the meetings. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 11-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 a. Study Session: STV-2022-0003 - Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate 21 square feet of public right-of-way adjacent to University Road. Planner Basinger presented a staff report. He stated that the piece of public right-of-way (ROW) is located west of and adjacent to University Road and is approximately 170-feet south of the intersection with 16a' Avenue. The subject piece of ROW measures approximately 4.5 feet east/west by 5 feet north/south. Mr. Basinger explained that the ROW was dedicated to the City of Spokane Valley by Spokane County pursuant to Spokane County Resolution No. 11-0698 in 2011 for the purpose of placing a school zone flashing beacon in this location. According to the resolution, the county engineer deemed it in the best interest of the public to place the beacon upon be a part of the road ROW. The beacon assembly has since been relocated to north of 161" Avenue and only the foundation for the assembly remains on the site. Other than the foundation for the former assembly, the right-of-way is unimproved. The right-of-way is not being used and is not needed by the City. The subject ROW and foundation for the former flashing beacon are located behind the existing sidewalk and behind the existing storm drains within University Road. The City does not plan to remove the foundation if the right-of-way is vacated. There are also no identified utility lines or easements that pass through the piece of right-of-way in question. Mr. Basinger said that the ROW is adjacent to parcel #45291.0125 on three sides. The parcel is owned by Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust, who is also the owner of the adjacent parcel to the north, at the southwest corner of 16t" Avenue and University Road. The property owner has requested the 21-square feet of right-of-way be vacated and aggregated into the adjacent property because it no longer serves a public purpose. Mr. McKinley asked if the removal of the foundation will be the responsibility of the property owner. Mr. Basinger responded that it will be their responsibility if they decide to remove it. The public hearing will be held at the December 10, 2022 Planning Commission meeting b. Study Session: CTA-2022-0003 — Privately Initiated Map Amendments Update Associate Planner Martin Palaniuk gave a staff report. He stated that CTA-2022-0003 is a city -initiated code text amendment to revise Chapter 19.30 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) as it relates to privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use map amendments and privately initiated site -specific zoning map amendments. The proposed regulation would identify additional criteria that would be "considered" when reviewing the proposed map amendments. Mr. Palaniuk explained that there is a planning concern regarding the intrusion of more intense land uses into areas of less intense uses. The cause of this concern is because the SVMC does not identify criteria for approving a change to the land use designation map and the criteria for zoning map amendments allows land use changes when adjacent to the same or higher zoning classification. However, the code does not define the word "higher" regarding zoning classifications. The code also includes "corner touches" and allows crossing right-of-way. Mr. Palaniuk explained that the City has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Map which identifies the different land uses throughout the community. Each of the uses are implemented through the Zoning Map. These maps generally look the same, except for Single -Family Residential (SFR). Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments are only allowed one time per year. The decision authority is the City Council. Changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map automatically require a zoning 11-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 map amendment because the two maps must be consistent. Therefore, both map amendments are done concurrently. Mr. Palaniuk stated that Zoning Map Amendments must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation. They can be requested at any time (unless a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment is required as well). The decision authority is the Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner. Changes to the zoning map may or may not require a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendment. Any change other than a residential zone requires a change to the Comprehensive Plan land use map. Mr. Palaniuk said that the proposed code text language would develop criteria to "consider" for privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments that include the following: • The effect on surrounding land use and traffic circulation • The existence of logical boundaries • Avoids creating peninsulas or protrusions into different land use zones • Meets all zoning map amendment criteria. Mr. Palaniuk stated that the proposed code text language would also develop criteria for site -specific zoning map amendments that include the following: • Avoiding protrusions into different zoning districts • Considers boundaries and barriers • States that properties must be adjacent to and contiguous to a similar zoning district • Defines "similar" as allowing substantially similar uses or density. Mr. Palaniuk explained that the existing regulations for Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments state that changes can only occur once per year, except for limited circumstances. The proposed regulations will keep the current existing regulations and add the following considerations: • The effect on surrounding land uses and transportation circulation • Avoid allowing changes that extend across freeways, highways, & railroads • Avoid changes that create peninsulas or intrusions • Changes would follow rezoning criteria. Mr. Palaniuk stated that the existing regulations for the zoning map criteria state the following: • Concurrency • Consistent with the comprehensive plan • Substantial relation to public health • Is needed for comprehensive plan goals • Adjacent to a higher zone • Cannot be detrimental to surrounding properties • Must have community wide benefit. Mr. Palaniuk said that the proposed regulations will keep all the current existing regulations except for "adjacent to a higher zone" and would add the following: • Must avoid creating peninsulas or intrusions • Must consider right-of-way, river, and railroad corridors • Must be adjacent to a substantially similar zoning district Mr. Palaniuk stated that the public hearing will be held on December 8, 2022. Commissioner Beaulac asked about provisions and cooperation between entities for properties that are adjacent to County properties. Mr. Palaniuk answered that most of the adjacent properties have already 11-10-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 been given zoning designations and are outlined in the Urban Growth Area map. Mr. Bates stated that the City and the County works together on coordination of growth in those areas. Commissioner Haneke expressed concern about the necessity of the proposed changes and if they were really needed. He commented that the changes could limit growth in the Valley and take away the property owners rights to develop their property. He feels that the current regulations have enough restrictions for approval decisions to be made. Commissioner Delucchi commented that she thinks these changes could help preserve historic neighborhoods in the City. A short recess was called at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 7:06. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Beaulac moved to adjourn the meeting at 7: 07 p.m. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed' Bob McKinley, Chairman Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2022 Item: Check all that apply ® old business ❑ information FILE NUMBER: STV-2022-0003 ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ study session ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing for STV-2022-0003 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate 21 square feet of public right-of-way adjacent to University Road. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 22.140 Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); RCW 35A.47.020 and chapter 35.79 RCW BACKGROUND: The piece of public right-of-way in question is located west of and adjacent to University Road and is approximately 170-feet south of the intersection with 16th Avenue. The subject piece of right-of-way measures approximately 4.5-feet east/west by 5-feet north/south. The right-of-way was dedicated to the City of Spokane Valley from Spokane County pursuant to Spokane County Resolution No. 11-0698 in 2011 for purposes of placing a school zone flashing beacon in this location. According to the Resolution, the County Engineer deemed it to be in the best interest of the public that the property that the beacon sits upon be a part of the road right- of-way. The beacon assembly has since been relocated to north of 16th Avenue and only the foundation for the assembly remains on the site in question. With the exception of the foundation for the former assembly, the right-of-way is otherwise unimproved. The right-of-way is not being used and is not needed by the City. The subject right-of-way and foundation for the former flashing beacon are located behind the existing sidewalk and behind the existing storm drains within University Road. The City does not plan to remove the foundation if the right-of-way is vacated. There are also no identified utility lines or easements that pass through the piece of right-of-way in question. The right-of-way is adjacent to Parcel 45291.0125 on three sides. The parcel is owned by Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust, who is also the owner of the adjacent parcel to the north, at the southwest corner of 16th Avenue and University Road. The property owner has requested the 21- square feet of right-of-way be vacated and aggregated into the adjacent property because it no longer serves a public purpose. On October 25, 2022, City Council passed Resolution 22-019 to set a public hearing date with the Planning Commission on December 8, 2022. The Planning Commission conducted a study session on November 10, 2022. The December 81h meeting will include a public hearing on the proposed street vacation. OPTIONS: Recommend approval of the proposed street vacation with conditions, recommend approval with changes, or recommend denial. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to recommend approval of the proposed street vacation to the City Council with staff conditions. RPCA Study Session for STV-2022-0003 Pagel of 2 STAFF CONTACT: Levi Basinger.. Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report 2. PowerPoint presentation RPCA Study Session for STV-2022-0003 Page 2 of 2 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & PLANNING dt �n c ;4 STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE V911ey PLANNING COMMISSION FILE: STV-2022-0003 STAFF REPORT DATE: December 1, 2022 FILE NO: STV-2022-0003 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Request to vacate 21.51-square feet of public right-of-way adjacent to University Road. STAFF PLANNER: Levi Basinger, Planner APPLICANT: Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust PROPERTY OWNER: City of Spokane Valley PROPOSAL LOCATION: The piece of public right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located west of and adjacent to University Road, approximately 170-feet south of the intersection between University Road and 16th Avenue, and adjacent to parcel 45291.0125; further located in the NE quarter of Section 29, Township 25 North, BACKGROUND: On October 22, 2022, City Council approved Resolution No. 22-019 to set the public hearing date for December 8th, 2022, to consider the privately initiated request to vacate 21.51-square feet of public right of way adjacent to University Road. The right-of-way to be vacated is located approximately 170 feet south of the intersection of 16th Avenue and University Road. The right-of-way is a 4.5-foot-wide by 5-foot-long square area that was originally dedicated to the City per Spokane County Resolution 11-0698 in 2011. At the time, Spokane County was owner of the property. The City of Spokane Valley requested that a school zone flashing beacon be installed on the property to identify the school zone near University Elementary School. The County Engineer determined that the property where the beacon would be located be part of the public right of way. Therefore, a piece of property measuring approximately 21-square feet adjacent to University Road was dedicated as public right of way per Spokane County Resolution 11-0698. The beacon assembly has since been relocated by the City north of 16th Avenue and only the foundation for the assembly remains on the property. Apart from the foundation for the former assembly, the right-of-way is otherwise unimproved. The subject right-of-way and foundation for the former flashing beacon are located behind the existing sidewalk and behind the existing storm Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2022-0003 Page I of 5 December 1, 2022 drains within University Road. The City does not plan to remove the foundation if the right-of-way is vacated and has no use for the right-of-way. There are also no identified utility lines or easements that pass through the piece of right-of-way in question. The right-of-way is adjacent to Parcel 45291.0125 on three sides. The parcel is currently owned by Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust. The parcel adjacent to the subject right of way is currently undeveloped. Properties directly west of and south of the subject site contain duplexes. The property directly to the north, under the same ownership as the applicant, contains a gas station and convenience store. Directly west of the gas station and convenience store, on a separate parcel, there is a strip mall containing two businesses. University Elementary School is located to the east, across University Road, at the southeast corner of 16th Avenue and University Road. The property owner has requested the 21.51-square feet of right-of-way be vacated and aggregated into the adjacent property because it no longer serves a public purpose, and it impedes the applicant's use of their property. APPROVAL CRITERIA: 1. Chapter 22.140 SVMC — Street Vacations 2. City of Spokane Valley Street Standards ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Application Packet Exhibit 2: Maps and Site Photos Exhibit 3: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4: Staff Comments Exhibit 5: Agency Comments I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics of The area to be vacated is unimproved right-of-way and proposed vacation: totals approximately 21.51 square feet. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Adjacent Comprehensive Plan Designation: Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Adjacent Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Adjacent Land Use(s): West and South — vacant parcel; North — gas station/convenience store; East — University Road; II. STAFF ANALYSIS OF STREET VACATION PROPOSAL A. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC 22.140.030 Findings: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2022-0003 Page 2 of 5 December 1, 2022 The area proposed to be vacated is surrounded on three sides by the parcel owned by the applicant. This results in a small intrusion of public right of way extending from University Road into the applicant's property. The area as right-of-way requires maintenance by the City, the applicant desires to take ownership and maintenance of the area and improving it as part of their private property. The vacation of this right-of-way will better serve the public by reducing maintenance obligations and allowing full development of the private property. The vacation is expected to have no impact on the general public. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The area proposed to be vacated is currently unimproved and is not being used for public access and is not required for current or future public access or use. Stormwater improvements within and access to the adjacent parcel would be conditioned at time of future development. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? There is no substitution being proposed as part of the vacation. The City's review has determined no need for a new or different public way. The purpose for this right of way was for a school zone beacon, which is no longer present at this location. The previous beacon was moved to a different location with improved visibility. Only the foundation for the former beacon remains within the subject right of way. No additional right of way is needed to substitute the subject right of way to be vacated. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? Properties adjacent to the site in question have access along University Road. It is not anticipated that changes would occur in the future that would require the use of the 21.5 square feet of right-of-way for public access. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? Notice of the public hearing was made by posting written notice at City Hall, CenterPlace, and the Valley library; publishing notice in the Spokane Valley Herald; and posting at the right-of- way to be vacated. A direct mailing was property owners adjacent to the proposed vacation, which in this case included the applicant because their property surrounds the right-of-way on three sides. To date, no objections by the public or governmental agencies have been received. Conclusion(s): The findings confirm criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. B. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 21 SVMC — ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS The Planning Division has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(2)(i) and SVMC 21.20.040 from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2022-0003 Page 3 of 5 December 1, 2022 III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: No public comments were received following the notice of public hearing. A Notice of Public Hearing sign was posted on November 18, 2022 on the area proposed to be vacated. Notices were posted in the Spokane Valley Public Library, City of Spokane Valley main reception area and CenterPlace Event Center on November 17, 2022. The public hearing notice was mailed to all owners adjacent to the area proposed to be vacated on November 9, 2022. Staff and agencies were notified of the request on October 26, 2022 and noticed again on November 15, 2022. The notice was published in the Spokane Valley Herald on November 18, 2022 and November 25, 2022. Conclusion(s): The City has met the noticing requirements for street vacations as required in SVMC 22.140.020(F) IV. AGENCY COMMENTS Request for comments from agencies and service providers was sent on October 26, 2022 as part of the initial assessment of the street vacation. Notice of public hearing was provided to agencies and service providers again on November 15, 2022. Comments were received from the following agencies and are attached as exhibits to this staff report. Where necessary, comments have been incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval in Section V. Agency Received Comments Comments Dated City of Spokane Valley Public Works - Engineering Yes 10-6-2022 City of Spokane Valley Public Works — Stormwater Yes 10-6-2022 City of Spokane Valley Public Works - Traffic Yes 10-6-2022 City of Spokane Valley Public Works — Maintenance Yes 10-6-2022 Spokane Valley Fire District No.1 No Spokane County Public Works - Wastewater Yes 10-28-2022 Spokane Regional Health District No Spokane Transit Authority No Spokane County Water District No. 3 Yes 10-27-2022 Model Irrigation District No. 18 No Avista Utilities Yes 10-26-2022 Lumen Yes 10-27-2022 Comcast No Findings: The application was routed to jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and public districts for review and comment. According to comments received, no utilities are located within the right of way to be vacated, and no agencies are opposed to the proposed vacation. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2022-0003 Page 4 of 5 December 1, 2022 Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and or public districts have no concerns regarding the proposed vacation of the right-of-way adjacent to University Road. V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS Staff concludes that STV-2022-0003 as proposed is consistent, or will be made consistent, through the recommended conditions of approval based on the approval criteria stated herein. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to vacate the approximately 21.5 square feet of right of way adjacent to University Road and parcel number 45291.0125 subject to the following conditions: 1. The vacated property shall be transferred to the owner of the abutting parcel 45291.0125. 2. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the state of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be completed. 3. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated street from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 4. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended over the entirety of the vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. , 5. The record of survey and certified copy of the ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 6. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2022-0003 Page 5 of 5 December 1, 2022 Exhibit 1 1 A3 011(H11100STREET VACATION APPLICATION R E C,1__1 V E D SPOKane SV.MC 22.140 %11ey 0210 E Spnt�,�WAi edug'424pokaane Vall WA 99206 IT Phone: (509) 720-5240 4 Ffax: V 7 Date Submitted _Ree�ceh Fee: $1420.00 Completed Application Form Together with EXHIBITS, "Alt, "B", "C", "t)". and "E" attached here. Application Fee $1,420 check payable to City of Spokane Valley, per page 4 of City Fee Resolution 22-003. Notice of Application Packet (17.80.110) - Adjacent Property(ies) Attached. Written Narrative - A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. See EXHIBIT "A" [I Written Correspondence from Utility Purveyors N/A - No utilities serve, abut, or go thru the site to be vacated. — Telephone -_ Cable _Electric — Other (Specify)— Water District —Fire District —Gas Utility — Sewer Utility Vicinity Map - Submit a map showing the general area of the proposed vacation See EXHIBIT "Bf" Record of Survey, if available, for the subject street and/or alley proposed for vacation, and abutting properties, streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation. IS Written Evidence of all easements, allowances or reservations, if available, pertaining to the street and/or alley proposed for vacation, See EXHIBIT "C" Spokane Count-,, R"olution 11-0698, adopted 8/16/2011 No public, utility, or private easements exist on the 21 square feet requested to be vacated. MUM1­11;;11 '111 I'll, 1,,'' 11 11111 1 � 1 1,11 APPLICANT NAME: Ann Easterly, Trustee of the Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust. MAILING ADDRESS: 10524 East Chinook CITY: Spokane Vallev STATE: WA ZIrL.99206 PHONE: (925) 922-40(X) 11 FAx: N/A I CELL: N/A I EmAJL: N/A PROPERTY OWNER No. 1: Same as Above MAILING ADDRESS: Same as Above CITY: SalveJz.P. Ia., a., Attjv, as Above _STATE: ame S PL-1 5 Vl .O Pagel of 12 Exhibit 1 STREET VACATION APPLICATION PHONE: Sanic as Above j FAX: N/A j CELL: N/A EMAIL: N/A PROPERTY OWNER No. 2: N/A (only the Above.) MAILING ADDRESS: N/A CITY: N/,.,\ STATE: N/A I ZIP: N/A LPHONE: N/A FAX: N/A CLL:_N/A 1 EMAIL: N/A If more than two (2) abutting property owners, include information and written authorization on a separate sheet of paper for each. THE FOLLOWING IS CRITERIA EVALUATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN FORMULATING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS SHALL BE ANSWERED IN A DETAILED MANNER; See Applicant's Responses to City Planiling, ('oninjission QuestiOnS, )"-AMBIT"E". 