2006, 03-09 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES
City of Spokane Valley
City Council Special Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Thursday, March 9, 2006; 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Diana Wilhite, Mayor
Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor
Bill Gothmann, Councilmember
Mike DeVleming, Councilmember
Rich Munson, Councilmember
Gary Schimmels, Councilmember
Dick Denenny, Councilmember
City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present.
City Staff:
Dave Mercier, City Manager
Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir.
Greg McCormick, Planning Manager
Scot Kuhta, Senior Planner
Mike Jackson, Parks & Rec Director
Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
Others: Approximately 25 -30 citizens
PUBLIC HEARING: Draft Comprehensive Plan
Mayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m., and invited public comments.
Pete Miller, 18124 E Mission: asked that Boone Road from Flora to Barker be designated as an improved
road on the comprehensive plan map; she read her remarks regarding the Barker exchange and the reasons
to show Boone as a future road, and stated that in a local survey taken last year, 85% of North Greenacres
residents supported Boone as an improved road.
Margaret Ferrell, 17203 E Boone: handed in a map of new developments near her property; she explained
that the development to the north of her property had to follow the comp plan and deal with traffic flow
and connectivity and that developer lost money on their sale because so much work had to be done; yet
the property to the east of her property got a "sweetheart deal;" she said they were able to push their
traffic to Mission as opposed to the 210 feet to Boone; and that they were able to pay a premium price for
the property as they do not have to improve Boone. She stated that it appears there is no consistency; that
it doesn't benefit anyone except the developer; she is concerned that when she eventually sells her
property that her developer will have to improve Boone and she will therefore lose money because of the
good deal that the developer to the east of them received; she stated her concern that Boone is not on the
comp plan, and she added that this property development planning is very recent.
Judy Belous, 8803 E 44 Avenue, 99206: submitted written information on low density residential code
and what it allows; that language states that future development must be compatible with the surrounding
neighborhood; but she explained that the Land Use Chapter states that the majority of Low Density
Residential provides for four to six units per acre; and if we favor that designation, a Hearing Examiner
may feel obliged to rule for four to six units even if less than four is more appropriate. She said that we
should craft something where three to four units per acre would be more appropriate.
Gail Stiltner, 10119 East 44 she spoke concerning neighborhoods; that she wants neighborhoods to be a
positive input; and that sub -area plans well -done will be a large benefit to the community. She stated that
in the Parks, Recreation and Arts chapter, she would like to see expansion of the idea of what constitutes
a neighborhood park; and remarked that she has not seen the Parks masterplan and it might be included in
that Plan. She added that she encourages thinking of things less high maintenance and not just recreation,
and suggested maybe some type of a nature park for birds, or wetlands. She stated that in the introduction
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Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06
of the plan on page two it speaks of having a clear vision statement, and she would like to have stronger
words than "consider" as without strong words, the statement becomes meaningless. She said she re -read
the history, and feels stronger language should be added regarding providing affordable housing.
Dave Olson, 8808 E 44 Avenue: explained he had two areas to discuss, the neighborhood chapter and
impact fees. In regard to the neighborhood chapters, he submitted into public record the comments he
made during the February 28 council meeting, along with a few comments summarizing his suggestions,
and he then read the last paragraph of his first comments statement. Regarding impact fees, he stated he
feels they should be mandatory for the comp plan, and he then read his new statement.
Tony Lazanis, 10626 E Empire: spoke concerning the mixed use and the previous designation of R3.5 for
the area north of Trent; and said since that has not been implemented since we became a city, he still
considers it R3.5.
Terry Miller, President of Kayak Club, Inc. Segal, Idaho: said he is concerned about the Barker Bridge
expansion; he read his letter into the record regarding those who are concerned over the possible loss of
the Barker Road access to the Spokane River; and he distributed a bound copy of letters in support of
continued access to Barker Road.
James Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin: voiced his concern about changing in many places the word "shall" to
"will;" that it removes a certain percentage of accountability; and in NAG 7, 9, and 10 which discusses
the drinking water, he encourages use of stronger words than endeavor and strive.
Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin: spoke concerning the Neighborhood chapter and how an area is
recognized, and of public participation in the development process; that she wants the chapter adopted in
a meaningful way with some teeth to it; she showed a graph depicting the processes and purpose of the
neighborhood action plan; she wants to integrate open space planning, parks, traffic control programs, and
wants implementation and policies that are strong and have "shall" in the adoption /implementation of the
Brian Chavez, 15302 E Valleyview: explained that his property is a self - storage, non conforming
property; does not have any plans for the rest of the property; but it appears the property should be
something besides the lowest, residential zone, and suggested making it a transitional property. Council
indicated they previously deliberated concerning this property and concurred to leave the property as is
currently designated.
Jan Wesche, 507 S. Shoreline Drive, Liberty Lake: explained that she owns property in the City, and
wants her area designated a higher density other than residential. Council stated this is already designated
office, and Senior Planner Kuhta said the designation of office is the recommendation placed on this
property for final adoption.
