2006, 03-23 Special Meeting MinutesAttendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting City Hall Conference Room, Second Floor March 23, 2006 5:00 p.m. City Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Bing Bingaman, IT Specialist Others: Gail Stiltner, Citizen Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., with Councilmembers agreeing to excuse Mayor Wilhite until she arrived. Deputy Mayor Taylor recognized Senior Planner Kuhta, and asked that he give start the discussion beginning with the previously discussed parcels. Mr. Kuhta distributed copies of an aerial photo of the pit property off Steen Road, with the Appleway right -of -way to the north. Mr. Kuhta further explained that the property is designated residential on the Interim Comp Plan map that the County adopted, and was zoned residential for many years; and the request is to change that to an industrial zoning designation or comp plan designation in the industrial zoning, and the likely justification is to make sure they can maintain their rights to use this as an industrial piece of property. He said that the owners are storing road and sweeping equipment and using it to dump their gravel as they sweep it off the streets, so it is a working pit and has been such for many years. Mr. Kuhta said that he did not get a chance to talk to the pit worker to see what their reclamation plan is, but the person he talked to said it is such an old pit it probably doesn't have much of a reclamation plan; and it is likely the pit is used mostly for storage rather than digging; that they have no intention of crushing on the site; they want it industrial; that it is concurrently UR 3.5 and UR 22, and is a non - conforming use. Mr. Kuhta said he sees no reason not to keep it designated high density residential as proposed; as the situation will likely not change regardless of the designation. Mr. Denenny asked if it could be re- claimed for residential, and Mr. Kuhta replied that could be a problem, that he is a little concerned about what they have been putting in there. Mr. Denenny asked if it could not be used as residential, what could be placed there to help protect it so that encroachment does not occur, as we do not want people thinking they are buying right next to a residential area if such is not the case. Mr. Kuhta said the option would then be to designate it heavy industrial. Discussion followed on how the land is designated now; the non - conforming use, the potential problems if it were changed to industrial; of leaving several acres of industrial surrounded by residential; and that the nonconforming use will not change regardless of what the designation is used. It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded, and unanimously passed to keep the property as is. HOUSING NARRATIVE: Page 3 — 5.2.1 — Community Development Director Sukup stated the paragraph needs to be updated (population) with additional information to show the additional population allocation. Glossary: Consensus to include the definition of "homeless" in the glossary. Meeting Minutes: 03 -23 -2006 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 [Mayor Wilhite arrived and then presided over the meeting] Page 7: Community Development Director Sukup stated that page needs to be updated to reflect the rising medium family home value. Page 7, table 5.2 0: Correct typographical error, one figure has an extra digit (medium household income stated as $40,0741). 5.2.1 Consensus to take everything from here and put it in future housing needs with the additional statement that we have applied the growth projections included in the land use chapter. 5.3. — 3rd paragraph — 2n line: "Diversity in housing stock should to include row houses.. . It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded, and unanimously passed to accept housing narrative as modified — seconded — ayes — unanimous STRIKE - THROUGH NEIGHBORHOODS NP 2.1 Council concurred to keep as shown on strike - through version. NP 2.9 — Consensus to change second sentence: Encourage neighborhood retail and personal services to locate at appropriate sites (rather than locations) where local economic demand and design solutions demonstrate compatibility with the neighborhood. Moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously passed to accept the strike - through version of neighborhoods as amended. CAPITAL FACILITIES CHAPTER (strike - through version) Mr. Kuhta explained that he was directed to give Council the strike - through version prior to initial deliberation in order to make the meeting a little more efficient by changing some of the language to confirm with language council has been making through the plan. 4.2 GOALS & POLICIES : the following changes were agreed to: CFP 1.4 — consensus to change the words from "wherever possible" to "whenever practicable and feasible." 4.2.3 — Public Safety — Fire and Police: CFG -3: Change to read: "Provide police protection efficiently and cost effectively to Spokane Valley residents. Coordinate with fire districts to ensure adequate fire protection and emergency services for Spokane Valley citizens." 4.2.4 Water and Sewer: no changes 4.2.5 Solid Waste: no changes 4.2.6 Stormwater: changes as noted: Goal: CFG -6: Ensure the provision of Provide stormwater facilities and related management programs that protect surface and groundwater quality prevent chronic flooding from stormwater, maintain natural stream hydrology and protect aquatic resources. Meeting Minutes: 03 -23 -2006 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 4.2.7 Library Service CFP -7.1- Encourage continued free, reciprocal library services among between all libraries within the Spokane region. 4.2.8 Schools: no changes 4.2.9 Concurrency CFG -9 — New development shall be served with adequate facilities and services at the time of development, or within the timeframe consistent with state law aecifed ti ffe f-am° 4.2.10 Financing Growth CFP -10.1 — Identify and pursue al iety- ofsources of revenue for financing public facilities. CRP -10.2 Moved, seconded, passed (6 -1 with Mr. Denenny against) to delete, and also to add "impact fees" to the glossary. [note: impact fees are currently in the glossary] 4.2.11 Narrative will be moved to the front of the chapter Moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and passed unanimous to approve CFG -11 and CFP 11.1 Moved, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. ATTEST: s. ristine Bainbridge, i Ay Clerk ctA Diana Wilhite, Mayor Meeting Minutes: 03 -23 -2006 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06