1, HOW DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC? 2, IS THE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OR PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. 3, WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF ANEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? EXPLAIN. 4. HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECTED BY FUTURE CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN. 5. WILL EASEMENTS BE RETAINED FOR ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF WHAT UTILITY COMPANIES. (SPECIFY)? E. DOES THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDES TORN-PNATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SPECIFY)? PLEASE NOTE: PER RCW 35.79.040 (TITLE TO VACATED STREET/ALLEY), THE PROPERTY WITHIN A PUBLIC STREET OR ALLEY VACATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BELONG TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, ONE-HALF (1 /2) TO EACH. THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION, PL-1 5 V1 .0 Page 2 of 12 STREETVACATION APPLICATION PER RESOLUTION 07-009 OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE CHARGES FOR STREET/ALLEY VACATION PURSUANT TO RCW 36.79-030 i I a ml 111 gas 11 LaTig gj I Lei I m it I I a L#j 1, Ann Easterly , (print name) swear or affirm truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. (Signature) nn Easterly, Trustee Ann S. Easterb �fvjngjr Trust ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this NATASHA NELSEN ub tic Notary Public Washington 0, 'ate of Wa State of Washington siding at # Commission # 186813 . Expires Sep a '3 0 MY COMM Expires Sep a, 2024 _x Z� -1 A-1 1�11 My appointment expires,_ -1 7F that the above responses are made September,, 2022 (Date) Public in and for the State of Washington LEGAL OWNER NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; N/A , owner of the above described property do hereby authorize to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. LEGAL OWNER NO. 2 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; PL-1 5 V1.0 Page 3 of 12 Exhibit 1 fl 14 000 �- STREET VACATION APPLICATION N/A owner of the above described property do hereby authorize to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. PL-1 5 V1.0 Page 4 of 12 Exhibit 1 AMMx. Written Narrative ProjeCl SE 2 'O,S,V R E'�,` Applicant requests that the City of Spokane Valley release its approximately 21 square feet of land located in the Northeast comer of Applicant's property. Applicant's property is located on the West side of University Road across from the parking lot of the University Elementary School. Spokane County gave the 21 square feet to the City for placement of a school flashing beacon. However, the City found that location unsuitable for placement of such a sign. As the 21 square feet serves no public purpose and provides no public benefit, Applicant requests the City to release its interest. Years ago, Spokane County owned the property. I Just before it sold the property in August 2011, the County dedicated approximately 21 square feet of it to the City. The dedication was for placing a flashing beacon to slow traffic within University Elementary School's traffic zone. Years later, Applicant purchased the property in 2014. Thereafter, the City positioned signs at the approaches to University Elementary School's traffic zone to de -accelerate traffic speed. The City placed two Eltec radar detecting, speed reduction signs at the northern and southern boundaries of the School's traffic zone on University Road. These technology driven, direct current/solar powered, signs were positioned to give maximum notice, sufficient time, and adequate distance for traffic to de -accelerate to the 20 mile per hour speed limit within University Elementary's School traffic zone. The 21 square feet the County dedicated has remained dormant ever since. Conclusion Everyone would agree that the City should hold and maintain land if there is a public use or purpose in doing so. Here, there is not. The dedication is of no use or purpose to the City. Further, as dedication is located on private property, it impedes Applicant's use of her land. For these reasons, Applicant requests, respectfully, that the City vacate the 21 square feet on her property. ' Having no address, the property is designated by Assessors Parcel Number 45291.0125. 0 EXHIBIT "A" - Written Narrative - attached to Street Vacation Application Page 5 of 12 Exhibit 1 08/26/2011 12:25:35 PM 6823828 ReaordlN F** SU-M Pa" I of 3 Resolution SPDXAW, COUNTY EEM ADMIN Spokane County Kashington 1 1-11MAN IN M, 14114 1110 11 m0i 91 0 After Recording Return To: Spokane County Engineer's Office Attn.: Engineering Administration 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0170 Document Title: Resolution No. 11 -0698 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A Grantor: Government, County of Spokane Grantee: Government, City of Spokane Valley L- t C Legal Description: NE 1/4 of Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M., Spokane County, WA Assessors Tax Parcel ID Number: Portion of 45291.0125 The County will rely on the information provided on this form. The Staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or Completeness of the indexing information provided herein. EXHIBIT "C" - County Resolution 11 -0698 - attached to Street Vacation Application Page 7 of 12 TOW 5r Aft,w Rewnhog Remm to: Spoiame County Engiam net: EnginemingAdmiabnation, tO26W. Ave.,BM*dwxy Spokun WA M60 MMMUCCECOM] IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF COUNTY GENERAL OWNED PROPERTY FOR RIGHT OF WAY PURPOSES TO THE CITY OF RESOLUTION SPOKANE VALLEY COUNTY ENGINEER'S ROAD FILE NO. 1504 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.12fX6), the Board of County Commissioners of STX*Mc County (hatinaft sometimes referred to as the "Board") has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.34.290 and RCW 36.34.300 the Board of County Commissioners may dedicate any county land to public use for public su-ects and alleys in any city or town; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has requested that a school flashing beacon at 16'h and University be located on County property showing the speed of the cats near University Elementary School; and WHEREAS, the County Engineer deents it to be in the best interest of the public that the property that the beacon sits upon should be a pan of the road right-of-way, and WHEREAS, the portion to be dedicated for road right of way has the following legal description: That portion of Parcel "A" described as follows, commencing at the North East Corner of said Parcel "K' being the South East corner of that Tract of Land as shown on Recardi Of Survey Book 144 page 94 Spokane County Auditor'* Office; Then" s or 39' 29" W along the West right of way line of University Road a distance of 10.02 feet to The True Point Of Beginning of this dedication; Thence N 89* 651 44" W parallel with the South line said Tract a distance of 4.42 last Thence S 00* 04' 16" W a distance of 5.00 feet Thence S 99* 65' 44" E a distance of 4.19 feet to said West right of way of University Road; Thence N 02' 39' 29" E along the Weft right of way (ins of said UnNeralty Road a distance of 5.01 foot to The True Point Of Beginning: Containing 21.S1 aq feet more or less. Parcel "A" Lots 4 and 5 and the east 20 feet of Lots 3 and 6, Block "A" of Chester Hills Addition, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume I of Plate, Page 92. Except the north 50 feet of Lob 3 and 4 of said Chester Hills Addition. Except University Road Located in the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M. Spokane County, Washington. EXHIBIT "C" - County Resolution 11-0698 - attached to Street Vacation AppliGation P,41111mmm I Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the Spokane County Engineer deems it in the best interests of the public that the previously described beacon property be dedicated to the City of Spokane Valley for streets and recommends approval of this dedication for roadway purposes; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washingtoa, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6) and RCW 36.34290, that the Board does hereby approve the recommendation of the County Engineer and that the property be dedicated to the City of Spokane Valley for right of way purposes. ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington this 16" day of August, 2011. v4 CosASr Al4.y,, JZAL jr ATTEST: _ ToZlMielke, Vice-Cbarr Daniel& Erickson /f — CJj4 98 4MR rclrard, ZCmm.%Cion Cleric of the Board STATE OF WASMN- GTON } } ss. County of Spokane } On Phis °f 2011, before me, the urtiersigned, a Notary Public in ami for the State of Washington du oned and sworn perxxrnliy appcarod Al French, F hikdke, axrd l►Sarit Richard ur me known to be the Commissicmas of t#rc Board of County ussi ncrs of Spaierne Cou�y, a political subdivision of tine S of Washington, brat executed ithin atxi foregoing insstnmment, and aclmowlodged the said instntmrcrit to be the free and tary acx and deed of said political subdivision for rbc tsar and ptuposts therein mtntiorrcd and on oath stated that they were art$rarixsd to execute said instrument and that the seal of bwd is the seal of said County. ITV WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han affixed my�SCW thee day and yarn first written above. �j��_L1�1iSd1L,�' l NOTARY PUBIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at s My commission expires: Agreed to this day of2011. `0rtt+rrrrr�r�r v . *V7i'�Y tn. Pi18� i :F�:tio� =2'` 0 ti��=.».�� •r��O� % EXHIBIT "C" - County Resolution 11-0698 - attached to Street Vacation Application Ptge 9 of 12 T����jmrmm Wo Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0124 Address: 10620 East 16' Avenue Owner: Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust, Ann Easterly Trustee Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0102 Address: 10604 East Wh Avenue Owners: Paul Singh & Gurprect Kaur Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0122 Address: 1710 South University Road Owners: Arthur C & Rosanna L. Sharpe C. Property to the East (across University Road) of APN 45291.0121C.7 Assessors Parcel Number: 45282.9004 Address: 1613 South University Road Owner. Central Valley School District #356 19307 E Cataldo Avenue, Greenacres, WA 99016-9489 Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0117 Address: 1615 South Oberlin Road Owner: Peggy L. Trout Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0118 Address: 1623 South Oberlin Road Owners: Kurt M. & Shelley M. Brown Assessors Parcel Number: 45291.0119 Address: 1703 South Oberlin Road Owners: Joshua M. Grafos and Michelle Hellhake EXHIBIT "D" - List of Parcels Abutting Applicant's Property Page 10 of 12 Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT "Ell Responses to Application Questions concerning The Land to be Vacated. THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN POSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION. APPLICANT'S RESPONSES WILL BE EVALUATED IN FORMULATING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Applicant's responses are in blue below. The land Applicant requests the City to vacate is referred to below simply as "the 21 square feet." 1. HOW DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC? For many years. the 21 square feet has not sciAed any public purpose or provided any benefit to the public. This remains unchanged to the Z:- present day. Thus, the City's vacation of the 21 square feet will have no effect on service to the public. 