Mike Herrin, 16619 E Trent: he submitted a proposal after the last public meeting concerning parcels
45011.9046 and 45011.9047, which is property east of Sullivan on Trent and is currently UR 3.5. Senior
Planner Kuhta explained that Council reviewed Mr. Herrin's request and decided to change that area to
light industrial. Mr. Herrin said he also has another matter, that he has two lots, one borders Trent and the
other goes up behind some of the other property on Trent; that he wanted to sub - divide that into
residential lots with behind access. Mr. Kuhta indicated staff has been trying to contact Mr. Herrin to
discuss several options on that property, and suggested he and Mr. Herrin discuss those issues after this
Allan Gravos, 12712 E 13 said that he supports the Neighborhood chapter; and urges Council to give
the support to go through with the chapter; and that the program is good.
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Tony Lazanis, asked about certain property on Trent; and Mayor Wilhite indicated that staff will examine
the issue and get back with him.
Mayor Wilhite invited further comments. No further comments were submitted and Mayor Wilhite closed
the public hearing at 6:50 p.m. She called for a short recess at 6:50 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at
7:00 p.m.
Council Deliberation , Draft Comprehensive Plan:
Land Use Map Changes, Properties 54 -68 (previous Council discussion postponed from 3 -7 -06 meeting)
Council and staff discussed the various issues of these properties; including the need to discuss the
limitation of the lots with Spokane County staff; that ECO Northwest suggested we have ample
commercially designated land and to get more might be counter - productive in what we are trying to
accomplish within the corridor; that an option may be office as a transition from residential to the arterial;
that areas close to a high speed corridor probably should not be residential; the need for more green space;
possible designation of an area as a green belt; and that there needs to be further research before making
final decisions. Mr. Kuhta will continue his research and this matter will be brought back again for
further Council consideration.
It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to accept the strike - through
chapter with changes as introduced, and to accept the entire chapter. It was noted that previously it was
determined to remove the word "all" from new policy IP -1
After brief discussion concerning adding verbiage to page 1, at the end of narrative paragraph 10.2.1, it
was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to add the following two sentences to the end of the first
paragraph of 10.2.1:
"This chapter of the Comprehensive plan provides Neighborhood /Sub -area organizations a tool to
provide advisory input to City Government regarding all issues of governance in their respective
geographic area. By accepting this advisory input, the City Council may receive greater citizen
input in its decision and policy making endeavors."
Further Council consensus (or vote approval) was as follows:
Narrative page 1, first paragraph, last sentence, change to read: "Empowering neighbors and
neighborhoods is vital to encourage a sense of control and balance to the life of the average citizen."
Moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to delete the second paragraph of Introduction 10.0.
Consensus to delete the first two sentences in the shown third paragraph, then move the remaining
sentences into the first paragraph, thereby making one paragraph.
Page 2, Narrative, 10.2.2 Procedure. Change to read: "10.2.2 Process. Guidelines and options will be
developed for the planning process in the development of neighborhood /sub area plans."
Page 2, paragraph before the 10.2.2, change to read: "Neighborhood /sub -area planning will provide
stakeholders a greater opportunity to be involved in a planning process that is more identifiable and
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Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06
10.2 Goals and Policies
NG -1 — change to read: "Maintain consistency between adopted Neighborhood /sub -area plans and the
City Comprehensive Plan."
New Policy under NG -1: NP -1.1: Conduct periodic review of the sub -area plan for consistency with the
comprehensive plan.
NG -2: Moved and seconded to "replace NG -2 with a copy of LUG 1, followed by a copy of LUP 1.1,
1.3, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8." Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor,
Councilmembers Schimmels, Denenny, Munson, and DeVleming. Opposed: Councilmember Gothmann.
Abstentions: None. Motion carried.
Policies NP 2.1— thru 2.8
NP -2.1: Discussion followed regarding whether this policy was previously edited.
[Note: See following excerpt from draft minutes of February 21, 2006:
Council discussed changing the last part of the sentence to read: "...impacts associated with
arterials, freeways, and rail corridors" instead of high intensity transportation and freight corridors.
However, Mr. Mercier asked how this policy relates to the re- construction of Barker Road and to
the Michael Freedman concept of bringing multi - family housing next to streets and parking lots
along the Sprague Corridor. Deputy Mayor Taylor suggested deleting the policy entirely, and
Councilmember Denenny said this policy is duplicated in the Land Use Chapter. There was no
consensus concerning this policy as this discussion turned to whether to have a separate
neighborhood chapter.]
This policy has not been finalized.
NP -2.3: Moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to delete this policy.
NP -2.5. Consensus to move this policy under NG -4 and renumber as NP 4 -1.
NP -2.6. Consensus to delete this and put the following in its place:
"Integrate retail developments into surrounding neighborhoods through attention to quality design and
function. Encourage neighborhood retail and personal services to locate at appropriate locations where
local economic demand and design solutions demonstrate compatibility with the neighborhood."
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to extend the meeting to 9:30; which motion was
amended by a friendly amendment, to rather extend the meeting to 9:10 p.m. Vote by Acclamation: In
Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmember Munson. Opposed: Councilmembers
Schimmels, Denenny, DeVleming, and Gothmann. Abstentions: None. Motion defeated. It was then
moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. Next meeting will continue with the
Neighborhood Chapter beginning with NP 2.7.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Christine Bainbri • ge, City Clerk
c.ctiv,„ b.) d4vitc,
Diana Wilhite, Mayor
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Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06