2. IS THE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OR PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. Years aaw. the City found the location of the 21 square feet unsuitable for a school traffic zone speed reduction si(m. The 21 square feet is in the middle of University Elementary School's traffic zone, where a speed. reduction sign has little or no effect in slowing traffic. Instead. the City placed advanced, radar detecting, speed reduction signs at the northern and southern boundaries of the School's traffic zone on University Road. At such 'locations, the speed reduction signs have maximum effect in providing oncoming traffic advance notice, sufficient time, and adequate distance to reduce speed. For this reason., the 21 square feet is not required for public use. 3. WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? EXPLAIN. This question appears inapplicable as the 21 square feet is not pail of the public right-of-way to University Road. Instead, it is located on private property. Moreover, as the City has already placed radar detecting speed reduction signs at more appropriate locations, the 21 square feet is not necessary. As it is not part of the public right-of-way and the City has EXHIBIT "E" - Applicant's Responses to City Planning Commission Questions Page 11 of 12 Exhibit 1 already chosen more suitable locations, the question of substituting a new or different public right-of-way would riot appear to apply here. 4. HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECTED BY FUTURE CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN. This question is not applicable as the 21 square fect is not part of the public right-of-way to University Road. Instead, it is located on private property. The question of how use or need. "... for 'this 'right of way will be affected by ffiture conditions," does not seem applicable here. too 9 1► There are no known utility easements running on, through, or adjacent to the 21 square feet. All stonriwater drainage, water, and sewer utilities are located within University Road's public right-of-way. Individual water semices, fire hydrants, and sewer services are all served by lateral connections, none of AAhich are anywhere close to the 21 square feet. Dry utility easernents held by investor -owned utilities, such as Awsta, are all located on the opposite (East) side of University Road. No. The storrnwater drainage inlets and underground collection ducts are all located within the University Road public right-of-way, Again, the 21 square feet is located on private property, outside of the public right-of- way to University Road. EXHIBIT "E" - Applicant's Responses to City Planning Commission Questions Page 12 of 12 -,>politane, VYA - geoAavaniage DY ClentrY UYnaMICS Exhibit 2 W'dlizz, t1:40 AM This map/plat is being furnished as an am in locating the herein described [arid in relation to adjoining streets, 10 E Spc".arre Fafls Bivc, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land derarled Except to the extent a policy of title Sp*ane IN;, 99202 insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances -ne location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon, Fax -856-1537-�trKY2 firm Americau EXHIBIT "B" - Vicinity Map - attached to Street Vacation Application Page 6 of 12 iN Exhibit 2 } P e o"/ Melp OvI; f Ao�, 3x �"'^�-�� Exhibit 2 Spok,.,ne Valley Exhibit 3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Street Vacation THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY & PUBLIC WORKS IS SENDING THIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ABUTTING THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TO BE VACATED BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT RECORDS FROM THE SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OR TREASURER'S OFFICE. Hearing Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022 beginning at 6:00 p.m. The required public hearing for Street Vacation Application file no. STV-2022-0003 shall be conducted before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission in such manner as provided by law on December 8, 2022, beginning at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical. Meeting Details: The hearing will be conducted in person, with the option to attend remotely using web and telephone conference tools. Join Zoom meeting by computer, smartphone, or tablet at: A link to the Zoom meeting will be provided on the agenda and posted to the City's webpage: www.spokarievallev.orJplannin�-,commission. Application/Description of Proposal: The City has received a request to vacate 21-square feet of public right of way adjacent to the westside of University Road. Applicant: Ann S. Easterly 2018 Living Trust. 10524 E Chinook Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Owner: City of Spokane Valley. 10210 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Location of Proposal: The piece of public right-of-way in question is located west of and adjacent to University Road, approximately 170-feet south of the intersection between University Road and 16th Avenue, and adjacent to parcel 45291.0125; further located in the NE quarter of Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington. Environmental Determination: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal/project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); Title 21 (Environmental Controls) from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Approval Criteria: Chapter 22.140 (Street Vacations) SVMC; Title 21(Environmental Controls) SVMC; the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards; the Regional Stormwater Manual; and the Spokane Regional Health District regulations. Hearing Process: The Planning Commission will conduct the hearing pursuant to the rules of procedure adopted in Title 18 (Boards and Authorities) SVMC. The Planning Commission holds the public hearing to receive comments and forwards a recommendation to the City Council for an ordinance adoption. The public is encouraged to provide comment in person at the hearing, or to submit written comments prior to the hearing by sending the comments to Levi Basinger, 10210 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, or email to lbasin er ,spokanevalley.on� Comments will need to be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on December 8, 2022 in order for them to be received and prepared for submission into the record. Comments received will be entered into the record at the time of the public participation portion of the Public Hearing. Comments received through US Mail will be included if they are received prior to the hearing. All interested persons may testify at the public hearing in person or via the zoom meeting address and/or phone number. Interested persons will need to sign up via ZOOM to speak no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 8, 2022 at the link provided in the agenda posted at the link referenced above. Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments. The link will direct you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. Written comments and documents may only be submitted prior to the hearing. Any appeal Exhibit 3 of the decision will be based on the record established before the Planning Commission, pursuant to Chapter 17.90 (Appeals) SVMC. Staff Report and Inspection of File: A staff report will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and application file may be inspected by logging on to the Spokane Valley SmartGov Public Portal at this web address:_ci-spokanevallev- a.smartgovcornmu ity.com/Public/H`ome. Go to applications and search for STV-2022-0003 to review or download the staff report. If you have any questions, please contact Levi Basinger, Planner, Building & Planning Division, at lasingerlc spokanevalley.oi•g. Exhibit 4 From: )erremy Clark To: Levi BasinQeer Ryan KinD Shane ArIC Aaron Clarv; Chad Rioos; Gloria Mantz Cc: Bill H I i Chaz Bate s; Greg Baldwin Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:58:07 AM Attachments: imaae0O.ina Correction, there is a foundation to an old school zone flashing beacon assembly. The assembly was relocated north of 16th and the old foundation was left in place. Traffic does not plan to remove the foundation if the ROW is vacated, however, there are no objections to the vacation. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments, I appreciate your feedback. Thank you, errer y Clark, PE, PTOE 1 Traffic Engkni ering iVlanage C� e., kh, r. �) ;;�a�an� Vai��'�� ��A ; 5�9.;;_0.5019 5 iciarkc�spa aneva ey.org -:, v _. u _ _ ;u From: Jerremy Clark Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:49 AM To: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary <aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz <gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <gbaldwin@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Levi, Traffic does not support this vacation. I am unaware of the timeline, but this portion of ROW appears to have been acquired for the placement of the school zone flashing beacon on University Road. There is currently a school zone flashing beacon assembly installed at this location. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments, I appreciate your feedback. Thank you, Jerremy Clark, PE, PTOE j Traffic Engineering i'v1anage- Spokane Valley, VVA t 509.720.5019 i jclark(d)sookanevaliey.ora is e 3 d anv�_ .�s w _ �. _ t' v<Y. From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger(Dsc_)okanevalle org> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:28 AM To: ]enemyClark Ryan Kipp < Shane Arlt Aaron Clary Chad Riggs <;G|oria K4antz< Cc: Bill He|big <; [haz Bates ; Greg Baldwin Subject: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 We received a street vacation application (file no. STV-2022-0003) to vacate a 21-square foot portion of public right of way adjacent to University Road, south of 16th Avenue. The ROW of right of way is surrounded on three sides by Parcel No. 45291.0125. See the attached exhibits for additional information. I do not believe staff have had the opportunity to review this vacation prior to application submittal. I am doing due diligence to determine, if this is a vacation of ROW the City would support. in addition, are there any requirements/improvements required to vacate the ROW atpreliminary observation? Comments are requested by Tuesday, October 11, if possible. Thank you, Levi Exhibit 4 From: Bill H I i To: Jerremy Clark; Levi Basinger. Rvan Kip o; Shane Arlt Aaron Clary; Chad RiaaGloria Mantz Cc: Chaz Bates; Greg Baldwin Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 10:40:06 AM Attachments: image001.ioa Since the area is no longer required by Traffic, I concur with Jerremy. Bill From: Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:58 AM To: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt, <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary <aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz <gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <gbaldwin@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Correction, there is a foundation to an old school zone flashing beacon assembly. The assembly was relocated north of 16th and the old foundation was left in place. Traffic does not plan to remove the foundation if the ROW is vacated, however, there are no objections to the vacation. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments, I appreciate your feedback. Thank you, Jerremy Clark, PE, PTOE I Tra rlc. e ,l ril g N'lanager Spokane Malley, tNA ! 509.72-0.5019 1, jclark2spokanevalley.org From: Jerremy Clark Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:49 AM To: Levi Basinger <I,Basinger{a�s,,okalievalley.or2>; Ryan Kipp <ri<i:, ,asc,oka-nevallev.�rp>; Shane Arlt <sarlt(EDsnokanevaiiey,or3>; Aaron Clary<aclar�,asookanevallev.orL>; Chad Riggs <cri22s(csr)oka: 1,y�il?,j/.orF>; Gloria Mantz < f7�?i�iZt z S K3 fit (lE.' r.Clr > Cc: Bill Helbig Chaz Bates<cbates(a-xspoltia,r,evalfpv.c:r�>; Greg Baldwin <ghaidwint@s�-)okanevallw orZ>; Ryan Kipp <rki ;tE)s>nokahevallev.orir> Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Levi, Traffic does not support this vacation. I am unaware of the timeline, but this portion of ROW appears to have been acquired for the placement of the school zone flashing beacon on University From: Aaron Clam To: Levi Basinger Cc: Bill Helbia; Chaz Bates; Greg Baldwin; Jerremy Clarlc Ryan Kipp Shane Arrl Chad Rivas Gloria Man tr Chad Phillips Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 11:16:16 AM Attachments: image001,iog Levi- Stormwater has no issues with this street vacation. From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:40 AM To: Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary <aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz <gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <gbaldwin@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 I realized I will be absent on October 11, so if you are able, please provide your comments to me by Monday, October 10. I apologize for the short notice. Thank you, Levi Basinger I Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 72075332 1 lbasrngecC4- ookanevaliev.or From: Levi Basinger Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:28 AM To: Jerremy Clark <i -Iark(@spokanevalIev orb; Ryan Kipp <rkin,,Pspokanevalley or�>; Shane Arlt <sarlt spokanevallev org>; Aaron Clary <aclarvPsookanevaliev.ore>; Chad Riggs <criR,,gst@spokanevalley QrZ>; Gloria Mantz <gmantzPspokanevalley.ore> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig(Mspokanevaliev.org>; Chaz Bates <cbatesPsr2okanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <Rbaldwint@sookanevallev.org> Subject: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Exhibit 4 From: Gloria Mantz To: Levi Basinger Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 11:21:45 AM Attachments: image00t.ono imane002.ino Hi Levi, as discussed I support this vac From: Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 11:11 AM To: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org>; Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary <aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz <gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <gbaldwin@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Levi, DE supports this street vacation. Thank you, Chad Riggs, P.E. I Senior Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5033 1 criggs(@spokanevalley.org This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Levi Basinger<ihasinRerCa-)s,,)okaneval'=.ev.ore> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:28 AM To: Jerremy Clark <iclarkCcDsraokanevallev.or2>; Ryan Kipp <rkin: t'�snokanevaiiev.cre>; Shane Arlt <sarlt(@snokanEev, lev ors>; Aaron Clary <aciarrrl s ,;,kanevaliQ ; Chad Riggs <rri S(y} spQkaneyalrg >; Gloria Mantz <gma it7_ Q�s �iC V it �/.0 t > Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig Psnckanevallev.org>; Chaz Bates <cbatesPcLsookane r He- r rp>; Greg Baldwin <gbaidwinC)snokanevallev org> Subject: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 '— From: Shane Arlo To: Levi Basinger Subject: RE: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 12:36:51 PM Attachments: imaaeQ01Jou No issues with the vacation from street maintenance. Shane From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 9:28 AM To: Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary <aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz <gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Baldwin <gbaldwin@spokanevalley.org> Subject: Street Vacation Request STV-2022-0003 am We received a street vacation application (file no. STV-2022-0003) to vacate a 21-square foot portion of public right of way adjacent to University Road, south of 16th Avenue. The ROW of right of way is surrounded on three sides by Parcel No. 45291.0125. See the attached exhibits for additional information. I do not believe staff have had the opportunity review hi vacation prior to application submittal. I am doing due diligence to determine, if this is a vacation of ROW the City would support. In addition, are there any requirements/improvements required to vacate the ROW at preliminary observation? Comments are requested by Tuesday, October 11, if possible. Thank you, Levi Basinger I Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5332 1 Ibasin e _L)okanevalley.org ILS Exhibit 5 From: Lange, Connor To: Levi Basinaer Subject: RE: [External] STV-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 4:18:01 PM Attachments: imaae001.iao [EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Avista has no facilities within the area to be vacated and no additional comments. Thankyou From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 3:59 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips <cphillips@spokanevalley.org>; Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Austin Morrell <MorrellA@SpokaneValleyFire.com>; Traci (HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com) <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.com>; planningactions@spokanecounty.org; Paul Savage <psavage@srhd.org>; mrehfeldt@spokanetransit.com; Justin Van Dyke <jvandyke@scwd3.org>; rickaneal@gmail.com; Lange, Connor <Connor.Lange@avistacorp.com>; Weingart, LuAnn <LuAnn.Weingart@avistacorp.com>; bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com; Stoddard, Karen <Karen.Stoddard@lumen.com> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org> Subject: [External] STV-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing All, Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation (file no. STV-2022- 0003) of a 21-square foot piece of right of way adjacent to University Road south of 16th Avenue. Submit your written comments that include any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Levi Basinger ( Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5332 1 lbasin�er@sookanevallev.org i� Exhibit 5 From: Justin Van Dyke To: Levi Basinaer Subject: RE: SN-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022 8:34:30 AM Attachments: image002.ono irnaae003.ino [EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. No utilities for Spokane County Water District No. 3 will be impacted through the proposed street vacation and therefore is recommended for approval. Thank you, From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 3:59 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips <cphillips@spokanevalley.org>; Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarit@spokanevalley.org>; Austin Morrell <MorrellA@SpokaneValleyFire.com>; Traci (HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com) <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.com>; planningactions@spokanecounty.org; Paul Savage <psavage@srhd.org>; mrehfeldt@spokanetransit.com; Justin Van Dyke <jvandyke@scwd3.org>; rickaneal@gmaii.com; Connor.Lange@avistacorp.com; luann.weingart@avistacorp.com; bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com; Stoddard, Karen <Karen.Stoddard@lumen.com> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org> Subject: STV-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing 21 Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation (file no. STV-2022- 0003) of a 21-square foot piece of right of way adjacent to University Road south of 16th Avenue. Submit your written comments that include any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Exhibit 5 From: Stoddard, Karen To: Levi Basincer Subject: RE: STV-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022 3:46:41 PM Attachments: imaae002.iw image004.ion image0ol.ioo [EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Levi, Lumen doesn't have any facilities in the proposed street vacation and we have no objections to the proposed vacation. Thanks, Karen Karen Stoddard Capacity Provisioning Specialist 1020 E Cataldo Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 tel: 509-666-8534 Karen, Stoddard@lumen.com From: Levi Basinger <Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 3:59 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips <cphillips@spokanevalley.org>; Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; Austin Morrell <MorrellA@SpokaneValleyFire.com>; Traci (HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com) <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.com>; planningactions@spokanecounty.org; Paul Savage <psavage@srhd.org>; mrehfeldt@spokanetransit.com; Justin Van Dyke <jva n dyke@ scwd3.o rg>; rickaneal@gmail.com; Connor.Lange@avistacorp.com; luann.weingart@avistacorp.com; bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com; Stoddard, Karen <Karen.Stoddard@lumen.com> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org> Subject: STV-2022-0003 Agency Review Routing All, Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation (file no. STV-2022-0003) of a 21-square foot piece of right of way adjacent to University Road south of 16th Avenue. Submit your written comments that include any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Exhibit 5 To |ley.or From: Andrew Cripps Date: 10/28/2022 SubUect:3TV'2OZ2'0003 Project Name: Stage: Vacation ofROW/Street Description: Vacate 2l5Fpiece ofpublic right ofway Site Address: The Spokane County Public Works Wastewater FA01 System Division has no objection to the finalization of the above mentioned project. If your project requires a sewer plan submittal, please refer to the requirements here: ° Development Plan Review Checklist Additional General Commercial Sewer information can befound here: �General Commercial Sewer info / Water Usage Estimate Form Sewer Planning and Design vvebpuge w Sewer Planning & Design Nf L C O E �O V m a N rao Cy] t � 5 T^� pap ioaai Sa n o o p oaa pug a;auu 1pl d -as rh U u r �N ?t 4 aI s s 4 �# 1puoa t� M n7 M x to N N N to o �} z � ice. dC4 Ilaunoa CL ty N �v ri N Y,z 00 N t N o ZZ L4) �s s cc3 UOISSIIIULUII LC3 CN a k s �tfY „ O rf HOC r- u i Q� --) 4� ����_� T g �M V( 1 f® i V � bn V w _l l y V T C/ o J d .lam ( 1 m CD � > CL Q so L- S '- _0 � M � � Q CD. � � � _ _0 (A _0 ._ :3 � � o GL � t� 0 4-J 0 u M 4) 0 0 o Z o Z o Z o Z 0 z 0 z 0 zz 0 E E 0 CO CO cn cn 0 z cn 0 z 0 z U) 0 z CD cn 0 z cu cu 0 47— cu C 0 z a) cn m ., C-) cn 4?� CY) 00 cm Ecu E cn Et: -C ' 0 C) w CO 2 An L 0 t6 a) :3 < cn cn a) cn cu (n Cl) 0 3: cn -R L— LE :t-- ch o c: a) E E o 0 0 :0 0 �p cu :3 > a) C: cu 0 0 C a) cu -0�e 0- cu o co W C) U) 0 a) 0 -�d 0 5 O C) cu 0 U) < CL CO V R4 w 4-J Ln X Ul) c— 0-1 vE c— CD LIM Ln fl L.L V) 4-J Ln cz 0 w p r-i 0 w CO Ln. Cq LL Z x x L-LJ LIJ I AM Mp U > V) tB •; O v cti• O v � �� C u' v � •— U 4— OC U 1- 0 Va U— O O CD r►.. .N � a"' CAA t6 > •• V O 4-j 4-J Z3 CQ 4-' v O .5� �— v � j O v r - Ln - L-- C\t 0 oc C) N CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2022 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ® new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ study session ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CTA-2022-0003 Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map Amendments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106, SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: Study session: October 13 and November 10, 2022. BACKGROUND: Review of past privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning map amendments identified a need for code text amendments to SVMC 19.30.010 Comprehensive Plan text and map amendments and SVMC 19.30.030 Site -specific zoning map amendments. Pursuant to SVMC 19.30.040 modification to SVMC Titles 17 through 24 are classified as a Type IV development application and require the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and provide a recommendation to City Council. Chapter 19.30 SVMC (Changes and Amendments) outlines the process for amending the Comprehensive Plan (text and map), area -wide rezones, site -specific rezones. A review of chapter 19.30 SVMC found that there were two related issues: (1) there are no criteria for privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use amendments and (2) a property can be eligible for a site -specific zoning map amendment if it is adjacent to a property zoned the same or higher zone; adjacent includes corner touches and across right- of-way. Additionally, there is ambiguity in what classifies as a "higher zone". Conceptually, this can be interpreted either as a more intensive zone (Industrial is higher than Multiple Family), or the allowed uses are similar but more dense (Multiple Family is higher than Single Family). These issues taken together allow for more intense zoning and land use designations intruding into less intense zones and land use designations. CTA-2022-0003 is a city -initiated code text amendment to revise chapter 19.30 SVMC as it relates to privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use map amendments and privately initiated site - specific zoning map amendments. The proposed regulation will identify additional criteria that shall be considered when reviewing the proposed map amendments. Planning Commission held a study session on the proposed amendment on October 13 and November 10, 2022. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed changes and suggested the following areas to consider; historical development patterns of neighborhoods and preserving those lot sizes and patterns; limiting the expansion or growth of the existing zoning peninsulas and islands. Language was added to the proposed amendment that speaks to expansion and islands. Tonight, staff will provide an overview of the proposed regulations. OPTIONS: Deliberate on the proposed amendment and direct staff to prepare a recommendation to city council to approve as is or with modifications or take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to direct staff to prepare a Planning Commission recommendation of approval to City Council of CTA-2022-0003 based on the findings presented in the staff report. STAFF CONTACT: Martin Palaniuk, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: RPCA Public Hearing for Code Text Amendment CTA-2022-0003 Page I of 2 1. Presentation 2. Draft CTA-2022-0003 3. Staff Report CTA-2022-0003 RPCA Public Hearing for Code Text Amendment CTA-2022-0003 Page 2 of 2 STAFF REPORT DATE: December 1, 2022 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: December 8, 2022, beginning at 6:00 p.m.; This hearing will be conducted in person and remotely using web and telephone conference tools. A link to the Zoom meeting will be provided on the agenda and posted to the City's webpage: www.spokanevalley.org/planningcommission. Proposal Description: A City initiated code text amendment to revise chapter 19.30 SVMC as it relates to privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use map amendments and privately initiated site -specific zoning map amendments. The proposed regulation will identify additional criteria that shall be considered when reviewing the proposed map amendments. APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, SVMC 17.80.150, and 19.30.040. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS: Staff concludes that CTA-2022-0003 is consistent with the minimum criteria for review and approval, and consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF CONTACT: Martin Palaniuk, Associate Planner REVIEWED BY: Chaz Bates, Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Proposed Amendment Exhibit 2: SEPA DNS Threshold Determination Exhibit 3: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4: Department of Commerce Notice APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 SVMC, Permit Processing Procedures. The following table summarizes the procedural steps for the proposal. Procedural' Action Date SEPA — DNS Issued November 18, 2022 Published Notice of Public Hearing: November 18, 2022 Department of Commerce 60-day: November 18, 2022 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley has two maps that are subject to the review and approval requirements of Chapter 19.30 SVMC Changes and Amendments. The first is the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use map which designates general land uses that are permissible on properties city-wide. Examples of land uses include industrial uses, commercial uses, mixed uses (commercial/residential, commercial/industrial), multi -family residential uses, and residential uses. The designation of a general land use determines what general category of land uses will be permitted on the property. Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2022-0003 The Zoning Map is the second map subject to the review and approval criteria of chapter 19.30 SVMC. The Zoning Map establishes specific zoning districts. Zoning districts identify the specific uses that are permitted on a property and the applicable development regulations within a zoning district. Examples of specific uses are schools, single-family dwellings, duplexes, recycling facility, hotel/motel, and medical office. Examples of development regulations include density, minimum lot area, building height, setbacks, and open space requirements. The Land Use map and the Zoning map are linked together and must be consistent with each other. If a property has a comprehensive plan land use map designation, then the zoning map must be consistent for specific land uses to be allowed and development regulations to be applied. In nearly all cases the City's land use designation is mirrored by and implemented by a single zoning district. The industrial land use designation is implemented through a single industrial zone. The multi -family residential land use designation is implemented through a single multi -family residential zone. The only land use designation that is implemented through multiple zones is the single-family residential land use designation. The four single-family residential zones (R-1 thru R-4) allow for the application of different densities and minimum lot areas throughout the single-family land use designation. Any change to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation map is considered an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to the Growth Management Act, cities may only amend the Comprehensive Plan once a year. By default, any Zoning map amendment request that requires a change to the Land Use map requires a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140 Comprehensive Plan amendments are classified as a Type IV application. The Planning Commission is required to hold a public hearing on the amendment and then make a recommendation to the City Council. City Council will then approve, disapprove, or modify the proposed amendment. Zoning map changes from a lower intensity single-family residential zoning district to a higher intensity zoning district, R-3 to R-4 for example, do not require a land use map change because the change from one single-family zoning district to another single-family zoning district remains consistent with the single- family residential land use designation. Zoning map amendments of this type are classified as a Type III application, which requires a public hearing and decision by the Hearing Examiner. Review of past privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning map amendments identified a need for a code text amendment to SVMC 19.30.010 Comprehensive Plan text and map amendments and SVMC 19.30.030 Site -specific zoning map amendments. Chapter 19.30 SVMC (Changes and Amendments) outlines the process for amending the Comprehensive Plan (text and map), area -wide rezones, and site -specific rezones. A review of chapter 19.30 SVMC found that there were two related issues: (1) there are no criteria for privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use amendments and (2) a property can be eligible for a site -specific zoning map amendment if it is adjacent to a property zoned the same or higher zone. Adjacent includes corner touches and across right-of-way. Additionally, there is ambiguity in what classifies as a "higher zone". Conceptually, this can be interpreted either as a more intensive zone (Industrial is higher than Multiple Family), or the allowed uses are similar but more dense (Multiple Family is higher than Single Family). These issues taken together allow for more intense zoning and land use designations extending into less intense zones. CTA-2022-0003 is a city -initiated code text amendment to revise chapter 19.30 SVMC as it relates to privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan land use map amendments and privately initiated site - specific zoning map amendments. The proposed regulation will identify additional criteria that shall be "considered" when reviewing any proposed privately initiated site -specific Comprehensive Plan map amendments. The amendment will also revise the criteria for privately initiated site -specific zoning map amendments. Staff Analysis Page 2 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2022-0003 SVMC 17.80.140 provides approval criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendments and area -wide zoning map amendments. Comprehensive Plan amendments include any modifications to the Comprehensive Plan including a privately initiated site -specific land use designation amendment. The City may only approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area -wide zoning map amendments if it finds that: the proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; the proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; the proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or the proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. The City shall also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: the effect upon the physical environment; the effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; the compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; the adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation, and schools; the benefit to the neighborhood, city, and region; the quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; the current and projected population density in the area; and the effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. These criteria apply to all Comprehensive Plan amendments but are not instructive when considering a change to a site -specific land use designation. Since the land use designation is tightly linked to the zoning district it's beneficial to review the land use designation change and the zone change using similar criteria. The proposed amendment will more closely align the land use designation with the effects of development allowed within the implementing zoning district by requiring any changes to the land use designation to consider those effects. Changing the land use designation changes the resulting development with respect to the intensity of the uses, the density of dwellings, lot coverages, building heights, and setbacks among many factors. The amendment will require the approval authority to consider these effects. A review of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation map and the Zoning map reveals that uses and zones are often separated along natural boundaries and barriers. Industrial zones within the northeast portion of the City are separated from residential and mixed -use zones by the Spokane River with the industrial zones north of the river. Corridor Mixed Use zones along south Dishman-Mica are separated from the low -density residential zones by Chester Creek and the railroad right-of-way. Generally, 4" Avenue separates the multi -family residential zones along the north side of 4' Avenue from the single- family residential zones along the south side of 4' Avenue. The R-4 zoning district is separated from the R-3 zoning district by 8`' Avenue when south of Sprague Avenue and Broadway Avenue when north of Sprague. These natural barriers and boundaries provide a logical demarcation between uses and different zoning intensities and should be observed when practical. The proposed amendment will require that these natural lines of demarcation be considered when reviewing a Land Use map amendment or Zoning map amendment. Chapter 22.20 SVMC provides for Concurrency review. Concurrency requires that adequate facilities, specifically, transportation, public water, and public sewer, are available when development occurs. These services must be concurrent with development but other facilities and services such as parks and recreation, libraries, solid waste disposal, fire protection, police protection, and schools should also be considered. When considering a Land Use map or Zoning Map amendment it is often unknown what specific development will occur. Because the specific development is unknown, the need for transportation, public sewer, and public water are unknown. This makes the review of a map amendment for the concurrency requirements of Chapter 22.20 SVMC impractical. The proposed amendment will instead require a general review of the capacity of transportation, public water, and sewer to meet the demands of the proposed new land use. Page 3 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2022-0003 To be considered for a zoning map amendment a property must "be adjacent (which shall include corner touches and property located across public right-of-way) to property of the same or higher zoning classification." The criteria are problematic for evaluating a zoning map amendment. Interstate 90 is considered public right-of-way. Technically the Industrial zoned property on the north side of Interstate 90 is adjacent to the property on the south side of the interstate. A property could be surrounded on all four sides by a common zone but if a corner of a property touches a property that has a higher zone, then the property is eligible for a rezone. This can create peninsulas of a higher zone surrounded by lower zones. The term "higher zoning" is problematic in that it is undefined. Is the Industrial (I) zone higher than the Regional Commercial (RC) zone? The I zone is likely to generate heavy truck or rail traffic and loading and storage areas. The RC zone is likely to create personal vehicle traffic and large commercial buildings and parking areas. Is the Multi -family Residential (MFR) zone higher than the Regional Commercial Zone? The MFR zone is likely to generate a much greater residential density with the need for transportation and individual services. If an applicant requests a rezone from MFR to RC, does it meet the "higher zoning" requirement? The proposed amendment will replace the criteria with more straightforward criteria intended to prevent the expansion of a zoning district into different zoning districts. The criteria will avoid creating or expanding zoning peninsulas or islands, or otherwise create intrusions into a different zoning district. Several amendments have come forward in the past that crossed logical boundaries and created intrusions into less intense zoning areas. The property owner went to considerable expense and time to put the amendment forth. Ultimately the City Council did not approve the amendments because of neighborhood opposition, or in the case of higher residential rezones the Hearing Examiner approved an amendment despite neighborhood opposition. The proposed amendment will lessen the likelihood that a neighborhood must activate to oppose the intrusion of an incompatible zone. The amendment will save property owners the expense and time of putting forth an amendment that is incompatible with the adjacent land uses. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17 SVMC GENERAL PROVISIONS SVMC 17.80.150(F) identifies the approval criteria for an amendment to Titles 17-27 SVMC. The City may approve a Municipal Code Text amendment if it finds that: i. The proposed text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan: ii. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment: Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment is supported by the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the following Comprehensive goals and policies: LU-G1 Maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. LU-P7 Protect residential neighborhoods from incompatible land uses and adverse impacts associated with transportation corridors H-P6 Preserve and enhance the city's established single-family neighborhoods by minimizing the impacts of more dense housing typologies such as duplexes and cottage development Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. The encroachment of incompatible densities and land use intensities into adjacent areas should be avoided. It is especially important to preserve the integrity of residential neighborhoods. Page 4 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation Conclusion(s): CTA-2022-0003 The proposed code text amendment to revise chapter 19.30 SVMC as it relates to privately initiated site - specific Comprehensive Plan land use map amendments and privately initiated site -specific zoning map amendments, is consistent with the requirements of Title 17 SVMC and specifically the approval criteria contained in the SVMC 17.80.150(F). COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 21 SVMC — ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS Pursuant to SVMC Title 21 (Environmental Controls), the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) for the proposal pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2) on November 18, 2022. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, the application, SVMC Titles 19, 21 and 22. The DNS was not appealed. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) have been fulfilled by submittal of the required SEPA Checklist and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS). The appeal period for the determination ended December 2, 2022. All other relevant requirements of Title 21 SVMC have been meet. PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: Following the issuance of the Notice of Public Hearing on November 18, 2022, no comments were received. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CTA-2022-0003 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. The public noticing requirements pursuant to SVMC 17.80.120 have been met for the code text amendment. AGENCY COMMENTS Following the issuance of the Determination of Non -significance (DNS) SEPA threshold determination and Notice of Public Hearing on November 18, 2022, no substantive comments were received. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. OVERALL CONCLUSION AND FINDING: CTA-2022-0003 is consistent with the minimum criteria for review and approval, and consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Page 5 of 5 cu M� pq .192 0 c- 00 OL E 0 CL i • i •� 1,; � � � � •i i �! ! � 1 �„ • ! • m cu i: .22 cu c 0 O �� 76 w oc co 0 0 o EZ c- N 0 a) 0 0 0 4- C- o U)U co 0 N 0 L- 4"-J C- (n 4-J > > 0 C- CIO c m 0 I ol m 5 U) 0 co -a c cu U) C) =3 0 4-J (D 4--J C-) Co (0 3: 04- < P — O 2 C— :3 CU co • 4-J cc co -0 cU 0 E 0 >1 E E E E C- 70 0 0 o 0 C E 4-1 4-J 4-J C- Cl 4- Co N C- (0 E Q) a) WC 0 c-D E c.0—+o- E U) c— � < N 07 co C— co O Co co co c 0 co 4—cn N Or) 4--J 0 o a) x o C) ui ou LD 2 LO 0 co 0 _0 0 LL = 0 rr .—W :: . (1) ZD 0 0 0 4-J U) c =3 :3 LLJ 3: m 0.0 L- —0 +-j _0 (n a) :2 0 LL U) 0 4L C) 0 0 +L .0 4-J (1) L) m L-rlr I.- aj= Q)'E a) 0 0 o ce O S- n N 0 < (n cn (n.r N b FA In IN 19 m In FD s2 0- 0 4 4 • as i� 0 F-- co 0 0 4-J 0 4-J 4-J tLo c- U QL (1) o E > (n 0 N 0 c- > E U N CL 0- < m co I 40 I I w m os. U) F . TO N 0 O0 U) _0 EZ >1 ku +-) m 0 > Co C) 70 c E c- (1) (1) -0 U) :3 0 0 w E to Co (n 0-0 -oc Q) cu co m 0 .0 0 C 0 7o -o — E 0 C: >to -F e-N co C) to 0 (D U co C)- a) m C-) C 0 0 70 to C-) 4- (D C: C: E a) 0 -E 0+0 -0 a) w 0 0 �2 0 4- N +2 E 0 tom C: m C: m 0 C: a) (1) o (1) (1) o 70 L) L- .— '— " Ja c 0 0 0 0 U) tip —(D ■ Oq-- �? (1) w >> ui < CL 00 om C'q I a m (n c 0 W :3 0 aU) -a 40- . 70 C- -o 4-J 0 M M M U) 0 C- c- 0 (D 0 0 0 C- o C) o 0 0 M (3) 0 (2) -0 (3) '-0to (3) > LiJ k 4- < 0 A Ulk I m 2 '454, C- E O _0 0 0 U) • 0 W 0 0 4-j 4-J Lo- (b z CN tin *E 4-j E _0 0 cr 0 V) r14 CN O CN 0 CN 0 4-J M 0 Ln r-i rH V) 0 r-j -4 --1 ♦ op l !� J I W _. Comprehensive Plan text and map amendments are classified as Type IV development applications and shall be processed pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140. 19.30.020 Area -wide rezones. A. Area -wide rezones shall be considered only in conjunction with updates to the Comprehensive Plan text and maps to ensure full consideration of the cumulative effects of all changes. B. Area -wide rezones are classified as Type IV development applications and shall be processed pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140. 19.30.030 Site -specific zoning map amendments. A. Site -specific zoning map amendment requests may be submitted at any time. Site -specific zoning map amendments are classified as Type III development applications and shall be processed pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140. B. All site -specific zoning map amendment requests shall meet all of the following criteria: 1. Meet the Fequir-ements ef-Chapter- " 20 93.1MC, DUh'k2.k �1, E- i 4µ,; L Ii 1, 0 ..,.,sir. ���. 5�A .lei—yF 4, _`, 4'„ 2. Be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation; 3. Bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, and welfare; 4.8owarranted inorder to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan mbecause ofuneed for additional property inthe proposed zoning district classification, orbecause the proposed zoning classification is appropriate for reasonable development of the subject property; 5. leeated aefess a publie fight ef way) to pf:epeftt, of the same eF highef Zoning elassifieatien 6. Not be materially detrimental to uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the subject property; and 7.Have merit and value for the community umuwhole��D� CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: December 08, 2022 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® study session ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CTA-2022-0004 Stormwater Management Regulations Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: chapter 90.48 RCW, WAC 173-218-070, chapter 22.150 SVMC, and SVMC 17.80.150 PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: None BACKGROUND: The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) provides the following definition for stormwater: Stormwater is rain and snow melt that runs off rooftops, paved streets, highways, and parking lots. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff can collect pollutants and harm the environment. Specific to our City, pollutants in stormwater runoff can harm the Spokane Valley — Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer, our region's primary source of drinking water. Ecology issues various permits under federal and state laws to control surface and groundwater pollution caused by stormwater runoff. The City's Stormwater Utility exists to ensure compliance with those applicable permits. The City manages its Stormwater Utility pursuant to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) chapter 22.150 SVMC (Stormwater Management Regulations), the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM), requirements set forth under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, and the Washington Department of Ecology Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program. The MS4 permit requires the implementation and enforcement of a program designed to prevent, detect, trace, and eliminate illicit connections and discharges to the City's MS4. As part of this program, the City must adopt an ordinance by February 3, 2023, that specifically prohibits illicit discharges and authorizes enforcement actions. The required language will be incorporated into the existing chapter 22.150 SVMC, the Stormwater Management Regulations. Staff will discuss the required text amendments, and the proposed adoption schedule at the meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, PE, Engineering Manager — Stormwater Utility Gloria Mantz, PE, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Draft chapter 22.150 SVMC RPCA Study Session for Code Text Amendment CTA-2022-0004 Page 1 of 1 • 4-J• u _0 0 L- 4-J C: 1.� r-j 00 E CL Z .2 I- o 0 V) U) 4-J E- E 0 4-J V) EO-j 0 4 4-J frd 0) 0 < 40- Q� Lu Xj m Ln Ln W sz: U) 0 -0 fu U Ln -C .9 E C: 4-J fu C: o T-U 0 'E 4-1 4-J m fra C'n < 0 p 4-1 4a-) a m R m 0 c U-) E 2: 0 (U 4-J >, 4-J 0 E 4-J Zi 0 u 0 *53 cr 40- 4-J0 C: u 0 0) U.) (1) U) 0) (- Lo L- 01 r- fu ror- V 0) -J U C) Ln -0 L- (1) (1) 0) V) LO 4-J 'u— CL fo (1) V) 4-J to 0) V) A) 4-J ru 0 fu 0 0 CL 4-JO faM C- ►c CA CL u Is 0 M N O N M «i -0 i O � N U— C- � O .0 E O U _0 v fQ N � C' }c f V >1 c f6 O C) � O O •tn i� V fu fu U E U o M 0 j C CL O •C: -n z m NNO ry N N D N o N ON I N 00 N N 00 E J E O N fu rn O 0 p rn 1 z cn ' I u c O T LL. O fu O Ui a� •� (!� _ U N Q "Q GZS U U) a L Ln� U In LO 1• i r m nrGri�.7o r' PONS . . . Chapter 22.150 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS Sections: 22.150.010 Finding and purpose. 22.150.020 Regulated activities. 22,150.030 Authority to develop and administer standards. 22.150.040 Standards for stormwater management. 22,150.050 Review process. 22.150.060 Conditions of approval. 22.150.070 Deviations and appeals. 22.150.080 Stormwater facility construction and certification. 22.150.090 Inspection. 22.150.100 Property owner responsibilities. 22,150.110 Public drainage facilities. 22.150.120 Failure to comply — Nuisance. 22.150.130 Enforcement. 22.150.010 Finding and purpose. The increased _ ';__ flow_----- --- - - from the use and development of real property be mana2ed4o protect persons, property, and the environment. The City shall implement policies and procedures to: A. Minimize the degradation of water quality in surface __,;; ,.,_and groundwater; B. Reduce the impact from increased .sec—vMEF flfl^av erosion and sedimentation caused by the development ef-propeA�' C. Promote site planning and land development practices that are consistent with ,--the topograph Jeal and hydrological conditions; and D. maimain _ and protect, public and private PFOPeFly that Ls used PA 22.150.020 Regulated activities. No person on any public or private real property located within the City shall engage in the following regulated activities without fiHt obtaining City__ <ipl^gt a. The regulated activities for development are: A. Grading of land in excess of 500 cubic yards r is r•^. n...' B. Construction of, or addition to, a building (except a single-family or duplex residence) or placement of impervious surfaces that exceed 5,000 square feet. For projects that are implemented in incremental stages, the threshold applies to the total amount of impervious surfaces replaced or added at full build -out; C. Disturbance of one acre or more; D. The subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plan process _ _as defined in E_.hapter 58.17 RCW and SVMC—Title 20_____: and E. Construction of drywells or other UIC wells regulated by Chapter 173-218 WAC, UIC Program. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022. SpAkf ipal n,.__. ,-0�,, rT n.,, 9 22.150.030 Authority to develop and administer standards. The _ T_shall develop and administer City standards that relate to best management practices and the threshold requirements for the development of stormwater control facilities. The _ F.�w._ author a develop policies that relate to the submission and modificationofstormwater, erosion and sediment control plans. Requirements and performance standards that include best management practices shall be designed to control and contain stormwater, and reduce soil erosion and sedimentation through the use of temporary and permanent practices and facilities. The requirements shall be designed to permit flexibility in the choice of stormwater, erosion and sediment control methods that meet the specific circumstances of each site and intended use. #mod 08 ( 1- 22.150.040 Standards for stormwater management. The City adopts, by reference, the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, as amended. Unless the context requires otherwise, references to the local jurisdiction shall be construed to mean the City of Spokane Valley. The city clerk shall maintain a copy on file. 22.150.050 Review process. Following submittal of a request to engage in a regulated activity, the ___:_ __shall review the proposed regulated activity, including any plans or other submitted material. The deyel. n; of iee efigineeF _ ' . ashall determine whether the regulated activity is exempt from review based upon the threshold requirements or, alternatively, whether the regulated activity complies with the standards, specifications and requirements contained in the City standards. Theo- tn require the submission of additional material and/or analysis to allow the proponent to demonstrate compliance with City; standards. , _ 2007 Ferme4 '3 50.040). 22.150.060 .Conditions of approval. The devepmont s€aees senior en i _ _ r_ is authorized to impose development requirements or conditions ofapproval for the regulated activities The __ storm raterequire conditions may be placed on the subdivision, binding site plan, issued permit, or a recorded maintenance covenant and agreement may be placed upon a parcel or lot where drainage facilities will be developed. Conditions of approval shall be based on the City standards, the preliminary site drainage plan,-,.--,, _engineering reports or other relevant data that pFemste, stormwater control, protection of adjacent properties, utilities or other stormwater facilities, slope stabilization and the environment. _ - „ _ _ 22.150.070 Deviations and appeals. A. Authority. The de r _ may grant a deviation from the requirements of this chapter or City standards. In granting any deviation, the __ : _Wp _..n seR4ees sen prescribe conditions that are deemed necessary or desirable for the public interest. B. Deviation Criteria. hte _._deviation shall granted unless the applicant demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the d lep-....., _ _ _ _. ,the following: 1. Deviations are based upon sound engineering principles, best management practices and are not inconsistent with the public interest in stormwater control and environmental protection; 2. The granting of the deviation will not be unduly detrimental or injurious to other properties in the vicinity and downstream; 3. The proposed deviation does not conflict with or modify a condition of approval; and 4. Deviations meet requirements for safety, function, appearance, and maintainability. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022. 4 C. Prior Approval. Any deviation shall be approved prior to acceptance of residential and commercial construction plans and issuance of any building, v _,_approach, or site wefli :___ permits. D. Right of Appeal. All actions of the r:r. in the administration and enforcement of this chapter shall be final and conclusive, unless within 15 days from notice of the me ri�i '� �_ �a <;si�_tc+ ;:isim; gi the applicant or an aggrieved party files a notice of appeal with the hearing examiner. , _ , 04 07 015 , 1, _ 22.150.080 Stormwater facility construction and certification. All stormwater facilities shall be completed and certified by the proponent's engineer prior to any final plat, short plat, binding site plan, or the issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy or final inspection for any associated building At the discretion of the ,`_ . _: - a zest �z,ft'�^ facility may be ;_pe�€omsed to demonstrate adequate performance. The test shall be performed in the presence of _ ^ pzrsennel Acceptance of performance sureties, in lieu of completed improvements, shall be permitted only when completion of improvements prior to final land action or permanent certificate of occupancy is impractical (i.e., due to construction season delays or other factors beyond the proponent's control). In the event that a performance surety is accepted , the proponent .:_ wi1} complete the following measures prior to the release of the surety: A. All aspects of the drainage facility, including landscaping, irrigation, and establishment of specified vegetation, shall be completed in accordance with the accepted plans on file with the City. The proponent's engineer shall certify the improvements and request an oversight inspection from develepment�_`�-._._ B. An exception may be granted for single-family or two-family residential subdivisions where the completion of the swales is not practical until such time as the dwellings are constructed. The proponent shall rough -grade the swales to the required volume and install.all drywells, inlets, curb drops and other structures in accordance with the accepted plans on file with the City. Erosion control measures shall be implemented to protect the installed drainage structures and to prevent erosion and/or failure of the Swale side slopes. This includes, but is not limited to, lining the swale with geo-fabric that can be removed along with accumulated silt, until the Swale is final -graded and vegetated. The completion of the landscaping, irrigation, and establishment of specified vegetation shall be required prior to issuance of the permanent certificate of occupancy or final inspection for any associated dwelling. A warranty surety shall be submitted to the City upon successful completion and certification of all public improvements to guarantee against defects in construction. The warranty surety will be for a period of two years from the date the facility is accepted by the City. , _ , _ 22.150.090 Inspection. The is authorized to field inspect, as appropriate, street, building site, atrddrainage construction _,_ to verify conformance with City standards_ aad4he conditions of approval 22.150.100 Property owner responsibilities. A. The property owner shall comply with _____________r.W� The property owner shall be responsible for repair, restoration, and perpetual maintenance of the stormwater facility installed on private property and any portion of the swale situated in a public right-of-way adjacent to their respective properties. B. For purposes of this chapter, "repair and restoration" shall mean conforming the stormwater facility to the plans on file with the City. This responsibility to repair, restore and maintain shall be imposed without regard to any fault or wrongful intention on the part of the property owner. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022. r-E. ern r u r lsege't 1. "Maintenance" means preservation of the original area, volume, configuration and function of the stormwater facility as described in the plans. z Maintenance=also includes mowing, irrigating, and replacing when necessary the lawn turf within the swales. The property owners within single-family and two-family residential subdivisions are not responsible for maintenance of structures such as drywells, inlets, and pipes that receive runoff from public right-of-way and conform to City access standards and are located within the public right-of-way or a border easement dedicated to the City. The City of Spokane Valley will maintain the drywells, inlets and pipes upon acceptance of the public infrastructure. C. The property owner is responsible for keeping open the drainage and stormwater easements on their property. If a drainage or stormwater easement is unlawfully encroached upon or the function of a designated drainage or stormwater easement is reduced, the property owner is responsible for removing the encroachment or detriment. D. The property owner is responsible for keeping open maintenance access easements serving drainage facilities and drainage easements. E. The property owner shall not place or permit, and shall immediately remove, vehicles,,equipment, objects, refuse, garbage or litter from the stormwater facility. (94 99 905 § 1, 2999 QFJ. 9 i P4 5 ; 1 2497 fermer}r ! 59,1 W ). 22.150.110 Public drainage facilities. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, drain, pour or otherwise discharge unauthorized _ , __1vaters_. or other liquids unto CrtY s Formatted: Indent Left 0.28" ffleafis fdiseha_,.;_g .._n....a,.....__ to the - r _ Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent Left 0.25", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + _ _13Surface water containing sediment; Start at 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at 0.53" + Indent at 0,78" The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022. 4 c3w it' tictur ! im { uomt icwr.al ------------------------ C. The failure to construct or maintain the stormwater facility as required in the permit or site drainage plan; or D. The placement or allowing the placement of vehicles, equipment, objects, refuse, garbage, or li tter within the stormwater facility. , - , - , - The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022. page44 22.150.130 Enforcement. Enforcement of this chapter shall be pursuant to G hapter 17.100 SVMC. 2907_ The Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 22-018, passed September 13, 2022.